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    Books (Spanish)

    • Mi Companero El Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)


      You can enjoy a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Dr. Cho sees himself as the junior partner of the Holy Spirit in his daily work of accomplishing the portion of God’s plan assigned to him. Learn how to be guided by the Holy Spirit every day, receive inspiration through the testimony of David Yonggi Cho, understand and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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    • Dios Se Acerco – (Spanish)


      Here is a new and marvelous way to see the life of our Savior. This is not just a book full of information on the life of Jesus Christ but a book that takes you to a full encounter with the Master himself.

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    • Su Manifesta Presencia – (Spanish)


      Part I – The Heart Cry Of The Lord
      1. God’s Desire – To Dwell With His People
      2. God’s Fire – His Means Of Preparation
      3. God’s Ministry – From The Sanctuary
      4. God’s Plan – His Word Within
      5. God’s Type – Solomon’s Temple

      Part II – Moving To Solomon’s Temple
      6. God’s Provision – Fulness Of Salvation

      Part III – Fit For The Master’s Use
      7. God’s Workmanship – Changing The Inner Realm
      8. God’s Goal – The Restoration Of Hearts

      Additional Info
      His Manifest Presence is:
      * Abiding intimacy with God
      * A refuge from the coming storm
      * Where genuine worship touches God
      * His fulness manifested in Solomon’s Temple
      * Where the constant miraculous is experienced daily

      We must move from David’s Tabernacle worship to Solomon’s Temple, where His Manifest Presence is experienced, if we are to live in His fulness and in His protection through the tumultuous days ahead. Here are some ways in which you can enter His presence.

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    • Amor Que No Se Apaga – (Spanish)


      Conflictos por los cuales las parejas experimentan frustraciones en la expre-sion de su amor.

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    • Tentado No Cedas – (Spanish)


      Trata todos los aspectos de la tentacion y la manera en que podemos resistirla.

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    • Teologia Biblica Y Sistematica – (Spanish)


      The nature, value and classification of doctrine, as well as a system of studying doctrine, are here analyzed.

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    • Vida En El Redil – (Spanish)


      El salmo 23 esta lleno de terminos y descripciones cuyos verdaderos y profundos significados a veces escapan de quien jamas ha sido pastor de ovejas. Que verdades mas profundas hay tras esas imagenes que apenas comprendemos a medias? Cual es el alcance y los limites de las promesas de Dios? Dejemos que sea precisamente un pastor de ovejas quien nos vaya senalando los tesoros escondidos en este amado salmo.

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    • Cerdos En La Sala – (Spanish)


      A practical guide to free people from satanic oppression and possession.

      Guia practica de liberacion para personas con opresion y posesion satanicas.

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    • Amor Debe Ser Firme – (Spanish)


      Love must be tough not only offers practical advice for couples that are on the verge of divorce but also to every person that is in search of a better understanding of human conduct and the complexities in relationships between men and women.

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    • Se Hizo Hombre – (Spanish)


      Here is a fascinating commentary on the life of Jesus. The author presents the political, social and religious setting of the most fascinating period in the history of humankind. The author transports our mind to the first millennium where he makes us live the adventure of the political, social, and religious setting

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    • Profetas Menores – (Spanish)


      Charles Lee Feinberg is one of the autorities in the United States in Jewish history, language and customes from the Old Testament and biblical profecies. He graduate in cience from Pittsburg University and obtain his master and PhD from a Seminar in Dallas, also he has a masters in Old Testament from South Methodis University and a PhD on archeology and language from the University of John Hopkins.

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    • Hombria Al Maximo – (Spanish)


      What is the most efficient way to maximize the leadership of a man in the home? This book explores how you can be successful and fulfill the important responsibilities toward your wife and your children.

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    • Como Orar Por Los Hijos – (Spanish)


      Do you have hope for your children? Do you want them to be faithful to God? Do you want them to be capable of resisting the temptations that surround us? As a mother, Quin Sherrer had the same worries, but she didn’t know how to pray for her sons. Is there a method of how to pray for them? Are there some prayers more efficient than others are? Quin asked other mothers how they prayed for their children and what results they had. In this book, Quin tell us what she learned. She shows the importance of getting together to pray in the Spirit and with faith. She shows us how to pray for our children that are faithful and those that are not. This book will teach you and inspire you in your prayers for them.

