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    • Que Tan Alto Quiere Llegar – (Spanish)


      Que tan alto quiere llegar? John Maxwell dice que todo depende de su actitud.Nariz hacia arriba o nariz hacia abajo ? Al igual que el angulo de un avion determina su altitud, lo mismo ocurre con el enfoque que damos a la familia, al trabajo, y a la vida en general, y ese enfoque determina la actitud que presentamos al mundo. La forma de resolver un problema es a menudo secundaria a el enfoque que tomamos para enfrentar el problema mismo, nuestra expresion externa es casi tan importante como la lucha interior.

      En Que tan alto quiere llegar?, el autor John Maxwell presenta lecciones detalladas sobre la cualidad unica e invaluable que se ha convertido en la fuerza principal de una persona dirigida hacia el exito. Lo que nos pasa, a menudo es diferente de lo que ocurre en nosotros.Llamando a la Biblia un “manual sobre el desempeno de actitud “Maxwell enfatiza que en realidad nunca estamos volando solos. Con una guia de estudio para ayudar a evaluar y construir sobre su propio angulo de vuelo, Que tan alto quiere llegar? establece los elementos fundamentales para un vuelo estable y duradero de la vida.

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    • Power Of Unlimited Faith


      Take The Limits Off Your Faith!

      Do you ever hear people talk about “getting more faith” or “increasing their faith?” When we buy into this idea, we never have enough. Though we constantly seek after greater faith, it always feels just beyond our grasp…

      The Truth is, you already possess all of the faith you will ever need-both to please God and to release His miraculous power in your everyday life. You simply need to know how to activate it!

      You’ll learn how to:
      *See the invisible-and discover God’s supernatural solutions
      *Operate key principles of faith-and unleash God’s unlimited power within you
      *Activate the law of confession-and agree with God’s Word
      *Expect the miraculous-and watch impossibilities turn around

      Get ready to take the limits off of God and experience the power of unlimited faith today!

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    • End Times Health War


      Overcome the enemy’s assault against you and your family’s health!

      The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10)

      Is a good diet really that important? Is healthy living just a fad-or is it a vital key that protects you from the devil’s end-time assault?

      Steve Wohlberg delivers a prophetic health “survival guide that will equip you for victory in these last days. In this timely book, you will…
      Learn… how toxins, additives, chemicals and junk food are strategies of spiritual warfare aimed against the body of Christ
      Discover… simple secrets such as good diet, sunlight, water and exercise that overcome demonic attacks against your health
      Be equipped… to have the winning edge against the tactics satan uses to “steal, kill, and destroy your health and the health of your family.

      Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The devil knows this, and it terrifies him. This is why his attack is so stealth and so lethal. It’s time to take back your health, and the health of those you care about as you walk in victory over the enemy in this end-time health battle.

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    • Rabbi Looks At The Afterlife


      Is there a heaven? Is hell real? Is there life after death?

      Discover the answers that will change your life forever!

      People genuinely want to know if there is life after death. However, there are many different ideas about the afterlife. Some believe that once you are dead, “that’s it.” Nothingness. Others sincerely hope that there is something beyond this life, but are not sure. Uncertainty.

      Is it possible to know that there is life beyond the grave? If so, how does this change your life today?

      In A Rabbi Looks at the Afterlife, Jonathan Bernis takes you on an unforgettable journey of faith, exploring Scripture, history, and first-hand accounts of those who have experienced the afterlife.

      Get ready to:
      *Re-Imagine heaven and get a clearer vision of the glorious eternity that awaits all believers
      *Live with a greater sense of purpose and urgency, motivated by the realities of heaven and hell
      *Be inspired by four unforgettable true stories of individuals who had near-death experiences

      When the afterlife becomes more real, you will live every moment in light of forever and recognize the eternal significance that your life plays in God’s unfolding plan!

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    • Know Doubt : Embracing Uncertainty In Your Faith


      In this refreshingly candid look at what it takes to live a life of faith, John Ortberg takes an honest look at the misgivings and uncertainties that often shake our beliefs as we navigate through the highs and lows of life. Reflecting on his own bouts with doubt and uncertainty, Ortberg shares with readers his discovery that, rather than being a contradiction in terms, doubt and faith may be very much a part of each other. He challenges readers to consider how doubt can motivate us to study and learn, how questioning expands our understanding, and how uncertainty can lead to trust. These challenges point us toward the relief of being totally honest. The right kind of doubt can be a gift—an action-generating truth that actually allows us to deepen our faith and intimacy with God. Written to challenge, comfort, and inspire readers, Know Doubt reveals uncertainty as a cause for celebration.

