


    Bible Language Tools

    • 9781683591627 Symbols And Reality

      Symbols And Reality


      This is the fifth of a six-volume series called Reading the Bible as Literature. In this volume, the author not only explores the intersection of the Bible and literature, but he also shows pastors, students, and teachers of the Bible how to appreciate the craftsmanship of visionary literature and prophetic oracles and how to interpret them correctly. Dr. Ryken goes one step further than merely explaining the genre by including exercises to help students master this rich literary treasure. Speaking of the entire series, Ryken says, “The niche that these volumes are designed to fill is the literary approach to the Bible. This has been my scholarly passion for nearly half a century. It is my belief that a literary approach to the Bible is the common reader’s friend, in contract to the more specialized types of scholarship on the Bible.”

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    • 9781087778884 Greek Word Studies For Everyone

      Greek Word Studies For Everyone


      Unlock the treasures of Greek word studies with this comprehensive guide!

      Designed for both laypersons hungry for in-depth biblical knowledge and Christian ministers seeking to refresh and enrich their Greek understanding, Greek Word Studies for Everyone: An Easy Guide to Serious Study of the Bible provides a clear pathway through the complexities of Greek word analysis.

      In no time, readers will master the essentials of reading Greek words, learn how to utilize word studies, and decipher between study tools. Whether you’re studying solo or in a group setting, this 7-week church-based course format ensures steady progress. Packed with practice exercises and accompanied by free video lessons at, Greek Word Studies for Everyone equips you to engage with the biblical text at the next level. Take the next step in your biblical studies journey today!

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    • 9798384514251 Charts For Intermediate Hebrew Grammar And Syntax

      Charts For Intermediate Hebrew Grammar And Syntax


      For students of intermediate Hebrew, these fold-out laminated sheets provide a quick and helpful reference to paradigms, syntax functions, and more. Designed to accompany Going Deeper with Biblical Hebrew, these sheets contain:

      *Summaries, definitions, and key takeaways for each chapter of the textbook.
      *Helpful breakdowns of syntactical categorizations and functions.
      *Grammatical charts for nouns, verbs, and other parts of speech.

      The premier “cheat sheet” for upper-level Hebrew, Charts for Intermediate Hebrew Grammar and Syntax provides at-a-glance reference materials for students as they dive deeper into biblical Hebrew.

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    • 9781430088349 Going Deeper With New Testament Greek Workbook (Workbook)

      Going Deeper With New Testament Greek Workbook (Workbook)


      Going Deeper with New Testament Greek Workbook by John J. R. Lee and Tyler Sykora guides readers through a careful study of the Greek text of the Gospel of Mark’s journey narrative (8:22-10:52).

      Designed for second-year students of biblical Greek, as well as independent learners wanting to sharpen their grasp of Greek syntax, the workbook can be used on its own or alongside various intermediate Greek grammars, including Going Deeper with New Testament Greek. Each chapter features:

      *Guided practice translation of a passage from Mark 8:22-10:52.
      *A succinct definition and description of the parts of speech being studied.
      *Vocabulary aids tied to the Markan passage.
      *Exegetical and contextual questions to prompt deeper study.
      *Answer keys and references for further study.

      Authored by professors with many years of combined experience teaching biblical Greek, Going Deeper with New Testament Greek Workbook is practical and student friendly. It leads readers through chapters in Mark that are both manageable in their vocabulary and syntax and rich exegetically, theologically, and devotionally.

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    • 9798887692364 Exploring The Mind Of God

      Exploring The Mind Of God


      God’s Thoughts Toward You Are Filled with Love

      Exploring the Mind of God reveals the thoughts and plans of our Creator-Father as revealed in the deeper meanings of Hebrew words in Scripture, with reflections on related Greek and Aramaic terms as well.

      Hebrew teacher Chaim Bentorah highlights both Old and New Testament passages that reveal the loving nature of God, as opposed to the vindictive nature that is commonly portrayed.

      Chaim says, “The foremost thought that expresses the mind of God toward humanity is His love for us in Christ Jesus.”

      Each of the sixty devotional readings features a specific passage of Scripture, followed by an investigation of key words in the original languages, all pointing to the eternal purposes of our loving heavenly Father. Use as an inspiring daily devotional that will draw you closer to the Lord, a deeper word study into biblical Hebrew, or both.

      You don’t even have to be familiar with a word of Hebrew to be greatly blessed by these insights. Chaim opens up the biblical passages while ultimately pointing us to enter more fully into a loving relationship with our Lord.

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    • 9781496481894 50 Greek Words Every Christian Should Know

      50 Greek Words Every Christian Should Know


      50 Greek Words Every Christian Should Know is an easy-to-understand, practical quick-reference pamphlet that will immediately refresh your Bible study, covering the basics of common biblical Greek words, definitions, and more! Here’s a sample of this amazing reference pamphlet:

      Word: Apokalupsis

      *Pronunciation: ah-paw-KAH-loop-sis

      *Scripture: 1 Peter 1:13 “Set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.”

      *Definition: revelation, disclosure, apocalypse

      *Insights: The English word apocalypse is a rendering of apokalupsis, the title of the book of Revelation. Since Jesus’s return is associated with the end of the world, apocalypse evokes thoughts of worldwide disasters. However, the Greek word simply means “a revealing.” Jesus’s return is the time when he will be revealed.

      Unpack Rich Biblical Greek Words, Definitions, and Meanings in Seconds

      Diving into biblical Greek doesn’t have to be difficult or intimidating! In fact, learning basic Greek is both easy and fun with Rose’s 50 Greek Words Every Christian Should Know! Being able to understand the multiple meanings of even a single Greek word is worth the richness and depth of meaning you’ll get from God’s Word. In the highly practical, visual, and clear style of Rose Publishing pamphlets, you can now have a crash course on the top 50 Greek words every Christian should know! From “adelphos” to “zoe,” deepen your Bible study with:

      *English transliteration and Greek spelling
      *Key Scripture
      *Pronunciation and definition
      *Short explanation
      *Relevant Scripture references

      Imagine reading a Bible passage and being able to unpack and share the deeper meanings of “charizomai” or “logos” with your Bible study and friends. In just the turn of a page, you can! 50 Greek Words Every Christian Should Know is a treasure trove of information that helps readers explore the Greek meaning of important words in the New Testament. Clear and easy to read, this quick-reference pamphlet and Bible study aid will help you (and those you lead) unlock a deeper understanding of God’s Word.

