Showing 551–600 of 809 resultsSorted by latest
Colossians 1-2 Thessalonians 1-2 Timothy Titus Philemon
$75.99New to the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture. This unique series makes accessible to contemporary readers key writings of the early church fathers, with the verse-by-verse comments of Augustine, Jerome, Pelagius, and others—some appearing here in English translation for the first time.
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Gospel Of Luke
300 Pages/Luke (24 Chapters)
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THE GOSPEL OF LUKE“Somehow of all the Gospel writers,” comments Dr. Barclay, “one would have liked to meet Luke best of all.” Happily, Dr. Barclay’s own literary and intellectual talents complement the marvelous appeal of the good physician, so that we may apprehend here, as perhaps never before, the unique, multifaceted excellence of “the loveliest book in the world.” In so many areas, either minimized or neglected by the other writers, Luke reported fully and clearly for everyone.
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Letters Of John And Jude
$34.00207 Pages/1, 2, And 3 John (7 Chapters) And Jude (1 Chapter)
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THE LETTERS OF JOHN AND JUDEThe four letters in this volume all deal with heretical teachings within the early church. Dr. Barclay describes the various forms in which Gnosticism appeared in I John, pointing out that the notions that the material world and the human body are evil still infect the thinking of some Christians. II and III John are warnings against wandering preachers who taught false doctrines, and against individuals within the church who repudiated the writer’s authority. Jude is a strong indictment of immoral persons (antinomians) who had insinuated themselves into the church.
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Revelation Of John 1
$33.00183 Pages/The Revelation Of John, Chapters 1 To 5
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THE REVELATION OF JOHN, Volume 1 (Chapters 1 to 5)In this and its companion volume, Dr. Barclay makes the most difficult book in the Bible easier to understand. In his introduction he examines areas such as the characteristics of apocalyptic literature and the nature of Caesar worship. John was, as Dr. Barclay shows, “soaked and saturated” in the Old Testament, and most of the imagery he employs is drawn from that source. Dr. Barclay does more than clarify the meaning of the imagery. His commentary covers the central issues of the book, such as the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the probable facts about John’s exile on the island, and the meaning of Christ’s knocking at the door.
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Letter To The Romans
$34.00222 Pages/Romans (16 Chapters)
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THE LETTER TO THE ROMANSDr. Barclay’s fresh translation and clear exposition make Paul’s very complicated letter to the church in Rome easier than ever to understand. Both in mood and in method Romans is entirely different from Paul’s other writings. Here he is setting down in a systematic fashion the essence of his faith-bequeathing in a “theological last will and testament” the ideas which have most shaped Christian belief: the questions of righteousness, of the Jews as the Chosen People, and of how people of faith are to live their daily lives. Paul’s deep meanings shine brilliantly here, thanks to Dr. Barclay’s ability to explain the letter to the Romans to every reader.
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Letters To The Corinthians
$34.00268 Pages/1 And 2 Corinthians (29 Chapters)
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THE LETTERS TO THE CORINTHIANSCorinth was not only one of the most flourishing commercial centers of the ancient world, but also a symbol of the vilest debauchery. “In this hotbed of vice,” Dr. Barclay narrates, “some of the greatest work of Paul was done.” The apostle wrote to the church there, partly to bolster its resistance to the sin and corruption, and equally to chide and counsel on the contentions that were tearing it apart. In the simple, illustrative manner that has endeared him to thousands of students, Dr. Barclay clarifies every passage in Corinthians, showing us how Paul’s advice to the Corinthians can help us live today in the midst of modern temptations.
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Romans : Spirit Filled Life
$24.99A new commentary series for the Charismatic and Pentecostal faiths. Each of these authors has been hand picked by Dr. Jack Hayford. These men and women represent the finest in conservative evangelical spirit-filled scholarship in North America. But all have the commitment in putting their work into a way that the average reader can understand.
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Revelation Of John 2
$34.00232 Pages/The Revelation Of John, Chapters 6 To 22
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THE REVELATION OF JOHN, Volume 2 (Chapters 6 to 22)Here the reader meets many picturesque images that have become part of the very fabric of thinking-the four horses and their riders, the Antichrist, the woman clothed with the sun, the beast with his number, Armageddon, the great harlot, the Millennium, the new Jerusalem. These and many other images drawn from the Revelation have so seized hold of the world’s imagination that without them a good share of our best art would never have been created. Because so many of John’s prophetic utterances relate to Rome, Dr. Barclay devotes many pages to describing the great city as it was under the early Caesars.
