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    Suspense Fiction

    • Swopes Ridge


      Determined to save an innocent man from death and unlock the mystery of his own wife’s murder, Lije Evans faces racism, betrayal, and international terror in Swope’s Ridge, the harrowing second book of the Lije Evans Mysteries series.

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    • Facing Justice


      Former Federal prosecutor Diane Munson and former Federal Special Agent David Munson draw on their true-life experiences in this debut suspense novel about Special Agent Eva Montanna, whose twin sister died at the Pentagon on 9/11. Eva dedicates her career to avenge her death while investigating Emile Jubayl, a member of Eva’s church and CEO of Helpers International, who is accused of using his aid organization to funnel money to El Samoud, head of the Armed Revolutionary Cause, and successor to Al Qaeda. Family relationships are tested in this fast-paced, true-to-life legal thriller about the men and women who are racing to defuse the ticking time bomb of international terrorism.

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    • Angels : A Story About Fannie And Freddie The President Blackmail And Murde


      Angels: A Story about Fannie &Freddie, the President, Blackmail and Murder THE NOVEL THAT SAYS GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL… NO MATTER WHO LIVES IN THE WHITE HOUSE Matt Davidson’s real estate company is being taken down by the busted housing bubble and the economic crisis of 2009. As a prayerful believer and ordinary family man, Matt has prayed for help to survive the economic downturn and he is given a gift that lets him see into the spiritual world. The gift is the ability to see angels and demons on earth. He can see them in the world, on television and in photography. Matt sees patterns of demonic activity around certain politicians, some more than others. He prays to find out why and for what purpose he has been given this ability. This leads him on a spiritual mission and he is shown where evil forces lie in the highest offices in American government. Matt is used, with the help and protection of angels, to reveal an Iranian plot to control the American presidency. Matt remains faithful and with the help of a fellow believer friend, they go to “seek out” the one who is revealed to him to be at the center of the plan. Fast paced, romantic, political, intense, funny, tender, dark and spiritual. John C. Bieber takes the reader from modern day Valley Forge, to the New Jersey shore, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Paris, Monte Carlo, on board Air Force One, Detroit, Tehran, New York City and into the White House. The momentum builds and builds to a dramatic conclusion.

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    • Mercys Reach : Deep In The Darknes Lurks An Evil That Will Test The Boundar


      While driving home one night on an unfamiliar highway, suddenly, they’re stranded with no one to help them. Much worse, they have driven into an unimaginable nightmare. Are Amy and Jeremy ready to face what lies ahead? Can they survive the evil they will have to endure? Will they see their need of God through their hopeless circumstances? Will they even get the chance to find the Lord?

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    • Knight : A Patrick Bowers Thriller (Reprinted)


      In The Knight, the third installment in the bestselling series of thrillers featuring FBI criminologist Patrick Bowers, the stakes have never been higher.

      Agent Bowers is used to tracking the country’s most dangerous killers, but now it looks like a killer is tracking him. When he realizes the murderer is using clues from an ancient manuscript as a blueprint for his crimes, Bowers faces a race against time to decipher who the next victim will be and to stop the final shocking murder–which he’s beginning to believe might be his own.

      Gritty, chilling, and intense, this psychological thriller is guaranteed to keep readers up all night.

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    • Red : The Heroic Rescue (Anniversary)


      5th Anniversary Edition of Award Winning Series

      “We have stepped off the cliff and are falling into madness.” Thomas Hunter is caught between two shocking realities, each facing a meltdown of epic proportions. When he dreams in one world, he awakens in the other. In one reality, Thomas is a respected military leader urgently trying to deliver the vastly outnumbered Forest People from an agonizing calamity that will end life as they know it. In the other, he’s trying desperately to work with the world’s top leaders to stop the release of the deadliest airborne virus ever created. The earth’s population is facing the worst global crisis in history. This virus has a three-week latency period, and only ten days remain before its deadly power is unleashed. Thomas must find a way to change history–or face the destruction of two worlds.

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    • Black : The Birth Of Evil (Anniversary)


      Enter the adrenaline-laced story that started it all: the fate of two worlds hangs in the balance of one man’s choices as dreams and reality collide.

      Thomas Hunter narrowly escapes mysterious assailants only to encounter a silent bullet that clips his head . . . and his world goes black. He awakens in an alternate reality and soon finds himself pulled between two worlds. In one, Thomas is an average guy working in a coffeehouse. In the other, he’s a battle-scarred general leading a band of warriors known as the Circle.

