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Showing 701–750 of 1047 results

  • Choices Not Chosen


    A Journey of Brokenness My first introduction to brokenness came at the young age of seven. My parent’s divorce chained our family to everyday terms such as “broken home, single parent family, and child support.” Not wanting to experience the pain, I constructed walls of determination to become a survivor. A survivor determined to “never divorce.” I discovered however, love and determination wasn’t enough when my own marriage of 29 years crumbled to infidelity. Now broken again, the walls tumbled down and forced me to embrace the pain of brokenness. Grieving the losses in my life hurt so deeply, my heart actually ached. Embracing the pain began the transformation of God’s restoration plan to set me FREE! Choices Not Chosen will: Walk you through the valley Hold you close to reality Show you God is present in times of trouble Bring another perspective of brokenness Reveal healing in surrender

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  • In Daddys Arms


    This spell binding true story will keep you captivated as you travel with one girl on a humbling voyage. You will laugh and you will cry as you see a girl try to save herself with her “pk” title, along with any other label she can find, just to find herself lost in an identity she wishes not to claim. In the middle, she slips onto a few crossings that prove in the end to be quite beautiful. On one such passage, this “dignified Christian” finds herself unwed and pregnant. Standing before her father and eighty churches he represents, rumors quickly fly. Unveiled and about to be thrust in to motherhood, the woman marries the father just to learn the father is addicted to steroids and alcohol. Abused and anorexic, the woman finally flees and has her daughter’s father arrested. One would think that is the end of the story. However, the woman finally lets her boring religion grow in to an exhilarating relationship with an exciting Daddy. She comes to find in that charismatic place, away from labels and far from any human man’s grip, she can never fall too far without landing gently in Daddy’s arms. Cradled safely in this newfound place of faith, she remarries her daughter’s father in a blind belief her husband will become a godly man. She is inspired to journey on a gut wrenching expedition, walking every step with a tenacious faith, declaring to all of Heaven and hell she and her family will leave a legacy that will change her community, her world, and perhaps a part of eternity. Somewhere in the middle she too forever is changed, as she finds the highest accolade and her preordained destiny not in any man’s title, but instead resting securely inside of her Daddy’s arms.

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  • Scandalon : Running From Shame And Finding Gods Scandalous Love


    With vivid and transparent writing, Susan takes us on a fascinating journey into the streets and homes of modern China. The travel memoir is interspersed with Susan’s personal story of emotional and spiritual sabotage, shame and shattered dreams. It all comes together as she opens her heart anew to God’s love – the most “scandalous” love of all.

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  • Reinhold Niebuhr Revisited


    Reinhold Niebuhr Revisited offers fresh and creative ways of looking at Niebuhr’s views on religion, politics, and American culture through the eyes of authors with diverse academic backgrounds and perspectives.

    “Despite all the efforts to dismiss and replace [Niebuhr], he remains and is to be reckoned with – profitably, we must say – given the quality of the essays and the qualifications of the essayists in this book. . . . If Niebuhr is worth reading today, what should the reader be looking for, and how might discoveries from a now-historic figure be influential today, and for what should he be noteworthy and a figure of promise? The contributions to this volume are most helpful in answering these questions. . . . Read on, please, and engage Niebuhr anew.”-Martin E. Marty (from the foreword)

    Contributors: Charles C. Brown, Henry B. Clark II, William Dean, Gary Dorrien, Douglas John Hall, Martin Halliwell, Mark Hulsether, Robin W. Lovin, Colm McKeogh, Martin E. Marty, Eyal J. Naveh, David W. Noble, Larry Rasmussen, Daniel F. Rice, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Roger L. Shinn, John E. Smith, Ronald H. Stone, Kenneth W. Thompson.

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  • Gateway To Iraq


    …the compelling and poignant account of one woman’s experience as a chaplain on the edge of war. When Dr. Rachel Coggins received the call to serve overseas, the Army Reservist left a comfortable Georgia home to live in a harsh environment filled with challenge. Assigned to a base called the Gateway, she welcomed military members entering the war zones of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kuwait and then bid them goodbye when it was time to return stateside. In between those times, Chaplain Coggins listened to the warriors-to their fears, their worries, their heartaches, and sometimes, their joys. She became a confidante to some, a comfort to others, and a friend to still others. Chaplain Coggins offers a glimpse into a world few civilians ever see. In retelling her experiences, Coggins reveals the struggles that confront today’s war-zone Soldiers and their loved ones, struggles that are often hidden from most Americans.

