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    Christian Living

    • Introducing Christian Ethics


      Introducing Christian Ethics helps Christians form a sound basis for making ethical decisions in today’s complex postmodern world. Raising 14 key ethical questions on today’s most pressing issues including abortion, war, sexual ethics, capital punishment, and more, Scott Rae guides his readers in making moral choices wisely. Based on the best-selling college and seminary ethics textbook Moral Choices, this book distills nearly two decades of teaching and study into a succinct and user-friendly volume. It is an ideal primer for pastors, students, and everyday Christians who desire engagement with the world around them in an intelligent and informed manner. Teaching and study resources for the book, including additional video clips based on the questions corresponding to each chapter, make it ideal for use in the classroom as well as for pastors and for teaching settings within the church. Resources are available through

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    • Mueve Montanas – (Spanish)


      John Eldredge, autor bestselling del New York Times ofrece una guia paso a paso hacia una oracion eficaz.

      Los discipulos le preguntaron a Jesus !ensenanos como orar!. La mayoria de cristianos-la gran mayoria de gente-quiere orar y en verdad oran, pero no se sienten confiados en el proceso. Este libro ofrece una guia paso a paso a traves de diversas ocasiones en las que las oraciones pueden ser aplicadas, incluyendo el fundamento biblico que respalda la tecnica, anecdotas alentadoras y modelos de oraciones. Durante veinte anos, John Eldredge ha ensenado a la gente como orar y ha tenido resultados asombrosos. Por su experiencia, el conoce lo que se interpone en el camino de un oracion eficaz y como ayudar a la gente hacia una oracion realmente efectiva.

      Este libro inicia con un replanteamiento libertador acerca de que es la oracion. La mayoria de cristianos sostienen el equivocado concepto de que la oracion es esencialmente pedirle a Dios que intervenga. Esta suposicion ha llevado a una confusion y dolor incalculables a muchos que hacen sus peticiones pero Dios parece no escuchar… o no le importa. Mientras Jesus dijo a sus discipulos Te dare las llaves del reino de los cielos; todo lo que ates en la tierra quedara atado en el cielo, y todo lo que desates en la tierra quedara desatado en el cielo (Mateo 16.19 NVI). Cuando actuamos desde nuestra posicion de autoridad en Cristo, abordamos la oracion con mucho mas seguridad. Asi como un padre espera que sus hijos crezcan y puedan vestirse ellos mismos y conseguir un empleo, Dios no quiere que sus hijos sean tan simples con respecto a algo tan esencial como la oracion. La oracion madura es una relacion de companerismo con Dios para llevar a cabo las cosas.

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    • Essential Guide To Spiritual Warfare (Reprinted)


      The exercise of spiritual warfare: What is it? Do you need special training? Do we need to confront evil or does God do that for us? How do we relate as believers to Satan and demons? In The Beginner’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare, Neil Anderson and Timothy Warner provide an overview of the battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness, which affects every one of us. First, we need to know who we are in Christ. And to help apply the victory Christ won over the enemy, the book gives basic practical instruction for obtaining ongoing victory in daily life. Topics covered include: having a biblical worldview, knowing which God I serve, giving up my reluctance to be a warrior, and becoming fit for battle. Here’s how to have confidence in God that the battle has already been won, and know how to stand firm in your faith.

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    • Intercessory Prayer : How God Can Use Your Prayers To Move Heaven And Earth (Rep


      Your Prayers Are PowerfulI, God is all-powerful, why does He need us to pray? If we pray and nothing happens, does this mean that God isn’t listening? If you’ve ever felt that your prayers don’t count, Intercessory Prayer will show you just how vital your prayers are. In this book, pastor and teacher Dutch Sheets explains the nuts and bolts of prayer with wisdom, gentleness, and humor. This book will inspire you, give you the courage to pray for the “impossible,” and help you find the persistence to see your prayers to completion. Discover your role as a prayer warrior–it can mean the difference between heaven and hell for someone you know!

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    • God At Work


      Discover God’s assignment for you at work. Live each day with purpose. This one statement describes the driving force behind Ken Costa’s foundational book God at Work. Millions of Christians go to work each day and face a seeming divide between the sacred and the secular. They wrestle with the dichotomy of being compassionate in a competitive environment. Does God care about the 40 hours we spend at our office every week? In God at Work, while reflecting on his own experiences in the workplace, Costa says the answer is a resounding “yes”. God does care and He not only wants to be intimately involved He wants to inhabit our workplace. Costa asserts you were made by Him, you are loved by Him, and you are called by Him. God at Work proves faith and work can be reconciled. God at Work highlights the main “Pressure Points” faced by every working person:
      *Does my work matter to God?
      *How am I to handle ambition and failure?
      *Facing tough decisions
      *Stewardship of money and giving

      After decades of rumination on this very thought, Costa shows how God himself is at work and has been since the creation. He invented work. He is active and understands the nature of work. God at Work encourage readers to transform their work station into a “worship station”. Young or old, this timeless message will inspire each of us to truly live each day with purpose.

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    • No More Christian Nice Guy Revised And Expanded


      Revised and Expanded Edition of a Life-Changing Book
      Recovering nice guy Paul Coughlin points the way for all men who yearn to live a life of boldness and conviction–like Jesus. Using anecdotes from his own life, powerful and poignant stories, and vivid examples from our culture, Coughlin shows how men can say no to the “nice guy” syndrome and yes to a life of purpose, passion, and vitality. In this revised and expanded edition, Coughlin adds vital insights on the changes he’s seen in churches and the greater culture in the decade since No More Christian Nice Guy was first published. This radical and hopeful message elevates the true biblical model of manhood and now includes testimonials from men–and women–whose lives have been altered by this book. Coughlin also looks at the shifting expectations men face in relationships and in the workplace, and how younger Christians, in particular, are subject to harmful views about masculinity. Part inspirational, part instructional, and part manifesto, this book gives men the courage to move from passivity to assertiveness.

