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    Christian Living

    • Bible Treasures (Teacher’s Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781591603214ISBN10: 1591603218Eleanor FinkbeinerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Cultivating Christian Character


      How to become the person God wants you to be and how to help others to do the same.

      Includes a university-designed survey to measure your character.

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    • Word The Heart And Prosperity


      This book is for all who use God’s Word and power, in faith, to be more prosperous in their walk and work with the Lord. The Lord gave power to the earth when He said, “Let the earth bring forth grass” (Gen. 1:11-12). We then read, “And the earth brought forth grass.” All you have to do is sow a seed, and the earth, by the Lord’s power, will bring forth seed. Just as the Lord gave power to the earth, He has also given you power, and it is within you to bring forth seed and prosper. You will know the effects of this power in your heart, and then will understand why certain things in your life happened. You will understand how Satan uses the power within you to bring forth his own seeds and to steal and destroy the good seeds you have planted. I have attempted to show you how he does it, and how you can overcome him by the Word of God and by changing your sowing habits. You will be in a better position to “fight the good fight of faith” (1 Tim. 6:12) and be fruitful in your life.

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    • Understanding The Pain


      Nothing is impossible when your life has a solid foundation. Leaning and depending upon the Lord and believing in yourself as you follow God’s faithful plan for your life will make you feel good all over. This journal was written to uplift those who are hurting and are not sure why. Understanding the pain in your life will be a journey and a start to building a solid foundation when you open your heart and allow God to be number one in your life. We all have experienced some pain in life, and if you haven’t, keep on living. I don’t know everyone’s situation, but I know that God does. I encourage you today to try Jesus. You are not alone. This journal talks about a healing process and who I turned to when I thought no one cared. I’m praying for you. You do not have to be afraid to come before our Father. Put your faith in God and believe in your heart that God will always do what is best in your life. No person is too small for God’s love. I’m a living testimony.

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    • Connected Hearts : Finding The Bond In Every Relationship


      Enjoy Discovering A Purpose With A Plan That Leads To Successful Relationships Here lies the challenge this side of Heaven-to embrace the most important, supernatural reality of your life: Connected Heart Relationships. The greatest warrior ever, Jesus, rescued His beautiful bride so that she might overcome bondage and know relationships that are connected at the heart. If you are trying to apply biblical principles to your performance, but haven’t experienced God’s grace-based acceptance, then Connected Hearts addresses what your innermost being yearns for and your significant relationships desire. Join Brian Irwin in learning how to come out of the faulty coping systems and into the truth about freedom. From hardness to brokenness, from wholeness to forgive-ness, the hope for the heart is fulfilled in connectedness. “For too long we have been a part ofa deceived crowd that stand and watch animperial parade adoring the ’emperor’s new clothes.’When the voice ofan honestperson proclaims the emperor’s nakedness,we are shocked but then challenged tocall a spade a spade.Brian Irwin is that voice screaming above the church’s paradeto call us all back to the reality of walking in truth about relationships!” -DeWayne F. Davis Sr., Senior Pastor, New Morning Star Baptist Church, Chicago, IL. “The vulnerable,honest,and insightful contributions ofthis book reveal whatevery true relationship needs… to learn how to connect at the heart with the mostsignificant people in your life.” -Angela Thomas Guffey, Author Of Tender Mercy For A Mother’s Soul.

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    • LSD : Lies Secrets Deception


      This book is about lies, secrets, and deception. It explores the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation, looking at the lies, secrets, and deception in the lives of those that have lived before us. It reveals how such actions changed their lives or even changed the course of history, resulting in separation from family, friends, and God. This book will not only serve as a warning against the practice of lies, secrets, and deception, but also to motivate us to walk in truth, honesty, and integrity, as it contains many valuable keys to daily living.

