




    • Letter To The Hebrews (Revised)


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclay’s brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

      At first glance, the letter to the Hebrews can seem difficult to comprehend, but William Barclay believed “that no New Testament book gives us such a glorious picture of Jesus Christ in all the splendor of his manhood and in all the majesty of his deity.” So, amplified by Barclay’s keen and vibrant commentary, this ancient letter emerges from apparent obscurity to be a vital resource of encouragement for Christians today.

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    • Hebrews James


      A Guide To Using This Commentary
      General Introduction
      Introduction To Hebrews, James
      Commentary On Hebrews, James
      Map Of Europe At The Time Of The Reformation
      Timeline Of The Reformation
      Biographical Sketches Of Reformation-Era Figures And Works
      Author And Writings Index
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

      Additional Info
      “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen,” wrote the author of the epistle to the Hebrews.

      Reflecting on this verse and the epistle’s description of the high priestly and sacrificial ministry of Jesus Christ, Swiss Reformed theologian and exegete Heinrich Bullinger defined faith as “the most constant mental certainty, which rests on those things to which all our hope is directed, namely . . . the expectation of salvation and the recognition of our truly blessed God and Savior, who is the inexhaustible fountain of all good.”

      Both the epistle to the Hebrews and the epistle of James generated much discussion and debate during the Reformation period. The author of the former is unknown, and the latter was dismissively labeled as an “epistle of straw” by Martin Luther. Yet both of these letters have proven to be essential for Christians-during the Reformation era and today-who seek to understand the significance of the work of Jesus Christ and what it means to follow him.

      In this volume of the Reformation Commentary on Scripture, church historian and theologian Ronald K. Rittgers guides readers through a diversity of early modern commentary on both Hebrews and James. Readers will hear from familiar voices as well as lesser-known figures from a variety of theological traditions, including Lutherans, Reformed, Radicals, Anglicans, and Roman Catholics.

      Drawing on a variety of resources-including commentaries, sermons, treatises, and confessions-much of which appears here for the first time in English, this volume provides resources for contemporary preachers, enables scholars to better understand the depth and breadth of Reformation commentary, and helps all who seek the assurance and conviction that is found in Christ alone.

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    • Acts Student Book (Large Type)


      Study the entire Book of Acts in this comprehensive 13-session study begins with the mission to the world and ends with Paul’s journey to Rome. Some of the major ideas explored in this Book of the Bible are: A Gospel that cannot be contained. Divine initiative and human responsibility. The subtle work of the Holy Spirit. What holds us together? The plight of theology in a cynical world. More than 3.5 million copies of the series sold. This revision of the Abingdon classic Genesis To Revelations Series is a comprehensive, verse-by-verse, book-by-book study of the Bible based on the NIV. These studies help readers strengthen their understanding and appreciation of the Bible by enabling them to engage the Scripture on three levels: What does the Bible say? Questions to consider while reading the passage for each session. What does the passage mean? Unpacks key verses in the selected passage. How does the Scripture relate to my life? Provides three major ides that have meaning for our lives today. The meaning of the selected passages are made clear by considering such aspects as ancient customs, locations of places, and the meanings of words. The simple format makes the study easy to use. Includes maps and glossary with key pronunciation helps. Updates will include: New cover designs. New interior designs. Teacher book per matching student book (rather than multiple volumes in one book). Update to 2011 revision of the New International Version Translation (NIV). Updated references to New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible. Include biblical chapters on the contents page beside session lesson titles for at-a-glance overview of biblical structure. Include larger divisions within the contents page to reflect macro-structure of each biblical book. Ex: Genesis 1-11; Genesis 12-50; Exodus 1-15; Exodus 16-40; Isaiah 1-39; Isaiah 40-66.

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    • Acts


      This concise, carefully organized commentary for pastors presents biblical scholarship to inform authoritative expository preaching and teaching. Each chapter includes the big idea, key themes, and sermon illustrations.

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    • John (Revised)


      General Preface
      Author’s Preface
      Chief Abbreviations
      Select Bibliography

      Distinctive Features Of The Fourth Gospel
      The Fourth Gospel And The Letters Of John: A Scenario
      Composition Of The Fourth Gospel
      Purpose And Readership
      Date And Place Of Writing
      Historical Reliability
      Recent Trends In The Interpretation Of The Fourth Gospel
      Theology Of The Fourth Gospel
      Structure Of The Fourth Gospel


      Additional Info
      Among the Gospels, John’s is unique. It has a structure with long conversations and extended debates, and much of its content is not found elsewhere. Jesus’ relationship to the Father and his teaching on the Holy Spirit are given special prominence. Ultimately, faith, believing in Jesus, is at the centre- with signs highlighted to provoke faith, and stories of those who responded to Jesus as examples of faith. Colin Kruse ably shows how the Fourth Gospel weaves its themes of belief and unbelief into its rich Christology. The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries have long been a trusted resource for Bible study. Written by some of the world’s most distinguished evangelical scholars, these twenty volumes offer clear, reliable, and relevant explanations of every book in the New Testament. The original, unrevised text of this volume has been completely retypeset and printed in a larger, more attractive format with the new cover design for the series. These Tyndale volumes are designed to help readers understand what the Bible actually says and what it means. The introduction to each volume gives a concise but thorough description of the authorship, date, and historical background of the biblical book under consideration. The commentary itself examines the text section by section, drawing out its main themes. It also comments on individual verses and deals with problems of interpretation. The aim throughout is to get at the true meaning of the Bible and to make its message plain to readers today.

