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    • Adventure Bible


      Ready for Adventure? Embark on a fun, exciting journey through God’s Word with the NIV Adventure Bible—now in full color throughout! Along the way you’ll meet all types of people, see all sorts of places, and learn all kinds of things about the Bible. Most importantly you’ll grow closer in your relationship with God. Features include: Full color throughout — makes learning about the people, places, and culture of the Bible even more engaging Life in Bible Times—Articles and illustrations describe what life was like in ancient days Words to Treasure—Highlights great verses to memorize Did You Know?—Interesting facts help you understand God’s Word and the life of faith People in Bible Times—Articles offer close-up looks at amazing people of the Bible Live It!—Hands-on activities help you apply biblical truths to your life Twenty special pages—Focus on topics such as famous people of the Bible, highlights of the life of Jesus, how to pray, and the love passage for kids, all with a jungle safari theme Book introductions with useful facts about each book of the Bible Dictionary/concordance for looking up tricky words Color map section to help locate places in the Bible Complete text of the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible Recommended by more Christian schools and churches than any other Bible for kids!

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    • Standard Size Bible


      Inside, you’ll find reader-friendly subheadings, a double-column format, words of Christ printed in red ink, a helpful Scripture verse finder by topic and a one-year Bible reading plan.

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    • Large Print Bible


      Stunning Faux Leather Bound Large Print Edition King James Bible. The cover is constructed of quality man-made material with the look and feel of real leather (trade name LuxLeather). Design features include an engraved filigree cover design on the front and back, gold foiled debossed title and accents, gold gilt-edged pages with thumb indexing and an attached ribbon page marker. Inside, you’ll find reader-friendly subheadings, a double-column format, a helpful Scripture verse finder by topic and a one-year Bible reading plan. 1002 Pages.

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    • Living Bible Large Print Edition


      Celebrating over 40 years and over 40 million lives touched, Tyndale is releasing a new Large Print edition of The Living Bible. Features include a Bible reading plan, four-color maps, a topical concordance, and a presentation page. The uncluttered, two-column format and the large text make for easy reading. The Living Bible is a paraphrase of the Old and New Testaments. Its purpose is to say as exactly as possible what the writers of the Scriptures meant, and to say it simply, expanding where necessary for a clear understanding by the modern reader.

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    • Bilingual Holy Bible English Italian


      The Bilingual Holy Bible, English – Italian is derived from the 1901 English American Standard and 1927 Italian Riveduta Bible translations.

      Printed on white paper for easy reading, verses are paired in classical Biblical English and Italian so both translations can be followed sentence by sentence.


      Genesis 1:1
      In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

      Genesi 1:1
      Nel principio Iddio creo i cieli e la terra.

      Psalms 23:4
      Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.

      Salmi 23:4
      Quand’anche camminassi nella valle dell’ombra della morte, io non temerei male alcuno, perche tu sei meco; il tuo bastone e la tua verga son quelli che mi consolano.

      John 3:16
      For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life.

      Giovanni 3:16
      Poiche Iddio ha tanto amato il mondo, che ha dato il suo unigenito Figliuolo, affinche chiunque crede in lui non perisca, ma abbia vita eterna.

      The texts have been edited to allow pairing of verses which can result in some verse numbers that differ from other Bibles.


