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    Family Concerns

    • Amor Y Respeto (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


      Introducing the much-anticipated workbook to the groundbreaking book by the same title, Love & Respect.

      Psychological studies affirm it, and the Bible has been saying it for ages. Cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. It’s the secret to marriage that every couple seeks, and yet few couples ever find. Based upon Ephesians 5:33 and extensive biblical and psychological research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs reveals the power of unconditional love and unconditional respect and how husbands and wives can reap the benefits of marriage that God intended. Using Dr. Eggerich’s breakthrough techniques, this workbook provides excellent study material, whether for a group or for individual couples, as they seek to understand each other and God’s plan for their lives together.

      Descubra el secreto mas grande para un matrimonio exitoso.
      Los estudios psicologicos lo afirman, y la Biblia lo ha estado diciendo durante mucho tiempo. Descifrar el codigo de comunicacion entre marido y mujer implica entender una cosa: que el respeto incondicional es tan poderoso para el como el amor incondicional lo es para ella. Es el secreto del matrimonio que cada pareja busca pero que muy pocas encuentran. Basado en Efesios 5.33 en un estudio biblico y psicologico profundo, el Dr. Eggerichs revela el poder del amor y el respeto incondicional y como la pareja puede beneficiarse de un matrimonio que Dios desea. Utilizando las innovadoras tecnicas del Dr. Eggerichs, este cuaderno provee una excelente guia de estudio tanto para grupos o parejas que buscan entenderse y el proposito de Dios en sus vidas.

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    • Amor Y Respeto – (Spanish)


      Successful couples know that harmony and happiness in marriage are not achieved by love alone. There is the other side of the Ephesians 5:33 equation respect. Yes, a wife needs love. But a husband needs respect. Based on extensive biblical and scientific research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs reveals the secret to couples meeting each other’s deepest needs: Without love she reacts without respect, and without respect he reacts without love and a destructive, vicious cycle begins.

      Love and Respect is a groundbreaking book, to be featured on Focus on the Family, which offers much-needed help to husbands and wives everywhere. It introduces the biblical teaching of unconditional respect, and that it is as powerful as unconditional love. Discover the secret revealed by God that cracks the communication code between male and female and reap the benefits of marriage as God intended.

      Descubra el mas grande secreto para un matrimonio exitoso.?Quequiere usted para su matrimonio? ?Quiere tener paz? ?Quiere sentirintimidad? ?Quiere sentirse valorado? Entonces, pruebe un poco de Amor y respeto.Basadoen Efesios 5.33 y vasta investigacion biblica y psicologica, el doctorEmerson Eggerichs revela por que los espsos reaccionan negativamente eluno con el otro, y como pueden tratar con este conflicto rapida, facily biblicamente.

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    • Padres A Prueba De Crisis – (Spanish)


      Fights at school, sexual abuse, eating disorders, school crises – the list goes on and on. Hardly a day passes without a local crisis at involving junior highers or high schoolers. This practical resource covers the whole continuum of private and public crisis, equipping parents to work with their kids to deal with any crisis in a way that helps the individual and helps the family stay intact.

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    • Complementos Perfectos Mente D – (Spanish)


      SPANISH EDITION. Men and women really are different-even their brains are different-and they were divinely designed that way. Using the latest research, Dr. Walt and Barb Larimore show how the God-designed differences between the male brain and the female brain complement each other to help couples build a delightful, lasting marriage.

      She reads people, and he reads manuals He doesn’t ask for directions, and she doesn’t appreciate his advice She is so mysterious, and he is so practical He does not seem to listen, and she seems so emotional The list goes on and on. In a world where men and women are constantly told they are not different, His Brain, Her Brain shows couples what they instinctively know-men and women are different, and these divinely designed differences, when understood, make a marriage stronger and happier. Combining the latest brain research along with their experiences in over three decades of marriage and counseling, Dr. Walt and Barb Larimore explain how the unique design of each sex, particularly the unique brain and hormones of each, results in different habits, tendencies, and nuances of thought and action.

