No Lo Soy Pero Conozco Al Yo S – (Spanish)
We wear ourselves out trying to be smarter, bigger, the center of attention. But dynamic communicator Louie Giglio’s latest book puts success back in perspective. When John the Baptist said that he must decrease while Jesus must increase, he was expressing the secret to astonishing freedom…and incredible rest. This book will teach you the rich, meaningful lifestyle of being small. Free from the worries that used to strangle you, you’ll radiate the power of the God who is all the things you aren’t!
I am not, but God knows my name.
I am not, but He has pursued me in His love.
I am not, but I know the Creator of the universe.
I am not, but I know I AM!
If you see life as your own one-act play and history as your story, you could be in for a rude awakening when the curtain finally closes on your tiny tale-and you discover that life wasn’t all about you after all.
The real story of life is God-I AM-the main character and true star of time and eternity. He is at center stage in all of Creation, and He wants you to know Him by name. Knowing I AM means embracing your smallness in light of His greatness.
Savor the true meaning of life as you learn to work and rest in His power, spending your life for what lasts forever-the unending glory that is God’s alone
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SKU (ISBN): 9780829757767
ISBN10: 0829757767
Language: Spanish
Louie Giglio
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: December 2011
Publisher: Editorial Vida
Print On Demand Product
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