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Christian Living

Showing 701–750 of 7071 results

  • Pilgrim : 25 Ways God’s Character Leads Us Onward


    Guideposts of Grace for Your Faith Journey

    As a follower of Christ, you live each day as a pilgrim, traveling the path Jesus sets before you. Though the road may be rocky, God provides reminders along the way to show you that He writes your story, paves your path, and walks with you always.

    From bestselling author and artist Ruth Chou Simons comes this uplifting meditation on the character of God to accompany you on your pilgrim journey. Featuring stunning new artwork, these 25 devotions will lead you to;

    *explore proof of God’s faithfulness found in both Scripture and daily life,

    *engage with key theological attributes of God,

    *encounter hymns written throughout history that illuminate timeless truths about who God is, and

    *experience the peace that accompanies focusing your heart on God’s character.

    Pilgrim reminds us of profound truths by showing us how God’s grace and provision shape each Christian’s unique journey of conforming to the image of Christ. On the path of spiritual growth and maturity, knowing God’s character makes all the difference. When your travels leave you worn and weary, God will not abandon you-you can lay your burdens in His hands, find hope in His presence, and follow His path as He leads you onward.

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  • Street Smarts : Using Questions To Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenge


    Street Smarts by Gregory Koukl helps Christians better engage in productive conversations with those who challenge their convictions on a variety of issues. A follow-up to Koukl’s best-selling Tactics, this book focuses on revealing the fundamental flaws in common, current challenges to Christian beliefs and values. It then provides individual strategies to exploit those shortcomings by offering model questions and sample dialogues to help guide believers in genial, yet persuasive, conversations.

    Koukl begins by explaining the important difference in evangelism between a harvest approach (reaping) and a gardening approach (sowing). He then provides an overview of the tactical game plan he uses to have fruitful “gardening” conversations with those who are not yet Christians. Subsequent chapters tackle specific areas of challenge that Christians frequently face in discussions “on the street,” as it were–in those conversations with friends, family, or critics that believers often avoid because they feel out of their element, vulnerable, or exposed.

    With the specific challenges he addresses, Koukl shows precisely how and why each falters. instructing the reader in a lucid, well-organized, and easy-to-follow fashion. He then provides a specific set of questions–the same questions Koukl uses in his own encounters–that are embedded in sample mini-dialogues the Christian can use to exploit those flaws in an amicable, yet incisive, way.

    Some questions are used to get the discussion moving forward in a disarming fashion. Others are aimed more directly at the flaws or liabilities of the typical challenges people raise. Questions encourage challengers to think more carefully about their objections or consider problems with their own views that they may not have considered or even have been aware of.

    Street Smarts equips Christians to handle tough challenges in a straightforward and user-friendly way. It provides the practical tools they need to keep them in the driver’s seat of otherwise difficult and discomfiting conversations. It enables them to stand up for Christ in a safe, genial, yet effective way.

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  • Can You Just Sit With Me


    “Why are you still sad about that?”

    It takes time and space to grieve well, but often our culture doesn’t afford us these things. Drawing from her own experience with grief, Natasha Smith invites us into a reflection on what it means to grieve and how to cling to hope even in our darkest moments. Instead of providing quick-fix solutions, this book creates space for us to take time to just sit and grieve, learn, and heal in healthy ways.

    In Can You Just Sit with Me? Smith provides personal stories, biblical reflections, relevant research, practical tools, and prayers that point us to God, who always sits with us in our grief. Whether we are grieving a loss or supporting a friend who is grieving, this book reminds us that every loss is worthy of the space and grace to grieve.

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  • Everything Is Not Fine


    Sometimes the world knocks us flat on our butt.

    We feel stretched further than we ever thought physically, emotionally, or spiritually possible. And though we are torn up inside, we feel like we need to keep our chin up and put a good face on things. So we pretend that everything is fine, even though it’s not.

    Even in the hardest times, strength from God rises from deep in our soul to keep us going. In this honest, inspirational, and humorous book, Katie Schnack goes deep into the hard stuff of life with no sugar coating or toxic positivity to find sustenance she could not imagine. Faced with a child’s medical challenges in the midst of a global pandemic, having strength to get up in the morning and actually enjoy the day was so unlikely that she knew it had to come from God. Schnack’s plucky authenticity shows us how when life is complicated, self-compassion and humor can bring healing and life.

    Everything Is (Not) Fine looks at the hard realities of life, but also gently reminds us of the good. Even in dark times, we can get glimpses of light.

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  • Finding Freedom In Constraint


    The constraints of the spiritual life, practiced in community, are what set us free. Practicing spiritual disciplines can seem difficult, especially when we undertake them as isolated individuals. But we were never meant to practice them alone.

    Jared Patrick Boyd reveals how the constraints practiced in Christian community shape us into the way of Christ. He re-anchors the practices of constraint within the ascetic tradition of monasticism, religious orders, and the early church fathers. Boyd writes, “The constraints of a rule of life are what make life together, lived for one another, possible. A rule of life is not meant to be primarily personal, but communal. It’s not primarily meant to guide my life. It is meant to describe our way of life together.” Constraint is the practice of learning to pay deeper attention to the things in our inner world that prevent us from progressing in the school of love.

    Discover a deep conversation on freedom and constraint with six core practices of constraint that can form in us a greater freedom to be and become people who love as God loves. Enter into this vision with your local community (in small groups, church leadership teams, or families), and learn to make greater room to experience the love of God.