      Genesis – Genesi
      Exodus – Esodo
      Leviticus – Levitico
      Numbers – Numeri
      Deuteronomy – Deuteronomio
      Joshua – Giosue
      Judges – Giudici
      Ruth – Rut
      I Samuel – I Samuele
      II Samuel – II Samuele
      I Kings – I Re
      II Kings – II Re
      I Chronicles – I Cronache
      II Chronicles – II Cronache
      Ezra – Esdra
      Nehemiah – Neemia
      Esther – Ester
      Job – Giobbe
      Psalms – Salmi
      Proverbs – Proverbi
      Ecclesiastes – Ecclesiaste
      Song of Solomon – Cantico dei Cantici
      Isaiah – Isaia
      Jeremiah – Geremia
      Lamentations – Lamentazioni
      Ezekiel – Ezechiele
      Daniel – Daniele
      Hosea – Osea
      Joel – Gioele
      Amos – Amos
      Obadiah – Abdia
      Jonah – Giona
      Micah – Michea
      Nahum – Nahum
      Habakkuk – Abacuc
      Zephaniah – Sofonia
      Haggai – Aggeo
      Zechariah – Zaccaria
      Malachi – Malachia
      Matthew – Matteo
      Mark – Marco
      Luke – Luca
      John – Giovanni
      Acts – Atti degli Apostoli
      Romans – Romani
      I Corinthians – I Corinzi
      II Corinthians – II Corinzi
      Galatians – Galati
      Ephesians – Efesini
      Philippians – Filippesi
      Colossians – Colossesi
      I Thessalonians – I Tessalonicesi
      II Thessalonians – II Tessalonicesi
      I Timothy – I Timoteo
      II Timothy – II Timoteo
      Titus – Tito
      Philemon – Filemone
      Hebrews – Ebrei
      James – Giacomo
      I Peter – I Pietro
      II Peter – II Pietro

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    • Bilingual Holy Bible English Italian


      The Bilingual Holy Bible, English – Italian is derived from the 1901 English American Standard and 1927 Italian Riveduta Bible translations.

      Printed on white paper for easy reading, verses are paired in classical Biblical English and Italian so both translations can be followed sentence by sentence.


      Genesis 1:1
      In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

      Genesi 1:1
      Nel principio Iddio creo i cieli e la terra.

      Psalms 23:4
      Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.

      Salmi 23:4
      Quand’anche camminassi nella valle dell’ombra della morte, io non temerei male alcuno, perche tu sei meco; il tuo bastone e la tua verga son quelli che mi consolano.

      John 3:16
      For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life.

      Giovanni 3:16
      Poiche Iddio ha tanto amato il mondo, che ha dato il suo unigenito Figliuolo, affinche chiunque crede in lui non perisca, ma abbia vita eterna.

      The texts have been edited to allow pairing of verses which can result in some verse numbers that differ from other Bibles.


      Genesis – Genesi
      Exodus – Esodo
      Leviticus – Levitico
      Numbers – Numeri
      Deuteronomy – Deuteronomio
      Joshua – Giosue
      Judges – Giudici
      Ruth – Rut
      I Samuel – I Samuele
      II Samuel – II Samuele
      I Kings – I Re
      II Kings – II Re
      I Chronicles – I Cronache
      II Chronicles – II Cronache
      Ezra – Esdra
      Nehemiah – Neemia
      Esther – Ester
      Job – Giobbe
      Psalms – Salmi
      Proverbs – Proverbi
      Ecclesiastes – Ecclesiaste
      Song of Solomon – Cantico dei Cantici
      Isaiah – Isaia
      Jeremiah – Geremia
      Lamentations – Lamentazioni
      Ezekiel – Ezechiele
      Daniel – Daniele
      Hosea – Osea
      Joel – Gioele
      Amos – Amos
      Obadiah – Abdia
      Jonah – Giona
      Micah – Michea
      Nahum – Nahum
      Habakkuk – Abacuc
      Zephaniah – Sofonia
      Haggai – Aggeo
      Zechariah – Zaccaria
      Malachi – Malachia
      Matthew – Matteo
      Mark – Marco
      Luke – Luca
      John – Giovanni
      Acts – Atti degli Apostoli
      Romans – Romani
      I Corinthians – I Corinzi
      II Corinthians – II Corinzi
      Galatians – Galati
      Ephesians – Efesini
      Philippians – Filippesi
      Colossians – Colossesi
      I Thessalonians – I Tessalonicesi
      II Thessalonians – II Tessalonicesi
      I Timothy – I Timoteo
      II Timothy – II Timoteo
      Titus – Tito
      Philemon – Filemone
      Hebrews – Ebrei
      James – Giacomo
      I Peter – I Pietro
      II Peter – II Pietro

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    • Pocket New Testament And Psalms


      King James Version, Scripture Portions

      Additional Info
      Very small, low-cost newly re-typeset New Testament with Psalms in vinyl-covered paperback. Ideal for missionary and evangelistic purposes.