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  • Gateway To Iraq


    …the compelling and poignant account of one woman’s experience as a chaplain on the edge of war. When Dr. Rachel Coggins received the call to serve overseas, the Army Reservist left a comfortable Georgia home to live in a harsh environment filled with challenge. Assigned to a base called the Gateway, she welcomed military members entering the war zones of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kuwait and then bid them goodbye when it was time to return stateside. In between those times, Chaplain Coggins listened to the warriors-to their fears, their worries, their heartaches, and sometimes, their joys. She became a confidante to some, a comfort to others, and a friend to still others. Chaplain Coggins offers a glimpse into a world few civilians ever see. In retelling her experiences, Coggins reveals the struggles that confront today’s war-zone Soldiers and their loved ones, struggles that are often hidden from most Americans.

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  • Dare To Love Completely


    Follow a young woman off the plane, down winding dusty paths, and through the doors of an orphanage where children are waiting to teach you the most important lessons in life. Travel past the orphanage to the surrounding villages, and stoop inside darkened huts to greet men, women, and children whose stories of amazing faith give you strength and courage to go forth and fight the everyday battles. See the AIDS epidemic spread from household to household, yet watch as each one rises from the ashes and keeps going. Return in the evening to the quiet cement house enveloped in darkness, the only light a small glow from your candle. Look around the room at your new friends, a people willing to trust God and find joy in the midst of these devastating circumstances. You will come to realize that no matter what a person faces, the pain of grief and hardship is greatly diminished in the presence of lavish love. Come experience true love!

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  • Forged By The Fires Of Adversity


    Dealing with the storms of life can wear down even the most resilient person. It is easy to lose your way when you are being battered about. Chelle Lynne tells a compelling and inspiring story about her journey of faith as she cared for her daughter Alyssa who had special needs and eventually died at the age of 3. She lays out a remarkable journey from non-believer to Christian through an amazing little girl who never spoke a word, yet touched so many people. Her journey provides hope for those who feel hopeless and outlines strategies for keeping your faith in times of trouble. The principles discussed can be applied by anyone for any situation if they just remain open to the direction the Lord leads them. While her journey isn’t complete, the lord laid a burden on her heart to share her story.

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  • Slowly By Slowly


    Growing up in a small Mississippi town Patrick dreamed of being a missionary to some exotic far away place. Through a series of disappointments, illness and heartbreak he was compelled to follow a narrow path. This would-be adventurer was being called to die to himself and live in Christ. This book is the story of the death of a dream and the birth of a vision that would become a new ministry born in suffering, carried out in simplicity and grounded in ancient roots. In a day of innovation and strategy this missionary implores us to rethink what it means to be a disciple of Christ, and calls to those who will join in a journey that takes place one step at the time. “Conformity to the image of Christ is not a prayer for a moment; rather it is a lifetime of faith and obedience that happens slowly by slowly.”

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  • Dare To Be Transparent


    Sexual sin affects not only individuals but also entire families. In Dare to be transparent Charlie Hernandez shares his experiences and testifies about the work of God in his life and marriage, after struggling with homosexuality since early childhood. Written with a simple but deep style, the author shares his life so that, in the same way he was delivered and restored by the power of God, others may receive consolation, forgiveness and restoration from sexual brokenness. He challenges the reader to accept the resources that God has provided in the body of Christ for deliverance and freedom, without the fear of being rejected or misunderstood. In order to facilitate the learning dynamics and help the interaction of a group study, Charlie Hernandez presents a tool for discussion and analysis at the end of each chapter: *Points of reflection *Points of interest *How to help a loved one

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  • From Trials To Triumphs


    How did Cosmas and Charity Maduka create the Coscharis phenomenon despite the challenges inherent in their background and the vicissitudes of a developing country? Unarguably one Nigerian whose entrepreneurial skills have touched virtually every sector of the Nigerian economy.

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  • From Trials To Triumphs


    How did Cosmas and Charity Maduka create the Coscharis phenomenon despite the challenges inherent in their background and the vicissitudes of a developing country? Unarguably one Nigerian whose entrepreneurial skills have touched virtually every sector of the Nigerian economy.

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  • It Just Doesnt Make Sense


    Healing in the aftermath of a great loss is not easy. When the love of my life was lost to a brain tumor, grief recovery became unimaginable. Through the process of writing, I am helping myself to heal and documenting information that may help others. This book records the events and feelings we experienced during the three months and two weeks from diagnosis to the death of my wife. The role of doctors, friends, family, and pastors is presented, along with the tools and techniques that helped us to traverse this “valley of the shadow of death.” If you do not share our Christian faith, the tools, techniques, and experiences are still worth reading. The battle with cancer is difficult. Shared experience is a useful weapon in battle.

