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    Roberts Liardon

    • Great Azusa Street Revival


      As fascinating collection of the words and teachings of William Seymour in the years leading up to and including the historic Azusa Street Revival, which began in Los Angeles in 1906 before spreading across the country and creating the modern-day Pentecostal movement. Includes historic accounts, eyewitness testimonies to the power of God, and photos capturing the multicultural, worldwide appeal of Seymour and his ministry, including his stirring sermons, which covered a wide range of topics that are still relevant to believers today. Complied by Roberts Liardon, author of the bestselling God’s Generals series.

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    • Gods Generals For Kids William Seymour


      The extremely popular children’s book series God’s Generals for Kids by Roberts Liardon and Olly Goldenberg bring you volume 7 of their collection; which focuses on the life and teaching of William J. Seymour who was a son of slaves. He was hated by so many as he was growing up and he was blind in one eye, but he became one of the greatest leaders in church history, a pioneer in the amazing Asusa Street Revival.

      During this revival many supernatural events took place. Blind people saw, deaf people heard, and lame people walked. These miracles and many others drew the attention of the world, but what really drew crowds to the little building on Azusa Street was the love that flowed from God’s presence. God came in a cloud of glory and with fire. Thousands of people from all over the world went there to meet God, and many of them left to serve Him in their home places. Each one became a missionary for the Lord. God is still flowing mightily around the world, as the effects of this revival are felt in every country today.

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    • Gods Generals For Kids William Branham


      The subject of the book, William Branham, was one of the key leaders in the healing revival movement. The young reader will be thrilled to discover the supernatural signs that God gave to him to let him know how to help other people. Learning about some of the incredible, miraculous things that happened around William Branham will build the reader’s faith. This book reveals Branham’s hunger for God, his heart for people, and the mistakes he made. The reader will learn to know when God is speaking to him and in the process, be inspired, challenged, and encouraged. His story will help young people everywhere to live their lives for God and to obey Him no matter what the cost may be. These books are aimed at children aged between eight to twelve; and now feature an updated study section with cross curricular themes, ideal for home schooling environments.

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    • Gods Generals For Kids Charles Parham


      This newly released and enhanced sixth volume in the very popular God’s Generals for Kids series now includes an updated study section with cross curricular themes, suitable for home schooling groups.

      These books are written for children in the eight – to – twelve age group.

      This book is about Charles Fox Parham who has been called ”the father of Pentecost.” Parham was an American preacher and evangelist who worked with William J. Seymour in the spread of Pentecostalism after the Azusa Street Revival. Parham associated speaking in tongues with the baptism in the Holy Spirit. He invited both African – Americans and Mexican – Americans to join his new movement.

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    • Gods Generals For Kids John Dowie


      Newly released and enhanced Volume three

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    • Gods Generals For Kids Smith Wiggleworth


      Newly released and enhanced Volume Two includes an updated study section with cross curricular themes, suitable for home schooling groups This very popular book takes a look at the life of one of the pioneers in healing evangelism: Smith Wigglesworth.

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    • Gods Generals For Kids Kathryn Kuhlman


      Newly released and enhanced Volume One includes an updated study section with cross curricular themes, suitable for home schooling groups This is the first book in a series that is known as God’s Generals for Kids. This well-written biography on Kathryn Kuhlman will capture the attention of children as they learn about God’s power at work in the life of this great woman of God. It will inspire them to want to let God use them in whatever way He directs, and it will help them to develop a close personal relationship with Him. In her official biography by Jamie Buckingham, we find these words about Ms. Kuhlman: It is impossible to write about Kathryn Kuhlman without writing about God. Her life was not her own. In a very real way, she was a daughter of destiny. Chosen. Ordained to be His special handmaiden.

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    • Gods Generals The Martyrs


      In his sixth God’s Generals volume, Roberts Liardon chronicles some of the great martyrs for the faith-and some of the lesser-known ones. Their inspirational testimony, acts of courage, and even seasons of doubt both encourage and point awareness toward the persecuted church of the twenty-first century.

      The book includes profiles on…
      *Apostle Paul and Stephen the Faithful (c. 100 AD)
      *Polycarp of Smyrna, Justin Martyr, and Ignatius of Antioch (c. 100-175 AD)
      *Perpetua, Blandina, and Irenaeus and Fabian (c. 175-350 AD)
      *William Tyndale, John Wyclyffe, Patrick Hamilton, and John Hus (c. 1300-1530)
      *Anne Askew, John Foxe, Hugh Latimer, and Thomas Cranmer (c. 1530-1560)
      *Martyrs from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
      *Dietrich Bonhoeffer, John and Betty Stam, and Jim Elliot (c. 1900-1950)
      *Wang Zhiming, Gaspar Makil, and Archbishop Oscar Romero (c. 1950-1990)
      *Martyrs from the twenty-first century, in regions such as the Philippines, Iraq, Libya, and Syria

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    • Forget Not His Benefits


      SKU (ISBN): 9781629112251ISBN10: 1629112259Roberts LiardonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Publisher: Banner Publishing

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    • Haunted Houses Ghosts And Demons


      Supernatural phenomena are everywhere these days-television, movies, video games, books, the Internet. What is the truth about angels, spirit beings, and aliens? Are there supernatural forces that are in control of the minds and souls of people?