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Philippians And Philemon
$28.99New in the Abingdon New Testament Commentary series, Carolyn Osiek’s concise look at Philippians & Philemon is a combination of up-to-date scholarship and clear exposition of Paul’s thought. While traditional exegetical questions and contemporary theological concerns are dealt with, special effort is given to probing the social controversies of the Pauline churches. Issues of gender roles and slavery are given particular attention as they arise in the text.
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Letters To The Galatians And Ephesians
$34.00185 Pages/Galatians (6 Chapters), Ephesians (6 Chapters)
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THE LETTERS TO THE GALATIANS AND EPHESIANSThe Letter to the Galatians proclaims that Christianity was dependent upon nothing but God’s free gift of grace, bestowed on all who would accept that gift by faith, Gentile and Jew alike. Because it declares this universality and confutes the Judaizing Christians, the letter is one of the great theological cornerstones of Christianity, according to Dr. Barclay. The Letter to the Ephesians, “The Queen of the Epistles,” was a circular letter to the Christian churches generally. The main theme is the universal battle between good and evil, and the ultimate unity to be achieved only when all things are gathered together in Christ.
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Prophecy Of Isaiah
$50.00After over three decades of studying and teaching Isaiah, Alec Motyer presents a wealth of comment and perspective on this book. Although his emphasis is on the grammatical, historical, structural, literary and theological dimensions of the text, Motyer writes with an eye on its meaning for Christians today. Based on the author’s knowledge of the Hebrew text, but utilizing the New International Version, the commentary easily accommodates readers without knowledge of Biblical Hebrew.
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Ruth : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching
$40.00Addressing the human and divine dimensions of the account of Ruth, this thoughtful commentary discusses all the significant questions of origin and purpose. Sakenfeld’s interpretation is at once sociological and theological, and reflects the profundity of this ancient story. The latest addition to the Interpretation series, which takes a critical-scholarly approach to Scripture.
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John : NRSV
$40.99Solid, balanced, and clear, the Abingdon New Testament Commentaries offer the finest in basic biblical exegesis by respected theologians. In the newest addition to this outstanding series, D. Moody Smith takes a fresh look at John, guiding you to a better understanding of the fourth Gospel’s unique statement of faith, practice, and doctrine. Smith’s engaging commentary will appeal to general readers, as well as pastors and scholars.
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$65.00Through translation, technical notes, and insightful commentary, Richard Clifford sheds new understanding on Proverbs. By focusing on the rhetoric of Proverbs, Clifford demonstrates how the book fosters a lifelong search for wisdom, and enables readers to see how the instructions and sayings are concerned with contemporary issues.
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$36.00Wharton concludes that the function of Job never has been to provide answers but to keep the questions urgent and contemporary for all who set out to honor and serve God. At the simplest and most important level Job provides faithful people with this slim confort: it resounds with our cries of the heart and honors those cries as an authentic dimension of faithfulness.
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1-2 Kings
$36.00By focusing his attention upon the plot of 1 and 2 Kings, Fretheim does not allow ancient history to obscure a timely, prophetic message. He convincingly shows that 1 and 2 Kings were far more concerned with real life issues than with chronicling the historical accomplishments of various monarchs.
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NIV Compact Bible Commentary
$19.99One of the amazing distinctives of the Bible is its unity. It is in reality a book containing many books, written over centuries by all kinds of people – shepherds and kings, priests and prophets – yet it paints one big, remarkably clear picture. This cohesiveness is what makes the Bible unique.
The NIV Compact Bible Commentary explains the Bible book by book. But unlike other commentaries, it begins with the larger context – the Bible as a whole – then shows you how all its books fit into the grand picture. Instead of a verse-by-verse exposition, it unlocks the meanings of larger sections of Scripture. You’ll see how key themes, concepts, and even specific terms from earlier books of the Bible are echoed and expanded on in later books.
If you’re serious about studying the Bible, if you need a resource to prepare a Bible lesson, or if you simply want to know the Bible better, this is one commentary you should have, even if you already own several. Written by respected theologian John Sailhamer, its insights offer valuable, wide-angle perspectives on the central messages of Scripture, and its compact size makes it perfect for school, church, the workplace, and as a travel companion.
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Exodus 1-18
$27.99Exodus 1-18, by George W. Coats, is Volume IIA of THE FORMS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT LITERATURE, a series that aims to present a form-critical analysis of every book and each unit in the Hebrew Bible. Fundamentally exegetical,the FOTL volumes examine the structure, genre, setting, and intention of the biblical literature in question.They also study the history behind the form-critical discussion of the material, attempt to bring consistency tothe terminology for the genres and formulas of the biblical literature, and expose the exegetical process soas to enable students and pastors to engage in their own analysis and interpretation of the Old Testament texts.
