Books (Spanish)
Showing 801–850 of 1646 resultsSorted by latest
Encrucijada – (Spanish)
$13.99Anthony Spencer es egoista, esta orgulloso del exito empresarial que ha conseguido por si mismo y se encuentra en el punto maximo de su carrera a pesar de que el costo de ese logro ha sido dolorosamente alto. Una hemorragia cerebral deja a Yony en coma, en la sala de terapia intensiva de un hospital. Despierta para encontrarse en un mundo surrealista, un paisaje viviente que refleja las dimensiones de su vida terrena, desde lo bello hasta lo corrupto. Es, en ese sitio, donde tiene vividas interacciones con otros individuos, que supone son proyecciones de su propio subconsciente, pero cuyas instrucciones sigue, sin importar nada, con la posibilidad de que puedan conducirle a la autenticidad y, tal vez, a la rendencion. La aventura sumerge a Tony en profundas e intrincadas relaciones donde es capaz de ver, ocultar sus intereses personales y la perdida que surgen para oponerse a los procesos de sanacion y confianza. Esta conjuncion inesperada de sucesos provocara que Tony examine su vida y se percate de que he creado un castillo de naipes sobre el terreno envenenado de un corazon roto? Tendra tambien el valor de tomar una decision critica que pueda resarcir la grave injusticia que puso en marcha antes de entrar en coma?
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Para Que Estoy Aqui En La Tier (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study
$12.99You are about to embark on a journey of discovery. In the next forty days, you and a group of friends are going to discover together the answer to life’s most fundamental question: ‘What on earth am I here for?’And here’s a clue to the answer: ‘It’s not about you … You were created by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense. It is only in God that we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance, and our destiny. Every other path leads to a dead end. The Purpose Driven Life Small Group Curriculum is a six-week, video-based small group study of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren—the book Publishers Weekly declared the ‘bestselling nonfiction hardback in history.’The six video lessons are taught by Rick Warren, and are supplemented by small group discussion material in the accompanying study guide. When combined with the reading of The Purpose Driven Life, this study will give your small group the opportunity to discuss the implications and applications of these life-changing truths. You’ll see the big picture of what life is all about and begin to live the life God created you to live.
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Sexo Mis Deseos Y Mi Dios – (Spanish)
$13.99“Every time a man knocks on a brothel door, he is really searching for God.” — G.K. Chesterton
Could the growing struggles with pornography and fantasy really be reminding us of our heart’s deepest desire, something greater and more fulfilling than sexual gratification?
According to counselor and ministry leader Michael John Cusick, the answer is a resounding “yes.” Through personal examples, lively illustrations from Scripture, and twenty years of counseling experience, Michael helps readers to understand how porn struggles begin, what to do to prevent them, and most importantly, how to overcome them once compulsive behavior presents itself.
Freedom is not an easy, how-to process:
25% of search engine requests are for pornography – 68 million per day
70% of the hits on Internet sex sites occur between 9-5 on business computers
Over 50 percent of evangelical pastors report they viewed pornography last year
Over 70% of Christian men report viewing pornography in the last yearEl sexo, mis deseos y mi Dios leads readers down a clear path toward understanding how porn struggles develop, how to distinguish between sexual gratification and intimacy, and how to break free from the shackles of this pleasurable prison.
?Podria ser que nuestra creciente lucha interna con la pornografia y las fantasias, en realidad nos esta recordando el profundo deseo de nuestro corazon, algo superior y mas satisfactorio que el placer sexual?
De acuerdo con el consejero y lider pastoral Michael John Cusick, la respuesta es un rotundo si. Mediante ejemplos personales, ilustraciones vividas de las Sagradas Escrituras, y con 20 anos de experiencia como consejero, Michael ayuda a los lectores a entender como empiezan las luchas internas con la pornografia, como evitarlas y, lo mas importante, como superarlas al presentarse ese comportamiento compulsivo.
La liberacion no es un proceso facil con pasos definidos:
La pornografia representa el 25% de las busquedas en la Internet.
El 70% de las visitas a sitios Web con contenido sexual ocurre entre las 9 a. m. y las 5 p. m., desde computadoras ubicadas en las oficinas.
Mas del 50% de los pastores evangelicos reconocen haber visto pornografia durante el ultimo ano.
Mas del 70% de los cristianos varones reconocen haber visto pornografia durante el ultimo ano.El sexo, mis deseos y mi Dios guia a los lectores por un camino claro que les permitira entender como surgen las luchas internas con la porno
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Como Formar Buenos Habitos Y R (Large Type) – (Spanish) (Large Type)
$19.99From cell phone addiction to overspending, bad habits seem to outnumber the good. Examining the nature of behaviors, Meyer helps you make a commitment to commune with God daily and set the stage for identifying and overcoming negative patterns. Each chapter offers a specific “road map” for establishing new routines in your life.
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Efecto – (Spanish)
$14.99Even when they are silent, hard to read, shy, or unexpressive, people are transmitting “something” from their unique and individualized essence.
Even when asleep, quiet, distant, or with their backs turned, people are constantly sharing something from their lives with those around them. Through the simple miracle of continual breathing, we project an image, our internal climate that transcends and reveals our “personal” air. No one knows what to call it, but there it is!
This experiential and personal “breath” is neither heard, seen, nor felt, but you exhale it from within upon people, permeate the atmosphere with it, and even seem to leave your environment soaked in it. It is your marvelous footprint, your very own trademark.
This is El efecto. No one knows where it comes from, but it is always there. It is your indescribable, intangible, fantastic differential that connects you in an exclusive way with others and makes you unique and unrepeatable.
It is this intangible yet ever so real “who knows what” that will draw you through the pages of this fascinating book, El efecto. You will want to devour it in a day to figure out what your effect has been throughout your life.
Aun cuando permanezcan callados, hermeticos, timidos e inexpresivos, todos los individuos transmiten “algo”, desde su esencia particular y unica.