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    • Know Your Why


      Are you working for cash, a career, a cause-or a calling? “Why do you do what you do?” People work for a variety of reasons. For many, the primary purpose of their work is cash. Their principal motivation is the paycheck that funds their everyday needs. Their work is a means to an end. Others are motivated by ambitions for a career, to move up the professional ladder and expand their experience, becoming more skilled in a particular area. Still others work for a cause, believing in the wider purpose of their work, attempting to make a difference in the world-to leave a mark in some way. All of these are legitimate motivations. However, missing from all three is any sense of the value of work itself. The focus is on the output of the workplace, rather than valuing the input. What we need is calling. Those who see their work as a calling experience a rich integration in their lives. They sense a purpose, a direction to their activities. Work has intrinsic meaning, rather than being simply a means to an end. In many ways this is precisely what the Spirit of God does in our lives. When we are in the flow of the Spirit, we are cooperating fully in our God-given callings. When people embrace their callings, they love their work, can manage inevitable tensions that arise, and are welcomed by their colleagues, who sense that there is something beyond the cash or career objectives. But how do we get there? Know Your Why is written with one objective: to help you find your life’s calling so that you can be more satisfied, fulfilled, and happier at work. “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last.” -John 15:16 NIV

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    • Heart Made Whole


      In Heart Made Whole, Christa Black Gifford shares her own stories of loss, betrayal, and personal tragedy, chronicling clear steps to redemption to help those in pain invite the true Healer into the tangled mess of their broken hearts. Gifford reminds readers that pain is not their enemy, however, unhealed pain can become their greatest foe if it’s not taken to Jesus.
      Growing up as a preacher’s kid, Gifford had been submerged in Christian culture for decades when she uncovered the truth–that there were broken parts of her heart that weren’t on friendly terms with the God who lived inside. Through disappointments and traumas, she had learned to guard her heart from God, keeping her angry, entrapped, and disconnected. As struggles and hardships continued, she finally learned to run towards her relationship with God when things got hard, instead of running away from Him like she had in the past. The more that she did this–building her heart’s capacity for intimacy and deep relationship–the more her heart began to heal from the inside-out. She teaches the reader to access the solution that’s already living inside of them–the God who forever made their heart a home. When trials and tragedy hit our lives in a fallen world, our hearts can get smashed to bits, and we end up putting God on trial and blaming Him for the mess. But Christa helps readers understand that they don’t have to live controlled by their circumstances – or angry with God. Instead, she provides powerful insight and practical steps to turn the painful fire that comes to destroy us into an unexpected friend that can produce our greatest healing. The condition of the heart determines the condition of life-and the heart can be bound up and healed, producing freedom and abundant life. With personal workbook sections for each chapter Christa helps readers experience steps to turn their pain into the healing and wholeness available to every believer.

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    • Whatever The Cost


      Are You Ready to Live With a Full-Throttle Faith?

      This trade paper edition follows the story of entrepreneurial twin brothers, David and Jason Benham, from their formative years in professional baseball to their rise as owners of a multi-million dollar business empire to securing an HGTV reality series. It’s a journey where the brothers learned how they must die to their dreams not just once, but twice-as they walked away from professional baseball careers and later as their television series was stripped away from them. These experiences helped them realize that the key to powerful living is found when we die to our dreams and face our fears, and choose to live powerfully through it all. The biblical principles they implemented to guide their lives are what give us the courage to stand for what is right.

      The book will expand on principles such as:
      *Be a Fountain to Others and not a Drain
      *Produce More in Value than You Receive
      *Work to Your Ability and not Your Pay
      *Breathe Life into All Situations
      *Hold to a Standard of Disciplined Living
      *Find Your Greatest Blessings on the Other Side of Your Greatest Fears

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    • Gods Outrageous Claims


      God’s astounding claims about himself and his work on our behalf are embedded throughout the pages of Scripture. He sees potential in us that we don’t see in our wildest dreams. He sees qualities that we don’t think we can ever achieve. He has faith in us that we lack in ourselves. But when we know and fully understand what He has promised, we are liberated to grow in virtue, live out our faith as an adventure, relate to others with authenticity, earn a living with integrity, and make a difference in our culture-all through his power. Lee Strobel’s insights into the benefits of living as a fully devoted follower of Christ are refreshing and powerfully relevant. Using true stories, including his own, he shows that Christianity really works, that we really can live transformed, authentic, and effective lives – and that God’s promises and power are very real and very true.

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    • Living Among Lions


      Meet Daniel. A Transformed Man Who Transformed His World. What does an ancient Jewish prophet have to do with modern America? What, if anything, can we learn from a man who lived 2,400 years ago as a captive in the land we now call Iraq? As it turns out, quite a bit. David and Jason Benham are convinced the biblical example of Daniel holds the keys to contemporary Christians living victoriously in a world increasingly hostile to people of faith. Like Daniel, many believers today find themselves in an unfriendly environment, one opposed to the God they serve. Yet, like Daniel, they must learn how to take a stand while serving the people around them. Living Among Lions is for Christian brothers and sisters who have the potential to transform their world but find themselves standing in the shadows wondering how to respond in an unfriendly environment. Divided into three sections, Living Among Lions covers three distinct characteristics that made Daniel strong: Conviction, Commitment, and Courage. Daniel possessed all of these qualities and lived them out. As a result, God gave him unprecedented favor and supernatural power. A mere slave living in exile, Daniel emerged as one of the most powerful men in the known world. Daniel’s conviction, commitment, and courage empowered him not merely to survive in Babylon but to thrive. He did not conform to his world; he transformed his world.