More than twenty-five years in preparation, this present study provides a form-critical analysis of the first eighteen chapters of the book of Exodus. Dividing his discussion between the Exodus and Moses traditions and the wilderness traditions, Coats examines each unit of the text of Exodus in turn, showing how the units’ internal structures reveal the genre and social setting in which the book was written and what that setting and genre mean for proper interpretation. Illuminating to scholars and students alike, this volume will open up a new perspective on this important section of Scriptu
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Historical Books
$25.99This book introduces neophyte readers to the basic concepts of history and historical writing and provides a simple framework of events and periods that can be used to situate historical data reported in texts or presupposed by them. Standard interpretative methods are accessibly explained and illustrated by consistent reference to 2 Samuel 24. The focus of discussion moves from the narrow level of individual pericope to larger units of meaning. Because the ultimate goal is to expose the claims made on the reader by these biblical texts and to help the reader make sense of those claims, the interpretative spotlight rests on the present interaction of text and reader rather than on the past.
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James : NRSV
$25.99Abingdon New Testament Commentary Series James by Freeman C. Sleeper This commentary for students of theology includes introduction, commentary, annotated bibliography, and selective index. The New Revised Standard Version is the principal translation.
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Revelation : NRSV
$29.99Abingdon New Testament Commentary Series Revelation by Leonard Thompson This commentary for students of theology includes introduction, commentary, annotated bibliography, and selective index. The New Revised Standard Version is the principal translation.
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Wisdom Literature
$28.99This volume explores the similarities between ancient and modern “wisdom literature” and on the comparable literature from ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Canaan, then devotes a chapter to each book (Prover, Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Sirach, and Wisdom of Solomon), examining rhetoric as well as content.
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$39.99The Abingdon New Testament Commentaries series provides compact, critical commentaries on the writings of the New Testament. These commentaries are written with special attention to the needs and interests of theological students, but they will also be useful for students in upper-level college or university settings, as well as for pastors and other religious leaders. In addition to providing basic information about the New Testament texts and insights into their meanings, these commentaries are intended to exemplify the tasks and procedures of careful, critical biblical exegesis.
In this volume, Donald Senior unfolds the meaning of Matthew’s Gospel in its original context. The Gospel was written for an early Christian community caught in a moment of profound transition, striving to remain faithful to its Jewish heritage and facing a new and uncertain future in the Gentile world. Building on a lifetime of scholarship on this Gospel, Senior uses an array of methodologies to explore the literary, historical, and theological perspectives of Matthew in context. At the same time, he provides leads for the contemporary reader to note the interplay between Matthew’s Gospel and our own time and place. In the nexus between these two worlds of experiences, the message of the Gospel comes alive and takes on new meaning.
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Gospel And Letters Of John
$35.99Culpepper begins with a close examination of the relationship between John and the Synoptics and a summary of John’s distinctive thought and language. He then looks at the origins of the Gospel and the letters, the history of the Johannine community. After a brief orientation to narrative criticism, readers move to the traditional concerns of John’s theology. The student is then led through the texts of the Gospel and the letters. The final chapter examines the challenges and potential of these writings as documents of faith.
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1 Corinthians : NRSV
$29.99Abingdon New Testament Commentary Series 1 Corinthians by Richard Horsley This commentary for students of theology includes introduction, commentary, annotated bibliography, and selective index. The New Revised Standard Version is the principal translation.
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Book Of Amos
$55.00Translated from the German, this authoritative work is the latest contribution to the internationally acclaimed Old Testament Library. Examining the shepherd’s prophecy in its context of rampant social injustice and religious arrogance, Jeremias draws on the latest archaeological, linguistic and historical findings to offer a comprehensive analysis of Amos and his message to God’s people.
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Hosea And Amos
$34.99The author uncovers unique features of the prophecies of Hosea and Amos and discerns a structural unity within each book. For both prophets, the Lord’s judgement is to lead to repentance and restoration. Guenther explores theological and practical implications of their message to the church in its cultural settings.
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1-2 Thessalonians : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching
$40.00Two of Paul’s earliest epistles deal with Christ’s second coming, the need for hope, and the fate of those who have died. Gaventa hones in on structure and tone, speculating on what might have happened at Thessalonica between the letters to account for their observable differences.