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    • Who Is This Man


      Jesus’ impact on our world is highly unlikely, widely inescapable, largely unknown, and decidedly double-edged. It is unlikely in light of the severe limitations of his earthly life; it is inescapable because of the range of impact; it is unknown because history doesn’t connect dots; and it is doubled-edged because his followers have wreaked so much havoc, often in his name. He is history’s most familiar figure, yet he is the man no one knows. His impact on the world is immense and non-accidental. From the Dark Ages to Post-Modernity he is the Man who won’t go away. And yet . . .you can miss him in historical lists for many reasons, maybe the most obvious being the way he lived his life. He did not loudly and demonstrably defend his movement in the spirit of a rising political or military leader. He did not lay out a case that history would judge his brand of belief superior in all future books. His life and teaching simply drew people to follow him. He made history by starting in a humble place, in a spirit of love and acceptance, and allowing each person space to respond. His vision of life continues to haunt and challenge humanity. His influence has swept over history bringing inspiration to what has happened in art, science, government, medicine, and education; he has taught humans about dignity, compassion, forgiveness, and hope.

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    • Brave Mom : Facing And Overcoming Your Real Mom Fears


      In Brave Mom, Sherry Surratt, president and CEO of MOPS International, shares honestly and openly about the fears every mom struggles with. From worry about your child’s safety and health to wondering if you are a good parent, to fears about your marriage and loss of self-identity, Sherry comes alongside every mom with practical, real, and hopeful help for these common fears that we’re all afraid to talk about. The 10 most common mom fears are each covered in their own easy to read chapter, made up of stories of real moms and the help and answers they found. Filled with advice and insight from Sherry and the hope and grace found in God’s wisdom, Brave Mom gives moms everything they need to leave fear behind and live the admittedly messy life of parenting with confidence and joy. Each chapter also contains a prayer for moms to help them turn their fears over to God’s protection and care. As the mom experts, MOPS provide moms around the country a connection to other moms, practical help to move ahead, and the warmth and grace of God’s love.

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    • Think Like Jesus Identifying With Christ


      While God has already blessed believers with everything they need to rule and reign in life, those blessings are not automatically manifested in the physical realm unless believers receive them not only in their hearts but also in their minds. Often, believers think thoughts that oppose what they truly believe in their hearts and allow those thoughts to influence their actions. Think Like Jesus will help born-again Christians unify what they believe in their hearts with what they constantly think in their minds in ways that align with the thoughts of Jesus Christ on issues such as oneness with God, health, wealth, and soul winning. This book will help them discover their new identity in Jesus Christ and introduce them to a world of endless and amazing possibilities empowered by the Spirit of God.

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    • Antes Del Amen – (Spanish)


      Todos oramos… algo. Oramos por mantenernos sobrios, centrados o solventes. Cuando el tumor parece maligno. Cuando el dinero se acaba antes de que termine el mes. Cuando el matrimonio se desmorona. Oramos.

      Pero acaso no nos gustaria orar mas? Mejor? Con mas intensidad? Con mas fuego, fe o fervor? Sin embargo, tenemos hijos que alimentar, facturas que pagar, plazos de entrega por cumplir. El calendario se abalanza sobre nuestras buenas intenciones como un tigre sobre un conejo. Y que me dices de los altibajos en nuestra historia de oracion? Palabras inciertas. Expectativas sin alcanzar. Peticiones sin respuesta. No somos los primeros en tener problemas con la oracion. Los primeros seguidores de Jesus tambien necesitaron orientacion sobre la oracion. De hecho, el unico manual de instruccion que pidieron fue sobre la oracion. Y Jesus les dio una oracion. No un sermon sobre la oracion. No la doctrina de la oracion. -l les dio una oracion citable, repetible, portatil. Acaso no podemos usar la misma? En Antes del amen el reconocido autor Max Lucado se une a los lectores en un recorrido al corazon mismo de la oracion biblica, ofreciendo esperanza ante las dudas y confianza hasta para los mas debiles en la oracion. Destilando distintas oraciones de la Biblia en una oracion de bolsillo sencilla, Max recuerda a los lectores que la oracion no es un privilegio para el piadoso, ni tampoco el arte de unos pocos escogidos. La oracion es simplemente una conversacion sincera entre Dios y su hijo. Dejemos que comience la conversacion.

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    • Beloved Dust : Drawing Close To God By Discovering The Truth About Yourself


      Pastor Jamin Goggin and theology professor Kyle Strobel provide a path to abiding with God through prayer. Our bodies were formed from dust, and that dust can weigh our spirits down. When our faith feels empty, we make promises and set goals to fix it. But the Christian life is not about looking or feeling like a Christian. It’s about prayer. It’s about abiding in God.

      If communion with God is your goal, self-help tricks and personal resolutions will fail you. But Jesus Christ will not. Drawing from Scripture and from their experiences, Pastor Jamin Goggin and theology professor Kyle Strobel wrote this book to be a companion for your journey through prayer toward Jesus. This is not a process of tasks and rewards but of patience, prayer, and openheartedness.

      Prayerfully read this book. Prepare your heart for the gifts God has for you. Beloved Dust invites readers to discover the fundamental simplicity and radical transformation of being with God.