Incluso dormidos, quietos, distantes o de espaldas, siempre infunden parte de sus vidas en las otras personas a su alrededor. Tan solo con el milagro permanente de respirar, proyectan una imagen. Un clima interior que trasciende y revela el “aire” personal. Nadie sabe como llamarlo, pero es evidente que !ahi esta!
Ese “soplo” vivencial y personal, no se oye, ni se ve, ni se siente, pero usted lo exhala desde su interior sobre las personas, lo infunde en el ambiente y hasta parece que lo deja impregnado en su entorno. Es su maravillosa huella. Su marca personal.
Eso es El efecto. Nadie sabe donde le queda, pero ahi esta siempre. Es su diferencial indescriptible, intangible y fantastico, que lo conecta de manera exclusiva con los demas y lo hace unico e irrepetible.
Y es justo ese “no se que” intangible, pero tan real, lo que lo llevara por las paginas de este fascinante libro de El efecto, que querra devorar en un dia, para saber cual ha sido su EFECTO de toda una vida.
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Gente Comun Perdidos Y Hallado – (Spanish)
$15.99Gente Comun. Maybe you heard their names in a childhood Sunday school class. They’re not often the champions or the go-to sermon illustrations. They probably didn’t stand at the foot of the cross or even hang next to Jesus on one of their own. But they pepper the pages of the Bible, reminding us that we’re not alone.
Just like you and me, these ordinary people stumbled and struggled. They faced their own sin and came face to face with a God who not only wipes it away, but also makes the common extraordinary. They discovered that an encounter with the living God changes everything.
Dive into the lives of more than twenty of the Bible’s most compelling characters through inspirational selections from the writings of bestselling author Max Lucado. An ideal companion volume to Gente Comun. This book features a whole new cast and the encouragement from their stories.
Gente Comun. Quiza escuchaste sus nombres en la Escuela Dominical durante la infancia. No siempre son los campeones o estan en las ilustraciones del sermon. Tal vez no estuvieron al pie de la cruz ni fueron suspendidos en su propia cruz junto a Jesus, pero salpican las paginas de la Biblia, recordandonos que no estamos solos.
Como tu y como yo, eran personas comunes y corrientes que cometian errores y afrontaban dificultades. Enfrentaron su propio pecado y se encontraron cara a cara con Dios, quien no solo limpia los pecados, sino que convierte aquello comun y corriente en extraordinario. Descubrieron que todo cambia al encontrarse con el Dios viviente.
Profundiza en la vida de mas de veinte personajes biblicos sumamente fascinantes, a traves de una inspiradora seleccion de las obras del exitoso autor Max Lucado. Este tomo es el complemento ideal para el libro Gente Comun. Incluye nuevos personajes y sus motivadoras historias.
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Todo Lo Que Quieres Saber Pero – (Spanish)
$15.99Everything you need to know about world religions and philosophies in one convenient book!
As our global world becomes smaller, we encounter more religions and popular beliefs than we ever have before. This book from a high school religion teacher and a professor of religion clarifies the founding, history, practices, and beliefs of forty groups. Each chapter puts the group in context and explains how the religion is similar to or different from Christianity. No other book covers such a wide range of topics from Islam, Shamanism, and Mormonism, to atheism, vampirism, and astrology.
Features include:
Charts and tables for easy comparison of different religious beliefs and practices
Coverage of world religions, new religions, and religions in popular culture
Overviews of the founding, history, and typical followers of each religion
Written for classroom or individual study!Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre las religiones y filosofias del mundo en un practico libro!
Conforme se acortan las distancias en nuestro mundo globalizado, encontramos mas religiones y creencias populares que antes. Este libro, escrito por dos profesoras de religion -una de secundaria, la otra universitaria- expone los origenes, historia, practicas y creencias de cuarenta grupos. Cada capitulo pone al grupo en contexto y explica en que se asemeja o diferencia determinada religion con respecto al cristianismo. Ningun otro libro abarca tan amplia variedad de temas, desde el islamismo, chamanismo y mormonismo hasta el ateismo, vampirismo y la astrologia.
Algunas caracteristicas:
Tablas y graficos que facilitan la comparacion de las diferentes practicas y creencias religiosas
Abarca religiones mundiales, nuevas religiones y religiones de la cultura popular
Generalidades sobre los origenes, historia y tipo de seguidores en cada religion
Practico para el estudio individual o en el aula.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Qui En Es Este Hombre – (Spanish)
$14.99Jesus’ impact on our world is highly unlikely, widely inescapable, largely unknown, and decidedly double-edged. It is unlikely in light of the severe limitations of his earthly life; it is inescapable because of the range of impact; it is unknown because history doesn’t connect dots; and it is doubled-edged because his followers have wreaked so much havoc, often in his name. He is history’s most familiar figure, yet he is the man no one knows. His impact on the world is immense and non-accidental. From the Dark Ages to Post-Modernity he is the Man who won’t go away. And yet . . .you can miss him in historical lists for many reasons, maybe the most obvious being the way he lived his life. He did not loudly and demonstrably defend his movement in the spirit of a rising political or military leader. He did not lay out a case that history would judge his brand of belief superior in all future books. His life and teaching simply drew people to follow him. He made history by starting in a humble place, in a spirit of love and acceptance, and allowing each person space to respond. His vision of life continues to haunt and challenge humanity. His influence has swept over history bringing inspiration to what has happened in art, science, government, medicine, and education; he has taught humans about dignity, compassion, forgiveness, and hope.
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Millar De Obsequios – (Spanish)
$15.99Just like you, Ann Voskamp hungers to live her one life well. Forget the bucket lists that have us escaping our everyday lives for exotic experiences. ‘How,’ Ann wondered, ‘do we find joy in the midst of deadlines, debt, drama, and daily duties? What does the Christ-life really look like when your days are gritty, long—and sometimes even dark? How is God even here?’ In One Thousand Gifts, Ann invites you to embrace everyday blessings and embark on the transformative spiritual discipline of chronicling God’s gifts. It’s only in this expressing of gratitude for the life we already have, we discover the life we’ve always wanted … a life we can take, give thanks for, and break for others. We come to feel and know the impossible right down in our bones: we are wildly loved — by God. Let Ann’s beautiful, heart-aching stories of the everyday give you a way of seeing that opens your eyes to ordinary amazing grace, a way of being present to God that makes you deeply happy, and a way of living that is finally fully alive. Come live the best dare of all!