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    • Give Your Child The World


      Young children live with awe and wonder as their daily companions. But as they grow, worries often crowd out wonder. Knowing this, how can parents strengthen their kids’ love for the world so it sticks around for the long haul?

      Thankfully, parents have at their fingertips a miracle vaccine-one that can boost their kids’ immunity to the world’s distractions. Well-chosen stories connect us with others, even those on the other side of the globe. Build your kids’ lives on a story-solid foundation and you’ll give them armor to shield themselves from the world’s cynicism. You’ll give them confidence to persevere in the face of life’s conflicts. You’ll give them a reservoir of compassion that spills over into a lifetime of love in action.

      Give Your Child the World features inspiring stories, practical suggestions, and carefully curated reading lists of the best children’s literature for each area of the globe. Reading lists are organized by region, country, and age range (ages 4-12). Each listing includes a brief description of the book, its themes, and any content of which parents should be aware. Parents can introduce their children to the world from the comfort of home by simply opening a book together. Give Your Child the World is poised to become a bestselling family reading treasury that promotes literacy, develops a global perspective, and strengthens family bonds while increasing faith and compassion.

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    • Heaven Made Real


      The Best is Yet to Come

      Heaven is real-even more real than this physical earth! Heaven is so much more than a “parallel universe” or a place we go after our time on earth is done. Plants, animals, and people live there! Heaven also has a position and a dimension! For all those curious questions you’ve ever asked, Heaven Made Real has answers. In these pages you will find Biblical truths and answers to some common questions many Christians face in their journeys with God:
      *What does Heaven look like?
      *Where is Heaven located?
      *What will our bodies look like in Heaven?
      *How will we live?

      Whether you’re an avid believer or a seeker of truth, you’ll see Heaven in a whole different light. It will change your life!

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    • Vegangelical : How Caring For Animals Can Shape Your Faith


      Among the many pressing social concerns that have galvanized evangelical Christians’ response-abortion, human trafficking, environmental degradation, and many others-the care of animals has received relatively little attention.

      Yet as author Sarah Withrow King deftly uncovers in Becoming Jesus People for Animals, animal stewardship is a necessary aspect of a holistic ethic of Christian peace and justice. Indeed, care for animal welfare correspondingly strengthens our care for environmental and human flourishing.

      Practical, restrained in its conclusions, and grounded on a broader theology of Christian compassion, Becoming Jesus People for Animals calls readers to a greater attentiveness to one of the primary relationships in God’s created order, that between humans and animals.

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    • Moments With Martin Luther


      “How do we preach in a way that affirms Christian theology while also honoring the insights of other faith traditions?” “How do we preach about and help create genuine Christian community in a social networking culture?”

      Questions Preachers Ask examines many questions that are on the minds of preachers today, questions that focus on how to preach the gospel in a culture where biblical knowledge cannot be presumed and where the Bible is often viewed as untrustworthy. Well-known preachers, scholars, and authors, including Barbara Brown Taylor, Gail O’Day, Anna Carter Florence, Richard Lischer, Cleo LaRue, and Thomas Lynch, provide the answers.

      This book, compiled to honor writer, preacher, teacher, and scholar Thomas G. Long at the end of his teaching career, addresses practical questions such as “How do we proclaim the good news to young adults who are on the margins of church or have left it?” and “How do we preach to faith communities that are highly diverse?” Perfect for preachers at any stage of their ministry, these essays offer hope and guidance for handling the difficult task of preaching in today’s congregations.

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    • Little Book Of Prayer Experiments


      An interactive and accessible book of “prayer experiments’ that encourages readers to try out different approaches to prayer and to record their experiences. The prayer experiments include:Praying with your whole bodyColouring the BibleThe Lord’s PrayerLabyrinthBreathing meditationPearls of lifeExamenPrayer walkingThe author has had several requests for a version of this book for adults.

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    • From This Day Forward


      Weddings have become a billion-dollar industry, with the average cost of a wedding estimated at $30,000. Taking into account dramatic shifts in attitudes toward marriage in recent years, many pastors are confused and frustrated about their role. This book offers a foundational understanding of marriage for today’s North American church. Exploring current sociological analyses of marriage and the history of Christian marriage rites, Kimberly Bracken Long suggests that the church rethink its involvement in weddings and offers a distinctively Christian understanding of marriage. Today’s church, Long contends, needs to reinterpret classic biblical metaphors and expand the range of scriptural sources that inform our understanding of marriage. Long also looks closely at each element of the wedding service and what makes a marriage liturgy faithful, inclusive, and sensitive to pastoral concerns. She provides practical suggestions for music and Scripture during wedding services as well as guidance on how to respond faithfully to those who are divorced or divorcing. Packed with constructive pastoral wisdom, From This Day Forward-Rethinking the Christian Wedding delivers a practical theology of marriage that will be of help to clergy, seminarians, and others interested in this topic.

