



    Bilingual Books

    • 9781784988159 Very Noisy Christmas Dual Language Simplified Chinese With Pinyin And Engli

      Very Noisy Christmas Dual Language Simplified Chinese With Pinyin And Engli


      Some people think that Christmas was a Silent Night. Far from it. It was filled with shouting, singing and screaming! It was as noisy as any of our Christmas celebrations.

      This fun and fresh retelling of the Christmas story comes with invitations to make some noise, so that children can join in as parents read to them. But it also shows children that at the heart of the Christmas story is something we should all be quiet and see: God’s Son Jesus was born, so that we can be friends with God forever.

      This dual language version features Simplified Chinese Script with Pinyin and English. The Book was translated into Chinese by Ruby Chan and Michal Ong. Chinese calligraphy by Cindy Yee.

      A wonderful Christmas gift for children aged 2-4.

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    • 9781426795657 Resources In The Ancient Church For Todays Worship

      Resources In The Ancient Church For Todays Worship


      There is much that the church today can learn from the worship of the early church, particularly in the second century. This was a time when increasing numbers of gentiles were coming to the church with little or no previous knowledge of the Judeo-Christian tradition. How did the church train and instruct those who wished to join it? How did its worship, particularly in baptism and in communion, respond to the challenge of shaping and nurturing believers who would have to live their faith in a hostile environment? Today the church begins to face similar conditions. Growing numbers around us have little or no idea what our faith is all about. As such people seek membership in the church, and as we all seek ways to be faithful in the present environment, we have much to learn from the church in those earlier times, and particularly from its worship.

      La iglesia de hoy tiene mucho que aprender del culto de la iglesia antigua, particularmente de la iglesia durante el siglo segundo. En aquel tiempo cada vez eran mas los gentiles se acercaban a la iglesia sin saber mucho de la tradicion judeo-cristiana. Como era que la iglesia instruia y adiestraba a quienes deseaban unirse a ella? En que modos el culto de la iglesia respondia al reto de formar y nutrir a aquellos creyentes que tendrian que vivir en un ambiente hostil? Hoy la iglesia se enfrenta a retos semejantes. Cada vez son mas nuestros contemporaneos que saben bien poco acerca de la fe cristiana. Cuando tales personas piden unirse a la iglesia, y cuando nosotros mismos buscamos como ser fieles en el ambiente de hoy, la iglesia de aquellos tiempos tiene mucho que ensenarnos, particularmente en lo que se refiere al culto.

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    • 9781426774515 Legacy Of 50 Years Un Legado De Cincuenta Anos

      Legacy Of 50 Years Un Legado De Cincuenta Anos


      The life and work of one of Hispanic theology’s leading voices.Edited by Rev. Stan Perea with contributions from Dr. Stephen Bevans, Dr. Carlos F. Cardoza, Dr. Zaida Maldonado-Perez, and Dr. Marcos Antonio Ramos, this book takes us through 50 years of Dr. Justo L. Gonzalez’ ministry. The book includes a reflection of Justo, his biography and the conferences of the First Lecture Series of The Justo Gonzalez Center for Latino/a Ministries, held in 2012 under the general theme: “Justo: His Legacy to the Church.” The book includes full text in both Spanish and English.

      Editado por el Rev. Stan Perea y con la participacion del Dr. Stephen Bevans, el Dr. Carlos F. Cardoza, la Dra. Zaida Maldonado-Perez y el Dr. Marcos Antonio Ramos, este libro nos resume cincuenta aos de labor en el ministerio de Dr. Justo L. Gonzalez. El libro incluye una reflexion de Justo, su biografia y todas las conferencias de la Primera Serie de Conferencias del Centro Justo L. Gonzalez, la cual fue dedicada al legado de Justo a la iglesia Hispana/Latina y mas alla de ella. El Libro esta publicado en espaol e ingles.

      Highlighting the works of hispanic theologian Justo Gonzalez, this book is the result of the First Lecture Series of The Justo Gonzalez Center for Latino/a Ministries, held in 2012 under the general theme: “Justo: His Legacy to the Church.”

      The Justo Center was established in 2011 by the Association for Hispanic Theological Education (AETH) as a centralized resource for Latino/a Ministries to address the need for accessible and affordable Latino-focused and Latino relevant resources.

