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Church History

Showing 651–700 of 749 results

  • Christian Confessions : A Historical Introduction


    Explains the distinctives of each major strand in Christianity—Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, and Evangelical—on questions of authority, God and Christ, human nature and salvation, church and ministry, the sacraments, and more.

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  • Bishop C H Mason And The Roots Of The Church Of God In Christ


    SKU (ISBN): 9781562294519ISBN10: 1562294512Ithiel ClemmonsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1996Publisher: Pneuma Life Publishing Print On Demand Product

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  • Confessing The Faith


    The Concordia Scholarship Today series explores current issues from a theological point of view and asks how the household of faith meet the surrounding culture’s challenge to self-understanding. The hope is that we may be able to comprehend more fully with all the saints what is the extent of the love of God toward all His creatures (Eph. 3:17-18)

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  • Luther And His Times


    Dr. E.G. Schwiebert was inspired by his professor to research the unexplored influences that vitaly affected Luther’s life, teaching and the development of the Reformation. This book is the fruit of his work. After studying primary and secondary sources both in America and in Germany, Schwiebert presents a new perspective on the Great Reformer.

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  • Brief History Of The Presbyterians


    This book offers laity and clergy a succinct and thorough introduction to the history of Presbyterianism. Smylie provides a fresh look at the uniquely Presbyterian contibution to American history and culture.

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  • Old Testament Theology 2


    In this work, a part of the Old Testament Library series, Horst Preuss provides a comprehensive analysis of the theology of the Old Testament. He focuses on a detailed assessment of Israel’s responses to God’s acts of election and covenant with them as a people.

    The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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  • Early Church : Origins To The Dawn Of The Middle Ages


    An introduction to the history of the Christian Church from its inception to approx. 600 c.e., this volume seeks to balance the traditional presentation of notable figures, councils, and controversies with the telling of the story of the ordinary Christian during this era. Employing a socionstitutional approach, Hinson divides his material into five major periods. An important feature of this work is its attendance to the stories of ordinary lay Christians, particularly women, and what Christian faith meant within the overall context of their lives. Other emphases include the church’s changing role in society during this period (and the fateful consequences those changes have had for modern Christians) and the development of early Christian spirituality.

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  • Early Christian Fathers


    Part of the Library of Christian Classics series, Early Christian Fathers is the best single-book introduction to the early church fathers, providing an enriching and informative introduction to first and second century Christian thought.

    With a brief introduction and extensive notes also accompany each letter or work, making Early Christian Fathers a great study aid.

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  • Christianity And The Constitution


    Using the!writings of the founders and records of their conversations and activities, John Eidsmoe demonstrates the influence of Christianity on the political convictions of the founding fathers.

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  • History Of Christianity In Africa


    This book examines the origins and development ofChristianity in Africa from the early story of EgyptianChristianity to the spectacular growth, vitality, anddiversity of the churches in Africa today.

    The book opens with Christianity in Antiquity and shows howEgypt and N. Africa produced some of the most influentialintellects of the time. She then discusses the churchesfounded in the wake of early contacts with Europe, from thelate fifteenth century on, and the unbroken Christian witness of Coptic Egypt and of Ethiopia. Isichei also examines the different types of Christianity in modern Africa and shows how social factors have influenced its development and expression.
    With the explosive growth of Christianity now taking place in Africa–393 million adherents projected by the year 2000- and the increasingly recognized significance of AfricanChristianity, this book fills the void in scholarly works onAfrica’s Christian past.

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  • Diaconate


    Here is a highly readable, comprehensive, and definitive work on the diaconate. Drawing upon original sources., the book provides valuable insights into the development of the office of the deacon in the early church and situates it within the context of the church’s total ministry. The book ultimately proposes a restoration of the office to its original place as a full and equal order.

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  • Faith And Knowledge


    In this book, Douglas Sloan explores the impact that the Protestant theological renaissance had on American colleges and universities. In particular, Sloan focuses on the church’s most significant claim to have a continuing voice in higher education: its particular ability to demonstrate a connection between faith and the dominant modern conceptions of knowledge. Sloan looks at the ways the mainline Protestant churches did, and did not, deal effectively with this faith-knowledge situation and the subsequent cessation of the church’s large-scale engagement with American higher education.