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    • Micah


      A distinctively theological take on the book of Micah

      Readers of the book of Micah learn a great deal about God: he is a mighty God who controls the nations, yet he is also concerned with everyday matters like equity, poverty, and care for widows and orphans. In presenting this transcendent-yet-immanent God, Micah’s message revolves around themes of justice, judgment, and salvation that continue to carry great significance today.

      In this theological commentary on the book of Micah, Stephen Dempster places the text in conversation with the larger story of Scripture. After discussing questions of structure and authorship in his introduction, Dempster systematically works through the text, drawing links to the broader biblical story throughout. In the second part of his commentary Dempster offers theological discussion that further explicates the most significant themes in Micah and their applicability to today’s Christians.

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    • Philippians Verse By Verse


      Even though he was writing from prison, the Apostle Paul’s gratitude and joy leaps off the page in his letter to the Philippians. He writes to Christians in a Greek city that he visited on his second missionary journey to thank them for their partnership with him, and also to encourage them to maintain unity in the face of forces that were trying to divide them.
      In Philippians Verse by Verse, Grant R. Osborne draws on years of examining the text to offer a clear explanation of what this book meant to its original audience and what it means today. In spite of sometimes dire circumstances, we too may experience joy, encouragement, and fellowship if we remain focused on what God has done for us in Christ.

      The Osborne New Testament Commentary Series is a set of commentaries on every New Testament book for people who are looking for a straightforward explanation of the text. In each volume, Grant R. Osborne seeks to carefully exposit the text in plain language, bringing out the treasures in each book and making them accessible for today’s readers.

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    • Straight To The Heart Of The Minor Prophets


      The Straight to the Heart series of devotional commentaries allows people to get to grips with each book of the Bible one bite at a time. In part one of the Minor Prophets we study Amos and Hosea, the two prophets sent by God to confront the northern kingdom of Israel. In part two, Jonah and Nahum, two prophets who were sent to offer the same choice between blessing and judgment to the pagan superpower Assyria. In part three, Joel, Micah, Zephaniah and Habakkuk, four prophets that the Lord sent to warn the southern kingdom of Judah. In part four, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi, four prophets that God inspired after the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile to Babylon, and who spoke glorious promises about a new hope for God’s people. Get ready to hear God speak to you as you read these twelve short books of prophecy. The arrival of Jesus to be our Saviour has amplified the urgent choice that they offer us. God still warns us: Blessing or curse – you decide. There will be 25 volumes in all. Although the tone is light, the text is full of useful application and backed by substantial scholarship.

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    • Interpreting The Gospel And Letters Of John


      Ideal as a basic textbook on John’s writings in the Bible

      Accessible, comprehensive, and up-to-date, Interpreting the Gospel and Letters of John is an ideal text for students new to the discipline of biblical studies. Sherri Brown and Francis Moloney present a broad overview of the story of Christianity arising out of its Jewish foundations and proceed expertly to guide readers through the contents of the Gospel and Letters of John.

      Maintaining that Johannine literature is best understood against the background of the Old Testament covenant meta-phor, Brown and Moloney focus on the central role of covenant in the narrative of John’s Gospel and highlight the Evangelist’s use of fulfillment language. Helpful sidebars, maps, questions for review, and further reading sections are placed throughout the text, making this volume perfect for classroom use.

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    • Galatians Verse By Verse


      After the Apostle Paul returned from his first missionary journey, he heard that a certain group of legalistic Jewish Christians had infiltrated the churches he had established. These false teachers were teaching that new Christians had to be circumcised and follow the Old Testament law in order to be truly saved. Paul, realizing the gospel was at stake, wrote this letter in response.

      In Galatians Verse by Verse, experienced New Testament scholar sets forth Paul’s laser-focused argument: Jesus is not only the Messiah; he came to inaugurate a new era in salvation history. In this new era, Christians are not made right with God by obeying the law; justification is by faith alone. This frees believers to live their lives not trying to earn salvation, but instead joyfully keeping in step with the Spirit. Pastors, Bible study leaders, and invested laypeople will all benefit from Osborne’s careful reading of the text and commitment to making sense of the New Testament without scholarly jargon.

      The Osborne New Testament Commentary Series is a set of commentaries on every New Testament book. In each volume, Grant R. Osborne seeks to carefully exposit the text in plain language, bringing out the treasures in each book and making them accessible for today’s readers.

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    • Song Of Songs


      Richard Hess has written an insightful commentary on one of the most intriguing books of the Bible, which celebrates God’s gift of love.

      Following an introduction to the biblical book and a history of its interpretation, Hess divides his discussion into seven major sections. Each section begins with a fresh translation, followed by paragraph-by-paragraph commentary, and concluding with a summary of the passage’s theological implications.