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    • Pocket New Testament And Psalms


      King James Version, Scripture Portions

      Additional Info
      Very small, low-cost newly re-typeset New Testament with Psalms in vinyl-covered paperback. Ideal for missionary and evangelistic purposes.

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    • Mirror Bible 2nd Edition


      People who have stopped reading the Bible or never even read it before say about The Mirror, “I have never read anything that touched me so deeply, it is a brand new Bible, I cannot wait to give it to all my friends!” The Mirror Bible is a paraphrase from the original Greek text. While the detailed shades of meaning of every Greek word have been closely studied, this is done taking into account the consistent context of the entire chapter within the wider epistle, and bearing in mind the full context of Jesus as the revealer and redeemer of the image and likeness of the invisible God in human form, which is what the message of the Bible is all about. To assist the reader in their study, I have numerically superscripted the Greek word and corresponded it with the closest English word in the italicized commentary that follows. This is to create a direct comparison of words between the two languages. Many words used in previous translations have adopted meanings in time that distract from the original thought. Individual words can greatly influence the interpretation of any conversation. For years deliberate as well as oblivious errors in translations were repeated and have empowered the religious institutions of the day to influence, manipulate and even abuse masses of people. Consider the word metanoia, consisting of two components, meta, together with, and nous, mind, suggesting a radical mind shift. This word has always been translated as “repentance,” which is an old English word borrowed from the Latin word, penance. Then they added the “re” to get even more mileage out of sin consciousness. Re-penance. This gross deception led to the perverted doctrines of indulgences, where naive, ignorant people were led to believe that they needed to purchase favor from an angry god. Most cathedrals as well as many ministries were funded with guilt money. The Bible is a dangerous book! It has confused and divided more people than any other document. Scriptures have been used to justify some of the greatest atrocities in human history. People were tortured, burned to death and multitudes murdered based on somebody’s understanding of the scriptures! Jesus, Paul and believers throughout the ages faced their greatest opposition from those who knew the scriptures. If it is such a dangerous document, how does one approach the book? The Mirror unveils the Incarnation Code as the key that unlocks the mystery message of scripture. The romance of the ages is revealed here.

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    • Compact Bible


      This beautifully designed King James Version Compact Bible will make a lovely addition to your bedside nightstand for early morning or late-night reading. The convenient size is also ideal for tucking inside a purse, backpack or suitcase as you travel.

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    • Compact Bible


      This beautifully designed King James Version Compact Bible will make a lovely addition to your bedside nightstand for early morning or late-night reading. The convenient size is also ideal for tucking inside a purse, backpack or suitcase as you travel.

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    • Compact Bible


      This beautifully designed King James Version Compact Bible will make a lovely addition to your bedside nightstand for early morning or late-night reading. The convenient size is also ideal for tucking inside a purse, backpack or suitcase as you travel.

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    • Mini Pocket Edition Bible


      Our Black Mini Pocket Edition King James Version Bible zips up to carry easily. Its cover is constructed of quality man-made material imported from Italy, with the look and feel of real leather (trade name LuxLeather). Design features include a debossed decorative motif and silver foiled debossed title. Inside, you’ll find silver gilt-edged pages, a helpful Scripture verse finder, reader-friendly subheadings, a double-column format, a one-year Bible reading plan and an attached ribbon page marker.

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    • Clarion Reference Bible


      A Cambridge Clarion Reference Bible presents the text in a single column with the cross-references in the outer margin, giving the page a very well laid out appearance. The font size is a little under 9 point with generous line spacing. It is typeset in Lexicon No. 1, a modern digital font which has many of the characteristics usually associated with traditional Bible typefaces-in particular, a degree of readability more usually associated with much larger type.
      The Clarion edition is the only NASB personal size reference Bible with a single-column paragraph format.