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    • Praying For Your Elephant


      Get ready to re-ignite, re-imagine, and repurpose your prayer life while experiencing great intimacy with God. This is an invitation to identify your elephants-to name, through specific and strategic prayers, the 100 most important and audacious petitions you can imagine. These are the elephants that-if answered by God-would be game changers in your life and perhaps the world.

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    • Soul Feast : An Invitation To The Christian Spiritual Life (Revised)


      First released in 1995, this spiritual classic continues to be a bestseller, as thousands each year accept Marjorie Thompson’s invitation to the Christian spiritual life. Offering a framework for understanding the spiritual disciplines and instruction for developing and nurturing those practices, Soul Feast continues to be a favorite for individual reflection and group study. Many new additions, including a new chapter on keeping the Sabbath, make this newly revised edition of Soul Feast a must-have.

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    • Secret Life Of Angels


      You’ve probably seen depictions of angels in popular TV shows and movies, and you may have read about angel encounters. Curiously, however, these accounts often have little in common with the Bible’s portrayal of angels. How can you tell what is real and what isn’t? How can you separate fact from fiction?

      With this fascinating and inspirational guide, you’ll journey through God’s Word and discover who angels are, what they are like, and how they are involved in your life today. You’ll also find solid, biblical answers to such questions as…
      *Where did angels come from?
      *Are all angels good?
      *Should we communicate with angels?

      Angels are active all around you–of that you can be certain. As you learn the truth about their secretive role in the world, you’ll be encouraged to see the ways angels are indeed available to help us.

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    • Jesus Is Student Edition


      Based on a New York Times Bestseller!This bestselling book is now available for students! Adapted for a student’s reading level and life experience, this compelling book will get younger readers thinking and talking about who Jesus really is and how He can impact their lives.

      In the adult edition, Judah Smith writes as if to a friend, revealing the character of Jesus and showing the importance of Christ’s message to modern men and women. With passion and humor, Smith shows that Jesus is life; Jesus is grace; and Jesus is your friend. The student edition includes that same passion and humor along with content for younger readers: sidebars, lists, callouts, and questions to further engage students and give them knowledge that can make for a deeper, lasting relationship with Jesus.

      This book will allow students to grow with Jesus from a young age and, ultimately, to know that Jesus is the point of all life.

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    • Se El Papa Que Ella Necesita Q – (Spanish)


      Se el papa que ella necesita que seas es un llamado a los padres para que acepten el reto y luchen por convertirse en el padre amoroso y activamente comprometido que una hija necesita para tener exito en la vida y en sus relaciones.La relacion mas importante para tu hija no es la relacion con su madre, sino la que tiene contigo, con su papa. Su autoestima, decisiones, conducta, caracter e incluso sus ideas acerca de la seleccion de esposo se hallan todos directamente relacionados a ti, que eres para ella la representacion de mayor importancia del genero masculino. En Se el papa que ella necesita que seas, el Dr. Kevin Leman, psicologo de fama internacional, autor de best sellers del New York Times y padre de cuatro hijas, te mostrara no solo como hacer el papel de padre, y hacerlo bien, sino ademas te dira como:Hacer que cada una de tus hijas se sienta unica, especial y valiosaDisciplinar de la manera correcta- cuando sea necesarioHablar con franqueza acerca de lo que los varones en realidad estan pensandoMantener a raya el ojo criticoHacer ondear la bandera de tregua cuando las mujeres convierten tu sala de estar en un campo de batallaPreparar a tu hija para la vida y para el exito en sus relacionesBe the Dad She Needs You to BeA call to dads to step up to the plate to become the loving, actively engaged father that a daughter needs for life and relational success.In Se el papa que ella necesita que seas Dr. Kevin Leman, internationally-known psychologist, New York Times best-selling author, and father of four daughters, will show you not only how to get the fathering job done and done well, making each daughter feel unique, special, and valued, discipline the right way . . . when it’s needed, talk turkey about what guys are really thinking, among other important things.

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    • Pocket Prayers 40 Oraciones Si – (Spanish)


      When the chaos of our daily lives becomes overwhelming, where can we turn for peace and rest? Best-selling author Max Lucado points to the Source of all hope and strength in Pocket Prayers, which contains forty guided prayers and complementary scriptures for any situation. This pass-along companion to Before Amen serves as an outreach tool for ministries and churches, offering simple encouragement for those who struggle to pray.

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    • Ordinary : Sustainable Faith In A Radical Restless World


      Radical. Crazy. Transformative and restless. Every word we read these days seems to suggest there’s a “next-best-thing,” if only we would change our comfortable, compromising lives. In fact, the greatest fear most Christians have is boredom—the sense that they are missing out on the radical life Jesus promised. One thing is certain. No one wants to be “ordinary.” Yet pastor and author Michael Horton believes that our attempts to measure our spiritual growth by our experiences, constantly seeking after the next big breakthrough, have left many Christians disillusioned and disappointed. There’s nothing wrong with an energetic faith; the danger is that we can burn ourselves out on restless anxieties and unrealistic expectations. What’s needed is not another program or a fresh approach to spiritual growth; it’s a renewed appreciation for the commonplace. Far from a call to low expectations and passivity, Horton invites readers to recover their sense of joy in the ordinary. He provides a guide to a sustainable discipleship that happens over the long haul—not a quick fix that leaves readers empty with unfulfilled promises. Convicting and ultimately empowering, Ordinary is not a call to do less; it’s an invitation to experience the elusive joy of the ordinary Christian life.