      This Pamphlet Covers 50 Greek Words Every Christian Should Know

      Enjoy having an easy-to-use Bible reference source you can carry with you or hand to a friend. Learn how to pronounce, define, and understand Greek words like:

      *Agape (love, affection, warm regard)
      *Charis (grace, favor, goodwill)
      *Ekklesia (assembly, church, congregation)
      *Kairos (appointed time, seaso

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    • 9780310150220 Basics Of Verbal Aspect In Biblical Greek Second Edition

      Basics Of Verbal Aspect In Biblical Greek Second Edition


      Verbal aspect in the Greek language has been a topic of significant debate in recent scholarship. The majority of scholars now believe that an understanding of verbal aspect is even more important than verb tense (past, present, etc.). Yet there still are no alternative accessible textbooks, both in terms of level and price. In the second edition, Constantine R. Campbell investigates the function of verbal aspect within the New Testament Greek narrative in light of the last fifteen years of the latest scholarship.

      In Basics of Verbal Aspect in Biblical Greek, Second Edition, Campbell has done a marvelous job in this book of simplifying the concept without getting caught up using terms of linguistics that only experts can understand. The book includes expanded and updated discussion, revised exercises, an answer key, a glossary of key concepts, an appendix covering space and time, and an index of Scriptures cited. Professors and students, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, will use this is as a supplemental text in both beginning and advanced Greek courses. Pastors that study the Greek text will also appreciate this resource as a supplement to their preaching and teaching.

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    • 9781540966858 Exegetical Journeys In Biblical Greek

      Exegetical Journeys In Biblical Greek


      Often students want to maintain their Biblical Greek when they’re between courses, but they don’t know where to start. This book provides ninety days of guided reading and brief exercises to help students retain their knowledge and skill in reading and interpreting Biblical Greek.

      Noted language expert Benjamin Merkle guides readers through level-appropriate texts selected from across the New Testament canon, encouraging them to read and analyze one or two verses a day. The book begins with easy texts and gradually increases in difficulty through the 90 days. Each reading ends with a section called “For the Journey,” which provides a practical application or reflection on the text, and an answer key so that students can check their work.

      This follow-up to Merkle’s Exegetical Gems from Biblical Greek is ideal for Greek language students after their first year of study and for those who want to revive their knowledge and love of Biblical Greek. A companion volume on Hebrew is forthcoming.

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    • 9781496483331 Theological Lexicon Of The New Testament Volume 1

      Theological Lexicon Of The New Testament Volume 1


      A translation of the 3-volume work Notes de lexicographie neo-testamentaire by the premier biblical exegete Ceslas Spicq, the Theological Lexicon of the New Testament will surely take its place alongside other standard language tools. One plus to this work is that it is self-consciously theological. Spicq’s quest is not for morphology, orthography, or even grammar or syntax; rather, he wants to uncover the religious meaning of the language used in the New Testament. To accomplish his task, Spicq mines the vast resources of epigraphical texts, papyri, classical writings, the Greek Old Testament, Hellenistic authors, and innumerable sources to inform his study of New Testament Koine. Not merely following in the footsteps of other such works such as the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, more than half of the words in the TLNT do not receive significant treatment elsewhere. Spicq’s impressive familiarity with a variety of resources–from funerary inscriptions to papyri fragments–deems this work extraordinary.

      In the upper portion of each article entry in the TLNT, the Greek lexical form of the word or word group appears, and the lower portion contains the fully transliterated English form of the word as well as a brief definition.

      Terms in the text itself are transliterated for the nonspecialist, while scholars can quickly reference the original language in the article entry.

      Scholars especially will appreciate the extensive footnotes, which review a term’s use in sources such as the papyri, in the Septuagint, and in classical and Hellenistic writings and then assess the value of this material for understanding the NT. Parallels in Jewish writings, including the Pseudepigrapha, Apocrypha, and Qumran, are also included.

      Spicq supplies vital bibliography from a wide range of resources. In this edition, any references to French, German, or other foreign language works that have been translated into English are given in their English form.

      In the resource notes, each term is conveniently keyed to Strong’s Concordance and cross-referenced to major lexical resources, such as Louw and Nida’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament Based on Semantic Domains or the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament.

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    • 9781496483379 Theological Lexicon Of The Old Testament Volume 2

      Theological Lexicon Of The Old Testament Volume 2


      An indispensable and incomparable reference work, this translation of the Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament makes accessible in English a wealth of theological insight. In these volumes, outstanding scholars provide in-depth and wide-ranging investigations of the historical, semantic, and theological meanings of Old Testament concepts.

      Well-organized and clearly written articles analyze a significant portion of the Old Testament vocabulary. This reference work can serve a wide audience, from professors and researchers to pastors and students of the Bible. Even readers with little or no knowledge of Hebrew can use it profitably.

      Whereas traditional lexicons do little more than offer possible translations in the light of etymological and grammatical evidence, the Theological Lexicon of the Old Testament goes further, evaluating each term’s theological relevance by clearly describing its actual usage in the language. In the process, it makes available to readers many form- and tradition-critical insights hitherto buried in scattered commentaries, monographs, Old Testament theologies, journal articles, etc. Thus the individual articles serve as concise, well-structured histories of research with conclusions, discussion of controversies, and references to the most important literature.

      The methodological repertoire of the TLOT is deliberately broad because today it is generally agreed that no single approach can fully illuminate a term’s meaning. Assumptions that led to ill-advised short-cuts–e.g., the chimera of a basic meaning from which all other meanings developed–have given way to a methodological pluralism that considers a term’s significance from several points of view and thus does more justice to actual usage.

      Words were included because of their importance within the Hebrew Bible, not their suitability as elements of a secondary system of Old Testament theology. Since the entries are generally ordered according to roots–the traditional and sensible approach for Semitic languages–and many words are treated as derivatives, synonyms, or antonyms of the terms listed in the article titles, thousands of words are covered in about 330 articles. These other words can easily be found in the index. Besides examining the key verbs, nouns, and adjectives, the TLOT examines theologically noteworthy pronouns and particles in their own entries.

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    • 9781496483386 Theological Lexicon Of The Old Testament Volume 3

      Theological Lexicon Of The Old Testament Volume 3


      An indispensable and incomparable reference work, this translation of the Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament makes accessible in English a wealth of theological insight. In these volumes, outstanding scholars provide in-depth and wide-ranging investigations of the historical, semantic, and theological meanings of Old Testament concepts.

      Well-organized and clearly written articles analyze a significant portion of the Old Testament vocabulary. This reference work can serve a wide audience, from professors and researchers to pastors and students of the Bible. Even readers with little or no knowledge of Hebrew can use it profitably.

      Whereas traditional lexicons do little more than offer possible translations in the light of etymological and grammatical evidence, the Theological Lexicon of the Old Testament goes further, evaluating each term’s theological relevance by clearly describing its actual usage in the language. In the process, it makes available to readers many form- and tradition-critical insights hitherto buried in scattered commentaries, monographs, Old Testament theologies, journal articles, etc. Thus the individual articles serve as concise, well-structured histories of research with conclusions, discussion of controversies, and references to the most important literature.