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    • Spiritual Warfare For Your Family


      A Practical Guide to Preparing and Protecting Families from Spiritual Attack

      Parents and grandparents long to protect their children, yet many don’t know how to fight spiritual battles for their kids. But you can win the battle on the home front! In these pages you will be equipped to defend and fight for your family. You will learn what spiritual warfare is as it relates to your children as well as offensive tactics for how you can strike first through prayer and knowledge of God’s Word. Discover why you might be losing battles at home and weapons for waging war on behalf of your loved ones. Through personal and biblical stories, you will be empowered to recognize areas of vulnerability in your own family and keep your loved ones safe.

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    • Come With Me


      Proverbs 31 Author Calls Women to a Revolutionary Faith

      What if there was a real-life invitation to a lifetime of unexpected destinations and adventure? What if your faith was the key?

      In her warm, conversational way, Proverbs 31 author Suzie Eller shows how your faith is just that. How when you take a step away from the uncertainty, the to-do list, the busy life, the worries and excuses, you take a step toward the One who promises to delight and surprise. Who brings you deeper than you ever thought possible.

      Two thousand years ago, 12 men answered the call to follow a man they hardly knew–and they were changed in ways they never imagined. Today that same invitation echoes across history, beckoning you to an adventure that will spill into every aspect of your faith and life. Come with Me. Will you say yes?

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    • Pursuing God : A Reckless Irrational Obsessed Love Thats Dying To Bring Us


      Is God lost?

      Many of us feel that way. It’s as if God’s gone missing, out in the universe somewhere-and we must pick up the hunt, following any trail of breadcrumbs he may have left to go out and find him. We speak of “searching for God,” “exploring spirituality,” and “finding faith.”

      But what if we have it backward? What if God is the one pursuing us? What if our job is not to go out and find God, but simply to stop running and hiding? Not to earn God’s love, but to receive it? Not to turn on the light, but to step out of the shadows?

      Jesus reveals a God on the prowl, pursuing us, hunting down his world for reconciliation. And the question we’re left with is not whether we’ve pursued hard enough, searched long enough, or jumped high enough . . .

      The question is, “Do we want to be found?”

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    • Gods Promises For Your Every Need (Unabridged) (Audio CD)


      Pat and Shirley Boone have been married for over 62 years, a testament to their resting on the promises of God to see them through many difficult circumstances.

      In this reading of ‘God’s Promises for Your Every Need’ you will experience renewal, restoration, comfort and hope found only in God’s Word.

      Unabridged, 6 audio CDs plus bonus music CD – 10 songs of faith, hope and inspiration

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    • From Butterflies To Caterpillars


      It’s a known fact that most butterflies struggle getting their wings. It seems as if the pain of leaving the cocoon is oftentimes just too much to bear. However, without this experience, the butterfly will never gain the strength to fly. So even in the midst of all of the pain and strife, the butterfly presses on. But what happens to the butterflies that don’t leave the cocoon? Do they just go back to being plain old caterpillars? Or due to the absence of their wings, do they become crippled for life? If truth be told, most people float through life just like this. With the pain of the past just harboring too close to home, many people stumble through life too afraid to step over their failures, to cut ties with their pain, or even to fly by their heartaches. But no matter how hard they try to avoid confronting these issues, they can never grow into the person that God has called them to be without it. As I turned this truth into reality, I began to write this piece. This book deals with the lives of two young ladies (Taja and Nicki) who come from very different backgrounds. Just as butterflies struggle to leave the cocoon, both of these young ladies are struggling to press their way through life. They’ve allowed their past situations to cripple them in their growth emotionally, and in their walk with God, spiritually. Through an unusual twist of events, both Taja and Nicki will learn that both redemption and love are possible for those who believe. As the story unfolds, they’ll finally learn how it feels to spread their wings and fly.

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    • You Dont Have To Be Poor


      You Don’t Have to be Poor”” is a book addressing perhaps the most important component of life for the individual or family. Financial security or the lack thereof is the main factor in the breakdown of families, affecting both mental and physical health. It is not a simple manual on how to become wealthy. It is not just a manual of merely preparing a budget designed to lift the reader from poverty. The theoretical basis of building wealth from a Biblical and a commonsense approach to provide financial guidance is found in this book. Those who don’t have a theoretical background of what the government can do and can’t do may foster and maintain a mindset of dependence on social programs. The responsibility and accountability of the individual is outlined from a Biblical and a practical standpoint. When given only tools for preparing a budget without addressing root causes of poverty and the characteristics of those who build wealth, one is prone to fall back on old habits. Some will lapse into the same approach to life that was previously unsuccessful. A practical education in the economy of the country and about the world is included to provide the reader of the complexities of a global economy for which we all must prepare to insure the future of our families and our country. Decisions must be made daily that influence the financial standing of everyone, based on future goals. Biblical scriptures address these problems for everyone and perhps leaders of entire countries. Common sense approaches to personal finance based on Scripture from thousands of years ago is stressed, and simple basics have not changed since. It is imperative that habits of sound financial practices become a part of one’s daily existence. Each decision should be prayerfully considered, and a budget built from at least a year of transactions should be a guide for making prudent plans. Christians must care for others and provide advice and aid as needed, based on Biblical commands to give to the poor and to help those unable to help themselves. Learning based upon the Scriptures and practical expertise should engage the same approaches when preparing a realistic budget. The focus of this book is not to merely provide handouts but to teach the individual or family to begin a journey leading to financial security, rising from the ranks of the poor through individual effort.

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    • Journeying With John


      Perfect for sermon preparation, devotion, or group study, Journeying with John offers a brief and accessible guide to the Gospel of John for learning and reflection. Following the Revised Common Lectionary, each chapter corresponds to a season of the liturgical year and the Gospel passages read during that season. The reader will find an introduction to the biblical text that looks at historical and literary themes; imaginative new ways to encounter John in preaching and study, including poetry; and reflections on the text’s meaning for contemporary Christian life. Each chapter ends with an action item, questions for reflection, and a prayer. This inspiring resource will serve as an indispensable guide along the journey of encountering Jesus in the Gospel of John.