      As a boy, Roberts Liardon had a vision in which he went to heaven and talked with Jesus face-to-face. Drawing from his experience with the spirit realm, his many years of ministry, and his wealth of Bible knowledge, Liardon answers questions about the supernatural. He also provides historical perspective on this realm and encourages a new awareness of the spiritual activity in our everyday lives.

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    • Your Power In The Holy Spirit


      John G. Lake was anointed by God to reach the sick and the lost in miraculous ways. Here is a glimpse of unparalleled outpouring of Holy Spirit power when operating through a completely yielded life. Drawing upon his vast ministry experiences, Lake presents an enlightening look at how God desires to use His people mightily to minister to a dying world. Through his insightful words, you will discover how you can personally… –Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit –Be filled with the overcoming life of Christ –Be a more powerful witness for Christ –Overcome all the schemes of Satan –Exercise authority over evil spirits in Jesus’ name –Trust God to meet all your needs –Find true purpose for your life –Develop a faith for miracles –See people powerfully saved, healed, and delivered –Transform your world for Christ You, too, can bring salvation and healing to many hurting, hungry people in the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit. Discover the exciting opportunities available to believers everywhere, and experience God’s powerful and miraculous ways!

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    • Kathyrn Kuhlman : A Spiritual Biography Of Gods Miracle Worker


      1. A Miracle Service
      2. The Legend Begins
      3. Defining Moments
      4. The Call Of God
      5. The Day Kathryn Kuhlman “Died”
      6. The First Miracle
      7. Her Best Friend
      8. The Glory Belongs To God

      Additional Info
      Join historian Roberts Liardon on a riveting journey through the life of Kathryn Kuhlman, one of the most fascinating women of the 20th century.
      In this study of a miraculous healing ministry that spanned a half a century, you will:
      *Read about the countless thousands who were healed in her presence-often without her ever laying a hand on them.
      *Learn all about her vitality and victory, her tragedies and triumphs, and how she used them all to draw her ever closer to Jesus.
      *Find out how she was able to allow the Holy Spirit to become her best Friend and greatest Teacher-and how you can, too.

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    • Gods Generals Highlights And Live Footage (DVD)


      Even though these men and women of God have passed on, their ministries and anointings still live. Experience the anointing of God’s Generals as you step into the healing revival tents of Jack Coe and A. A. Allen. Get to know Aimee Semple McPherson’s dramatic personality, and receive a touch from the Holy Spirit through Kathryn Kuhlman’s ministry. There is an impartation for you as you absorb one solid hour of footage from these faith greats.

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    • Gods Generals A A Allen (DVD)


      The Miracle Man

      Perhaps one of the most persecuted of God’s Generals, A. A. Allen operated his healing ministry with a heart for God’s people. Watch live footage of Allen healing a man in a stretcher, causing a leg to grow, and ridding a man of tumors. Find out why a man who paid an incredible price for spiritual strength and divine gifting would fight an ultimately losing battle for his own body’s healing.

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    • Gods Generals William M Branham (DVD)


      Man of Notable Signs & Wonders

      What William Branham lacked in formal education, God made up for in the Spirit. Branham is shown here in live footage, aided by an angel and the Word of knowledge, as he reveals the secrets of men’s hearts. Used by God to heal and set the mentally tormented free, Branham would later fall into a deception that would eventually cost him his life.

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    • Gods Generals Charles F Parham And William J Seymour (DVD)


      After growing up in sickness, Charles F. Parham committed his life to God and the healing ministry, even opening a school. His dedication would affect the lives of countless others, including William J. Seymour, who was the only black student at Parham’s school. In order to abide by the Jim Crow laws, Seymour would listen from the hallway through an open door as his Bible school teachers unfolded the mysteries of Christ. Later, what he learned there would explode into the great Azusa Street Revival.

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    • Gods Generals Evan Roberts (DVD)


      Welsh revivalist Evan Roberts was a spiritual leader during a time when his nation was experiencing powerful waves of God’s convicting Spirit. Eventually Roberts laid down this leadership position and moved into the ministry of intercession. What caused him to make this ministry change? The answer can be found in a close-up look at the life of this man of God.

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    • Gods Generals Jack Coe (DVD)


      The Man of Reckless Faith

      Jack Coe’s humble beginnings at an orphanage where he was left by his father prepared him for God’s work, including the construction of his own boys’ home. Empowered by his radical salvation experience, Coe threw himself into God’s work, en bearing criticism for his gruff nature and reckless faith. Watch and see Coe in action as the blind see, deaf hear, and the lame walk.

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    • Gods Generals Collection (DVD)


      Meet a dozen dynamic individuals who helped fan the flames of revival in the 20th century! Evan Roberts, Smith Wigglesworth, William Seymour, Aimee Semple McPherson—from humble beginnings in Wales, England, and America, they went on to lead some of the most remarkable Christian movements in recent history. Roberts Liardon’s compelling biographies chronicle their lives, work, and teachings on 12 DVDs.

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