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    • Teen Life Application Study Bible


      The only teen Bible based on today’s #1-selling study Bible, the Teen Life Application Study Bible (formerly the Student’s Life Application Study Bible) is packed with features designed to meet the challenges and needs of today’s high school students. Combining traditional study Bible features like book introductions, textual notes, person profiles, and maps with application-oriented features focusing on choices, real-life issues, and real-life stories of actual teens, the Teen Life Application Study Bible stands apart in the crowded world of teen Bibles.

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    • Teen Life Application Study Bible


      The only teen Bible based on today’s #1-selling study Bible, the Teen Life Application Study Bible (formerly the Student’s Life Application Study Bible) is packed with features designed to meet the challenges and needs of today’s high school students. Combining traditional study Bible features like book introductions, textual notes, person profiles, and maps with application-oriented features focusing on choices, real-life issues, and real-life stories of actual teens, the Teen Life Application Study Bible stands apart in the crowded world of teen Bibles.

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    • Teen Life Application Study Bible


      The only teen Bible based on today’s #1-selling study Bible, the Teen Life Application Study Bible (formerly the Student’s Life Application Study Bible) is packed with features designed to meet the challenges and needs of today’s high school students. Combining traditional study Bible features like book introductions, textual notes, person profiles, and maps with application-oriented features focusing on choices, real-life issues, and real-life stories of actual teens, the Teen Life Application Study Bible stands apart in the crowded world of teen Bibles.

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    • Teen Life Application Study Bible


      The only teen Bible based on today’s #1-selling study Bible, the Teen Life Application Study Bible (formerly the Student’s Life Application Study Bible) is packed with features designed to meet the challenges and needs of today’s high school students. Combining traditional study Bible features like book introductions, textual notes, person profiles, and maps with application-oriented features focusing on choices, real-life issues, and real-life stories of actual teens, the Teen Life Application Study Bible stands apart in the crowded world of teen Bibles.

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    • High Definition King James Version Of The New Testament


      Using a Greek Concordance and an English dictionary, almost every word in the KJV New Testament has been looked up and its expanded, clearer definition superimposed over the KJV word.

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    • Tiny Testament Bible


      The smallest NIV pocket-size New Testament available-in clear, readable 6-point type – Complete NIV text of the New Testament, with all translators’ footnotes and sectional headings – Getting to Know Jesus, Promises from the Bible, and Perspectives from the Bible sections

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    • New Cambridge Paragraph Bible With The Apocrypha Personal Size


      The New Cambridge Paragraph Bible presents the KJV text as intended by the 1611 Translators, using their surviving notes. The text is presented in paragraph form with marginal notes. Modern spelling and punctuation are used for simplicity and ease of use.

      This scholarly edition first came out in 2005 in a large format, and like the early King James Bibles, included the Apocrypha. It was published to critical acclaim and is now issued in Personal Size editions, either with or without the Apocrypha, to satisfy different preferences. It comes in hardcover or leather.

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    • Personal Size Study Bible


      The ESV Study Bible, Personal Size compresses nearly all the features of the award-winning ESV Study Bible into a smaller size for easier carrying. This Personal Size edition retaina all of the original’s 25,000 study notes, 240 full-color maps and illustrations, charts, timelines, and introductions-more than 2 million words of Bible text, insightful explanation, teaching, and reference material. To conserve space, some of the extensive articles have been removed from this more compact edition and moved online for free access. Enjoy the comprehensive resources of the internationally best-selling ESV Study Bible, now in a convenient and portable smaller size!