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  • Foundations Of Wesleyan Arminian Theology


    Herein is a most discriminating study of the basic differences between historic Calvinism and Arminianism and the developments in both theological traditions that have created the mounting barriers to the understanding of each other’s position. Dr. Wynkoop deals authoritatively with the critical issues, and incisively cuts through the prevalent fuzzy theological concepts, but all with delicacy and understanding. The monumental contribution of John Wesley in defining the doctrine of sanctification is a key emphasis in the book, along with the central issue of Christian assurance. Paper.

    128 pages.

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  • Jewish Responses To Early Christians



    Part One: Materials That Report Jewish Reactions To Christians

    1.The Pauline And Deutero-Pauline Letters
    2.The Synoptic Gospels
    3.The Book Of Acts
    4.The Gospel Of John
    7.The Martydom Of Polycarp
    8.The Gospel Of Peter
    9.The Christian Apologists
    10.Jewish And Christian Writers After 150 C.E.

    Part Two: Major Trends

    11.Major Trends Detected
    Physical Attacks
    Verbal Reactions


    Additional Info
    What were Jews saying and doing about the followers of Jesus in the first two centuries? In this provocative and comprehensive study, Claudia Setzer argues persuasively that Jews saw the early followers of Jesus as Jews for some time after the Christians viewed themselves as separate from the larger Jewish communities.

    This book provides historical context and nuanced exegesis of texts that continue to be “trouble spots” in Jewish-Christian relations. It illuminates the diverse strands of early anti-Judaism while providing the reader with some surprises.

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  • Word In Season A Print On Demand Title


    This collection of seventeen never-before-published essays, sermons, and addresses by Lesslie Newbigin, one of the premier missiologists of the twentieth century, puts forth his developing view of the agenda for Christian mission from 1960 to 1992. Considered “the quintessence of Newbigin’s thought” by editor Eleanor Jackson, these papers record the dynamics of Newbigin’s ideas about mission as he confronted new issues in the church and society.

    Newbigin’s sermon at Riverside Church in New York City in 1960 opens discussion on the themes of unity in mission, changes in the missionary enterprise, and developments in the theology of mission. A second group of articles addresses specific “frontline” situations: mission in the modern city, the pastor’s role in the inner city, and future of the parish church. Newbigin then moves to frontier concerns: the resistance of modern society to the gospel, the cultural captivity of the church, and the consequences of witness in a world of religious and ideological pluralism – themes central to many of his full-length books. Finally, Newbigin sets the agenda for mission as the church approaches a new millennium.

    Spanning three significant decades in the history of church outreach, A Word in Season offers an important perspective on the course of Christian mission and provides valuable instruction to those who struggle with the missionary task today.

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  • On Religion : Speeches To Its Cultured Despisers


    This seminal work by the great Protestant theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher was first published in 1799 and quickly became a classic apologetic work. This reissue of the Oman translation presents the definitive third edition of the German original and makes this important text available again to students and scholars who wish to gain insight into the development of contemporary Protestant thought.

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  • In Her Words


    In Her Words illustrates the contributions made to contemporary Christian theology by the increasing number of female theologians. Oden compiles selections from the writings of major female theologians from the early church through the present. The older selections have been translated into modern English. Each selection is accompanied by a brief introduction outlining its historical and theological context. Selections from the early church include Perpetua, The Martyrdom of Crispina, The Martyrdom of Agape, Irene, and Chione; from the monastic and middle period are Clare of Assisi, Hildegard of Bingen, Leoba, Julian of Norwich, and Catherine of Siena; and post-1500 C.E. include Teresa of Avila, Jane de Chantal, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Georgia Harkness.