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    • Outlaw Christian : Finding Authentic Faith By Breaking The Rules


      Jacqueline Bussie knows that too many Christians live according to unspoken “laws” that govern the Christian life: #1: Never get angry at God; #2: Never doubt; #3: Never question; #4: Never tell your real story; #5: Always speak in cliches about evil and suffering; and #6: Always believe hope comes easy for those who truly love God.

      Living according to these rules is killing real Christian life; Outlaw Christian proposes a rebellious, life-giving, authentic alternative. Through captivating stories and with disarming honesty, Bussie gives concrete, practical strategies to help readers cultivate hope, seek joy, practice accompaniment, compost their pain, and rediscover the spiritual practice of lament. Tackling difficult questions without political divisiveness, Bussie speaks to both progressive and conservative Christians in ways that unite rather than divide. And in doing so, she provides a new way to handle the most difficult and troubling questions of life in a broken world that God will never abandon.

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    • Lead Like Jesus For Churches


      A moving story, told in Ken Blanchard’s appealing parable style, of how a local church can be either a blessing or a curse to their community.

      In this newly revised version, Lead like Jesus for Churches (formerly The Most Loving Place in Town) is the story of two men; a disillusioned church elder and a gifted young pastor, who recognize that their church has lost sight of its number one priority: loving God and each other. They begin a search-independently at first-to recapture their lost love and then together lead their fellowship in a successful discovery of the secret to becoming a beacon of love in their community. By the end of the story you clearly see why this secret-so simple yet so profound-is vital and how to apply it to the life of your church.

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    • How Jesus Saves The World From Us


      Christianity has always been about being saved. But today what Christians need saving from most is the toxic understanding of salvation we’ve received through bad theology. The loudest voices in Christianity today sound exactly like the religious authorities who crucified Jesus.

      This is a book for Christians who are troubled by what we’ve become and who want Jesus to save us from the toxic behaviors and attitudes we’ve embraced. Each of the 12 chapters proposes a paradigm shift and antidote for the toxicity that has infiltrated Christian culture, such as “Worship not Performance, “Temple not Program,” and “Solidarity not Sanctimony.” Each chapter includes thought-provoking discussion questions, perfect for individual or group study.

      There are many reasons to lose hope about the state of our world and our church, but Guyton offers one piece of good news: Jesus is saving the world from us, one Christian at a time.

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    • More : Find Your Personal Calling And Live Life To The Fullest Measure


      More meets Christians where they’re at, acknowledging the roots of their discontent and demonstrating how to move from inspiration and desire into action. Church strategist and ministry activator Todd Wilson shows how all believers can live more abundant lives around the uniqueness of how they were made and what they are called to do. Introducing a memorable vocabulary and an easy-to-use practical framework, More equips readers to embark on a journey of discovering their unique personal calling. It enables readers to answer three of the most important and profound questions we all naturally ask. (1) Who am I created to be? (2) What am I created to do? (3) Where am I to be best positioned to do it? The integrated answers to these key questions-the BE-DO-GO of a person’s life-represent the core dimensions of personal calling. Inspiring and challenging, More gives readers permission and encouragement to engage in the journey God has solely for them.

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    • Lifetime Of Wisdom


      It’s not what I lost. It’s what I’ve found. I was only seventeen, just a girl, when God asked me for everything I had… my health, my hopes, my independence, my dreams, my freedom, and my mobility. He took it all. I was so angry with Him that I tried to push Him away. God relentlessly held me more closely. Looking back, forty years later, I understand that God has changed and healed me – my heart and my mind – in the most unexpected ways, giving me rubies of His wisdom about an unbending faith and an experience of His mercy I can now tell you about. Was it a fair exchange, my freedom and no wheelchair for the rubies of wisdom I’ve been given? Absolutely. In this I have learned at the feet of the Lord Jesus, embracing the way that God heals us, even when we rage at Him in anger, fear, and despair. This book is not about what I lost in that diving accident so long ago. It’s about the wisdom He’s given me to live life victoriously in the face of disappointments and challenges that we all face.

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    • Gods People Triumphant (Audio CD)


      In this six-CD audio teaching, Bible scholar and teacher Derek Prince explains the victory that awaits every believer. Both God and Satan are preparing for the close of this age, and Christians are challenged to play a decisive and victorious role.

      Topics included are:
      *Five Ways Christ Undoes Satan’s Work
      *God’s Program for the Close of the Age
      *Satan’s Program for the Close of the Age
      *Restraining and Casting Down Satan
      *Spiritual Weapons: The Blood, the Word, Our Testimony

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    • Wearing God : Clothing Laughter Fire And Other Overlooked Ways Of Meeting G


      Lauren F. Winner-a leading writer at the crossroads of culture and spirituality and author of Still and Girl Meets God-joins the ranks of luminaries such as Anne Lamott and Barbara Brown Taylor with this exploration of little known-and, so, little used-biblical metaphors for God, metaphors which can open new doorways for our lives and spiritualities.

      There are hundreds of metaphors for God, but the church only uses a few familiar images: creator, judge, savior, father. In Wearing God, Lauren Winner gathers a number of lesser-known tropes, reflecting on how they work biblically and culturally, and reveals how they can deepen our spiritual lives.

