Samuel Pagan
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Jesucristo Es El Senor – (Spanish)
$17.99El libro Jesucristo es el Seor, Cristologia del Nuevo Testamento, de Samuel Pagan intenta identificar, analizar y explicar las afirmaciones teologicas neotestamentarias en torno a la vida y las acciones del Jesus de los evangelios canonicos, que nos permiten comprende la importante profesion de fe que declara sin inhibicion que “Jesucristo es el Seor”.
El enfoque y esfuerzo fundamental del libro esta orientado a descubrir como la teologia en torno a Jesus de Nazaret tomo un giro extraordinario luego de la experiencia de la resurreccion. Una vez se difundio la noticia de que la muerte de Jesus no habia finalizado con las expectativas mesianicas de sus seguidores, la resurreccion de Cristo toma dimension nueva.
Este libro explora la cristologia del Nuevo Testamento. Y esa vertiente teologica analiza la figura de Cristo, segun se revela en los evangelios canonicos, la literatura epistolar y en las revelaciones apocalipticas y visiones de Juan. Esa tradicion cristologica en torno a Jesus se revela inclusive al finalizar el canon del Nuevo Testamento. El vidente Juan, al comenzar la redaccion de la revelacion divina, afirma de manera categorica la importancia de la revelacion de Jesucristo. Nuestro estudio en torno a Jesucristo el Seor explorara el desarrollo de la teologia referente al Cristo de Dios, desde la resurreccion hasta las revelaciones de Juan en el Apocalipsis.
Ademas, estudiaremos los titulos cristologicos, los himnos de las iglesias primitivas y varias reflexiones pastorales que se incorporan en las cartas del apostol Pablo y sus seguidores. La finalidad es identificar y analizar el contenido teologico de esa gran declaracion de fe para explorar sus implicaciones contemporaneas.
Jesus Christ is Lord: Christology of the New Testament
The book Jesus Christ is Lord, Christology of the New Testament, by Samuel Pagan attempts to identify, analyze and explain the New Testament theological affirmations about the life and actions of the Jesus of the canonical Gospels, which allow us to understand the important profession of faith that declares without inhibition that Jesus Christ is Lord.
The fundamental focus and effort of the book is oriented to discover how the theology surrounding Jesus of Nazareth took an extraordinary turn after the experience of the resurrection. Once the news spread that Jesus’ death had not ended the messianic expectations of his followers, the resurrection of Christ took on a new dimension.
This book explor
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Libros Poeticos Y Sapienciales – (Spanish)
$16.23Obra basada en el libro de Introduccion a la Biblia Hebrea del mismo autor. Ofrece un amplio analisis de perspectivas: tanto antecedentes y contextos historicos, sociologicos, politicos y religiosos; como las peculiaridades tematicas, literarias y teologicas. A continuacion expone temas clave que sirven de puente para traducir y aplicar los mensajes de los Libros Poeticos o Sapienciales al contexto actual y nuestras vivencias contemporaneas.
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Libros Historicos Del Antiguo – (Spanish)
$13.99Obra basada en el libro de Introduccion a la Biblia Hebrea del mismo autor. Ofrece un amplio analisis de perspectivas: tanto antecedentes y contextos historicos, sociologicos, politicos y religiosos; como las peculiaridades tematicas, literarias y teologicas. A continuacion expone temas clave que sirven de puente para traducir y aplicar los mensajes de los libros historicos al contexto actual y nuestras vivencias contemporaneas.
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Rey David – (Spanish)
$19.99The purpose of this book is to ‘Explore the complexities of David, his aspirations, projects and triumphs, as well as his defeats, anxieties and sins, going beyond the ‘sweet Psalmist of Israel.’ We are not trying to present David as pious and consecrated, but as a man full of conflicts and uncertainties.’ The author’s purpose is to identify the human David of yesterday with the problems of the modern reader of today; and to demonstrate how such a complex and contradictory personality, full of achievements and limitations, virtues and defects, such as David, can in the hands of God be transformed into a symbolic ideal, an emblematic personality, and a good role model. This magisterial analysis of the Biblical narrative, united with the critical evaluation of information provided by archaeologists, has resulted in an exemplary book. A biography that presents the newest exegetical and hermeneutical research with a generous literary clarity. This work includes a variety of illustrations on almost every page highlighting the important points, which greatly facilitates reading and comprehension of the text, along with a comprehensive bibliography. ‘We have not had access, to date, to many of the texts that offer more facts or a more rigorous analysis of the academic sources of information about David and his historical times.’ angel Velez, director of the School of Theology ad the University of Puerto Rico.
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Jesus De Nazaret – (Spanish)
$18.99The person of Jesus continues to be just relevant as ever in the last two thousand years. There is still much to be said and to know about a person who inspires so much interest. Dr. Pagan defends and appraises the virtues that religious experience adds to society.
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