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    William Willimon

    • Heaven And Earth (Student/Study Guide)


      Watch out. God is on the way.

      It’s not within our own power to make a fresh start. If we’re to have a future different from the past, it must come as a gift, something not of our devising. What we need is a God who refuses to be trapped in eternity, a God who not only cares about us but is willing to show up among us and do something with us, here, now.

      In Heaven and Earth: Advent and the Incarnation, Will Willimon introduces you to the God who does just that, bringing heaven to earth and changing everything. In Advent we celebrate and anticipate the earth-shaking, life-transforming good news that God is coming to us. Watch out. Get ready. God is on the way.

      Additional components to use the book as a four-week small group study include a leader guide and DVD/Video Sessions featuring Will Willimon.

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    • Stories By Willimon


      Will Willimon is known and read throughout the world for his riveting, edgy, witty, and provocative stories or parables. His most beloved, memorable, and impactful stories are presented in this collection. The Stories of Will Willimon will expose readers to joy, agony, thankfulness, greed, trust, fear, healing, suffering, laughter, weeping, yearning, irony, hatred, and love. Readers may see themselves or their friends at times in these stories. Fellow storytellers are likely to retell these stories to friends, family, colleagues, and churches. Preachers will find illustrative materials to support their sermons and all readers will be inspired by the insights into the Christian faith provided.

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    • Will Willimons Lectionary Sermon Resource Year C Part 2


      Will Willimon is widely acclaimed as one of the top ten preachers in the world. For each Sunday of the Christian year, Will provides just what you need to begin the journey toward a sermon. This guide will stoke, fund, and fuel your imagination while leaving plenty of room to insert your own illustrations, make connections within your congregational context, and speak the Word in your distinctive voice. Guidance from Will Willimon is like sitting down with a trusted clergy friend and asking, “What will you preach next Sunday?” Year C Part 2 is part of a six-volume set that includes years A, B, and C (2 volumes per year) in the Revised Common Lectionary. Each week of sermon resources includes: 1. Readings 2. Theme title 3. Introduction to the Readings 4. Encountering the Text 5. Proclaiming the Text 6. Relating the Text

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    • Will Willimons Lectionary Sermon Resource Year B Part 1


      Will Willimon is widely acclaimed as one of the top ten preachers in the world. For each Sunday of the Christian year, Will provides just what you need to begin the journey toward a sermon. This guide will stoke, fund, and fuel your imagination while leaving plenty of room to insert your own illustrations, make connections within your congregational context, and speak the Word in your distinctive voice. Guidance from Will Willimon is like sitting down with a trusted clergy friend and asking, “What will you preach next Sunday?”

      Year B, Part 1 is part of a six-volume set that includes years A, B, and C (2 volumes per year) in the Revised Common Lectionary.
      Each week of sermon resources includes:
      1. Readings
      2. Theme title
      3. Introduction to the Readings
      4. Encountering the Text
      5. Proclaiming the Text
      6. Relating the Text

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    • Fear Of The Other Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      This five-week DVD/video based small group study (DVD and Leader Guide) companion to the book, Fear of the Other: No Fear in Love invites readers to consider the Gospel command to love (and not merely tolerate) those considered to be “Other” or outside mainstream Christian culture. Rooted in the faith of Israel and the Christian story and vision, Willimon – in an onscreen conversation with Delia Catalina Ramirez, brings a non-technical, Wesleyan perspective to bear on what may be the hardest thing for people of faith to do: keeping and loving the Other as Other. Emphasizing the biblical mandate to receive Others in their particularity and difference as gifts and mysteries bearing the grace of God, this study also offers a strong critique of the privileged who all too often rush to language of reconciliation and evade the huge inequalities surrounding conversations and practices dealing with xenophobia and injustice. Rooted in the New Testament understanding of Gentile outsiders grafted into the covenant community, this study invites readers to an on-the ground faith that hearkens to a soliciting and revealing God – the God who comes to us again and again through so-called outsiders, strangers, immigrants, and those without status. The 5 video conversations between Will Willimon and Delia Ramirez focus on each of the five chapters of Fear of the Other: Session 1: Saved by the Other Session 2: The Other, My Enemy Session 3: Learning to Fear Like Christians Session 4: Loving the Other in Church Session 5: Jesus, the Other

