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    Christian Living

    • Preparing For Marriage


      This workbook provides helpful guidance, useful inventories, places to jot down responses, and discussion starters that will help a couple learn more about themselves, their relationship, and their hopes for the future.

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    • Tis A Gift To Be Simple


      Often we find ourselves busier than we want to be and buying more than we really need. This book offers help for all of us who would like to make our lives less complicated but aren’t sure how to begin. We are invited to a look at our own lives and begin with the things that seem within our reach, knowing that the rewards will be great.

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    • Earthkeeping In The 90s A Print On Demand Title


      Ever since its original publication over a decade ago, Earthkeeping has presented a thought-provoking, biblically based call for responsible stewardship. In view of the continuing environmental crisis worldside and in light of the increased ecological awareness in recent years, the book’s message regarding “earthkeeping” is now more pertinent than ever.

      This greatly revised and augmented edition of Earthkeeping updates the original edition while retaining the same breadth of perspective, reflecting the combined insights of Christian scholars in biology, physics, economics, literature, and philosophy. The book begins by laying out, with scientific precision, the state of the planet. Several chapters then carefully examine various historical and contemporary views of creation. Next the authors survey biblical and theological teaching relative to humanity’s use of creation. The book concludes by offering helpful, practical guidelines for an earthkeeping ethic.

      Besides providing an updated “state of the planet” analysis, this revised edition of Earthkeeping deals with recent cultural and religious developments, incorporating new material, for example, on the “Deep Ecology” and “new age” movements, the Gaia hypothesis, and ecofeminism. This edition also takes into account the recent wealth of Christian thinking about the earth, including the recovery of important but neglected voices from the Christian tradition, such as Hildegard of Bingen and Celtic spirituality. At the end of the book, an expanded and updated annotated bibliography, organized according to subject area, and new indexes (of names and subjects and of Scripture references) enhance the value of Earthkeeping as a significant resource fostering better human stewardship of God’s creation.

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    • God And Nothing Else


      Do you know God? Have you started your relationship with Him? Is your relationship with God growing to the extent that He is the priority in all your cares and feelings? This book deals with these issues from an Orthodox Christian perspective.

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    • Hungry For More Of Jesus (Reprinted)


      A passionate call to a deeper walk of daily communion with Jesus. It is for those who know Christ and are hungry to know him better . . . and for others who want to know him as they may never have.

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    • Christian Basics A Print On Demand Title


      A critically acclaimed resource perfect for your membership classes—and a lively refresher for long-time believers. The Fackres begin their introduction to Christianity by answering the question “Who is God?” From there they explain—in clear language—the creation, the fall, the covenant, Jesus, the church, salvation, and consummation. Includes a study guide, challenging questions, and more.

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    • Ill Quit Tomorrow


      This bestselling recovery classic has helped untold thousands of alcoholics onto the road to recovery. Written by the founder of the Johnson Institute in Minneapolis, one of the country’s most successful training programs for treatment providers, I’ll Quit Tomorrow present the concepts and methods that have brought new hope to alcoholics and their families, friends, and employers. Abstinence is not the only objective of Johnson’s breakthrough methods — his therapy aims at restoring the ego strength of the victim to assure permanent recovery. Johnson outlines a dynamic plan of intervention and treatment that will block the progress of alcoholism and lead to a richer, more productive life.

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    • Spiritual Man


      The Spiritual Man is a translation of the only book of any substantial size which brother Watchman Nee himself ever wrote. At the time of writing it he felt this work might be his last contribution to the church, although since then God has graciously overruled. Long after the books initial publication in Chinese our brother once was heard to express the thought that it should not be reprinted because, it being such a “perfect” treatment of its subject, he was fearful lest the book become to its readers merely a manual of principles and not a guide to experience as well. But in view of the urgent need among the children of God today for help on spiritual life and warfare, and knowing our brother as one who is always open to God’s way and most desirous to serve His people with all that God has given him, we conclude that he would doubtless permit it to be circulated in English. Hence this translation.