      Every time Thomas falls asleep in one reality, he wakes in the other–and both worlds are facing catastrophic disaster. In one world, he must race to outwit sadistic terrorists intent on creating a global pandemic by releasing an unstoppable virus. In the other, far into the future, a forbidden love could forever destroy the Circle’s ragtag resistance.

      Thomas can bridge both worlds, but he quickly realizes that he may not be able to save either. In this mind-bending adventure, the fate of both worlds now rests on his ability to shift realities through his dreams–and somehow find a way to change history.

      From New York Times bestselling author Ted Dekker, experience the novel that launched The Circle.

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    • Kluffords Holler


      Southern humorist Darrell Sroufe brings this delightful little tale about a tiny Smoky Mountain town called Klufford’s Holler, a community so far in the backhills, backwoods and backward old time ways that hardly anyone knows or cares it’s there at all. Well… hardly anyone until now.

      A fictional story set within actual historical events, Klufford’s Holler tells a witty, creative and heart touching tale about the culture, traditions and religion of mountain people who’s lives have always been the same for generations. Then all of a sudden, powerful forces from the outside world come to take the whole region over. Why? Because there’s a whole lot more to things than may appear!

      Klufford’s Holler is a story filled with southern culture humor, lovable mountain townsfolk, some evil villains, a heroic town preacher, a mysterious old hermit and a wealth of Messianic imagery. The story not only entertains, but also educates the reader about the intriguing history of the Smoky Mountains in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. The very real part the region played in winning WWII is an amazing story all in itself!

      The town of Klufford’s Holler is a place you’ll never forget. This wonderful little tale will make you laugh, keep you in suspense and leave you in awe of the God of the universe who cares for even the most common folks. It’s a story you’ll want to read over and over again, so go ahead and get started. See ya’ll in the mountains!

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    • Texas Heat : A Woman Framed For A Felony And The Police Chief Determined To


      In a riveting romantic suspense, Christian author Debra White Smith tells the story of a woman wrongly accused and the chief of police who accepts the task to prove her innocence

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    • Broken Angel : A Novel


      Caitlyn is just fifteen. Her mutated body has made her an outcast, a freak, and the target of vicious bounty hunters. Why did her father betray her by leaving her and making her run? Why must she pay the price for his sins?

      In the rough, shadowy, hills of Appalachia, a nation carved from the United States following years of government infighting, Caitlyn and her companions are on the run as fugitives. They must outwit the relentless bounty hunters, skirt an oppressive, ever-watchful society, and find passage over the walls of Appalachia to reveal the dark secrets behind Caitlyn’s existence-and understand her father’s betrayal.

      As they make their way to the walled borders of Appalachia, can the young girl stay ahead of all that threatens her in time to reach a monument where she will finally learn the secrets of her past…and the destiny she must fulfill?

      In this engrossing, lightning-paced story with a post-apocalyptic edge, bestselling author Sigmund Brouwer explores timely and explosive issues through the lens of a treacherous culture only one or two steps removed from our own.

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    • Storm Over Coronado


      On a stormy summer night, the peace of San Diego’s upscale Coronado Island is shattered. At an elegant gala, Southern belle Cami Carrington’s mega-millionaire husband Braxton plans to announce his intent to run for mayor. However, the party-along with Braxton’s life-is cut short by a bit of poison in a flute of pink champagne. This is only the beginning of a tangled web of lies, deceit, and violence. While grieving for her unfaithful husband and comforting Debra and Durant, her 19-year-old twins, Cami joins forces with Kate Elfmon, visiting from Boston. In the midst of deep personal drama and grave danger, the two employ all the charm, intellect, courage and faith they possess in their search for Braxton’s murderer.

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    • Love Deferred


      H. V. Bennett and W. E. Lawson offer a unique female/male perspective of “he thought, she thought”, more so than ” he said, she said.” These fictional characters may ring true for many readers. Is this love deferred a delay, a deception, a delight, or a delusion? Is it man-manufacutured or God- given?

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    • When Heaven Weeps – (Spanish)


      Un amor lo suficientemente fuerte como para estremecer sus huesos. Un sacrificio lo suficientemente poderoso como para hacer llorar al cielo.
      Al finalizar la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un soldado traumatizado por la guerra, Jan Jovic, se vio forzado a infligir un juego de vida o muerte en una comunidad pacifica de Bosnia. En unas cuantas horas, este joven se enfrento con mas amor y odio que lo que la mayoria de la gente experimenta en toda una vida.

