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Showing 651–700 of 816 results

  • Christian Woman Set Free


    Seventeen hundred years is enough! Edwards leads the call to vanquish the inequality of women in the kingdom of God. His weapons of revelation? History, the Greek language, and his own witness of women in churches who are free.

    The author challenges Christian ministers to take up the cause of eliminating inequality in the church and dare to discover what happens in the body of Christ when all members function.

    The author goes to the root of our present-day Bible translations and lays the axe to the centuries-old tree of mistranslation. You will be shocked to discover that the King James Version does not say what the original Greek text said about women in Paul’s letters (and neither do most other Bible translations).

    This book brings to light the mindset that has held both women and men prisoners of misconceptions through the centuries. Reading The Christian Woman…Set Free liberates the reader of any doubt regarding a woman’s place in the kingdom of God. (You will be awed as you see that the greatest friend of women in all of human history, the Lord Jesus Christ, broke all the rules of his day in regard to the treatment of women.)

    Best of all, what makes The Christian Woman…Set Free unique is that it is not based on theory, nor is it an intellectual treatise. It is a revolutionary document forged on the anvil of the author’s experiences in daily church life. Edwards writes from a matrix where equality is a way of life and full participation in the church is the territory of both men and women. Edwards give you the practical how-to of the way to experience this freedom in your gathering. There are testimonies in the book of women who experience freedom to share in all the functions of the church. In their churches there is no specific leader, but all are joint leaders.

    The Christian Woman…Set Free is a fast paced, high-energy book that takes dead aim at the very foundation of our present-day mindset concerning women and men in church life.

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  • Lady In Waiting (Expanded)


    With humor, honesty, and biblical truths, the authors help point women to being the right woman and not just finding the right man. By studying the biblical character Ruth, women learn the characteristics that every woman of God should develop. This expanded edition of the original best-seller includes a personal journal and study guide.

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  • Calorie Queens : Living Thin In A Fat World


    Jackie Scott and her daughter Diane had tried just about every diet under the sun, from low-carb to low-fat, sometimes losing weight but always gaining it back. Frustrated, they decided to figure out why popular diets failed them and came up with Eucalorics – a practical eating plan based on taking in the number of calories needed to maintain a healthy weight. This is not a starvation diet, nor is it a fad. In fact, it’s not really a diet at all. It’s about learning how to eat well for a lifetime from two real women who have been there and are making it work.

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  • Secret Of The Lord


    Half of all Christian women are still trying to find a few close friends in church. They report feeling discouraged, lonely, and depressed. And 66 percent of them say that the church isn’t helping. They approach Sunday armed with a Bible and a mask of happy perfection. They find themselves asking, How can I help others be transformed when I don’t feel the transforming power of God myself? In The Secret of the Lord, Dannah Gresh tells readers it doesn’t have to be that way. There is a verse in the Bible-Psalm 25:14- that writes a prescription for the powerlessness women are experiencing. They will enjoy the adventure of a lifetime as they journey with Dannah around the world to find a place where believers experience “the Secret of the Lord”-a place where the lonely find intimacy, the distressed find joy, the lame walk, the blind receive their sight, and God’s power transforms entire communities. This message will unleash the power of God in the lives of women everywhere. Once they know the power of the Secret of the Lord, they will never look at church the same way again!

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  • Womans Place : House Churches In Earliest Christianity



    2.Dutiful And Less Than Dutiful Wives Giving Birth: Labor, Nursing, And Care Of Infants In House-Church Communities
    3.Growing Up In House-Church Communities
    4.Female Slaves: Twice Vulnerable
    5.Ephesians 5 And The Politics Of Marriage
    6.Women Leaders Of Households And Christian Assemblies
    7.Women Leaders In Family Funerary Banquets By Janet H. Tulloch
    8.Women Patrons In The Life Of House Churches
    9.Women As Agents Of Expansion
    10.Conclusion: Discovering A Woman’s Place

    Index Of Ancient Sources
    Index Of Modern Authors
    Index Of Subjects

    Additional Info
    This focused look at women in the household context discusses the importance of issues of space and visibility in shaping the lives of early Christian women. Several aspects of women’s everyday existence are investigated, including the lives of wives, widows, women with children, female slaves, women as patrons, household leaders, and teachers. In addition, several key themes emerge: hospitality, dining practices, and the extent of female segregation.