      The methodological repertoire of the TLOT is deliberately broad because today it is generally agreed that no single approach can fully illuminate a term’s meaning. Assumptions that led to ill-advised short-cuts–e.g., the chimera of a basic meaning from which all other meanings developed–have given way to a methodological pluralism that considers a term’s significance from several points of view and thus does more justice to actual usage.

      Words were included because of their importance within the Hebrew Bible, not their suitability as elements of a secondary system of Old Testament theology. Since the entries are generally ordered according to roots–the traditional and sensible approach for Semitic languages–and many words are treated as derivatives, synonyms, or antonyms of the terms listed in the article titles, thousands of words are covered in about 330 articles. These other words can easily be found in the index. Besides examining the key verbs, nouns, and adjectives, the TLOT examines theologically noteworthy pronouns and particles in their own entries.

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    • 9781496481948 50 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know Pamphlet

      50 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know Pamphlet


      Amen! We often end our prayers with this ancient Hebrew word, but what does it really mean? Shalom, another common Hebrew word, is usually translated as “peace,” yet it infers so much more!

      50 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know is a treasure trove of information that helps readers explore the Hebrew meaning of important words in the Old Testament. Straightforward and accessible, this reference pamphlet and Bible-study aid offers the basics in each entry: English transliteration and Hebrew spelling, a key Scripture, pronunciation and definition, a short explanation, and relevant Scripture references.

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    • 9781683591566 Letters Of Grace And Beauty

      Letters Of Grace And Beauty


      This is the third of a six-volume series called Reading the Bible as Literature. As with the first two volumes ( How Bible Stories Work and Sweeter Than Honey, Richer Than Gold), the author explores the intersection of the Bible and literature. In this third volume, Dr. Ryken shows pastors, students, and teachers of the Bible how the literary craftsmanship of the epistles leads to a richer understanding of its contents. After explaining the literary makeup of the epistles, he provides exercises to help his readers master this rich literary treasure. Speaking of the entire series, Ryken says, “The niche that these volumes are designed to fill is the literary approach to the Bible. This has been my scholarly passion for nearly half a century. It is my belief that a literary approach to the Bible is the common reader’s friend, in contrast to the more specialized types of scholarship on the Bible.”

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    • 9781683591603 Short Sentences Long Remembered

      Short Sentences Long Remembered


      This is the last of a six-volume series called Reading the Bible as Literature. In this series, the author not only explores the intersection of the Bible and literature, but he also shows pastors, students, and teachers of the Bible the beautiful craftsmanship of Proverbs and wisdom literature and how to interpret them correctly. Dr. Ryken goes one step further than merely explaining the genre of Proverbs and wisdom literature by including exercises to help students master this rich literary treasure.

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    • 9780310154082 W E Vines New Testament Word Pictures Hebrews To Revelation

      W E Vines New Testament Word Pictures Hebrews To Revelation


      Every key word from Vine’s famous Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words now presented in a handy verse-by-verse format.

      From Hebrews to Revelation

      Study the meaning of biblical words in the original languages without spending years learning Greek. W. E. Vine’s New Testament Word Pictures places every key word from Vine’s classic Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words in Bible book and verse-by-verse order. The text of the King James Version of the Bible is included for context, but W. E. Vine’s New Testament Word Pictures is keyed to the Strong’s numbering system and can be used with any Bible translation.

      Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words:

      *Explains key words in original Greek context
      *Does not require knowledge of Greek
      *Includes Strong’s numbers for further study
      *Is ideal for busy Bible preachers and teachers
      *Combines the features of a dictionary, concordance, and commentary

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    • 9780310153658 W E Vines New Testament Word Pictures Romans To Philemon

      W E Vines New Testament Word Pictures Romans To Philemon


      Every key word from Vine’s famous Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words now presented in a handy verse-by-verse format.

      From Romans to Philemon

      Study the meaning of biblical words in the original languages without spending years learning Greek. W. E. Vine’s New Testament Word Pictures places every key word from Vine’s classic Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words in Bible book and verse-by-verse order. The text of the King James Version of the Bible is included for context, but W. E. Vine’s New Testament Word Pictures is keyed to the Strong’s numbering system and can be used with any Bible translation.

      Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words:

      *Explains key words in original Greek context
      *Does not require knowledge of Greek
      *Includes Strong’s numbers for further study
      *Is ideal for busy Bible preachers and teachers
      *Combines the features of a dictionary, concordance, and commentary

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    • 9780310134596 Basics Of Akkadian

      Basics Of Akkadian


      Equips Students with Essential Tools to Quickly Grasp Akkadian and Move into Translation

      Basics of Akkadian: A Complete Grammar, Workbook, and Lexicon, by Gordon P. Hugenberger with Nancy L. Erickson, is a one-semester introductory textbook to the Akkadian language. The grammar provides students with essential tools in order to quickly grasp the Akkadian language and move into translation. Designed around the Laws of Hammurabi, each chapter includes:
      *Explanation of grammatical points
      *Signs that need to be learned

      Short contributions that highlight the unique significance of learning Akkadian for the studies of the Hebrew Bible are also included throughout the grammar. By the end of the grammar, students will have:
      *Read through a sixth of the Laws of Hammurabi
      *Learned how to read Neo-Assyrian script
      *Transliterate that script, normalize the transcription, and translate

      Robust appendices at the back of the book include major paradigms, a list of cuneiform signs, an alphabetical list of V, CV and VC cuneiform signs, and a complete Akkadian glossary. Basics of Akkadian is designed for classroom use as well as the independent learner. Students will acquire all the necessary tools to either pursue additional studies of the Akkadian language or to utilize the information gained for better understanding the cognitive environment of the biblical world and to engage thoughtfully and carefully with Akkadian literature.

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    • 9781683595571 Ruth : A Guide To Reading Biblical Hebrew

      Ruth : A Guide To Reading Biblical Hebrew


      Maintain your Hebrew.

      Too often, a former Hebrew student is a lapsed Hebrew student. The paradigms, the syntactical forms, and even the alphabet can be hard to recall. The way to make Hebrew stick, like any language, is to continue to put it to use.

      In Ruth: Guide to Reading Biblical Hebrew, Adam J. Howell helps intermediate readers of Hebrew work through the text of Ruth with exegetical and syntactical aids. With Howell as a guide, students will be able to mine the riches of the Hebrew text to appreciate the literary and theological significance of the book of Ruth.

