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Showing 301–350 of 844 results

  • Joshua : A Commentary In The Wesleyan Tradition


    Engaging, perceptive, and academically thorough, the New Beacon Bible Commentary will expand your understanding and deepen your appreciation for the meaning and message of each book of the Bible.

    Written from the Wesleyan theological perspective, this indispensable commentary provides pastors, professional scholars, teachers, and Bible students with a critical, relevant, and inspiring interpretation of the Word of God in the 21st century.

    For centuries a book of high significance, Joshua has in recent times experienced some doubts about its historicity. But as Stephen Lennox clearly shows in this latest of New Beacon Bible Commentaries, Joshua is reliable historically when seen through the proper ancient lenses. Unlike modern historians, who seek to relay detailed accounts of events with exact times and places, ancient historians sought to persuade others through their narration of the past. This is the case with Joshua. Here is a book whose main purpose is to convince its readers that God is a God who keeps his promises. Within its pages God is depicted as the hero, the One who fulfills his word to give his people the land of Canaan.

    With scholarly precision Dr. Lennox s commentary not only brings to light the true nature and purpose of Joshua but also presents an accurate and inspiring portrait of its timeless message. Here again is a valuable and essential tool for the study of Scripture. This is a commentary that belongs on every Bible student s bookshelf.

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  • James : Revised Edition


    The genius of the letter of James lies in its powerfully simple call for repentance, for action, for a consistent Christian lifestyle. In this revised commentary Douglas Moo allows James’ words to cut through our theological debates, our personal preconceptions, our spiritual malaise and return us to an invigorating, transforming Christianity.

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  • Feasting On The Gospels John 1


    Feasting on the Gospels follows up on the success of the Feasting on the Word series with all new material on the most prominent and preached-on New Testament books, the four Gospels.

    With contributions from a diverse and respected group of scholars and pastors, Feasting on the Gospels covers every single passage in the Gospels, making it suitable for both lectionary and nonlectionary use. Moreover, these volumes incorporate the unique format of Feasting on the Word, with four perspectives for preachers to choose from for each Gospel passage: theological, pastoral, exegetical, and homiletical.

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  • Isaiah For Everyone


    Westminster John Knox Press is pleased to present the seventeen-volume Old Testament for Everyone series. Internationally respected Old Testament scholar John Goldingay addresses Scripture from Genesis to Malachi in such a way that even the most challenging passages are explained simply and concisely. The series is perfect for daily devotions, group study, or personal visits with the Bible.

    In this volume on Isaiah, Goldingay explores the first of the great prophetic books. Isaiah is a compilation of the prophetic messages of several prophets. Their messages to the people of Judah and Jerusalem included a call for injustice to be recognized, a message of liberation and hope from the oppressors of the people, and a message of the coming day of judgment. These separate messages are held together by the promise of a new age of redemption and peace that lies beyond the crisis of judgment.

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  • Song Of Songs


    This Old Testament book, ‘the best of songs’, has fascinated and perplexed interpreters for centuries. We hear the passionate melody of romantic love, and are confronted by erotic imagery but whose love is described? Is it a couple’s love for each other, God’s love for his people, or a poem that speaks to love in all its dimensions? Iain Duguid’s commentary explains how the Song is designed to show us an idealized picture of married love, in the context of a fallen and broken world. It also convicts us of how far short of this perfection we fall, both as humans and as lovers, and drives us repeatedly into the arms of our true heavenly husband, Jesus Christ. The Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries have long been a trusted resource for Bible study. Written by some of the world’s most distinguished evangelical scholars, these twenty-eight volumes offer clear, reliable and relevant explanations of every book in the Old Testament, aiming to get at the true meaning of the Bible and to make its message plain to readers today.

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  • Job


    In this commentary Lindsay Wilson shows the book of Job to be a coherent literary work that addresses this question: Is it possible for humans to have genuine faith in God regardless of their circumstances? Wilson argues that Job’s bold, sometimes questioning cries to God are portrayed as legitimate expressions of trust for a righteous person in adversity.

    Through critical exegesis of the text, Wilson focuses on the message of Job and its implications for practical ministry, examining such key issues as suffering, justice, lament, and faith. He also touches on various pertinent topics in Christian ethics, including individual character, wealth, suicide, and the environment. In a final section Wilson offers guidance on using Job as a resource book for pastoral care and prayer, and he discusses how to teach and preach from the book of Job.

