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    • Anger Is A Choice


      Anger is everybody’s problem–but it need not be yours! It becomes a problem when we fail to realize where it comes from or how it shows–or doesn’t show. Either it will control us or we can control it–because anger is a choice. Best-selling authors Tim LaHaye and Bob Phillips tell us what we need to know to control the emotion of anger. They not only examine it from beginning (its origins) to end (its effects), but they help us to evaluate our own “Irritability Quotient” through the Anger Inventory and other exercises throughout this book. In learning how to handle conflicts and anger, we are enabled to heal damaged relationships and help others deal with their anger as well. We can make our lives more peaceful, rewarding, and meaningful. Learning to control anger is the best choice you can make today.

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    • Grandma I Need Your Prayers


      More than 60 million Americans have grandchildren. As more and more baby boomers enter their ranks, there has been increasing interest in books that cater to their needs. But surprisingly little has been written regarding one of their primary concerns: the well being of their grandchildren.

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    • Paradoxes For Living


      “To be strong, we have to be weak.” “To become mature, we have to become children.” “To live, we have to die.” N. Graham Standish challenges readers to explore these and other biblical examples of paradox. With questions for reflection, discussion after each chapter, and helpful appendixes, this book is ideal for either personal or group study.

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    • Saint Benedict On The Freeway


      How can we heal the rift between our daily lives and the sacred? How can we live a life capable of hearing “the still small voice” of God while experiencing the speed and sensory overload of modern life? This book is Ware’s answer to these questions. She acknowledges that others have addressed the questions; on the one hand there are books which have significant depth but speak in academic or “in-group” language and provide little help adapting these insights to everyday life. On the other hand, there are practical “how-to” exercises which assist in very particular spiritual experiences but which do not offer integrated, sustainable, life-changing patterns. St. Benedict On The Freeway fills this gap. It “translates into twenty-first century life spiritually formative practices worked out in the past, creatively adapting those disciplines to contemporary daily life.” This adaptation is the heart of Ware’s book. She attempts first to draw attention to our own awareness of God. She discusses how a “Rule” functioned for Benedict’s time, and how it can function for us as a liberating reminder of God instead of another repressive and burdensome taskmaster. Ware also asks how the hours of prayer–vigils, lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, vespers, compline–can increase our spiritual awareness even if our ‘community’ does not stop for prayer at designated times during the day. And, Ware explores prayer in dimensions beyond the spoken word.

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    • Dont Stop Laughing Now


      A sequel to She Who Laughs, Lasts, this book offers the same winning recipe, blending laughter and inspiration, to whip up a delicious blend of fun and faith for readers hungry for more. Contributors include a variety of male and female authors, the most hilarious of whom are Barbara Johnson, Patsy Clairmont, Chonda Pierce, and Becky Freeman.

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    • Bible Jesus Read


      Philip Yancey has a way of confronting our most cherished but misguided notions about faith. In The Bible Jesus Read, he challenges the perception that the New Testament is all that matters and the Old Testament isn’t worth taking the time to read and understand.

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    • Diary Of A Country Priest


      304 Pages

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    • Reaching For The Invisible God Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      In the book Reaching for the Invisible God Philip Yancey steers clear of trite detours, inviting readers to travel through the most difficult parts of pursuing a relationship with the transcendent God. Making use of his wide experience and a rich well of stories, Yancey considers honestly the predicaments of human existence, that we are distracted with daily routines like work and school, we open up the computer more than we open our Bibles, and we seek success instead of God. We forget God and become guilty of worshipping the impossible while failing to believe in the possible–that the relationship of the grace God extends to us daily. In the Bible we can and will encounter God’s loving and gracious personality. Without cliches, Yancey reminds us that doubt and difficulty, two seeming foes of friendship with God, can actually spur intimacy with him.

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    • Watching What We Watch


      Television has eclipsed the church and school as the most dominant storyteller in our culture. Watching What We Watch discusses the various aspects of “reading” television, helps us to understand how television creates meanings, and teaches us to assess the truth and value of those meanings. Watching What We Watch provides an accessible framework for analyzing television theologically and from the perspective of our values and beliefs. A team of experts uses examples from popular television shows to to explore the forces that drive television production and to challenge viewers to consider what things they should appreciate about television and what things they should call into question.