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    • Respuestas A Preguntas Dificil – (Spanish)


      Why does a good God allow evil to continue? This and other tough questions asked by skeptics of the Christian faith are tackled by McDowell and Stuart.

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    • Mucho Mas Que Numeros – (Spanish)


      The term “Church growth” has quickly become popular, yet what is it? Who shares from his own personal experience in pioneering the largest church in the world.

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    • Como Vencer El Temor – (Spanish)


      Fear can produce misery, slavery, and destruction. It is overwhelming to find out how many from all social classes live in fear. Read this book with the expectation that all the fear that you have is going to disappear. Along the way you will reach faith, confidence, courage and true mental peace. Find how to overcome fear!

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    • Libro Siempre Nuevo – (Spanish)


      Many people have loved the Bible without having an idea of its structure, origin, and formation. We need a book that will explain in detail all this information.

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    • Libros Historicos – (Spanish)


      The story of Israel is full of fascinating messages that apply today. Hoff offers a valuable commentary on Israel’s history for all believers.

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    • Libro De Los Hechos – (Spanish)


      The book of Acts is much more that a simple step between the Gospels and the epistles. That is what this author believes. While writing this book, the author had in consideration the needs of ministers and lay people. This book, which everyone has been waiting for, is a great tool to understand and bring to the actual life the “acts of Jesus resurrected by the Holy Spirit in the church and through it.”

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    • Apocalipsis El Drama De Los Si – (Spanish)


      This is the greatest story of all times that will affect all those that have lived or will live through the Great Tribulation! This study of the chapter of Revelation is an anticipatory vision of what is going to happen at the end of human history.

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    • Por Que Creo – (Spanish)


      Here is a compelling, powerful declaration of what Christians believe and why. Dr. Kennedy offers intelligent, informed responses to common objections to the Gospel.

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    • Esgrima Biblica – (Spanish)


      This book contains thirty-two chapters full of fascinating questions for Bible quizzes for all ages.

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    • Pastor Como Consejero – (Spanish)


      This book presents what pastoral counseing is all about: basic psychology concepts, knowledge of how the human mind works and a sound biblical foundation.

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    • Escuela Domincal Dinamica – (Spanish)


      Written by one of the nation’s foremost Christian education writers, this book addresses the biblical philosophy behind the Sunday School ministry. It also develops the practical aspects that are imperative to any successful program.

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    • Cuarta Dimension – (Spanish)


      This book provides essential truth not only for the pastor and church leader, but also to any Christian believer. It is a spiritual guide for those that want to have a victorious life.

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    • Lo Que Nos Dice La Biblia – (Spanish)


      This clear and concise examination of the Scriptures that Henrietta C. Mears makes will reveal to us that the Bible is a book, a history, and a story. This companion of biblical studies will revive the Scriptures for you, and it will help you to better understand God’s will in the lives of all humankind.

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    • Brujula Para El Ministerio Eva – (Spanish)


      Twenty-three distinguished evangelical leaders from Latin America with a solid biblical formation have worked on this book. Although all of them write from their own point of view and based on the needs of their own country, this book will help everybody in Latin America in general.

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    • Pentateuco – (Spanish)


      It is the desire of the author that this book will be a great blessing to its readers, stimulating them to search and come to a profound understanding of the Sacred Scriptures, providing them with a rich and spiritual nourishment for their lives.

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    • Autoridad Espiritaul – (Spanish)


      2 Parts

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      This is a profound yet simple book that ought to be read with prayer. In times when the foundations of authority are falling to pieces in the church, the home, and life in general, the author offers advice and teachings to guide to our life. “May your authority not exceed your ministry”, Watchman Nee advises us in this book.

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    • Lo Que Dices Recibes – (Spanish)


      Words can free the spiritual power within believers and give them love, joy, peace, happiness, success and prosperity.

