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Thomas Schreiner

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  • Divine Christology Of The Apostle Paul


    The last fifty years of Pauline scholarship have provided numerous insights to both the academy and the church.

    Some of those most important discussions have related to the question of Paul’s view of Christ with respect to his divinity. While the landscape is rich with scholarly findings, it can be overwhelming to navigate the complex lines of argumentation and the interactions between various key scholars.

    In The Divine Christology of the Apostle Paul, biblical scholars Chris Bruno, John Lee, and Thomas Schreiner explore the more detailed and often perplexing conversations concerning the divinity of Christ, bringing helpful guidance and clarity to scholars’ various articulations, including those of:

    *Richard Bauckham
    *Larry Hurtado
    *Chris Tilling
    *N. T. Wright
    *and others

    After offering a cohesive and constructive understanding of such landmark studies, they then provide their own insights through the exegetical study of key New Testament passages related to Paul’s Christology.

    Filled with helpful charts, appendixes, and study aids, The Divine Christology of the Apostle Paul is an essential guide for any student, pastor, or scholar looking for an insightful distillation of this key dimension of Pauline studies.

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  • Hebrews


    Jesus’ final cry on the cross–“it is finished”–captures the theology of Hebrews. Thomas R. Schreiner clarifies Hebrews’s complex argument by keeping a sustained focus on its logical flow. He interprets Hebrews in light of its prominent structures of promise and fulfillment, eschatology, typology, and the relationship between heaven and earth. Schreiner probes the letter’s unique theological contributions, such as its presentation of Jesus’ divinity and humanity, his priesthood and sacrifice, the new covenant, warnings and exhortations, and the reward for those who persevere in Christ.The Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary (EBTC) series locates each biblical book within redemptive history and illuminates its unique theological contributions. All EBTC volumes feature informed exegetical treatment of the biblical book and thorough discussion of its most important theological themes in relation to the canon–all in a style that is useful and accessible to students of Scripture.

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  • Paul Apostle Of Gods Glory In Christ


    How should students of Scripture engage with discerning the shape of Paul’s thought? In this second edition of a trusted resource, Thomas R. Schreiner seeks to unearth Paul’s worldview by observing what Paul actually says in his writings and laying out the most important themes and how they are connected. While thoroughly informed by contemporary Pauline studies, Schreiner offers an accessible account of Paul’s theology..

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  • 1 Corinthians : An Introduction And Commentary


    The cosmopolitan city of Corinth was the site of one of the apostle Paul’s greatest evangelistic successes. However, the church he founded was full of contention, ranging from questions about leadership to incest. Some Christians were taking fellow believers to court. There were issues concerning marriage, celibacy, food offered to idols, public worship, and spiritual gifts. In response, Paul offered some of his most profound thinking on the body of Christ, love, and Jesus’ cross and resurrection. In this Tyndale Commentary Thomas Schreiner explains the text of the letter, highlights its major theological themes, and points to its relevance for today. The Tyndale Commentaries are designed to help the reader of the Bible understand what the text says and what it means. The Introduction to each book gives a concise but thorough treatment of its authorship, date, original setting, and purpose. Following a structural Analysis, the Commentary takes the book section by section, drawing out its main themes, and also comments on individual verses and problems of interpretation. Additional Notes provide fuller discussion of particular difficulties. In the new New Testament volumes, the commentary on each section of the text is structured under three headings: Context, Comment, and Theology. The goal is to explain the true meaning of the Bible and make its message plain.

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  • 4 Views On The Role Of Works At The Final Judgment


    Through a discussion of Biblical texts, this book presents four perspectives on the role of works at the final judgment including: Robert N. Wilkin: Works will determine rewards but not salvation: At the Judgment Seat of Christ each believer will be judged by Christ to determine his eternal rewards, but he remains eternally secure even if the judgment reveals he failed to persevere in good works (or in faith). Thomas R. Schreiner: Works will provide evidence that one actually has been saved: At the final judgment works provide the necessary condition, though not the ground for final salvation, in that they provide evidence as to whether one has actually trusted in Jesus Christ. James D. G. Dunn: Works will provide the criterion by which Christ will determine eternal destiny of his people: Since Paul, Jesus, and the New Testament writers hold together ‘justification by faith and not by works’ with ‘judgment according to works’, we should not fall into the trap of playing one off against the other or blend them in a way that diminishes the force of each. Michael P. Barber: Works will merit eternal life: At the final judgment, good works will be rewarded with eternal salvation. However, these good works will be meritorious not apart from Christ but precisely because of the union of the believer with him.

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  • Interpreting The Pauline Epistles (Reprinted)


    Leading Pauline expert Thomas Schreiner provides an updated guide to the exegesis of the New Testament epistles traditionally assigned to Paul. The first edition helped thousands of students dig deeper into studying the New Testament epistles. This new edition is updated throughout to account for changes in the field and to incorporate the author’s maturing judgments. The book helps readers understand the nature of first-century letters, do textual criticism, investigate historical and introductory issues, probe theological context, and much more.

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  • Magnifying God In Christ


    Thomas Schreiner’s substantial New Testament Theology examined the unifying themes that emerge from a detailed reading of the New Testament canon. This student-level digest of Schreiner’s massive work explores the key themes and teachings of the New Testament in a more accessible and concise way. The book summarizes the findings of Schreiner’s larger work and provides answers to the “so what?” question of New Testament theology. Comprehensive and up to date, this survey is arranged thematically and includes careful exegesis of key passages. It offers students, pastors, and lay readers a big picture view of what the New Testament is all about.

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  • Race Set Before Us


    In this explanation of the biblical theology of perserverance and assurance, Thomas Schreiner and Ardel Caneday weigh and consider all of the relevant New Testament texts. Applying sound principles of biblical interpretation and conversing with recent evangelical thought, they give us a foundational study with profound spiritual implications for Christian living and pastoral ministry.

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