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  • New Testament Introduction (Revised)


    Preface To The Third Edition
    Preface To The Fourth Edition
    1. The Gospels
    2. Matthew’s Gospel
    3. Mark’s Gospel
    4. Luke’s Gospel
    5. The Synoptic Problem
    6. Form Criticism And Its Developments
    7. John’s Gospel
    8. The Acts Of The Apostles
    9. The Epistle To The Romans
    10. The Corinthian Epistles
    11. The Epistle To The Galatians
    12. The Captivity Epistles
    13. The Epistle To The Ephesians
    14. The Epistle To The Philippians
    15. The Epistle To The Colossians
    16. The Thessalonian Epistles
    17. The Pastoral Epistles
    18. The Epistle To Philemon
    19. The Epistle To The Hebrews
    20. The Epistle Of James
    21. The First Epistle Of Peter
    22. The Second Epistle Of Peter
    23. The Johannine Epistles
    24. The Epistle Of Jude
    25. The Book Of Revelation

    Appendix A: The Collection Of Paul’s Letters
    Appendix B: The Chronology Of The Life Of Paul
    Appendix C: Epistolary Pseudepigraphy
    Appendix D: Further Reflections On The Synoptic Problem

    General Bibliography
    Classified Bibliography Of Commentaries
    Index Of Modern Authors
    Subject Index

    Additional Info
    Twenty years after its first release in one volume, Donald Guthrie has revised his widely acclaimed New Testament Introduction. A careful recasting of a benchmark evangelical work, this new edition provides a fixed point for surveying the books of the New Testament. Noting the issues raised by the past two decades of biblical scholarship, Guthrie engages the issues of authorship and authenticity, purpose and structure, historical context and cultural setting. In these discussions, as well as in the notes and bibliographies, he draws on a wealth of recent scholarly research which gives added value to this classic resource.

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  • Ruth


    An expressly theological reading of the biblical book of Ruth

    In this commentary James McKeown approaches the book of Ruth as part of the whole canon of Scripture, exploring not only the content of the book itself but also its relationship to other biblical books. He shows in particular how Ruth overflows with allusions to Genesis. The themes of “blessing,” “seed,” and “land” are common to both books, and studying Genesis and Ruth together provides profound insights into the providential working of God to fulfill the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

    In addition to his exegetical commentary on the text of Ruth, McKeown provides useful background material on how the book has been interpreted throughout history, including Jewish interpretation, and he focuses on Ruth’s theology and its application. His discussion also touches on such related topics as universalism, feminist studies, and the missiological significance of the book of Ruth.

    McKeown’s insightful commentary will enable students, pastors, and laypeople to better understand the ancient book of Ruth so that they can better apply its message and wisdom today.

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  • Matthew : A Theological Commentary On The Bible


    One of the most beloved books of the New Testament, the Gospel of Matthew speaks with eloquence and power. Among the Gospels, Matthew paints a fuller picture of the life, ministry, and teachings of Jesus. Anna Case-Winters’s incisive commentary reveals that Matthew is clearly a theological book. It is about God’s saving work in Jesus Christ. Moreover, it is presented in a way that easily lends itself to the task of teaching and preaching. Case-Winters highlights five themes that shape the distinctive portrait of Jesus this Gospel offers. Here we see Jesus facing up to conflict and controversy, ministering at the margins, overturning presuppositions about insiders and outsiders, privileging the powerless, demonstrating the authority of ethical leadership, challenging allegiance to empire, and pointing the way to a wider divine embrace than many dared imagine. Case-Winters captures the core of Matthew’s unique Gospel, which speaks powerfully to the life of Christian faith today in the midst of our own issues and struggles.

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  • Proverbs And Ecclesiastes


    In this new volume in the Belief series, Amy Plantinga Pauw reveals how the biblical books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, while often overlooked, are surprisingly relevant for Christian faith today. Both biblical books probe everyday human experiences. They speak to those who seek meaning and purpose in an uncertain world and encourage us to look for God’s presence in human life, not in divine visions or messages. They show openness to wisdom insights from many sources, urging us to find the commonalities and connections of our wisdom with those of our religious neighbors. Ultimately, these books affirm that true wisdom, whatever its human source, comes from God. Pauw includes reflections for preaching and teaching throughout her study.

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  • Luke : New Testament Volume 3


    In this latest volume in the highly regarded Reformation Commentary on Scripture series, volume editor Beth Kreitzer introduces us to the wisdom and insight of familiar and unfamiliar reformers alike as they unpack the riches of Luke’s inspired “narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us” (1:1).

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  • Genesis 1-15


    The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.