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    • How To Get Your Teen To Talk To You


      Communication between parents and teens is at an all-time low. Besides marriage, this is the area where adults seem to struggle most. This user-friendly book will help readers get inside their teen’s mind, showing them what turns today’s teen on and off in terms of communication. Topics include: Ten Best Ways to Kill a Conversation, Language Barriers, Don’t Be Afraid to Say No, and Gender Differences and Communication. How to Get Your Teen to Talk to You is chock-full of fresh ideas and simple techniques that will encourage teens to open up!

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    • Releasing His Glory


      SKU (ISBN): 9781591608493ISBN10: 159160849XZelda WrightBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Spiritual Entrophy : Life Changing Insights Revealed By A Unique Natural La


      “Entropy” is a word scientists use to describe the observed influences of an obscure-sounding natural law called the “second law of thermodynamics”-more popularly the “entropy law.” Far from being obscure, however, this unique law has an extensive impact on our lives. Spiritual Entropy begins by explaining, using common everyday experiences, the concept of entropy and its pervasive influences. But while other books have considered particular aspects of entropy, none has extended its concepts and developed its implications as this book has. It goes after answers to some of the ultimate questions of our existence. In addition to the physical, it explores what entropy may be able to reveal to us about the social, the moral, and the spiritual. It dares to ask, what can entropy tell us about God? Here are a few other intriguing questions this book explores: What does entropy have to contribute to the controversial debate about origins and “intelligent design”? How can an individual overcome “ethical entropy” in his or her own life? How does entropy correspond with the teachings of the world’s religious scriptures, particularly the Bible? Will you join in the exploration?

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    • Power Of Hope


      SKU (ISBN): 9781591602453ISBN10: 1591602459Don ClowersBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Meditations From The Mountain


      SKU (ISBN): 9781591601029ISBN10: 1591601029H. Daniel WilsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Uncommon Mother


      31 Unforgettable Secrets of Extraordinary Mothers, Scripturally And Historically, Who Have Changed The Course of Nations And Generations. This Book Opens up understanding of the…Role / Responsibility / Rules / Rewards of True Motherhood. A MUST For Every Mother.

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    • Pass The Perks Please


      In a time of crisis, you may already have called on God. Who is God to you? If you think of God as the last hope to help you through trouble, you are shortchanging God and yourself. Pass the Perks, Please will reveal God’s character and show you what God wants to do for you. Backed by all the resources of the universe, an attractive package of perks is yours for the taking. God’s perks do not shield you from earthly troubles, but they provide the strength to retain a sense of inner joy as you face adversity. Biblical examples of God’s perks in action are paralleled with true stories of how God works on behalf of people today. From Pass the Perks, Please you will learn that you can get a better deal from God than you could get anywhere else.

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    • Passion For Gods Story


      Explore the overarching strategy of God and understand the deep underlying structure of the Bible.
      See Jesus as the summation of Israel’s vocation, fulfilling God’s intentions for Israel for the sake of the world.

      Recognize the significance of your life by making your personal story part of God’s Big Story.

      Based on a course taught under the auspices of CWR, A Passion for God’s Story presents a vision of the Big Story of ‘what on earth is God doing?’ This accessible survey introduces the Bible as a whole and shows how the important pieces of the biblical narrative fit together in their right context and perspective.

      The Bible tells the story in the broadest way of the implementing of God’s kingdom rule in history through a series of covenantal arrangements all in pursuit of a coherent redemptive plan the ultimate goal of which is new creation.

      Explores the covenantal commitments of God in Scripture.

      Considers the strategic plan of God as it is revealed in the Bible.

      Applies the over arching universal metanarrative to the local and the particular.

      Approaches the Bible as a whole

      Encourages us to look at contemporary life from within the biblical world.

      Stimulates faith, understanding and mission.