      Anos despues, Jan se convirtio en un mundialmente reconocido escritor con amplia influencia en Estados Unidos. Su pasado esta enterrado en las profundidades de su memoria hasta que sale a la superficie en los momentos mas inoportunos. El juego presenciado por Jan lo persigue… y sin darse cuenta lo lleva a una hermosa pero quebrantada mujer atrapada en el bajo mundo del crimen.

      El ahora debe vencer un mal rara vez visto. Pero hay un costo, uno que hasta este soldado traumatizado por la guerra no se puede imaginar.

      A love strong enough to bring a tremor to your bones. A sacrifice powerful enough to make heaven weep.
      At the close of World War II, a shell-shocked solider, Jan Jovic, was forced to inflict a game of life and death on a peaceful Bosnian community. In a few short hours, this young man was confronted by more love and hate than most experience in a lifetime.

      Years later, Jan has become a world-renown writer with widespread influence in the United States, his past buried deep in his memory until at the most inopportune times. The game witnessed by Jan haunts him… and unwittingly leads him to a beautiful but broken woman caught in an underworld of crime.

      He now must defeat an evil rarely seen. But there is a price, one that even this war-scarred solider can’t imagine.

      Un amor lo suficientemente fuerte como para estremecer sus huesos. Un sacrificio lo suficientemente poderoso como para hacer llorar al cielo. Al finalizar la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un soldado traumatizado por la guerra, Jan Jovic, se vio forzado a infligir un juego de vida o muerte en una comunidad pacifica de Bosnia. En unas cuantas horas, este joven se enfrento con mas amor y odio que lo que la mayoria de la gente experimenta en toda una vida. Anos despues, Jan se convirtio en un mundialmente reconocido escritor con amplia influencia en Estados Unidos. Su pasado esta enterrado en las profundidades de su memoria hasta que sale a la superficie en los momentos mas inoportunos. El juego presenciado por Jan lo

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    • Apuesta Del Cielo – (Spanish)


      El ha dejado su pasado bien lejos… o eso es lo que cree. Kent Anthony es un brillante ingeniero de software que esta ganando mucho dinero con su carrera fenomenal. Por fin esta viviendo la vida idilica, alejado de ideas de robos, asesinatos y otras clases de conductas criminales horribles. Esta historia lo traera frente a frente con un mundo escondido mas real que lo que la mayoria de la gente piensa, un mundo en el que lo invisible es mas poderoso que cualquier cosa visible.

      A brilliant young software designer on the brink of becoming a millionare…Two sleek, well-fed bank executives who know an opportunity when they see it… A Nike-clad grandmother who literally puts feet to her prayers…A beautiful young widow who uncovers a dangerous secret… On one level it’s a psychological thriller–a fascinating account of the (almost) perfect crime. On another level it’s a romance–the tale of bittersweet love that is (almost) enough to save a soul. But most of all it’s an imaginative window into a world more real and vital than most people ever discover here on earth, the unseen world where the real dramas of the universe–and of our daily lives–continually unfold. Heaven’s Wager is one of those rare novels that is both a page turner and a thought provoker. You’ll devour it in one sitting–then find yourself pondering it for months to come.

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    • Trueno Desde El Cielo – (Spanish)


      What happens when the evil of terrorism collides with the love of God?
      The world’s worst fears have dawned. Nothing stands in the way of total destruction. . . except the love of one woman.

      Deep in the Amazon jungle a young American woman and the son of plantation owners fall madly in love. For Tanya and Shannon, life is a paradise most only dream about. But today paradise ends. The jungle has hatched more than idyllic love. It has also spawned insidious evil. An evil shrouded in a plot so diabolically brilliant that all of America will be brought to her knees at the hands of a few terrorists. The plan is executed to perfection. There is no way out…save an ancient woman whose dark past has lead her to a life of prayer in preparation for the unspeakable terror about to be unleashed.

      ?Que sucede cuando la perversidad del terrorismo choca con el amor de Dios? Los peores temores del mundo han llegado. Nada impide la destruccion total, excepto el amor de una mujer. En la profundidad de la selva amazonica una joven estadounidense y el hijo de los duenos de una plantacion se enamoran locamente. Para Tanya y Shannon, la vida es un paraiso con el que la mayoria solo suena. Pero el dia de hoy el paraiso termina. La selva ha dado a luz mas que un amor idilico. Tambien ha producido perversidad insidiosa. Perversidad envuelta en una trama tan diabolicamente brillante que Estados Unidos caera completamente de rodillas a manos de unos cuantos terroristas. El plan se ejecuta a la perfeccion. No hay salida, excepto una anciana cuyo oscuro pasado la ha llevado a una vida de oracion en preparacion para el terror inefable que esta a punto de desatarse.