      Technical questions related to the Hebrew text or scholarly debate are addressed in the footnotes. Pastors and teachers will find here an accessible commentary that will serve as an excellent resource for their study.

      This is the first volume in the Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms series.

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    • 1 New Man Bible Companion Volume 1 (Student/Study Guide)


      Commentary and Study Guide

      This exhaustive commentary by Rev. William Morford, translator and editor of the One New Man Bible covers more than two-hundred indexed subjects in eleven chapters, including the nature of God, covenant, the Hebrew and Greek languages, religious myths, biblical word meanings, teachings, Jewish roots, repentance and the Patriarchs.

      Also included are biblical weights and measures, Hebrew months, and a map of the united kingdom in the days of David and Solomon.

      At more than 91,000 words and 242 pages this companion to the One New Man Bible, will serve as a useful and constant guide in your Bible study for years to come.

      From the Foreword by Thomas A. McRae:
      The “Body Of Christ,” known today as the Church, desperately needs a transforming work of the Spirit of Truth in our midst – the truth of God’s inspired Word that’s free from distorted doctrine and ‘religious philosophy.’

      Under God’s gracious direction, Bill Morford has done a great service to the Saints with the writing of this “Companion.” The One New Man Bible, with its more than 4,000 footnotes; along with this supplement, is a tremendous help for clearing up much miss-interpretation, miss-understanding, miss-aligned applications and conclusions of Biblical texts. Biblical terms which have been miss-understood by much of the Community of Believers are now made clear and understandable. It offers to us a more accurate knowledge of God’s inspired message to humanity.

      Within these pages you will find a treasure of knowledge and understanding of the whole Bible and, hopefully, a renewed love for the Truth of God’s Word. It is one thing to read about truth, but quite another to understand it correctly for a righteous walk of faith. Consider this material to be a “magnifying glass” which exposes distortions imposed by religious tradition, compromise and a limited defining of Biblical terms. It is also a ‘light’ shining into our hearts to bring us fuller knowledge of Truth; for it is our knowing the Truth that sets us free and experiencing Truth that makes us and keeps us free, indeed.

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    • Ecclesiastes


      The Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries provide compact, critical commentaries on the books of the Old Testament for the use of theological students and pastors. The commentaries are also useful for upper-level college or university students and for those responsible for teaching in congregational settings. In addition to providing basic information and insights into the Old Testament writings, these commentaries exemplify the tasks and procedures of careful interpretation, to assist students of the Old Testament in coming to an informed and critical engagement with the biblical texts themselves. The present volume gives an up-to-date, readable commentary on the book of Ecclesiastes. The commentary covers critical issues section by section while emphasizing the larger theological and literary issues in Ecclesiastes and illustrating its relevance for modern readers.

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    • Revelation


      This commentary, like each in the Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible, is designed to serve the church–providing a rich resource for preachers, teachers, students, and study groups–and demonstrate the continuing intellectual and practical viability of theological interpretation of Scripture. In this addition to the series, Joseph Mangina offers a constructive ecclesiology for the role and mission of the church in the twenty-first century formed by a close examination of Revelation.

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    • Ephesians Verse By Verse


      While he was in prison, Paul wrote a letter to the Ephesian Christians whose magnificent themes have echoed throughout the centuries: the exaltation of Christ, the church as his body, believers as his new creation, and his defeat of the cosmic powers that opposed him. Throughout, he makes clear that everything we are and have is ours only “in Christ.” In Ephesians Verse by Verse, Grant R. Osborne offers a clear exposition of this letter that takes seriously both its first-century context and what it means for us today. Pastors, Bible study leaders, and invested laypeople will all benefit from Osborne’s careful reading of the text and commitment to making sense of the New Testament without scholarly jargon. The Osborne New Testament Commentary Series is a set of commentaries on every New Testament book. In each volume, Grant R. Osborne seeks to carefully exposit the text in plain language, bringing out the treasures in each book and making them accessible for today’s readers.

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    • Exodus 19-40


      In the book of Exodus, the promises to the patriarchs begin to see their fulfillment: Yahweh takes a people for himself and dwells among them. He is not a distant deity, but a God who speaks and acts to deliver his people from oppression. In this two-volume commentary, Eugene Carpenter interacts with the Hebrew text to trace these and other important themes through Exodus. He also discusses how key theological concepts of Exodus continue throughout the Bible and offers suggestions for applying the message of the book to modern-day readers.

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    • Exodus 1-18


      In the book of Exodus, the promises to the patriarchs begin to see their fulfillment: Yahweh takes a people for himself and dwells among them. He is not a distant deity, but a God who speaks and acts to deliver his people from oppression. In this two-volume commentary, Eugene Carpenter interacts with the Hebrew text to trace these and other important themes through Exodus. He also discusses how key theological concepts of Exodus continue throughout the Bible and offers suggestions for applying the message of the book to modern-day readers.