      Exploring the notion of God as clothing, Winner reflects on how we are “clothed with Christ” or how “God fits us like a garment.” She then analyzes how clothing functions culturally to shape our ideals and identify our community, and ruminates on how this new metaphor can function to create new possibilities for our lives. For each biblical metaphor-God as the vine/vintner who animates life; the lactation consultant; and the comedian, showing us our follies, for example-Winner surveys the historical, literary, and cultural landscapes in order to revive and heal our souls.

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    • Art Of Being You


      I heard a well-known Christian musician say at a concert that God was in the business of fixing broken people. I went home and thought about that for a while, and I came to a different conclusion . . .

      That different conclusion, reached by singer-songwriter Bob Kilpatrick, has some interesting and exciting applications for rethinking what it means to be a Christian. Rather than casting God in the usual role as architect and great mechanic of the universe, Kilpatrick instead paints a portrait of God as an artist–passionate, visionary–who considers humankind his masterpiece.

      God doesn’t see Christians as broken beings chugging along in a fixed-up life. He sees us as new creations, whole, complete, and a stunning part of his creative process. It’s a powerful perception of God, one that determines how much we understand and enjoy God, which, in turn, affects the entire course of our lives.We’ll stop perceiving God based on what we lack, what we need repaired, and how weak we are, and come to know God as a creator who sees each one of us as a work of beauty and value. If we believe our relationship with God is one of artist/masterpiece/creative process, then we have every reason to rejoice in every stage of that process. The Art of Being You offers every reason to believe that God is preparing us for an amazing heavenly display.

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    • Living With Purpose


      Inspiration That Will Unlock Your Potential and Release Your Destiny!

      You were made for greatness, not mediocrity.

      Every human being was formed in the image and likeness of the Creator-a God of purpose and destiny. In turn, it is Heaven’s perfect plan for you to maximize your life, fulfill your destiny and live with a sense of divine purpose!

      In the Living With Purpose devotional, you will receive access to Biblical wisdom and spiritual insights that will help you face your day with increased vision and live your life with a greater sense of destiny.

      Dr. Myles Munroe was more than a revolutionary ministry leader and bestselling author; he was a prophetic voice who called forth potential in the lives of those to whom he ministered. Through this collection of his timeless teachings on purpose and potential, Dr. Munroe encourages you to dream bigger, inspires your vision, and empowers your potential!

      It’s time for you to live with divine purpose!

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    • Global Warning : Prophetic Details Revealed


      Are you willing to become a watchman for the Lord? In Global Warning, Bill Vincent urges us all to take a stand for America. In an effort to seek out and purge the wickedness that has seeped its way into the highest places in our society, Bill calls each of us to spend time in prayer and ready ourselves to deliver His warnings. Turn away from social media. Turn off your TVs. Look inward for the Word of God. His Word alone guides us to the truth, to the dangers of our society, and the call to action. When our Lord sounds the alarm, will you take up His call? Employ your faith, nourish your soul, and ready yourself for His Word. Grab your copy today.

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    • Prayer : How To Have A Conversation With God


      The classic study guide on conversational prayer that has revolutionized the prayer lives of millions. “Prayer is a dialogue between two persons who love each other.” With this profound insight, writer and missionary Rosalind Rinker gives the key to a simple yet powerfully effective method of increasing the joy and meaning of your prayers. This classic and inspiring guide was named #1 in Christianity Today’s “Top 50 Books That Have Shaped Evangelicals,” putting Rinker in close ranks with classic writers such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer, C.S. Lewis, and Elizabeth Elliot. As nearly one million readers have discovered, Prayer: How to Have a Conversation with God offers a fresh take on the eternal promise: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20).

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    • Restoring The Pleasure (Revised)


      Do you need help restoring the pleasure to your marriage? Whether you’ve been married a day, a decade, or half a century, if your sexual relationship is marred by pain, tension, or disappointment-you are not alone. Thousands of couples struggle with sexual problems that keep their marriages from being all that God intended them to be. But there is hope! Now, sexual therapists and best-selling authors Joyce and Cliff Penner share their proven methods in this comprehensive, easy-to-follow book of detailed explanations, realistic anecdotes, and clearly written exercises. Providing the biblical basis for the sexual relationship, as well as helpful diagnostic aids, the Penners help you improve communication and educate yourselves about your God-given sexual response. Then they lead you step-by-step through creative (and fun) sexual-retraining assignments to help you overcome various problems. The Penners provide straightforward advice and reassuring encouragement to help you start restoring the pleasure to your marriage. Beginning counselors and pastors will also find this an invaluable resource for helping others overcome their sexual barriers.

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    • Mujer Apasionante – (Spanish)


      Este segundo libro llevara a las lectoras mediante un proceso de transformacion integral que comprende diferentes areas de la vida; por ejemplo: fisica, emocional, familiar, economica, espiritual, social, etc. Siguiendo con el estilo del primer libro, los capitulos llevan como titulo una simple palabra, porque es mas facil aprender un concepto importante si esta ligado a una palabra que el lector pueda recordar. De igual manera, cada capitulo es independiente el uno del otro, aunque tienen una trama comun. La libertad de leer uno u otro capitulo sin temor a perder el hilo de la historia ayuda al lector a apreciar mas su contenido y elegir el mas apropiado segun su tiempo o estado de animo. Se plantean preguntas especificas, para abrir la posibilidad a que el libro se utilice como un tema de estudio en grupos de apoyo o grupos pequeos, y asi incrementar las ventas.