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    • Limites Para El Matrimonio – (Spanish)


      Learn when to say yes and when to say no -to your spouse and to others- in order to make the most of your marriage.

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    • Acto Matrimonial – (Spanish)


      A frank book about the intimate relationship between husband and wife. Recommended for engaged couples and newlyweds.

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    • Orando A Traves De Los Temas M – (Spanish)


      Encuentra sanidad y restauracion para tu relacion mas intima.Orando a traves de los temas mas profundos del matrimonio examina 15 problemas que amenazan los matrimonios de hoy en dia. Ayuda a la pareja a aprender a orar de tal manera que su relacion quede protegida de los problemas que pueden conducir a una relacion infeliz o al divorcio. Para los que ya luchan en estas areas, este libro les ayudara a encontrar la sanidad y la restauracion que Dios les tiene.

      Find healing and restoration for your most important relationship.
      Orando a traves de los temas mas profundos del matrimonio looks at 15 serious threats to today’s marriages and helps either husbands or wives learn how to pray in a way that will protect their relationship from these problems, problems that can lead to unsatisfying marriages or often divorce. For those who are already struggling in these areas, this book will help them find the healing and restoration God has for them.

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    • Cuando Las Consecuencias No So – (Spanish)


      You and I grew up believing that consequences mattered. Today our children laugh at consequences.

      Parenting has changed. How can you warn your children about bad decisions? Why don’t they believe you any more? Today’s generation is willing to take the chance that they won’t get caught, it won’t be them, they will beat the odds. In fact, injury can come as a badge of honor now. So how do you challenge your children to resist what is wrong? How do you get them to obey the law, to stay away from drugs, and to avoid premarital sex? “If you do X, then Y will happen” is bogus in their thinking.

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    • Ritual De Transicion En La Cri – (Spanish)


      No es un secreto: algo les ha sucedido a las familias estadounidenses. Cambios dramaticos en nuestra cultura quieren decir que lo que una vez fue una manera aceptable de producir adultos maduros y capaces practicamente ha desaparecido. Si le preocupan los efectos del caos cultural actual; si nota en sus hijos la falta de responsabilidad, la falta de una buena etica laboral o la falta de respeto a la autoridad; si le preocupa que sus hijos puedan experimentar falsos ritos de iniciacion como la blasfemia, el fumar, las drogas, el alcohol, agujeros en el cuerpo o el sexo; deje que Walter Moore le muestre como proveer las cuatro experiencias esenciales que a la mayoria de los ninos le hace falta: (1) un rito de iniciacion autentico, (2) tareas significativas, (3) consecuencias logicas y (4) depositos de gracia de los padres, abuelos y otros adultos caritativos. En La crianza como rito de iniciacion, Moore le muestra como evitar el dano y ayudar a sus hijos a pasar a la adultez de una manera saludable.

      Practical, easy steps to help parents give their children a head start
      It’s no secret: something has happened to America’s families. Dramatic shifts in our culture mean that what was once an acceptable way to produce mature, capable adults has now all but disappeared. If you are concerned about the effects of the current cultural chaos; if you notice in your children a lack of responsibility, the lack of a good work ethic, or disrespect for authority; if you are worried that your children may experiment with false rites of passage like profanity, smoking, drugs, alcohol, body piercing, or sex; let Walker Moore show you how to provide the four essential experiences most children are missing: (1) an authentic Rite of Passage, (2) Significant Tasks, (3) Logical Consequences, and (4) Grace Deposits from parents, grandparents, and other caring adults. In La crianza como un rito de iniciacion, Moore shows you how to prevent the damage and help your children move toward adulthood in a healthy way.