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Manual De Homiletica – (Spanish)
$14.99A best-seller by well-known author Samuel Vila that is used by many seminaries and Bible Institutes in their homiletics class. Each chapter contains outlines and illustrations from Bible texts. Also includes 12 tapes that cover the topics of incorrect gestures and attitudes.
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Historia De Dios Y De Todos No – (Spanish)
$21.99THE STORY OF GOD AND US is a sweeping narrative that dramatizes some of the most important events and characters in the Bible. The book provides enriching detail, dialog and descriptions about the Bible’s most fascinating stories. All are historically and theologically accurate. A ten-hour miniseries on the History Channel will be based on the story, and the script has been reviewed by a number of Christian church leaders and seminarians for authenticity. The book will be released one month prior to the debut of the television series. Many prominent biblical characters will be dramatized in the story: Moses, David, Daniel, John the Baptist and of course, Jesus.
The book will reveal the prophetic significance of the empires that occupied Israel: (Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians and Romans) and how these figured into biblical prophecy, especially concerning the Messiah.
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Plantador De Iglesias – (Spanish)
$15.99Darrin Patrick, vice president of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network, looks at what Scripture teaches about this man’s character, his teaching, and the aim of his church. Offering guidance and wisdom from years of experience, Patrick reminds us that ultimately no church will succeed apart from a man with a message who leads a church on a mission. This book is for every Christian leader. Church Planter is an essential resource for those considering planting a church or already in such a plant, and maybe even more important for those leading an established church. It has wide-ranging application for elders and leadership teams seeking to better understand how the gospel must take root in their church. Avoiding an over-emphasis on particular models or methods, Patrick lays out biblical principles and sound wisdom as he urges the church to return to biblical criteria for determining the man, the message, and the mission God uses to build his church. ‘ less… more ‘
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5 Dias Para Un Matrimonio Feli – (Spanish)
$14.995 dias para un matrimonio feliz is for anyone who needs help organizing a family, whether their own or someone else’s, including couples, young singles seeking advice about how to establish a home, educators, family support organizations, etc. This book’s main objective is to provide principles that give a framework for married life, and its approachable, narrative style reads almost like a novel.
With true wisdom from above, 5 dias para un matrimonio feliz gives us the fundamentals for a happy marriage in 4 parts as follows:
Part 1: A wise man and my crisis
Part 2: Columns of marriage
Part 3: Communication as a great column for the family
Part 4: How to deal with hurts and crisis in the family5 dias para un matrimonio feliz va orientado a todos aquellos que buscan la forma de consolidar la familia. Sea la suya o la de otros. Matrimonios, jovenes solteros que buscan principios para establecer su hogar, educadores, instituciones de apoyo a la familia, etc. El objetivo fundamental es proveer de principios que sirvan de columnas para el matrimonio, y hacerlo en un estilo narrativo que resulte facilmente asimilable, de ahi la forma novelada de este trabajo. Con la verdadera sabiduria de lo alto, 5 dias para un matrimonio feliz nos da los fundamentos para un matrimonio feliz en 4 partes de la siguiente manera:
Parte Primera: El sabio y mi crisis
Parte Segunda: Columnas del matrimonio
Parte Tercera: La comunicacion es una gran columna para la familia
Parte Cuarta: ?Como gestiono mi familia?Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Plataforma – (Spanish)
$17.99Michael Hyatt, one of the top business bloggers in the world, provides down-to-earth guidance for building and expanding a powerful platform.
To be successful in the market today, you must possess two strategic assets: a compelling product and a meaningful Plataforma . In this step-by-step guide, Michael Hyatt, former CEO and current Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers, takes readers behind the scenes, into the new world of social media success. He shows you what best-selling authors, public speakers, entrepreneurs, musicians, and other creatives are doing differently to win customers in today’s crowded marketplace. Hyatt speaks from experience. He writes one of the top 800 blogs in the world and has more than 100,000 followers on Twitter. His large and growing platform serves as the foundation for his successful writing, speaking, and consulting practice.
In Plataforma, Hyatt will teach readers not only how to extend their influence, but also how to monetize it and build a sustainable career. The key? By building a platform. It has never been easier, less expensive, or more possible than right now. . . . The book includes:
proven strategies
easy-to-replicate formulas
practical tips
Social media technologies have changed everything. Now, for the first time in history, non-celebrities can get noticed-and win big!-in an increasingly noisy world.Michael Hyatt, uno de los blogueros mas importantes del mundo en el area de negocios, nos ofrece una guia practica para crear y desarrollar una poderosa plataforma.
Para tener exito en el mercado actual, usted debe tener dos bienes estrategicos: un producto atractivo y una importante plataforma. En esta guia paso a paso, Michael Hyatt, ex gerente general y actual presidente de la editorial Thomas Nelson, lleva a los lectores, entre bastidores, al nuevo mundo del exito en las redes sociales. Hyatt muestra lo que estan haciendo ahora los autores de mayor ventas, oradores, emprendedores, musicos y otras personas creativas para conseguir clientes en el abarrotado mercado actual. Hyatt habla desde su propia experiencia, pues es el escritor de uno de los 800 blogs mas importantes del mundo y tiene mas de 100.000 seguidores en Twitter. Su amplia y creciente plataforma es la base de su exitosa practica como escritor, orador y consultor.
En Plataforma, Hyatt ensenara a los lectores no solo a ampliar su influencia, sino tambien a convertirla en dinero y construir una carrera profesional sostenible. ?La c
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Que Hacer Cuando No Sabes Que – (Spanish)
$10.99Life is difficult. Life for every person on earth is a challenging journey – with or without God. Those who invite God to join them on this adventure believe that when bad things happen they can trust God to be present and work on their behalf. But just exactly how does He go about the business of helping us when we don’t know what to do?