      *Smaller, more portable size
      *Single-column Bible text (7.7-point type) double-column notes (6.3-point type)
      *Black letter text
      *25,000 study notes
      *240 full-color maps and illustrations througout
      *80,000 cross-references
      *Complete introductions to every Bible book
      *Extensive concordance
      *Printed on finest European Bible paper
      *Smyth-sewn binding
      *Lifetime guarantee from the publisher
      *Free access to the ESV Online Study Bible.

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    • Family Bible Keepsake Edition


      A deluxe family Bible in the world’s most popular modern English translation, the New International Version, this is sure to become a cherished keepsake. The Deluxe Edition’s large format makes it perfect for display, and the classic, full-color, Renaissance illustrations of key stories from Scripture make it a Bible the entire family can enjoy. And the presentation page and family record section make it an instant family heirloom to pass on generation to generation. Features: * Complete text of the New International Version—the world’s most popular modern-English Bible translation * Full 8-page presentation and family record section for recording family tree information, births, marriages, deaths, and other important events * 8 pages of beautiful full-color Renaissance artwork illustrate stories from Scripture * Center-column reference system * NIV Concordance * Gold Gilded Edges * Large Print * Ribbon Marker

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    • Concord Wide Margin Reference Edition Bible


      The widely admired Concord Wide-Margin Reference Bible has a clear, modern look, and its generous inter-line spacing makes it easy to read. There are comprehensive center-column cross-references, 15 color maps and a 136-page concordance.

      Wide, clean margins surround the text, making it beautiful to read and to study. This edition includes the Preface to the original 1611 King James Version, the ‘Translators to the Reader’. Finally, there are 56 extra ruled pages at the back of the book for note-taking, and 15 color maps.

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    • Concord Reference Bible


      This Bible offers a wealth of reference material–a glossary, concordance, dictionary of names and phrases, fifteen color maps, and gazetteer. Bold-figure cross-references link passages of the text without cluttering the page. The words of Christ are printed in red.

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    • Concord Reference Bible


      This Bible offers a wealth of reference material–a glossary, concordance, dictionary of names and phrases, fifteen color maps, and gazetteer. Bold-figure cross-references link passages of the text without cluttering the page. The words of Christ are printed in red.

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    • 1 Year Bible


      The One Year Bible makes reading through the Bible achievable with daily 15-minute readings from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs.

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    • Cameo Reference With Apocrypha


      The Cameo Bible is one of the classic Cambridge editions of the King James Bible, dating from the 1920s. The Bible text is set in an attractive historic typeface and is printed large enough to be clear and easy to read while small enough to result in a compact Bible. The Bible has pronunciation marks for difficult words and phrases, full cross-references, a concordance, and maps. This edition includes the Apocrypha. It is one of the very few modern editions of the King James Version to do so.

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    • Transetto Text Bible


      The KJV Transetto Text Edition is not only a new Bible–it is a unique book concept. These smart, ultra-modern books are very compact, but nevertheless clear and easy to handle and read. They use lightweight paper and an innovative binding style to includ

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    • Transetto Text Bible


      The KJV Transetto Text Edition is not only a new Bible–it is a unique book concept. These smart, ultra-modern books are very compact, but nevertheless clear and easy to handle and read. They use lightweight paper and an innovative binding style to includ

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    • Scofield Study Bible 3 Large Print Edition


      The New King James Version of the Scofield(R) Study Bible III is now available in an easy-to-read large print edition. The Scofield(R) Study Bible III, NKJV, Large Print Edition combines the renowned Scofield(R) study notes and references with the popular New King James Version in a large font format. Identical to the original study Bible, this large print edition contains the fruit of Dr. C. I. Scofield’s decades of reflection on the Word of God, which has been augmented (not revised), to help make the ideas underlying the Scofield’s annotations clearer and more accessible to modern readers. Factual information is presented in a wealth of topical articles, charts, and lists that add depth and richness to Biblical study.

      This beautiful burgundy bonded leather edition is perfect for anyone needing a large print version of this trusted study Bible, whether for public reading or personal devotions. Pagination and design match the standard Scofield(R) Study Bible III, NKJV Bibles exactly.