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  • Taiwan Connections : Fond Memories


    These are the stories of thirty ordinary men and women from the cities and rural towns of America. They met, fell in love, married, and started families – the American Dream. Then they experienced the call of an extraordinary God and followed where He led, to a far-away, undeveloped country filled with breath-taking beauty, exotic smells, strange sights and a charming, inspiring people – Formosa – Beautiful Island – Taiwan. The experiences chronicled in this book occurred during war and peace, victory and defeat, disappointment and excitement, as these couples sought to live out their obedient response to God’s call in a strange land. These are stories of fear and calmness, of loss and gain, of failure and success, of hurt and blessings, of faith and doubt. These are stories of tears and of laughter, watching their children grow up, and growing old together, and how they learned to depend on the faithfulness of their extraordinary God.

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  • From Glory To Glory


    From Glory to Glory, the Joe Lewis Story is an account of Joe’s journey from the glory of the world to the glory of God. The account starts with the beginning details of his life and proceeds through his serving in the United States Air Force and ending with the planning to form several evangelistic ministries. The account contains descriptions of supernatural events, humor, despair, and joy. Joe Lewis was born on August 6, 1961 in Burlington, Vermont. He grew up mostly in Huntington Center, Vermont near Camel’s Hump Mountain. He did very well in school and with a four-year Air Force scholarship obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Aviation Computer Science at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida. Joe served five years in the Air Force during which he went to Undergraduate Pilot Training for a while and ended his service as a captain at the Pentagon working directly for the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He then went through several years of depression and including homelessness on the street. Today, Joe is involved in evangelism, inventing, and writing.

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  • From Glory To Glory


    From Glory to Glory, the Joe Lewis Story is an account of Joe’s journey from the glory of the world to the glory of God. The account starts with the beginning details of his life and proceeds through his serving in the United States Air Force and ending with the planning to form several evangelistic ministries. The account contains descriptions of supernatural events, humor, despair, and joy. Joe Lewis was born on August 6, 1961 in Burlington, Vermont. He grew up mostly in Huntington Center, Vermont near Camel’s Hump Mountain. He did very well in school and with a four-year Air Force scholarship obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Aviation Computer Science at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida. Joe served five years in the Air Force during which he went to Undergraduate Pilot Training for a while and ended his service as a captain at the Pentagon working directly for the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He then went through several years of depression and including homelessness on the street. Today, Joe is involved in evangelism, inventing, and writing.

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  • Life After The Hangover


    Alcoholism/sin or sickness? Bill Martin lived twenty-five years in the hell of alcoholism. He tells of his tormented dark side and those who were touched by it. He shares the night he believes good and evil fought at the foot of his bed for his very soul. It seems miraculous that his salvation took place in Egypt, where so many other lost souls had wandered aimlessly. Then the glorious victory when he met Jesus, in the shifting sands of the Sinai desert while standing on a drilling rig as the hot winds blew away his money and his pride, in the land of Moses.

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  • John Calvin : Reformer For The 21st Century


    Many would argue that a true understanding of contemporary Christian thought is impossible without a basic understanding of John Calvin’s contributions. Now, just in time for the 500th anniversary of Calvin’s birth, William Stacy Johnson, a leading theologian, offers this clear and fundamental study of Calvin’s insights as a primer for those with little or no knowledge of his work. Calvin is more than just a figure from history. His life and work-both infused with his passion for the reform of the church-had a continuing impact through the centuries, not only on the church but on society in general. Enhanced with questions for discussion and a handy glossary, this volume is sure to be an invaluable resource for those who seek an accessible way into a deeper understanding of Calvin’s role in the development of today’s Christian faith.

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  • Chuck Smith : A Memoir Of Grace


    In times of trouble, trial, pain or loss, we often can’t see the value in what we’re experiencing. We don’t realize what God is doing, or why He has allowed us to struggle. But there comes a day when we look back over the road map of our lives and we understand, finally. We see the dots laid out along the path, and the events God permitted in order to move us to our destination.

    I am pleased to invite you to pull up a chair and listen as Pastor Chuck tells the story of his life. This book is presented to you with the prayer that what you read will help you see how God’s grace is at work in your own life. Everything you have experienced in the past, everything you’re going through now, and everything that awaits you on the path ahead is all part of God’s plan. His will for you is perfect, and He knows just how to prepare you for your life’s purpose..

    Everything is preparation for something else.

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  • On The Road To


    An amazing true story of a journey taken by the authors when they boldly said “yes” to the Lord, this personal journey took them on a road in which their faith was tested. As you read this story, reflect on their challenges as well as how God’s divine favor met their provisions through miracles and then reflect on your own personal journey. God, too, will do the same for you. You will discover that by their faithful walk with the Lord, no matter the challenges, they were never alone. They serve a mighty God, who is always with us, to guide us and He has promised the He will never leave us nor forsake us. This promise is for you and me.