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    • Milk For Babes


      “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” (1 Peter 2:2-3) “The title and subject matter of this book,” says Anne Murchison, “arose out of my own need for follow-up material for new Christians who have no classes readily available to them.” Anne discovered the lack of a Christian “primer” through her own experiences as a new Christian, and as she attempted to share her faith with non-Christian friends and with classes of new believers put in her care. Consequently she has written this basic, yet thorough study which provides the tools for laying a sure foundation for faith. The author addresses these and other queries so often posed by beginning Christians and curious unbelievers. What is God’s nature-what’s he like? Who is Satan? What about those who never hear of Jesus? The Trinity-how can three be one? What is sin? “Whether you are a nonbeliever or a believer in Jesus Christ,” states Tom Landry in his preface, “the challenge of Christianity brings up questions that need answering. Anne Murchison has used these questions as topics for her study guide. She has allowed the Word of God, the Bible, to answer these questions. . . . “I encourage you to use this book as a study guide for your time in the Bible. The Holy Spirit will reveal to you only what you are able to handle. As you continue to grow and mature as a Christian, God will continue to reveal new truths that will enable you to fully enjoy the ‘peace that passes all understanding.”

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    • Coming To Terms With The Potter


      Sometimes God has to break you before He can mold you. At the epitome of vibrant health, Rob Brown never expected to be stricken by leukemia at the age of 24. When he was later forced to undergo a bone marrow transplant because his cancer had become resistant to standard chemotherapy, everything he believed about life and the character of God was put to the test. Coming to Terms With the Potter chronicles Rob’s struggles to reconcile God’s purposes with his own as he made the long road back from the brink of death.

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    • Unraveling The Mystery Of The Motivational Gifts


      The first thing that you must learn about spiritual gifts is that you have one. You may not realize it, but you function in your gift daily. God has equipped each member of the Body of Christ with a special ability to do his will. This “special ability” is called a spiritual gift. Many readers of this book will feel a sense of discovery of who they are in Christ. They will discover their spiritual gifts for the first time, and they will learn how to move forward in the ministry that God has entrusted to them.

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    • Fathering Like The Father


      Fathering comes naturally to God. The rest of us can use some pointers. Who better to provide them than the Father who truly knows best? Following that reasoning, father-and-son authors Kenn and Jeff Gangel explore God’s ways of forgiving, communicating with, disciplining, and loving his children. Each chapter is packed with amusing anecdotes and personal vignettes that illustrate how fathers can model godly character for their children. This book will inspire any dad or men’s group with a heavenly perspective on fatherhood.

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    • Serrated Edge : A Brief Defense Of Biblical Satire And Trinitarian Skylarki


      Satire is a kind of preaching. Satire pervades Scripture. Satire treats the foibles of sinners with a less than perfect tenderness.

      But, if a Christian employs satire today, he is almost immediately called to account for his “unbiblical” behavior. Yet Scripture shows that the central point of some religious controversies is to give offense. When Christ was confronted with ecclesiastical obstinacy and other forms of arrogance, he showed us a godly pattern for giving offense.

      In every controversy, godliness and wisdom (or the lack of them) are to be determined by careful appeal to the Scriptures and not to the fact of someone having taken offense. Perhaps they ought to have taken offense, and perhaps someone ought to have endeavored to give it.

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    • Lords Service : The Grace Of Covenant Renewal Worship


      Introduction And Acknowledgments
      PART I: The Divine Service Of Covenant Renewal: A Biblical AndTheological Orientation
      PART II: The Lord’s Service Explained
      PART III: Essays On Worship And Liturgical Theology
      Finis Coronat Opus

      Additional Info
      Begun as a practical pastoral guide to worship, this book balances theory and praxis to create a compelling case for a biblical, aesthetic, and covenantal worship service as the place where the Triune God and His people renew the bonds of love and loyalty. Jeffrey Meyers begins laying out a case for a covenant renewal service by means of Old Testament sacrificial liturgics, biblical typology, and covenant theology. He then guides us through the stages of a covenant renewal liturgy, explaining from Scripture the meanings of each step of the service. The final section addresses miscellaneous issues in worship, such as the use of creeds, the “regulative principle,” and ministerial clothing. Jeffrey Meyers provides not only a compelling biblical, theological, and historical case for covenant renewal worship, but also shows that it is beautiful, profound, edifying and liberating.