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  • Junia : The First Woman Apostle


    The name “Junia” appears in Romans 16:7, and Paul identifies her (along with Andronicus) as “prominent among the apostles.” In this important work, Epp investigates the mysterious disappearance of Junia from the traditions of the church. Because later theologians and scribes could not believe (or wanted to suppress) that Paul had numbered a woman among the earliest churches’ apostles, Junia’s name was changed in Romans to a masculine form. Despite the fact that the earliest churches met in homes and that other women were clearly leaders in the churches (e.g., Prisca and Lydia), calling Junia an apostle seemed too much for the tradition. Epp tracks how this happened in New Testament manuscripts, scribal traditions, and translations of the Bible. In this thoroughgoing study, Epp restores Junia to her rightful place.

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  • 15 Minutes With God For Grandma


    Beloved author Emilie Barnes has a brand-new book on a topic close to her heart! 15 Minutes Alone with God for Grandmothers has the same timeless wisdom and sweet encouragement Emilie is famous for. Grandmothers will discover…

    *Daily devotions that include Scripture, a brief message, an action step, and a prayer.
    *”From Grammy’s Kitchen” sections that feature easy-to-make recipes that will delight tummies as grandmas and grandchildren create and eat delicious treats together.
    *”Spirit Lifters” that offer fun activities grandparents can do to enrich their minds and stretch their muscles.

    Drawing on biblical knowledge and her own experiences, Emilie helps readers become more relaxed while they actively take part in the lives of their children and grandchildren.

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  • 2 Views On Women In Ministy (Revised)


    This revised and strengthened edition presents two essays representing the egalitarian and the complementarian/hierarchical views of women and ministry.

    From the Back Cover
    What does the Bible say about the role of women in the church? With pros and cons on either side of a heated, ongoing debate, no definitive conclusions have emerged. The purpose of this book is to furnish concerned readers with a clear and thorough presentation of the two primary views on women in the ministry so they can better understand each one’s strengths, weaknesses, and complexities. This revised and strengthened edition presents two essays representing the “egalitarian” and the “complementarian/hierarchical” views of women in ministry. Each contributor offers thoroughly qualified insights based on careful biblical scholarship and personal experience. At the end of each of the four essays, a brief question-and-answer section provides further clarification. The general editor adds a commentary at the conclusion of both the hierarchical and egalitarian sections. Contributors Include: * Linda L. Belleville (Egalitarian View) * Craig L. Blomberg (Complementarian View) * Craig S. Keener (Egalitarian View) * Thomas R. Schreiner (Complementarian View)

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  • Every Single Womans Battle (Workbook)


    Powerful Tools for Guarding Your Body, Mind, and Heart

    Remaining pure while single isn’t easy in a culture that encourages women to use their bodies to gain power and personal fulfillment. The longing for emotional and physical connection can gradually and subtly lead you into compromises you never intended to make. But you can resist the pressures or reclaim your purity by building a strong foundation of integrity.

    This companion workbook for Every Woman’s Battle designed specifically for single women will give you the tools you need to resist temptation and help you discover true fulfillment. Through practical and biblical lessons you’ll be equipped to:
    *understand the unique components of female sexuality
    *discern your personal areas of vulnerability
    *design a defense plan to protect your heart and mind, as well as your body
    *allow God to satisfy the desires he placed within you

    Each weekly study section perfect for use by both individuals and small groups in either 8-week or 12-week tracks guides you deeper into God’s Word, then helps you personalize and apply the principles that will help you win the war for sexual and emotional purity.