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    • Well : Why Are So Many Still Thirsty


      Why are so many so close to the Well and still so thirsty? Mark Hall takes the powerful story of the Woman at the Well and her encounter with Jesus to help readers understand that the “wells” we go to for life and sustenance, the “wells” of success, talent, control, favor, religion, etc., are keeping us from relying on Jesus and his abundant life, and we will never be truly satisfied until we realize that and go to Him for our needs.

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    • Wrestling With Wonder


      Who is this God? Who is he who calls us to surrender and then leads us on a journey of twists and turns, ups and downs, unlike anything we could have ever expected? Who is this God who calls a young girl to birth a Savior and then watch him die on a Roman cross? Who is he who fulfills every promise and yet shatters every expectation? Come, join Mary, Jesus’ mother, on a journey of discovery. Hear the angel’s call, walk the long road to Bethlehem, give birth in a barn, search for a lost son, kneel at the foot of a cross, and experience the wind of the Spirit.

      Come, walk with Mary, and find your own journey in hers. Because life rarely turns out the way we planned…Because we lose the wonder in the disappointments of life … Because being highly favored does not mean being highly pampered …Because Mary shows us God — Passionate, breath-taking, and unpredictable…

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    • From This Day Forward


      The choices you make each and every day determine not only your relationship with God but also the quality of your marriage. The decisions you make today will determine the marriage you will have tomorrow. In this book, you will discover five commitments that will absolutely fail-proof your marriage. If you make these decisions, you can and will have the marriage God wants you to experience. Seek God. Fight fair. Have fun. Stay pure, and Never give up. If you and your spouse will earnestly commit to do all five of these things, you’ll discover a richer, deeper, more authentic relationship and a more rewarding, more passionate love life than the greatest fantasy that you could have ever imagined. Don’t be a statistic. Don’t be average. Let’s get you that marriage that you always wanted. Starting right now—from this day forward.

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    • C S Lewis And The Crisis Of A Christian


      C.S. Lewis has long been recognized as a beloved author of children’s literature and an apologist for Christian belief to a skeptical modern world. In this new volume, Gregory S. Cootsona shows us how Lewis can also serve as a guide to the ups and downs of the Christian journey. Like many of us, Lewis suffered from a variety of crises of faith and personal experience. Like us, he came to faith in a world that no longer respects Christian commitment or offers much room for belief in God. Like us, he felt the absence of God when those closest to him died. Like us, he wrestled with doubt, wondering if God is real, or simply the projection of his own wishes onto the screen of the universe. Like us, he knew the kinds of temptations he described with such poignancy and humor in The Screwtape Letters.

      By examining these and the other crises of C.S. Lewis’s life, Cootsona shows us how Lewis found God in each one, and how he shared those discoveries with us in his writing. All those wishing to deepen and enrich their own spiritual journey will find much guidance and wisdom in these pages.

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    • Your Own Jesus Student Edition


      Do you find your faith is a little flat, or that the church hard to connect with? Perhaps it’s because you’ve inherited someone else’s Jesus: relying on what other people feel and say instead of discovering the living Lord yourself. In this student edition of Your Own Jesus, Mark Hall traces what can happen when you accidentally make a spiritual compromise with the world, while showing what can occur when believers like you experience authentic fellowship with the one living God. Through personal stories, scriptural insights, and discussion questions, Your Own Jesus Student Edition will set you free to live without compromise with the Jesus you’ll come to know intimately and love fully.

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    • Your Own Jesus


      Casting Crowns’ lead singer Mark Hall asks, “Do you have your own Jesus?” Why do you feel close to God one minute and so far away the next? Why does your faith seem empty? Why is it so easy to compromise with the world? Perhaps it’s because we have merely inherited someone else’s Jesus, relying on what we’ve seen and heard from family, friends, or pastors. A true storyteller and a teacher with a heart for ministry, Mark Hall traces the downward spiral caused by spiritual compromise with the world, and then charts the upward road to wholeness and health that comes when we claim our very own Jesus. You need to discover your own Jesus. The real Jesus. The one who wants you to be honest, committed, and uncompromising. The one who is waiting to have a relationship with you. Move past imitating a religion to experiencing a relationship that is vibrant, personal, and fulfilling.