      Translations used. The Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the Bible has been used throughout the text unless otherwise indicated. Additional translations where employed are denoted by the following abbreviations-.
      Amplified-Amplified Old Testament
      ASV-American Standard Version (1901)
      AV-Authorized Version (King James)
      Darby-J. N. Darby, The Holy Scriptures.. a New Translation
      Young’s-Young’s Literal Translation

      Soulical and Soulish. The adjectives “soulical” and “soulish” have been used to convey distinctly different meanings. “Soulical” as herein employed pertains to those proper, appropriate, legitimate, or natural qualities, functions, or expressions of man’s soul which the Creator intended from the very beginning for the soul uniquely to possess and manifest. “Soulish” appears in these pages to describe that man in toto who is so governed by the soulical part of his being that his whole life takes on the character and expression of the soul.

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    • God Book : Everything You Wanted To Know About God But Were Afraid To Ask


      If You Are Seriously Interested In Learning About God, This Is The “Answer Book” You Have Been Waiting For! 127 questions answered directly from Scripture. A must for those who have a great desire to know God, His personality and what the Bible says. This book answers “Everything You Always Wanted To Know About God But Were Afraid To Ask!”

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    • Words Of Spiritual Benefit Vol1


      “Blessed is he who seeks a word of benefit and more blessed is he who turns the word into life, lives it and obeys it.” (His Holiness Pope Shenouda III)

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    • Your Healing Is Within You


      This book is divided into two parts. Part I is devoted to various pastoral aspects of the healing ministry and is liberally illustrated by real-life case histories. Part II is a scriptural exposition of the healing ministry. This is the first time that both a pastoral and scriptural presentation of this ministry has been offered in just one book.

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    • Challenge Of The Disciplined Life


      2. The Dark Side Of Money
      3. The Light Side Of Money
      4. Kingdom Use Of Unrighteous Mammon
      5. The Vow Of Simplicity
      6. Sexuality And Spirituality
      7. Sexuality And Singleness
      8. Sexuality And Marriage
      9. The Vow Of Fidelity
      10. Destructive Power
      11. Creative Power
      12. The Ministry Of Power
      13. The Vow Of Service

      Subject Index P. 257

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      The Challenge of the Disciplined Life explores the three, great ethical themes crucial to people of faith living faithfully. Drawing upon practical examples, Richard J. Foster guides the reader in day-to-day ethical decision making while helping each of us determine “the proper place in Christian life of money, sex, and power.”

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    • Irregular People


      In this book, Heatherley helps the reader understand why some people in our lives act in the odd ways they do and how we can deal with the negative emotions they can invoke in us.

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    • Strong At The Broken Places


      SKU (ISBN): 9780804211536ISBN10: 0804211531Stewart GovigBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 1989Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Fruits Of The Spirit


      SKU (ISBN): 9780819213143ISBN10: 0819213144Evelyn UnderhillBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1989Treasures From The Spiritual ClassicsPublisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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    • Your Personality Tree



      238 pages in 12 chapters

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      Many honest Christian people are playing roles they never auditioned for, on stages they didn’t design, while glued to masks they don’t know how to remove. What about you?
      * Have you tried so hard to be all things to all people that you are not sure who you really are?
      * As an adult are you still struggling to become what your parents had in mind for you?
      * Do you know which parts of your personality are genuine or which are responses to the circumstances around you?
      * Do you want to break the negative chains that have been passed down in your family from one generation to the next-alcoholism, abusive behavior, divorce?
      * Are you fascinated by human personality-what makes us different and alike?
      * Do you want to understand yourself and others better?
      * Do you want to learn more about your family heritage?

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    • Soul Winner : How To Lead Sinners To The Saviour (Reprinted)


      Print on Demand Title

      Winning souls is ”the chief business of the Christian minister” and of every believer in Jesus, wrote Spurgeon. The most compelling preacher of the 1800s, Spurgeon continues to challenge today’s believers. In this classic work, he gives you effective, encouraging instruction on how to share ”the exciting, disturbing, even sensational news” of the Great Commission.

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    • Soul Making : The Desert Way Of Spirituality


      A leading spiritual writer recovers “The Desert Way of Believing” — the spiritual pathway discovered by early Christian monks who lived in the Egyptian desert that is still relevant to Christians today. Alan Jones distills the elements that made this fully orthodox way of inner transformation a unique and important part of the early church. Refreshingly readable and filled with rich insights, Soul Making draws together the spirituality of modern literature and elements of psychology. Jones shows how the desert way can become for any spiritual seeker a soul-stretching means of experiencing the “wonder, mystery, and awe” at the heart of the Christian faith.