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  • God Never Gives Up On You


    Ever wonder if you’ve had one too many stumbles for God to use someone like you? If you could benefit from a tale of God’s unending, unbending, unswerving love and devotion, let bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado show you how God’s grace will transform your life.

    God Never Gives Up on You is a book for the members of the Lost Halo Society. For the strugglers among us and the fumbler within us. For those of us who are part saint, part scoundrel. We mean well, but we don’t always do well. We have breakthroughs and breakdowns, often in the same hour. We need no reminder of our failures, but we could always use a refresher course on God’s perfect plan to use imperfect people to do great things.

    No one is more suited to the task than Jacob. He was less a prodigy and more a prodigal. Strong on savvy. Low on conscience. Jacob took advantage of his famished brother and pulled the wool over the eyes of his dying father, yet God never turned his back on Jacob.

    God used Jacob because God chose to use Jacob. Period. The word for that kind of devotion? Grace. Grace came after Jacob. Grace found him in the desert. Grace protected him in exile. Grace wrestled him to the ground and blessed him. Grace led him home to Canaan.

    By taking a closer look at Jacob’s incredible story, you will:

    *learn to see the ways God turns your brokenness into blessings,

    *overcome shame and negative thoughts by embracing who you are in the eyes of a loving, merciful God, and

    *strengthen your relationships by leading a life marked by grace and forgiveness for yourself and others.

    Jacob’s story invites us to believe in a God who sticks beside the unworthy and underachievers and leads us safely home. If God can use Jacob to further his kingdom, he can use us too. Let Max show you how.

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  • Are We There Yet


    Comedic and Inspirational memoir from the stand-up comic who coined the phrase “Happy Wife, Happy Life”.

    Leave it to a comedian to find God through the Bible’s most depressing book.
    For years, one of the funniest men in America was crying on the inside. Jeff Allen was a comedian with the lead role in a tragedy.

    Born into a tough working-class Chicago family, Allen fell into substance abuse at an early age, and his problems didn’t magically go away when he got married. In fact, with the arrival of two children, they intensified. The sense that his life was meaningless made his family life as dark and biting as his comedy.

    But in his darkest moment, an unlikely encounter with the gloomiest book of the Bible set him on the path to salvation. The opening line of Ecclesiastes– “Meaningless, meaningless, all in life is meaningless”–resonated with him.

    So he kept reading, and soon he discovered the Source of meaning. Eventually, Allen found himself with a revitalized marriage and a repurposed career.

    If you have struggled to find meaning in your life, this book is for you.

    With his trademark humor and unflinching honesty, Allen will point you to the only One who can answer the question, “Are we there yet?” You’ll know when you’ve arrived.

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  • Kingdom Focus : Rethinking Today In Light Of Eternity


    “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you.”

    Having the right focus makes all the difference in life. If we are busy focusing on external frivolities or personal ambitions rather than on the kingdom of God, we wind up missing out on serving God’s kingdom-as well as many of the other things we hope to attain in life. However, when we align our lives with God’s Word, we get to experience the greatest freedom we could ever know.

    In Kingdom Focus, Tony Evans teaches readers how to focus on the things God Himself focuses on in Scripture and explores the issues that delight His heart. It is by doing so that we can discover the joy and the power of delighting in the same things. Allow God to sharpen your focus, transform your mind, and empower you to live every aspect of your life in light of the kingdom to which you have been chosen and called, for such a time as this.

    Learn how to:

    *examine the spiritual habits we can employ to sharpen our focus for God’s kingdom,
    *fully maximize life while on earth,
    *delve deeper into the character and heart of God, and
    *recognize how God’s love for us guides us every step of the way.

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  • Every Season Sacred


    What does it look like to live a flourishing, messy, wonderful life together?

    As parents, we’re tasked with nurturing and guiding our children, even as we navigate our own wonderings about faith. In the overwhelm and constant demands of life, is it possible to tend to our own souls and to our family’s flourishing?
    With tender curiosity and contemplative wisdom, Every Season Sacred is a weekly invitation to grow spiritually alongside our children. Blending thoughtful musings and practical resources, author Kayla Craig meets parents right where they are, offering:

    *honest and hopeful reflections for every season of the parenting journey;
    *encouragement to parent with intention and imagination, presence and purpose; and
    *open-ended discussion prompts and prayers to explore and practice as a family.

    Every Season Sacred is an invitation to ask big questions, embrace faithful rhythms, and experience God’s mysterious, loving presence together. You don’t have to have all the answers-and if we’re honest, many answers aren’t ours to have. This is the beauty of faith.

    As you parent your children and explore your questions together, may God reveal sacred moments to you-in each season of your life.

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  • When The People Pray


    A convenient and easy way for pastors to ask for the prayer support they desperately need.

    “Will you pray for me?” is a question pastors hear every day. But when have you heard a pastor ask that question for themselves? Frankly, it’s rare. That was the question Thom Rainer asked his congregation. The response was overwhelming. Within two days, more than one hundred people committed to praying for him, and the church was transformed over the next year. Thom cannot imagine what would have happened if he hadn’t overcome his initial reluctance to be that vulnerable with his congregation.

    In this book, there are thirty reflections and thirty prayers that give church members a glimpse into the struggles most pastors face and helps them pray in specific ways. In the back of this book, there are instructions on how to start a prayer ministry for your pastor, a prayer ministry for members of your pastor’s family, and a thirty-day prayer challenge.

    God promises to honor the prayers of his people.
    When the People Pray is an invitation to unleash those promises.

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  • Josiah Manifesto : The Ancient Mystery And Guide For The End Times


    The Newest Blockbuster Book by Jonathan Cahn!