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    • Scofield Study Bible 3 Large Print Edition


      The New King James Version of the Scofield(R) Study Bible III is now available in an easy-to-read large print edition. The Scofield(R) Study Bible III, NKJV, Large Print Edition combines the renowned Scofield(R) study notes and references with the popular New King James Version in a large font format. Identical to the original study Bible, this large print edition contains the fruit of Dr. C. I. Scofield’s decades of reflection on the Word of God, which has been augmented (not revised), to help make the ideas underlying the Scofield’s annotations clearer and more accessible to modern readers. Factual information is presented in a wealth of topical articles, charts, and lists that add depth and richness to Biblical study.

      This beautiful burgundy bonded leather edition is perfect for anyone needing a large print version of this trusted study Bible, whether for public reading or personal devotions. Pagination and design match the standard Scofield(R) Study Bible III, NKJV Bibles exactly.

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    • Evidence Bible


      The NKJV Evidence Bible is the official Bible of The Way of the Master TV show and ministry. The ground-breaking Evidence Bible that has been used by countless Christians on the front lines of evangelism is now available:
      *In an easy to read New King James Version.
      *The words of Christ in red letter.
      *Complete with a user friendly concordance to help the reader find key words.
      *A new and updated commentary and supplemental material answering some of the most asked questions for believers and non-believers alike.
      *Detailed explanations on how to approach members of other faiths.
      *This Bible continues to point out the thoughts of some of the most well known figures in history and what they had to say about God.

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    • Evidence Bible


      The NKJV Evidence Bible is the official Bible of The Way of the Master TV show and ministry. The ground-breaking Evidence Bible that has been used by countless Christians on the front lines of evangelism is now available:
      *In an easy to read New King James Version.
      *The words of Christ in red letter.
      *Complete with a user friendly concordance to help the reader find key words.
      *A new and updated commentary and supplemental material answering some of the most asked questions for believers and non-believers alike.
      *Detailed explanations on how to approach members of other faiths.
      *This Bible continues to point out the thoughts of some of the most well known figures in history and what they had to say about God.

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    • Evidence Bible


      The NKJV Evidence Bible is the official Bible of The Way of the Master TV show and ministry. The ground-breaking Evidence Bible that has been used by countless Christians on the front lines of evangelism is now available:
      *In an easy to read New King James Version.
      *The words of Christ in red letter.
      *Complete with a user friendly concordance to help the reader find key words.
      *A new and updated commentary and supplemental material answering some of the most asked questions for believers and non-believers alike.
      *Detailed explanations on how to approach members of other faiths.
      *This Bible continues to point out the thoughts of some of the most well known figures in history and what they had to say about God.

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    • Study Bible


      Bible students, find the study helps you need in a package you’ll love-with The KJV Study Bible.

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    • Cameo Reference Edition Bible


      The Cameo Edition is a classic Cambridge typesetting of the King James Version, originally produced in the 1920s for letterpress printing. The beauty of the Cameo is its solution to the age-old problem of providing readable type in a book of manageable size. Unavailable for a while, the Cameo Reference Edition is now re-issued in response to continued consumer interest, in a new range of binding styles.

      The reissue has offered an opportunity for the print image to be enhanced, so while the text presents the same familiar layout and the original Petit Medieval Clarendon type, it is now sharper than in printings of recent years.

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    • Cameo Reference Edition Bible


      The Cameo Edition is a classic Cambridge typesetting of the King James Version, originally produced in the 1920s for letterpress printing. The beauty of the Cameo is its solution to the age-old problem of providing readable type in a book of manageable size. Unavailable for a while, the Cameo Reference Edition is now re-issued in response to continued consumer interest, in a new range of binding styles.

      The reissue has offered an opportunity for the print image to be enhanced, so while the text presents the same familiar layout and the original Petit Medieval Clarendon type, it is now sharper than in printings of recent years.