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    • Who Lynched Willie Earle


      Pastors and leaders long to speak an effective biblical word into the contemporary social crisis of racial violence and black pain. They need a no-nonsense strategy rooted in actual ecclesial life, illuminated in this fine book by a trustworthy guide, Will Willimon, who uses the true story of pastor Hawley Lynn’s March of 1947 sermon, “Who Lynched Willie Earle?” as an opportunity to respond to the last lynching in Greenville, South Carolina and its implications for a more faithful proclamation of the Gospel today. By hearing black pain, naming white complicity, critiquing American exceptionalism/civil religion, inviting/challenging the church to respond, and attending to the voices of African American pastors and leaders, this book helps pastors of white, mainline Protestant churches preach effectively in situations of racial violence and dis-ease.

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    • Holy Communion : Celebrating God With Us


      Through the service of Communion, the church remembers and celebrates the presence of God with us. To some, Communion is an empty ritual, devoid of meaning or personal significance. Because of that, low worship attendance commonly accompanies Communion Sundays leaving churches feeling spiritually depleted. Holy Communion, the second in the Belief Matters series, offers a richer appreciation of the sacrament and gives insights and practical suggestions for allowing Communion to have a more prominent role in church life and the Christian formation of individuals. The more Christians link Communion with spiritual formation and daily faith practice, the more likely congregations will be invigorated and empowered to carry out the missional directive to transform the world. The book is suitable for a 4-week study and offers study questions at the end of each chapter. The Belief Matters series assists pastors and clergy in explaining fundamental elements of the church and its worship to congregations. Holy Communion is the second in the series and follows Incarnation by William H. Willimon.

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    • Sinning Like A Christian


      The seven deadly sins are a well-known topic, but, surprisingly, not much has been written about them in recent years from a serious theological viewpoint. Will Willimon’s engaging book, which takes an unflinching look at the meaning and substance of sin, will be of great interest to Christians. Study questions by the author are included. The “felt need” is an increasing dissatisfaction with shallow, feel-good Christianity-which does not attempt to grapple with our propensity, visible around us and in our own lives, to do evil. This edition includes a new introduction by the author.

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    • Guide To Preaching And Leading Worship


      One of the world’s most admired preachers here offers his practical and sage advice for some of the most basic tasks of ministry: preparing, delivering, and evaluating sermons; planning, leading, and evaluating worship services; offering public prayers; and celebrating baptism and the Lord’s Supper. In addition, Willimon provides creative suggestions for involving laity in worship.

      Ideal for beginning ministers and seasoned veterans alike, A Guide to Preaching and Leading Worship will assuredly become a standard must-have for mainline Protestant clergy.

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    • Who Will Be Saved


      What does it mean to say that salvation is God’s business, and God’s alone?

      “Who will be saved?” is almost always a question about them, and rarely about us. Thinking itself wrapped securely in the everlasting arms, the church has spent much of its history speculating on whether God will allow anyone else to join the party.

      But if we truly believe that salvation is God’s business, and God’s alone, then perhaps we should stop asking, “Who will be saved?” and ask instead, “How is God calling me to participate in the redemption of the world?” Rejecting the idea that God chooses some and not others, drawing on his Wesleyan heritage, and deepening his longstanding theological conversation with Karl Barth, Willimon reflects as a pastor and a theologian on God’s intention that all would someday return from the far country into the loving embrace of the One who created them.

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    • Thank God Its Friday


      Christ’s seven last words from the cross have long been a source of reflection, challenge, and soul-searching. These simple phrases contain the full range of human emotions and divine self-revelation – grief, compassion, despair, forgiveness, physical need, the promise of redemption. Written with the clarity, depth, and insight that are Willimon’s trademark, this book offers readers a chance to encounter, in compelling new ways, the words that contain the core of the gospel.