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    • Rhythms Of Grace


      Life is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. These well-known words of wisdom remind us to pace ourselves in the journey of life so we reach the finish line with no regrets. Pacing yourself is not as easy as it sounds. Life tends to take on a pace of its own which when left unchecked, will drive us toward burnout and fatigue. We can easily become driven by care, worry, and ambition rather than led by the Holy Spirit. We may tend to think of burnout as a modern problem, but we can see that people in Jesus’ day felt their own kind of spiritual and emotional fatigue. Why else would Jesus have said these comforting words? Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly (Matt. 11:28-30; The Message). Even though he spoke these words more than two millennia ago, Jesus’ call to rest and peace seem tailor-made to fit this generation. Author Kerri Weems had let the pace and rhythm of her life get out of control. At first the consequences were only physical, but they quickly impacted her spiritual life. Since then, God has been teaching her to walk in time with him; he is teaching her to be led rather than driven. In this book, she opens up her life and shares this journey with the reader. God’s best for each of us is that we go the full distance of our race, and not just crawl exhausted across the finish line. God wants us to enjoy the race and cross the line with our heads held high, a smile on our faces, and our arms lifted in a double fist-punch! Getting to that moment is all about learning the rhythms of grace and pacing ourselves for the long run.

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    • Compassion Without Compromise (Reprinted)


      Loving, Biblical Answers on Homosexuality

      How is the Bible’s teaching on homosexuality “Good News” to a world that increasingly finds that message intolerable? In their role as pastors, Adam Barr and Ron Citlau have seen how this issue can tear apart families, friendships, and even churches. In Compassion Without Compromise, they combine biblical answers about homosexuality with practical, real-world advice on how to think about and discuss this issue with those you care about. They also tell the story of Ron’s personal journey from sexual brokenness to healing.

      The authors bring sensitivity, humor, and pastoral winsomeness to the most controversial topic of our day. This book will offer an honest but inviting message to readers: those who embrace the Gospel can experience true freedom.

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    • Man In The Mirror (Anniversary)


      The Man in the Mirror has established itself as a cornerstone in men’s literature since its 1989 release. Winner of the prestigious Gold Medallion Award and appearing on the bestseller list eighteen times, it has helped thousands of men understand the person who stares back at them from the glass each morning and know what to do about his twenty-four most difficult problems. Written by a foremost Christian men’s leader, this powerful book invites men to take a probing look at their identities, relationships, finances, time, temperament, and most important, the means to bring about lasting change. If life’s demands are constantly pressuring you to run faster and jump higher, this book is for you. Rich in anecdotes, thought-provoking questions, biblical insights, and featuring focus questions in each chapter suitable for personal or group use, The Man in the Mirror offers a penetrating, pragmatic, and life-changing look at how to trade the rat race for the rewards of godly manhood.

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    • Taking Back Your Life One Thought At A Time


      If you struggle with strong negative emotions, Annie Chapman wants to help. Laying the foundation of God’s love and His promises to comfort and heal you, Annie explores some of the countless ways He reaches out to restore your serenity. She shares her own escape from anger and bitterness and draws on God’s Word to reveal how you too can experience peace and joy during your journey. You’ll find…
      *specific steps to achieving emotional and spiritual healing
      *encouraging Scriptures that reveal the hope you have in Jesus
      *candid insights on the results of holding on to negative emotions
      *a clear understanding of the roles God and you play in your healing
      *tools for keeping new problems manageable

      “I now look with greater joy and understanding on my past, my present, and my future,” Annie says. Taking Back Your Life…One Thought at a Time will help you achieve the happiness and contentment you long for.

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    • Matar Leones – (Spanish)


      Matar leones es una exploracion entre padre e hijo, a las preguntas a las que los hombres jovenes se enfrentan cuando se acercan a la edad adulta-preguntas que siguen acosando a muchos hombres aun en la mediana edad.

      El titulo proviene de la tradicion Masai en la que un joven finalmente sabe que se ha convertido en un hombre cuando ha matado a un leon.

      El estilo del libro es conversacional. Por lo general Sam toma la iniciativa al contar una historia de sus aos en la universidad, graduacion, cortejando a una mujer, de su casamiento, o de la busqueda de una carrera, y John responde con el consejo de un padre y sus propias historias de “comienzo en la edad adulta.”

      Un dialogo entre un hombre joven que representa a los Millennials y un hombre maduro ofreciendo conocimiento y sabiduria sobre las questiones eternas de la jornada hacia la edad adulta.

      Matar leones is an exploration, by father and son, of the questions young men face coming into manhood.

      The title is drawn from the Masai tradition in which a young man finally knows he has become a man when he has killed a lion. The style of the book is conversational. Sam will typically take the lead by telling a story about his college years, graduation, pursuing a woman, getting married, or finding a career, and John will respond with counsel from a father and his own stories of “coming into manhood.”

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    • Dare U 2 Open This Book


      Draw It, Write It, Dare to Live It!

      Dare U 2 Open this Book is not your typical 90-day devotional for guys. It’s an all-out open space for you to explore and learn more about yourself and your faith. Get your mind thinking and your creative ideas flowing, turn your thoughts and emotions into dynamic doodles, fill in the prayer blanks, solve puzzles, and more.