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    • Exposure : A Novel


      Someone is watching Kaycee Raye. But who will believe her? In Kaycee’s newspaper column she’s known for writing of her paranoia and fears. Is the new danger real-or is she going crazy? In this story of terror, twists, and desperate faith, the startling questions pile high. But Kaycee’s descent to answers proves even more frightening.

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    • Deadly Charm


      Amanda finds herself in a deadly tangle with the charming, conniving Nikki Thunder, who will stop at nothing to get what she wants – including Bell’s man.

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    • Rose Conspiracy


      Publishers Weekly called Craig Parshall’s Trial by Ordeal “an enjoyable romp for legal thriller aficionados.” Now Parshall takes his readers to the nation’s capital, where a hitherto unknown document has turned up…and turned into murder. As the Smithsonian’s president examines a newly discovered account of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, an intruder steals in, kills him, and disappears into the night with the document.

      Vinnie Archmont, an accomplished and stunningly beautiful artist, is implicated. She hires the brilliant but secretly guilt-burdened criminal law professor J.D. Blackstone. Blackstone finds himself uncovering the Mystic Freemasons’ most guarded secret. He reluctantly turns to his uncle, a Bible-quoting Anglican priest and occult-religions expert. Enemies like a sorcery-obsessed billionaire English lord, a powerful U.S. Senator, and a ruthless prosecutor force Blackstone to employ all his cunning.

      In the process, he is compelled to choose between spiritual counterfeit and Gospel truth, guilt and forgiveness…destruction and a new beginning.

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    • Real Enemy : A Novel


      Work has become Police Chief Brill Jessup’s favorite distraction from trying to forgive her husband’s infidelity. But when seven people in her town go missing, her tireless investigation threatens her family and she’s forced to confront the real enemy.

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    • Adam : He Died Once To Stop The Killer Now He Is Dying Again To Save His Wi


      ackling near-death experiences and demon possession, NY Times best-selling author Ted Dekker delivers a riveting thriller of sin and salvation.FBI behavioral psychologist Daniel Clark has been made famous by his arguments that religion is one of society’s greatest antagonists. What Daniel doesn’t know is that his obsessive pursuit of a serial killer known only as “Eve” will end in his own death at Eve’s hand. Twenty minutes later Daniel is resuscitated, only to be haunted by those twenty missing minutes of life. It soon becomes painfully clear that the only way to stop Eve is to recover those missing minutes by dying . . . again. What isn’t nearly as clear is just how many times he will have to die to discover the truth, not only about Eve, but about himself. Daniel will have to face haunting realities about demon possession in the modern world–and reevaluate his own prejudice against religion–to stop the killer.

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    • Midnight In Madrid


      U.S. Treasury agent Alexandra LaDuca (Conspiracy in Kiev) is back crisscrossing Europe in pursuit of an ancient relic stolen from a Madrid museum-and the chilling secrets behind its theft. With a new partner, danger, and betrayal at every turn, Alex must make the toughest decision of her life-whom should she trust?

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    • Little Red Jacket


      This book focuses on a great aunt’s efforts to replace a lost button and mend the buttonholes of a little red jacket she wants to send to her grandniece for Christmas – and the mysterious incidents which involve, the great aunt believes, the ghostly help of her deceased mother.

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    • Jeshurun : The Land Of The Upright One


      Jeshurun. . .a novel set against a backdrop of political intrigue and treason. America’s first female president, Jazelle Damon, has placed control of the U.S. armed forces under the United Nations. Her husband, Lucis, former U.S. president and now UN secretary general, demands that Israel relinquish Judea and Samaria to the Palestinians. This could cost the nation of Israel its very existence. John Redden, youngest general in UN history, has been assigned to command the UN forces and remove all Jews from Judea and Samaria. To persuade them to leave peacefully, Redden meets with Rabbi Levy, an influential leader in Judea. The rabbi’s daughter, Rachel, agrees to show him the holy sites in hopes of convincing him his mission is wrong. Rachel Levy is unlike any woman Redden has ever known. The wide chasm of religion, ethics and belief systems, however, creates impregnable walls, but he cannot let go of his desire to have her for himself. Redden learns the secretary general may have a personal bias against Israel, and financial kickbacks from the Arab world become visible. Has he been sent to bring stability to the region, or does his employer want to create Auschwitz-type borders around Israel to further the Arabs’ goal of annihilating the Jews once and for all? Before the final stages of the attack are set in motion, John Redden is forced to make a decision he never thought possible. Will he be a great general or a great man? He cannot be both.

