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    Shane Enete

    • Finanzas De Todo Corazon – (Spanish)


      Los gastos fuera de control, la deuda en aumento o la necesidad constante de lidiar con sus finanzas lo han dejado agotado y estresado? Si si, no esta solo. Los estadounidenses constantemente citan al dinero como la causa principal de su ansiedad, y usted podria verse tentado a buscar una ley del dinero que seguir, pero esto a menudo resulta en un corazon roto que expulsa a Jesus de la vida financiera y lo deja a usted solo con la carga.

      El mensaje de Finanzas de todo corazon es que, al darle su corazon entero a Jesus en la toma de decisiones importantes sobre el dinero, sus finanzas vienen a ser una oportunidad para la adoracion profunda y atenta cuando usted considera la abundante generosidad de Jesus en su vida. Pero que implican las finanzas de todo corazon de manera practica? Los principios que se presentan en este libro lo ayudaran a responder a las siguientes preguntas y mas:

      *Como puede un registro de mis finanzas ayudarme a profundizar mi relacion con Jesus?
      *Cual es la mejor manera de establecer un presupuesto para gastos irregulares?
      *Como puedo usar las herramientas de ahorrar e invertir para dar con generosidad al maximo?

      Su relacion con el dinero ira de ser una de preocupacion agotada a una de gozo diario al fortalecer sus habilidades monetarias junto con una perspectiva robusta de quien es usted en Cristo.

      Has out-of-control spending, growing debt, or the never-ending need to manage your finances left you wearied and stressed? If so, you’re not alone. Americans consistently list money as their number one source of anxiety. In your worry, you may be tempted to find a “money law” to follow. Unfortunately, this often leads to a fractured heart that removes Jesus from your financial life and leaves you to carry the burden.

      The message of Whole Heart Finances is that by bringing your whole heart to Jesus while making important money decisions, your finances become an opportunity for deep, responsive worship as you consider the abundant generosity of Jesus in your life. But what does “whole heart finances” look like practically? The principles presented in this book will help you answer the following questions and more:

      *How can tracking my expenses help grow my relationship with Jesus?
      *What is the best way to budget for irregular expenses?
      *How can I use the tools of saving and investing to maximize generous giving?

      Transform your relationship with money from wearied worry into daily joy by growing your money skills alo

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    • Whole Heart Finances


      Has out-of-control spending, growing debt, or the never-ending need to manage your finances left you wearied and stressed? If so, you’re not alone. Americans consistently list money as their number one source of anxiety. In your worry, you may be tempted to find a “money law” to follow. Unfortunately, this often leads to a fractured heart that removes Jesus from your financial life and leaves you to carry the burden.

      The message of Whole Heart Finances is that by bringing your whole heart to Jesus while making important money decisions, your finances become an opportunity for deep, responsive worship as you consider the abundant generosity of Jesus in your life. But what does “whole heart finances” look like practically? The principles presented in this book will help you answer the following questions and more:

      *How can tracking my expenses help grow my relationship with Jesus?
      *What is the best way to budget for irregular expenses?
      *How can I use the tools of saving and investing to maximize generous giving?

      Other Christian books about money start with the wisdom of the world and justify it with biblical sources, but Whole Heart Finances provides a model for how to put together the elements of spending, saving, investing, and giving with Jesus Christ as the foundation. It will transform your relationship with money from wearied worry into daily joy by growing your money skills alongside a rich view of who you are in Christ.

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