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    • Conversations With Barth On Preaching


      Readers of William H. Willimon’s many books have long discovered the influence of Karl Barth, one of the most significant theologians of the twentieth century. In this new book, Willimon explores that relationship explicitly by engaging Barth’s work on the pitfalls and problems, glories and grandeur of preaching the Word of God. This Swiss theologian, says the author, expressed one of the highest theologies of preaching of any of the great theologians of the church. Yet too much of Garth’s understanding of preaching lies buried in other sources. Willimon brings this material to light, introducing readers to Barth’s thought on both the meaning and the practice of preaching.

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    • Proclamation And Theology


      This first volume in the Abingdon Press series Horizons in Theology addresses the major concerns and questions for preaching as it intersects with theology. William H. Willimon, recognized as one of today’s master interpreters of the theology and practice of preaching, explains why, in the words of the Second Helvetic Confession, “The preaching of the word of God is the Word of God.” Drawing from classical theology and practical experience, he provides a cogent, powerful explanation of what it means to live the preaching life.

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    • Pastors Guide To Effective Preaching


      12 Chapters

      Additional Info
      Pastors are judged by their preaching. How are you measuring up?
      Every week, those 30 minutes you spend in front of the congregation impact their decisions about whether or not to attend your church.
      Preaching changes lives when Christians answer the call to do what
      God asks of them.
      In The Pastors Guide To Effective Preaching, Billy Graham William Willimon, Eugene Peterson, and other well known church leaders will teach you to connect with the congregation through your preaching. Beyond the “how to’s” of preaching, The Pastors Guide provides a foundation for embodying God’s grace and holiness as a means of communicating His message.
      You’ll learn to
      Keep your congregation engaged in what you’re saying.
      Plan an extended preaching schedule.
      Relate the gospel to our secular and humanistic society
      Understand the role of preaching in your overall ministry
      Preach with authority and communicate the gospel with simplicity
      And much more.

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    • Pastors Guide To Effective Ministry


      12 Chapters

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      Systematic theology. . . Philosophy of religion. . . Old Testament exegesis. Just about every seminary-trained pastor is educated in these areas. But how about nurturing the congregation? Don’t forget administration of the church and pastoral counseling. And on a more personal note, they must keep their family life in shape, care for their own physical and emotional health, manage their finances, and maintain a pure life and witness.

      Larry Burkett, Dallas Willard, William Willimon, and Dale Galloway, along with other well-known church leaders, provide solid advice for the personal and professional development of pastors. This book will be a desktop companion for pastors who are in the trenches and facing the day-to-day challenges of ministry.

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    • Survival Guide For Christians On Campus


      1. How Do I Know If I’m A Christian
      2. How Can I Read The Bible And Get Something Out Of It?
      3. Do I Have To Go To Church To Be A Good Christian?
      4. Am I A Sinner?
      5. How Do I Know What’s Right?
      6. Am I Supposed To Try To Convert People To Christianity?
      7. How Can I Listen To A Sermon And Get Something Out Of It?
      8. What’s The Point Of Worship?
      9. And What About Sex?
      10. What About Pentecostalism?

      Additional Info
      The contemporary college campus is filled with spiritual surprises, daily dilemmas, and difficult questions. Can the Christian faith survive the scrutiny of the new knowledge and ideas that bombard students on the college campus? Tony Campolo and Will Willimon – college professors and seasoned authors and speakers – insist that the Christian faith is not threatened by tough questions. They maintain that some of the greatest minds the human race has produced have put hard questions to Jesus and come away more firm in their faith and more convinced of its truth than ever before. Whether you are committed Christian or one who is still exploring the Christian faith, this book will provide sound answers to difficult questions. Open this book and find the help and heart to walk into the jungle of campus life and walk out more than a conqueror.

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    • Truth About God (Student/Study Guide)


      Popular authors Hauerwas and Willimon explore the overarching question: What does it mean for us and the way we behave when we realize some of the truth about God?

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    • Good News In Exile A Print On Demand Title


      We keep hearing about the dwindling popularity of mainline Protestant churches. Now three leading ministers draw on the works of George Lindbeck, Stanley Hauerwas, and others to discuss the current state of church life; explore the opportunities today’s world offers the church; and provide strategies for a new “postliberal” way to “do” church.

