Juvenile Fiction
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Cristina Emprende – (Spanish)
$12.99La protagonista del cuarto cuento de la Serie Jovencitas Valientes es Cristina, de 12 anos, cursando el septimo grado. Es bajita de estatura, su pelo es largo de color marron claro. Tiene los ojos de tono “Hazel” y usa espejuelos. Es una nia amorosa, organizada y determinada, pero su mayor reto es su miedo a quedarse sin nada. Necesita superar las distracciones, la ansiedad y el miedo. Aunque la determinacion es su mayor fortaleza, su mayor miedo es que su familia se quede sin dinero y que su tienda no funcione. Como podra Cristina superar sus temores?
The main character of the fourth story in the Brave Young Girls Series is Cristina, 12 years old, attending the seventh grade. She is short in height, her hair is long light brown. She has hazel eyes and wears glasses. She is a loving, organized and determined girl, but her biggest challenge is her fear of being left with nothing. She needs to overcome distractions, anxiety, and fear. Although her determination is her greatest strength, her greatest fear is that her family will run out of money and their store will fail. Will Cristina be able to overcome her fears?
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Ofelia Crea – (Spanish)
$12.99La tercera protagonista de la Serie Jovencitas Valientes es Ofelia, de 11 aos y cursa sexto grado. Tiene el cabello ondulado color marron, ojos azules, una amplia sonrisa y es alta. Ha tenido con reto con su valor: piensa que no tiene talento para nada, y siempre esta intentando cosas nuevas, tratando de encontrar su talento. Le gustan los retos y no le tiene miedo a intentar cosas nuevas, pero es inconstante en lo que hace porque no cree en sus posibilidades y se molesta por todo. Su miedo mas grande es no encontrar su talento, pero no se cansara de seguir intentando todo lo que se presente hasta encontrar su talento.
The third main character in the BraveYoung Girls Series is Ofelia, 11 years old and in sixth grade. She has wavy brown hair, blue eyes, a wide smile, and is tall. She doesn’t believe she has value: she thinks she has no talent at all, and she is always trying new things in order to find her talent. She likes challenges and is not afraid to try new things, but she is fickle in what she does because she doesn’t believe in her possibilities and she gets annoyed by everything. Her biggest fear is not finding her talent, but she won’t get tired of trying everything she comes up with until she discovers it.
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Rebecca Suena – (Spanish)
$12.99En el segundo cuento de la Serie Jovencitas Valientes, la protagonista es Rebecca, de 11 aos y cursa el sexto grado. Tiene los ojos grandes color cafe claro, cabello lacio de color marron claro, y largas y abundantes pestanas. Es comica, piensa creativamente y hace amigos con facilidad. Aunque es buena en el momento de resolver cambios inesperados, hay cambios que la bloquean y le afectan mucho, y tiene que aprender a seguir instrucciones y a callar un poco lo que piensa y siente. Puede liderar sin problemas, pero tiene un miedo atroz a equivocarse en publico, y que la gente se burle y se ria de ella. Tienes alguna amiga como Rebecca?
In the second story of the Brave Young Girls Series, the main character is Rebecca, 11 years old and in sixth grade. She has large light brown eyes, straight light brown hair, and long, thick eyelashes. She is humorous, thinks creatively, and makes friends easily. Although she is good at dealing with unexpected changes, some of these block her and affect her a lot, and she has to learn to follow instructions and shut up what she thinks and feels a bit. She can lead with no problems, but she is terribly afraid of being wrong in public, and of being mocked and laughed at. Do you have any friends like Rebecca?
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Mariana Se Valora – (Spanish)
$12.99Valorarse a si misma, soar, crear y emprender son etapas que cada mujer debe vivir para auto realizarse. Por eso es tan importante que las nias y jovencitas aprendan a desarrollarlas desde temprana edad. La Serie Jovencitas Valientes, nuevo proyecto de la autora Omayra Font, surge de querer cumplir ese proposito. Los personajes de esta serie fueron creados con la participacion de las cuatro hijas de la autora, junto a su propia experiencia de vida y lo que ella conoce como necesidades de las nias en la preadolescencia. Los nombres de las protagonistas aluden a las mujeres que han colaborado con ella en la realizacion de su sueo de ser escritora.