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    • Sobreviviendo Un Yugo Desigual – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780829745146ISBN10: 0829745149Language: SpanishLee Strobel | Leslie StrobelBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2008Publisher: Editorial Vida Print On Demand Product

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    • Descifre El Codigo De La Comun – (Spanish)


      Communication between couples has been dissected in thousands of books and articles, so why does it remain the number one marriage problem? “Because,” says Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, “most spouses don’t know that they speak two different languages. They are sending each other messages in ‘code,’ but they won’t crack that code until they see that she listens to hear the language of love and he listens to hear the language of respect.” Dr. Eggerichs’ best-selling book, Amor y respeto, launched a revolution in how couples relate to each other based on Ephesians 5:33: “The husband must love his wife…and the wife must respect her husband.” In Descifre el codigo de la comunicacion he shows couples how to speak each other’s distinctly different language: respect for him, love for her. The result is mutual understanding and a successful, godly marriage.

      La comunicacion entre las parejas se ha analizado minuciosamente en miles de libros y articulos, entonces, por que continua siendo el problema numero uno en el matrimonio? Porque, dice el doctor Emerson Eggerichs, la mayoria de los conyuges no saben que hablan dos idiomas distintos. Se envian mensajes “codificados”, pero no descifran el codigo hasta que se dan cuenta que ella escucha para oir el lenguaje del amor y el escucha para oir el lenguaje del respeto. El libro de gran exito de ventas del doctor Eggerichs, Amor y respeto, desencadeno una revolucion en la manera en que las parejas se relacionan entre si basada en Efesios 5.33: El marido debe amar a su esposa… y la esposa debe respetar al marido. En Descifre el codigo de la comunicacion el ensea a las parejas a hablar el idioma evidentemente distinto del otro: respeto para el, amor para ella. El resultado es comprension mutua y un matrimonio exitoso y devoto.

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    • Matrimonio: De Sobrevivir A Pr (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


      Married for 50 years and with 50-plus years of pastoral counseling experience, Charles Swindoll is committed to helping couples do more than just get by in their relationship. He wants them to flourish and grow! In Matrimonio: De sobrevivir a prosperar, Cuaderno de ejercicios, Swindoll uses eight engaging lessons to equip couples with the tools necessary to thrive in marriage.

      Cincuenta anos de casado y con mas de cincuenta anos de experiencia en consejeria pastoral, Charles Swindoll esta comprometido a ayudar a la pareja a hacer mas que tan solo sobrellevar su relacion, !el quiere que florezca y se desarrolle! En Matrimonio: de sobrevivir a prosperar, cuaderno de ejercicios, Swindoll usa ocho lecciones provocativas para equipar a la pareja con las herramientas necesarias para prosperar en el matrimonio.

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    • Matrimonio De Sobrevivir A Pro – (Spanish)


      Best-selling author Charles R. Swindoll uses his warm, humorous, yet always insightful writing style to bring some much needed advice on the subject of marriage. Drawing from his own personal experience with Cynthia, his wife of 50 years, as well as showing what the Bible says about marriage, Charles will give very practical and inspiring ways to building a marriage that not only survives the tests of time but also thrives.

      El autor de exitos de libreria Charles R. Swindoll escribe de una manera calida, humoristica y siempre acertada en este libro de consejos muy necesarios sobre el matrimonio. Basa el libro en su experiencia personal con su esposa de cincuenta anos, Cynthia, y muestra lo que dice la Biblia sobre el matrimonio. Brinda consejos muy practicos y ofrece ideas inspiradoras para edificar un matrimonio que no solo sobrevive los inevitables contratiempos de la vida sino que florece.

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    • Padres Buenos En Un Mundo Malo – (Spanish)


      Why do some parents seem to be more successful than others? Some parents have an approach, a style, or an attitude that help their children grow in a healthy, robust manner, even when they have considerable challenges. This book deals with the hard issues that parents face in family life and how they can enable their children not only to overcome challenges but also to become warmer, more nurturing, positive, flexible, assertive and creative as they grow older.