    In his newest and soon coming explosive and prophetic book, Jonathan Cahn will reveal the stunning mysteries and revelations behind the recent events that have changed America, the world, and our lives… And the ancient key God has given to unlock the answer… as to how to prevail in view of what is yet to come!

    After seven explosive New York Times Best Sellers, Jonathan Cahn now releases his latest and new book The Josiah Manifesto.

    The Ancient Mystery & Guide for the End Times – as mind-blowing as all his best-sellers – and with something different – the ANSWER!

    The Josiah Manifesto opens up the stunning mysteries that lie behind the events that are unfolding before our eyes – and the key to unlock the answer, the guide, the manifesto – to stand and prevail in this hour and in light of what is yet to come. They are even now affecting your life!

    Is it possible that the dramatic events of recent times are actually the manifestations of mysteries that go back to ancient times? And is there a message hidden within them to give us the Answer for our times and the future – even a guide to the end times?

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  • At Any Cost

    Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $23.97.

    Our persecuted Christian family members follow the Lord with a bold and costly faith. They joyfully face oppression, imprisonment and even death because Christ is worthy. In At Any Cost, you will see scenes of majesty and beauty in places where our brothers and sisters are advancing God’s eternal kingdom on some of the most difficult and dangerous mission fields on earth. May this visual journey inspire you to grow in fellowship with them and to deepen your commitment to Christ and his Great Commission–at any cost.

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  • Healthy Feelings Thriving Faith


    If you’ve ever taken a personality test, you may have found yourself in enthusiastic agreement about the positive aspects of your personality, while the less desirable traits listed may have made you a bit defensive. Maybe you read up on a different personality type and wished you had more of those qualities. But the truth is, every type can get stuck in unhealthy emotional and spiritual patterns. And no matter what your personality, you have the potential to grow into the healthiest and most loving version of yourself.

    In Healthy Feelings, Thriving Faith, Drs. Bill and Kristi Gaultiere use the Enneagram to lead you through a journey of discovery, showing you how God can transform unhealthy patterns of anger, shame, anxiety, and sadness into freedom, joy, peace, and love. Through eye-opening insights, engaging stories, and simple soul care practices and spiritual disciplines, this book offers an avenue to renewed hope and personal growth you may not have thought possible.

    If you want to go from knowing your personality type to growing in wholeness, empathy, and faith, let the Gaultieres be your guide.

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  • Hard Is Not The Same Thing As Bad


    Bestselling author Abbie Halberstadt helps parents see how God can use the everyday trial s of child raising to radically transform how they view hardship and grow them to become more like Jesus.

    “Why me, Lord?”

    Amid the toddler tantrums, the mealtime melees, and the backseat blowups, have you found yourself asking God that same question? Maybe even screaming it into a couch pillow? You’re not alone.

    Your most trying moments as a parent can quickly spiral into discouragement, hopelessness, and sometimes even resentment toward God or your family–partly because our culture has conditioned us to believe that anything this hard can’t possibly be good for us.

    Abbie Halberstadt, author of the bestselling M Is for Mama, shares scriptural wisdom and lessons learned from her own challenges as a mama of ten to help shift your perspective on the hardships of parenting and of life, in general.

    When you begin to see struggles as a necessary part of God’s plan for your spiritual growth, you can discover supernatural peace and purpose, even when you’re down in the deepest trenches of parenthood.

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  • Christian Manifesto : Jesus’ Life-Changing Words From The Sermon On The Pla


    What does genuine Christian living look like in the 21st century, and how can we be motivated to live that way?

    The answer comes from Jesus’ sermon in Luke 6 (sometimes known as the Sermon on the Plain), which starts, “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God and goes on to lay out God’s vision statement for the Christian life. It is a manifesto that transcends politics, culture and personality, detailing God’s intentions for his people.

    Alistair Begg unpacks this sermon, encouraging Christians to live a radically different life that upends the world’s values and philosophies. It’s a lifestyle that is counterintuitive and countercultural, yet one that God blesses with true meaning and impact.

    As we look at the kindness and compassion of Jesus and ask for the Holy Spirit’s help, we’ll grow in both the motivation and the ability to obey Jesus’ teaching and experience the blessing that comes from that.

    This compelling book will remind you of God’s grace and what it means to follow him, helping you discover the ultimate blessing that is found in him.

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  • Hopeward : Gospel Grace For Weary Souls


    Jesus says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt 11:28)

    Author Dai Hankey is a church planter in Wales and founder of Red Community, a Christian charity that fights human trafficking in Wales. Speaking from a personal experience of burnout, he comes alongside weary Christians to explore what it looks like in practice to really lean on Jesus and enjoy his rest.

    This positive and encouraging book takes readers on a hopeward journey with Jesus from despondency to joy. They will discover how Jesus can restore and sustain them, and they will be re-energized to carry on serving him in a joyful and manageable way.

    This is a great book to give Christians who feel weary, overwhelmed, stressed, or discouraged, or Christians who feel like stepping back from the things they are involved in at church.

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  • Faithfully Present : Embracing The Limits Of Where And When God Has You


    Most of us feel that life is rushing past us. We reach the end of another day or week or year and wonder where it went. So we double down on trying to do more or do better–or distract ourselves with the many diversions the 21st century has to offer. But often we’re so busy thinking about the next thing that we’re at risk of missing the main thing: the people and places God has put in front of us, right here, right now.

    There is a better way to live. In this thought-provoking book, Adam Ramsey helps us to embrace the time and place we are in and to live each day fully and faithfully present with God and with others. Readers will discover fresh joy in the little things, freedom from the tyranny of time and contentment in every season of life.