      Jeffrey J. Meyers is a graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary and pastor of Providence Reformed Presbyterian Church (PCA), St. Louis, Missouri. He has a blog, but we have aesthetic complaints about the length of his URL.

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    • Power Of A Godly Grandparent


      14 Chapters

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      You may or may not have material wealth to leave your grandchildren, but you have a rich heritage to pass on.

      Give your grandchildren the power of unconditional love. Give your grandchildren the power of your own testimony of faith, and show them how God will be faithful through the coming generations. Give your grandchildren the power of your prayers. Give your grandchildren a spiritual legacy.

      Whether your grandchildren live across the country, down the street, or down, the hall, Stephen and Janet Bly will show you how to be a grandparent your grandkids can count on.

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    • Envy The Enemy Within (Reprinted)


      Envy might well be termed the silent sin. Because while all of us envy others to some extent, few of us acknowledge our problem out loud, let alone try to overcome it and move forward. Bob Sorge draws upon his own pastoral experience–plus the admitted burden of his own envy–to show why and how it can adversely affect the ministry of a church and even prevent revival in people’s lives. Sorge reveals why comparison of our ministry and spiritual gifts to that of our fellow believers is to be avoided at all costs so that we do not hamstring God’s plan for our growth and the accomplishment of His purposes. This is a must-read for leaders of all churches, great and small–and anyone who wants the peace that comes with a life free of envy.

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    • Living In Victory


      Without a doubt, the quest to attain sexual purity is the #1 battle Christian men face in the 21st Century. The message of this timely book is that you need not settle for a fear-driven form of freedom when an abundant life of victory in Christ is yours for the taking. The secret to victorious living is to tap into God’s great storehouse of mercy for one’s own needs, and then act as a conduit for that power, directing it toward the lives of others. Overcoming habitual sin is important, but real victory occurs when a person becomes a weapon in the hands of a powerful God against the legions of hell. That is living in victory! Win the battle for sexual purity. Lay down your weapons and become one!

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    • Dance Of Hope


      224 Pages

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      Hope is what keeps us alive. Yet a look into our hearts reveals that many of us are plagued by loneliness, anger, sorrow, and depression. Why do we feel so hopeless when we look out at the world and into our own lives? In this book William Frey helps you step back and see the big picture of who you are – a person created by God and destined for a glorious future.

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    • For Such A Time As This Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Today’s young women are bombarded with messages contrary to the Christian life. They need a clear vision of purpose in order to walk as “princesses in God’s court.” For Such a Time as This: The Disciplines of Destiny, by Lisa Ryan, cohost of The 700 Club, helps women from the ages of twelve to twenty-five find their unique gifts and destinies. It draws on the biblical example of Esther, as well as modern-day role models, to deliver nugget-sized lessons on character traits such as courage, chastity, grace, and dignity. For Such a Time as This will transform young readers into mature women of God.

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    • Son To Me


      Peter Leithart’s typological reading of the unified book of 1 and 2 Samuel unleashes the literary power of this key Old Testament narrative. By giving careful attention to the book’s literary structures and its patterns of types and antitypes, the symbolic world of Samuel reveals a cumulative and cohesive story. Leithart’s reading of Samuel enhances our understanding of New Testament Christology and gives us a framework for applying the Old Testament to our own lives, as the book comes alive as a tragic and beautiful story of the rebirth of Israel in difficult times.

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    • Christianity Outside The Box


      Living Your Christian Life on the Next Level Many Christians live their lives within a familiar box. This book will show you how to “bust out of the box” and experience all that God has for you. If you’re tired of unanswered prayers, of never getting ahead in your walk with God, or of struggling with the same old problems, then this book is for you. You will learn: how the words you speak affect your whole life, that there is much more power available to you as a Christian than you think, and that you were created to be a “conqueror,” and not live in lack or need. If you’re looking for a book that will change and affect your life, this is it! “Christianity Outside the Box carries a theme that is close to my heart-laying aside personal hermeneutics and pet theologies and doing it God’s way. It is a call for every Christian to step out in courage and say, ‘Lord, no longer will I be captive in a box prepared by tradition.’ It is a call for personal revisitation and revival. It is a call for perfection in our ministries. Finally, it is a call to get it right. “I highly recommend this book to every pastor, church worker, or Christian who truly desires to present the Word of God in a clear and crisp fashion.” Joel Philip Church, Th.D., Ph.D. C.E.O. Freedom Bible College and Seminary