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    • 1 Year Chronological Premium Slimline Large Print Bible


      Now available in large print editions, The One Year Chronological Bible is ideal for anyone who wants to take a fresh look at the Bible by reading it in the order the events actually happened. You can read the entire Bible in as little as 15 minutes a day with this One Year Bible, the best-selling daily reading Bible brand. The New Living Translation is an authoritative Bible translation, rendered faithfully into today’s English from the ancient texts by 90 leading Bible scholars. The NLT’s scholarship and clarity breathe life into even the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages-but even more powerful are stories of how people’s lives are changing as the words speak directly to their hearts. That’s why we call it “The Truth Made Clear.”

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    • 400th Anniversary Edition Bible


      Oxford is proud to announce a limited edition of the 1611 text of the King James Bible, hardcover with real leather covering, gilt edging, ribbon markers, gift presentation plate, and protective cloth slipcase.

      This is the most authoritative edition of the King James Bible available. The text of the 1611 edition differs from modern editions of the King James Version in thousands of details, and this edition is the most authentic version of the original text that has ever been published. It follows the 1611 text page-for-page and line-for-line, reproducing all misprints rather than correcting them. The volume also reprints the large body of preliminary matter, which includes genealogies, maps, and lists of readings, as well as the translator’s preface to the reader. The text features an easy-to-read modern font instead of the black-letter type of the original, with the exception of the original decorative letters and early page ornaments, which have been reproduced. The volume concludes with an essay by Renaissance Studies expert, Gordon Campbell, on the first edition of the King James Bible.

      The 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Bible will be a major event, with celebrations held all over the world. This beautiful Anniversary Edition will make an elegant keepsake with which to remember this event as well as a marvelous gift for anyone interested in the Bible.

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    • Bread Of Life Gospel Of John


      SKU (ISBN): 9780840700155ISBN10: 0840700156Translation: New King James Version (NKJV)Language: EnglishColor: Full ColorBinding: PaperPublished: August 2010Publisher: Thomas Nelson

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    • Giant Print Edition


      SKU (ISBN): 9781414337517ISBN10: 1414337515Translation: New Living Translation (NLT)Language: EnglishColor: BlackBinding: BondedFont size: 14Words of Jesus Christ in Red LettersBoxedIndexedPresentation BiblePublished: July 2010Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • Apocrypha Readers Edition


      The Apocrypha (“hidden things”) is that collection of books included in the Greek Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible, or in the Latin Vulgate translation. While these books are not part of the Hebrew text that forms the canon for Judaism and Protestant Christianity, they are regarded as canonical by several Christian traditions. Additionally, scholars have pronounced the Apocrypha to be of great value in understanding the times between the Old and New Testaments and the place of Judaism in the Hellenistic and Roman periods.

      The deuterocanonical books consist of such genres as wisdom literature, historical fiction, histories, devotional writings, letters, and even apocalyptic material. Included are 1 Esdras; 1 & 2 Maccabees; Tobit; Judith; Esther (Greek); Song of the Three Young Men; Susanna; Bel and the Dragon; Wisdom of Solomon; Wisdom of Jesus, Son of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus); Baruch; Letter of Jeremiah; Prayer of Manasseh; and 2 Esdras.

      The Apocrypha is used by the Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran, Methodist, and Roman Catholic traditions.

      Featuring readable 9-point type, this affordable slim volume is a convenient supplement to Bibles that don’t include the apocryphal texts; and is ideal for classroom use or personal study. It also includes an essay from John R. Kohlenberger III on the importance of the Apocrypha.

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    • Kids Study Bible


      Kids know the Bible is important: after all, it contains God’s message of love for them, all other people, and the universe he created. But where does a young person begin studying what’s between the covers of this big book? What kind of things will help a child get the most out of the history, stories, and teachings it contains?

      This special edition will encourage readers aged 8-12 to begin the adventure of life-long Bible study. It contains the complete Old and New Testaments of the renowned King James Version, plus a wealth of extra features that will deepen their understanding of the Word of God.