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  • Worry Free Parent


    Worry is contagious…
    but you can stop its spread

    Anxiety has an amazing ability to spread. Time and time again, when veteran counselor and parenting expert Sissy Goff has an anxious child or teen in her office, she’s found they have at least one very well-intentioned but anxious parent. Anxiety is contagious, and it’s likely affecting your kids, distracting you in the present, and making you feel like it will define your family’s future.

    It doesn’t have to be this way. With over 30 years of experience helping both children and adults, Sissy offers you practical, well-researched tools that will make a difference in your life–and the lives of your children. Learn how to:

    * uncover the roots of your own anxiety
    * process anxiety in healthy ways rather than passing it on
    * model bravery
    * discover a place of deeper, freer connection to your kids

    Here is the help you need to experience freedom from anxiety, raise confident, courageous kids, and become a worry-free family in an increasingly anxious world.

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  • I Cry In Corners


    It’s easy to get lost in all the feels.

    Our emotions drive so much of what we do, say, and think, even if we don’t realize it. Our response to our feelings–denying they exist, letting them lead our actions unchecked, distracting ourselves to avoid feeling them–can greatly impact our lives and those around us. Emotions are essential for everyday life, but how we navigate them in the storms of life will make or break us.

    In I Cry in Corners, charismatic up-and-coming pastor Chari Orozco takes the readers through the life of Jesus, examining the powerful emotional tests he faced and how he responded, from his terror in the Garden of Gethsemane to his righteous anger in the temple to his disappointment when those he loved best betrayed him.

    In each chapter, Chari gives readers both practical and spiritual wisdom to help them respond to emotions like Jesus did. How do we steward our emotions when those closest people fail us? We turn around and wash the feet of the ones we love. How do we face temptation? We refuse to get hangry, resist the devil, and remember that our value lies not in what we have but how we love. How do we steward our emotions with maturity when the hurt we’ve suffered comes from those who claim to know and love Jesus? We do what Jesus did: choose our words wisely, keep our eyes on the joy set before us, and, if necessary, flip over some tables. Our feelings are a gift from God, and through the life and struggles of Jesus, we find a blueprint for honoring your feelings without getting lost in them.

    Written with a wry, straight-talking, irreverent but always faithful tone, Chari effortlessly weaves together stories of the New Testament with her own insightful, humorous, and refreshingly candid anecdotes. The resulting book is an affirmation of feeling all the feels while encouraging readers to use their emotions as a catalyst for deep spiritual growth.

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  • Relationships Over Rules


    Your path to purpose begins with people.

    Relationships. We know that we need them, but busy schedules, financial pursuits, and self-serving agendas often distract us from the people God has placed in our lives.

    Overcoming a childhood that lacked true relationships, CEO David Hoffman successfully broke the rules of a transaction-based world by founding a real estate company focused on meeting people where they are. In Relationships over Rules, David shares his journey and seven principles you can adopt to build authentic relationships that will help you:

    *welcome opportunities for growth and service,
    *reach your potential regardless of your past,
    *live with perspective and gratitude, and
    *fulfill the great plans God has for you.

    Guided by true stories and application exercises, watch your life transform as you pour yourself into those around you. You can achieve lasting success when you put relationships first.

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  • Woven : Nurturing A Faith Your Kid Doesn’t Have To Heal From


    In this inspiring parenting book, learn how to create space for your children to get to know God in a way that focuses on trust instead of a list of rigid rules.

    Most Christian parenting books are ready with exact practices every family should follow in order to raise obedient children. In this obedience-training model, faith is a wall, constructed brick by brick, as adults tell children what to believe and how to behave.

    But what if obedience is not the goal of Christian parenting? What if it’s our job as parents to instead help our kids get to know God and discover that God can be trusted? And what if faith is not constructed brick by brick, but rather woven strand by strand?

    Much like a spider’s web, in which anchor strands and internal threads combine to form a unique web, Woven can help children anchor to who God is and have faith practices that are rich, textured, and all their own. Kids need space to explore the Bible, ask big questions, and even change their understanding of God and faith along the way. With Woven, families can nurture the kind of faith that can flex and grow, be broken and repaired. This is the sort of faith that can stand up to the life a child will live, the doubts they will encounter, and the questions that will come up along the way.

    So many parents want to pass along their faith, but know that God is so much bigger than the list of do’s and don’ts they were taught about as children. They want to pass along a faith their child doesn’t have to heal from. Woven is the guidebook parents have been looking for. With a deep reverence for scripture and suggested activities to help your family grow in faith together, Woven is for parents who want to go beyond a list of do’s and don’ts and pass along a resilient faith based on genuine love for and trust in God.

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  • Beyond Her Yes


    Much pro-life ministry is focused on encouraging women to say yes to life rather than terminate their pregnancies. But what happens after that decision has been made? Who will provide that mother, who likely considered abortion because she could not see how she could afford to have a child, with the long-term emotional support, education, and guidance that will help her out of poverty?

    Economics and abortion are intrinsically linked, and if pro-life ministry is to make a real difference in the lives of women and families, it must expand its perspective beyond that initial yes in order to address the underlying problem of generational poverty. In Beyond Her Yes, cofounder of RENEW Life Center Marisol Maldonado Rodriguez helps you understand the full impact that poverty has on women making life decisions and then shows how a comprehensive approach to pro-life ministries can make a far greater impact.

    Saving the lives of the not-yet-born is just the first step. Discover how you can be part of saving entire families from a life of hardship and hard choices.