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    • Dear Grandkids : To Any Grand Descendant Of Adam And Eve


      This book is a letter to any grand descendant of Adam and Eve who desires a child of God relationship. Introducing the awesome God of the universe revealed in the first three chapters of Genesis, Grandma Backus draws from her own experiences to portray how approachable God is. Tough questions, asked often by young adult students caught between unproved theory and dogmatic theology, are answered in a plausible way.

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    • Neither Give Place


      Neither Give Place is a book written with hurting people in mind. It explores the issue of emotional pain in the life of an average person, discussing the origin of the pain as a residual effect of onesunforgiveness and the consequent bitterness evolving from conflicts withothers. It enlarges on the sources, reasons, and choices involved inunforgiveness. Building on the concept of how unresolved conflicts become entrenched in memory, it expands on how those memories will rise up atunpredictable times and ways to affect the various relationships one has inlife. It teaches the scriptural processes involved in forgiveness. The seventeen chapters provide illustrations from personal ministry experiences,an abundant use of scriptural references, plus illustrated graphics toilluminate the various issues addressed.

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    • Gift To Listen The Courage To Hear


      The Gift to Listen, the Courage to Hear interweaves listening techniques with spiritual principles that emphasize the importance of listening and provide a framework for more effective listening. Author Cari Jackson explores common causes of communication breakdowns and offers strategies for moving toward communication breakthroughs. This book will deepen the rewards of every type of human relationship.

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    • Royal Conversations : When Daughters Speak To Their King


      SKU (ISBN): 9781931232487ISBN10: 1931232482Shelle GravesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • How Would Jesus Invest


      How Would
      Jesus Invest?

      We have asked the questions, “What Would Jesus Do?”
      and even “What Would Jesus Eat?” As the current financial climate is on a roller coaster ride, should children of God just hold on and wait for everything to be all right? In How Would Jesus Invest? Breaking the Poor Man’s Mentality, Gayle Gilmore discusses how Christians should follow Jesus’ example of living an abundant life, both spiritually and financially. Gayle maintains that the Word of God and salvation are the top priorities of Christian living. She also contends that we need a healthy diet of biblical teaching to truly live as God intended.

      “My people are destroyed for lack
      of knowledge…”
      Hosea 4:6

      People will be blessed who read this book and gain knowledge from the Great Investor and Accountant, Jesus Christ.

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    • Path Of Grace


      The Path of Grace shares scriptures, experiences, and tools that will assist Christians in turning their knowledge and beliefs into a liberated life in Christ. The theme of this book is based on Jesus’ emphasis on The Great Commandment: “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength…. You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:30,31a). When we reflect on this Commandment, we discover its significance in all aspects of our Christian journey. This journey can be traveled only by grace through faith. Both the Old and New Testament scriptures are used to illustrate the journey we must follow to fulfill The Great Commandment. The author also provides practical tools and guidance to assist readers on their personal journey.

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    • After The Mistake Then What


      You are not the mistake you made! Have you ever made a mistake or fallen in your Christian walk? After you made the mistake, did you ask yourself, “Does God still love me? Is there another chance for me? Will God forgive me this time?” If you ever pondered these questions in your heart, After the Mistake, Then What? is the book for you. It is the how-to book for Christians who may have failed one, two, three, or even thirty times. In After the Mistake, Then What? Rodney reveals practical ways how you can make a comeback. He shows you how to get up from the mess, get strength, and walk in victory every day. You are not the mistake you made, and there is no mistake that cannot be erased by the blood of the Lamb. Read and be changed.