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    • Streams Of Living Water (Revised)



      In this landmark work, Foster examines the foundations of Christian experience, growth, and renewal found in six historical movements: contemplative, holiness, charismatic, social justice, evangelical, and incarnational. Using profiles of biblical and modern characters who exemplify these traditions, he offers suggestions on how to integrate them into your daily life—leading to authentic Christian experience.

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    • Wisdom Of Each Other


      The Wisdom of Each Other demonstrates the life-changing value of friendships. With originality and warmth, Eugene Peterson opens our eyes to one of God’s greatest and most overlooked provisions for counsel, encouragement, and renewal — honest, Christ-centered relationships.

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    • Reading Biblical Poetry


      A companion to “Reading Biblical Narrative,” this volume provides an authoritative introduction and overview to biblical poetry. Folkkelman describes, in a step-by-step fashion, how to understand the Bible’s poetry. Full of examples, “Reading Biblical Poetry” makes available a holistic and integrative approach to understanding poetry found nowhere else.

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    • Attitudes That Attract Success


      Does your cup runneth over, or is life running you over? Here are practical steps to building internal values and perspectives that will change your life! Embedded in God’s Word are the keys to abundant living, and Hawaiian pastor Wayne Cordeiro guides you through those keys with humor and insight. This book will show you the common mistakes people make without realizing it; what separates successful from unsuccessful people; how to see people as God sees them; and how to change the way you think. You are just an attitude away from a fantastic life!

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    • Whole Prayer : Speaking And Listening To God


      A trustworthy guide to an intimate and refreshing relationship with God

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    • Steps To Freedom In Christ (Reprinted)


      Contrary to the fairy tales, receiving Christ does not mean that we won’t have conflicts in our lives. However, we can overcome them because of our position in Christ as children of God. The Steps to Freedom in Christ helps Christians reclaim the promise of freedom that Christ offers all who come in His name. It includes a spiritual inventory to help identify and break free from condemning thoughts, compulsive behaviors, personal conflicts, spiritual struggle and despair, and any type of personal or spiritual bondage. The Steps to Freedom in Christ is a comprehensive process to help Christians resolve personal and spiritual conflicts in Christ. This smaller version of the new and revised Steps to Freedom in Christ makes it easier and more convenient to take the steps with you everywhere you go.

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    • Who Am I In Christ (Reprinted)


      Do You Know Who You Are in God’s Eyes?Have you ever been tempted to doubt God’s love? Well, He never gives up on you. Do you spend much of your life trying to earn God’s favor? What a tragic waste of time–because you already have His love! It is the gift of life, which God freely gives you when you decide to follow Christ. It comes with no strings attached and lasts for eternity. Neil T. Anderson–bestselling author of Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker–reveals and defines your special place in God’s family in this powerful devotional that has sold over 100,000 copies! Who I Am in Christ includes 36 readings and prayers, each and every one based on scriptural passages that assure you of God’s love and your security and freedom in His kingdom. Welcome to His Word and His world– where you are the apple of His eye!

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    • Journey To The Center Of The Faith


      In this book you will find one pastor’s attempt to talk about the Christian faith in ways that connect with a vast majority of people who, in a time of great extremes, are searching for a clear center to their faith – “an inner core of conviction and belief that will enable us to keep our balance in the whirling tornado of cultural change and confusion that threatens to engulf us.” As author James A. Harnish describes it, we are all ordinary people on an extraordinary journey toward a center that will hold true, a life-giving center defined by faith in God revealed through Jesus Christ. Each of the twelve chapters focuses on a central theme and features several quotations from scripture and other writings; colorful personal stories and anecodotes; questions, activities, and suggestions for better Christian living through putting the chapter’s theme into practice; and suggestioms for further reading.

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    • 8 Life Enriching Practices Of United Methodists


      This resource is a summary study of the eight life-enriching practices that are part of the series–prayer, Bible study, evangelism, community, worship and the sacraments, outreach, justice and others. Questions for discussion are included with each chapter.