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    • Leaving The Enchanted Forest


      Advice and step-by-step guidelines for those seeking to recover from addictive relationships.

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    • Hound Of Heaven


      A poem about sinner’s flight from God and God’s persistent pursuit of the erring soul. This perennial bestseller is delicately and movingly illustrated.

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    • Gentle Persuasion : Creative Ways To Introduce Your Friends To Christ


      1. Can You Bake A Cherry Pie?
      2. Seeing Is Believing
      3. Scouting The Other Team
      4. Packing Your Bag
      5. Finding The Lost Sheep
      6. Cashing In On Your Networks
      7. Cultivating Your Cul-de-sac
      8. Growing Crops, Not Weeds
      9. Culture Vultures
      10. Sow And Tell

      239 Pages

      Additional Info
      Gentle persuasion is an encouraging appeal for Christians of all ages and abilities to become part of God’s strategy for bringing needy men and women to Christ. Join Joe as he explains how cherry pies, hammers and saws, lawn mowers, broken-down cars, chariots of fire, babysitters, duck hunters, llama farmers-and even attack lambs with steel wool-can draw your friends to the Savior.

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    • Misguided Faith


      Who is really your source?

      God is your only source and the only One who can meet your needs if you believe.

      This simple dynamic message directs the believer to trust in God–not man. God wants you to look to Jesus for help.

      Norvel Hayes shares how to avoid the major hindrances to receiving from God.

      It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. Psalm 118:8

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    • Words On Target


      SKU (ISBN): 9780804214766ISBN10: 080421476XSue NicholsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 1988Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Justice In The Unjust World


      Have we heard the cry for justice that rises from humanity suffering from varieties of injustice: economic, sexual, political, cultural, verbal? Or, what is more, have Christians on occasion, knowingly or unknowingly, acquiesced in – or even contributed to – injustice?

      By means of powerful and dramatic use of biblical images and models, Dr. Lebacqz sets before us the justice of God and God’s call for us to heed the cry of the suffering and to work for justice in an unjust world.

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    • Until Justice And Peace Embrace


      Calling Christians to be true to God’s shalom in all dimensions of life, philosopher Nicholas Wolterstorff brings the religious vision of the Reformation to bear on such urgent matters as world poverty, nationalism, urban ugliness, and the tragedy of liturgy in Protestantism.

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    • Be Happy Attitudes


      1. “I Need Help-I Can’t Do It Alone!”
      2. “I’m Really Hurting-But I’m Going To Bounce Back!”
      3. “I’m Going To Remain Cool, Calm, And Corrected.”
      4. “I Really Want To Do The Right Thing!”
      5. “I’m Going To Treat Others The Way I Want Others To Treat Me.”
      6. “I’ve Got To Let The Faith Flow Free Through Me.”
      7. “I’m Going To Be A Bridge Builder.”
      8. “I Can Choose To Be Happy-Anyway!”

      Additional Info
      Help for discovering happiness. Many seek happiness in wealth, fame, relationships, even drugs-and, of course, they fail. How can we be happy? In his most inspirational best-selling book to date, Dr. Robert H. Schuller, the spiritual host of the weekly telecast “The Hour of Power,” probes the Beatitudes for the answer-and discovers eight universal positive mental attitudes that have been used for their healing value through the ages. Through them, you can make real happiness truly possible.

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    • Joy Of Listening To God


      Joyce Huggett was an ordinary Christian who told God her problems and desires. But then there was a change. Slowly she began to discover that God revealed himself to her when she was quiet before him. A whole new dimension of prayer opened up as she explored channels of hearing God that she had never known before. And in this book she shares her spiritual pilgrimage with us. Huggett shows us how we can quiet ourselves and prepare to hear God speak in his multicolored ways. Here is a book for those who want to be introduced to a fresh way of invigorating their walk with God.

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    • Balancing Lifes Demands


      “A helpful resource for those seeking to make biblical, responsible decisions in the midst of pressing choices and priorities. This life-changing perspective will strengthen your relationship with God, family, and others.”