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    • Maximum Discipleship : Learning And Living All The Commandments Of Christ


      Jesus came to serve, not to be served. But He also came to lead people out of darkness into lives of great godly influence in their homes, churches, schools, jobs, and communities. He has planted each of us where we can have the greatest impact upon others around us. There are books on the market about servanthood or leadership, but rarely are the two put together in one text. These have been connected in a practical and teachable fashion to help leaders and believers to know how to function as servants and leaders and greatly influence others wherever the Lord has placed them. Servant leadership principles are intended for all believers to live out in their daily lives and ministries, wherever that may be. You can and will impact and influence your world through these dynamic principles that Jesus taught. We are to be servant leaders at home, on the job, at school, at work, in church, in our communities and nations, and everywhere we go. Therefore, this book will teach leaders and believers the New Testament principles of serving and leading like Jesus so as to impact and influence people like Jesus also. Having lived in Eastern Europe during the height of communism, and being a part of the spiritual transformation now taking place there, the author lays out the biblical basis for transforming communities and nations through servant leadership.

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    • How Would Jesus Invest


      How Would
      Jesus Invest?

      We have asked the questions, “What Would Jesus Do?”
      and even “What Would Jesus Eat?” As the current financial climate is on a roller coaster ride, should children of God just hold on and wait for everything to be all right? In How Would Jesus Invest? Breaking the Poor Man’s Mentality, Gayle Gilmore discusses how Christians should follow Jesus’ example of living an abundant life, both spiritually and financially. Gayle maintains that the Word of God and salvation are the top priorities of Christian living. She also contends that we need a healthy diet of biblical teaching to truly live as God intended.

      “My people are destroyed for lack
      of knowledge…”
      Hosea 4:6

      People will be blessed who read this book and gain knowledge from the Great Investor and Accountant, Jesus Christ.

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    • My Love Song To Jesus


      The main purpose of my writing this book is to let others know that there is a wonderful Jesus who still performs miracles today, if you will let Him into your heart and mind. If you don’t know Jesus as your personal Savior, this book gives some brief insights on how He has delivered my family and me over the years and tells you how you can ask Him into your life. These short stories (the miracles are true accounts) show what God has done and is still doing in my life and I want to tell others through this publication. I am not able to stand up and preach His Word, but I pray that this short booklet will teach others how to come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. I wanted to express my love for Jesus in a way that maybe would make other people want to know Him. I just felt the need to have something not too in-depth or too long that you could give to a friend or family member who might need some words of encouragement.

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    • Wired For Life


      Your life here on earth is as a vapor in comparison to eternity. Is it your desire to reach your full potential according to God’s intended purpose for your life? Discover what God has allotted to connect you to His power supply, the Holy Spirit. His promise of “life more abundantly” is for you here and now. Wired for Life is a realistic method for applying biblical truths in real life situations. Beginning with salvation and continuing to the pursuit of God’s redemptive purpose for your life, you will learn how this is accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit residing in you. Through this book, you will discover some specific steps in obtaining the authority and power of God’s Word for your life, becoming baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of witnessing and Holy Spirit empowerment to walk in the richness of God’s spiritual blessings. This book will give you the determination to “get connected” and “stay connected” to become a vessel made for His glory.

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    • Gods Will : The Mystery Now Made Known


      If someone would come to you with the news that the richest man on earth, having untold wealth, had made you heir to all that he possessed-i.e., land, stocks, bonds, cattle, real estate, motels, hotels, resorts, automobiles, and condominiums in Hawaii, Italy, Spain, Sweden, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and the United States of America, with cash in banks around the world-you, chances are, would become overjoyed, to say the least. Then you would probably doubt that such a will exists. So you begin to check on the validity of such a will, and find it to be real. You now proceed to produce all the necessary documents to prove you are the true heir to this vast sum of wealth. God, your Heavenly Father, has written His Will, and you can be an heir. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, mediator of the Will, and the one who died to validate the Will, rose from the grave, and is now sitting at the right hand of the Father, offering God’s Will to you. God is preparing a place for you that will be beyond your grandest imagination.