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    • Seras Lo Que Quieras Ser – (Spanish)


      This book will teach you how you can be the person you want to be, how you can reach goals and be inspired by them. It teaches confidence in your self: how to get it, use it and keep it. It teaches enthusiasm: the strength that motivates us and will pushes us to action. And it shows you how to keep going with a positive attitude.

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    • Diccionario Manual De La Bibli – (Spanish)


      This dictionary is widely known and appreciated for it’s ease of use and profound statements of the principal biblical themes, accompanied by photographs and maps.

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    • Senor Hazme Llorar – (Spanish)


      This book is the moving, and often times offensive, true story of Cookie Rodrigues and how she found something she longed for even more than her addiction to heroine.

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    • Poder De La Alabanza – (Spanish)


      Carothers brings to the reader an extraordinary way to face circumstances that seem hopeless.

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    • Como Vencer La Depresion – (Spanish)


      The problem of depression has provoked an alarming crisis in our society. Dr. La Haye presents a new method to have victory over this problem and writes about the causes of depression and also about the cure.

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    • De La Prison A La Alabanza – (Spanish)


      This is a surprising personal revelation of an attitude of gratitude toward God “in all things” no matter the cost or circumstances. The concept of chaplain Carothers is of praising God in all aspects of life. This book will lead the readers to evaluate their priorities in life.

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    • Bosquejos Homilecticos – (Spanish)


      This book presents two topics.

      First, HOMILETIC I, is for teachers and students in Biblical Institutes through local studies and correspondence courses. Second, CHOSEN OUTLINES presents a collection of carefully selected sermon outlines from the heart of people who have devoted themselves to the work behind the pulpit.

      With the help of the Holy Spirit, the reader will find a variety of abundant material for the preparation of their messages and other subjects that can be presented and studied in the church. It’s our hope that this volume will help inspire and give direction to the

      person who is willing to utilize the context of this book and also to those who will listen to the glorious message of the Lord.

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    • Corre Nicky Corre – (Spanish)


      This is the emotional story of Nicky Cruz and how he escaped from the barrios under extreme and desperate pressure to find a better life. This biography is of a young man that won the battle of alcoholism, escaped the violent crimes of his past and become an inspiration to teenagers around the world.

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    • Geografia Historica Del Mundo (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


      In this revised edition, the reader will find a careful examination of the geography of Bible times that helps the reader understand the Scriptures even more.

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    • Evangelismo Personal – (Spanish)


      Learn more key verses from the Bible in your efforts at personal evangelism.

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    • Cruz Y El Punal – (Spanish)


      David Wilkerson masterfully narrates the true and moving account of his mission among those lost in the world of drugs, crime, and the most horrible sin. Wilkerson spent many hours in New York City, talk of rebirth and rehabilitation to hardened gang members. Once you start reading The Cross and the Switchblade you won’t be able to put it down again. You will live, together with its characters moments of fear, anxiety, pain, and emotion that will bring you from tragedy to joy and back again, from tears to hope, reading about the true and amazing things that took place in this ministry.

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    • Evidencias Cristianas – (Spanish)


      Alice E. Luce, an English preacher, dedicated her life to preach the word of God to the Spanish-speaking people. She was a teacher and a great writer. This is a book that talks about the history and the truth that God has given to his people. It is a book that will give faith and value to the believer, and readers will be capable of answering those that ask them about their faith.

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    • Mensajero Y Su Mensaje – (Spanish)


      This is a simple and practical manual of how to organize sermons, with the purpose of helping pastors and all those who want to present in an auditorium the message that God has given you.

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    • Hermeneutica Introduccion Bibl – (Spanish)


      This volume combines two reference books that have had the approval of Hispanic evangelicals: “Hermeneutics” and “Introduction to the Bible”. The first writer was E. Lund, a profound teacher in Biblical studies.

      This book would meet a need in the Hispanic evangelic community.

      The second writer is Alicia C. Luce.

      Her book answers many of the questions in regard to the origin and translation of the Bible.

      Editorial Vida presents this book not only for the pastor, evangelist and the working Christian, but for all those who have a passion for Biblical studies.

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    • Doctrinas Biblicas – (Spanish)


      In an entertaining and simple manner, this book takes us through profound declarations of the truths about the fundamentals of the Bible.

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