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  • Nero


    Nero! The name is both a shame and a shudder. In his life we are presented with an astonishing picture of human greed, cunning, and selfishness at its worst. And thanks to his prominent position, Nero’s example of monstrosity has stood as a lesson and a warning to all men since. Born of Agrippina, of whom only such a son was worthy, he ran the gamut of every human crime and folly, making the Roman Empire minister to his atrocities. When he died, escaping human vengeance at the end, he lamented that so splendid a genius should have to pass away.
    This thrilling biography-written by Jacob Abbott and newly edited for younger readers-offers a glimpse into the life of this spoiled prince who became a royal monster.

    Nero is part of Makers of History, a 19th century biography series by two brothers-Jacob and John S.C. Abbott. Reprinted by Canon Press, these biographies have been edited and brought up-to-date for readers twelve and up. Not only are these editions given vintage style paperback covers, but they also include introductions that explain where these men and women fit into the timeline of history.

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  • Severe Mercy : A Story Of Faith Tragedy And Triumph


    1. Prologue: Glenmerle Revisited
    2. The Shining Barrier (The Pagan Love)
    3. The Shadow Of A Tree
    4. Encounter With Light
    5. Thou Art The King Of Glory
    6. The Barrier Breached
    7. The Deathly Snows
    8. The Way Of Grief
    9. The Severe Mercy
    256 Pages

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    This acclaimed story traces the idyllic marriages of Shelton and Jean Vanauken, their search for faith, their friendship with C. S. Lewis, and the tragedy of untimely death and love lost. It includes eighteen letters by C. S. Lewis.

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  • Korean War And Twin Sisters


    The aftermath of the Korean War cost the lives of nearly two million people. Coming through the historic turmoil of the war, the author happened to know two sisters who had been separated through a catastrophic midnight air raid. The sisters were cast into two different worlds, one into the light and the other into the darkness. This is their story.

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  • Where The Earth Ends


    Stone Age People Tell Their Story This book is a collection of six first-person true stories. They take you into the world of individuals emerging from the Stone Age who live on the island of New Guinea. A boy, the only son of a war-chief, refuses his heritage. He meets a strange being who bursts into his world, a missionary, and begins to follow Jesus. In midlife our hero becomes the church leader of thousands of people, a chief far greater than his father. A six-year old girl is the only child of her parents when they become missionaries to a distant tribe. Rebels capture them, forcing them to walk three days into the jungle where there is no food. God delivers them in an amazing fashion. The book is ideal for adults and for use in home and Christian school curricula. Heroes emerge from a foreign culture. Anthropology, history and geography unfold with the telling of these captivating stories. Each chapter concludes with a Bible lesson and devotional thought. Families with children may choose to read the book together at the story hour. Adults may enjoy reading one chapter each day. Ever wondered if your involvement in world missions is worth the effort? This book provides an answer to this question you will never forget!

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  • Grief To Grace


    How does someone cope with the knowledge that she almost killed her son with her own truck? How does someone recover from guilt after her little girl’s life is cut short because of a silly mother-daughter game? How does someone overcome flashbacks of a head on collision? These were the questions I had to ask after three separate automobile accidents shattered my world. The emotional pain they inflicted on me was unrelenting, causing me to cry out, “Lord, when will bad things stop happening to me?” I didn’t think I could endure the wounds caused by these tragedies, but God helped me walk through the dark valley and back into the light. He can do the same for you. With His help, you can see the sunshine again. I invite you to read my story and see how God’s grace is more than sufficient for your grief.

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  • From The Fear Of Voodoo To The Fear Of God


    VOODOO… Many are those who believe that it is a Christian religion, since over 75% of its followers are also Catholics. But those with knowledge of that religion know that it’s the opposite. Frantz knows about it all, after practicing voodoo for over 20 years, he has learned the hard way about the ungodliness and deception therein. He was taught, like many others, that voodoo was a mean to get to God. What a hoax! The majority of the voodoo priests are aware that they are working for Lucifer, but are blinded by the false promises of the devil. Here is the testimony of one: “I am working for my hell, because I love my Lord Satan.” In this chef-d’oeuvre, Frantz submits some of his personal, fascinating experiences, and those of his family members and friends. The author writes on topics of this subject like no one before, Zombies, for example. He explains what zombie really is, not as the Hollywood movies depict it. He unmasks the spirit of voodoo and reveals who they really are and explains possession by spirits. This book is unique! Consequently, “From The Fear of Voodoo To The Fear of God,” is the new, hot, must-read book of the year!

