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Rufus Burrow

  • Child Shall Lead Them


    1. Montgomery: Just To See Empty Bus, After Empty Bus Go By
    2. Sitting-in And Riding For Freedom
    3. Birmingham And The Children’s Crusade
    4. Mississippi: Made To Disappear
    5. Selma: What We Talk About Has Also To Do With The Children
    6. Who Will Carry The Freedom Struggle Forward?

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    Half a century after some of its most important moments, the assessment of the Civil Rights Era continues. In this exciting volume, Dr. Rufus Burrow turns his attention to a less investigated but critically important byway in this powerful story-the role of children and young people in the Civil Rights Movement.

    What role did young people play, and how did they support the efforts of their elders? What did they see-and what did they do?-that their elders were unable to envision? How did children play their part in the liberation of their people?

    In this project, Burrow reveals the surprising power of youth to change the world.

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  • Martin Luther King Jr For Armchair Theologians


    In this introduction to the life and thought of Martin Luther King Jr., theologian Rufus Burrow explores King’s life as well as his thinking and activism. Burrow addresses those who see King as only a social activist by showing how his studies, particularly his theological studies, influenced, shaped, and transformed the activist path he pursued during his public life. Themes later developed by liberation theology were anticipated by King a decade before. These ideas were honed and shaped by his social activism. This book, with dozens of illustrations by artist Ron Hill, is written for a broad audience. It explores King’s legacy, the continuing importance of his work, and his quest for the beloved community, and it will serve as an excellent introduction to King’s life and thinking.

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