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    • 9781683591580 Jesus The Hero

      Jesus The Hero


      This is the fourth of a six-volume series called Reading the Bible as Literature. This volume on the Gospels continues the tradition of the first three in the series by exploring the intersection of the Bible and literature. Ryken enables pastors, students, and teachers of the Bible to appreciate the craftsmanship and beauty of the Gospels and how to interpret them correctly. He goes one step further than merely explaining the literary dimensions of the Gospels – he includes exercises to help students master this rich literary treasure.

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    • 9781641236850 Strange Scriptures : Deciphering 52 Weird

      Strange Scriptures : Deciphering 52 Weird, Bizarre, And Curious Verses From


      What’s that Scripture mean?

      Ever asked yourself this question when you’re reading through the Bible? We all have. Whether we’ve been saved a long time or are just beginning to follow Christ, there are portions of Scripture that go over our heads. They’re puzzling. Odd. Complicated. Strange.

      *What’s baptism on behalf of the dead? (1 Corinthians 15:29)
      *Wasn’t it rude for Jesus to call a woman a dog? (Mark 7:27)
      *If Jesus is eternal, why is he called the firstborn? (Colossians 1:15)
      *How can we do greater works than Christ? (John 14:12)

      Scriptures like these are not preached from the pulpit as commonly as our favorite texts. You rarely hear about them in your small group Bible study. And it’s definitely not easy to explain what they mean.

      Think of it like this: if the Bible were an apple orchard, the Scriptures we’re most familiar with are like the luscious Honey Crisp. They’re our favorites. Like, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” and “Love never fails.” Oh, the meaning and relevant application from these just gushes forth into our lives.

      But strange Scriptures are more like crabapples. Consider this one: “For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment” (2 Peter 2:4). Not quite a Honey Crisp, is it? There’s juice in it, all right, but if you want meaning and life application, you have to do a whole lot more squeezing.

      That’s where Strange Scriptures comes in. Within each short study, author Chris Palmer has aimed to represent scholarship, Greek exegesis, and life application to bring forth a full-bodied study to nourish your soul.

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    • 9780802881779 Theological Dictionary Of The Old Testament Volume 10

      Theological Dictionary Of The Old Testament Volume 10


      This multivolume work is still proving to be as fundamental to Old Testament studies as its companion set, the Kittel-Friedrich Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, has been to New Testament studies.

      Beginning with ‘abh (‘ab), “father,” and continuing through the alphabet, the TDOT volumes present in-depth discussions of the key Hebrew and Aramaic words in the Old Testament. Leading scholars of various religious traditions (including Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Greek Orthodox, and Jewish) and from many parts of the world (Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States) have been carefully selected for each article by editors Botterweck, Ringgren, and Fabry and their consultants, George W. Anderson, Henri Cazelles, David Noel Freedman, Shemaryahu Talmon, and Gerhard Wallis.

      The intention of the writers is to concentrate on meaning, starting from the more general, everyday senses and building to an understanding of theologically significant concepts. To avoid artificially restricting the focus of the articles, TDOT considers under each keyword the larger groups of words that are related linguistically or semantically. The lexical work includes detailed surveys of a word’s occurrences, not only in biblical material but also in other ancient Near Eastern writings. Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, Ethiopic, Ugaritic, and Northwest Semitic sources are surveyed, among others, as well as the Qumran texts and the Septuagint; and in cultures where no cognate word exists, the authors often consider cognate ideas.

      TDOT’s emphasis, though, is on Hebrew terminology and on biblical usage. The contributors employ philology as well as form-critical and traditio-historical methods, with the aim of understanding the religious statements in the Old Testament. Extensive bibliographical information adds to the value of this reference work.

      This English edition attempts to serve the needs of Old Testament students without the linguistic background of more advanced scholars; it does so, however, without sacrificing the needs of the latter. Ancient scripts (Hebrew, Greek, etc.) are regularly transliterated in a readable way, and meanings of foreign words are given in many cases where the meanings might be obvious to advanced scholars. Where the Hebrew text versification differs from that of English Bibles, the English verse appears in parentheses. Such features

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    • 9781641234603 Greek Word Study

      Greek Word Study


      “Flour. Sheep. Coins. Wheat. Jesus never abandoned the familiarity of His time because what He had to say was so celestial or deep. Instead, He took advantage of what people already understood. In doing so, He didn’t just leave a way of salvation for us, but also a pattern of teaching to follow. This alone was my inspiration for how I chose to write Greek Word Study.”–author Chris Palmer

      In a follow-up to his highly acclaimed book Letters from Jesus: Studies from the Seven Churches of Revelation, the Rev. Chris Palmer has written Greek Word Study: 90 Ancient Words That Unlock Scripture. With wit, humor, grace, and scholarship, Chris offers biblical insights while teaching Koine Greek words and phrases one delightful bite at a time. Unlike other books that overwhelm readers with Greek grammar, word formation, tenses, and the like, Chris makes the language accessible to anyone, using modern stories and analogies that engage readers and draw them into the Scriptures. Learning some Greek words and phrases helps you read the Bible in high definition!

      “You don’t need to be scholar to read this book and you don’t need to know an ounce of Greek either. In fact, you don’t even have to really know much about the Bible at all,” Chris says. “All you need to do is just kick back and enjoy.”

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    • 9780310098423 Basics Of Hebrew Accents

      Basics Of Hebrew Accents


      Basics of Hebrew Accents provides readers of biblical Hebrew with a comprehensive working knowledge of accentuation. Hebrew accents can be perplexing but knowing them and their functions will help students become better readers of the Hebrew Bible. The book is an ideal tool for beginning students who are learning to read the language as well as for more advanced students who are reading and translating the Hebrew text.

      Mark Futato has carefully organized his book to emphasize accessibility while providing:

      *Clear explanations of the primary functions of Hebrew accents
      *A student-friendly presentation
      *Accessibility for independent study
      *A practical and handy reference resource for all students of the Hebrew Bible

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    • 9781540961464 Hebrew For Life

      Hebrew For Life


      Three experienced biblical language professors inspire readers to learn, retain, and use Hebrew for ministry, setting them on a lifetime journey of reading and loving the Hebrew Bible. This companion volume to the successful Greek for Life offers practical guidance, inspiration, and motivation; incorporates research-tested strategies for learning; presents methods not usually covered in other textbooks; and surveys helpful resources for recovering Hebrew after a long period of disuse. It will benefit anyone who is taking (or has taken) a year of Hebrew. Foreword by Miles van Pelt.

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    • 9780310093350 Graded Reader Of Biblical Hebrew Second Edition

      Graded Reader Of Biblical Hebrew Second Edition


      This is a must have resources for second-year Hebrew students, giving them the necessary practice to gain greater proficiency in using the language for exegesis and preaching.