    Overview of Commentary Organization
    Introduction-covers issues pertaining to the whole book, including context, date, authorship, composition, interpretive issues, purpose, and theology. Each section of the commentary includes: Pericope Bibliography-a helpful resource containing the most important works that pertain to each particular pericope. Translation-the author’s own translation of the biblical text, reflecting the end result of exegesis and attending to Hebrew and Greek idiomatic usage of words, phrases, and tenses, yet in reasonably good English. Notes-the author’s notes to the translation that address any textual variants, grammatical forms, syntactical constructions, basic meanings of words, and problems of translation. Form/Structure/Setting-a discussion of redaction, genre, sources, and tradition as they concern the origin of the pericope, its canonical form, and its relation to the biblical and extra-biblical contexts in order to illuminate the structure and character of the pericope. Rhetorical or compositional features important to understanding the passage are also introduced here. Comment-verse-by-verse interpretation of the text and dialogue with other interpreters, engaging with current opinion and scholarly research. Explanation-brings together all the results of the discussion in previous sections to expose the meaning and intention of the text at several levels: (1) within the context of the book itself; (2) its meaning in the OT or NT; (3) its place in the entire canon; (4) theological relevance to broader OT or NT issues. General Bibliography-occurring at the end of each volume, this extensive bibliography contains all sources used anywhere in the commentary.

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  • Jude-2 Peter


    The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.

    Overview of Commentary Organization
    Introduction-covers issues pertaining to the whole book, including context, date, authorship, composition, interpretive issues, purpose, and theology. Each section of the commentary includes: Pericope Bibliography-a helpful resource containing the most important works that pertain to each particular pericope. Translation-the author’s own translation of the biblical text, reflecting the end result of exegesis and attending to Hebrew and Greek idiomatic usage of words, phrases, and tenses, yet in reasonably good English. Notes-the author’s notes to the translation that address any textual variants, grammatical forms, syntactical constructions, basic meanings of words, and problems of translation. Form/Structure/Setting-a discussion of redaction, genre, sources, and tradition as they concern the origin of the pericope, its canonical form, and its relation to the biblical and extra-biblical contexts in order to illuminate the structure and character of the pericope. Rhetorical or compositional features important to understanding the passage are also introduced here. Comment-verse-by-verse interpretation of the text and dialogue with other interpreters, engaging with current opinion and scholarly research. Explanation-brings together all the results of the discussion in previous sections to expose the meaning and intention of the text at several levels: (1) within the context of the book itself; (2) its meaning in the OT or NT; (3) its place in the entire canon; (4) theological relevance to broader OT or NT issues. General Bibliography-occurring at the end of each volume, this extensive bibliographycontains all sources used anywhere in the commentary.

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  • Psalms : An Introduction And Commentary


    The book of Psalms is the heart of the Old Testament. It also anticipates Jesus Christ. Tremper Longman interprets each psalm in its Old Testament setting, summarizes its overall message and reflects on its significance from a New Testament perspective.

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  • 1-3 John


    In this addition to the well-received Paideia series, a senior New Testament scholar examines cultural context and theological meaning in First, Second, and Third John. Students, pastors, and other readers will appreciate the historical, literary, and theological insight offered in this practical commentary.

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  • Daniel : A Commentary


    The book of Daniel is a literary rich and complex story known for its apocalyptic style. Written in both Hebrew and Aramaic, the book begins with stories of Daniel and three Jewish young men Hananiah (Shadrach), Mishael (Meshach), and Azariah (Abednego) who are exiles among the remnant from Judea in Babylon in sixth century b.c.e. It ends with Daniel’s visions and dreams about the Jewish community that offer comfort and encouragement as they endure persecution and hope for deliverance into God’s kingdom.

    Newsom’s commentary offers a fresh study of Daniel in its historical context. Newsom further analyzes Daniel from literary and theological perspectives. With her expert commentary, Newsom’s study will be the definitive commentary on Daniel for many years to come.

    The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing. The editorial board consists of William P. Brown, Professor of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia; Carol A. Newsom, Charles Howard Candler Professor of Old Testament, Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia; and Brent A. Strawn, Professor of Old Testament, Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.

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  • Feasting On The Gospels Luke 2


    Feasting on the Gospels is a new seven-volume series that follows up on the success of the Feasting on the Word series to provide another trusted preaching resource, this time on the most prominent and preached upon most preached upon books in the Bible: the four Gospels. With contributions from a diverse and respected group of scholars and pastors, Feasting on the Gospels includes completely new material that covers every single passage in the Gospels, making it suitable for both pastors who preach from the lectionary and pastors who do not. Moreover, these volumes incorporate the unique format of Feasting on the Word, giving preachers four perspectives to choose from for each Gospel passage: theological, pastoral, exegetical, and homiletical. Feasting on the Gospels offers a unique resource for all who preach, either continuously or occasionally, on the Gospels.