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    • Divided By Faith


      Through a nationwide telephone survey of 2,000 people and an additional 200 face-to-face interviews, Michael O. Emerson and Christian Smith probed the grassroots of white evangelical America. They found that despite recent efforts by the movement’s leaders to address the problem of racial discrimination, evangelicals themselves seem to be preserving America’s racial chasm. In fact, most white evangelicals see no systematic discrimination against blacks. But the authors contend that it is not active racism that prevents evangelicals from recognizing ongoing problems in American society. Instead, it is the evangelical movement’s emphasis on individualism, free will, and personal relationships that makes invisible the pervasive injustice that perpetuates racial inequality. Most racial problems, the subjects told the authors, can be solved by the repentance and conversion of the sinful individuals at fault.
      the authors throw sharp light on the oldest American dilemma. In the end, they conclude that despite the best intentions of evangelical leaders and some positive trends, real racial reconciliation remains far over the horizon.

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    • Hiding From Love Workbook (Workbook)


      When you experience emotional injury, fear, shame, or pride, your first impulse is to hide the hurting parts of yourself from God, others, even yourself. Often, you’ve learned these hiding patterns during childhood to protect yourself in a threatening environment. The problem is that when you hide your injuries and frailties, you isolate yourself from the very things you need in order to heal and mature. What served as protection for a child becomes a prison to an adult.

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    • Gentleness : The Strength Of Being Tender (Student/Study Guide)


      Gentle people are often viewed as weak. They would rather persuade than force. They are self-giving rather than self-assertive. They prefer a kind word rather than a cutting remark. Yet these gentle qualities reveal a quiet power. A strong person may not be gentle, but a gentle person must be strong. This Fruit of the Spirit Bible study helps you discover the strength of being tender.

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    • Reading Isaiah : Poetry And Vision


      Perfect for students, Reading Isaiah is a practical, nontechnical how-to literary introduction to the book of Isaiah as a poem. Quinn-Miscall translates much of the Hebrew text amd focuses on parallelism, figurative language, and the use of imagery.

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    • Celtic Psaltery


      David Adam’s wonderful compilation celebrates the enduring Celtic themes of Creation, Protection, Glory, Guidance and Praising God, through songs and poems that have enriched his private devotions and public ministry.

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    • Celebrate Change


      1. An Invitation To Change
      2. Beauty For Ashes
      3. A Minister, A Mouse, And A Miracle
      4. Now What?
      5. Complications
      6. The Path Of Most Resistance
      7. Hidden Treasure
      8. Party Time!
      160 Pages

      Additional Info
      Celebrate Change is your ticket to joy on your journey to your destiny.

      Our purposes on this planet if it is to be birthed, will take us through uncomfortable times. Changing seasons are God’s invitation to witness His Glory. By embracing change, we embrace Him.

      In these pages, you will find the keys to preparing for, understanding, and adjusting to changes in your life. You will find out why you should cheer about every change, not just the ones that feel good.

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    • Victory Over Depression (Student/Study Guide)


      Harvest House Print On Demand Title

      “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” goes the old saying. Now George gives you a biblical recipe to help you conquer life’s disappointments! In this updated edition of Living Above Your Circumstances, you’ll discover how to live victoriously and experience the freedom that comes through dependence on Christ alone. Includes a new study section.

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    • George MacDonald : An Anthology 365 Readings


      George MacDonald (1824-1905) was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Briefly a clergyman, then a professor of English literature at Bedford and King’s College in London, he was a popular lecturer and published poetry, stories, novels, and fairy tales. In this collection selected by C. S. Lewis, we are offered 365 selections from MacDonald’s inspiring and useful writings.

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    • Gods Timing For Your Life (Reprinted)


      Bestselling author Dutch Sheets will inspire and encourage readers with this clear, revelatory study of God’s appointed times and seasons. Going beyond the basic definitions of kairos and chronos, Sheets brings fresh insight to the subject, examining Scripture to show how kairos (strategic) times and chronos (general) times are not two separate and unrelated seasons in our lives but, rather, are often simply different phases of the same process. He discusses how God brought about His divine shift in the lives of men and women throughout the Bible and the many ways in which God used these seasons of change to deepen His people’s understanding of Him.