      The updated second edition of the Graded Reader of Biblical Hebrew: A Guide to Reading the Hebrew Bible by Miles V. Van Pelt and Gary D. Pratico is a structured introduction to the reading of Biblical Hebrew texts. This book is the ideal next-step resource for the student who has completed a year of elementary Hebrew or the pastor or scholar whose language skills need some refreshing.

      Through these readings, students will be able to review basic Hebrew grammar, become familiar with issues of intermediate grammar, and gain confidence in handling the Hebrew text. The readings chosen for inclusion, which are arranged generally in order of increasing difficulty, span the whole of the Old Testament and represent some of the most important Old Testament texts from the standpoint of biblical history, theology, and exegesis. Parsing exercises are included with each reading, and there is room for readers to write their own English translation. The many notes that accompany the text include information on:
      *Exegetically significant constructions
      *Vocabulary words
      *Bibliographic information
      *and much more.

      A vital resource for those wanting to take the next step in learning Biblical Hebrew, the Graded Reader of Biblical Hebrew guides students as they move beyond the basics and build competency in translating and exegeting the text of the Old Testament.

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    • 9780802878281 Fundamentals Of New Testament Greek

      Fundamentals Of New Testament Greek


      “We know that this book works and will take students to a level not often achieved through other beginning textbooks.” So say Stanley Porter and his coauthors in the preface to their Fundamentals of New Testament Greek — an ambitious, comprehensive introduction to the grammar and vocabulary of the Greek New Testament.

      This first-year Greek textbook discusses all the forms and basic syntax of Koine Greek, complete with extensive paradigms, examples, and explanations. Porter, Reed, and O’Donnell’s Fundamentals of New Testament Greek features pedagogically sound and linguistically informed techniques of language instruction. The volume introduces the individual words and grammatical details of Greek, sensitive to their frequency of use in the New Testament, reinforcing for students the elements that they will most often encounter. Grammatical forms, including the less common ones, are analyzed and explained in detail, often with illustrative examples from the Greek New Testament. The authors include complete paradigms and give numerous examples; the vocabulary list includes nearly one thousand words, which are introduced throughout the book’s thirty chapters.

      Students who complete this text will be able to move directly into Greek exegesis courses and more advanced Greek-language courses. Fundamentals of New Testament Greek will prove invaluable for gaining a thorough foundational understanding of New Testament Greek, including full exposure to the formation, accenting, and semantics of its complex verbal system.

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    • 9781540962300 Intermediate Greek Grammar

      Intermediate Greek Grammar


      An Accessible, Up-to-Date Intermediate Greek GrammarThis intermediate grammar for students of New Testament Greek incorporates the advances of recent linguistic research in an accessible and understandable way. Drawing on years of teaching experience at a leading seminary, the authors help students extend their grasp of Greek for reading and interpreting the New Testament and related writings. They make extensive use of New Testament texts to illustrate each grammatical category. Long enough to provide substantial help yet concise enough for frequent practical use, this book is ideal for intermediate Greek and Greek exegesis classes. It is also a valuable resource for preachers and others.

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    • 9781641233101 Letters From Jesus

      Letters From Jesus


      “In Revelation 2:2, Jesus tells the church in Ephesus something intimate-Google Street View intimate. He says, ‘I know your works’ (Oida ta erga sou). Four words don’t seem like much, but in the Greek, it packs a punch…. Jesus chooses the Greek word oida, which expresses total, comprehensive knowledge. It is intimate knowledge that comes from being up close and personal. This knowledge isn’t hazy on the details. It doesn’t struggle to remember. It preserves the particulars. In the mind’s eye, everything is sharp and clear, like a well-taken photograph.” -Chris Palmer

      Letters from Jesus: Studies from the Seven Churches of Revelation explores Christ’s warnings to the seven most prominent churches in Asia Minor in the book of Revelation. These letters date back to 95 A.D., but they help us make a fascinating discovery about civilization: life hasn’t changed that much over the last two millennia.

      Author Chris Palmer illustrates the truths contained in the Letters from Jesus using modern, everyday day examples. The host of the popular podcast Greek for the Week, he unpacks Greek words and phrases in these verses from Revelation with humor, joy, and biblical scholarship.

      Why study Greek, even just a little bit? As Chris explains, looking at the New Testament in the original language in which it was written can offer us some beautiful insights into God’s Word. “It’s like reading the Bible in high definition,” he says. Also, “studying God’s Word in the original language forces us to approach it with reverence and awe, humbling ourselves to obey what it says, whether it’s something we want to hear or not.”

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    • 9780310098478 Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary In Context

      Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary In Context


      Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary in Context by Miles V. Van Pelt and Gary D. Pratico is a biblical Hebrew language resource designed to reinforce a student’s basic vocabulary by reading words that occur fifty times or more in the context of the Hebrew Bible. All 642 of these Hebrew words have been collated into 195 key biblical verses and/or verse fragments to help students practice and retain their Hebrew vocabulary. In lieu of rote memorization, Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary in Context reinforces essential vocabulary by reading words in the context of the Hebrew Bible. The book includes two primary sections. The first section provides room for students to write their own glosses of the biblical verse and to parse as they feel necessary. An English translation is also provided and any term that appears less than fifty times is glossed. Proper names are identified with gray text. The second section of the book provides the same biblical verses from the first section but with minimal room to write glosses and parse and without an English translation for aid. The end of the book includes a Hebrew-English lexicon of all the words occurring fifty times or more in the Hebrew Bible.

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    • 9780802877642 Theological Dictionary Of The Old Testament Volume 13

      Theological Dictionary Of The Old Testament Volume 13


      This multivolume work is still proving to be as fundamental to Old Testament studies as its companion set, the Kittel-Friedrich Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, has been to New Testament studies.

      Beginning with ‘abh (‘ab), -father, – and continuing through the alphabet, the TDOT volumes present in-depth discussions of the key Hebrew and Aramaic words in the Old Testament. Leading scholars of various religious traditions (including Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Greek Orthodox, and Jewish) and from many parts of the world (Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States) have been carefully selected for each article by editors Botterweck, Ringgren, and Fabry and their consultants, George W. Anderson, Henri Cazelles, David Noel Freedman, Shemaryahu Talmon, and Gerhard Wallis.

      The intention of the writers is to concentrate on meaning, starting from the more general, everyday senses and building to an understanding of theologically significant concepts. To avoid artificially restricting the focus of the articles, TDOT considers under each keyword the larger groups of words that are related linguistically or semantically. The lexical work includes detailed surveys of a word’s occurrences, not only in biblical material but also in other ancient Near Eastern writings. Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, Ethiopic, Ugaritic, and Northwest Semitic sources are surveyed, among others, as well as the Qumran texts and the Septuagint; and in cultures where no cognate word exists, the authors often consider cognate ideas.