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    • How To Live Forever


      Barring devastating accidents and disseminated cancer, man usually dies because of the failure of just one organ. Theoretically, through progressive replacement of failing organs, man could live forever and veritably spout the fountain of youth for the first time in history. However, a critical four-hour survival time between organ donor and recipient is a limiting factor for making organ replacement feasible. To start the fountain flowing, to offer transplantation on demand, and to anticipate over-flowing demands, would require one of the greatest discoveries of the decade-a simple means for organ preservation. Through meticulous research and happenstance, Dr. Frederick Middleton does indeed discover a unique freeze-dry formula to preserve organs without fracturing the cell walls, so invariably typical of any freezing or thawing process. But, as with all things good, a profiteering underworld soon corrupts the organ exchange business, garnering fortunes from trusting recipients who hopefully would give most anything they own for one just more fling at life. Within this milieu, this struggle for life, lies a stream of patients whose heart-rending stories question traditional concepts for dealing with the dying.

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    • Evidence Based Medicine


      Samuel Burton never dreamed that when he left the world of medicine his future would hinge on a past “mistake”. As Sam starts his new career in journalism, he is paired with a condemned physician, Dr. Timothy Cannon. This assignment forces Sam to face many issues he had thought were permanently repressed. His investigation ultimately threatens not only his career, but also his very life. To make matters worse, Sam’s life is put on the line all because of a man who does not want to escape his execution, but rather welcomes it.

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    • Revenge Of The Pastors Wives


      “Revenge of the Pastors’ Wives” By Monolesia Graves Williams Pastor Byron E. Williams, Sr., Co-Author Gail McGregor has been married to a pastor long enough to know all about the foibles and fantasies surrounding the unofficial title of “First Lady.” The expectations of being a pastor’s wife were too high; the rewards, too low. During her marriage to a pastor, she has experienced tears and tragedies, unfulfilled days and lonely nights, doctors’ visits, tranquilizers and even a nervous breakdown. All the problems involved with being married to a “man of God” have driven her to wit’s end. Having already sought out every avenue she knows to find understanding, genuine acceptance and love, she now devises her own form of coping-revenge. Having secured a few comrades, she embarks on a vengeful journey that leads to the most unlikely places… She soon discovers that although revenge is “a dish best served cold,” true vengeance should be left in much larger Hands than her own.

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    • Revenge Of The Pastors Wives


      “Revenge of the Pastors’ Wives” By Monolesia Graves Williams Pastor Byron E. Williams, Sr., Co-Author Gail McGregor has been married to a pastor long enough to know all about the foibles and fantasies surrounding the unofficial title of “First Lady.” The expectations of being a pastor’s wife were too high; the rewards, too low. During her marriage to a pastor, she has experienced tears and tragedies, unfulfilled days and lonely nights, doctors’ visits, tranquilizers and even a nervous breakdown. All the problems involved with being married to a “man of God” have driven her to wit’s end. Having already sought out every avenue she knows to find understanding, genuine acceptance and love, she now devises her own form of coping-revenge. Having secured a few comrades, she embarks on a vengeful journey that leads to the most unlikely places… She soon discovers that although revenge is “a dish best served cold,” true vengeance should be left in much larger Hands than her own.

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    • Saint : A Paradise Novel


      “We call you Saint.”The name ignited a light in Carl’s mind. Saint. He’d been covertly recruited for Black Ops and given his life to the most brutal kind of training any man or woman could endure. He was here because he belonged here. To the X Group.An assasin. The most effective killer in the world. And yet . . . Carl Strople struggles to retain fleeting memories that betray an even more ominous reality. He’s been told part of the truth–but what’s the rest?Invasive techniques have stripped him of his identity and made him someone new–for this he is grateful. But there are some things they can’t take from him. The love of a woman, unbroken loyalties to his past, the need for survival.From the deep woods of Hungary to the streets of New York, Saint takes you on a journey of betrayal in a world of government cover-ups, political intrigue, and one man’s search for the truth. In the end, that truth will be his undoing.