      Each of the short devotions includes a topic, quote, and Scripture summary, plus doodles, journal prompts, lists, puzzles, quizzes, fill-in-the-blank prayers, or other unique activities that explore Bible truths and ways to apply them everyday. Dare U 2 Open this Book challenges guys to follow Jesus. Best. Idea. Ever.

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    • Your Foundation In Christ


      Neil Anderson’s classic book, Victory Over the Darkness, has helped millions of readers find freedom in Christ as they experience spiritual breakthroughs. But is not enough to break free from the past. Those who want to grow in Christ must follow Him faithfully by learning about Him as a true disciple. Your Foundation in Christ is the third study in a series of eight “Victory in Christ” studies that show the believer how to grow in Christ by knowing and applying the truth about God. This six-session study also focused on the Holy Spirit and His ministry in the life of the believer, and shows Christians how to relate to one another with acceptance, affirmation and a forgiving heart.

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    • You Are Captivating


      Your woman’s heart is one of God’s most prized creations. Designed in it are three holy desires:
      1. To be romanced,
      2. To play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, and
      3. To unveil beauty

      As a mother, how you nurture these core desires of the heart establish a path for motherhood. When your children look to you for comfort and strength, encouragement and advice, you can lead them to the Father because you have discovered the truths he designed into you. In this inspiring book, learn more about your design and how it empowers you to enrich and lead the life of your children.

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    • Forgive Us : Confessions Of A Compromised Faith


      Many people have become angry and frustrated with organized religion and evangelical Christianity, in particular. Too often the church has proven to be a source of pain rather than a place of hope. Forgive Us acknowledges the legitimacy of much of the anger toward the church. In truth, Christianity in America has significant brokenness in its history that demands recognition and repentance. Only by this path can the church move forward with its message of forgiveness, reconciliation, and peace. Forgive Us is thus a call to confession. From Psalm 51 to the teachings of Jesus to the prayers of Nehemiah, confession is the proper biblical response when God’s people have injured others and turned their backs on God’s ways. In the book of Nehemiah, the author confesses not only his own sins, but also the sins of his ancestors. The history of the American church demands a Nehemiah-style confession both for our deeds and the deeds of those who came before us. In each chapter of Forgive Us two pastors who are also academically trained historians provide accurate and compelling histories of some of the American church’s greatest shortcomings. Theologian Soong-Chan Rah and justice leader Lisa Sharon Harper then share theological reflections along with appropriate words of confession and repentance. Passionate and purposeful, Forgive Us will challenge evangelical readers and issue a heart-felt request to the surrounding culture for forgiveness and a new beginning.

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    • Setting Your Marriage Free


      The same powerful principles from Neil Anderson’s Steps to Freedom in Christ that helped set more than one million people free from spiritual bondage can now revolutionize marriage relationships. Anderson and co-author Charles Mylander offer the practical tools married couples need to safeguard their marriages against the things that threaten to destroy them. Setting Your Marriage Free gives biblical insight and practical help for any marriage-whether it’s healthy, in trouble or disastrous. Any couple willing to face the truth and walk in the light will find their marriage set free and become what God wants it to be.

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    • Gods Story For You


      Neil Anderson’s classic books, Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker, have helped millions of readers find freedom in Christ as they experience spiritual breakthroughs. His teaching on Who I Am in Christ has helped believers around the world to better understand the life-power that comes with knowing our full identity in Christ. Now Neil Anderson takes the believer along a path of knowing and growing in Christ in this 8-study course rooted in biblical doctrine.

      God’s Story for You (Study 1) takes the reader from Creation to Salvation in seven sessions, including the meaning of the Gospel message and how we can truly know God. Your New Identity (Study 2), also with seven sessions, deepens the believer’s understanding of who God is, what a relationship with God looks like, what the Trinity is all about, and what it means to have assurance of salvation.

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    • Real Christian : Bearing The Marks Of Authentic Faith


      The evangelical church is home to many who call themselves Christians but do not know what they believe or follow the teachings of Jesus. Todd Wilson’s Real Christian: Bearing the Marks of Authentic Faith biblically defines what it means to be a true Christian, calling readers to reflect on how the gospel brings change and transformation to our character, deeply affecting the way we live.

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    • Finding The Peace God Promises


      If God has promised to give us the ‘peace that passes understanding,’ why do we sometimes feel so anxious? What are we so afraid of? Are there ways of living that lead to peace? Conversely, are there ways of thinking and acting that lead to anxiety and a conflicted life? How does Jesus embody peace and where did his peace come from? Finding the Peace God Promises sets our longings for peace beside God’s promise to provide it. Exploring the stories that shape us, the memories that define us, and the relationships that connect us, bestselling author Ann Spangler looks for ways to help us become more peaceful. What can we learn from Scripture, from Jewish tradition, from the Amish and others about rest, simplicity, healing, and peace? The stories she shares and the answers she discovers may surprise you, enabling you to experience the transformative peace God wants you to have.