Henry Cloud and John Townsend believe God has given us instructions on how He makes a way for us when we call on Him. If you follow God’s eight principles in this book, you can thrive relationally, emotionally, and spiritually. As clinical psychologists, the authors deal daily with real people facing real problems, so this book is not just psychological or biblical theory. It is a life system that captures God’s wisdom for coping with our most difficult problems.
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Oraciones Que Obtienen Resulta – (Spanish)
$16.99Prayers are meant to be answered, but many Christians do not know how to pray effectively. Fortunately, the Bible teaches us how to pray in order to bring glory to God and to address our physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, and relational needs.
In Prayers That Get Results, Pastor Tom Brown delves into different types of prayer and reveals why believers cannot take a one-size-fits-all approach when they talk with God. He explains that Scripture provides us with specific prayers for specific needs, each with a unique language and attitude, including…
*Prayers of submission
*Prayers of petition
*Prayers of agreement
*Prayers of release
*Prayers in the Spirit
*Prayers of intercession
*Prayers of binding and loosing
*And many moreWhen you know how to talk to God effectively, you will see your prayer time not as a tiresome chore but as a sacred and joyous activity that you don’t want to stop. If you are longing to see your prayers answered, you have found the right resource.
Las oraciones se hacen para recibir respuestas, pero muchos cristianos no saben como orar con eficacia. Afortunadamente, la Biblia nos ensea a orar para dar gloria a Dios y abordar nuestras necesidades fisicas, emocionales, espirituales, economicas y relacionales.
En Oraciones que Obtienen Resultados, el Pastor Tom Brown profundiza en diferentes tipos de oracion y revela que los creyentes no pueden adoptar un enfoque que se adapta a todo cuando hablan con Dios. Explica que la Escritura nos proporciona oraciones especificas para necesidades especificas, cada una de ellas con un lenguaje y una actitud unicos, incluyendo…
*Oraciones de sumision
*Oraciones de peticion
*Oraciones de acuerdo
*Oraciones de liberacion
*Oraciones en el Espiritu
*Oraciones de intercesion
*Oraciones de atar y desatar
*Y muchas masCuando sepa como hablar con Dios eficazmente, vera su tiempo de oracion no como una tarea pesada sino como una actividad sagrada y gozosa que no querra detener. Si anhela ver respondidas sus oraciones, ha encontrado el recurso correcto.
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Identificar Y Romper Maldicion – (Spanish)
$9.99Redemption from Curses
Perhaps you are plagued by family disputes and bickering. Your marriage is crumbling, and you just can’t seem to connect with your kids. Maybe you’re sick of living paycheck to paycheck. You’ve prayed and fasted and prayed some more, but nothing has seemed to work.
No matter what kind of problem you’re dealing with-financial, familial, or physical-you may be unknowingly living under a curse. Here is how to determine if you’re under a curse and, if so, how to break that curse.
Redencion de las Maldiciones
Quiza este usted inundando de disputas y peleas familiares. Su matrimonio se desmorona y parece que usted no puede conectar con sus hijos. Puede que este enfermo y se limite a vivir de salario en salario. Ha orado y ayunando, y ha vuelto a orar, pero nada parece funcionar.
Sin importar cual sea su dolencia, sea economica, familiar o fisica, puede que inconscientemente este usted viviendo bajo una maldicion. Aqui tenemos como determinar si esta usted bajo una maldicion y, si es asi, como romper esa maldicio.
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Amor Hace – (Spanish)
$15.99You don’t need another Christian message or a self-help book. You need to have your paradigms about the world shifted into truth. That’s exactly what you get in El amor hace . Have you ever noticed that the real change in your life-the growth that sticks and becomes a part of you-never happens with a program or the sheer grit of your best efforts? It happens over time, like a glacier slowly carving valleys through the mountains.
In this book of compelling stories paired with eye-opening truths, author Bob Goff shows you a new way to live, a way that’s drenched with the whimsy of God’s love and the spontaneity of following where He leads when He says “Go!” In this book, you learn what it looks like to be secretly incredible and advance God’s kingdom everywhere you are and wherever you’re going.
For anyone who’s wanted to change the world but thought they needed money, a committee, and permission to get started, El amor hace shows what can happen when you decide to do instead of plan, act instead of strategize, and fiercely, invisibly fight for the possibility God has gifted you to uniquely see.
El amor hace comparte historias impactantes combinadas con verdades reveladoras y habilita a todo el que ansia un mundo mejor y fe abundante.Lo que necesitas no es otro mensaje cristiano o un libro de autoayuda. Lo que necesitas es hacer que tus paradigmas sobre el mundo pasen a ser verdad. Eso es exactamente lo que lograras con Love Does. Has notado que el cambio real en tu vida –ese crecimiento que se aferra y se vuelve parte de ti– nunca sucede con un programa o con todo el empeno de tu mejor esfuerzo? Sucede con el tiempo, como un glaciar que va poco a poco esculpiendo los valles a traves de las montanas. En este libro de historias fascinantes combinadas con verdades reveladoras, el autor Bob Goff muestra una nueva forma de vida, una forma cubierta caprichosamente con el amor de Dios y la espontaneidad de ir hacia donde El nos conduce cuando El dice “!Vamos!”. En este libro, aprenderas como sentirte increible en secreto y avanzar hacia el reino de Dios en cualquier lugar en que estes, y adondequiera que vayas. Para todo aquel que ha querido cambiar el mundo pero pensaba que necesitaba dinero, una comitiva y permiso para empezar, Love Does muestra lo que puede suceder cuando decides hacer en vez de planear, actuar en vez de crear estrategias y, con intensidad pero de modo invisible, luchar por esa posibilidad que Dios te ha dado el don exclusivo de d
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Vida Con Proposito Edicion Amp (Expanded) – (Spanish) (Expanded)
$18.99The most basic question everyone faces in life is ‘Why am I here?’. What is my purpose? Self-help books suggest that people should look within, at their own desires and dreams, but Rick Warren says the starting place must be with God—and His eternal purpose for each life. Real meaning and significance comes from understanding and fulfilling God’s purposes for putting us on earth. ‘The Purpose-Driven Life’ takes the groundbreaking message of the award-winning ‘Purpose-Driven Church’ and goes deeper, applying it to the lifestyle of individual Christians. This book helps readers understand God’s incredible plan for their lives. Warren enables them to see ‘the big picture’ of what life is all about and begin to live the life God created them to live.
