




    • Mente Alerta – (Spanish)


      Desate el pensamiento positivo y la imaginacion productiva, y cambie los pensamientos y conductas negativas para mejorar cada aspecto de su vida, cada maana, de un dia a la vez.

      Malos habitos. Malos sentimientos. Maanas malas que se convierten en dias lamentables.

      Destierrelos a todos con simples ejercicios mentales que cambian los pensamientos y comportamientos de negativos a positivos y productivos. En lugar de andar con pesadumbre durante todo el dia, aprenda a despertarse renovado, a recargarse regularmente y a vivir mejor que nunca.

      La mente alerta lo hace facil. Basado en los descubrimientos de la neurociencia y la medicina, este libro le ayudara a calmar el area llamada “cerebro de reptil” que reacciona ante el miedo y sacar el maximo provecho del area vinculada al pensamiento y la imaginacion.

      Con temas que van desde la dieta y la hidratacion hasta el ejercicio y la meditacion, encontrara ideas para activar su cerebro y mejorar cada aspecto de su vida:

      Restaurar los ciclos saludables de vigilia y sueo
      Bloquear las dainas hormonas de cortisol
      Mejorar el rendimiento mental
      Propiciar maanas mas serenas
      Desarrollar la autodisciplina
      Estimular la creatividad
      Mejorar las habilidades de liderazgo
      Y mas…

      Desde el momento en que suena la alarma, La mente alerta lo ayuda a saludar cada dia con entusiasmo.

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    • Psicologia De Ventas – (Spanish)


      Brian Tracy, uno de los conferencistas profesionales e instructor de ventas mas destacado del mundo hoy en dia, se dio cuenta que su logro o adelanto mas importante en las ventas fue el descubrimiento de que “la Psicologia de Ventas” es mas importante que las tecnicas y los metodos de venta.El reconocido programa de Tracy, La Psicologia de ventas, es el programa de entrenamiento en ventas mas vendido de la historia. Los agentes de ventas aprenderan: El “juego interno” de las ventas Como eliminar el temor al rechazo Como construir una autoestima inquebrantable Los vendedores, dice Tracy, deben aprender a controlar sus pensamientos, sus sentimientos, y sus acciones si desean ser mas efectivos.

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    • Personas Seguras – (Spanish)


      Too many of us have invested ourselves into relationships that left us deeply wounded. We’ve been abandoned or taken advantage of, and left with little to show for what we’ve given. We’ve lost our sense of security and personal value in the process. And what’s worse, we tend to either repeat the same mistakes of judgment over and over . . . Or else lock the doors of our hearts entirely and throw away the key. Why do we choose the wrong people to get involved with? Is it possible to change? And if so, where does one begin? Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend offer solid guidance for making safe choices in relationships, from friendships to romance. They help identify the nurturing people we all need in our lives, as well as ones we need to learn to avoid. Safe People will help you to recognize 20 traits of relationally untrustworthy people. Discover what makes some people relationally safe, and how to avoid unhealthy entanglements. You’ll learn about things within yourself that jeopardize your relational security. And you’ll find out what to do and what not to do to develop a balanced, healthy approach to relationships.

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    • Limites – (Spanish)


      Is your life out of control? Do people take advantage of you? Do you have trouble saying no? Are you disappointed with God because of unanswered prayers? Having clear boundaries is essential to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. A boundary is a personal property line that marks those things for which we are responsible. In other words, boundaries define who we are and who we are not. Boundaries impact all areas of our lives: Physical boundaries helps us determine who may touch us and under what circumstances. Mental boundaries give us the freedom to have our own thoughts and opinions. Emotional boundaries help us deal with our own emotions and disengage from the harmful, manipulative emotions of others. Spiritual boundaries help us distinguish God’s will from our own and give us renewed awe for our Creator. Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend offer biblically based answers to tough questions, showing us how to set healthy boundaries with our parents, spouses, children, friends, co-workers, and even ourselves.

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    • Lo Que Dices Recibes – (Spanish)


      Words can free the spiritual power within believers and give them love, joy, peace, happiness, success and prosperity.

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    • Como Vencer La Depresion – (Spanish)


      The problem of depression has provoked an alarming crisis in our society. Dr. La Haye presents a new method to have victory over this problem and writes about the causes of depression and also about the cure.

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