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  • Rastafarians Uprising At Coral Gardens Jamaica


    The Rastafarian’s uprising in Montego Bay, Jamaica on ‘Black Thursday’ April 11th 1963 is an indelible monument in the Rastafarian movement which is indigenous to Jamaica. Selbourne Reid, the author of this book, was a police officer and a member of the rifle group in the leading police party, escaped unhurt but some of his co-workers were seriously injured. He saw a man chopped to death within three to five (3Ft-5Ft) feet away as well as one of his co-worker seriously injured. He ran from the scene and while he was running he saw another of his co-worker being hacked to death. Selbourne could not help, as he had no ammunition for his rifle. This book is designed to satiate the reader who has a flare for humor. For example, The account of ‘A memorable lie’, or ‘The Obeah-man’ who stripped a young lady in a public place-in a bar-and anoint her nude body with some type of oil which he said would cause her to have an abortion.’ This man did other ludicrous acts and was subsequently arrested. There is also a question as to whether Inspector Fisher was saying ‘Where is Jimmy?’ even when he was being chopped by the Rastaman. Christian and ethical principles are highlighted in this book, as well as some lessons and techniques, which can be learned by some supervisors, public administrators and police or military leaders. Selbourne was employed in Law enforcement and Social work in Jamaica and the United States of America for over thirty-five years. He writes about certain incidents in his work experience. Selbourne Reid graduated with a BSc. Degree in Public Administration from of The University of The West Indies, Mona campus, Jamaica.

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  • 2 Roads : One Mans Journey From Drug Lord To Salvation


    Two Roads is the testimony of the author’s wild and tumultuous ride through the underbelly of the drug world. It’s a view into a realm that very few ever see or hear about. From a world of guns, drugs, and alcohol, his damaging choices and poor judgment culminates at a fork in the road. All of us face a crossroads at some point in our lives, and the choices we make will determine where we end up. Two Roads will help you to see that God is always near, awaiting your call, ready to bring you into grace, mercy, and salvation. Today Randy lives his life trying to balance the scales towards healthy decisions that will one day see him face to face with his Saviour, where he will hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

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  • He Was There Even When I Was Unaware And So Was MS


    How I was able to find peace and joy in the face of diversity and tribulations. Early in life, I have always had Someone looking after me even when I did not realize it. Later in life, after becoming a true believer, my faith was challenged. Even in the face of this chronic illness called MS, my faith never faltered. I did not revert to asking, “why me?” I know my purpose is to boldly show what Christ has done in my life regardless of any obstacles. Born on Chicago’s west side in 1958, I aspired to do better than what was expected. I did the traditional college. I got my Bachelor of Science and Masters degrees. I started my career in Chicago. Working for corporate giants like Merrill Lynch, IBM, and Siemens was what I thought I was supposed to do back then. In 1999 I was blessed with employment at a small, public, non-corporate technology organization. However, in 2001, I experienced a steady decline of my health. Not knowing what to do, I went to my primary physician for help, but the prescribed stress pills did not work. Finally, in 2006, I received a call at a time when most doctors were not working. I was diagnosed with MS.

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  • He Was There Even When I Was Unaware And So Was MS


    How I was able to find peace and joy in the face of diversity and tribulations. Early in life, I have always had Someone looking after me even when I did not realize it. Later in life, after becoming a true believer, my faith was challenged. Even in the face of this chronic illness called MS, my faith never faltered. I did not revert to asking, “why me?” I know my purpose is to boldly show what Christ has done in my life regardless of any obstacles. Born on Chicago’s west side in 1958, I aspired to do better than what was expected. I did the traditional college. I got my Bachelor of Science and Masters degrees. I started my career in Chicago. Working for corporate giants like Merrill Lynch, IBM, and Siemens was what I thought I was supposed to do back then. In 1999 I was blessed with employment at a small, public, non-corporate technology organization. However, in 2001, I experienced a steady decline of my health. Not knowing what to do, I went to my primary physician for help, but the prescribed stress pills did not work. Finally, in 2006, I received a call at a time when most doctors were not working. I was diagnosed with MS.

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  • Windows Of Saint Joseph


    Autism is a house without doors but sometimes a window is opened. For me that window was religion. Too early in my life I was blessed to perceive religion as it really is, and though in the very depth of my self I knew that “child-abuse” didn’t apply in this case, the images that Islam and the Inquisition evoke in me were almost too horrible to bear. In a word, I was terrified of religion. How little we know what a religious experience really is – even our own. Certainly, after two years of meetings and daily masses, there was no sense of reality that my mind could provide for the content of Catholic doctrines, thereby invalidating them. I had never really noticed what the rules of Catholicism were and what typical Catholics experienced. However far I fall short of their understanding, I think my real trouble was I didn’t have a theory of mind; thus, I concluded that everybody, including the priest who had to celebrate mass, experienced what I did. The theory of the mind runs very deep. It underscores the big words: the kinds of words that make consciousness possible: self, community, freedom itself. I have indeed become conscious of my freedom. How far down would I need to dig to discover the Risen Christ?

