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    R. C. Sproul

    • Advent Of Glory


      These straightforward, short and profound Advent readings have been edited from talks given by much-loved Bible teacher, R.C. Sproul, helping readers to benefit from his enduring insight and wisdom. They delve into the details of the Christmas story and reflect on how these impact our lives now, combining scholarly detail with heartwarming application.

      Each day also includes a prayer written by a well-known Bible teacher of our own day, to guide your own reflections.

      As R.C. Sproul observes, the narrative of the birth of Jesus is so familiar to many of us that “the words just slip over us So, take the time to slow down and dwell on the words of the Christmas story so that you arrive at Christmas Day full of awe and wonder at the birth of Jesus.

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    • Chosen By God (Revised)


      Chosen by God by Dr. R. C. Sproul is a contemporary classic on predestination, a doctrine that isn’t just for Calvinists. It is a doctrine for all biblical Christians. In this updated and expanded edition of Chosen by God, Sproul shows that the doctrine of predestination doesn’t create a whimsical or spiteful picture of God, but rather paints a portrait of a loving God who provides redemption for radically corrupt humans.
      We choose God because he has opened our eyes to see his beauty; we love him because he first loved us. There is mystery in God’s ways, but not contradiction.

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    • Now Thats A Good Question


      Now That’s a Good Question, R.C. Sproul answers more than 300 challenging questions about life and faith.

      Addressing doctrinal points and contemporary issues such as euthanasia, evolution, and abortion, Sproul covers more than three hundred topics in a personable, easy-to-read style that’s perfect for the lay person. New believers as well as those mature in the faith will find this book a solid resource for those challenging questions of life and faith.

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    • Making A Difference


      The great challenge for the Christian in a post-Christian context is how to impact this fallen world with our faith. In Making a Difference, beloved theologian R. C. Sproul shows readers how to confront today’s moral and social issues with an effective biblical response. Dr. Sproul first examines the major philosophies that affect the way Americans think and act:
      –secularism, existentialism, humanism, and pragmatism–and then presents ideas on how to apply a biblical perspective to spheres of public life that need the Christian’s influence today: economics, science, art and literature, and government.

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    • Willing To Believe


      R. C. Sproul traces the free will controversy throughout history, unpacking how theologians have explained original sin, human free will, and faith. He carefully explains the nuances separating the views of Protestants and Catholics, Calvinists and Arminians, the Reformed and Dispensationalists.

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    • Enjoying God : Finding Hope In The Attributes Of God


      Confused, angry, and hurt after the death of his father, a young R. C. Sproul began his personal search for ultimate truth with these piercing questions: Who are you, God? And why do you do the things you do?

      In Enjoying God, readers journey with R. C. Sproul to discover the attributes of God through the questions many of us have asked: Where are you, God? Can I trust you, God? and more. In this warm, personal account, Dr. Sproul communicates deep truths in a fresh and easy-to-understand style as he shares his passion to know God and urges the reader to dig deep and seek the God who is alive, who is real, and who loves each one of us.

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    • Knowing Scripture (Expanded)


      The Bible is the written Word of God, and it is treasured by many. But it is also an ancient book about people and cultures very different than us. Thus, while we know we should read it, many of us have a hard time understanding the Bible. In this expanded edition of Knowing Scripture, R. C. Sproul helps us dig out the meaning of Scripture for ourselves. The author says, “The theme of this book is not how to read the Bible but how to study the Bible.” He presents in simple, basic terms a commonsense approach to studying Scripture and gives eleven practical guidelines for biblical interpretation and applying what we learn. With a minimum of technical jargon, Sproul tackles some of the knotty questions regarding differences of interpreting the Bible, including discovering the meanings of biblical wordsunderstanding Hebrew poetry, proverbs and parablesapproaching historical and didactic passagesbeing careful with predictive prophecydiscerning how culture conditions the Biblechoosing and using Bible translations, commentaries, Bible software and other helpsKnowing Scripture is a basic book for both beginning Bible readers and experienced students of Scripture.

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    • Donkey Who Carried A King


      The biblical teaching that Jesus was the Suffering Servant who carried the sins of His people when He went to the cross is vividly brought home to children in The Donkey Who Carried a King, the latest children’s book from respected theologian, author, and educator Dr. R.C. Sproul.