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    • Showdown : A Paradise Novel


      When a stranger named Marsuvees Black appears in Paradise, he brings with him a message of hope and love. Or is it death and hate? Perhaps neither – perhaps both. He seems to know too much about the town’s many unspoken secrets, and he himself holds the greatest secret of them all. As black clouds and sandstorms envelop the town, it becomes almost impossible to get in or out. It quicky becomes apparent that Paradise is being isolated for a reason. But why? Ted Dekker’s latest adrenaline-laced thriller has been proclaimed as his most original, daring tale to date. A novel that will take you further than anything he’s ever written. A novel that will leave you wanting more.

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    • Last Star : A Novel


      Is it the latest in spy technology, a meteor, a UFO, or a new star? No one-not even government leaders, military commanders, astronomers, or other scientists-can provide any real answers regarding the mysterious light that has suddenly appeared in the eastern sky. When a diverse group of scholars and scientists meets in Israel to investigate the phenomenon, they are soon caught in a web of political and spiritual intrigue, terrorist bombings, and sniper attacks. As uncertainty about the phenomenon causes worldwide panic, the pressure is turned up to find a scientific answer to the mystery of the light. But the team is determined to convince the world of its findings-that the light is the return of the Star of Bethlehem, which signals Christ’s Second Coming.

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    • Atlantyx : It Begins As A Game And Ends As A Battle For Your Soul


      Graduate student Valerie Russell investigates the possible psychological addiction to Atlantyx, a popular new computer game. She finds much more than entertainment and it becomes a race against time to save the lives and souls of innocent young people–and herself. Garland King, vice-director of the School of Psychology, and Drake Benson, a leader in a national campus ministry, urge Valerie to closely examine one game, Atlantyx. And she soon learns why. The ministry has tracked seventy-one students, all avid gamers, who have mysteriously disappeared. Coincidentally, the producer of the game has garnered sales in excess of one and a half billion dollars over the past year. Valerie’s graduate work explodes into the challenge of a lifetime. She will investigate this threat that blurs the boundary between reality and fantasy, harming innocent people in its path. Her quest brings with it self-discovery, romance, and more than a hint of danger.

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    • Gideons Torch : A Novel


      A newly elected president must deal with a crisis that challenges his administration’s agenda and changes the course of the nation. Full of insider information, this political thriller paints a believable picture of Washington’s corridors of power with an alarming ring of truth.

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    • In The Crosshairs Of Deception


      A young woman has disappeared and her fiance believes she is being held against her will by a fanatical religious cult and its hypnotic leader. He enlists the help of a friend to rescue her from the cult before certain catastrophe occurs. The two men race against time and evil as the deadline nears for a prophecy of doom that they fear might mean they’ll never see her again. God’s power and grace, coupled with steeled determination, protect these men as they dodge the Crosshairs of Deception.

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    • Dark Reflection


      When Princess Angel finds a mirror in a haunted caste, her dark reflection comes to life. Her simple life shatters and she must find the missing pieces. She’ll fade away forever if she does not put back the pieces in time. Will she be able to defeat the dark side of her soul that she can’t control?

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    • Dark Reflection


      When Princess Angel finds a mirror in a haunted caste, her dark reflection comes to life. Her simple life shatters and she must find the missing pieces. She’ll fade away forever if she does not put back the pieces in time. Will she be able to defeat the dark side of her soul that she can’t control?

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    • When Zeffie Got A Clue


      It’s an ordinary afternoon in Summer Breeze, Florida, when a wide-eyed girl steps into I Saw It First, the trash-to-treasure shop Christy Castleman and her Aunt Bobbie just opened. Clutching a jewelry box, Zeffie Adams tells Christy she needs money to pay her grandmother’s medical bills, prompting Christy to offer this curious visitor more than the jewelry box is worth-or so she thinks.

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    • Taste Of Bread


      A Taste of Bread “This stalk is depicted as the staff of life in many cultures. It symbolizes to the Akan that food is a basis of life and that they could not survive if not for the food that God has placed here on Earth for their nourishment” (W. Bruce Willis, The Adinkra Dictionary). Shona Whey is young, beautiful, and vibrant. She appears the perfect picture of health. One warm and sunny day, Shona’s sweet and energetic four-year-old son Nicoby mysteriously disappears from a local park. After her son’s disappearance, the world Shona knew as bright and beautiful suddenly becomes a dark and desolate place as her life spirals deeper and deeper into torment, misery, and agony. In the midst of blinding pain, Shona encounters a stranger – Mrs. Grace Allay. The chance meeting gives Shona and her family reasons to hope and a welcome lifeline to cling to. The predestine encounter also allows the anguished young woman to finally leave her suffering behind and awake to a world full of incredulous wonders…and new beginnings!