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  • Feasting On The Gospels Luke 1


    Feasting on the Gospels is a new seven-volume series that follows up on the success of the Feasting on the Word series to provide another trusted preaching resource, this time on the most prominent and preached upon most preached upon books in the Bible: the four Gospels. With contributions from a diverse and respected group of scholars and pastors, Feasting on the Gospels includes completely new material that covers every single passage in the Gospels, making it suitable for both pastors who preach from the lectionary and pastors who do not. Moreover, these volumes incorporate the unique format of Feasting on the Word, giving preachers four perspectives to choose from for each Gospel passage: theological, pastoral, exegetical, and homiletical. Feasting on the Gospels offers a unique resource for all who preach, either continuously or occasionally, on the Gospels.

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  • Jesus The Temple And The Coming Son Of Man


    A seasoned Gospels scholar offers an in-depth commentary on Mark 13, the so-called Little Apocalypse. Was Jesus speaking of the end-time return of the Son of Man or the coming destruction of Jerusalem or both? How can we know? Here is a careful and insightful commentary on an important and puzzling discourse of Jesus.

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  • 2 Corinthians (Revised)


    Pastors and students will appreciate this new edition with its up-to-date bibliography and discussion of pertinent issues.

    The 1986 commentary of veteran scholar Ralph P. Martin on 2 Corinthians has been thoroughly updated by the author, with assistance from a young promising scholar, Carl N. Toney, along with the help of David J. Downs and Mark W. Linder. New sections on the Collection and Rhetoric have been added, and the issues of Composition and Social Setting of the letter have been included, along with topics such as the Spirit, the Opponents, Paul’s Theology, and the Resurrection in this epistle. In a penetrating analysis of Paul’s responses to the various crises within the Corinthian congregation, Dr. Martin gives insight into the particular problems of Christianity as expressed in the hedonistic, cosmopolitan setting of Corinth. He shows how Paul’s attempt to clearly distinguish the gospel from Hellenistic Judaism and Hellenistic Jewish Christian ideology results in a moving statement of the Christian message. Rather than the “theology of glory” prevalent in Corinth, Paul articulates hist theology of the Cross as a “theology of weakness,” of servanthood and ministry. What was at stake at Corinth, says Dr. Martin, was “nothing less than the essence of the kerygma as in expressed in the way of the cross. . . for proclamation and daily living.” The Word Biblical Commentary series offers the best in critical scholarship firmly committed to the authority of Scripture as divine revelation. It is perfect for scholars, students of the Bible, ministers, and anyone who wants a theological understanding of ScriptureThe Word Biblical Commentary series has sold over 1.4 million copies.

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  • Psalms 1-72


    ‘The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.’ ‘Thy word is a lamp to my feet.’ ‘Search me, O God, and know my heart!’ Such phrases leap to mind whenever Christians lift their hearts to God. For many, in fact, the Psalms are the richest part of the Old Testament. Derek Kidner provides a fresh and penetrating guide to Psalms 1-72. He analyzes each psalm in depth, comments on interpretative questions and brings out the universal relevance of the texts. He also gives special help on the psalmists’ cries for vengeance. Together with its companion volume (Psalms 73-150), both of which were formerly part of the Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries series, this introduction and commentary will inspire and deepen personal worship.

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  • Psalms 73-150


    ‘The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.’ ‘Thy word is a lamp to my feet.’ ‘Search me, O God, and know my heart!’ Such phrases leap to mind whenever Christians lift their hearts to God. For many, in fact, the Psalms are the richest part of the Old Testament. Derek Kidner provides a fresh and penetrating guide to Psalms 73-150. He analyzes each psalm in depth, comments on interpretative questions and brings out the universal relevance of the texts. He also gives special help on the psalmists’ cries for vengeance. Together with its companion volume (Psalms 1-72), both of which were formerly part of the Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries series, this introduction and commentary will inspire and deepen personal worship.

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  • Philippians : A Visual And Textual Guide


    Study Paul’s letter to the Philippians with a new kind of commentary. In this volume of the High Definition Commentary series, linguist Steven E. Runge leverages his expertise in discourse analysis to help you understand how Paul helped the Philippian church deal with interpersonal conflicts and grow in their relationship with God. You’ll follow the flow and structure of Philippians, tracing literary and linguistic clues that help identify each passage’s big ideas. Stunning graphics visually articulate these ideas and personal illustrations will help you apply them.