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  • Washed By Fire


    Washed by Fire is the third part of a 4-part bibliotherapy series. It follows Prelude to Holy Ghost Fire, and In the Fire. It is a true story of this Christian woman’s struggle to overcome her past through the blood of the lamb of Jesus Christ, to stand forgiven by Him and to worship the LORD Jesus Christ alone. After being deluded into thinking that she had to serve the god of Molech through abortion as a newborn church member in her second marriage, she found herself in the grip of Satan. She had to fight with all her might to stop serving the god of Baal Peor (pornography and domestic violence). The God of the Bible, the LORD Jesus Christ, seemed so far away. She could proclaim Him to others, but struggled to walk with Him herself. Not knowing the God of the scriptures, for years she served religious people who claimed to be Christians. When the blinders fell off her eyes and she “woke up,” she found that Jesus Christ really did love her, that Jesus Christ really did accept her back to the fold. She embraced her healing journey. Stopping to serve the god of experience and feelings and those who manipulated her was a fight. Satan doesn’t let go of his prizes easily. The losses in this life of hers have been tremendous. But she has found Christ. It is a story of hope, faith and salvation. Since the writing of this book, her beloved cat, Queen Esther Ebbie Puff Tail has passed away from cancer. Obadiah remains with her. Patricia has begun the Interphase One diet by Doug Kaufman, which is a no grains, sugar or caffeine diet as part of her healing journey. She continues to let the Lord lead her.

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  • My Second Chance


    It felt like a bad dream . . . but it wasn’t. God did not want me to live the life that I had been living. I was too stubborn to listen. I needed a wake-up call, and did I ever get one! God gave me what I needed to change my ways, though I never would have expected it. I fought my way through it all and got my life back. Not only did I get my life back, but I got a better one the second time around. I lost my health, my job, and I lost myself. Learn from my tragedy, and know that it can happen to you. God bless you as you are spiritually fed and begin to walk more closely with God. May you only become strengthened in your faith because of God’s precious love for you. Mathew – 22:37 – “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”

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  • Looking Inside Out


    Raised a Mennonite, Elaine grows up an outsider, torn by contradictions and sadness. Searching for love and acceptance she never receives from her father leaves her unfulfilled and alone…. She endures religious threats, incest and mental illness within her home. As an adult, Elaine forsakes her family’s church and seeks a new place in the world. Her search becomes a tumultuous cycle of marriages and verbal, emotional and physical abuse. It isn’t until she accepts the love of her Heavenly Father that she discovers what love really is, and finds peace within herself. Come share in her journey…. Looking Inside Out is filled with incredible adversity, all overcome by sheer determination and strength. You will be encouraged to always have hope! Here, in the windows of her heart, you might catch a glimpse of yourself.

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  • Bride Wore Black


    Wholly original and authentic, The Bride Wore Black is a true story of some serious sin…and a Savior! “The tone may be ‘Sex in the City’ to start, but it’s a tale of total triumph in the end. I understand that at times it may read more like a fictional novel than reality, but trust me, there is no illusion in it. To me, fiction is a waste of time when real life issues are so relevant and riveting. Excerpt from book “We must never forget that sin will always take us further than we intend to go; keep us longer than we were planning to stay; and cost us more than we were prepared to pay,” says Author, Glenda Motsavage. The writing is a trio of serious life events [terminal illness, spiritual witchcraft, and a prison sentence] that were all transformed into opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. “A riveting piece of reading! Not only is it well done, but also screams out scores of issues that many people are dealing with today. I especially like the ‘walk’ through the various parts of Glenda’s life and how they all eventually lead to a saving knowledge of Christ; a must read for all.” Ronald B. Liples, Pastor/Christian Counselor

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  • Martin Luther King Jr For Armchair Theologians


    In this introduction to the life and thought of Martin Luther King Jr., theologian Rufus Burrow explores King’s life as well as his thinking and activism. Burrow addresses those who see King as only a social activist by showing how his studies, particularly his theological studies, influenced, shaped, and transformed the activist path he pursued during his public life. Themes later developed by liberation theology were anticipated by King a decade before. These ideas were honed and shaped by his social activism. This book, with dozens of illustrations by artist Ron Hill, is written for a broad audience. It explores King’s legacy, the continuing importance of his work, and his quest for the beloved community, and it will serve as an excellent introduction to King’s life and thinking.

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  • Mistaken Identity : Two Families One Survivor Unwavering Hope


    The stunning true story of two families trading places from graveside to bedside.