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    • Lo Que El Necesita Lo Que Ella (Reprinted) – (Spanish) (Reprinted)


      No es una sorpresa que hombres y mujeres tengan radicalmente diferentes prioridades. Describiendo las diez necesidades mas importantes de los hombres y las mujeres, Dr. Harley les enseara como hacer que su matrimonio sea solido. Aprenda como sostener romance, incrementar la intimidad, y profundisar su consiencia aos tras aos. Esta edicion en su aniversario numero 15 presenta un nuevo prologo, mas questionarios e inventarios personales.

      It’s no surprise – men and women have radically different priorities. Describing the ten most important needs of men and women, Dr. Harley teaches you how to “affair-proof” your marriage. Learn how to sustain romance, increase intimacy, and deepen your awareness year after year. This 15th anniversary edition features a new preface, plus personal questionnaires and inventories.

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    • Limites Con Los Adolecentes – (Spanish)


      Parents with teenage children will recognize the valuable support offered on the pages of this book. The teen years can be a challenging and even scary time for parents and those involved with youth. This book contains topically based chapters devoted to specific problems, from moodiness to school problems to aggression. Finally, the author addresses parents themselves, helping them to resolve their own personal obstacles to being an effective, maturing influence on the teen.

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    • Correccion Creativa – (Spanish)


      Drawing from her own family’s experiences, and from interaction with other parents, Lisa Whelchel offers creative solutions for parents who are out of ideas and desperate for new, proven approaches to discipline

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    • Buen Sexo Para El Hombre Casad – (Spanish)


      No hay nada mas poderoso que el sexo para unir o separar un matrimonio. Aqui esta un libro escrito exclusivamente para los esposos que les ayudara a llevar esta area a un nivel inimaginable. Buen sexo para el hombre casado es un material esencial y genial para todo aquel esposo que desea mantener viva la pasion en su matrimonio.

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    • Corazan De Enojo – (Spanish)


      El enojo, ?Ha sido un problema en su hogar? ?Alguna vez sus hijos le han hablando con un tono airado o irrespetuoso? ?Pelean entre ellos? ?Ha perdido usted alguna vez la compostura o la paciencia mientras trataba una situacion irritable en su casa? Pues bien, si usted contesto honestamente “si” a alguna de estas preguntas, usted necesita este libro.

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    • Crisis En La Familia De Hoy – (Spanish)


      En Crisis en la familia de hoy usted encontrara principios basados en la Palabra de Dios que le ayudaran a reforzar, madurar y solidificar su matrimonio y su vida familiar segun las reglas divinas establecidas en la Escritura. El

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    • Sexualidad Con Proposito – (Spanish)


      Descripcion (Description):

      La intimidad en la vida matrimonial es una experiencia unica que nos da una gran realizacion. Pero muchas veces, por ignorancia, rebelion o por motivos de intuicion personal o pasion, las parejas no logran el diseo divino, y encaran conflictos humanos serios.
      Algunas areas acerca de la intimidad que son cubiertas en este libro son:

      Conceptos incorrectos de intimidad
      Ignorancia acerca de la sexualidad
      Cuando es necesario buscar ayuda profesional
      La busqueda por una intimidad sexual
      Elementos necesarios para vida matrimonial

      Intimacy in married life is an unique experience that gives us great fulfillment. But for causes of ignorance, rebellion or for motives of personal intuition or passion, couples don’t complete the divine design, and confront serious human conflicts.

      Some areas of intimacy that are covered in this book are:

      Wrong concepts of intimacy
      Ignorance of sexuality
      When it’s necessary to look for professional help
      The search for sexual intimacy
      Necessary elements for married life

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    • Tesoros De Intimidad – (Spanish)


      Descripcion (Description): Es muy dificil tener entendimiento sin conocimiento. Tristemente existen muchas personas que no conocen el mundo intimo del sexo opuesto. Podemos investigarlo de tal forma que podamos comprenderlo mejor, para que exista intimidad a traves del conocimiento de otra persona. Tanto el hombre como la mujer estan hambrientos de amor, y las relaciones sexuales, separadas del amor, no resultan en satisfaccion, sino en desilusion.