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  • After The Apostles


    Perhaps the most enigmatic period of the Christian era, the second century was nonetheless decisive for the survival and posture of the fledgling churches. Their scriptural canon, liturgical practices, church structure, doctrinal norms – all were forged in the tumult of this century. Through deft use of available data and texts, Wagner brings this period to life. Selecting five fateful challenges – issues of Creation, human nature, Jesus’s identities, roles of the church, and Christianity in society – he shows what was at stake for emerging Christianity in the social and religious currents of its Jewish and Greco-Roman environs and how five key personalities (Ignatius, Justin, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, and Irenaeus) responded. Wagner’s text successfully brings events, ideas, persons and movements into a single framework.

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  • 1st Theologians A Print On Demand Title


    The First Theologians represents an important contribution to the scholarly investigation of the nature and function of early Christian prophecy.

    This topic, occasioned by Harnack’s publication of The Didache text in 1884, is one that continues to vex New Testament scholars, who have been unable to reach widespread assent on certain pressing questions: What were the function and location of the prophets in early Christianity? What were the nature and authority of their prophesying? What were the forms and content of their prophecy? Such questions point up the issues involved in the inquiry as it has developed, but the question of just what early Christian prophets were doing when they were prophesying remains open.

    Thomas Gillespie refocuses the issue by looking at the apostle Paul’s own description of the prophetic phenomenon in 1 Corinthians. From a careful exegesis of Paul’s arguments in chapters 12 and 14 and 2:6-16, Gillespie puts forth the idea that Paul understood Christian prophecy “as Spirit-inspired interpretation of the theological and ethical implications of the apostolic kerygma.” Because prophecy represents primary reflection on the implications of the gospel, its yield may be termed theology. Therefore Gillespie is able to call the early Christian prophets the first true theologians of the church.

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  • Brief History Of The Episcopal Church


    In this concise historical narrative, author David L. Holmes provides a great summation of a key piece of American religious history. Highlighting the account of emmergence of Episcopal from the Protestant reforms and Catholics. A readable and engaging book on the Episcopal Church. Unlike so many histories of religious denominations, which are typically superficial and celebratory, this one presents its subject ‘warts and all’.

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  • Philo In Early Christian Literature


    It is a remarkable fact that the writings of Philo, the Jew from Alexandria, were preserved because they were taken up in the Christian tradition. But the story of how this process of reception and appropriation took place has never been systematically research.

    In this book the author first examines how Philo’s works are related to the New Testament and the earliest Chritian writing, and then how they were used by Greek and Latin church fathers up to 400 c.e., with special attention to the contributions of Clement, Origen, Didymus, Eusebius, Gregory of Nyssa, Ambrose, and Augstine.

    Philo in Early Christian Literature is a valuable guide to the state of scholarly research on a subject that has thus far been investigated in a rather piecemeal fashion.

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  • Beyond Charity : Reformation Initiatives For The Poor


    The common stereotype is that the Reformers separate public and private morality and were indifferent to the ethical import of social structures and institutions. Beyond Charity calls this understanding into question by providing an analysis of the historical situation and translationof primary documents. The medieval point of view, formed by piety of achievement, idealized poverty — either as voluntary renunciation or as almsgiving. In either case the material effects on actual poverty were slight, and the religious endorsement of poverty precluded urban efforts to address this growing problem. The Reformers impelledby their theology, developed and passed new legislative structures for addressing social welfare needs. The key to their undertakings was the conviction that social ethics is the continuation of community worship. In the first half, this book sets forth the medieval context, details Luther’s critique of the profit economy of his day, and analyzes the actual social welfare programs that issued from his theology. The second half provides translations of selected legislative programs from the church orders of the Reformation.

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  • Beyond The Written Word


    The concept of “scripture” as written religious text is reexamined in this close analysis of the traditions of oral use of the sacred writings of religions around the world. Pointing out the central importance of the oral and aural experience of religious texts in the life of religious communities of both Eastern and Western cultures, William Graham asserts the need for a new perspective on how scripture has been appropriated and used by the vast majority of all people who have been religious, most of whom could neither read nor write.