    Five lives were lost in a tragic accident involving a Taylor University van, and one young woman, severely injured and comatose, was rushed to the hospital. Families, faculty, students, and communities grieved their losses and joined in prayer and hope as the one young woman, Laura Van Ryn, fought for her life in a hospital bed. The national news spread the story, and people everywhere shared the grief and the hope.

    Five weeks passed for the Cerak family. Believing they had buried their daughter, the Ceraks clung to their faith and worshipped God through their tears, learning to look forward with hope to an eternal reunion with their lovely daughter Whitney. They spent weeks in mourning and grief, slowly moving toward healing.

    Five weeks passed for the Van Ryns. Keeping a constant bedside vigil over their precious daughter Laura, they sat and prayed and hoped. They rejoiced at each tiny advance toward recovery. They celebrated each sign of Laura’s healing.

    And then the shock! “Okay, Laura, I would like you to write your name for me,” the occupationaltherapist said. W-H-I-T-N-E-Y.

    An event that could be seen as pure tragedy becomes a celebration of life’s unfathomable gifts and mysteries.

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  • Diary Of A Dead Beat Dad


    Born into a family of eight children and raised in a single-parent home, the author arrived during a time when it was quickly becoming common for many dads to either leave their homes or wander off and create multiple families. Diary of a Dead Beat Dad demonstrates what happened as a direct result of the breach in the author’s well-to-do family.

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  • Diary Of A Dead Beat Dad


    Born into a family of eight children and raised in a single-parent home, the author arrived during a time when it was quickly becoming common for many dads to either leave their homes or wander off and create multiple families. Diary of a Dead Beat Dad demonstrates what happened as a direct result of the breach in the author’s well-to-do family.

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  • Walk Right Through It


    Walk Right Through It reveals the special bond between a mother and a daughter. I am proud to say my beautiful mother was my best friend and confidante. The result of our relationship and her challenge with MS has led to the book you are now holding. I am honored to tell our story – a transformation through the valley of death to the resurrection of a life now lived to the fullest. You will be encouraged in your faith, you’ll cry, you’ll laugh and find comfort and healing. Readers of all ages will be inspired as I recount this journey of my life, the day my true love walked into my life at the age of 45, and an ignited passion for a personal relationship with God. Life has a way of twisting and turning us in several directions. The way we navigate our journey determines the outcome.

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  • Chosen In Him


    “Chosen in Him.” This is the book that America has been waiting for! Another motivational masterpiece bordering on the lines of “Pursuit of Happiness.” This is one for the entire family. It is not only a motivational story but also a love story that warms hearts with an identifiable and inescapable tragedy that has touched the lives of many. The experiences in “Chosen in Him,” takes us on a reflective Siddharthian journey as we see how an American family bounces back from a tragedy of the unexpected death of a young wife and mother named Necie, who leaves behind her beloved husband James and their four children: James II, Jude, Candace, and Jonathan.

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  • Angel Tracks In The Himalayas


    Few know the price of the Gospel like Gary Shepherd. This is a life-changing story of what it really takes to follow God’s call. You may never look at your Bible the same way again… Gary’s simple faith, captured in eloquent detail, will make you feel as if you are right in the center of the action: facing the King Cobra, hearing the witch scream, feeling the searing bullets. If you have ever wondered, in an age of relativism and limp-wristed Christianity, where the real Kingdom is operating-then read these pages. With honesty and craftsmanship, Gary relates his journey in a way that will comfort those who have served and know… and inspire those whose time has yet to come.

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  • John Calvin : A Pilgrims Life


    Table Of Contents
    1. Orphan (1509-1533)
    2. Pilgrim (1533-1536)
    3. Stranger (1536-1538)
    4. Refugee (1538-1541)
    5. Preacher (1541-1546)
    6. Victim (1546-1549)
    7. Widow (1549-1551)
    8. Patient (1551-1554)
    9. Sailor (1555-1559)
    10. Soldier (1559-1564)

    Additional Info
    Professor and renowned Reformation historian Herman Selderhuis has written this book to bring Calvin near to the reader, showing him as a man who had an impressive impact on the development of the Western world, but who was first of all a believer who struggled with God and with the way God governed both the world and his own life.

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  • Mountain Beyond : Memoir Of A Young Boy Growing Up On Small Town America In


    “Hoppy is gone! What will we do?” My father replied. “Well, we just have to search for him.” “Well, I’m sure he’ll turn up in due time.” There it was, the final anticipation that he would come home! However, I didn’t buy it! Off to my room I went – dejected and devoid of all hope. The tears came quickly in the quiet of my room. Emotion, especially tears, was an expression of feelings that were not allowed in our household. As a matter of fact, this era did not support the outward showing of emotion period! It was the philosophy that, “Grown men don’t cry!” Why not? Men were supposed to be strong, masculine and reserved. Showing other emotions diminished that role. Tears were not to be shown. Hugs and saying “I love you” were rarely seen nor were they acceptable.