      Davey was a young donkey who was bored and unhappy because he was never given anything to do. Then one day, some strangers came to the gate-and Davey’s master picked him for a very special task. Davey carried the King, Jesus, into Jerusalem. A few days later, Davey saw some angry people making the King carry a heavy beam of wood. Davey could not understand it-until another donkey helped him see that the King was being a Servant on behalf of His people.

      The Donkey Who Carried a King offers a unique perspective on the events of Jesus’ Passion Week and calls all believers, both young and old, to follow in the footsteps of the Suffering Servant for the glory of God. Jesus was willing to leave the glories of heaven to suffer and die in this world on our behalf, so we should serve Him with all our hearts.

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    • Barber Who Wanted To Pray


      R. C. Sproul’s beautifully illustrated story about Martin Luther’s barber will teach children how to pray. This imaginative tale from R. C. Sproul, based on a true story, begins one evening with Mr. McFarland leading family devotions. When his daughter asks him how she should pray, Mr. McFarland shares a 500-year-old story about a barber and his famous customer. Master Peter is a barber well-known to all in his village. One day, when Martin Luther the Reformer walks into his shop, the barber musters up the courage to ask the outlawed monk how to pray. Luther responds by writing a letter to the barber. The barber’s life and many others’ are changed as they encounter a model for prayer by using the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the Apostles’ Creed. Sproul’s beautifully illustrated story will delight children and help them learn to pray according to the Bible. The full text of the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the Apostles’ Creed, along with a brief biography of Martin Luther, will make this a treasured book to be returned to time after time.

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    • Whats In The Bible A Tour Of Scripture From The Dust Of Creation To The Glo


      Explore the most monumental story ever recorded, a story filled with intrigue, drama, and real-life accounts of God at work in the universe. Highly respected theologian R.C. Sproul and best-selling author Robert Wolgemuth have collaborated to highlight the essence of God’s voice, activity, and purpose throughout the Old and New Testaments in an understandable and thoroughly-readable introduction to the Bible. Written from the perspective of a theologian and a layman, What’s in the Bible is a road map that will help you better comprehend the whole of Scripture. This revised and updated edition includes a new topical index.

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    • Holiness Of God (Revised)


      Revised in 1997, The Holiness of God has sold almost 200,000 copies since it was first released in the 1980s. An instant classic on the awesome nature of God, this paperback edition (of the 1997 revision) will keep ministering to people for many years to come.

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    • Essential Truths Of The Christian Faith


      102 Chapters

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      For those who yearn for a deeper walk in faith, their journey can begin here. Dr. Sproul takes theology down off the dusty shelves of theological libraries and expounds in clear and simple, terms over one hundred major Christian doctrines. He offers readers a basic understanding of the Christian faith that will kindle a lifelong love for truth, which is foundational to maturity in Christ. Here are theologically sound explanations of the biblical concepts every Christian should know, written in a way we can all understand.

      Sproul’s homespun analogies and illustrations from contemporary life make this book interesting, informative, and easy to read. Take the next step!

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    • Classical Apologetics : Rational Defense Of The Christian Faith And Critiqu


      Must a person accept Christianity on faith alone, or is there a reasoned defense for being a Christian? The authors of this book hold that Christianity is eminently reasonable. The primacy of the mind in the Christian faith can be affirmed without denying the importance of the heart. This book embraces reason without rationalism, personal love without personalism, faith without fideism is our capacity to love Him. The book is divided into three parts. Section I is a prolegomenon dealing with the problems and methods of apologetics. Section II develops the theistic proofs and authority of Scripture. Section III is given over to a critique of presuppositionalism in apologetics, particularly with reference to the thought of Cornelius Van Til. Classical Apologetics will help the thoughtful Christian understand his or her faith better, and it will provide more solid grounds for sharing this faith with others.

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    • Reason To Believe


      10 Chapters

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      Do Christians have good answers for the really tough questions?

      Dr. R. C. Sproul believes they do. In this unique book he deals with the most common objections to the truths of the Christian faith:

      – Has science disproved the existence of God?
      – Does the Bible contradict itself?
      – Why does God allow suffering?
      – Is there only one way to God?
      – Why do people need religion when life is going smoothly?
      – Do Christians have a good answer to evil and suffering?
      – How does the church explain all its hypocrites?

      REASON TO BELIEVE is no collection of “pat answers with a few proof texts.” Each of the questions is dealt with in a separate chapter, which includes a special capsule summary that gives the kernel of each argument. It is an excellent resource for those in visitation and calling programs and a “must” book for those who want to do more than scratch the surface of Christian truths.

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