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    • 9781609574321 Trant Senk Segond

      Trant Senk Segond


      Trant Senk Segond/Thirty-five seconds is a unique children’s book, written in Haitian Creole and English, about two Haitian boys’ experience with the January 12 earthquake that killed both of their parents leaving them in an orphanage. The book features full-color photographs, illustrated by Haitian artist, Alexandre Dumas, showing the impact of the earthquake and how it changed their lives forever.

      Throughout the book, the two brothers find themselves dealing with a range of emotions, from anger to sadness, shock to grief, reminiscing of the good times they spent with their parents. In the end, however, they grab hold of their spirituality and convince themselves that only God can help them overcome this tragic situation.

      Trant senk segond/thirty-five seconds will help children all over the world understand and share a part of the traumatic earthquake events with Haitian children. Teachers, counselors, therapists, and psychologists will utilize the book to help children express their experience and process the information in a meaningful way. There is a page with discussion questions for facilitators, at the end of the story, to help children process the information in order to help them discover their own strength.

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    • 9781615794720 Prayer Diary Diario De Oracion

      Prayer Diary Diario De Oracion


      This book is thought for helping any Christian to develop a stronger relationship with God, by helping to organize different spiritual disciplines, like praying habits, studying bible, fasting and other ones. Prayer Diary will also let you save a written memory of how God has helped and answered when you call him, growing your faith as you use it. Este libro permitira a cualquier usuario Cristiano desarrollar una mejor y mas fuerte amistad con Dios, ya que le ayudara a organizar su vida devocional a traves de distintas disciplinas espirituales, como el ayuno, los habitos de oracion y estudio de la Biblia; asi como llevar un registro escrito de la forma maravillosa en que Dios ha oido y contestado sus diversas oraciones, lo cual llevara al lector a poseer una Fe en constante crecimiento.

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    • 9780310718932 Jesus Saves The World Jesus Salva Al Mundo My First I Can Read

      Jesus Saves The World Jesus Salva Al Mundo My First I Can Read


      Now in this English/Spanish bilingual edition! Jesus teaches many people. He travels to many places. One day, Jesus is in danger. Will he follow God’s plan?

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    • 9780829756067 Biblia Para Ninos Historias De Jesus The Jesus Storybook Bible

      Biblia Para Ninos Historias De Jesus The Jesus Storybook Bible


      In The Jesus Storybook Bible, every story whispers his name. It tells the story beneath all the stories in the Bible.

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    • 9781853117817 Leading Intercessions : Prayers For Sundays Holy Days And Festivals Years A

      Leading Intercessions : Prayers For Sundays Holy Days And Festivals Years A


      This tried and test collection is a must for anyone leading intercessions in the Church of England. It provides prayers for every Sunday, Holy Day and Festival, Years A, B and C that can be easily adapted to local contexts. The prayers reflect the Bible readings of the day, creating a more integrated act of worship. This expanded edition also contains forms of intercession for numerous extra occasions:

      o Principal Feasts u e.g. The Presentation of Christ in the Temple, the Transfiguration
      o Other Holy Days u e.g. The Birth of John the Baptist, Holy Cross Day
      o Red Letter Saints Days
      o Pastoral occasions in the context of a Eucharist u baptism, confirmation, marriage, funeral, healing service, Remembrance
      o Installation of a new incumbent

      A trusted liturgical resource for many years, regularly used in hundreds of parishes, this continues to be the essential handbook for Lectionary-based intercessions.

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    • 9780684849737 Bible Code

      Bible Code


      0n September 1, 1994, I flew to Israel and met in Jerusalem with a close friendof Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the poet Chaim Guri. I gave him a letterwhich he immediately gave to the Prime Minister.

      “An Israeli mathematician has discovered a hidden code in the Bible thatappears to reveal the details of events that took place thousands of years afterthe Bible was written,” my letter to Rabin stated.

      “The reason I’m telling you about this is that the only time your full nameYitzhak Rabin is encoded in the Bible, the words ‘assassin that will assassinate’cross your name.”

      On November 4, 1995, came the awful confirmation, a shot in the back from aman who believed he was on a mission from God, the murder that was encodedin the Bible three thousand years ago.

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