      It is very hard to have understanding without knowledge. Sadly many lack knowledge of the needs of the opposite sex. We can investigate in order to understand better, to learn that intimacy existes by our knowledge of the other person. Both man and woman are hungry for love, and sexual relations separate from love does not result in satisfaction, but disillusion

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    • Factor Mama – (Spanish)


      No one has influenced the person you are today like your mother. The way she handled your needs as a child has shaped your worldview, your relationships, your marriage, your career, your self-image — your life. The Mom Factor can help you identify areas that need reshaping, to make positive choices for personal change, and to establish a nature relationship with Mom today. Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend steer you down a path of discovery and growth beyond the effects of six common mom types: – The Phantom Mom . . . – The China Doll Mom – The Controlling Mom . . . – The Trophy Mom – The Still-the-Boss Mom . . . The American Express Mom — You’ll learn how your mom affected you as a child and may still be affecting you today. And you’ll find a realistic and empowering approach to filling your unmet mothering needs in healthy, life-changing ways through other people. The Mom Factor is a biblical route to wholeness and growth, to deeper and more satisfying bonds with your family, friends, and spouse — and to a new, healthier way of relating to your mother today.

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    • Abuela Necesito Tus Oraciones – (Spanish)


      Powerful stories and practical advice to motivate and equip grandmothers to pray consistently and strategically for their grandchildren

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    • Sagrado Romance – (Spanish)


      If you long for something more, even if you don’t know what that something is, then open this profound book. Before long you will find yourself eagerly turning the pages to find out what happens next. The Sacred Romance is the story of our lives; it is God’s story. It is His invitation to experience the beauty, intimacy, and adventure we secretly desire.

      Si anhela algo mas, aun si no sabe que es ese algo, abra este profundo libro. Al poco rato se vera yendo de pagina en paginas para ver que mas dice. El sagrado romance es la historia de nuestra vida; es la historia de Dios. Es una invitacion divina a experimentar la belleza, la intimidad y la aventura que secretamente anhelamos.

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    • Recupere A Su Esponso Antes Qu – (Spanish)


      The author helps wives understand how to work toward a succesful reconciliation.This book was written especially for the woman who wants her husband back in spite of his choice to separate.

      El autor guia a las esposas a entender los pasos hacia una exitosa reconciliacion. Este libro esta escrito especialmente para la esposa que desea recuperar a su esposo a pesar de la decision de el de separarse.

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    • Puerta Llamada Divorcio – (Spanish)


      A broad analysis of the problem of the divorce and solutions based on the word of God.

      Un analisis amplio del problema del divorcio y soluciones basadas en la Palabra de Dios.

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    • Secreto De Amar Y Ser Amado – (Spanish)


      How to acquire a loving, permanent, mature, and satisfactory relationships.

      Como lograr relaciones per-manentes, maduras, y satis-factorias.

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    • Llave Al Corazon De Tu Hijo – (Spanish)


      Una ayuda para padres o para todos aquellos que tengan ninos o jovenes a su alrededor.

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    • Dile Que Si Al Amor – (Spanish)


      Una mirada al modelo original divino para el hogar y el matrimonio.

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    • Esposa Virtuosa – (Spanish)


      Una vision del matrimonio en la cual se eleva el papel de la esposa a un nivel de dignidad y significacion.

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    • Gozo Del Amor Comprometido – (Spanish)


      Escrito para ayudar al es-poso a conocer a su esposa.

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    • Amor Es Una Decision – (Spanish)


      Principios biblicos que han sido ampliamente compro-bados en la vida de mas de treinta mil personas.