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  • Peacemaking Women : Biblical Hope For Resolving Conflict (Reprinted)


    Women have a strong desire for relational connections. Relationships between women can be especially enriching, but when conflict arises, they also can be especially damaging. Too many women approach conflict as if they were unbelievers-with gossip, spiteful actions, bitterness, and even hatred.

    In Peacemaking Women, Tara Klena Barthel and Judy Dabler offer a meaningful, lasting message to lead women out of conflict to a state of peace where they can live as representatives of Christ to one another and well as unbelievers. With advice that is firmly rooted in Scripture, the authors bring sound, practical help for women who want to know what the Bible says about conflict resolution and how to achieve peace in their relationships with God, self, and others.

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  • Lifes Too Short To Look For Missing Socks


    A mom’s life can go from busy to frazzled in seconds flat. And sometimes she just has to choose to let certain things go and delight in the children who call her “Mom!” The perfect gift for any busy mom you know-and what mom isn’t busy, including you!

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  • Becoming A Woman Of Purpose (Revised)


    All of us wonder, at one time or another, who we are and why we’re here. While society emphasizes wealth, success, and the pursuit of pleasure, the truth is that we are created by God in His image, and our fulfillment is found in pursuing His purposes for us.

    If you’ve been striving towards goals that just don’t seem worthwhile anymore-and your “success” leaves you feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled-this book will give you the perspective you need to meet each day with a sense of anticipation and hope.

    With Scripture passages, insights from the author, and inspiring quotes from Christian thinkers and writers, Becoming a Woman of Purpose will guide you to a better understanding of God’s intended purposes for Himself, for us as His people, and for you as His unique creation. As you grow toward genuine peace and fulfillment, you’ll learn the joy of loving God and others, waiting on Him with hope, trusting Him through suffering, serving Him with reverent fear, and fulfilling His purposes.

    “It is in comprehending the purposes of God that you will find the true, eternal purpose for your life,” writes Cynthia Heald. “It is my hope that this study will be the catalyst for you to understand God and His purposes in a fresh way.”–This text refers to the Paperback edition.

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  • I Love You More Workbook For Women (Workbook)


    Relationship experts and award-winning authors Les and Leslie Parrott believe the same forces that can tear down a marriage can become the catalyst for new relational depth and richness–provided you learn the secrets to using everyday problems to strengthen your marriage. In this workbook companion for the book, they help women explore how a marriage survives and thrives when a couple learns to use problems to boost their love life, to literally lover each other more.

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  • New Heart And A New Spirit


    A New Heart and a New Spirit is about one woman’s encounter with God that led to intimacy and renewal. Her story is one of honesty and humility, as she reveals her own personal struggles with bitterness, anger, fear, depression, and insecurity. Her story is life-changing and inspiring, as it depicts God’s amazing love, and the joy and peace that we can possess, when our hearts are turned toward Him. The author awakens our desire to know God, in a personal way, and to live and walk in His truth. She was once in captivity to emotional pain, but now she is free to proclaim the love of God to others. She invites you to join her on this journey.

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  • Sweet Whispers Into My Spirit


    Sweet Whispers into My Spirit is a poetic journey through the life of women. It searches deep into their hearts and gives comfort to their woes. This book shines a light upon motherhood, death, childbirth, disease, and spirituality, along with other issues women may face. After reading this book women should feel comfort knowing that God is forever present in every episode of their lives.Women should also know some other woman is walking or will walk in their shoes, so they should always wear comfortable walking shoes. This will help the next woman to walk through the daily soap opera called life with ease.

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  • Wanting To Be Her


    How do you feel when you look at a magazine cover?

    Do you ever look at the models and wish you looked like them?

    Most women have had that experience. When you go to the health club, you notice how buff the woman to the left is and how skinny the woman to the right is. And when you go out, you see the guys flocking to talk with certain women and wonder if your looks stack up to theirs.