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    • Your New Identity (Reprinted)


      Neil T. Anderson’s classic books, Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker, have helped millions of readers find freedom in Christ as they experience spiritual breakthroughs. His teaching on Who I Am in Christ has helped believers around the world to better understand the life-power that comes with knowing our full identity in Christ. Now Neil Anderson takes the believer along a path of knowing and growing in Christ in this 8-study course rooted in biblical doctrine. God’s Story for You (Study 1) takes the reader from Creation to Salvation in seven sessions, including the meaning of the Gospel message and how we can truly know God. Your New Identity (Study 2), also with seven sessions, deepens the believer’s understanding of who God is, what a relationship with God looks like, what the Trinity is all about, and what it means to have assurance of salvation. Neil T. Anderson is the founder and President Emeritus of Freedom in Christ Ministries and is on the Board of Freedom in Christ Ministries International. He has more than 35 years of pastoral and teaching experience and was formerly Chairman of the Practical Theology Department at Talbot School of Theology. Anderson has authored or coauthored more than 50 books, including the million-selling Victory Over the Darkness.

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    • Renewing Your Mind


      Bestselling author Neil Anderson’s lifelong passion is to help people find freedom in Christ as they experience spiritual breakthroughs. Based on his classic book, The Daily Discipler, eight new studies are being published for believers who want to become rooted and built up in Christ so they can live in and become set apart for Christ . Renewing Your Mind is the fourth study in the series of eight “Victory in Christ” studies that promise to set a new standard for discipleship training. This six-session study shows the believer how to live under grace with a renewed mind. Anderson also shows the reader how to overcome anger, anxiety, depression and loss.

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    • God Came Near Church Edition 10 Pack (DVD)


      In the midst of the darkness and cold of the winter season, we celebrate the brightest holiday of all, Christmas, the birth of Jesus. Max Lucado presents heartening and devotional insights into a unique Advent experience. Filmed in the beautiful Blockley Church in England, the accomplished pastor and author weaves the biblical account of the first Christmas with common issues we face in our modern lives. Each episode brings you back in time with movie segments of biblical events as Lucado narrates relevant Scripture.

      Each disc contains 6 sessions (Great Expectations, 4 weeks of Advent -Hope/Love/Joy/Peace, plus Christmas) and each session is 28 minutes long. A 32 page Discussion Guide in PDF format is on each disc as well. This church pack is a set of 10 discs – great for distribution to all church families and small groups!

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    • Dirty Faith (Reprinted)


      Whether in an orphanage overseas or an impoverished neighborhood down the road, David Nowell shows readers how to put their faith in action in a world that is not always easy or clean. Sharing unforgettable stories from the United Stated and abroad, he calls believers to recreate the ministry of Jesus Christ by getting their hands dirty to help the hopeless, the disenfranchised, and the poor. Rounding out this action-oriented guide are ideas to help readers live out their own “dirty faith” wherever they are.

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    • Speak : How Your Story Can Change The World


      Speak, by popular blogger Nish Weiseth, is a book about the power of telling our own stories and hearing those of others to change hearts, build bridges, advocate for good, make disciples with grace, and proclaim God’s kingdom on Earth today. Nish Weiseth exhorts today’s Christians to follow Jesus’ example by using story as a vehicle for change. After all, Jesus was a master storyteller. He frequently and effectively used the art of storytelling to communicate deep truths about God, humanity, love, and eternity to a culture on the brink. His stories defied social norms, revealed God’s Kingdom, and fiercely advocated for the least of these. With examples from Scripture as the foundation, Speak is a call for grace, openness, and vulnerability within the evangelical church. Nish Weiseth encourages those in the Body of Christ to know their own story of transformation and redemption—and to use those stories as a catalyst for change at both a personal and global level.

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    • Finding Faith In The Dark


      Can we trust a God who gives us different answers than we pray for? Who only fully reveals himself when we look back? Who lets us walk in darkness for months (and sometimes years) at a time? Laurie Short says yes, and through her story and the stories of others, she reveals a God who is able to transform the dark chapters of our lives into opportunities of grace. Maybe you’ve been there:
      The husband or wife you stayed faithful to had an affair
      The death of a spouse or child has torn your heart
      A diagnosis has taken away your health, your plans and your future

      When these things happen, we are left wondering ‘Where is that God who promises to answer our prayers if we trust in Him? Why isn’t my life turning out the way I hoped, let alone how I had planned?’ If you are, or have ever been, in that place, this book is for you. And more than helping you find your way out, this book will help you find your way through that place.

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    • Thrive Student Edition


      You’ve probably heard the words ‘Live out your faith’ dozens, if not hundreds, of times, but what does that phrase really mean? And how do you really follow Jesus in today’s world? In this student adaptation of his book Thrive, Casting Crowns’ Mark Hall explores exactly what it means when your faith and your life collide, and how you can take the next steps in making that faith real and evident to those around you. Using relatable stories, applications you can use, as well as some life lessons, Hall shows how you can root yourself in the truth and grow strong in your beliefs as you become the person God designed you to be.