      TDOT’s emphasis, though, is on Hebrew terminology and on biblical usage. The contributors employ philology as well as form-critical and traditio-historical methods, with the aim of understanding the religious statements in the Old Testament. Extensive bibliographical information adds to the value of this reference work.

      This English edition attempts to serve the needs of Old Testament students without the linguistic background of more advanced scholars; it does so, however, without sacrificing the needs of the latter. Ancient scripts (Hebrew, Greek, etc.) are regularly transliterated in a readable way, and meanings of foreign words are given in many cases where the meanings might be obvious to advanced scholars. Where the Hebrew text versification differs from that of English Bibles, the English verse appears in parentheses. Such features

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    • 9781683591542 Sweeter Than Honey Richer Than Gold

      Sweeter Than Honey Richer Than Gold


      This is the second of a projected six-volume series called Reading the Bible as Literature (the first volume being How Bible Stories Work). An expert at exploring the intersection of the Bible and literature, Ryken shows pastors and students and teachers of the Bible how to appreciate the craftsmanship and beauty of biblical poetry and how to interpret it correctly. Dr. Ryken goes one step further than merely explaining the genre of poetry-he includes exercises to help students master this rich literary treasure.

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    • 9780310532828 Vocabulary Guide To Biblical Hebrew And Aramaic Second Edition

      Vocabulary Guide To Biblical Hebrew And Aramaic Second Edition


      The Vocabulary Guide to Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic by Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt is intended to accompany Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar. For the beginning student it is an essential resource companion to aid in vocabulary memorization and acquisition. Updates in this second edition include the addition of a complete Aramaic word list and refinement of definitions.

      Features include:
      *Hebrew words occurring ten times or more in the Old Testament arranged by frequency
      *Hebrew words arranged by common root
      *All Aramaic words occurring in the Old Testament arranged by frequency
      *Helpful appendices including lists of Hebrew homonyms, nominals, and verbs.

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    • 9781683591528 How Bible Stories Work

      How Bible Stories Work


      This is the first of a projected six-volume series called Reading the Bible as Literature (the second volume being Sweeter Than Honey, Richer Than Gold). An expert at exploring the intersection of the Bible and literature, Ryken shows pastors and students and teachers of the Bible how to appreciate the craftsmanship and beauty of biblical narrative and how to interpret it correctly. Dr. Ryken goes one step further than merely explaining the genre of story-he includes exercises to help students master this rich literary treasure.

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    • 9780802883308 Theological Dictionary Of The Old Testament Volume 16

      Theological Dictionary Of The Old Testament Volume 16


      Volume XVI concludes the monumental, critically acclaimed Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament with an Aramaic dictionary.

      This latest and last TDOT volume incorporates nearly the complete lexicon of Biblical Aramaic as well as a major portion of the theologically, culturally, and historically relevant terms in other ancient Aramaic writings. Each article provides information on the term’s meaning and usage, is fully annotated, and contains a bibliography with cross-references to the entire TDOT series.

      Further enhancing this volume are an introductory overview of the history of Aramaic and a comparative grammatical outline of ancient Aramaic at the end of the book.

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    • 9780830852178 Introduction To The New Testament

      Introduction To The New Testament


      This New Testament introduction is different.Many introductions zero in on the historical contexts in which the New Testament literature was written. This introduction goes farther-to give particular attention to the social, cultural, and rhetorical contexts of the New Testament authors and their writings.Few introductions to the New Testament integrate instruction in exegetical and interpretive strategies with the customary considerations of authorship, dating, audience, and message. This introduction capitalizes on the opportunity, introducing students to a relevant facet of interpretation with each portion of New Testament literature.Rarely do introductions to the New Testament approach their task mindful of students preparing for ministry. This introduction is explicit in doing so, recognizing as it does that the New Testament itself-in its parts and as a whole-is a pastoral resource. Each chapter on the New Testament literature closes with a discussion of implications for ministry formation.These integrative features alone would distinguish this introduction from others. But in addition, its pages brim with maps, photos, points of interest, and aids to learning. Separate chapters explore the historical and cultural environment of the New Testament era, the nature of the Gospels and the quest for the historical Jesus, and the life of Paul.First published in 2004, David A. deSilva’s comprehensive and carefully crafted introduction to the New Testament has been long established as an authoritative textbook and resource for students. This beautiful, full-color second edition has been updated throughout with new scholarship and numerous images. It is the first choice for those convinced that a New Testament introduction should integrate scholarship and ministry.

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    • 9781628623437 Bible Study Made Easy

      Bible Study Made Easy


      How can you dig deeper into the Bible? Enjoy a solid, easy-tounderstand overview of inductive Bible study with Rose’s Bible Study Made Easy.

      Featuring charts, simple summaries, and practical tips, this quick guide is a great introduction, going step-by-step through the basic principles of Bible study.

      Discover how to use concordances to easily navigate through the Bible, find out how to dig deeper with Bible dictionaries, and learn how to apply God’s word to your life through inductive Bible studies.

      It covers:
      * 7 “first steps” to take when beginning a Bible study
      * 8 basic principles of Bible study
      * Dozens of study tips and recommendations, including which key Bible verses, passages, and books of the Bible to explore
      * 3 keys to inductive Bible study and the S.O.I.L. four-step approach that explains how to dig deeper into the Bible

      Perfect for individual study, 1-on-1 discipleship, small groups, adult Sunday school classes, youth groups, and new believers’ classes!

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    • 9781540960702 Handbook Of Women Biblical Interpreters

      Handbook Of Women Biblical Interpreters


      The history of women interpreters of the Bible is a neglected area of study. Marion Taylor presents a one-volume reference tool that introduces readers to a wide array of women interpreters of the Bible from the entire history of Christianity. Her research has implications for understanding biblical interpretation–especially the history of interpretation–and influencing contemporary study of women and the Bible. Contributions by 130 top scholars introduce foremothers of the faith who address issues of interpretation that continue to be relevant to faith communities today, such as women’s roles in the church and synagogue and the idea of religious feminism. Women’s interpretations also raise awareness about differences in the ways women and men may read the Scriptures in light of differences in their life experiences.

      This handbook will prove useful to ministers as well as to students of the Bible, who will be inspired, provoked, and challenged by the women introduced here. The volume will also provide a foundation for further detailed research and analysis.Interpreters include Elizabeth Rice Achtemeier, Saint Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine Mumford Booth, Anne Bradstreet, Catherine of Siena, Clare of Assisi, Egeria, Elizabeth I, Hildegard, Julian of Norwich, Therèse of Lisieux, Marcella, Henrietta C. Mears, Florence Nightingale, Phoebe Palmer, Faltonia Betitia Proba, Pandita Ramabai, Christina Georgina Rossetti, Dorothy Leigh Sayers, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Harriet Beecher Stowe, St. Teresa of Avila, Sojourner Truth, and Susanna Wesley.