      * Presentation page for personalizing the Bible as a gift
      * Clear, 9-point type
      * Words of Christ in red letter
      * 16 full color charts and illustrations
      * Book introductions
      * Hide It In Your Heart-in-text memory verses
      * Bible People You Should Know in-text cameos of important personalities
      * The Passion in Parallel and Prophecy
      * Parables and Miracles of the Bible
      * Dictionary/concordance
      * 8-page full color map section

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    • Library Edition New Testament


      The New English Bible, completed in 1970, was the culmination of more than twenty years’ work by scholars and literary advisers representing the major Protestant churches of the British Isles. An authoritative translation made directly from the best Hebrew and Greek texts and founded on all the resources of contemporary scholarship, it aimed to present the full meaning of the original in clear and natural modern English. This approach marked a departure from the prevailing Bible translation philosophy and to this day the NEB has a significant place in the history of the Bible in English. The New English Bible is now reissued in this classic ‘Library Edition’ format to coincide with the reissue of the complete Cambridge Bible Commentaries series, which was itself based on the NEB text.

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    • Study Bible


      The ESV Study Bible™ was created to help people understand the Bible in a deeper way. Combining the best and most recent evangelical Christian scholarship with the highly regarded ESV text, it is the most comprehensive study Bible ever published.Created by an outstanding team of 95 evangelical Christian scholars and teachers, the ESV Study Bible presents completely new study notes, maps, illustrations, charts, timelines, articles, and introductions. Altogether the ESV Study Bible comprises over 2 million words of Bible text, insightful explanation, teaching, and reference material-equivalent to a 20-volume Bible resource library all contained in one volume.6.5″ x 9.25″ 2,752 pages Single-column Bible text (9-point type); double column-notes (7.25-point type) Black letter text Finest quality European Bible paper Durable Smyth-sewn binding Lifetime guarantee on materials and binding on all leather and TruTone® Bibles Free ESV Online Study Bible available with purchase

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    • Pitt Minion Reference Bible


      These are Cambridge’s first Bibles to use the dignified, expressive language of the English Standard Version (ESV). The English Standard Version is a literal translation from the original texts, firmly rooted in the tradition of Tyndale and King James but without archaic language. Published at the beginning of the twenty-first century, it is closest in style to the RSV and is well suited to public reading and memorization.

      This is a center-column reference Bible presented in the Pitt Minion format: the Bible text is compact yet easy to read, while the Bibles themselves are slim and elegant.

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    • Study Bible


      The ESV Study Bible was created to help people understand the Bible in a deeper way-to understand the timeless truth of God’s Word as a powerful, compelling, life-changing reality. To accomplish this, the ESV Study Bible combines the best and most recent evangelical Christian scholarship with the highly regarded ESV Bible text. The result is the most comprehensive study Bible ever published-with more than 2,750 pages of extensive, accessible Bible resources.

      With completely new notes, maps, illustrations, charts, timelines, and articles, the ESV Study Bible was created by an outstanding team of 93 evangelical Christian scholars and teachers. In addition to the 757,000 words of the ESV Bible itself, the notes and resources of the ESV Study Bible comprise an additional 1.1 million words of insightful explanation and teaching-equivalent to a 20-volume Bible resource library all contained in one volume.

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    • Large Print Pew Bible


      SKU (ISBN): 9781598562934ISBN10: 1598562932Translation: (Authorized) King James Version (KJV)Language: EnglishColor: BlackBinding: ClothFont size: 10Published: September 2008Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers

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    • Babys First Bible


      Here’s the first baby keepsake Bible with the “AWW” factor! The flocked packaging and Bible cover with the precious duckie designs by licensed artist Beverly Luedecke will keep recipients enchanted for years to come. Each tip-in page has a unique design sharing a Scripture message for baby in the sweetest way. Add your own special touches to the presentation and family history pages. Features: Unique artwork by best-selling artist Flocked packaging and cover Presentation & Family History pages NKJV translation

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