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    • Skin


      A freak storm has spawned three tornadoes that are bearing down on the town of Summerville. Yet under the cover of the storm looms a much more ominous threat: A vindictive killer known as Red who’s left a string of victims in his wake and is now bent on exacting his final revenge on the unsuspecting town. But there is an enigma surrounding Red that the FBI is unwilling to admit-closely guarded secrets of something gone terribly wrong beneath the skin of Summerville. Secrets that will destroy far more than one small town. Wendy Davidson is caught in the middle. She’s a recovering cult survivor who takes refuge in Summerville on her way to visit her estranged mother. And with her, four strangers, any of whom could be the next victim . . . or the killer.

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    • Molech Prophecy


      Former gang member Tommy Cucinelle thought he had left his old life behind when he became a Christian. That’s why he’s surprised when his pastor asks him to use his old “skills”-finding people who don’t want to be found-to locate the church secretary after she mysteriously disappears and the church is vandalized. The police don’t have any leads. Tommy’s investigation brings him face-to-face with unpleasant memories from the past that threaten his new identity, but inner turmoil is soon the least of his worries. A local Wiccan church is at the heart of the mystery, and Tommy’s search uncovers a startling prophecy about child sacrifice to the pagan god Molech. When the missing woman’s sister-and Tommy’s newfound romantic interest-disappears as well, the quest becomes personal.

      Author Thomas Phillips wrestles with the important issues of faith, new life in Christ, and submission to God in this thrilling tale of adventure and mystery.

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    • Pawn : A Patrick Bowers Thriller (Reprinted)


      A savvy detective and a clever serial killer face off in a deadly battle of wits

      Well-researched and brilliantly written, The Pawn will attract fans of Patricia Cornwell, James Peterson, and Ted Dekker

      Special agent Patrick Bowers had only met one man who made him truly afraid. Until now. When he’s called to North Carolina to consult on the case of an area serial killer, he finds himself in a deadly game. Cunning and lethal, the killer is always one step ahead of the law, and he’s about to strike again. It will take all of Bower’s instincts and training to stop this man who calls himself the illusionist. And just when the pieces start to come together, Bowers realizes they’re not quite adding up. Can he unravel the pattern and save the next victim? Or will the illusionist win the game by taking one of his opponent’s pieces? Thrilling, chilling, and impossible to put down, The Pawn will hold suspense lovers in its iron grip until the very last page.

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    • Germ : If You Breathe It Will Find You.


      The list of 10,000 names was created for maximum devastation. Business leaders, housewives, politicians, celebrities, janitors, children. None of them is aware of what is about to happen-but all will be part of the most frightening brand of warfare the world has ever known.The germ-an advanced form of the Ebola virus-has been genetically engineered to infect only those people whose DNA matches the codes embedded within it. Those whose DNA is not a match simply catch a cold. But those who are a match experience a far worse fate. Within days, their internal organs liquify.Death is the only escape.The release of the virus will usher in a new era of power where countries are left without defense. Where a single person-or millions-could be killed with perfect accuracy and zero collateral damage. Where your own DNA works against you.The time isn’t coming. It is now. Pray the assassins get you first.

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    • 1 Smooth Stone Revised


      The novel tells the story of Alex Donnelly who is running and trying to hide from nearly everyone. He has picked a good place to do it – the Yukon – but is pursued by friends, enemies, and most effectively, by God. Burning with the need to know about his parents, Alex returns to his birth-city, Seattle, where he discovers that his mother tried to abort him. The trauma sends him on the run again only to find out God has orchestrated a divine appointment for him back in the Yukon. The story is filled with miraculous healing, struggles with rage, and an obsession with revenge for a childhood abuser. It shows that God never gives up on those whom He has chosen. His mercy and grace extend to those who consider themselves unworthy, and even more so, to those who are considered unworthy in the eyes of the world.

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    • Sanctuary : A Novel (Reprinted)


      From bestselling authors Beverly Lewis and David Lewis, a contemporary suspense story of a woman who seeks refuge in an Amish community.