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    • 9780830845316 Bible Matters : Making Sense Of Scripture

      Bible Matters : Making Sense Of Scripture


      1. The God Who Speaks
      2. God Spoke In The Bible
      3. God Speaks In The Bible
      4. God Speaks Jesus In The Bible
      5. The Bible Is Relational
      6. The Bible Is Intentional
      7. The Bible Is Enough
      8. The Bible Is Reliable
      9. The Bible Is Accessible
      10. Dying To Read The Bible
      Conclusion: Why I Love The Bible
      O Lord Our Rock
      Study Guide
      Notes For Leaders
      Further Reading

      Additional Info
      The Bible is God’s Word.

      The Bible teaches us how we should live.

      The Bible is something we should read every day.

      The Bible is something we should delight to read.

      Most of us agree with these statements. At least in theory. But what’s our reality?

      Sometimes reading the Bible is a delight. But if we’re honest, many other times reading the Bible feels like hard work. We read out of a sense of obligation. And some of us have given up entirely.

      Tim Chester reminds us that every time we read the Bible we hear the voice of God. The One who spoke and brought the universe into existence, whose voice thundered from Mount Sinai, and whose words healed the sick is who speaks to us today. So as we read the Bible we don’t merely learn information about God-we hear his voice and encounter his presence.

      Including a study guide for group use, this book helps us approach reading the Bible with an eager anticipation, expecting to hear God’s voice and meet him in his Word. It’s up to us to listen.

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    • 9780310529354 Devotions On The Greek New Testament Volume Two

      Devotions On The Greek New Testament Volume Two


      Devotions on the Greek New Testament, Volume Two contains an entirely new set of 52 devotions written by over 25 of today’s best biblical language scholars. Contributors include Christopher Beetham, Jeannine K. Brown, Peter H. Davids, David A. DeSilva, J. Scott Duvall, Nijay Gupta, Frederick J. Long, David W. Pao, Anthony C. Thiselton, Cindy Long Westfall, and many more. The main point of each devotion in Devotions on the Greek New Testament, Volume Two comes from a careful reading of the passage in the Greek New Testament, not from an English translation. The authors use a variety of exegetical approaches in their devotions – including grammatical, lexical, rhetorical, sociohistorical, and linguistic – and each devotion closes with a practical application or spiritual reflection. Devotions on the Greek New Testament, Volume Two contains a devotion on every book in the New Testament and can be used as a weekly devotional or as a supplemental resource throughout a semester or sequence of courses. These devotions will inspire you to keep reading and meditating on the Scriptures and find new treasures from the biblical text.

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    • 9781506406428 Mind The Gap

      Mind The Gap



      Part I: Mind The Gap! Reading Between The Old And The New Testament

      When Was The Old Testament Written? A Brief Timeline

      Ancient Judaism And Its Literatures

      Part II: The Jewish Jesus

      Jesus, The Messiah Of Israel

      In A World Of Demons And Unclean Spirits

      Did Jesus Abolish The Law Of Moses?

      The Resurrection Of The Dead And Life In The Company Of Angels



      Further Readings

      Additional Info
      Do you want to understand Jesus of Nazareth, his apostles, and the rise of early Christianity? Reading the Old Testament is not enough, writes Matthias Henze in this slender volume aimed at the student of the Bible. To understand the Jews of the Second Temple period, it’s essential to read what they wrote-and what Jesus and his followers might have read-beyond the Hebrew scriptures. Henze introduces the four-century gap between the Old and New Testaments and some of the writings produced during this period (different Old Testaments, the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, the Dead Sea Scrolls); discusses how these texts have been read from the Reformation to the present, emphasizing the importance of the discovery of Qumran; guides the student’s encounter with select texts from each collection; and then introduces key ideas found in specific New Testament texts that simply can’t be understood without these early Jewish “intertestamental” writings-the Messiah, angels and demons, the law, and the resurrection of the dead. Finally, he discusses the role of these writings in the “parting of the ways” between Judaism and Christianity. Mind the Gap broadens curious students’ perspectives on early Judaism and early Christianity and welcomes them to deeper study.

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    • 9780310530749 Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary By Conceptual Categories

      Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary By Conceptual Categories


      Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary by Conceptual Categories by J. David Pleins with Jonathan Homrighausen is an innovative study reference intended for both introductory and advanced students of the Hebrew language to help them understand and remember vocabulary based on logical categories of related words. Since our minds acquire and recall language by making associations between related words it is only natural that we would study language in this way. By organizing Hebrew vocabulary into logical categories, as opposed to frequency, students can quickly begin to familiarize themselves with entire groups of terms and more readily acquaint themselves with the ranges of meaning of particular Hebrew words. This reference tool focuses on nouns in the Old Testament, and includes over 175 word grouping categories including pottery, ships, birds, jewelry, seasons, and many more. For each Hebrew term a definition is given and a reference in the Hebrew Bible appears so readers can see the word in context. For many words additional lexical references are indicated where students can look for further study. Words that hapax legomena (words appearing only once in the Hebrew Bible) are marked with an “H” and words that are rare and appear less than 10 times are marked with an “R.” Two helpful appendices equip students for further study, these include 1) a Guide for Further Reading where recommendations are given for helpful resources for studying the larger macro categories and 2) Lists of “cluster verses” where several words in a given category appear together, giving students the ability to see how these words function together in context. Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary by Conceptual Categories is intended to move students beyond rote memorization to a more dynamic grasp of Hebrew vocabulary, ultimately equipping them to read with more fluidity and with a deeper and more intuitive grasp of the biblical text.

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    • 9780310533870 Students Vocabulary For Biblical Hebrew And Aramaic Updated Edition

      Students Vocabulary For Biblical Hebrew And Aramaic Updated Edition


      A Student’s Vocabulary for Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic has been a standard resource for students of Hebrew and Aramaic for over 30 years. This new edition has updated formatting and transliterations to be more useful and user-friendly for students. Unlike other vocabulary lists, this book includes a complete list of biblical Hebrew and Aramaic words in the Hebrew Bible grouped by frequency. The vocabulary lists provide: The basic meaning of each word Syllabification in transliteration Key information about the word’s part of speech The number of times each word appears in the Hebrew Bible A separate section of the vocabulary list contains all Aramaic words appearing in the Hebrew Bible Essential indices are also included in the back This resource is a proven and effective tool to aid students in Hebrew and Aramaic vocabulary acquisition.

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    • 9780310516354 Questions And Rhetoric In The Greek New Testament

      Questions And Rhetoric In The Greek New Testament


      While there are almost 1000 questions in the Greek New Testament, many commentators, pastors, and students skip over the questions for more ‘theological’ verses or worse they convert questions into statements to mine them for what they are saying theologically. However, this is not the way questions in the Greek New Testament work, and it overlooks the rhetorical importance of questions and how they were used in the ancient world.