    The High Definition Commentary series helps you discover insights that were once out of reach. Each volume analyzes plot twists, shocking moments, and the development of ideas. Study the Bible as it’s always been-in a whole new way.

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  • Acts From Scratch


    Building on the foundation of the popular volumes The Bible from Scratch: The Old Testament for Beginners and The New Testament for Beginners, Donald Griggs and Paul Walaskay offer a new study on the book of Acts.

    In seven chapters, Griggs and Walaskay tell the story of this popular New Testament book, with its stories of the works of Jesus’ disciples after his death, resurrection, and ascension. A leader’s guide and participant section are included, making this volume an excellent resource for group or individual study.

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  • Philippians And Philemon


    In this latest volume in the Belief series, Daniel L. Migliore plumbs the depth of Paul’s letters to the Philippians and to Philemon. With splendid theological reflection, Migliore explores central themes of these remarkable letters–themes that include the practice of prayer, righteousness from God, and the work of reconciliation and transformation through Jesus Christ.

    Migliore shows how Philippians continues to speak to churches that, like the church at Philippi, struggle to be faithful to Christ, worry about the future, and need guidance. And in Philemon, Migliore finds a letter with importance far beyond its size–a letter that can enrich our understanding of the fullness of the gospel that Paul proclaims. In both books, Migliore deftly shows Paul as a remarkable theologian and pastor with a message instructive to the church of every age.

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  • John : The Gospel Of Wisdom


    Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. – John 1:17 “When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth.” – John 16:13 “He who saw this has testified so that you also may believe. His testimony is true, and he knows he is telling the truth.” – John 19:35 With time and experience comes wisdom. John, the longest-surviving of the apostles, recorded in his Gospel a portrait of Jesus that reflects the depth of years of reflection on who Jesus is and what he means to the world. Writing in light of the philosophies of his day, John describes Jesus as the incarnate Word, the divine Logos, the embodiment of all truth and wisdom. In this last volume of the Biblical Imagination Series, Michael Card completes his work on the four Gospels. He shows how John stands alongside the other Gospel writers to fill out the picture of Jesus’ divine identity, with stories and sayings of Jesus not recorded by the others. This Jesus reorients our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, offering us nothing less than the way, the truth and the life. Like John before him, Card has written these words so that we may better believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and by believing have life in his name.

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  • Proverbs Ecclesiastes And Song Of Songs For Everyone


    Westminster John Knox Press is pleased to present the seventeen-volume Old Testament for Everyone series. Internationally respected Old Testament scholar John Goldingay addresses Scripture from Genesis to Malachi in such a way that even the most challenging passages are explained simply and concisely. The series is perfect for daily devotions, group study, or personal visits with the Bible.

    In this volume, Goldingay explores three books of the Old Testament in the wisdom literature genre. These three books are all associated with Solomon and his wisdom, yet unlike other books, they do not mention the Torah, the exodus, or the covenant. As Goldingay says, “The basis of their teaching is the way life actually works. They look at life and reflect on experience and encourage people to live on the basis of how life works.” Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs for Everyone explores three practical, down to earth, and hopeful books.

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  • John 1-12


    The first eighteen verses of the Gospel of John make some of the most profound statements about the character and work of Christ in all of Scripture: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (1:1); “all things were made through him” (1:3); “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (1:14).

    Reformation commentators ruminated on the meaning and implications of such claims for shedding light on doctrines like the Trinity, the divinity of Christ and his incarnation, but also for grasping the saving benefits of Christ’s work in justification (for those “who believed in his name”) and new birth (those born of God as his children, 1:12-13).

    In this volume, Craig Farmer expertly guides readers through Reformation meditation on these themes and many others as they are unpacked in the first twelve chapters of the Gospel of John, from the Prologue to Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Here you will find a rich mosaic of reflection on the Gospel of John by a variety of significant well-known and lesser-known figures among the Reformed, Lutherans, Radicals and Roman Catholics. Farmer has done justice to the depth and nuance of the work of these Reformation-era pastors and scholars by drawing from a range of genres–extensive commentary, brief annotations, impassioned sermons, official confessions, and careful doctrinal and practical treatises.

    Contemporary scholars will find this volume indispensable for understanding the significance of the “spiritual Gospel” for Reformation theology and practice, and pastors will discover here a consistently fruitful source for preaching, teaching and discipleship in the “grace and truth” that have come through Jesus Christ (1:17).