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    • 10 Secrets Of Becoming A Worry Free Mom


      Every mom is concerned about her children and teenagers–their choice of friends and activities, their reluctance to talk, their dating life, their spiritual condition, and more. But when does legitimate care cross the line into fear and worry, which Scripture commands us to avoid?

      Popular speaker and author Cindi McMenamin shares from personal experience–and the wisdom gleaned from many other moms–how you can;
      * be a mom who encourages rather than nags
      *pray, love, and care for your children’s needs and their futures
      *replace your worries with peace and rest fully in God’s strength

      Start now on the path to worry-free parenting–a path that leads to positive, affirming relationships between you and your kids!

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    • How To Live In Fear


      Find freedom in an age of anxiety.

      Let’s face it: we are afraid. Our world is riddled with fear-inducing headlines, financial meltdowns, family crises, and phobias of every stripe. No wonder the New York Times now reports one in ten Americans is now taking antidepressant or anxiety medication. So how do we cope or even succeed in a world spinning out of control? As someone who has battled panic attacks and anxiety most of his life, Lance Hahn can relate.

      In How to Live in Fear, Lance tackles the pervasive problem of fear and panic head-on by inviting readers into his world. In this genuine and practical book, he invites readers into the life of a pastor living with anxiety disorder. Through humorous personal stories-like losing it on an airplane or collapsing onstage as he is about to preach-Lance will win over readers with his transparency. He will also share the remedies that have helped him recover and overcome throughout the years.

      How to Live in Fear is a public intervention of sorts. We need to talk about this issue, especially the church-at-large. Millions of people suffer from anxiety disorders, and the church has done little to make them feel normal. Many Christians now take medication privately but keep it a secret under the shame of being viewed as a failure. Lance willingly bares his soul in order to get the conversation started. He firmly believes the church should not only recognize the issue, but also help believers reconcile the guilt of being a Christian while dealing with dread and anxiety

      Filled with practical tips and advice, and full of relevant scriptures, How to Live in Fear gives readers the tools to relax in the face of fear-real or imagined. Lance will show readers that while he may still encounter bouts of panic, he has never let his disorder stop him from living a full life.

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    • Pocket Prayers For Teachers


      All the way from coloring inside the lines to calculus, teachers have given us the tools to thrive. Where would we be without them? But a teacher’s job is often a difficult one. Sometimes anxiety and exhaustion become the norm. For those in need of a little peace and renewal, Max Lucado points to the Teacher who offered just that. Pocket Prayers for Teachers contains forty scriptures and guided prayers written especially for those special people, who encourage and inspire our students.

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    • Convictions : How I Learned What Matters Most


      On the occasion of his 70th birthday, the renowned Marcus J. Borg shares his “convictions” about Christianity and America, contending that they are both at their best when they focus on hope and transformation, and shares his thoughts on how American Christians can return to what matters most

      Reflecting on what matters most, both for the church and for Americans, leading biblical scholar and premiere teacher for Protestant churches, Marcus Borg surveys the most significant conversations and personalities that shaped his life, and presents his convictions about the faith and it’s role in the twenty-first century.

      Meditating on what makes us feel at home, he calls all American Christians to reject divisiveness and exclusivity and create communities that celebrate joy, possibility, and renewal. Throughout, he reflects on what matters most, bringing to earth the kingdom of God Jesus talked about and transforming our relationships with one another.

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    • Pocket Prayers For Graduates


      Graduation is one of life’s most exciting milestones. It can also be a source of uncertainty and anxiety. What comes after graduation day? More education? A career? Starting a family? Often this time in life can bring more questions than answers, but Max Lucado offers hope and direction by pointing to the Answer to all of life’s question. Pocket Prayers for Graduates includes forty scriptures and guided prayers written especially for those considering their futures post-graduation.

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    • Parables Workbook : The Mysteries Of Gods Kingdom Revealed Through The Stor (Wor


      Jesus was a master storyteller, and the parables He told were ingeniously simple word pictures. Some of them were no more than fleeting remarks about commonplace incidents, objects, or persons. In fact, the most compact of all Jesus’ short stories does not even fill a complete verse of Scripture. Yet the all were filled with profound spiritual lessons that He wanted His listeners to hear and understand. Jesus told these parables so they would clearly comprehend His message about the kingdom of God and the reason He had come to earth.

      In the Parables Workbook, master expositor and Bible commentator John MacArthur draws on his years spent studying and explaining the Word of God to guide readers through some of the most famous and influential short stories that Jesus told. Each session contains the following:
      *Biblical focus: the primary passages on which the session draws
      *Another look: questions to facilitate review of content in the book
      *Biblical connections: questions that focus on the main Bible passage
      *Highlighting the lesson: questions that focus on the central teaching points
      *Lasting implications: questions to help draw out personal conclusions
      *Daily assignments: five sets of questions that reflect on the parable, the point, the purpose, the principles, and the practical application

      This workbook has been designed to enhance readers’ experience of reading the book and is intended both for individual use and for study in a small-group setting.

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    • Answering Jihad : A Better Way Forward


      From New York Times bestselling author and former Muslim Nabeel Qureshi comes this personal, challenging, and respectful answer to the many questions surrounding jihad, the rise of ISIS, and Islamic terrorism. San Bernardino was the most lethal terror attack on American soil since 9/11, and it came on the heels of a coordinated assault on Paris. There is no question that innocents were slaughtered in the name of Allah and in the way of Jihad, but do the terrorists’ actions actually reflect the religion of Islam? The answer to this question is more pressing than ever, as waves of Muslim refugees arrive in the West seeking shelter from the violent ideology of ISIS. Setting aside speculations and competing voices, what really is Jihad? How are we to understand Jihad in relation to our Muslim neighbors and friends? Why is there such a surge of Islamist terrorism in the world today, and how are we to respond? In Answering Jihad, bestselling author Nabeel Qureshi (Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus) answers these questions from the perspective of a former Muslim who is deeply concerned for both his Muslim family and his American homeland.