El primer cuento de la serie es Mariana se valora. Mariana, una jovencita de 12 aos, estudiante de septimo grado, tiene cabello rizo largo y negro, ojos claros y grandes, y pecas. Aunque siempre quiere ayudar a los demas, su mayor miedo es que nadie la acepte tal cual es. Teme decir lo que piensa, se deja llevar por otros y es testaruda. Ama a las personas, las hace sentir bien, y sabe escuchar. El compararse con todo el mundo, sus amigas y hermana ha causado inseguridades en ella donde no se siente bonita, no se atreve a expresarse, y la timidez le impide hacer cosas que le gustaria hacer. Conoces alguna “Mariana”?
Valuing herself, dreaming, creating and becoming an entrepreneur are stages that each woman must live in order to fulfill herself. That is why it is so important that girls and young women learn to develop these stages from an early age. The Brave Young Girls Series, a new project by author Omayra Font, arises from wanting to fulfill that purpose. The characters in this series were created with the participation of the author’s four daughters, along with her own life experience and what she knows as the needs of pre-teen girls. The names of her main characters allude to the women who have collaborated with her in the realization of her dream of being a writer.
The first story in the series is Mariana values herself. Mariana, a 12-year-old seventh grader, has long black curly hair, large, light eyes, and freckles. Although she always wants to help others, her biggest fear is that no one will accept her as she is. She is afraid to say what she thinks, she gets carried away by others and is stubborn. She loves people, makes them feel good, and knows how to listen. Comparing herself to everyone, her friends and her sister has caused insecurities in her where she doesn’t feel pretty, she does
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Mas Alla De Las Fronteras De M – (Spanish)
$9.99Tras la destruccion de Ione, Tes y sus amigos deciden ir en busca de una ciudad en la que pueden habitar. En el viaje descubriran que no todos los adultos han muerto. Muchos se han convertido en monstruos, de aspecto desagradable y costumbres canibales. Deciden viajar hasta el sur, pasan por Reno en Nevada, aunque su destino es California. Hay rumores de que un medico de San Francisco ha encontrado una cura. En Reno, encontraran a los angelicales, un grupo que elimina a las nias, porque cree que son las que transmiten el virus. Tes y sus amigos terminaran con esta horrible practica, pero los susurrantes (adultos enfermos) atacaran Reno y todos escaparan hacia California.
After the destruction of Ione, Tes and his friends decide to search for a city to live in. In their journey, they discover that not all the adults have died. Many have become disfigured monsters with cannibalistic tendencies. Tes and his friends decide to head south and go through Reno, Nevada on their way to California. There are rumors that a doctor in San Francisco has found a cure. In Reno, they come across the “Angelicales,” a group that kills young girls for being the supposed cause of the virus. Tes’ group finally puts an end to this horrible practice, but the “whispering ones,” the infected adults, attack Reno, and everyone flees to California.
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IONE – (Spanish)
$9.99En el ao 7 de la Nueva Era, el mundo es muy diferente a cuando Tes tenia diez aos; una bacteria ha exterminado a todos los hombres y mujeres mayores de dieciocho aos y los humanos que han quedado sobreviven como pueden en todas las partes del mundo, al igual que Tes tras la perdida de sus padres, John y Graciela, pastores de la iglesia bautista de la ciudad. La vida de Tes en la pequea ciudad de Ione en Oregon es tranquila a pesar de que Frank, el jefe de su clan, se esta volviendo cada vez mas despotico. La llegada al pueblo de un extrao llamado Peter, que dice provenir de la ciudad, levanta la sospecha de que hay mas supervivientes al otro lado de las montaas….
In the year 7 of the New Era, the world is very different to when Tes was ten years old. A bacteria has killed every man and woman over eighteen years of age. Now the surviving humans are managing to get by the best they can all over the world, just like Tes after losing his parents, John and Graciela, pastors of the local Baptist church. Tes’ life in the small town of Ione, Oregon is relatively calm even though Frank, the leader of their clan, is turning more and more into a despot. When Peter, claiming to be from the city of Portland, shows up in town, they begin to suspect there more be more survivors across the mountains. Frank puts the intruder in prison, condemning him to death for lying. The community’s harsh laws, imposed by the prophet Mateo, forbid clan members from entering the forest….
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