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    • To Set Ones Heart


      SKU (ISBN): 9780804214421ISBN10: 0804214425Sara LittleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1986Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Blessings Of Obedience


      Obedience is not the most popular word in our vocabulary. We live in a society that is constantly battling the system, fighting for what we want. We’re primarily concerned with how the rules inconvenience us, and we’re looking to see what we can get away with. Obedience is much more than following rules; it’s a state of the heart. By missing this truth, we miss the power of complete obedience. Discover how obedience to God’s plan will put you in the center of His will! Andrew Murray explores the love behind God’s demands and the grace that makes it possible for us to obey. The blessing of complete obedience is your intimate connection with a loving, protective heavenly Father who desires more than anything to give you a rich and fulfilling life!

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    • Christianity


      A lucid, compact introduction examining Christianity from the perspective of comparative religious history.

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    • 3 Steps Forward Two Steps Back


      12 Chapters

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      You too can handle life’s tough days: Conquer unhealthful stress – Find genuine comfort in times of loss – Develop self-control over temptation – Follow four steps to a new self-confidence – Overcome fear and anxiety – Understand your anger – Come to terms with your mistakes – Stop running away from trouble – Build inner strength and beauty through perseverance.

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    • Pigs In The Parlor


      This book contains a wealth of practical information for the person interested in, planning to engage in, or actively engaged in the ministry of deliverance.

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    • Up From Grief


      One of the best books available on grief offers solid guidance to all who minister to those who mourn.

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    • Disciplines Of A Beautiful Woman


      1. Your First Decision, And What Follows
      2. Reshaping Your Life To Three Priorities
      3. Your Attitude Towards Work
      4. Your Looks
      5. Your Goals
      6. Your Daily Scheduling
      7. Your Growing Life
      8. Your Life Behind The Scenes
      9. Your Closest Relationships
      10. Your Public Life
      11. Your Desk
      12. Your Notebook
      13. Your Reaction To What You’ve Read
      14. What Is A Beautiful Woman?
      133 Pages

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      For every woman who wants to be truly beautiful … from the inside out, Anne Ortlund gives practical, specific suggestions-hints for managing a schedule, maintaining a wardrobe, organizing a personal notebook. Sections on prayer, meditation, and discipling combine practical “hows” with thoughtful and considered “whys.” Anne Ortlund is concerned with the beauty of the whole woman. Young and old, homemakers and career women can all profit from this sound advice on how to live beautifully.

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    • Reason And Imagination In C S Lewis A Print On Demand Title


      The first study of C. S. Lewis to offer a detailed examination of Till We Have Faces, Peter J. Schakel’s new book is also the first to explore the tension between reason and imagination that significantly shaped Lewis’s thinking and writing.

      Schakel begins with a close analysis of Till We Have Faces which leads the reader through the plot, clarifying its themes as it discusses structure, symbols, and allusions.

      The second part of the book surveys Lewis’s works, tracing the tension between reason and imagination. In the works of the thirties and forties reason is in the ascendant; from the early fifties on, in works such as the Chronicles of Narnia, there is an increased emphasis on imagination – which culminates in the fine “myth retold,” Till We Have Faces. Imagination and reason are reconciled, finally, in works of the early sixties such as A Grief Observed and Letters to Malcolm.

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    • Great Evangelical Disaster


      Francis Schaeffer puts Evangelicalism into focus here in THE GREAT EVANGELICAL DISASTER. Is it doomed or does some reconstruction have to be done in the name of Christianity. He says we must remove the “last barrier against the breakdown of our culture.” He expects social chaos and the rise of authoritarianism in some form to restore social order. Can it be done with a loving confrontation?

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    • Whatever Happened To The Human Race


      “If a mother can kill her own children, then what can be next?” Mother Teresa once asked.

      What indeed?

      Once the value of human life has been depreciated, as in Roe v. Wade and the Baby Doe Case, no one is safe. Once “quality of life” is substituted for the absolute value of human life itself, we all are endangered. Already respected scientists are calling for a time period following birth (a week or so) to decide if newborns have “sufficient quality of life” to be allowed to live. Already committees of “medical professionals” would like to decide whether the “quality of life” of the elderly or anyone seriously ill is high enough to allow them to go on living.

      In this moving book, the renowned pediatric surgeon and Surgeon General of the United States, C. Everett Koop, M.D., joins with one of the leading Christian thinkers of our day, Francis A. Schaeffer, to analyze the widespread implications and frightening loss of human rights brought on by today’s practices of abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia. They see the present as a crucial turning point. Choices are being made that undermine human rights at their most basic level. Practices once labeled “unthinkable” are now considered acceptable. The destruction of human life, young and old, is being sanctioned on an ever-increasing scale by the medical profession, by the courts, by parents, and by silent citizens.