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  • I Choose Peace


    Our lives are fraught with anxiety. Conflict in our relationships, fears about the future, information overload, financial pressure, lack of contentment–all of them can steal our joy because they steal our peace. Through Christ we are promised peace, but how can we feel peace when we live in a world of chaos?

    Because, says Chip Ingram, peace isn’t a feeling; it’s a choice.

    In I Choose Peace, Chip unpacks Philippians 4 to show us how we can choose peace in:

    – relational conflict
    – anxious moments
    – a broken world
    – difficult circumstances
    – a materialistic culture

    If you’re tired of feeling anxious over the state of the world, your relationships, or your own heart, this encouraging book will help you quiet your worries and experience real, lasting peace that doesn’t depend on what’s going on around you.

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  • 3 Dimensional Leader


    A comprehensive manual for Christian leadership

    Christian leaders need biblical character, spiritual power, and practical skills. Yet, often one of these aspects is overemphasized and the others are neglected. The Three-Dimensional Leader: A Biblical, Spiritual, and Practical Guide to Christian Leadership recognizes that these traits need to be unified in Christian leaders. Jesus exemplified these most effectively, so we must look to him for our vision of leadership.

    Authors Rod Dempsey, Dave Earley, and Adam McClendon bring together their decades of experience developing disciples into leaders for the work of the kingdom. The Three-Dimensional Leader provides a biblical basis, practical examples, and a helpful assessment tool that directs the Christian leader toward growth.

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  • Find Your People


    The New York Times bestselling author of Get Out of Your Head offers practical solutions for creating true community, the kind that’s crucial to our mental and spiritual health.

    In a world that’s both more connected and more isolating than ever before, we’re often tempted to do life alone, whether because we’re so busy or because relationships feel risky and hard. But science confirms that consistent, meaningful connection with others has a powerful impact on our well-being. We are meant to live known and loved. But so many are hiding behind emotional walls that we’re experiencing an epidemic of loneliness.
    In Find Your People, bestselling author Jennie Allen draws on fascinating insights from science and history, timeless biblical truth, and vulnerable stories from her own life to help you:

    – overcome the barriers to making new friends and learn to initiate with easy-to-follow steps
    – find simple ways to press through awkward to get to authentic in conversations
    – understand how conflict can strengthen relationships rather than destroy them
    – identify the type of friend you are and the types of friends you need
    – learn the five practical ingredients you need to have the type of friends you’ve always longed for

    You were created to play, engage, adventure, and explore–with others. In Find Your People, you’ll discover exactly how to dive into the deep end and experience the full wonder of community. Because while the ache of loneliness is real, it doesn’t have to be your reality.

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  • Deep Waters Of The Disciple


    Do you feel as if you’re drowning? As if between waves of doubt, despair, and grief, you’re struggling to stay afloat? Perhaps it’s a crisis in your marriage, the loss of a loved one, or financial problems that threaten to sink you. Maybe you’re facing shame or a scary illness. You’re clinging to life in desperation and tempted to ask: where is God in this?

    You’re not alone. When Peter started to sink in deep waters, he called out to Jesus. Jesus’s strong hand held him fast. He was in control of the storm all along.

    With pastoral compassion, Michael Cassidy comforts people facing deep waters of many kinds. He has lived through over 85 years of life’s ups and downs, including battling Leukemia. He shares stories of colleagues and people he has counselled who testify to God walking them through unimaginable trials.

    Michael provides insight into specific types of suffering, including:

    *Disease and Illness
    *Despair and Depression
    *Marriage Troubles

    When everything is shaken, you can ground yourself in the biblical wisdom of Deep Waters of the Disciple. Not only will this volume help you with your own challenges, but it will equip you to understand and help others with theirs.

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  • Promesas De Dios Para Mujeres Bilingue Gods Promises For Women – Bilingual


    Descubre las promesas de Dios para ti.

    Quieres saber lo que Dios piensa? !Mira estos versiculos de la Biblia para encontrar esperanza, amor, gozo, fuerza, y sabiduria para tu dia!

    Discover God’s promises for you.

    Check out these Bible verses to find hope, love, joy, strength, and wisdom for your day!

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  • Ballot And The Bible


    How do Bible passages written thousands of years ago apply to politics today? What can we learn from America’s history of using the Bible in politics? How can we converse with people whose views differ from our own?

    In The Ballot and the Bible, Kaitlyn Schiess explores these questions and more. She unpacks examples of how Americans have connected the Bible to politics in the past, highlighting times it was applied well and times it was egregiously misused.

    Schiess combines American political history and biblical interpretation to help readers faithfully read Scripture, talk with others about it, and apply it to contemporary political issues–and to their lives. Rather than prescribing what readers should think about specific hot-button issues, Schiess outlines core biblical themes around power, allegiance, national identity, and more.

    Readers will be encouraged to pursue a biblical basis for their political engagement with compassion and confidence.

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  • What Did The Cross Achieve


    A Classic Essay on Penal Substitutionary Atonement from Theologian J. I. Packer

    Penal substitutionary atonement-the belief that Jesus’s death on the cross satisfied God’s wrath against sin-is central to the Christian faith, but frequently debated. Is it just to punish an innocent person in place of the guilty? How can the temporary death of one substitute for the eternal death of many? Why doesn’t the cross grant Christians unlimited permission to sin?

    In this famous essay, late theologian J. I. Packer analyzes Scripture and the works of early Reformers to defend the truth of Christ’s substitutionary suffering and death, the heart of the Christian gospel. Considered one of the most significant short works on penal substitutionary atonement from the 20th century, this careful, concise essay has influenced prominent theologians and is essential reading for students, pastors, and laypeople.