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    • Chain Reaction : A Call To Compassionate Revolution


      Darrell Scott launches a crusade for changing the world based on the ideals of his daughter Rachel, whose martyrdom at Columbine High School is chronicled in the bestselling book Rachel’s Tears.

      Rachel Scott and her killer Eric Harris both talked about starting a “chain reaction.” Eric used violence to kill and destroy at Columbine High School. But Rachel chose another path. In a personal creed she wrote one month before her death in the Columbine tragedy, she explained her conviction that if one person goes out of his or her way to show compassion, it will start a world-changing chain reaction of kindness.

      For Rachel, this was a solemn calling. And now her father, Darrell Scott, is carrying on her crusade by challenging people of all ages to commit themselves to creating a revolution of compassion that can make a real difference in our troubled world. Chain Reaction spells out this challenge in compelling detail, providing moving examples of practical compassion and giving illustrations from Rachel’s life and journals.

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    • If Experience Is Such A Good Teacher Why Do I Keep Repeating The Course (Student


      SKU (ISBN): 9780687092697ISBN10: 0687092698J. Ellsworth KalasBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2001Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Controlling Your Emotions Before They Control You


      Harvest House Print on Demand

      Are you riding an emotional roller coaster and don’t know how to get off? This hands-on guide gives solid biblical counsel to help you deal with depression, overcome anger, handle stress, face fear, forgive others, and praise God in the midst of it all. Includes real-life stories, emotional evaluations, and personality charts.

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    • Seizing The Moments (Student/Study Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780687015528ISBN10: 0687015529James MooreBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2001Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Gods Touch


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664222819ISBN10: 0664222811Bruce EpperlyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2001Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Hustling God : Why We Work So Hard For What God Wants To Give


      We work hard at life. We try to get better jobs, better homes, better relationships, and even a better spirituality. We are like Jacob in the Old Testament. His name means “striver, schemer, supplanter, hustler.” He could have been the poster boy for the American Dream.

      But author Craig Barnes says this is not the way we should be living our lives. We should not try to manipulate and hustle ourselves into a place of advantage with God, a position that has been ours all along. After all, God is the one who climbed down the ladder to be with us.

      Using true anecdotes from the men, women, and families of the churches he has served, Barnes invites hard-running, stressed-out, burned-out people to stop striving. Life is not something we grasp and clutch to us, but a gift God freely gives. Only when we open our hands can God fill them with the blessings he has been waiting to lavish upon us all along.

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    • Renewed Mind : Becoming The Person God Wants You To Be (Expanded)


      14 Chapters

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      Becoming the person God wants you to be . . .
      Have you ever tried to break a bad habit? By sheer willpower you set your mind to overcome it . . .but suddenly, there it is again! Do you ever have thoughts rise up in your mind that would make you blush if they were suddenly broadcast over a loudspeaker?
      Experiences like this express the gap that exists between what we are and what we want to be. This book is all about bridging that gap! In a vivid series of images and parables, the Christian life is depicted not as a drear duty, but as an adventure of faith – living each day by the guidance and power of Christ’s indwelling presence.
      The Renewed Mind touches on five major areas of spiritual experience:
      -Dependence on God
      -Facing challenges with the authority of Christ
      Includes new selections from Larry Christenson’s other memorable teachings – Back to Square One and The Notre Dame Football Talk – plus new study questions.

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    • Sacred Thirst : Meeting God In The Desert Of Our Longings


      Jesus once said, “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty.” So why are Christians still thirsty? We throw ourselves into church work, Bible studies, prayer, missions, fellowship. Yet still we search restlessly for something more. What are we missing?

      Perhaps the answer is, more of Jesus. Church meetings and programs, ministry, Christian counseling, and home groups are all good, but they are not him. It doesn’t matter how devoted we are to these wonderful activities; they are not the same thing as communion with Jesus. Our souls crave him alone.