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    • Hood


      Robin HoodThe Legend Begins AnewFor centuries, the legend of Robin Hood and his band of thieves has captivated the imagination. Now the familiar tale takes on new life, fresh meaning, and an unexpected setting.Hunted like an animal by Norman invaders, Bran ap Brychan, heir to the throne Elfael, has abandoned his father’s kingdom and fled to the greenwood. There, in the primeval forest of the Welsh borders, danger surrounds him–for this woodland is a living, breathing entity with mysterious powers and secrets, and Bran must find a way to make it his own if he is to survive.Like the forest itself, Hood is deep, dark, and at times savagely brutal–yet full of enchantment and hope. Internationally-acclaimed author Stephen R. Lawhead has created a lyrical rendering of a time-honored story that will lead you down strange pathways into another time and place.

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    • Island Inferno : A Novel


      Fernanda Gracioli Viera is a twenty-three-year-old student in Panama City . When she joins a bioprospecting expedition, the team is taken captive by island pirates and only she escapes. Now she’s on the run for help. Euripides “Rip” Rubio is a twenty-six-year-old staff sergeant with Task Force Valor. TFV’s mission: Stop the “middle man” distributing the colorless, odorless, explosive liquid, ITEB. Rip’s mission: Investigate the island of Coiba for modern-day pirates operating a transshipment point for stolen goods. One night, Rip’s path literally collides with Fernanda’s, and they find themselves caught in the middle of a turf war. Can they use the chaos to their advantage? Or will one false step set the entire island ablaze?

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    • Martyrs Song : A Novel


      What would you die for?

      That’s the question suddenly thrust upon a small band of women and children in Bosnia at the close of World War II. When a group of bitter soldiers stumble upon their peaceful village, they suddenly face an insidious evil…and the ultimate test.

      It is then, in the midst of chaos and pain that the Martyr’s Song is first heard. It is then that the window into heaven first opens. It is then that love and beauty are shown in breathtaking reality.

      You have in your hands the story and the song that changed…everything.

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    • Imposter


      Matt Kelley’s knack for concealing his identity is his greatest asset as a federal agent. But when an assignment gets personal, discovering who he really is may prove to be the toughest mission of all.

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    • Freefall : A Novel (Reprinted)


      Deception, betrayal, and romance as Jade determines why she is in Hawaii with no memory of who she is or how she got there.

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    • Plague Maker : A Thriller


      July Fourth: New York City… Hundreds of thousands line the banks of the East and Hudson Rivers awaiting the nation’s largest fireworks display. Soon the sky will explode in cascading showers of silver and gold. Everywhere, faces will turn skyward in wide-eyed wonder. Then the sky will grow dark again–but it will not be empty. The air will be filled with clouds of smoke and specks of debris will rain down everywhere. Some will pick bits of paper from their children’s hair. Some will brush away still-burning sparks or embers. And some will absentmindedly scratch at the tiny, biting specks that dot their necks and arms. Will the beginning of the show mark the beginning of the end? That’s what FBI agent Nathan Donovan must decide. When he is forced to enlist the help of ex-wife Macy Monroe, an expert in the psychology of terrorism, the fireworks really begin–but she may be the only one who can help him stop the Plague Maker in time.

      Christy Award Winner 2007

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    • Confirming Justice


      Washington D.C. Insiders Release New Thriller Involving Supreme Court Nominee
      In Confirming Justice, all eyes are focused on Federal judge Dwight Pendergast who is secretly in line for nomination to the Supreme Court and presiding over a bribery case involving a cabinet secretary’s son. When the key prosecution witness disappears, FBI agent Griff Topping risks everything to save the case while Pendergast’s enemies seek to embroil the judge in a web of corruption and deceit. The world watches as events unfold that threaten the powerful position and those who covet it.

      The suspense novels from Diane Munson, former Federal Prosecutor, and David Munson, former Federal Special Agent, garner critical acclaim for authentic plot lines and realistic characters. The husband and wife team season their writing with many of their high-profile legal experiences.

      Featuring a mix of plot twists, intrigue and faith under fire, Confirming Justice is a popular and satisfying read for those wanting a realistic portrayal of what goes on behind the scenes at the center of power.

      Fans of Grisham will enjoy the intricate plot and true-to-life battle of federal agents as they strive to bring the guilty to justice. Readers will find encouragement in the heartwarming message of hope in the midst of turmoil.

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