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    • Unshakable


      The global financial crisis that began five years ago came as a shock to economists and to Wall Street movers and shakers, but it was no surprise to those in step with God’s Spirit. In UNSHAKABLE, Carter Conlon, senior pastor of Times Square Church in New York City, offers a prophetic message of hope to God’s people around the world. Yes, difficult days still lie ahead, but the Holy Spirit intends to use this season of uncertainty to rebuild the foundation of the Church for a future that brings glory to God. Do not fear! Instead, find out how you can stand strong through the coming storms, trusting the Lord to transform your life even through trials and pain.

      “It’s a great joy and a deep comfort to know that God’s voice is speaking ‘for such a time as this’ in New York City and beyond.”–Eric Metaxas, New York Times bestselling author of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy

      “As a generation clings desperately to their worldly possessions in the face of looming poverty, Carter Conlon preaches an unshakable gospel of Christ crucified and confidence found only in the cross.”–John Hoover, New York Times bestselling author

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    • Experiencing The Loss Of A Family Member (Reprinted)


      Losing a family member is one of life’s most difficult experiences. Whether you are facing the death of a spouse, parent, child, sibling, close friend or pet, the weeks and months that follow such a loss can be overwhelming. Experiencing the Loss of a Family Member is a trustworthy companion for your journey through grief. With gentle honesty and wisdom, bestselling author and respected family therapist H. Norman Wright shares about the process of mourning, the disruption and re-ordering of family life, and the conflicting and confusing emotions that follow a death in the family. He also shows how it’s possible to grow closer to God and other family members as you face the darkness together. You are not alone through the valley-God’s Spirit, the Comforter, walks with you every step of the way, and will guide you toward true peace and renewed hope.

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    • My Breaking Point Gods Turning Point (Reprinted)


      At some point in our lives, most of us will experience a loss so devastating that it knocks the wind out of our souls and leaves us gasping for hope. In My Breaking Point, God’s Turning Point, Ricky Texada shares his own story of unexpected loss transformed into unimaginable blessing, offering new perspective on God’s amazing ability to restore his people. After losing his wife Debra in a devastating car accident, Ricky wondered if he would ever be able to trust God with the certainty he once had, let alone ever love again. Biblically based and borne out of Texada’s own experiences, My Breaking Point, God’s Turning Point shares the much needed hope and practical guidance to help people get back on their feet and experience the healing balm of God’s loving care.

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    • 10 Dollar Great Dates


      For couples of all ages and stages, four marriage experts offer 52 creative ideas for dates that won’t break the bank. From outdoor fun to “passion-picker-uppers,” each suggestion includes preparation tips and fun talking points to help husbands and wives energize their relationship.

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    • How To Know Youre Going To Heaven


      Most Christians experience doubts at times about their salvation, and that uncertainty can be alarming. But either salvation is eternally secure from the moment of genuine faith or it isn’t. And no subject is more important than the assurance that you can know at this very moment that you possess eternal life.

      How to Know You’re Going to Heaven provides the undeniable and compelling biblical proof to resolve any uncertainty about your eternal destiny. As you encounter the infinite treasure and wonder of Jesus Christ and all He has accomplished for you on the cross, you will experience joy and lasting freedom once and for all–forever.

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    • Sticky Faith Guide For Your Family


      The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Unique Family addresses one of the top current concerns about youth and the church: the reality that nearly half of all young people raised in Christian families walk away from their faith when they graduate from high school. That’s the bad news. But here’s the good news: research also shows that parents are one of the primary influences on their child’s faith. This book arises from the innovative, research-based, and extensively field-tested project known as ‘Sticky Faith,’ designed to equip parents with insights and ideas for nurturing long-term faith in children and young people. Because of the Fuller Youth Institute’s six years of research with more than 500 young people, 100 churches, and 50 families, four of this guidebook’s unique qualities make it a ‘must have’ for families eager to point their young people toward long-term faith.

      First, it’s grounded in sophisticated, academically verified data. While Dr. Powell is a parent of three children who authentically weaves her own experiences throughout the book, the chapter topics correlate with parenting principles proven in national research. Second, it is positive. Amid gloomy and theoretical resources, this book leaves parents empowered and hopeful that even little tweaks to their family rhythms can make a big difference. Third, it is practical. Readers get what they want most: more than 100 ideas from other parents they can try today, this week, or this month. Fourth, its ‘guidebook’ format is accessible. For busy parents who don’t have time and inclination to read, this format is a welcome resource that they can return to time and time again for fresh ideas and inspiration.

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    • Answering Your Kids Toughest Questions


      It’s not easy to know what to say when a child asks about a dying grandma, or the reality of the devil, or some act of violence featured on the news. But ignoring the questions won’t help. Elyse Fitzpatrick and her daughter Jessica Thompson carefully walk parents through these difficult conversations, one topic at a time. These experienced moms will come alongside readers, offering helpful hints and age-appropriate guidelines on how much to share and when. And most importantly, they teach how to answer children in a way that points back to the truth of God’s amazing love.

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