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  • Ancient Christian Gospels Their History And Development


    Koester’s handbook—winner of the 1991 BAR Award for Best Book Relating to the New Testament—is quickly becoming the standard text for studying the tradition and history of early Christian Gospel literature. He discusses more than a dozen Gospel writings from the first two centuries, including the four canonical Gospels as well as many noncanonical writings (the Gospel of Thomas, the Apocrypha of James, the Gospel of Mary, and others). The clearly written text includes technical details about manuscripts and attestations

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  • Dawn Of The Reformation


    Throughout these essays there runs a common theme: the need to place the Reformation movement in its medieval context, and to bridge the ideological gaps between late medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation studies. The opening chapters consider late medieval thought and the emergence of the young Luther at the center of the Reformation movement. There follows a study of the impact upon Luther of the philological, spiritual, and philosophical traditions of sixteenth-century Europe. These traditions are fully examined in order to discern what Luther and his followers silently ignored or rejected, and so to delineate what is new and original in early Reformation thought. The remaining chapters move from Luther to the wider world of events marking the Reformation era: the Peasant War, the Copernican Revolution, the beginning of the Counter reformation and the reforms initiated by the Council of Trent.

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  • Short History Of Judaism


    Jacob Neusner offers a clear and useful interpretation of the three major periods of Jewish history from the time of the Bible up to the present. It is a view from the inside, a description of actual practice and thought of three epochs: The time of the Jerusalem temples, The Judaism of any place (the dispersion), The modern period. The inner dynamics of each period are capsulized in terms of three meals: the priest’s meal with god in the temple, all Israel’s meals with God in no paticular place, and all is rael’s meals at home on the special occasion of the gather- ing of the family. This book offers a distinctive solution to the problem that all teachers of the study of religion face: how to relate the religion described in books to the same religion as it is lived in the world. What emerges is a captivating account of the life-forming nature of a dynamic religion in vastly differing historical contests. Included are maps, illustra- tions, photographs, and a glossary.

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  • United Methodism In America


    This convenient volume offers a panoramic view of the forces and personalities that shaped The United Methodist Church in the United States. Three noted United Methodist historians provide laypersons with a brief history of the UMC. They skillfully trace the church’s origins, beginning with a look at the renewal movements that led to the early denominations within Wesleyanism. They continue through the Second Great Awakening, the periods of slavery and the Civil War, the mergers and unions of the twentieth century, the causes championed by United Methodism, and more.

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  • Shaping Of The Reformed Baptismal Rite In The 16th Century A Print On Deman


    This meticulously researched book recounts how the early sixteenth-century Reformers, steering a course between the old Latin rites on the one hand and the Anabaptist movement on the other, developed a baptismal service that they understood to be reformed according to Scripture. Hughes Oliphant Old’s study shows the Reformed baptismal rite to be well thought out, pastorally sensitive, and theologically profound.

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  • Methodisms Racial Dilemma


    This book is the story of the Central Jurisdiction of the Methodist Church, the jurisdication that was created for African American members of the three bodies uniting in 1939. James S. Thomas sketches the history of American Methodism from its earliest beginnings through the years of tumult around the issue of slavery and on into the twentieth century. But hte bulk of the book is that story that could best be told only by an insider, in this case, by the one who served as chairperson of the Central Jurisdication Study and Research Committee, popularly known as the Committee of Five, which forumalted the plan for themerger of the Central Jurisdiction’s annual conferences into the regional jurisdictions.
    Officially, the story of the Central Jurisdiction begain in 1939. But the attitudes and social practices that prompted its creation go much further back into history. As those attitudes evolved–by a combination of legislated change within the wider society and the opening of the minds of many people–the ever-present dilemna of the Central Jurisdiction was resolved. Its demise, says Bishop Thomas, enables The United Methodist Church more faithfully to seek the goal of one Shepherd, one fold.

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  • Paganism And Christianity 100-425 C E


    This book is a collection of nearly 175 documents–from saints, emperors, philosophers, satirists, inscriptions, graffiti, and other interesting types–that sheds light on the complex fabric of religious belief as it changed from a variety of non-Judeo-Christian movements to Christian in late antiquity. These texts illuminate and bring to life the bizarre and the banal of the social world of the Roman Empire, the world in which Christianity ultimately gained preeminence. This treasury of texts leads the reader through the matrix of beliefs among which Christianity grew. Brief explanatory introductions to the documents are included.