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Circulos De Oracion – (Spanish)
$16.99According to Pastor Mark Batterson in his book, The Circle Maker, ‘Drawing prayer circles around our dreams isn’t just a mechanism whereby we accomplish great things for God. It’s a mechanism whereby God accomplishes great things in us.’ Do you ever sense that there’s far more to prayer, and to God’s vision for your life, than what you’re experiencing? It’s time you learned from the legend of Honi the Circle Maker—a man bold enough to draw a circle in the sand and not budge from inside it until God answered his prayers for his people. What impossibly big dream is God calling you to draw a prayer circle around? Sharing inspiring stories from his own experiences as a circle maker, Mark Batterson will help you uncover your heart’s deepest desires and God
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Conversacion Suprema – (Spanish)
$20.99Ha pensado usted alguna vez en lo que significa hablar con Dios? Es realmente posible comunicarse con el Creador de todo lo que existe, y ser capaz de entender los planes y propositos de El para su vida? Quiza haya preguntas para las cuales usted necesita desesperadamente respuestas. Tal vez este enfrentando una prueba demasiado grande o dificil sin la ayuda de nadie, y anhela tener direccion divina. O sencillamente sienta curiosidad por saber lo que Dios le diria.
En su libro La Conversacion Suprema, el Dr. Charles Stanley habla sobre como conocer verdaderamente a Dios por medio de la comunicacion con El. El autor basa su peregrinaje personal y 55 aos de ministerio en la oracion. Nos ensea la disciplina de la interseccion y explica en este libro como enfrentar las batallas de la vida en comunion intima con el Seor, ademas de explorar temas como:
*Aprender a reconocer el sonido de la voz del Padre celestial
*La manera como nuestra percepcion de Dios moldea nuestra vida de oracion
*Como ganar las batallas en oracion
*El encuentro de la paz y el gozo verdaderos por medio de la intimidad con el SeorNo importa que preguntas desconcertantes, circunstancias turbadoras, o dilemas en apariencia insuperables este enfrentando usted hoy, la solucion es absolutamente obvia para Dios. El conoce profundamente y entiende todo lo que hay en el universo -incluso su situacion personal- y anhela compartir sus respuestas con usted. El Seor tambien tiene el poder y la sabiduria para ayudarle a superar los problemas mas dificiles y a experimentar los exitos mas gratificantes. Por lo tanto, acerquese mas al Padre celestial. Llegue a conocer a Dios al unirse con El en La Conversacion Suprema.
Have you ever considered what it means to talk to God? Is it really possible to communicate with the Creator of all that exists and be able to understand His plans and purposes for your life? Perhaps there are questions you desperately need answered. Maybe you are facing a trial that is too large or difficult to face on your own and you yearn for divine direction. Or it could be you are simply curious about what He would say to you.
In The Ultimate Conversation, which is based on a lifetime of walking with the Father and fifty-five years of ministry founded on prayer, Dr. Charles Stanley not only teaches the disciplines of intercession but also explains how to fight life’s battles through intimate communion with the Lord. Dr. Stanley discusses how to truly know God through
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Preguntas Provocativas Para Ad – (Spanish)
$11.99Ask away . . . and get your students talking with these provocative questions. Would You Rather . . .? gives you 465 stimulating either-or questions that will get your students talking, laughing, debating, and thinking. Questions like Would You Rather . . . watch a soap opera or make fun of one? . . . be gossiped about or lied to? . . .get shot from a cannon or walk a high wire? . . . make a child cry or kick a puppy? . . . attend the Last Supper or discover Jesus’ empty tomb? You can use these questions anywhere, anytime — when you want to break the ice, spark a discussion, build community, get kids to wrestle with spiritual issues, or just have fun. And the convenient size makes it easy to stick in your pocket or in the glove compartment of your car. This is one resource you’ll want for every member of your ministry team!
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Elvis Pitagoras Y La Historia – (Spanish)
$14.99500 years after the birth of Jesus, Pythagoras taught that the universe trembled because there was a truth greater than what we could imagine. In the XVI century, the director of Luther’s choir initiated a worship movement using the harmony in the choir arrangements for the first time. In the XIX century, an atheism leader, Frederick Nietzsche, coins the concept ‘Christian values’ and in XX century, Presley begins making Christian music popular. God has been present in the history of humanity without being restrained by the four walls of the church and in this book Junior Zapata helps us see Him active in the midst of that history.
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Poemas De Dios – (Spanish)
$12.99Alex Campos has distinguished himself as an artist that has made a new generation fall in love with poetry. When you listen to his songs it’s easy to see the depth of his lyrics, and that depth gives way to this small book of reflections that will help the reader learn about and come to know God. In the pages of this book, Alex highlights aspects of faith, struggle, the minister and his dreams while helping young people who long for a deeper relationship with God.
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Verdad Sobre El Perdon – (Spanish)
$14.99A focused, powerful message about forgiveness and its necessity in living a joy-filled Christian life.
For decades, Dr. John MacArthur has encouraged countless Christians to develop a deeper understanding of the Bible and a greater respect for God’s truth. In The Truth About series, he now gathers his landmark teachings about core aspects of the Christian faith in one place. These powerful books are designed to give readers a focused experience that centers on God’s character and how it applies to their daily walk of faith.
In La verdad sobre el perdon, readers are taken through the Bible and encounter:
*Studies of key Bible characters
*Theological instruction
*Practical application points and ideas
*Inspiration to readily give and humbly receive forgivenessForgiveness is a fundamental means by which we live out our faith daily. Having experienced God’s forgiveness, Christians find joy in forgiving other people. This book inspires readers to develop a merciful spirit, and warns them what can happen if they are unwilling to forgive others.