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    • Reading Romans With Luther


      Most of us experience theology in a head-in-the-clouds kind of way. We see the great theologians’ words soaring far above us. Each word is powerful and yet untouchable. But it doesn’t have to be that way.Good theology was never meant to be out of reach! Martin Luther’s work was revolutionary in part because of the invention of the printing press, giving his words more accessibility than ever before. Now five hundred years removed from Luther’s lifetime, his works are as influential as ever . . . and left on a shelf by all but pastors and history buffs.Luther’s commentary on Romans is an incredible but complicated commentary. Reading Romans with Luther offers a shortened version of this monumental commentary, featuring an attractive devotional format and imagery highlighting key portions of the text. Rather than a linear exploration of the original commentary, author RJ Grunewald takes readers on a thematic journey through the teachings in Romans. It’s Luther-but for everyday life!

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    • 1 Corinthians


      Christians in the bustling, diverse city of Corinth in 50 BCE quarreled about how to be faithful to Jesus. In Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, he calls the small band of new believers to unity and cautions against factionalism, themes that pastor Dan Nighswander unpacks for contemporary readers in this thirty-second volume in the Believers Church Bible Commentary series. Any Christians who experience division over loyalty to different leaders, who find it hard to agree on sexual ethics (or to live up to them), and who feel tension between their theological convictions and social context will find common ground with believers in Corinth. Home of the exalted “love chapter,” which roots all Christian action in the greatest gift, 1 Corinthians equips those who follow Jesus to craft true community with other believers, differences notwithstanding. With keen theological, biblical, and pastoral insight, Nighswander illuminates for readers the apostle Paul’s challenge to the Corinthian church and calls Christians today to unity through the reconciling work of Christ.

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    • Leviticus


      God is gracious, holy, and present. As a book about how to worship and how to live, Leviticus unfurls these critical characteristics of God in relation to humanity. In the thirty-third volume in the Believers Church Bible Commentary series, Old Testament scholar Perry B. Yoder argues that the oft-neglected book of Leviticus discloses valuable truths, symbols, and practices of the New Testament. Traversing difficult interpretive territory such as the sacrificial system, purity laws, and priestly instructions, Yoder writes with a clarity and nuance that will interest a wide swath of readers. He eloquently poses for readers the focal question of Leviticus: how to live in the presence of God.

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    • Road Maps For The Non Pauline Epistles And Revelation


      This book is intended as an initial set of roadmaps (detailed expository outlines of each book) for others to explore the infinitely beautiful terrain of this portion of God’s Word. Not every geographical marker has been mapped-nor could it be. But it is a guide to help you navigate through the major highways and back trails of the non-Pauline epistles and Revelation, as you make your own roadmap, which accurately reflects the hallowed territory, yet is unique to your journey and ministry context.

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    • Revelation Verse By Verse


      Revelation is like no other book in the New Testament. Its bizarre images need explaining even for seasoned Bible readers, but when we turn to biblical scholars we find that they don’t all agree.

      In Revelation Verse by Verse, Grant R. Osborne offers a clear exposition of the book that takes seriously both its first-century context and what it means today. Where he disagrees with other interpretations of particular images, he briefly mentions them but remains focused on the text throughout. Rather than being a book that stirs up fear, Revelation is instead a hopeful and even devotional book, focused on the certainty of God’s bringing his plans to completion, the futility of Satan and his plans, and the glory of the Lamb.

      Revelation Verse by Verse is the first volume in the Osborne New Testament Commentaries, a new series from noted Bible scholar Grant R. Osborne directed toward pastors and committed laypeople.

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    • Character Studies In The Fourth Gospel


      The most thorough study ever on the characters and on characterization in John’s Gospel Using various narrative approaches and methodologies, an inter-national team of forty-four Johannine scholars in this volume offers sixty-four essays related to individual characters and group characters in the Gospel of John. With essays that present fresh perspectives on characters who play a major role in the Gospel – Peter, Nicodemus, the Samaritan woman, Thomas, and many others – as well as original studies of characters who have never before been the focus of narrative analysis – the men of the Samaritan Woman, the boy with the loaves and fishes, Barabbas, and more – this book sheds new light on how complex and nuanced many of these characters are, even as they stand in the shadow of Jesus. Readers of this volume will be challenged to consider the Gospel of John anew.

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    • Romans 9-16


      In this volume of the Reformation Commentary on Scripture, Philip Krey and Peter Krey offer a diversity of Reformation-era biblical commentary on Romans 9-16. Drawing upon Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Radical and Roman Catholic resources, they reveal the breadth and depth of early modern biblical exegesis for the renewal of the church today.

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    • Historical Writings : Fortress Commentary On The Bible Study Edition


      Editor’s/Publisher’s Note
      Introduction-The Editors
      Reading The Old Testament In Ancient And Contemporary Contexts-Matthew J. M. Coomber
      The People Of God And The Peoples Of The Earth-Hugh R. Page Jr.
      Reading The Christian Old Testament In The Contemporary World-Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
      Themes And Perspectives In The Historical Writings-Norman K. Gottwald
      Joshua-Pekka M. A. Pitkanen
      Judges-Victor H. Matthews
      Ruth-Gale A. Yee
      1, 2 Samuel-Hugh S. Pyper
      1, 2 Kings-Gale A. Yee
      1, 2 Chronicles-Alejandro F. Botta
      Ezra-Nehemiah-Katherine E. Southwood
      Esther-Judy Fentress-Williams

      Additional Info
      This commentary on the Historical Writings, excerpted from the Fortress Commentary on the Bible: The Old Testament and Apocrypha, engages readers in the work of biblical interpretation. Contributors from a rich diversity of perspectives connect historical-critical analysis with sensitivity to current theological, cultural, and interpretive issues.