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    • In The Potters Image


      In the Potter’s Image: My Personal Relationship with God will challenge you to a deeper intimacy with the Lord. It is for those who desire to know Him, to walk and talk with Him, and to experience the superabundant things that God desires for His children. During long, sleepless nights, the Lord gave me many visions, causing Him to become very real to me. He showed Himself to me as my Messiah, Avenger, Comforter, Potentate, Strength, Wisdom, and more. The Lord told me He wanted me to feel some of the agony His Son experienced for you and me. He gave me a detailed vision of each step of the trial and the painful consequences that Jesus went through. The Lord says that there is a place with Him that you have not accessed fully yet. He is inviting you to dwell with Him in the fullness of His presence within the veil of the Most Holy Place. You will never be the same.

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    • Bible Treasures Student Manual (Student/Study Guide)


      To the sporadic or non-reader of the Bible, Bible Treasures’ manuals provide an introductory approach to finding the Bible’s treasures and clarify the process of understanding the Foundation for Christian Living. A Dictionary of Faith is set forth in the “Information Guide” section. Students’ questions shaped the construction of the Course. From those requests, the Foundation for Christian Living emerged, covering faith issues with which we struggle as we grow into spiritual maturity, such as love, forgiveness, prayer, problem solving, inner peace, and fellowship with God. The Teacher’s Manual is a quickly grasped layout with the class schedule on the left-hand page and a copy of the Student’s Manual on the right-hand page. The two manuals have the same page numbers. To meet students’ expectations, the Teacher’s Manual sets forth a fast-moving agenda over a nine-week period-one 1A 1/2-hour session each week! The Course requires that students invest thirty minutes with God each day as outlined by the assignments. The assignments will provide insights for those who are faithful. Finally, the power of this course rests in the chosen biblical passages. The “Foundation” of the life of faith emerges.

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    • Banana Boating And Beyond


      Experience the adventure, from the deep blue sea to the purple cast and humbling bedpan, as Robin takes you on her simple yet divine and life-changing journey that all began with a wild banana-boat ride. Learn how God takes the driver’s seat if you force Him into the back seat of your life. Be challenged to rethink the structure of your own chaos to ensure that you are living the life best suited for you, for your loved ones, and ultimately for God. Banana Boating and Beyond is a unique book for women of all ages-for those who need to step back, slow down, or as in Robin’s case, stop and really take an intimate look at the quality of their own lives. It offers simple yet necessary questions and areas for writing and reflection in hopes of guiding women to greater joy, peace, purpose, and ultimately, closer relationships with God. Put your feet up, relax, and join the journey as this little yet mighty book stirs up a few tropical waves in your own life’s priorities and spiritual health.

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    • Soul Survival


      SKU (ISBN): 9781591602972ISBN10: 1591602971Cristina RodriguezBinding: Cloth TextPublished: January 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Pick A God Any God


      It is peculiar we Americans take the notion of God so lightly. And many who do have a real interest are shedding the skin of traditional Christianity, hoping to reinvest in a more tolerant “higher power.” But the religious world is littered with contradictions, absurdities, and mediocrity, and a lifetime of God-swapping has left a lot of hearts full of emptiness. Pick a God, any God encourages the reader to bear in mind that: No religion can be wholly understood by following its followers. The “all ideas about God are right” approach is not only implausible, it’s impossible. The truth can sometimes feel “foreign” because it is not manmade. If half of the world’s population denies the existence of God, that doesnt make Him go away. Just the same, no amount of wishing will make Him real. We tend to dilute the majesty of God in our quest to fully understand Him. Because we treat our opinions as though they replace truth, our inquiry into real truth becomes sedated. We must refuse to be ignorant. If we choose to customize God, He will become whatever we decide. We have then become His creator. He will house our limitations, our inconsistencies, and our mortality. Our God will be us. So, just about the time we may need him the most, he’ll be dead.