    *From Renowned Theologian J. I. Packer: This work was originally delivered as a Tyndale Biblical Theology Lecture

    *Part of the Crossway Short Classics Series: Other titles include The Lord’s Work in the Lord’s Way and No Little People; The Life of God in the Soul of Man; and Fighting for Holiness

    *Includes a Foreword by Mark Dever

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  • Translating Jesus : How To Share Your Faith In Language Today’s Culture Can


    We in the church do not speak the same language as the culture. We use many of the same words, but they rarely mean the same thing. And speaking louder isn’t the answer. If we are to faithfully and effectively share the Good News, we have to translate Jesus.

    Embracing and unpacking the bilingual nature of spreading the gospel, pastor and teacher Shauna Pilgreen shows you how to learn the language of the culture so that you can clearly communicate the love of God in the three places Christ and culture meet: the gate, the cross, and the table. By learning how to share your story in the language of the culture, you’ll not only find spiritual conversations more fruitful but also build a supportive and loving community of bilingual believers excited about inviting others to enter the kingdom of God.

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  • I Used To Be


    Navigate Through Grief with Biblical Mental Health Tools

    When you suffer a loss, you enter the realm of “used to be.” You used to be married. You used to be employed. You used to be pregnant, secure, healthy, sober, thin. You used to be a son or daughter, a brother or sister, a mother or father. And in that used-to-be space there is deep emptiness, loneliness, and sorrow. It’s a place we all dwell for a while. But it’s not a place in which we are meant to remain.

    The path forward includes exploring the unseen elements of grief. With this book, pastor Chuck Elliott and counselor Ashley Elliott light the way to a better future. Sharing biblical advice and proven mental health techniques, they help you learn how to fully feel and face your grief, hold onto your faith, and develop healthy ways to see yourself, your life, and your loved ones. They offer coping strategies for when moving forward seems impossible and guide you toward building new thinking patterns that will result in true healing and growth.

    Maybe you “used to be” something–but there is a future waiting when you “will be” once more.

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  • Refocus : Living A Life That Reflects Gods Heart


    Written by Jim Daly, the compassionate leader of Focus on the Family, ReFocus inspires and motivates Christians to transcend political agendas and partisan battles and instead interact with others in a way that will consistently reveal the heart of God to a desperately hurting world.

    Our culture has become painfully polarized, often hindering relationships with neighbors, colleagues, and the very people who need to discover the love of Jesus Christ. Remembering that we are foremost citizens of heaven serving a loving Father, we who call ourselves followers of Christ can once again be known by our love.

    But how? In what context and through what means? How can we tear down the walls that divide our culture, our neighborhoods and workplaces and families, in this increasingly contentious world?

    Drawing on a rich variety of true stories and sources both historical and contemporary–from behind the scenes in today’s halls of power, to moving accounts from church history, to powerful breakthroughs in Daly’s own life and ministry–Daly challenges us to reclaim our responsibility, and our privilege, as God’s sons and daughters.

    As followers of Jesus with His humility and compassion as our model, ReFocus: Living a Life that Reflects God’s Heart demonstrates how Christians can show the world an inexplicable taste of grace with no agenda other than to reveal the heart of God as the loving Abba Father He is.

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  • Purposefooled : Why Chasing Your Dreams, Finding Your Calling, And Reaching


    Author and Bible teacher Kelly Needham reveals how we’ve been fooled into chasing meaning in all the wrong places, identifies the source of our hunger for the extraordinary, and shows us the steps we can take today to build a purpose-filled reality without turning our lives upside-down.

    Many of us are exhausted from dreaming big and chasing the extraordinary lives we long for, but when we try embracing the everyday and find meaning in the mundane, we fear we’re settling for a boring life. Are we missing something?

    Kelly Needham has been the keynote speaker, the person folding T-shirts backstage, and the mom dealing with the ups and downs of daily life. By sharing her experiences with both the extraordinary and the humdrum–and wrestling with feelings of disappointment along the way–Needham helps readers discover for themselves the truth that changes everything: we weren’t made to do something, but to know Someone. And it’s that Someone who can infuse our lives with infinite purpose and meaning. In Purposefooled she explains

    *why we feel like we were made for more and shows us the freeing answer to our longings,

    *the ways modern technology affects our desires and dreams–and how to live free from its pressures and pitfalls,

    *how familiar Bible stories reveal that being a world-changer is more accessible and simpler than we think,

    *why we need to reclaim our imaginations from culture and steward them with eternity in mind, and

    *what it looks like to live a deeply meaningful life today instead of wearing ourselves out trying to reach the next big thing.

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  • Just Discipleship : Biblical Justice In An Unjust World


    Many Christians and churches are rediscovering that God cares deeply about justice, but opinions abound as to what an approach to biblical justice might look like in contemporary society.

    What exactly does the Bible mean by justice, and what does it have to do with poverty, racism, and other issues in our world? More importantly, how do we become the kind of people who practice justice?

    Biblical scholar Michael Rhodes argues that the Bible offers a vision of justice-oriented discipleship that is critical for the formation of God’s people. Grounded in biblical theology, virtue ethics, and his own experiences, he shows that justice is central to the Bible, central to Jesus, and central to authentic Christian discipleship. Justice stands at the heart of Scripture. Following Jesus demands that we become just disciples in an unjust world.

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  • Preparing To Meet Jesus


    Experience the joy of knowing you are prepared for your first look into the eyes of Jesus.