      Each chapter (Joshua through Esther) includes an introduction and commentary based on three lenses: ancient context, the interpretative tradition, and contemporary questions and challenges.

      The Historical Writings introduces fresh perspectives and draws students, preachers, and interested readers into the challenging work of interpretation.

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    • 1-2 Thessalonians


      In this commentary Andy Johnson engages with the developing interpretive framework of missional hermeneutics to present a theological interpretation of 1 & 2 Thessalonians that aims to help the church more fully participate in the life and mission of the triune God.
      After a verse by-verse commentary, Johnson closely examines the theology of the two epistles, focusing especially on the topics of eschatology, holiness, and election in light of his missional reading of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. In his exegetical and theological analyses, Johnson considers canonical concerns, doctrinal commitments, ecclesial practices, proposals from contemporary systematic theology, and insights gleaned from the field of neuroscience regarding personal and community formation, all of which help to clarify and enrich readers understanding of various passages.

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    • Wisdom Worship And Poetry


      Editor’s/Publisher’s Note
      Introduction-The Editors
      Reading The Old Testament In Ancient And Contemporary Contexts-Matthew J. M. Coomber
      The People Of God And The Peoples Of The Earth-Hugh R. Page Jr.
      Reading The Christian Old Testament In The Contemporary World-Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
      Introduction To Wisdom And Worship: Themes And Perspectives In The Poetic Writings-Timothy J. Sandoval
      Job-Alissa Jones Nelson
      Psalms-W. Derek Suderman
      Proverbs-Carole R. Fontaine
      Ecclesiastes-Micah D. Kiel
      Song Of Songs-Hugh R. Page Jr.

      Additional Info
      This commentary on wisdom, worship, and poetry, excerpted from the Fortress Commentary on the Bible: The Old Testament and Apocrypha, engages readers in the work of biblical interpretation. Contributors connect historical-critical analysis with sensitivity to current theological, cultural, and interpretive issues.

      Each chapter (Job through Song of Songs) includes an introduction and commentary based on three lenses: ancient context, the interpretative tradition, and contemporary questions and challenges.

      Worship, Wisdom, and Poetry introduces fresh perspectives and draws students, preachers, and interested readers into the challenging work of interpretation.

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    • Acts Of The Apostles


      Authored by one of the world’s leading New Testament scholars, this commentary on the Acts of the Apostles was originally published in 1996. James Dunn first takes the reader through questions of authorship, audience, date, purpose, and literary structure. He then considers the kind of history writing that we find in the narrative of Acts, delineates the book’s theological teaching, and offers bibliographic comments on sources and selected studies, including work published between 1996 and 2016. This commentary as a whole provides the information and perspective necessary for reading to best effect what Dunn believes is the most exciting book in the New Testament.

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    • Job


      Veteran Old Testament scholar Tremper Longman offers an accessible commentary on one of Scripture’s most intriguing books. With his deft exegetical and expositional skill, the resulting work is full of fresh insight into the meaning of the text.In addition to the helpful translation and commentary, this volume considers theological implications of the wisdom texts found in the book of Job as well as their literary, historical, and grammatical dimensions. Footnotes deal with many of the technical matters, allowing readers of varying interest and training levels to read and profit from the commentary and to engage the biblical text at an appropriate level. This built-in versatility has application for both pastors and teachers.

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    • God Help Me Rebuild My Broken World


      With Society Crumbling Around Us, It’s Time to Rebuild

      We live in a post-Christian age marked by moral and spiritual decay. We have watched our comfortable walls collapse as our faith has been attacked on every side.

      But take heart! God can raise up leaders dedicated to defending His truth and following His blueprints for holy living. One of those leaders might be you-because no matter where you live and what you do, you have a circle of influence.

      And your influence is desperately needed.

      How does a believer construct secure barriers to hold back the discouragement and moral danger of this world? Respected ministry leader Michael Youssef takes you through the book of Nehemiah to help you learn the keys to godly leadership and restoration.

      Discover what it takes to rebuild walls in this highly relevant study of a people who traded their rubble for rejoicing.

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    • Letters And Homilies For Hellenized Christians


      Letters and Homilies for Hellenized Christians, Volume 2 is the third of three volumes extending Ben Witherington’s innovative socio-rhetorical analysis of New Testament books to the latter-Pauline and non-Pauline corpora. By dividing the volumes according to the socioreligious contexts for which they were written, Witherington sheds fresh light on the documents, their provenance, character and importance. Throughout, Witherington shows his thorough knowledge of recent literature on these texts and focuses his attention on the unique insights brought about through socio-rhetorical analysis that either reinforces or corrects those gleaned from other approaches. “Bridging the Horizons” sections point to the relevance of the text for believers today, making this volume of special value to pastors and general readers as well as to students and scholars.