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    • Como Disciplinar A Tus Hijos – (Spanish)


      A study of what God thinks of corporal punishment and its application in our times.

      Un estudio de como Dios ve el castigo fisico para la generacion actual.

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    • Como Criar Hijos Felices Y Obe – (Spanish)


      Principios de la Palabra de Dios necesarios para instruir a los hijos.

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    • Como Aprenden Los Ninos – (Spanish)


      In this enlightening resource, Cynthia Ulrich Tobias introduces the variety of learning styles that shape the way students interpret the world. Once these approaches are understood, parents and teachers can become far more effective in helping children grasp confusing concepts, stay interested in lessons, and utilize their strengths.

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    • Limites Para Nuestros Hijos – (Spanish)


      Henry Cloud and John Townsend demonstrate how to give control to a family that is out of control, how to set limits and keep being a loving parent. Learn how to define legitimate limits for your family, and above all how to instill in your children the type of divine character that cultivates a productive and healthy adult life. This book is illustrated with many examples and anecdotes. This book is one of the best investments you can make as a parent to insure the well being of your children in the long run.

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    • Te Amo Pero Por Que Somos Tan – (Spanish)


      If you are married, you already know that opposite poles are attracted. But the day of your wedding did you think of how different both of you were? Even more important, is there still hope even though some of your illusions have been revealed? After being a counselor to so many marriages the answer is still yes. This book helps on how to understand the difference of temperament and can help spouses resolve conflicts, control their emotions, avoid frustration, find God’s will in their marriages.

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    • Atrevete A Disciplinar (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


      This is a completely expanded and revised edition of the 20-year best seller.

      The first edition was written in the early 1970s by Dr. James Dobson. His first of many books was an instant susscess that continued as a best seller for nearly twenty years. Although the principles on which it is based are timeless, The New Dare To Discipline is revised and expaned to address parenting in today’s modern context.

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    • Dos Caras Del Amor – (Spanish)


      A guide to help you find the adequate balance between the tough and the gentle aspects of love.

      Una guia para hallar el balance adecuado entre los aspectos fuertes y tiernos del amor.

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    • Amor Para Toda La Vida – (Spanish)


      There is hope for marriage; the home is a place of joy when love prevails.

      Hay esperanza para el matrimonio y se puede disfrutar de un hogar donde el amor prevalece.

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    • Amor Que No Se Apaga – (Spanish)


      Conflictos por los cuales las parejas experimentan frustraciones en la expre-sion de su amor.

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    • Tener Hijos No Es Para Cobarde – (Spanish)


      Raising children isn’t as easy as it was for your parents. In this authoritative book on parenting in the Twentieth Century, Dr. Dobson deals with winning the contest of wills between generations, facing down the perils of adolescence and avoiding burnout.

      There is a better and more effective way to manage our responsibilities in the raising of children. This book without a doubt will become a classic to thousands of families in the years to come.

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    • Amor Debe Ser Firme – (Spanish)


      Love must be tough not only offers practical advice for couples that are on the verge of divorce but also to every person that is in search of a better understanding of human conduct and the complexities in relationships between men and women.

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    • Hombria Al Maximo – (Spanish)


      What is the most efficient way to maximize the leadership of a man in the home? This book explores how you can be successful and fulfill the important responsibilities toward your wife and your children.

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    • Como Orar Por Los Hijos – (Spanish)


      Do you have hope for your children? Do you want them to be faithful to God? Do you want them to be capable of resisting the temptations that surround us? As a mother, Quin Sherrer had the same worries, but she didn’t know how to pray for her sons. Is there a method of how to pray for them? Are there some prayers more efficient than others are? Quin asked other mothers how they prayed for their children and what results they had. In this book, Quin tell us what she learned. She shows the importance of getting together to pray in the Spirit and with faith. She shows us how to pray for our children that are faithful and those that are not. This book will teach you and inspire you in your prayers for them.

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