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  • ReForming Tradition


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664252991ISBN10: 0664252990Editor: Milton Coalter | Editor: John Mulder | Editor: Louis WeeksBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1992Presbyterian Presence Twentieth Century ExperiencePublisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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  • ReForming Tradition (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664254117ISBN10: 066425411XEditor: Milton Coalter | Editor: John Mulder | Editor: Louis WeeksBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1992Presbyterian Presence Twentieth Century ExperiencePublisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Story Of The Church (Revised)


    The Story of the Church gives an accessible and concise survey of the history of the Christian church, from the first century to the twenty-first. Here is an epic tale of high hopes and great disappointments, of bitter persecution and heroic loyalty. The Story of the Church is an established classic, widely appreciated by several generations of readers. It addresses the central question of why Christianity has spread around the world so successfully, and offers a distinctly evangelical perspective. Its clear structure pinpoints significant people, places, movements and events. This new edition has been completely revised and updated by Allan Harman.

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  • Readings In Her Story


    READINGS IN HER STORY is a unique anthology. Barbara MacHaffie has collected into one volume 74 of the most important Christian documents and passages by and about women. Ranging from Genesis to now, these primary sources put the reader directly in touch with the most significant and influential events, personalities, and issues of women’s religious history. Often lamentably and sometimes glorious, these voices–ancient and modern, female and male, Roman Catholic and Protestant, feminist and patriarchal–bear decisively on women’s identities today.

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  • Fountainhead Of Federalism


    This study, which includes a valuable new English translation of Heinrich Bullinger’s treatise A Brief Exposition of the One and Eternal Testament or Covenant of God, outlines the main facets of federalism and argues that ideas of religious covenant among Protestant reformers influenced federalism, which is reflected in the Constitution of the United States. Bullinger’s treatment is the first work to organize the understanding of God, creation, humanity, and human history around the idea of covenant.

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  • Myth Of Innocence



    Introduction: Christian Origins And The Imaginations

    Part I: Christian Beginnings

    1.The Temple And The Land Of Palestine
    2.Jesus In Galilee
    3.The Followers Of Jesus
    4.The Congregations Of The Christ
    5.The Patterns Of Social Conflict

    Part II: Stories In The Gospel Tradition

    6.The Parables Of Jesus
    7.The Pronouncement Stories
    8.The Miracle Stories

    Part III: Narratives Of The Passion

    9.The Entanglements Of History And Myth
    10.The Narrative Designs
    11.The Compositional Process

    Part IV: The Gospel According To Mark

    12.The Gospel As Myth
    13.The Gospel As Apocalypse
    14.The Gospel As Parable
    15.The Gospel As Paradigm

    Conclusion: Imagination And The Myth Of Innocence

    I. The Pronouncement Stories In Mark
    II. Linnemann: The Traditions Of The Passion
    III. Dormeyer: The Acts Of The Martyr
    IV. The Gospel Of Mark: An Overview


    I. Subjects
    II. Ancient Authors And Writings
    III. Modern Authors

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  • Case For Christian Humanism A Print On Demand Title


    Franklin and Shaw make a convincing case – historical, biblical, liturgical, and theological in focus – for the essential compatibility of humanism and the Christian faith. Long neglected and often misunderstood, the rich tradition of Christian humanism offers much potential for greater personal and societal wholeness.

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  • To Pray And To Love


    Drawing on the vast riches of early monastic writers, Roberta Bondi’s book on prayer is real, salty, loving and wise. She invites us to keep such company with early Christian sources as to illuminate a way of praying, living, and thinking about life in mutuality with God. Amid the welter of books on prayer and Christian sprituality, this one shines like Epiphany and will empower like Pentecost.

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  • Calvins Ecclesiastical Advice


    “From the Publisher:” The Columbia Series in Reformed Theology represents a joint commitment by Columbia Theological Seminary and Westminster John Knox Press to provide theological resources from the Reformed tradition for the church today. Volumes in this series are intended for scholars, theologians, pastors, and lay people who are committed to faith in search of understanding.