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Cambiando De Lente – (Spanish)
$21.99Crime victims have many needs, most of which our criminal justice system ignores. In fact, the justice system often increases the injury. Offenders are less ignored by this system, but their real needs-for accountability, for closure, for healing-are also left unaddressed.
Such failures are not accidental, but are inherent in the very definitions and assumptions which govern our thinking about crime and justice. Howard Zehr proposes a “restorative” model which is more consistent with experience, with the past, and with the biblical tradition. Based on the needs of victims and offenders, he takes into account recent studies and biblical principles.
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Lider Como Jesus – (Spanish)
$16.99Effective leadership-whether on the job, in the community, at church or in the home-starts on the inside. Before you can hope to lead anyone else, you have to know who you are. Every leader must answer two critical questions: Whose are you going to be? and Who are you going to be? One deals with your relationship to Christ. The other with your life purpose.
With simple yet profound principles from the life of Jesus, and dozens of stories and leadership examples from his life experiences, veteran author, speaker and leadership expert Ken Blanchard, guides readers through the process of discovering how to lead like Jesus.
El liderazgo eficaz, sea en el trabajo, la comunidad, la iglesia o el hogar comienza internamente. Antes de que espere dirigir a alguien, usted debe conocerse a si mismo. Cada lider debe hacerse dos preguntas vitales: De quien va a ser? Quien va a ser? Una tiene que ver con su relacion con Cristo. La otra con el proposito de su vida.
A traves de principios sencillos pero profundos de la vida de Jesus y docenas de historias y ejemplos de liderazgo de su experiencia propia, el veterano autor, orador y experto en liderazgo, Ken Blanchard, guia a los lectores en el proceso de descubrir la forma de dirigir como Jesus.
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Verdad Sobre La Gracia – (Spanish)
$13.99A focused, powerful message about God’s character and the purpose of grace in the Christian life.
For decades, Dr. John MacArthur has encouraged countless Christians to develop a deeper understanding of the Bible and a greater respect for God’s truth. In The Truth About series, he now gathers his landmark teachings about core aspects of the Christian faith in one place. These powerful books are designed to give readers a focused experience that centers on God’s character and how it applies to their daily walk of faith.
In La verdad sobre la gracia, readers are taken through the Bible and encounter:
*Studies of key Bible characters
*Theological instruction
*Practical application points and ideas
*Inspiration to grow in an understanding of God’s graceGrace is the bedrock of humankind’s interaction with God. Without his grace, we are all doomed to failure and separation from him. In this book, readers see the pivotal role of grace in both their salvation and their everyday lives.
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Paz Del Perdon – (Spanish)
$14.99Charles Stanley, one of the most influential spiritual leaders of our day, shares the key to personal and even world peace in La paz del perdon. As Stanley points out that no sin is so shockingly evil it blocks God’s forgiveness nor so trivial it negates the need for God’s mercy, he shares the specifics of how to go about receiving and giving forgiveness.
Una guia practica acerca del perdon de Dios y hacia nuestros semejantes.
Charles Stanley, uno de los lideres espirtuales mas influyentes de nuestra epoca, comparte la llave de la paz tanto personal como para todo el mundo en La paz del perdon. Stanley muestra que ningun pecado es tan malvado que Dios no lo puede perdonar ni tan trivial que no se necesita la misericordia de Dios. Comparte pasos espicificos en cuanto a como recibir y dar el perdon.
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Ministerio Del Matrimonio – (Spanish)
$16.99En El Ministerio del Matrimonio, el Dr. Jim Binney ofrece soluciones biblicas a las comunes luchas conyugales. El afirma que los matrimonios fracasan porque estan fundamentados en el egoismo en lugar del servicio. El mundo presenta el matrimonio como felicidad a cualquier coste, sin embargo, la Biblia presenta el matrimonio como compromiso a cualquier coste.
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Bonhoeffer – (Spanish)
$23.99From the New York Times bestselling author of Amazing Grace, a groundbreaking biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of the greatest heroes of the twentieth century, the man who stood up to Hitler.
A definitive, deeply moving narrative, Bonhoeffer is a story of moral courage in the face of the monstrous evil that was Nazism.
After discovering the fire of true faith in a Harlem church, Bonhoeffer returned to Germany and became one of the first to speak out against Hitler. As a double-agent, he joined the plot to assassinate the Fuhrer, and was hanged in Flossenberg concentration camp at age 39. Since his death, Bonhoeffer has grown to be one of the most fascinating, complex figures of the 20th century.
Bonhoeffer presents a profoundly orthodox Christian theologian whose faith led him to boldly confront the greatest evil of the 20th century, and uncovers never-before-revealed facts, including the story of his passionate romance.
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Gracia Guia Del Participante (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study Gu
We talk as though we understand the term. The bank gives us a grace period. The seedy politician falls from grace. Musicians speak of a grace note. We describe an actress as gracious, a dancer as graceful. We use the word for hospitals, baby girls, kings, and premeal prayers. We talk as though we know what grace means.
But do we really understand it? Have we settled for wimpy grace? It politely occupies a phrase in a hymn, fits nicely on a church sign. Never causes trouble or demands a response. When asked, “Do you believe in grace?” who could say no?
Max Lucado asks a deeper question: Have you been changed by grace? Shaped by grace? Strengthened by grace? Emboldened by grace? Softened by grace? Snatched by the nape of your neck and shaken to your senses by grace?
God’s grace has a drenching about it. A wildness about it. A white-water, riptide, turn-you-upside-downness about it. Grace comes after you. It rewires you. From insecure to God secure. From regret riddled to better-because-of-it. From afraid to die to ready to fly. Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off. Let’s make certain grace gets you.
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Gracia – (Spanish)
We talk as though we understand the term. The bank gives us a grace period. The seedy politician falls from grace. Musicians speak of a grace note. We describe an actress as gracious, a dancer as graceful. We use the word for hospitals, baby girls, kings, and premeal prayers. We talk as though we know what grace means.
