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    Pastoral Helps

    • Guerir Les Traumatismes Manuel – (Other Language)


      Le Manuel de l’animateur pour les groupes d’accompagnement est destine aux animateurs certifies qui accompagnent les personnes en souffrance en utilisant le livre Guerir les Traumatismes: Ce que l’Eglise peut faire, qui est le fondement du ministere d’accompagnement des personnes traumatisees, base sur la Bible, de Trauma Healing Institute. Ce manuel contient les explications et les indications d’horaires pour chaque module ainsi que des conseils pratiques sur l’animation d’un groupe d’accompagnement. Recits en provenance d’Afrique Cette edition du livre reprend les histoires originales et peut etre utilisee efficacement dans les villes, les villages et les zones de conflit.

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    • Guerir Les Traumatismes Manuel – (Other Language)


      Le Manuel de l’animateur pour la formation avancee est destine aux animateurs certifies, qui participent a une formation avancee du ministere d’accompagnement des personnes traumatisees, base sur la Bible, de Trauma Healing Institute. Ce manuel est utilise avec le Manuel de l’animateur pour les groupes d’accompagnement et Guerir les traumatismes: ce que l’Eglise peut faire – Recits en provenance d’Afrique. Ce manuel aide a preparer les animateurs a demarrer en toute confiance un ministere des groupes d’accompagnement. Il aide egalement les formateurs a developper un programme complet d’accompagnement des personnes ayant vecu des traumatismes – des premieres sessions de sensibilisation aux sessions de formation, et jusqu’aux reunions de la Communaute de Pratique.

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    • Guerir Les Traumatismes Manuel – (Other Language)


      Guerir les Traumatismes: Ce que l’Eglise peut faire propose une approche pratique qui s’appuie a la fois sur la Bible et sur les principes de la sante mentale pour trouver la guerison de Dieu pour les blessures du coeur. Cette approche a ete testee sur le terrain depuis 2001 avec des responsables d’Eglises catholiques, orthodoxes, protestantes et independantes. Il a ete adapte dans plus de 150 langues et cultures a travers le monde. Il constitue une base solide pour restaurer les vies et les relations. Il s’agit du livre principal du ministere d’accompagnement des personnes traumatisees base sur la Bible de Trauma Healing Institute. Il doit etre utilise par les participants adultes d’un groupe
      d’accompagnement ou d’une session de formation, animes par des animateurs certifies qui utilisent le Manuel de l’animateur pour les groupes d’accompagnement. Recits en provenance d’Afrique Cette edition du livre reprend les histoires originales et peut etre utilisee efficacement dans les villes, les villages et les zones de conflit.

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    • Guidelines For Leading Your Congregation 2017-2020 – (Other Language)


      Written completely in Korean, this book gives guidance designed to support the ministries of The Korean United Methodist Church.

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    • Fur Die Nachste Generation – (Other Language)


      Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts. Psalm 145:4 NLT

      It is natural for every church to follow a path that leads to more funerals than baptisms. Actually, with thousands of churches worldwide closing their doors every year, every church is potentially on a path to extinction.

      For A New Generation is not about changing your church’s statement of faith or core beliefs. It is about evaluating and changing, as needed, your church’s programs, ministries, traditions and practices to more effectively reach the next generation.

      Written to both church leaders and members, it presents a pathway to allow the reader to become a catalyst in creating a church that will thrive for generations to come. It is based on the assumption that accepting the status quo is the greatest threat to your church’s core mission and, perhaps, to the very survival of your church.

      Any church leader or member, no matter the denomination, can benefit from working through the challenging questions posed in For A New Generation. Andy Stanley

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    • Lay Training Manual Lay Exhorter – (Other Language)


      This exhorter training manual is the second-level book in a leadership training program endorsed and conducted by the Korean United Methodist Caucus. This training program (consisting of three levels, or books) provides Korean UM church leaders with a better understanding of the United Methodist Church (its history and structure), the Bible, and church leadership dynamics.

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    • Lay Training Manual Lay Elder – (Other Language)


      This elder training manual is the third-level book in a leadership training program endorsed and conducted by the Korean United Methodist Caucus. This training program (consisting of three levels, or books) provides Korean UM church leaders with a better understanding of the United Methodist Church (its history and structure), the Bible, and church leadership dynamics.

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    • Conflict Management And Resolution For Churches – (Other Language)


      Building mature congregations through relationship development.

      This book provides the biblical view of the conflict in general and the biblical ways of conflict managements and resolution.

      “To build a mature community through relationship development”

      Chapter 1. Basic Understanding of the Relationship Development

      *Even God experiences conflicts? Biblical understanding of conflict
      *God’s way of relationship development – From conflict to maturity

      Chapter 2. Structure of Conflict and Reconciliation

      *Structure of Conflict 1 – Causes, Facilitators, and Symptoms
      *Structure of Conflict 2 – Symptoms of each stage of conflict development
      *Structure of Reconciliation 1 – Causes, Facilitators, and Symptoms
      *Structure of Reconciliation 2 – Human Needs and Degrees of Satisfaction

      Chapter 3. Structure of Relationship and Dialogue

      *Structure of Relationship and Dialogue
      *Structure of the Word of God – Story of the Salvation of Humans

      Chapter 4. Relationship Development and Understanding of Human Emotion

      *How to detach you feeling from facts
      *What should I do when I am angry? Understanding of Anger and Anger Management
      *Emotional Flow of a healthy community

      Chapter 5. Steps of Relationship Development

      *Overlook, Denial, and Direct Conversation
      *Emotional Detachment
      *Church Law

      Chapter 6. Forgiveness

      *God’s Forgiveness and Human Forgiveness
      *Steps for the Forgiveness
      *Apology – Language of Apology
      *Cross – Language of Love

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