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    • Heart Set Free


      Rachel was angry with God for allowing her father to die. But a visit from a heavenly stranger changed everything. Share in Rachel’s experience as she discovers answers to questions that trouble many people in today’s confusing world: Why should I believe in God? What will happen to me after I die? What is heaven like? How can I be certain I am going to heaven? Why must God keep sin out of heaven? Where does sin come from? Why does God allow bad things to happen? What’s in store for our troubled earth? What will happen in the near future? What’s so special about Jesus? Does God really love me just the way I am? What do angels do? Is God still really in control? Spend some time with this book and you will experience for yourself the joy of a heart set free.

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    • Heart Set Free


      Rachel was angry with God for allowing her father to die. But a visit from a heavenly stranger changed everything. Share in Rachel’s experience as she discovers answers to questions that trouble many people in today’s confusing world: Why should I believe in God? What will happen to me after I die? What is heaven like? How can I be certain I am going to heaven? Why must God keep sin out of heaven? Where does sin come from? Why does God allow bad things to happen? What’s in store for our troubled earth? What will happen in the near future? What’s so special about Jesus? Does God really love me just the way I am? What do angels do? Is God still really in control? Spend some time with this book and you will experience for yourself the joy of a heart set free.

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    • Lukewarm Christian : How To Get Off The Fence And Become Hot Or Cold


      In this book Kermit Franklin discusses the lukewarm Christian getting off the fence and becoming spiritually hot or cold. You will find the answers to a variety of questions including what the consequences are of becoming a spiritually hot or cold Christian, what to look for in a spiritually hot or cold Christian, how to know whether you are hot or cold, and how to know whether you draw lukewarm Christians.

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    • Staying Healthy Gods Way


      America is the most unhealthy nation of all industrialized nations. The top three causes of death in the U.S. are heart attack, cancer, and stroke – all self-induced diseases. Americans spend more money on health care than any other nation in the world. Yet, the quality of health in the U.S. is declining. Americans spend billions of dollars searching for good health. Yet, all the money in the world can’t buy good health. The only way to achieve good health is God’s way! God devised a plan for good health thousands of years ago and today it’s still the only plan that promotes long-term health and quality of life. Staying Healthy God’s Way explains God’s requirenments for health and your responsibility to fulfill these requirements. It helps you to set goals, prepare a plan to obtain good health, and motivates you to put your plan into action. This book offers hope for those that feel hopeless about living the abundant life that only God can provide.

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    • Staying Healthy Gods Way


      America is the most unhealthy nation of all industrialized nations. The top three causes of death in the U.S. are heart attack, cancer, and stroke – all self-induced diseases. Americans spend more money on health care than any other nation in the world. Yet, the quality of health in the U.S. is declining. Americans spend billions of dollars searching for good health. Yet, all the money in the world can’t buy good health. The only way to achieve good health is God’s way! God devised a plan for good health thousands of years ago and today it’s still the only plan that promotes long-term health and quality of life. Staying Healthy God’s Way explains God’s requirenments for health and your responsibility to fulfill these requirements. It helps you to set goals, prepare a plan to obtain good health, and motivates you to put your plan into action. This book offers hope for those that feel hopeless about living the abundant life that only God can provide.

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    • Harvesting Spiritual Fruit


      Millions of Americans have turned to books on prayer in hopes of attaining God’s favor and wonderful blessings. In Harvesting Spiritual Fruit – Following God’s Path to True Love, Joy and Peace, Jonathan Niemeyer now takes us beyond prayer to Christian living through a practical application of Galatians 5:22, the fruit of the spirit. Mr. Niemeyer contends that God, although He obviously invites us and even instructs us to come before Him in prayer, is also keenly interested in how we live our lives when not praying as well. He maintains that a simple verse of Paul’s letter to the Galatians holds phenomenal promise for those of us who truly employ the fruit of the spirit — love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control — in our relationships with God, our spouses, our children, our friends and our neighbors. Faithfully applying the fruit of the spirit to our lives is much easier said than done, but the rewards – pure love, joy and peace — can be everlasting!

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