But do we really understand it? Have we settled for wimpy grace? It politely occupies a phrase in a hymn, fits nicely on a church sign. Never causes trouble or demands a response. When asked, “Do you believe in grace?” who could say no? Max Lucado asks a deeper question: Have you been changed by grace? Shaped by grace? Strengthened by grace? Emboldened by grace? Softened by grace? Snatched by the nape of your neck and shaken to your senses by grace?
God’s grace has a drenching about it. A wildness about it. A white-water, riptide, turn-you-upside-downness about it. Grace comes after you. It rewires you. From insecure to God secure. From regret riddled to better-because-of-it. From afraid to die to ready to fly. Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off. Let’s make certain grace gets you.
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1000 Bosquejos Para Predicador – (Spanish)
$30.99Editorial CLIE has made the most valuable sermon outlines from Samuel Vila available to all preachers in one volume. There are six sections: Bible Study, Christian Edification, Evangelism, Doctrines, Special Occasions and Devotionals. Each section is subdivided by topic so that the pastor can find a detailed outline on a topic of interest.
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Rio – (Spanish)
$16.99“You were made for El Rio . . .”
Gabriel Clarke was mysteriously drawn to El Rio, a ribbon of frothy white water carving its way through steep canyons high in the Colorado Rockies. From deep within, Gabriel’s passion for El Rio was undeniable. The rushing waters beckoned him to experience freedom and adventure.
But something was holding him back-the memory of the terrible event he witnessed on El Rio when he was just five years old-something no child should ever see.
Chains of fear and resentment imprisoned Gabriel, keeping him from discovering the treasures of El Rio. He couldn’t leave his past behind and remained trapped, afraid of the life awaiting him.
In this compelling story, Gabriel learns that letting go of the past means giving himself totally to El Rio-heart, mind, body, and soul.
“Fuiste hecho para El Rio-”
Gabriel Clarke se sentia misteriosamente atraido hacia El Rio, un cordon de aguas bravas y espumosas, abriendose camino por desfiladeros escabrosos, en las alturas de las Colorado Rockies. Esa pasion por El Rio, desde lo mas profundo de su ser, era innegable. Sus aguas impetuosas lo llamaban a sentir la libertad y vivir la aventura.Pero algo lo retenia -el recuerdo de un espantoso acontecimiento que presencio en El Rio cuando apenas tenia cinco anos- algo que ningun nino deberia ver.
Las cadenas del temor y del resentimiento lo alejaban de los tesoros que podria descubrir en El Rio. No podia dejar su pasado atras, seguia atrapado, temeroso de la vida que lo esperaba.
En esta cautivadora historia, Gabriel aprende que despojarse del pasado significa entregarse por completo a El Rio -alma, corazon, cuerpo y mente.
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Redescubrimiento Del Espiritu – (Spanish)
$14.99For some of us, being a Christian is harder than it should be. Discouraged, anxious, worn down, we wonder what happened to the power and the joy Jesus promised. ‘You can have regular devotions, great preaching, a strong emphasis on the Bible, a great worship team, and a congregation that is trying hard,’ Cymbala writes, ‘but if you aren’t vitally in touch with God’s Spirit, you are missing out on the life God has for you.’ The Holy Spirit is God’s agent on earth. Yet he is the least understood, least preached about, and least discussed member of the Trinity. This is sad because without him our spiritual lives will always be dry, mechanical, and a struggle. With stunning stories of how God is working in the lives of people and churches today and with biblical teaching about the Holy Spirit, Jim Cymbala invites you to experience God in a fresh and vital way. If we want power, confidence, joy, peace, and more love in our lives, then we need a better understanding of how and why the Spirit moves so we can join him there.
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Pequeno Manual Para Novios – (Spanish)
$11.99This is a fantastic guide for couples who already are engaged and want to be well prepared for married life. This book is also designed as a resource for pastors and leaders, to serve as a foundation for counseling and follow up with the couples. The author discusses the most important factors that contribute to the healthy development of a romantic relationship and to adequate preparation for a future with God.
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Fe Familia Y Finanzas – (Spanish)
$15.99Rebuild the Foundations of
…Your Faith
…Your Family
…Your FinancesGod is ready to help Christians rebuild and strengthen the foundations of their lives. By calling on Him and returning to His plan for success, you can:
*Break free from the chains of debt
*Enjoy God’s miraculous provision
*Strengthen family relationships
*Make wise decisions
*Find freedom from fear
*Build a power-filled faith
*Protect your family from spiritual attacks
*Live a joyful, victorious lifeExperience all of the blessings, prosperity, and abundance God has in store for every area of your life!
Reconstruya los cimientos de
…su fe
…su familia
…sus finanzasDios esta preparado para ayudar a los cristianos a reconstruir y fortalecer los cimientos de sus vidas. Al clamar a El y regresar a su plan para el exito, usted puede:
*Ser libre de las cadenas de la deuda
*Disfrutar de la milagrosa provision de Dios
*Fortalecer las relaciones familiares
*Tomar decisiones sabias
*Encontrar libertad del temor
*Edificar una fe llena de poder
*Proteger a su familia de ataques espirituales
*Vivir una vida gozosa y victoriosa!Experimente todas las bendiciones, prosperidad y abundancia que Dios tiene preparadas para cada area de su vida!
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Demonios Y Liberacion – (Spanish)
$15.99Power-packed authority
Satanic activity continues to increase at an explosive rate. H. A. Maxwell Whyte provides practical answers to the most frequently asked questions about demons, including…
*What exactly is a demon?
*How does a person come under demonic influence?
*Can we inherit evil spirits from our ancestors?
*Can a believer be possessed?
*How can Christians resist the powers of darkness?
*Can just anybody cast out a demon?
*Are there any dangers in casting out demons?Discover how you, as a Christian, have the authority to defeat oppression, addiction, sickness, mental problems, and unexplainable behavior with lasting results.
Autoridad cargada de poder
La actividad satanica continua aumentando a un ritmo explosivo. H. A. Maxwell Whyte aporta respuestas practicas a las preguntas mas frecuentemente formuladas acerca de los demonios, incluyendo…
*Que es exactamente un demonio?