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  • Last Dance : A Story Of Great Faith And Courage


    In Last Dance, Sandra K Ortiz tells the story of her daughter, Sarah. Sarah was diagnosed with leukemia during her second pregnancy. She went on to deliver not only that baby, but another baby as well. No other woman in the world has delivered two children while undergoing chemotherapy and battling cancer. Both babies are now healthy and thriving toddlers. Sarah’s story is a testimony to her faith in God, her strength and courage, and to her commitment and love for her children.

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  • Can A Sister Talk To You


    Pastor Bebee Watson is a prophetess and a spiritual leader with a practical approach. Her unique style is one that allows audiences to experience real life relationships with God, without feeling the burden of “perceived expectation.” Pastor Bebee rejoices in sharing the Word of God with the masses. She is being cited as “fresh and new,” in the area of ministering God’s Word. Pastor Bebee is a right now minister for a right now people. Pastor Bebee has enjoyed a personal journey with the Lord for over twenty years and is currently serving as an Assistant Pastor in the Triad area. Life has allowed Pastor Bebee to walk out many challenging situations in the area of family, friends, health and employment. Through it all, she is willing to share her testimony freely with the goal of kingdom deliverance. She is most comfortable amongst the “real” folk, and “real” folk are most comfortable with her. Pastor Bebee holds a B.S. degree in Education, as well as, a degree in ministerial studies from Rhema University. Pastor Bebee is licensed and ordained by the Redemption Ministerial Fellowship under the leadership of Apostle Ron Carpenter, Jr. and Dr. Paul Gaehring. Additionally, she is licensed under Senior Pastor Jody W. Bullard. She has performed and worked with many of this century’s greatest gospel giants, i.e. Donny McClurkin, Bobby Jones, Lee Williams, Rance Allen, Candi Staton, Comedian John Gray and Jeff Majors just to name a few. She has appeared on TBN, and was nominated as Artist of the Year by the Gospel Announcers Guild of the Gospel Music Workshop of America.

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  • Journey West : A Sharecroppers Son Finds His Divine Destiny And Discovers T


    JOURNEY WEST is a true-life story of a boy who traveled west in a covered wagon and found his divine destiny. On his journey from infancy into senior years, he has given of himself, his time, and his resources to help others. His main purpose in life has been to leave the world he passes through a better place for those who follow after. Nolan became a born-again Christian at the age of fifteen. By nineteen, he knew God had called him to preach the Gospel. As you will see, preachers really do lead exciting lives. JOURNEY WEST is filled with many experiences which author Nolan Sluder uses to teach the principles of Christian living. Still very active, he has not allowed his age to deter him.

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  • Journey West : A Sharecroppers Son Finds His Divine Destiny And Discovers T


    JOURNEY WEST is a true-life story of a boy who traveled west in a covered wagon and found his divine destiny. On his journey from infancy into senior years, he has given of himself, his time, and his resources to help others. His main purpose in life has been to leave the world he passes through a better place for those who follow after. Nolan became a born-again Christian at the age of fifteen. By nineteen, he knew God had called him to preach the Gospel. As you will see, preachers really do lead exciting lives. JOURNEY WEST is filled with many experiences which author Nolan Sluder uses to teach the principles of Christian living. Still very active, he has not allowed his age to deter him.

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  • He Came With A Message


    Seven years old with a good family and a bright future ahead, Chad Thomas suffers a devastating injury, sending shock waves through his circle of family and friends. Less than two years later, these good people face tragedy, which offers a level of pain they would not have thought possible. Enduring myriad hospitalizations and forty surgeries in thirteen years, Chad and his family were sustained by love given so freely, by one doctor who refused to give up hope, by a late night visitor who promised them everything would be all right, and God the Father Who never left them, not even for a moment.

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  • Life Of A W Tozer (Reprinted)


    To understand the continued and far-reaching ministry of A. W. Tozer, it is important to know who he was, including his relationship with God. In The Life of A. W. Tozer, James Snyder lets us in on the life and times of a deep thinker who was not afraid to “tell it like it is” and never compromised his beliefs. Tozer’s spiritual legacy continues today as his writings challenge readers to a deeper relationship and worship of God in reverence and adoration. Here is Tozer’s life story, from boyhood and his conversion at the age of seventeen, to his years of pastoring and writing more than forty books, at least two regarded as Christian classics that continue to appear on bestseller lists. Examining Tozer’s life allows the reader to learn from a prophet with much to say against the compromises he observed in contemporary Christian living and the hope he found in his incredible God.

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