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    • Letters And Homilies For Jewish Christians


      In this commentary on Hebrews, James and Jude, Ben Witherington III applies his socio-rhetorical method to elucidate these letters within their primarily Jewish context, probing the social setting of the readers and the rhetorical strategies of the authors of the letters.

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    • Celebrate King Jesus


      Many refer to the Book of Revelation as the book of the Tribulation. However, in reality, it is the time for the coronation of King Jesus. Many people ask why God keeps Satan on the earth, but are afraid to read the Book of Revelation which is an account of when Jesus does finally remove him from the earth. The Book of Revelation is the only book where God ensures a blessing to those who read it.

      God’s plan was always to know Him and dwell with Him. God has been long suffering as He has given every opportunity to every generation to come to Him and make their dwelling place with Him (Col 1:23). No one knows the day or the time when Christ will come for His Church (Mt 24:36), but that will be the time of the Book of Revelation. The Greek word for Revelation is apokalypsis and means an unveiling. The word is singular; only one person is revealed: Christ. Throughout the New Testament we saw Jesus as our Savior, but now He comes to rule the world. It is only now that Jesus receives His inheritance as the King of the Kingdom of God. The Church, the bride of Christ, will rule and reign with King Jesus throughout the Millennium. The bride will share in the inheritance of King Jesus.
      This book has an overview in the introduction, and before each chapter, to understand how everything fits chronologically in time sequence. The intent is that it is easy to read and the focus is to see the big picture before the details are explained. All Scripture in Revelation is included, as well as Scriptures within the Bible that prophesy each event that will occur.

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    • Celebrate King Jesus


      Many refer to the Book of Revelation as the book of the Tribulation. However, in reality, it is the time for the coronation of King Jesus. Many people ask why God keeps Satan on the earth, but are afraid to read the Book of Revelation which is an account of when Jesus does finally remove him from the earth. The Book of Revelation is the only book where God ensures a blessing to those who read it.

      God’s plan was always to know Him and dwell with Him. God has been long suffering as He has given every opportunity to every generation to come to Him and make their dwelling place with Him (Col 1:23). No one knows the day or the time when Christ will come for His Church (Mt 24:36), but that will be the time of the Book of Revelation. The Greek word for Revelation is apokalypsis and means an unveiling. The word is singular; only one person is revealed: Christ. Throughout the New Testament we saw Jesus as our Savior, but now He comes to rule the world. It is only now that Jesus receives His inheritance as the King of the Kingdom of God. The Church, the bride of Christ, will rule and reign with King Jesus throughout the Millennium. The bride will share in the inheritance of King Jesus.
      This book has an overview in the introduction, and before each chapter, to understand how everything fits chronologically in time sequence. The intent is that it is easy to read and the focus is to see the big picture before the details are explained. All Scripture in Revelation is included, as well as Scriptures within the Bible that prophesy each event that will occur.

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    • Song Of Solomon


      The Book of First Kings 4:32 says that Solomon wrote 1005 songs. A song is poetry like the Psalms that were sung to bring forth a message from God. God deemed this song important enough to keep it in His manual, the Bible. The Books of First and Second Samuel are the historical books of David, but His love and emotions for God were written in his Psalms. Likewise, the Book of Revelation is a historical book of the bride of Christ, but the Song of Solomon is the love and emotions of Christ and His bride. This book is being published at the same time as Revelation to be companion books with the same overview. God desired a people who would be adopted into His kingdom. Christ would redeem every person who would acknowledge the plan of God to become children of the Most High God. The Bible was inspired by God (2 Tim 3:16).

      The Book of Song of Solomon shows the love of the Lord Jesus to His bride, the Church, who is called Shulamite. Shulamite in Hebrew is the feminine noun for Solomon. Solomon in Hebrew is shalom meaning peace unto wholeness. This wholeness comes from a relationship with the Lord which is offered to everyone, male or female, Jewish or Gentile (non-Jewish). Do not think of Solomon in this book as the king, for he too is a believer in the Lord, so therefore He too can be the Shulamite. This is not a picture of Solomon’s love for a woman, but instead the story of how Solomon came to love the Lord and grow spiritually throughout His life. Both Books (Revelation and Song of Solomon) are actually a symbolic picture of the Ancient Jewish Wedding. The bride is the Church, and therefore, seen as female, yet we know that God is identified as being present in both male and female. Therefore, Solomon is writing as a believer growing in his walk with the Lord.
      Song of Solomon, like all books in the Old Testament, point to Jesus. It can’t be about Solomon and his love for a woman; IT HAS TO BE ABOUT JESUS. Therefore, it shows how a believer grows in their relationship with Jesus. The Jewish wedding takes us from the first time we see Jesus in the spirit and are engaged (salvation) to the time we see Jesus face to face in marriage (our resurrection) to the time we return with Christ to rule and reign as His wife (Millennium) to the time we live in the new heaven and earth (eternity). The intention of this book is to experience in the spirit the life of the believer growing in our knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ.

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    • Ephesians


      In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul emphasized “unity in the inaugurated new creation.” The first part of his letter describes the salvation freely offered to us through faith in Christ. Paul then applies this truth in the second part, calling his readers to live a life of love. In this commentary, S.M. Baugh approaches Ephesians from a first-century perspective, examining ancient sources to determine Paul’s meaning, while also interacting with recent scholarship. He then shows how the ancient context applies to the lives of believers today.