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    • Ridiculous Faith : Experience The Power Of An Absurdly Unbelievably Good Go


      Why do my most profound moments of faith vanish so quickly?

      What would your life be like if you could harness the rush of faith that appears in the most desperate moments? What if you could live your entire life with the kind of split-second, imminent-disaster faith that crying out to God brings? What if you could live a life of Ridiculous Faith?

      One definition of ridiculous is “absurdly or unbelievably good.” Who wouldn’t want to have a life filled with absurdly or unbelievably good faith? True faith is vital to a vibrant Christian life. Without it, it is impossible to please God. But are our moments of deepest, most essential faith doomed to dissipate as quickly as they materialize, leaving us powerless and ineffectual?

      Absolutely not. The truth is, you are not doomed to a lifetime of flickering faith.

      Join Shelene Bryan (author of Love, Skip, Jump) on a journey to uncover the ark-building, sea-parting, lion-taming, ridiculous faith that will leave you in awe of the Creator and all he has prepared for you. You are ready to live an absurdly, unbelievably good life. A ridiculous life of ridiculous faith.

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    • Before Amen : The Power Of A Simple Prayer


      We all pray . . . some.

      We pray to stay sober, centered, or solvent. When the lump is deemed malignant. When the money runs out before the month does. When the marriage is falling apart. We pray.

      But wouldn’t we like to pray more? Better? Stronger? With more fire, faith, and fervency?

      Yet we have kids to feed, bills to pay, deadlines to meet. The calendar pounces on our good intentions like a tiger on a rabbit. And what about our checkered history with prayer? Uncertain words. Unmet expectations. Unanswered requests.

      We aren’t the first to struggle with prayer. The first followers of Jesus needed prayer guidance too. In fact, prayer is the only tutorial they ever requested.

      And Jesus gave them a prayer. Not a lecture on prayer. Not the doctrine of prayer. He gave them a quotable, repeatable, portable prayer. Couldn’t we use the same?

      In Before Amen best-selling author Max Lucado joins readers on a journey to the very heart of biblical prayer, offering hope for doubts and confidence even for prayer wimps. Distilling prayers in the Bible down to one pocket-sized prayer, Max reminds readers that prayer is not a privilege for the pious nor the art of a chosen few. Prayer is simply a heartfelt conversation between God and his child. Let the conversation begin.

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    • God I Dont Understand


      If we are honest, we have to admit that there are many things we don’t understand about God. We do not have final answers to the deep problems of life, and those who say they do are probably living in some degree of delusion. There are areas of mystery in our Christian faith that lie beyond the keenest scholarship or even the most profound spiritual exercises. For many people, these problems raise so many questions and uncertainties that faith itself becomes a struggle, and the very person and character of God are called into question. Chris Wright encourages us to face up to the limitations of our understanding and to acknowledge the pain and grief they can often cause. But at the same time, he wants us to be able to say, like the psalmist in Psalm 73: “But that’s all right. God is ultimately in charge and I can trust him to put things right. Meanwhile, I will stay near to my God, make him my refuge, and go on telling of his deeds.”

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    • Trauma And Resilience A Handbook


      Coming Alongside Those Who Suffer As They Serve God.

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    • Not A Fan Updated And Expanded


      This expanded and updated version of Not a Fan adds a new introduction and an entirely new chapter about how to practically live out the message of this mega bestseller. Are you a follower of Jesus? Don’t answer too quickly. In fact, you may want to read this book before you answer at all. Consider it a “Define the Relationship” conversation to determine exactly where you stand. You may indeed be a passionate, fully devoted follower of Jesus. Or, you may be just a fan who admires Jesus but isn’t ready to let him cramp your style. Then again, maybe you’re not into Jesus, period. In any case, don’t take the question-Are you a follower of Jesus?-lightly. Some people don’t know what they’ve said yes to and other people don’t realize what they’ve said no to, says Pastor Kyle Idleman. But Jesus is ready to clearly define the relationship he wants with his followers. Not a Fan calls you to consider the demands and rewards of being a true disciple. With frankness sprinkled with humor, Idleman invites you to live the way Jesus lived, love the way he loved, pray the way he prayed, and never give up living for the One who gave his all for you.

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    • Incarnate Leadership : 5 Leadership Lessons From The Life Of Jesus


      Bill Robinson helps Christian leaders understand how to provide effective leadership by highlighting five qualities that characterized the leadership style of Jesus. He presents convincing arguments that when leaders emulate these qualities, they will inspire and empower the people they have been called to lead. Reflection and discussion questions and assessment questions make this ideal for group use. Conversational in tone and seasoned with real-life stories from his own successes and failures as a leader, Robinson helps Christian leaders wrestle with four questions that emerge from John’s introduction of Jesus, “and the word became flesh and dwelt among us….”
      – Jesus dwelt with those he led, how can I be closer to those I lead?
      – Jesus disciples beheld him, how can I be more transparent with those I lead?
      – The glory of Jesus was a reflection of his father, am I seeking my own glory?
      – Jesus led with grace and truth, how can I lead with grace and truth?

      The Incarnate Leader is indispensable reading for anyone in a position of leadership – whether in a church setting, corporation, school board, or home. The book is packaged as a short one-evening read, similar to other popular business books.

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