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  • Hosea-Micah : A Commentary In The Wesleyan Tradition


    Engaging, perceptive, and academically thorough, the New Beacon Bible Commentary will expand your understanding and deepen your appreciation for the meaning and message of each book of the Bible. Written from the Wesleyan theological perspective, this indispensable commentary provides pastors, professional scholars, teachers, and Bible students with a critical, relevant, and inspiring interpretation of the Word of God in the 21st century.

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  • 1-2 Chronicles : A Commentary In The Wesleyan Tradition


    Engaging, perceptive, and academically thorough, the New Beacon Bible Commentary will expand your understanding and deepen your appreciation for the meaning and message of each book of the Bible. Written from the Wesleyan theological perspective, this indispensable commentary provides pastors, professional scholars, teachers, and Bible students with a critical, relevant, and inspiring interpretation of the Word of God in the 21st century.

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  • Leviticus : An Introduction And Commentary


    Includes introduction, analysis and section-by-section commentary

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  • Understanding Revelation : A Verse By Verse Commentary Of The Apocalypse Wi


    Most people who know anything at all about the Bible want to know more about the book of Revelation. The Apostle John, exiled on the isle of Patmos in his old age, wrote down what the Lord Jesus revealed to him in a message concerning the events surrounding the end of the world as we know it. However, much of the book is difficult for people to understand. There are three keys this author believes are essential for a solid and thorough understanding of Revelation. First, Revelation changes scenes quite often. One moment John is speaking about something that is taking place on earth. The next he is explaining something that is taking place in heaven. The reader must know which scene is being discussed. Second, there are many symbols used in Revelation, but each of those symbols are explicitly explained somewhere else in Scripture. The reader does not have to come up with an explanation from the extravagant recesses of his imagination. Third, one should not make Revelation fit current events. Rather, put your trust in the Word of God and let current events come into place as the “day of Jesus Christ” approaches.

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  • Deuteronomy : A Theological Commentary On The Bible


    In this fresh commentary, Deanna A. Thompson makes this important Old Testament book come to life. Recounting God’s foundational relationship with Israel, Deuteronomy is set in the form of Moses’ speeches to Israel just before entry into the promised land. Its instructions in the form of God’s law provide the structure of the life that God wants for the people of Israel.

    Although this key Old Testament book is occasionally overlooked by Christians, Deuteronomy serves as an essential passing down to the next generations the fundamentals of faith as well as the parameters of life lived in accord with God’s promises. Thompson provides theological perspectives on these vital themes and shows how they have lasting significance for Christians living in today’s world. Thompson’s sensitivity to the Jewish context and heritage and her insights into Deuteronomy’s importance for Christian communities make this commentary an especially valuable resource for today’s preacher and teacher.

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  • Jeremiah


    The prophet Jeremiah and King Josiah were born at the end of the longest, darkest reign in Judah’s history. Human sacrifice and practice of the black arts were just two features of the wickedness that filled Jerusalem from one end to the other with innocent blood. As outspoken prophet and reforming king, these two men gave their country its finest opportunity of renewal and its last hope of surviving as the kingdom of David. The book of Jeremiah is full of turmoil and national tragedy, the story of key people like Baruch, Gedaliah and Ebedmelech the Ethiopian, and the drama of rediscovering the forgotten book of Mosaic law. National events interweave with the lives of individuals; the rediscovered book of God’s law transforms Josiah, Jeremiah and the future of the world. Derek Kidner, in this volume that was formerly part of the widely respected The Bible Speaks Today series, gives careful attention to the text and reveals its startling relevance to our own troubled time.

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  • IVP Bible Background Commentary New Testament (Revised)


    How To Use This Commentary
    The Need For A Cultural-Historical Commentary
    Matthew Mark Luke John Acts
    New Testament Letters
    Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galations Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude Revelation
    Maps & Charts

    Additional Info
    Voted one of Christianity Today’s 1995 Books of the Year! To understand and apply the Bible well, you need two crucial sources of information. One is the Bible itself. The other is an understanding of the cultural background of the passage you’re reading. Only with the background can you grasp the author’s original concerns and purposes. This unique commentary provides, in verse-by-verse format, the crucial cultural background you need for responsible–and richer–Bible study. It includes a glossary of cultural terms and important historical figures, maps and charts, up-to-date bibliographies, and introductory essays about cultural background information for each book of the New Testament. Based on ten years of in-depth study, this accessible and bestselling commentary is valuable for pastors in sermon preparation, for Sunday-school and other church teachers as they build lessons, for missionaries concerned not to import their own cultural biases into the Bible, for college and seminary students in classroom assignments, and for everyday Bible readers seeking to deepen and enhance their study of Scripture.