      “But what can I do?” you ask. “I’m just one person.” You can start by reading this book. Yes, it will shock you. And it will make you weep. But it will also help you see how you can actually make a difference.

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    • Royal Way Of The Cross


      It is very profitable to have realized what one is; but do not add to that weakness, which is inseparable from our human nature, an estrangement from the very means of strength. Only hearken inwardly to him and despise boldly that which is despicable.”

      Above all, Francois Fenelon desired to love God. Out of this love came a desire to share the truth of a life lived in the light of the Cross. His individual writings document his desire to find truth through the love of his Creator; corporately, they comprise a masterpiece of a recorded spiritual journey.

      The Royal Way of the Cross is written with an unblinking honesty that distinguishes it from the murky intellectualism that pervaded the time, and it is this truthfulness that gives this work its enduring appeal. Arrestingly written, The Royal Way is an exceptional account of a man who saw the hand of God in all things and was intimately acquainted with “the royal way of the Cross.”

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    • Why The Tithe


      The offering of tithes that Abraham gave to Melchizedek was an act of homage, reverence, love, and faith.

      When we bring our tithes to our High Priest, we are saying “I love You. I bow my knee to You. I bow my will to You. I gladly give my life to You.”

      Tithing is an eternal principle. It is a grace gift. It is God’s way of building strong, healthy, and happy people for His glory.

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    • God And Marriage A Print On Demand Title


      Offering a new look at the increasingly unfashionable institution of marriage, Geoffrey Bromiley presents here a timely theological study which, unlike others books on marriage, aims exclusively to relate marriage to God as Creator, Son, and Holy Spirit. Bromiley observes that God’s work on reconciliation makes it possible for his people also to achieve reconciliation with one another, particularly in the marriage relationship.

      In addition to thoroughly discussing the relationship of the Trinity to marriage, Bromiley examines such topics as incest, adultery and fornication, celibacy, the permanency of marriage, and remarriage after the death of a partner.

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    • Adventure Inward : Christian Growth Through Personal Journal Writing


      Dr. Kelsey combines wide professional experience with his own 30 years of journal writing to guide you in keeping your own personal Christian journal. He will help you: choose an appropriate book and pen; set aside time for writing; record dreams before they are forgotten; reread and reflect; and share thoughts with a trusted friend. You will learn how to use these tools to deepen and enrich your faith.

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    • What Is Sanctification


      The ultimate purpose of Christ’s death on the Cross was that His believers might be sanctified.

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    • Christian Looks At Himself A Print On Demand Title


      What kind of self-image should Christians have? Should they see themselves primarily as unworthy sinners before a holy God?

      The biblical view, Anthony A. Hoekema argues in this brief and readable study, is that man, having been made in God’s own image, was the capstone of God’s creation. Even when he fell, God considered him of such worth that he gave up his only Son to redeem him. And in Christ, as Paul makes plain, men are made into new creatures. This does not mean that the redeemed live a life of sinless perfection; it does mean that what is most distinctive about them is the new life they have in Christ. And this new life entitles Christians to a self-image which is essentially positive.

      But accepting the biblical view of their worth can be difficult for Christians burdened with feelings of guilt. How can such Christians learn to see themselves in a better light? And how can others in the Christian community – preachers, counselors, teachers, parents – help fellow members to attain the positive self-image that is essential to the Christian faith? Part Two of The Christian Looks at Himself offers concrete answers to these questions and in doing so points up the social dimension of being in Christ. As the Christian accepts himself as a creature made new in Christ, so in love he must also fully accept fellow Christians as recreated in that same Christ.

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    • Biblical Ethics : Ethics For Happier Living


      SKU (ISBN): 9780892650149ISBN10: 0892650141F. Leroy ForlinesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 1973Publisher: Randall House Print On Demand Product

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    • Christian Family


      1. God’s Order For Mates
      2. God’s Order For Wives
      3. God’s Order For Children
      4. God’s Order For Parents
      5. God’s Order For Husbands
      6. Jesus, The Family’s Savior And Lord
      7. The Priesthood Of Parents
      8. Our Family, A Witness For Jesus

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      America’s bestselling book on Christian family living.

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