    When you get dressed in the morning, do you worry about whether your jeans are flattering? Do you think about who you are going to see when you decide how to do your hair? When you eat a meal, do you think about those magazine models again?

    Most women do. And they are buying into a lie.

    In this book Michelle Graham reveals how easy it is to fall into the trap of viewing your body through the lens of culture rather than through the eyes of God. She helps you understand that these are not the things that God wants you to dwell on. And these are not the true qualities of beauty.

    As you read this book you will discover that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes and colors, and it cannot be airbrushed or faked. In these pages you will discover the true secrets of a positive body image.

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  • Gods Bold Call To Women


    Over the years, there has been a rising call to women to step forward and embrace the great destiny that God has in store for each of them. In recognition of this, Barbara Yoder has come together with a handful of others, both men and women, who sense the growing importance to release women into their God-given purpose. While some women may feel unworthy of their dreams because of past sins, God tells them to let go and look forward. When she is bathed in His glory, there is no obstacle that can stand in such a woman’s way, and there is nothing that will keep her from the magnificent fulfillment of God’s plan.

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  • And She Lived Happily Every After


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830832651ISBN10: 0830832653Skip McDonaldBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2005Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Kings Daughter Workbook (Workbook)


    This 13 week, interactive study looks at issues many women face today and reminds them of their inherent value as daughters of the one true King.

    Mordecai’s challenge to Esther, “Were you not born for such a time as this?” is repeated for all women throughout the ages, says Diana Hagee. Every woman has a divine destiny. But women cannot fulfill that goal unless they understand His biblical guidelines.

    In this interactive workbook, Diana leads women through a self-examination of their lives and their goals from God’s perspective, not the secular society’s. Topics such as self-esteem, diligence, attitude, goal setting and stewardship encourage women to establish a strong foundation for growth while learning to see themselves in a new light.

    Through scripture, thought-provoking questions and answers, prayers, practical advice and devotional ideas, women learn how valuable they are to God and how they can have an intimate relationship with Him while evaluating the standards that make them a daughter of the King.

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  • Leading Lessons : Insights On Leadership From Women Of The Bible



    Seeing Yourself As A Leader: Preparing For Your Insights On Leadership

    LESSON 1
    Created To Lead: Insights From Eve On Unlocking Your Leadership Potential
    (Study Text: Genesis 1:26-28)

    LESSON 2
    There Is A Balm In Gilead:
    Insights From The Daughters Of Jerusalem On Being A Healthy Potential
    (Study Text: Jeremiah 8:18-22)

    LESSON 3
    From Waterpots To Worship:
    Insights From The Woman Of Samaria On Empowerment
    (Study Text: John 4:5-42)

    LESSON 4
    Putting Away The Idols: Insights From Rachel On Discovering Value Within
    (Study Text: Genesis 29:1-35, 30:1-24, 31:1-21, 35:1-4)

    LESSON 5
    Recovering The Queen Within:
    Insights From Esther On Leadership Formation
    (Study Text: Esther 2:1-18, 4:1-17, 5:1-3, 8:3-8)

    LESSON 6
    Standing Before Moses:
    Insights From The Daughters Of Zelophehad On Leading Change
    (Study Text: Numbers 26:1-2, 28-34, 27:1-11, 36:1-13)

    LESSON 7
    Paving The Way For Ministry:
    Insights From Lydia On Pioneering Leadership
    (Study Text: Acts 16:6-15, 40)

    LESSON 8
    Working Together:
    Insights From Priscilla And Aquila On Partnering In Leadership
    (Study Text: Acts 18:1-3, 18-19, 24-28)



    Additional Info
    A sequel to Porter’s first book, Leading Ladies, which explored how the Bible supports women in leadership, this volume delves deeper, providing insights into growing into leadership, leading through adversity, challenging the status quo, and seeing leadership potential in unexpected people.