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  • Psalms For Everyone Part 2


    Westminster John Knox Press is pleased to present the seventeen-volume Old Testament for Everyone series. Internationally respected Old Testament scholar John Goldingay addresses Scripture from Genesis to Malachi in such a way that even the most challenging passages are explained simply and concisely. The series is perfect for daily devotions, group study, or personal visits with the Bible.

    In this volume, Goldingay explores Psalms 73-150. The psalms, Goldingay says, show us four ways to speak to God: in words of praise, thanksgiving, trust, and supplication. Goldingay provides brief commentary on each psalm and shows how each one can be relevant to contemporary life.

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  • Psalms


    This text introduces the book of Psalms and provides an exposition of each psalm with attention to genre, liturgical connections, societal issues, and the psalm’s place in the book of Psalms as a whole. The treatments of the psalms feature a close look at particular issues raised by the text and the encounters between the world of the psalm and the world of contemporary readers. The exposition of each psalm provides a reader’s guide to the text in conversation with relevant theological issues.

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  • New Testament Stories


    These stories from the life and ministry of Jesus and the early years of the Christian movement are retold and interpreted within contemporary frameworks. Structured for easy assimilation, each chapter deals with Text, Context, Message and Questions.

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  • Feasting On The Gospels Matthew 2


    Feasting on the Gospels is a new seven-volume series that follows up on the success of the Feasting on the Word series to provide another unique preaching resource, this time on the most prominent and preached upon New Testament books, the four Gospels. With contributions from a diverse and respected group of scholars and pastors, Feasting on the Gospels will include completely new material that covers every single passage in the New Testament Gospels, making it suitable for both lectionary and non-lectionary use. Moreover, these volumes will incorporate the unique format of Feasting on the Word, with four perspectives for preachers to choose from for each Gospel passage: theological, pastoral, exegetical, and homiletical. Feasting on the Gospels will provide a special resource for all who preach, either continuously or occasionally, on the Gospels.

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  • Acts : New Testament Volume 6


    The Reformation was a call to return with renewed vigor to the biblical roots of the Christian faith. But to the Reformers, the truth of the Bible could never be separated from the true community of God’s people gathered around his Word by his Spirit. In the book of Acts, they found God’s own promises for what he would do in and for his church, as well as his blueprint for how the church should participate in accomplishing his purposes in the world. Reformation approaches to the narrative account of the early church in the book of Acts are rich and diverse. Commentators like John Calvin and Heinrich Bullinger tended to elaborate on the theological implications of the text with a great deal of historical detail. Others like Katharina Schtz Zell evoked episodes in Acts in response to pressing concerns of the day. She, for example, appealed to Paul’s warning about those who would draw away believers from the flock (20:29) in order to denounce “fierce wolves” in contemporary Strasbourg. Sermons and homilies upheld notable characters in Acts such as Peter, Stephen, Paul, Lydia, Aquila, Priscilla and Apollos as exemplars of robust faith and of life in Christian community. Meanwhile, Anabaptist writers in their apologetic works focused heavily on the contested meaning and significance of baptism throughout Acts for the spiritual character of this community. In this volume, Esther Chung-Kim has brought together the best of this diversity of authorship, conviction and genre to present a vivid portrait of Reformation-era answers to the question of the contemporary faithfulness of the church to its God-given identity and calling.

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  • New Testament Commentary Survey


    Highly respected New Testament scholar D. A. Carson provides students and pastors with expert guidance on choosing a commentary for any book of the New Testament. The seventh edition has been updated to assess the most recently published commentaries. Carson examines sets, one-volume commentaries, and New Testament introductions and theologies, offering evaluative comments on the available offerings for each New Testament book. This is an essential guide to building a reference library.

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  • Feasting On The Gospels Matthew 1


    Feasting on the Gospels is a new seven-volume series that follows up on the success of the Feasting on the Word series to provide another unique preaching resource, this time on the most prominent and preached upon New Testament books, the four Gospels. With contributions from a diverse and respected group of scholars and pastors, Feasting on the Gospels will include completely new material that covers every single passage in the New Testament Gospels, making it suitable for both lectionary and non-lectionary use. Moreover, these volumes will incorporate the unique format of Feasting on the Word, with four perspectives for preachers to choose from for each Gospel passage: theological, pastoral, exegetical, and homiletical. Feasting on the Gospels will provide a special resource for all who preach, either continuously or occasionally, on the Gospels.