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    • 1 And 2 Kings


      1 and 2 Kings, like each volume in the Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible, is designed to serve the church–through aid in preaching, teaching, study groups, and so forth–and demonstrate the continuing intellectual and practical viability of theological interpretation of the Bible.

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    • Jeremiah And Lamentations


      This concise, carefully organized commentary for pastors presents biblical scholarship to inform authoritative expository preaching and teaching. Each chapter includes the big idea, key themes, sermon illustrations, and full-color images.

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    • Isaiah 40-66


      Isaiah 40-66, by Marvin A. Sweeney, is the nineteenth published volume in The Forms of the Old Testament Literature (FOTL), a series that provides a form-critical analysis of the books and units in the Hebrew Bible. Building on his earlier FOTL volume, Isaiah 1-39, Sweeney here presents his analysis of Isaiah 40-66 within both the synchronic literary form of Isaiah and the diachronic history of its composition.

      In keeping with the methodology and goals of the FOTL series, Sweeney’s Isaiah 40-66 offers detailed examinations of the formal structure of the chapters covered; the genres that function within these chapters; the literary, historical, and social settings of the text; and the overall interpretation of Isaiah 40-66 and its constituent textual units. Including a glossary of the genres and formulas discussed, this commentary will be a useful resource to anyone wishing to engage more deeply with this central book in the Hebrew Bible.

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    • 1 Samuel As Christian Scripture


      This work by Stephen Chapman offers a robustly theological and explicitly Christian reading of 1 Samuel. Chapman’s commentary reveals the theological drama at the heart of that biblical book as it probes the tension between civil religion and vital religious faith through the characters of Saul and David.

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    • 1 Samuel-2 Chronicles


      This latest volume in the Reformation Commentary on Scripture (RCS) series offers biblical commentary from numerous Reformation-era theologians, pastors, and preachers from a variety of theological traditions – Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Radical, and Roman Catholic – on six Old Testament books: 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, and 1-2 Chronicles.

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    • Holiest Of All


      It is only the full and perfect knowledge of who Christ is and what He does for us that can bring us to a complete Christian life. In this verse-by-verse study of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Andrew Murray explains the power of Christ’s finished work on the cross, His present intercession for believers, and how to enter into the rest of Christ. Murray expounds upon our relationship with God in the Holy of Holies, and with Jesus and the grace lavished on us through the blood of the eternal covenant. The one cure for all human frailty is to look to Jesus on the throne of heaven and confidently claim the heavenly life He waits to impart to us.

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    • Revelation


      The book of Revelation is perhaps the most theologically complex and literarily sophisticated – and also the most sensual – document in the New Testament. In this commentary John Christopher Thomas’s literary and exegetical analysis makes the challenging text of Revelation more accessible and easier to understand. Frank Macchia follows up with sustained theological essays on the book’s most significant themes and issues, accenting especially the underappreciated place of the Holy Spirit in the theology of Revelation.

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    • James : A Visual And Textual Guide


      Study and teach James like never before! Dr. Steve Runge, author of Discourse Grammar of the Greek New Testament, provides discourse-based commentary, featuring custom-designed slides to use in your teaching. Talented designers tailored these infographics to illustrate the key ideas of each passage, and you can export them for use in your own sermons or Bible studies.

      Divided into preachable chunks, this commentary draws on insights from the six-volume Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament to examine the linguistic and literary clues in the text, highlighting what you need to know. Dr. Runge follows the flow of the book, presenting the big ideas of each passage and applying his linguistic and exegetical expertise to guide your study. The High Definition Commentary: James is a one-of-a-kind Bible teaching tool, and it’s only available from Lexham Press.

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    • 1-2 Chronicles


      Purity, worship, obedience, and hope: 1 & 2 Chronicles called the early Hebrew people to faithful practice of these things, and they issue the same call to readers today. As August H. Konkel writes in the 30th commentary in the Believers Church Bible Commentary series, the Chronicler provided a unifying vision of the community’s rich traditions in an era of despondency and apathy. Exile had robbed the people of Israel of their wealth, and their return to the land of Judah had created resentment with the surrounding peoples. Struggling to maintain their faith amid intense social pressures, the Hebrew people needed to look to their past for lessons for the present. As two of the most overlooked books in the Christian canon, 1 & 2 Chronicles are exemplary resources for those who seek to be the people of God today.

      1 & 2 Chronicles is the thirtieth volume in The Believers Church Bible Commentary Series. Accessible to lay readers, useful in preaching and pastoral care, helpful for Bible study groups and Sunday school teachers, and academically sound, the commentary foregrounds an Anabaptist reading of Scripture. Relying on a unique format that includes sections on The Text in Biblical Context and The Text in the Life of the Church, the commentary series is a cooperative project of Brethren in Christ Church, Brethren Church, Church of the Brethren, Mennonite Brethren Church, Mennonite Church Canada, and Mennonite Church USA. Published for all who seek more fully to understand the original message of Scripture and its meaning for today, the series is based on the conviction that God is still speaking to all who will listen, and that the Holy Spirit makes the Word a living and authoritative guide for all who want to know and do God’s will.