    Nine scripturally based studies examine lessons of leadership from specific women of the Bible. From Eve, we discover how to unlock our leadership potential; from Esther, we learn about leadership formation from within. Each chapter includes a summary page of empowerment principles, as well as a series of questions for personal reflection or group discussion.

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  • Deeper Joy : Lay Women And Vocation In The 20th Century Episcopal Church


    “An ambitious and much-needed effort to gather the key episodes and stories that highlight the important roles and vocations of lay women in both the 20th century church and the larger society. “Deeper Joy” not only chronicles the often unappreicated and undervalued past, but also points to the future of vital leadership and service.” – The Rt. Rev. Barbara C. Harris

    Throughout the 20th century lay women in the Episcopal Church, often acting in isolation and without institutional support, offered a powerful witness of leadership, vocation, and theological resilience. Deeper Joy studies groups of women with similar callings yet located in diverse settings throughout church and society such as schools, hospitals, and other civic institutions. The topics presented here reflect new historical perspectives and unexplored primary materials, including interviews that bear on all women’s ministries, hence addressing neglected and important aspects of life in the American church.

    After an introductory chapter on women and vocation, five major sections will explore lay women’s vocations through the lenses of community life, education, mission, civic life, and working for change from within the Episcopal Church. Topics include Anglican sisterhoods, the Companions of the Holy Cross, the deaconess movement, women of the New Deal, women in foreign missions, the settlement house movement, and women in education. The views of African-American, Asian, Hispanic, and Native American women are all represented. A concluding chapter addresses future directions for leadership and service.

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  • In Search Of Calm


    In Search of Calm: Renewal for a Mother’s Heart is the ultimate book for moms who are real-moms who don’t put up faades and pretend they have their act together … moms who are searching for some peace and hope … moms searching for rest and a reminder that they are fully loved. “Elisabeth has a knack for pointing frazzled mothers to the true Source of parenting peace. In Search of Calm continues Elisabeth’s tender ministry for moms and should be welcomed into every home.” Cheryl Gochnauer, Author, Stay-at-Home Handbook “Grab a few moments of calm in the midst of your own chaos to read this book! Elisabeth’s honesty makes readers feel as if she is a trusted friend on this motherhood journey, and her personal faith leaves them encouraged in their own walks with God.” Beth Jusino, former Managing Editor, MomSense Magazine, MOPS International

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  • Pregnancy 40 Weeks Of Preparation


    It is shown throughout the Bible that the number 40 provides for an optimal opportunity to conquer trials and challenges and ultimately become more like God. So why should pregnancy be any different? Pregnancy presents times of trial and challenge. it allows for growth and adjustment. Pregnancy equals 40 weeks of preparation and one of the keys to success as a mother.

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  • Pregnancy 40 Weeks Of Preparation


    It is shown throughout the Bible that the number 40 provides for an optimal opportunity to conquer trials and challenges and ultimately become more like God. So why should pregnancy be any different? Pregnancy presents times of trial and challenge. it allows for growth and adjustment. Pregnancy equals 40 weeks of preparation and one of the keys to success as a mother.

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  • Warm Wonderful World Of Hospitality


    Be part of the hospitality revival that God is starting in America. Author Robin Mercer shares twenty-five years of experience, showing you how to host dinners and parties with confidence and how to accommodate guests and visitors with grace and ease. She also helps you discover how you can house boarders with preparedness and joy. Whether you are just starting in the ministry of hospitality or are an “old pro,” The Warm Wonderful World of Hospitality will inspire you to fill your house with friends, food, and fun. Time flies fast enough as it is. Don’t let another week go by without expressing Christ’s love through hospitality to someone!