*Como se situa una persona bajo influencia demoniaca?
*Podemos heredar espiritus malos de nuestros antepasados?
*Puede un creyente ser poseido?
*Como pueden los cristianos resistir a las potestades de las tinieblas?
*Puede cualquiera echar fuera un demonio?
*Hay algun peligro en echar fuera demonios?Descubra que usted, como cristiano, tiene la autoridad para derrotar la opresion, la adiccion, la enfermedad, los problemas mentales y la conducta inexplicable con resultados duraderos.
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Doce Heroes Inconcebibles – (Spanish)
$15.99In the third installment of the Twelve series, readers discover that true success is measured in terms of obedience, humility and faithfulness to God.
They faltered. They struggled. At times, they failed. Yet God worked through them in incredible ways to accomplish his purposes. In Twelve Unlikely Heroes, the third installment of Dr. MacArthur’s Twelve series (Twelve Ordinary Men, Twelve Extraordinary Women), readers gain new insights into the kind of people God uses, and what it means to be successful in his eyes. Readers receive deep biblical teaching and inspiring life instruction from Bible characters like:
Joseph: a slave who saved his country and his family
Miriam: the sister who helped shape one of Israel’s foremost deliverers
Samson: an uncontrollable man whom God empowered and used
Jonathan: an heir to a throne he was willing to give up
Esther: the woman God used to spare the Jewish people
Mark: a coward who was restored and wrote the second gospel
Onesimus: a runaway slave who became a minister And more!Twelve Unlikely Heroes highlights this wonderful mystery: that God uses weak, foolish, and broken people to showcase his power, wisdom, and love. He works through those who are humble, contrite, and eager to obey. By God’s grace and for his glory, ordinary sinners are unexpectedly transformed into heroes of the faith.
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Restauracion De Dios – (Spanish)
$14.99Readers encounter a new message about God’s redemptive plan for their failures and shortcomings.
One bite of forbidden fruit is all it took to send humanity reeling from God. What Sheila Walsh unveils in God Loves Broken People is that God had a divine plan even then that is hidden underneath our pain and mistakes. God intends to wield our failures, our wanderings, and the deep hurt of our lives not only to drive us toward him but also to give us a deeper experience of his grace and healing power. So many people, Christians and non-Christians alike, look at their wounds and sense that they are somehow beyond repair, that their moments of weakness make them spiritually defective. In this powerful book full of deep biblical teaching, Walsh encourages readers with God’s truth that he is not done with them yet, that he can and will redeem their failures to create a deeper intimacy with him and accomplish his kingdom purposes.
Everyone has messed up somehow, sometime. For anyone who is not able to move beyond and experience the deep love and grace of God, they need God Loves Broken People.
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Escape La Noche Que Viene – (Spanish)
$16.99No hay duda que el mundo esta en problemas. Vemos tragedia en las calles y violencia en las noticias. Oimos debates politicos mas y mas divisivos que destacan las divisions profundas y amargas en nuestra sociedad. Sentimos el dolor y la confusion de una cultura que parece estar derrumbandose.
Como explicamos tanto caos? Como vivimos con tanto alboroto? Y hay alguna esperanza para la paz en nuestro tiempo?
Como uno de los mas respetados maestros biblicos, el Dr. David Jeremiah es la voz perfecta de ayudarnos responder a esas preguntas. Y en Escape la noche que viene, el Dr. Jeremiah camina por la Escritura perfecta para estos tiempos inciertos: El libro de Apocalipsis. En las manos del Dr. Jeremiah, esta exploracion de Apocalipsis es sorprediente y iluminante, pero tambien consistentemente inspiradora-y un mensaje vital para nuestro tiempo.
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Como Entender Quien Es Dios – (Spanish)
$18.99With clear writing—technical terms kept to a minimum—and a contemporary approach, emphasizing how each doctrine should be understood and applied by present-day Christians, Making Sense of Who God is explores the existence of God through inner knowledge and evidence found in Scripture and in nature.
Topics include but are not limited to Traditional ‘Proofs’ for God’s Existence: covering cosmological, teleological, ontological, and moral evidence of the Creator; The Trinity: the three distinct persons each equal to the whole being of God; Creation: including the assertion that, when all the facts are understood, there will be ‘no final conflicts’ between Scripture and natural science; and God’s Providence: the Creator’s continued involvement with all created things and human actions that make a difference within God’s providence. Written in a friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect, Making Sense of Who God is helps readers overcome wrong ideas, make better decisions on new questions, and grow as Christians.
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Como Entender A Cristo Y El Es – (Spanish)
$15.99With clear writing—technical terms kept to a minimum—and a contemporary approach, emphasizing how each doctrine should be understood and applied by present-day Christians, Making Sense of Christ and the Spirit explores Jesus Christ as fully God and fully man in one person.
Topics include The Person of Christ: including the virgin birth—uniting full deity and humanity in one person while enabling Christ’s humanity to be without inherited sin—and the incarnation—the act of God the Son whereby he took himself a human nature; The Doctrine of the Atonement: the work Christ did in his life and death to earn our salvation; and Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension: affirming the goodness of God’s original creation of man as a creature with a physical body that was ‘very good’, and his rightful place in glory and honor that had not been his before as the God-man.
Written in a friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect, Making Sense of Christ and the Spirit helps readers overcome wrong ideas, make better decisions on new questions, and grow as Christians.
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Encuentro Entre Dios Y El Canc – (Spanish)
$15.99Tyndale House Print On Demand Title
When God and Cancer Meet is a book of powerful stories about cancer patients and their families who have been touched by God in miraculous ways: some in their bodies, others in their minds, all in their spirits. This book offers inspiring testimony that when God and cancer meet, cancer is conquered.
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Jesus De Nazaret – (Spanish)
$18.99The person of Jesus continues to be just relevant as ever in the last two thousand years. There is still much to be said and to know about a person who inspires so much interest. Dr. Pagan defends and appraises the virtues that religious experience adds to society.
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