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  • Organizational Revolution


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664251970ISBN10: 0664251978Editor: Milton Coalter | Editor: John Mulder | Editor: Louis WeeksBinding: Cloth TextPublished: January 1991Presbyterian Presence Twentieth Century ExperiencePublisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Mennonite Encyclopedia 5


    Purchase Volume 5 of the Mennonite Encyclopedia, containing updates on materials in the first four volumes plus nearly 1,000 new articles edited by Cornelius J. Dyck and Dennis D. Martin.

    This gigantic resource covers the 435-year history of the faith, life, and culture of Anabaptists in Europe and Mennonites throughout the world. Presented are people, movements, and places in their relation to Mennonites. A few of the many articles covered are Argentina, Arminianism, Baptism, Baptist, Brazil, Calvin, Church, Communion, Congo, Deaconess, Education, Farming, Furniture, Grebel, Hubmaier, Hymnology, Industry, Literature, Marriage, Publishers, Reedley, Ukraine, and Zurich.

    The Mennonite Encyclopedia was jointly edited by historians and scholars of the Mennonite Church, General Conference of Mennonites, and Mennonite Brethren Church. More than 2,700 writers contributed articles to this reference work.

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  • Wordly Saints : The Puritans As They Really Were


    Dr. Ryken’s presentation of the Puritan view and style of life is perceptive and accurate. He allows the Puritans to speak for themselves on topics ranging from “Church and Worship” to “Money” and “Marriage and Sex.”

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  • Confessing Our Faith


    This resource includes the description of the process that led to the adoption of the Satement of Faith by the UCC in 1959.

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  • John Calvin And The Church


    The coherence of this volume arises from the way in which John Calvin serves as the centering focus of various disciplines and scholarly approaches that touch on the life of the church. Its five sections convey a wide range of interests among the contributors: Calvin and his times, theology, ecclesiology, interpretation of Holy Scripture, and worship and preaching.

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  • Women And The Genesis Of Christianity


    This study explores the role of women in New Testament times. Beginning with the woman’s place in Judaism, in the Hellenistic world, and in the Roman Empire, Witherington demonstrates how Jesus broke significantly with convention in how he viewed women, offering as he did a wholly new conception of the legitimate rights of women in society.

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  • Short History Of The Early Church (Reprinted)


    A lucid and concise account of the peole, places, institutions, events, and ideas that made a difference in the development of the Christian faith. Discussion questions following each chapter aid the reader in reflection and review.

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  • Presbyterian Predicament


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664250973ISBN10: 0664250971Editor: Milton Coalter | Editor: John Mulder | Editor: Louis WeeksBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1990Presbyterian Presence Twentieth Century ExperiencePublisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Struggle For Americas Soul A Print On Demand Title


    In this book Robert Wuthnow examines the two major factions in American religion – conservatives and liberals – and analyzes the secular forces shaping both sides. Wuthnow’s clear, perceptive sociological study is prescriptive as well as descriptive, stressing the need to maintain a healthy, honest dialogue in the ongoing tensions between liberals and conservatives.

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  • On Fire For Christ


    The stories of 15 Anabaptist martyrs are retold by Dave and Neta Jackson from Martyrs Mirror. These stories, including those of Michael Sattler, Elizabeth Dirks, and Dirk Willems, reflect a cross section of the thousands of men and women who lost their lives because of their faith during the 16th century. The storytelling perspective varies: sometimes from the martyr’s point of view or that of a friend or relative, sometimes that of a child or bystander or even the executioner or betrayer. The maryrs come alive through these stories and their witness for Christ inspires us. Discussion questions focus on presentday meaning making this a valuable tool for study groups

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  • Christian Ethics In The Protestant Tradition


    Drawing upon forty years of experience teaching ethics, Waldo Beach provides a basic introduction on Chriostian ethics. He has designed a challenging work that grapples with the ethical questions surrounding modern day problems from the perspective of Protestant theology and tradition. His two part format is especially helpful for study. Part I challenges readers to recover the Christian heritage in the midst of highly secularized American culture. Part II applies Christian faith and ethical principles to modern ethical problems and issues.

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