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  • Breaking Eves Curse


    In Breaking Eve’s Curse, Dr. Frank Hultgren presents a biblical perspective of healing, particularly in the area of women’s illnesses. The book addresses healing for the mental, physical, and emotional illnesses that women encounter. Dr. Hultgren identifies techniques for overcoming problems in women’s cycles and childbirth. Using the Genesis account of the creation, the fall, and the curse, he provides a unique perspective on the role of women in following biblical teaching to break free from a perceived curse on them for generations. The book traces the traditional teaching of the curse through the Old and New Testaments, and it presents a fresh understanding of the abilities of men and women to break the strongholds off of their lives through a belief in Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

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  • Breaking Eves Curse


    In Breaking Eve’s Curse, Dr. Frank Hultgren presents a biblical perspective of healing, particularly in the area of women’s illnesses. The book addresses healing for the mental, physical, and emotional illnesses that women encounter. Dr. Hultgren identifies techniques for overcoming problems in women’s cycles and childbirth. Using the Genesis account of the creation, the fall, and the curse, he provides a unique perspective on the role of women in following biblical teaching to break free from a perceived curse on them for generations. The book traces the traditional teaching of the curse through the Old and New Testaments, and it presents a fresh understanding of the abilities of men and women to break the strongholds off of their lives through a belief in Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

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  • Tight Squeeze


    Becca Joy is up to her neck in hot water-literally. If soaking in a hot tub could get her out of the tight spot she’s in, Becca could slip through with ease. But when an u unexpected pregnancy brings her child count to an over-whelming five, life begins squeezing the bliss out of Becca Joy.

    Becca needs some breathing room. So when her best friend Allie comes to two for a weekend visit, the two soul mates decide to escape for a pampered rest in luxurious Palm Springs, California. But what they thought would be merely a time of rejuvenation turns into so much more.

    Mom-lit at its best, this brief escape from reality takes you on a journey of the heart. With humor and honesty, it lifts you out of the daily shuffle and then gently brings you back home again-happy to be there.

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  • Girlfriendship


    Girlfriendship has been written by two best friends and features real-life stories, stunning photography, advice columns, insightful wisdom, and fun tips. This book will help you recognize the common pitfalls that threaten to hijack close friendships between girls and, most importantly, how to avoid them. Ultimately it is about navigating, enjoying, and celebrating with style this unique ride of life called girlfriendship.

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  • She Who Prays


    She Who Prays: A Woman’s Interfaith Prayer Book offers women a new way to pray. Drawing on feminine images of God – and on the language and experience of women – it helps women tap into their own rich and unique spirituality. Readers will find a wealth of prayers from a variety of traditions – early Christian, Native American, and others. With a liturgical calendar honoring the lives of women of all faiths, along with rituals for group celebrations such as weddings and the welcoming of a child, She Who Prays will help women speak to God in their own voices.

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  • Apocolypse Now And Then


    SKU (ISBN): 9780800637361ISBN10: 0800637364Catherine KellerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2004Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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  • Todas Las Mujeres De La Biblia – (Spanish)


    Dr. Herbert Lockyer provides a convenient commentary on all the named-and unnamed-women of the Bible. You’ll discover how the lives and character of different biblical women mirror the situations of women today. More than 400,000 concise, fact-filled entries provide fascinating and thought-provoking insights, whether you’re conducting a Bible study group, speaking in public, or simply deepening your personal understanding of God’s Word.

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  • Kissed The Girls And Made Them Cry Workbook (Workbook)


    Women are admitting promiscuity isn’t really getting them what they wanted after all–because as women we always stand to lose so much more than men when we give in. Men love adventure and intrigue, while women crave intimacy, romance, and passion. We were created for so much more than a sexual outlet for men, and as women, we want and deserve more than just sexual release for ourselves. In this fun and interactive companion to Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry, Lisa Bevere helps women of all ages–youth and adult–to look at abstinence from a healthy, life-giving, exciting point of view. Through letters, prayers, questions to answer, and even movies, readers will discover they can gain the freedom to reclaim the dreams they have lost. God wants us to walk in purity–to realize and live the dreams He has for us, and we have for ourselves.