    One day, every believer will experience the wonder of coming face-to-face with Jesus. Can you imagine how thrilling that encounter will be? This unique devotional from Anne Graham Lotz and her daughter Rachel-Ruth leads you on a transformational journey so that you can live fully prepared for the awesome moment of the “first look.”

    Drawing on the biblical story in which Abraham seeks a woman of character to marry his son Isaac, Preparing to Meet Jesus explores the characteristics God the Father looks for in a bride for His Son, Jesus. Each of these 21 daily reflections, challenges, and prayers reveals how you can pursue a life fully devoted to the One who loves you and gave Himself for you.

    Preparing ourselves for Jesus’s imminent return is the greatest privilege and responsibility of our lives. Jesus is coming! Are you ready?

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  • Created For Compassion


    Your smile can lift someone’s spirits. Your words can bring hope to someone’s heart. You can change the trajectory of someone’s day… or even their entire life. As followers of Christ, we’re designed for compassion. While compassion doesn’t always come easily to us, it does to God. He provides us with the spirit of compassion we need to change minds, hearts, lives, and the world-one act of kindness at a time!

    In this devotional guide, you’ll join Dr. Tony Evans on a journey to cultivate the godly compassion that can radically change communities and culture. For thirty days, you’ll dive into a selection from Scripture, a devotional reading from Dr. Evans, answer personal application questions, and apply what you’re learning with a daily kindness challenge to inspire the world around you. Before you know it, you’ll be a compassionate agent of transformative change…an ambassador of Kingdom kindness in a hurting world!

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  • Bitterness : When You Cant Move On


    SKU (ISBN): 9781645073253ISBN10: 1645073254Paul TautgesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2023Publisher: New Growth Press

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  • Leaving Military Service


    “Ted Hamm provides practical guidance for the often difficult transition back to civilian life”–

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  • Recreational Drug Use


    SKU (ISBN): 9781645073208ISBN10: 1645073203Craig SvenssonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2023Publisher: New Growth Press

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  • Pregnancy Crisis : This Wasn’t The Plan


    “Counselor Camille Cates wants you to know that God knows the details of the circumstances surrounding your pregnancy, and he will give you the wisdom and guidance you need to walk through this unexpected path”–

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  • Teens And Anxiety


    “Counselor Eliza Huie gives parents a biblical overview of how to respond to your anxious teen with simple tools to alleviate the immediate effects of anxiety”–

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  • I Thought Id Have It All Figured Out By Now


    A 31-day devotional that invites readers to dig deeper into the truth of who God is. On sunny days, we feel like we know who God is. We tell others about Him. We sing His praises. But when the darkness closes in-and our world gets scarier by the moment-we may start wondering if we really know the truth about Him. That is the place where I Thought I’d Have It All Figured Out by Now: A 31-Day Journey to Rediscovering God meets readers… in the midst of the mind-numbing, the confusing, and the “which-way-is-up” moments in life. It’s often when we get blindsided that we’re invited to experience a greater revelation of God-one that can change us forever. This beautifully illustrated, month-long art devotional will guide readers from fear to awe as they rediscover the true Author of their faith.

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  • Ballot And The Bible


    How do Bible passages written thousands of years ago apply to politics today? What can we learn from America’s history of using the Bible in politics? How can we converse with people whose views differ from our own?

    In The Ballot and the Bible, Kaitlyn Schiess explores these questions and more. She unpacks examples of how Americans have connected the Bible to politics in the past, highlighting times it was applied well and times it was egregiously misused.

    Schiess combines American political history and biblical interpretation to help readers faithfully read Scripture, talk with others about it, and apply it to contemporary political issues–and to their lives. Rather than prescribing what readers should think about specific hot-button issues, Schiess outlines core biblical themes around power, allegiance, national identity, and more.

    Readers will be encouraged to pursue a biblical basis for their political engagement with compassion and confidence.

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  • Surprised By Doubt


    Even those who live by faith sometimes doubt. Those doubts don’t have to mean the end of Christian identity.

    In Surprised by Doubt, Joshua Chatraw and Jack Carson help readers rediscover a deeper faith in the midst of a confusing world. They invite skeptics and doubters to explore the ancient faith for a new perspective on contemporary Christianity.

    Chatraw and Carson build on C. S. Lewis’s metaphor that envisions Christianity as a house with many rooms, suggesting that readers move beyond the cramped attic of reactionary versions of the faith to explore the larger, more ancient main floors of the house.

    With pastoral care and intellectual rigor, Chatraw and Carson not only help Christians think through the issues confronting them. They also help readers engage their emotional journey of anxiety, fear, anger, and frustration. Readers will discover the wisdom of the past and ways to reimagine a faith that can thrive alongside doubt.

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  • Set Adrift : Deconstructing What You Believe Without Sinking Your Faith


    How to analyze and reevaluate your Christian beliefs and experiences in the church while keeping the core of your faith intact.

    The number of Christians leaving the church today is significant. Many feel there is no place for them within the faith–they no longer feel at home in their church community or tradition. For various reasons, they are unsettled by the version of Christianity they’ve inherited.

    Stripping away the nonessential aspects of Christianity, Sean McDowell and John Marriott will help you navigate the jarring questions and cultural challenges that lead many to walk away from the faith. You’ll come to recognize that there are other ways Christians throughout history have understood what faithfulness to Jesus looks like.