      In Sacred Thirst, author and pastor Craig Barnes brings us face-to-face with our desperate longing for God. Like the woman at the well, we have tried to satisfy our parched souls with so many other things – even religious things. But when we get to the bottom of our desire, we find Jesus quietly waiting with his living water – intimate communion with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

      This book is filled with unique insights into human experience and the character of God. With his keen understanding of the needs of contemporary Christians, Barnes points to the only way our thirst will ever be satisfied. Drawing from his rich background in the Bible and his tender insights as a pastor, he leads us into a new understanding of ourselves and the uncontrollable but gracious God we seek.

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    • Battle For God


      Does an excellent job of charting the continuous struggles between secular culture and fundamentalist movements in modern Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Crammed with information, this is a very informative, well-documented, and challenging book by a distinguished British scholar.

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    • Fidelity Of Heart


      What does it take to follow and not merely admire Jesus? How do religious affections reshape the practice of Christian values like love, peace, justice, and compassion? How can they possess both universal truth and local meaning? What role can they play in public life? In Fidelity of Heart Gilman answers these questions, while showing, in an innovative and provocative approach, how Christians can practice these values in ways continuous with the life of Jesus.

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    • Prayer And Devotional Life Of United Methodists


      This volume in the United Methodist Studies series challenges United Methodist to engage in life-transforming practices. The author explains a theme and underscores major emphases within the United Methodist denomination. This adult study is divided into four sections with suggestions for groug discussion, and can be completed in 4 to 8 sessions. No leaders guide is needed.

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    • Lord I Want To Be Whole


      When Stormie Omartian was a child, her mother would lock her in a closet and say, “You are worthless, and you’ll never amount to anything.” How did a young girl who grew up in an abusive home learn to overcome her past pain to find emotional wholeness as an adult? Lord, I Want to Be Whole offers seven steps that helped Stormie overcome clinical depression and live a more fulfilling life. She shows readers how prayer and the encouragement of Scripture can help them come to terms with their past. She also tells how to find deliverance from spiritual oppression and negative influences, learn to receive God’s gifts and believe the good things God says about us, become aware of deceptions and misconceptions, and maintain emotional health by taking care of our bodies and being sensitive to what is happening inside us. Lord, I Want to Be Who helps those who are troubled by depression find emotional wholeness and become all God made them to be.

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    • God Dont Like Ugly


      The crux of this book is the author’s analysis of intergener- ational transmission of spiritual values as depicted in selected African-American women’s literature written since 1960 (gospel music, poems, novels, short stories, and auto- biography). An interpretive framework is grounded in three ethical presuppositions based on traditional African-American spiritual values, African-American Theology and Ethics, Womanist Christology and Ethics, and values called from the author’s own life experience and religious beliefs.

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    • Encountering God : Christian Faith In Turbulent Times


      Christian doctrine gives order to the Christian life – what people believe, know, and what they do about God’s message of salvation. In this clear and helpful introduction to doctrine, Purves and Partee focus on the basic issues of Christian faith as filtered through contemporary experience: the mystery of faith, justification and sanctification, salvation, sin, the sacraments, hope, and joy. Useful for both group and individual study or in the classroom, this guide brings the doctrines of the Christian faith to life, and helps readers understand the relevance of these doctrines in day-to-day experience.

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    • Smell Of Sawdust


      The Smell of Sawdust stimulates reflection among evangelicals and those interested in evangelicalism about the strengths and weaknesses of our pietist-revivalist heritage. The book is written to the thoughtful layperson and deals with topics of interest to Christian thinkers and leaders. Mouw uses first person and anecdotal material, reflections from his own evangelical upbringing, stories that will illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of the evangelical movement. Mouw uses language that is popular in tone, but not dumbed down.

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    • When God Weeps


      If God is loving, why is there suffering? What’s the difference between permitting something and ordaining it? When bad things happen, who’s behind them, God or the devil? When suffering touches our lives, questions like these suddenly demand an answer. From our perspective, suffering doesn’t make sense, especially when we believe in a loving and just God. After more than thirty years in a wheelchair, Joni Eareckson Tada’s intimate experience with suffering gives her a special understanding of God’s intentions for us in our pain. In When God Weeps, she and lifelong friend Steven Estes probe beyond glib answers that fail us in our time of deepest need. Instead, with firmness, and compassion, they reveal a God big enough to understand our suffering, wise enough to allow it and powerful enough to use it for a greater good than we can ever imagine.