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  • From A Pebble To A Rock


    SKU (ISBN): 9781594677380ISBN10: 1594677387Patti CorreaBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2004Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Women Of Worth (Reprinted)


    The first book in the Focus on the Family Women’s Bible Study Series, Women of Worth, will help women discover their true identifies in Christ and develop a closer relationship with their Savior. The Focus on the Family Women’s Ministry series provides the opportunity for women to reconnect with their Savior and one another through Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and activities.

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  • Finding Time For Serenity


    Daily essays to help women who are spread too thin by the pressures of daily living to restore balance to their lives.

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  • Women Risktakers : Its Your Destiny Reach Higher Stand Stronger Go Further


    Challenges women to change their world by studying the lives of great women of the Bible and showing them that the common denominator for accomplishing something great is simply the willingness to be a risktaker for God.

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  • Refuge From Abuse


    Nancy Nason-Clark and Catherine Clark Kroeger know the pain of women who have been abused, especially the unique pain of Christian women who thought it couldn’t happen to them. In this straightforward, practical book they supply the answer to the questions you face. Their advice is solid, backed up by Nason-Clark’s professional expertise as a sociologist and Kroeger’s as a biblical scholar. Together they supply both here-and-now, step-by-step advice you need to start the healing journey and biblical insights to nourish your soul and sustain you on the path to wholeness.

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  • When The Fairy Dust Settles


    As young girls we all believed in fairy tales. We dreamed of happily-ever-afters, sure that our futures were blessed. And then we grew up. And had to deal with the real world and what happens-.When the Fairy Dust Settles

    If you’ve ever struggled to reconcile childhood dreams with reality, you’re not alone. Now national radio talk show host Janet Parshall and her daughter take on the myths of youth and place them squarely against the concerns every woman faces. With candid insights-whether agreeing or respectfully disagreeing-mother and daughter set their sights on issues both lighthearted and serious. Discover why real life often is the best story as Janet and Sarah answer your questions on:
    *Beauty-What the world considers beautiful is very different from God’s vision of our self-worth. Where do short skirts and plastic surgery fit in?
    *Perfectionism-The fairy-tale view of life leads to sure frustration. Can we compare “the perfect life” with the true contentment God wants for us?
    *Relationships-Family life is fulfilling and stressful. Must we give up part of ourselves in order to be “good” wives and mothers?
    *Sex-The S word is part of our lives. But in what ways does our world differ drastically from the one God envisions for us?

    Entertaining, engaging, and always thought-provoking, WHEN THE FAIRY DUST SETTLES is an enlightening look at what it really means to live a Christian life in an often complicated world.

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  • Afternoon Of Life


    Reminds women in mid-life that God’s supreme purpose in bringing us through so many changes is to glorify himself and sanctify us.

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  • Spiritual Lemons : Biblical Women Irreverent Laughter And Righteous Rage


    Putting body and bones to the biblical stories, Brakeman explores the passions of biblical women, such as Sarah’s laughter, Jephthah’s daughter’s anger, and Martha’s envy. Each of the eight chapters probes what these women might have felt and encourages women to name and claim their feelings. Includes suggestions for personal prayer and meditation, and ideas for group exercises.

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  • Mommy Moments : Encouraging Mothers On Their Mission Of Motherhood


    Mommy Moments is a refreshing, intimate look into the heart of a stay-at-home mom as she nurtures and manages her family. This devotional book is easy to read, and each story tells a “real personal” story of mothering. After each story, Charlotte has included words of encouragement and a short intimate prayer. She has struggled with a strong-willed child, a colicky baby, and many life-changing lessons that only a child could teach a mother. If you find yourself growing weary, feeling alone, or wondering if other mothers are struggling like you, this devotional book will make you laugh and cry at the same time. You’ll find yourself identifying with each real story and in the end developing a closer walk with Jesus Christ.