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    • Mystery Of God The Final Episode


      In this eye-opening commentary, Paul Winkler unlocks the Scriptures to reveal the mystery of God and how it was fulfilled, just as Jesus promised, within one generation of Christ’s time on earth. Winkler condenses intensely technical studies from around the world and across time to present an easy-to-read, verse-by-verse discussion of the entire book of Revelation. His masterful inclusion of Scriptures, from both the Old and New Testaments, will leave readers feeling confident-instead of confused-and able to apply kingdom promises to their lives today. His work supports the preterist (prophecy already fulfilled) viewpoint. “If one gives an answer before he hears, it is folly and shame…The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him” (Proverbs 18:13, 17 ESV).”

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    • Mystery Of God The Final Episode


      In this eye-opening commentary, Paul Winkler unlocks the Scriptures to reveal the mystery of God and how it was fulfilled, just as Jesus promised, within one generation of Christ’s time on earth. Winkler condenses intensely technical studies from around the world and across time to present an easy-to-read, verse-by-verse discussion of the entire book of Revelation. His masterful inclusion of Scriptures, from both the Old and New Testaments, will leave readers feeling confident-instead of confused-and able to apply kingdom promises to their lives today. His work supports the preterist (prophecy already fulfilled) viewpoint. “If one gives an answer before he hears, it is folly and shame…The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him” (Proverbs 18:13, 17 ESV).”

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    • Proverbs : A Commentary In The Wesleyan Tradition


      Comprising six sections of collected wisdom sayings, the book of Proverbs is a challenging read. Many of the sayings are attributed to King Solomon, and others to anonymous sages. In some sections the sayings seem better connected thematically than those in others. With so much variety, studying this book can lead to frustration.

      The author of this latest NBBC, John Hartley, has provided excellent guidance to help readers mine the riches of this valuable biblical book. Helpful overviews containing important topics and themes introduce major sections. Headings assist in identifying the topics of individual sayings. These features combined with the scholarly expertise that the author brings to the text make this commentary an essential resource for any library. Through this expert guidance, each proverb can fulfill its intention of beinga word of wisdom for contemplation and reflection.

      Engaging, perceptive, and academically thorough, the New Beacon Bible Commentary will expand your understanding and deepen your appreciation of the meaning and message of each book of the Bible.

      Written from the Wesleyan theological perspective, this indispensable commentary provides pastors, professional scholars, teachers, and Bible students with a crtical, relevant, and inspiring interpretation of the Word of God in the 21st century.

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    • Isaiah 1-33 (Revised)


      The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.

      Overview of Commentary Organization
      *Introduction-covers issues pertaining to the whole book, including context, date, authorship, composition, interpretive issues, purpose, and theology.
      *Each section of the commentary includes:
      *Pericope Bibliography-a helpful resource containing the most important works that pertain to each particular pericope.
      *Translation-the author’s own translation of the biblical text, reflecting the end result of exegesis and attending to Hebrew and Greek idiomatic usage of words, phrases, and tenses, yet in reasonably good English.
      *Notes-the author’s notes to the translation that address any textual variants, grammatical forms, syntactical constructions, basic meanings of words, and problems of translation. *Form/Structure/Setting-a discussion of redaction, genre, sources, and tradition as they concern the origin of the pericope, its canonical form, and its relation to the biblical and extra-biblical contexts in order to illuminate the structure and character of the pericope. Rhetorical or compositional features important to understanding the passage are also introduced here.
      *Comment-verse-by-verse interpretation of the text and dialogue with other interpreters, engaging with current opinion and scholarly research.
      *Explanation-brings together all the results of the discussion in previous sections to expose the meaning and intention of the text at several levels: (1) within the context of the book itself; (2) its meaning in the OT or NT; (3) its place in the entire canon; (4) theological relevance to broader OT or NT issues.
      *General Bibliography-occurring at the end of each volume, this extensive bibliographycontains all sources used anywhere in the commentary.

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    • Philippians


      Benefit from the incredible wisdom of Charles Spurgeon, passage by passage. Spurgeon’s writings on the Bible fill dozens of volumes-his thoughts on particular passages scattered in numerous books and sermons. These volumes collect his thoughts on ten different New Testament letters in a commentary format, with illustrations and applications culled from his sermons and writings.

      Spurgeon’s content is now easily accessible-there is no longer a need to comb through many volumes looking for one nugget of wisdom. Spurgeon’s writings are now curated in a format that is tied to the biblical text.

      These commentaries direct you to places where Spurgeon explicitly cites a verse and where he alludes to it. They highlight illustration content, so the preacher looking for an illustration from Spurgeon relating to a verse will be able to find one easily. Each section of Scripture includes at least one application from Spurgeon based on those verses. And these volumes save time-reading Spurgeon for pleasure is wonderful, but preachers and teachers working under a deadline need ways to streamline their sermon preparation process.

      The Spurgeon Commentaries do all this by trimming the excess out of Spurgeon’s sermon archive and increasing functionality, usability, and readability. Outdated language has even been updated, making Spurgeon’s writing easier than ever to understand.

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