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    • From Culture Wars To Common Ground (Revised)


      What is the status of the American family? How is it changing? Are these changes making anything better? What is the future of the family? Does religion offer a positive answer?

      Not since Habits of the Heart has one book confronted issues with such personal and societal impact. Using in-depth case studies and national surveys, and now with an updated Preface and new Appendix, this groundbreaking book presents arguments for the creation of a new family ethic that should be central to both the agenda of contemporary society and the mission of the church.

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    • Passion Power And Praise


      Passion, Power, and Praise describes a vision of male spirituality that is modeled by God’s relationship with David-the hero-king of biblical history who ruled over Israel and Judah a thousand years before the birth of Christ-and is fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth, often called the “son of David.” The author’s hope is that as men see the way God was at work in the life of David, they will discover new ways in which God may be at work in their lives and will be led to a life filled with robust passion, spiritual power, and joyful praise.

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    • Gifts : The Joy Of Serving God


      The Pursuing Spiritual Transformation series focuses on personal transformation. After the introductory guide, entitled Living in Jesus’ Name, each of the remaining guides in the series covers one of Willow Creek’s five “G’s”: Grace, Growth, Groups, Gifts, and Giving. This series is a part of the core curricula in Willow Creek and many WCA churches.

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    • This Far By Faith


      “If your faith is the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”–Matthew 17:20

      A clarion call for those who want to have God in their lives every day and not just on Sundays, This Far by Faith offers clear-sighted, friendly advice that will guide readers gently into the new millennium.

      As the owners of a flourishing company called This Far by Faith Enterprises, Linnie Frank and Andria Hall have started nationwide “Circle of Seven” prayer groups, produce a newsletter called “The Mustard Seed,” and conduct lectures and seminars at their Rhode Island retreat center. Now, in This Far by Faith, Frank and Hall share the “Faith Formula” they have developed in their work together, which they use in their own lives to conquer daily obstacles.

      Through Scripture, original prayers and affirmations, and plain old-fashioned “straight talk,” the authors tackle issues ranging from friendship, family, love, marriage, child-rearing, and work, all while underscoring the importance of faith and perseverance as a way of maintaining balance in today’s busy world. In chapters such as “What You Won’t Do for Love,” “Keeping the Home Fires Burning,” “A House Is Not a Home,” “Jobs, Career, and Callings,” and “Give Me That Old Time Religion,” Frank and Hall discuss ways to “live in the light.”

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    • Healing Prayer : Gods Divine Intervention In Medicine Faith And Prayer


      Reginald Cherry, M.D. says, “Prayer is the divine key that unlocks God’s pathway of healing in both the natural and supernatural realms of life.” In Healing Prayer, he explores the connection between faith and healing, the Bible and medicine. A practicing doctor, Cherry blends the latest research, true stories, and biblical principles to show that spirit-directed prayer can bring healing for disease. He helps readers understand the foundations of prayer in relationship to healing and become inspired to trust in God for their healing or that of a loved one. Expositions of biblical text, dramatic case studies, overviews of latest medical research, and step-by-step guidance for healing prayer help readers understand how medicine, faith, and prayer can work together.

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    • Groups : The Life Giving Power Of Community


      The Pursuing Spiritual Transformation series focuses on personal transformation. After the introductory guide, entitled Living in Jesus’ Name, each of the remaining guides in the series covers one of Willow Creek’s five “G’s”: Grace, Growth, Groups, Gifts, and Giving. This series is a part of the core curricula in Willow Creek and many WCA churches.

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    • Growth : Training Vs Trying


      The Pursuing Spiritual Transformation series focuses on personal transformation. After the introductory guide, entitled Living in Jesus’ Name, each of the remaining guides in the series covers one of Willow Creek’s five “G’s”: Grace, Growth, Groups, Gifts, and Giving. This series is a part of the core curricula in Willow Creek and many WCA churches.

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