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    • Abandoned Generation A Print On Demand Title


      This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

      This critical yet constructive assessment of the current state of higher education in America exposes the disconcerting causes and effects of failed campus life while posing real solutions for reforming today’s colleges and universities.

      Convinced that America’s institutions of higher learning now face a crisis – that they are not meeting the educational needs of their students, that faculty members can do better – William H. Willimon and Thomas H. Naylor here propose bold changes in the nation’s undergraduate educational system. By looking at academic life from the students’ point of view – the text is filled with real-life situations, reflections from students, and poignant illustrations – The Abandoned Generation evaluates American colleges and universities on the basis of the quality of the lives that they are now producing.

      Willimon and Naylor take an honest look at three realities of student life – substance abuse, indolence, and excessive careerism. They then evaluate the underlying causes – the sense of meaninglessness in student life and the absence of community. Finally, they build a provocative four-tier strategy for change – restructuring the academy, teachers who actually teach, curriculum reform, and the creation of learning communities.

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    • Concise Encyclopedia Of Preaching


      The Concise Encyclopedia of Preaching is the most comprehensive reference work on preaching available in the English language. No other book so richly combines concerns for the practice of preaching with theological themes and historical tradition. Its scope ranges from the technical tasks of sermon preparation to thoughtful essays on such topics as narrative preaching, African American preaching, style, and prophetic preaching, as well as a host of issues that are shaping and challenging the contemporary pulpit. Also included are essays that explore the life and work of the church’s most influential preachers, including such diverse figures as St. Augustine, Sojourner Truth, and Fulton Sheen.

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    • Peculiar Speech A Print On Demand Title


      Willimon writes with passion about the dynamics and implications of preaching to a congregation, to those who, having been called, are either baptized or yet to be baptized. The preacher, says Willimon, needs to address the people in a congregation with “peculiar speech”, letting the biblical text call them to live a transformed life in keeping with their baptism.

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    • Shaped By The Bible


      Shaped by the Bible offers sound information about the ways congregations are formed and reformed by the biblical message and the living Word. William Willimondiscusses the ways Scripture can form us, reform us, and challenge us, as well as the ways we hide from, close our ears to, and evade the Bible’s claims on us.

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    • Why I Am A United Methodist


      Popular author, speaker,and unviersity professor William Willimon examines United Methodism and the ways it has made and continues to make a difference in his life. In an inspiring and enlightening way, he writes of his pride in being part of a church that has grown from one man’s experience to a worldwide movement covering the globe with its message. A learning guide for groups and individuals is included.

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    • Acts : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


      William Willimon combines the latest findings in Lukan scholarship with the pastoral, educational, and theological concerns of the local church to provide a new interpretation of Acts. He bases his commentary on the idea that the purpose of Acts was not to make Christianity acceptable to the Roman state but rather to preserve the integrity of the church against the onslaught of classical culture.

      Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

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    • Preaching About Conflict In The Local Church


      Should the pulpit be used as a place to address issues of congressional conflict? After first examining the nature of conflict within human groups, William H. Willimon discusses how to prepare sermons on controversial subjects, suggesting ways to use the biblical text to examine divisive issues. He comments on the importance of style and delivery tone when dealing with difficult topics.

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    • Worship As Pastoral Care


      Demonstrates how worship and pastoral care can be blended to sustain and enrich each other.

      Using insights gained from pastoral care and pastoral psychology, William H. Willimon explores what happens to people when they become involved in Christian worship. True pastoral care, he shows, cannot take place apart from an active worshiping community of faith.

      Worship as Pastoral Care sensitizes pastors to the many ways Christian worship and pastoral care methods can be blended to enrich and support one another. It encourages pastors to broaden their understanding of corporate worship and to become aware of the importance of their role as priests.

      To illustrate his concepts, Dr. Willimon examines four familiar acts of worship: the funeral, the wedding, baptism, and the Lord’s Supper. The psychological dimensions are discussed and suggestions are given on ways pastors can nurture and sustain their congregations through these services.

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