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  • Leviticus : A Commentary In The Wesleyan Tradition


    Written from a Wesleyan theological perspective, King’s commentary provides a critical, relevant, and inspiring interpretation of the Book of Leviticus. Featuring clear verse-by-verse explanations derived from the original language, it also includes comprehensive annotations that explore background context, meanings, and practical applications; helpful sidebars; and a thorough bibliography. Engaging, perceptive, and academically solid!

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  • Youth Workers Commentary On James


    One reason for writing these books is that most curriculums that are now available for youth leaders and their students are just skimming the books of the Bible (example: 4-12 lessons on the Gospel of John that do not go beyond the surface of the text). We are talking about writing books that would have the entire Biblical text printed in each book. Books that actually go deeper into the meaning of the text. We are thinking of dozens of word and character studies, with many fascinating historical and personal stories, followed by in depth thought provoking questions. This series of books will include insights and observations not usually covered in typical commentaries.

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  • Commentary On Isaiah


    Eusebius of Caesarea (ca. 260–ca. 340), one of the early church’s great polymaths, produced significant works as a historian (Ecclesiastical History), geographer (Onomasticon), philologist, exegete (commentaries on the Psalms and Isaiah), apologist (Preparation for and Demonstration of the Gospel) and theologian. His Commentary on Isaiah is one of his major exegetical works and the earliest extant Christian commentary on the great prophet. Geographically situated between Alexandria and Antioch, Eusebius approached the text giving notable attention to historical detail and possible allegorical interpretation. But above all, employing the anologia fidei, he drew his readers’ attention to other passages of Scripture that share a common vocabulary and theological themes, thus allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture. Here, for the first time in English, Jonathan Armstrong provides readers with a highly serviceable translation of Eusebius’s notably difficult Greek text, along with a helpful introduction and notes.

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  • Bible In Medieval Tradition


    This is the second volume of The Bible in Medieval Tradition (BMT), a series that aims to reconnect the church with part of its rich history of biblical interpretation.

    Ian Levy, Philip Krey, and Thomas Ryan’s Letter to the Romans presents the history of early and medieval interpretations of Romans and gives substantial translations of select medieval commentaries. Written by eight representative medieval interpreters between the ninth and fourteenth centuries, these commentaries have never been translated into English before.

    This valuable book will enhance contemporary reading of the Bible even as it lends insight into medieval scholarship. As Levy says, the medieval commentaries exhibit “qualities that many modern commentaries lack: a spiritual depth that reflects their very purpose, namely, to read Holy Scripture within the sacred tradition under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.”

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  • Psalms For Everyone Part 1


    Westminster John Knox Press is pleased to present the seventeen-volume Old Testament for Everyone series. Internationally respected Old Testament scholar John Goldingay addresses Scripture from Genesis to Malachi in such a way that even the most challenging passages are explained simply and concisely. The series is perfect for daily devotions, group study, or personal visits with the Bible.

    In this volume, Goldingay explores Psalms 1-72. The psalms, Goldingay says, show us four ways to speak to God: in words of praise, thanksgiving, trust, and supplication. Goldingay provides brief commentary on each psalm and shows how each one can be relevant to contemporary life.

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  • Matthew : The Gospel Of Identity


    You are the salt of the earth . . . You are the light of the world. Matthew 5:13-14 “I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church.” Matthew 16:18 The world tries to define us in different ways. We try to define ourselves one way or another. But who are we really? How does God define us? The Gospel of Matthew was written to a group of Christians who didnt yet know who they were. They were faithful Jews in the synagogue community in Galilee who had found the Messiah. Jesus had changed everything. But how should they think of themselves now, as Jewish or Christian? What did it all mean? Matthew writes his Gospel to help his readers define their new identity as followers of Jesus the Messiah. Michael Card unpacks how Matthews emphasis on fulfillment confirms their Jewish connection to the Torah, while his focus on the kingdom helps them understand their new identities in Christ. Matthew presents this process of redefinition as an exercise of the imagination, in which Jesus reshapes who we are in light of who he is. Come alongside Matthew in this pilgrimage, and discover how your new identity in Christ fulfills all that you are meant to be.

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  • Straight To The Heart Of Psalms


    A series of devotional commentaries, which allow people to get to grips with each book of the Bible one bite at a time. Phil Moore focuses on key sections of each book. There will be 25 volumes in all. Although the tone is light, the text is full of useful application and backed by substantial scholarship.

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  • Philippians Colossians (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830829743ISBN10: 0830829741Editor: Graham TomlinBinding: Cloth TextPublished: June 2013Reformation Commentary On ScripturePublisher: InterVarsity Press

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