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Richard Bahr

  • Those People : The True Character Of The Homeless


    Be honest. You don’t see yourself as a judgmental person. But in my experience, many of us have deep-seated ideas of who the homeless are: alcoholics, addicts, people who are mentally ill or lazy, and criminals.

    Although these things may be true in some instances, this understanding overlooks the deep and rich character of many people who live in the homeless community.

    This book contains stories of some of my homeless friends, people who have meant a great deal to me and have profoundly changed my life for the better. Take time to hear their stories, discover something about their character-and maybe yours-and dispel your myths about the homeless.

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  • Amazed : Why The Humanity Of Jesus Matters


    We are made in God’s image. God provided rules for healthy living and a sacrificial practice as a means to worship him. Yet we chose to separate from God and go our own way-we couldn’t follow God’s rules without messing up.

    Enter Jesus. He came as a man, in the same image as we are created. He lived a sinless life and is the only effective sacrifice to pay the price that we deserve for our hurtful choices. Richard Bahr’s book, Amazed: Why the Humanity of Jesus Matters, helps unpack how Jesus lived out his humanity-and how that humanity helps us connect to him and the Father more effectively.

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