    Each chapter provides practical advice on how to disassemble, rethink, and reassemble beliefs that are truly Christian and culturally and personally relevant. You’ll learn how you can continue to seek an authentic faith by:

    *Establishing Jesus and his teachings as the foundation.
    *Utilizing the creeds as boundary markers of what is essential.
    *Seeing the entire Bible as a truthful revelation from God.
    *Seeing Christianity as a historic and global tradition that encompasses diverse communities and viewpoints.

    The authors of this book can personally identify with the process of disillusionment that many young believers go through. They wrote Set Adrift as people who had to navigate their own way back through the fog of deconstruction. They wrote it to offer their own personal suggestions for what to do when you’re not sure what to believe anymore.

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  • On Our Knees Prayer Journal

    Original price was: $22.95.Current price is: $17.97.

    Inspired by Phil Wickham’s bestselling 40-day devotional, the On Our Knees Prayer Journal is a thoughtful tool for anyone looking to actively deepen their prayer life.

    Track prayers, grow in this spiritual discipline, and reflect intentionally on daily Bible readings. Designed to help with guided prayer prompts users will record their thanksgivings, praises, and requests with plenty of space for capturing the details of their intimate time with God. Created to help individuals, this guide helps prayer journalers discover the power of prayer in their daily lives.

    With this journal, users will have the tools to:

    *Experience a meaningful intimacy with Jesus
    *Develop stronger prayer habits
    *Let go of anxiety and fear
    *Discover and reflect upon God’s Word – Lectio Divina
    *Approach God with humility, honesty, and vulnerability through prayer

    Face the challenges of life with steadfast habits of prayer and reflection. Whether partnered alongside Phil Wickham’s 40-day devotional, On Our Knees: 40 Days to Living Boldly in Prayer, or used as a standalone resource, this journal provides users with a tangible place to record their spiritual journeys.

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  • When Loss Comes Close To Home


    Finding Your Footing in Devastating Loss

    In 2009, Charlie and Jill LeBlanc experienced the unthinkable — the death of their 23-year-old son. Their loss was crushing! It’s devastating to anyone who has walked through the valley of the shadow of death, and it feels like recovery is beyond hope. Maybe you-or someone you love -has also experienced the heartbreak of losing someone close to you. If so, the LeBlanc’s have words of healing for you.

    In When Loss Comes Close to Home, the LeBlancs, international music ministers, share their journey of moving forward with wisdom to heal after life-shattering sorrow. You can begin to find God’s grace and hope for yourself and others who need healing from grief by…

    *Embracing the time it takes to heal
    *Allowing for each person’s unique grieving process
    *Valuing the biblical importance of grieving
    *Practical help to overcome deep sorrow and bewildering numbness
    *Powerful tools to help loved ones through loss

    God “comforts and encourages us in every trouble…” so we’re able to do the same for others (2 Cor. 1:4 Amp). You can begin to regain your peace and find purpose in moving forward as God lovingly leads you into a better tomorrow.

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  • Traveling Light : Galatians And The Free Life In Christ (Expanded)


    We aspire to freedom but often resign ourselves to an existence trapped in uneasiness and dread. Is there any way to shed such heaviness and reignite hope for deliverance?

    In Traveling Light, Eugene H. Peterson urges us to listen to an expert on freedom, Paul, whose letter to the Galatians reminds us of the realities of life in Christ, freely given to all. Peterson says, “If there is a story of freedom to be told, the story must begin with God. . . . The Bible is not a script for a funeral service, but the record of the proclaimed and witnessed God bringing new life to the dead. Everywhere it is a story of resurrection–life where we expect death.”

    That lightness of spirit we’re shown in Scripture is a gift and challenge. With an open path forward, Peterson calls us to embrace change, exploration, trust, love, and much more. Now with a new study guide, share the work of pursuing real rescue and relief through the abiding wisdom of Peterson.

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  • Detox For The Soul


    It is all too easy to dwell on the negative aspects of life. We can talk for hours about conflict, worries, and disappointment, creating feelings of hopelessness, discouragement, and a lack of trust in our heavenly Father who is faithful, good, and just. Jesus said out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. What we focus on affects how we live.

    This daily devotional will help you battle against toxic thinking. Renew your mind as you reflect on the Scriptures, devotional entries, and prayers written in this book. Identify your negative thoughts and compare them with truth. What does the Bible say? Are your thoughts honoring of yourself and others? Are they holy, excellent, or worthy of praise? Stop the downward spiral of doubt, comparison, and criticism, and choose instead to dwell on true, pure, noble, and lovely things. Enhance your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing as you spend time in God’s presence.

    Detox your soul and experience the refreshing nature of a positive outlook.

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  • Love Is The Point


    In Love Is the Point Carlos and Alexa PenaVega take readers on a 100-day journey to recognize the ways that God shows love in their daily lives and discover opportunities to share that love with those around them–because love in action is what life is all about.

    In What If Love Is the Point? Carlos and Alexa PenaVega shared how putting God at the center of their marriage, parenting, and career choices dramatically changed their lives and brought real fulfillment. Now, in Love Is the Point, they’ve created a 100-day devotional that invites readers to join them on the adventure of experiencing God’s love and boldly sharing that love with others.

    Readers will be:

    *inspired by Carlos and Alexa’s stories of how they focus on God and his love in their everyday lives;

    *encouraged to see all of the ways that God shows his love whenever we seek him; and

    *challenged to put God’s love into action through reflection questions, tips for how to love people we don’t automatically connect with, and more.

    A practical and moving follow-up to their first book, this devotional reminds readers that whether they are facing hardships or celebrating happy occasions, they can hear God’s quiet voice that encourages and empowers them to live with hearts full of love. Because love is the point.

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