      Questions and Rhetoric in the Greek New Testament is a helpful and thorough examination of questions in the Greek New Testament, seen from the standpoint of grammatical, semantic, and linguistic analysis, with special emphasis on their rhetorical effects. It includes charts, tools, and lists that explain and categorize the almost 1000 questions in the Greek New Testament. Thus, the user is able to go to the section in the book dealing with the type of question they are studying and find the exegetical parameters needed to understand that question.

      Questions and Rhetoric in the Greek New Testament offers vibrant examples of all the major categories of questions to aid the reader in grasping how questions work in the Greek New Testament. Special emphasis is given to the way questions persuade and influence readers of the Greek New Testament.

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    • 9780310528036 Reading Biblical Greek Workbook (Workbook)

      Reading Biblical Greek Workbook (Workbook)


      The Reading Biblical Greek Workbook is a companion resource to Reading Biblical Greek: A Grammar for Students. The workbook breaks up the Greek text of Mark 1-4 into manageable portions and provides the vocabulary and grammatical assistance required for beginning students.

      The Reading Biblical Greek Workbook is an integral part of the learning experience for students, it helps them to read and translate the Greek of the New Testament, and ultimately equips them to read the Greek New Testament itself. The student will have read and translated the whole of Mark 1-4 by the time they complete the workbook

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    • 9781577996361 Greek Verb Revisited

      Greek Verb Revisited


      For the past 25 years, debate regarding the nature of tense and aspect in the Koine Greek verb has held New Testament studies at an impasse. The Greek Verb Revisited examines recent developments from the field of linguistics, which may dramatically shift the direction of this discussion. Readers will find an accessible introduction to the foundational issues, and more importantly, they will discover a way forward through the debate.

      Originally presented during a conference on the Greek verb supported by and held at Tyndale House and sponsored by the Faculty of Divinity of Cambridge University, the papers included in this collection represent the culmination of scholarly collaboration. The outcome is a practical and accessible overview of the Greek verb that moves beyond the current impasse by taking into account the latest scholarship from the fields of linguistics, Classics, and New Testament studies.

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    • 9780997867503 Learn To Read Hebrew In 6 Weeks

      Learn To Read Hebrew In 6 Weeks


      An Aaron Shaffier Title

      The Hebrew Alphabet can look intimidating, but this book will have you reading it in 6 weeks. Even people who have tried other books without success have learned to read Hebrew using this book. Here’s what makes it different:

      * Fun memory tricks make it super simple to remember the sounds of the letters
      * Pace – The book is divided into 12 simple lessons. Two a week for 6 weeks.
      * The cheerful style of the book is great for adults and children alike.
      * From week one you are given words you can read from the Hebrew Bible!
      * The charming illustrations make learning Hebrew a pleasure.

      At the end of six weeks you WILL be able to read from the original Hebrew Bible, Psalms or the Siddur (Jewish prayer book) and you will have taken the first big step towards learning the Hebrew Language!

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    • 9780310521341 Biblical Greek Companion For Bible Software Users

      Biblical Greek Companion For Bible Software Users


      The Biblical Greek Companion for Bible Software Users helps users understand the exegetical significance of Greek grammatical terminology identified by the program. This resource provides students who utilize biblical language software the insight they need to make sense of the data provided by the program, giving them deeper insight into the biblical text that they could not get by solely reading an English translation.

      The Biblical Greek Companion for Bible Software Users is ideally suited for:
      *Pastors and ministry leaders who may have learned Greek at one time but have experienced the loss of much of that learning
      *College and seminary students who are learning Greek and need a guide to help understand the significance of the grammatical terminology
      *Bible software users who never formally learned Greek in the classroom and need help understanding the meaning of the terms they encounter

      With grammatical terms laid out and discussed in an intuitive and user-friendly format, readers can now spend time focusing on exegesis and applying their findings to their preaching, teachings, study, and writing instead of puzzling over the significance of grammatical terminology and how to apply it.

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    • 9780310527862 Basics Of Classical Syriac

      Basics Of Classical Syriac


      Basics of Classical Syriac by Steven C. Hallam is a beginning Syriac grammar, workbook, and lexicon all in one and can be used by independent learners or a classroom setting.

      Of the early translational languages of the New Testament, none is more important than Syriac. A working knowledge of Syriac provides a lens from which to study the early texts of the Greek New Testament, the Peshitta (the Syriac translation of the Bible), and various early church history texts and commentary, thus Basics of Classical Syriac is useful for students across a range of disciplines. Workbook exercises for each chapter enable students to know whether they are grasping the fundamentals of the language.

      Basics of Classical Syriac provides an ideal first step into this ancient language and focuses on getting the student into text translation as quickly as possible.

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    • 9781629116976 Hebrew Word Study Revealing The Heart Of God

      Hebrew Word Study Revealing The Heart Of God


      As an instructor in both ancient Hebrew and Aramaic, Chaim Bentorah is convinced that there are powerful truths buried in the original language of God’s Word that most Christians have never been exposed to. The Word of God is like the heart of God: it is a well that never runs dry. In this book, you will discover things about God and your relationship with Him that you may never have considered. By delving into the multiple layers and nuances of the ancient Hebrew language, you will discover that God is revealing His heart to you through the depths of His Word in new and exciting ways.

      Hebrew is a language of poetry and pictures. With Bentorah’s expertise, you will see how to examine not just word definitions, but also the origin of the words, their place in the culture and idioms of the day, and even their emotional context. Through this devotional, you will walk the road less traveled as you uncover the deeper spiritual messages in God’s Word. In the process, you will discover the heart of God toward you and come to know Him better. You will see just how beautiful the Word of God is and, most of all, you will see the beauty of God Himself and love Him all the more.

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    • 9780310521303 Biblical Hebrew Companion For Bible Software Users

      Biblical Hebrew Companion For Bible Software Users


      The Biblical Hebrew Companion for Bible Software Users helps users understand the exegetical significance of Hebrew grammatical terminology identified by the program. This resource provides students who utilize biblical language software the insight they need to make sense of the data provided by the program, giving them deeper insight into the biblical text that they could not get by solely reading an English translation. The Biblical Hebrew Companion for Bible Software Users is ideally suited for those who have never found the opportunity to learn the paradigms, vocabulary, grammar, and syntax of biblical Hebrew; pastors and other ministry leaders who may have learned biblical Hebrew at one time but have experienced the loss of much of that learning; and college and seminary students who have learned grammatical paradigms and vocabulary lists but have not had the tools to better understand and apply the significance of that data.

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