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  • Prayers That Avail Much For Women Pocket Edition


    These books were made to travel! Whether on the plane, to the office, or just on your nightstand, these books were designed to keep up with your busy lifestyle. With more than 3 million copies in print, Germaine Copeland’s bestselling volumes of Prayers That Avail Much(R) have proven themselves as essential staples in the book market nationwide. Also available in new and abridged mass market editions, the nationally renowned Prayers That Avail Much(R) series now conveniently places the power of prayer right in your pocket.

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  • Stick A Geranium In Your Hat And Be Happy


    “Pain in inevitable but misery is optional,” says Barbara Johnson, and she should know. The survivor of four devastating experiences, Barbara, with the wit of Erma Bombeck, teaches how to find joy in the midst of it all. Her “credentials” open doors and provide the insight to all those who suffer from the difficulties of life.

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  • Free To Grieve


    Offers encouragement, comfort, and sound advice for any woman and family dealing with miscarriage. Ideal for counselors.

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  • Secrets Of Eve


    Based on research of over 2,000 Christian women, this ground-breaking book unlocks the secrets of female sexuality, candidly addressing important sexual issues and ways to resolve them. The Secrets of Eve shows women how to celebrate God’s design for sexuality and through understanding, bridge the gap between the sexes.

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  • Every Womans Hope


    (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

    For what does a woman’s heart yearn? What drives her and feeds her true passions? What is every woman’s hope? Lisa Harper uses humor, biblical insight, and real-life experiences to connect with women everywhere as she reveals three of our most basic soul-needs–the yearning to satisfy our desperate need for mercy, the desire to know that our lives are defined by God’s grace, and the need to believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we are beloved by God. Harper fortifies readers with the power of God’s promises and then points the way to the hidden potential in the heart of every woman. As you step through these pages, you will search your own hungers and desires and discover that a woman’s greatest hopes cannot be fulfilled by the ragged offerings of this world; rather, they are pinned to a sacred cross, fulfilled by unbounded mercy, and made sure by the unconditional love of God.

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  • Its Not About You Its About God


    Maybe you have relied on your own strength for far too long. You haven’t been able to count on other people, so you just do your own thing. But God has bigger plans for you. God wants to use you to change the world. Rebecca Osaigbovo, conference speaker and author of Chosen Vessels, shows how black women can stand up to Satan’s lies and face tough problems, not in your own strength but by finding God’s strength in the midst of your weaknesses. She says this to women who want to be the keys to change in their homes, churches and communities: “If you want things to be different, then stop going your own way and follow God’s lead. Lean not on your own understanding, and he’ll make your paths straight.”

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  • From Preachers To Suffragists


    The women’s rights movement in nineteenth-century America has primarily been interpreted as a secular movement. However, in From Preachers to Suffragists, Beverly Zink-Sawyer examines the lives of three nineteenth-century clergywomen–Antoinette Brown Blackwell, Olympia Brown, and Anna Howard Shaw–who, seeing their calling to the suffrage movement as an extension of their call to ministry, left the parish to join and become leaders in the movement. Zink-Sawyer tells the stories of their courageous lives, quoting their sermons and writings and tracing their struggles before and after ordination. In doing so, she persuasively demonstrates the vital importance of these leaders–of their religious rhetoric and their theological leadership–in shaping the movement as a whole, reclaiming its religious roots and making a major, even corrective, contribution to American history.

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  • Baby Hunger : Biblical Encouragement For Those Struggling With Infertility


    The silence of infertility is deafening! It has been estimated that one of six American couples will face difficulty getting pregnant, yet their cries go unheard. The ungranted desire for a child can be all-consuming. New babies and pregnant women are constant reminders of what you cannot have, but have longed for all your life. The hurt is constant. The struggle is hard. The answers are unclear. What is clear is that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us and understands our pain. Throughout Scripture we see people just like you and me who have, on bended knee, begged God for a child. There is so much we can glean from these precious, sacred words to heal the hurt and give encouragement that the world simply cannot give. Baby Hunger is an invaluable tool for those struggling with infertility and for loved ones touched by their pain.

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