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Leviticus : Divine Presence And Community
$23.99This commentary by Frank Gorman shows how Leviticus, though focusing largely on matters associated with the Levitical priesthood, is also important to laypeople. Gorman addresses the question of Israelite identity and what it means to be people of God. Through a careful application of exegesis and exposition, he shows that Leviticus is, foremost, a call to holiness, a weaving together of ritual and ethical issues to provide the community with a means for enacting and actualizing covenant relationship.
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Commentary On Jeremiah (Reprinted)
$47.99This is a combined edition of Brueggemann’s original two-volume work, published until recently as part of the International Theological Commentary Series. It is reprinted here with an important new preface by Brueggeman that surveys the current state of Jeremiah studies. Brueggeman uses a combination of sociological and literary analysis to provide a fresh look at the critical theological issues in the Jeremiah tradition.
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1-3 John : NRSV
$25.99“From the Publisher:” Abingdon New Testament Commentary Series 1-3 John by David Rensberger This commentary for students of theology includes introduction, commentary, annotated bibliography, and selective index. The New Revised Standard Version is the principal translation.
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Joshua : A Commentary
$58.00This Old Testament Library volume offers a commentary on the book of Joshua.
The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
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Galatians : NRSV
$25.99256 Pages
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From the Publisher:” Abingdon New Testament Commentary Series Galatians by Sam K. Williams This commentary for students of theology includes introduction, commentary, annotated bibliography, and selective index. The New Revised Standard Version is the principal translation.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
3 Gospels
$19.95A decade after he published his famousfirst novel, A Long and Happy Life, ReynoldsPrice began a serious study of the Hebrew andGreek narratives which combine to form thatcrucial document of Western civilization we callthe Bible. Since early childhood, Price hadknown Bible stories of patriarchs, kings,prophets, and the boldly assertive women ofAncient Israel, as well as the four-fold gospelstory of the life of Jesus — another Jew whosecareer has exerted immense fascination onsubsequent history.
In Price’s early middle age, however, he feltcompelled to go further than simple reading;he began to investigate the rudiments ofthe Bible stories as deeply as possible. Hefocused on the Hebrew and Greek originalsthat are unquestionably the most discussedand annotated texts with the close assistance ofother literal versions and of numerous scholarlycommentaries, old and modern. He was likewiseencouraged and helped by frequent discussionswith distinguished scholar-colleagues at DukeUniversity, where he has taught since 1958.As the work continued over several years,Price expanded his translation attempts into theGreek New Testament. And soon he had begunan informal navigation of the shoals of KoineGreek — that common Mediterranean dialect inwhich a good deal of the business of the Romanempire was conducted and in which the gospelsand all other books of the New Testament werewritten. Gradually, his translations of separateincidents from the four gospels evolved into aliteral translation of the whole of the oldestgospel, Mark. His first version of Markappeared, along with other translations fromthe Old and New Testaments, in A PalpableGod (Atheneum, 1978). The book met witha wide and favorable reception from scholars,writers, and critics.
Price’s studies have expanded steadily in theintervening decades; and in recent years he hasworked at both a revised version of his earlytranslation of Mark and an entirely new literalversion of the Gospel of John (John is the last published gospel and almost surely the one thatcomes, at its core, from an eyewitness of the lifeof Jesus). To his new translations, Price hasadded extensive prefaces, which he hopes will beof interest to scholars and casual readers alike.The prefaces are the result not only of his ownwork as a translator and his discussions withNew Testament scholars of more than twentyyears reading in textual exegesis, in the life ofthe first-century Roman world (including theimmensely complicated realities of Ro
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Jeremiah And Lamentations
$12.9957 Chapters
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The Scriptures come alive with America’s best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, Dr. McGee’s Thru the Bible Commentary Series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life.The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s “Thru the Bible” radio messages. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.
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Psalms Chapters 90-150
$12.99The Scriptures come alive with America’s best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, Dr. McGee’s Thru the Bible Commentary Series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life. The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s “Thru the Bible” radio messages. With his famliar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. Mcgee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.
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Psalms Chapters 42-89
$9.99Radio messages from J. Vernon McGee delighted and enthralled listeners for years with simple, straightforward language and clear understanding of the Scripture. Now enjoy his personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. Each volume includes introductory sections, detailed outlines and a thorough, paragraph-by-paragraph discussion of the text. A great choice for pastors – and even better choice for the average Bible reader and student! Very affordable in a size that can go anywhere, it’s available as a complete 60-volume series, in Old Testament or New Testament sets, or individually.
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Ezra Nehemiah Esther
$12.993 Chapters
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The Scriptures come alive with America’s best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, Dr. McGee’s Thru the Bible Commentary Series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life. The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s “Thru the Bible” radio messages. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase