



    Denominational Concerns

    • 9798889835554 Roots Of Reform

      Roots Of Reform


      Volume 1 of The Annotated Luther series contains writings that defined the roots of reform set in motion by Martin Luther, beginning with the Ninety-Five Theses (1517) through The Freedom of a Christian (1520). Included are treatises, letters, and sermons written from 1517 to 1520, which set the framework for key themes in all of Luthers later works. Also included are documents that reveal Luthers earliest confrontations with Rome and his defense of views and perspectives that led to his excommunication by Leo X in 1520.

      These documents display a Luther grounded in late medieval theology and its peculiar issues, trained in the latest humanist methods of the Renaissance, and, most especially, showing sensitivity toward the pastoral consequences of theological positions and church practice.

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    • 9781791033828 Fullest Possible Love

      Fullest Possible Love


      A new and age-old way of practicing the Christian faith.

      What does Wesleyan theology and the Methodist way of life have to do with Benedictine ideas and practices? Renowned teacher Paul W. Chilcote reveals surprising and profound similarities and overlaps in the practices and theological convictions of these two Christian streams. Chilcote is a United Methodist scholar, elder, and serves as a Benedictine oblate. He writes from his own spiritual life, offering a gift to readers who are interested in Methodism and mysticism. Chilcote teaches a remarkable approach to spiritual practice; it is a new and age-old way of practicing our faith.

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    • 9780836199888 Radicals And Reformers

      Radicals And Reformers


      With Bibles and baptism, a movement was born.

      From renegade gatherings of Christian believers in the 1500s to a global communion of more than 2.1 million members, the Anabaptist-Mennonite movement has been marked by faithfulness and failure, continuity and conflict, radicalism and reformation. In this engaging history, Radicals and Reformers traces the origins and development of the Anabaptist and Mennonite movements from their beginnings in Europe through their spread across the globe.

      In this new authoritative introduction to Anabaptist history, historian Troy Osborne reflects on the ways that Anabaptists have defined their identity in new settings and in response to new theological, intellectual, geographic, and political contexts. Drawing from current scholarship and a range of written and visual sources, this book provides an overview of how Mennonites from Zurich to Zimbabwe have adapted to or resisted the world around them.

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    • 9781791032081 Who We Are And What We Believe Companion Reader

      Who We Are And What We Believe Companion Reader


      Clear answers to common questions.

      This small, simple, and shareable book about The United Methodist Church is a helpful reference guide to everything that makes The UMC distinctive. Written in a clear, accessible style by Laceye Warner, Who We Are and What We Believe: 50 Questions about the UMC contains answers to fifty common questions about who United Methodists are, what we believe and practice, and what sets us apart. Use it alone or as a companion to Knowing Who We Are: The Wesleyan Way of Grace.

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    • 9781955295420 Deacon On Purpose Second Edition

      Deacon On Purpose Second Edition


      A Baptist Courier Title

      A healthy deacon body is critical to the overall health of the church. When deacons serve biblically, they advance the cause of Christ; when they do not, they hinder it. A Deacon On Purpose outlines four essential commitments every deacon must make to serve Jesus’s church well, in concert with biblical teaching. 1) Lead by Example. The deacon is the lead servant in the local church. He should strategically leverage relational influence to model faithful Christian living and service in the body of Christ. 2) Serve the People. A deacon who is above the people is below the office. The primary function of the office is to serve Christ’s people with an open heart and open hands. 3) Support the Pastor and Staff. Deacons are an extension of the pastor’s long arm of ministry. The two offices must work in concert with one another if either is to be effective. 4) Protect the Peace. Other than the gospel itself, unity is the most precious thing a church can possess. Deacons must cultivate and guard peace with careful intentionality. These four purposes are primarily derived from Acts 6:1-7, a passage widely understood to have laid the foundation for the office of deacon in the local New Testament church. The four purposes may take different forms in different contexts, but contextualized application of each is vitally important to the overall health of the local church. Some deacon training resources major on the minors, and their attention to detail and concentrated practicality is helpful. But the four purposes in this resource are clear and simple, easily translatable into the deacon body of any church, regardless of size or culture. Discussion questions and reflection points at the end of each chapter are aimed at cultivating an environment conducive to self-assessed, self-driven, contextualized application. Because no two churches and no two communities are the the same, A Deacon On Purpose delivers basic biblical essentials with clarity while allowing deacons to be experts in their own contexts when it comes to application of these four overarching biblical purposes. With a writing style that directly addresses the reader, the book represents a healthy blend of biblical foundation, practical application, and personal illustration. Biblical texts are given first priority to the convictional positions taken by the author. Then those biblical truths are worked out in practical ways, always deferring to the reader as the resident expert

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    • 9781791031978 Works Of John Wesley 30

      Works Of John Wesley 30


      Part of the most comprehensive collection of Wesley’s writings. The correspondence presented in this sixth volume of Wesley’s letters covers the period when Methodists in North America, by a “strange providence,” were severed from their relationship with the Church of England. Wesley made heroic efforts to provide them with ordained clergy and other materials they would need in their life as a “church.” It also illuminates the tensions that John’s decision to ordain clergy for Methodists outside of England created within his connexion in England-particularly with his brother Charles. The volume includes over 200 items not found in previous editions of Wesley’s letters. All Works of John Wesley volumes are designed to keep the pages clean and in place for years to come, with casebound non-cloth hardcover, dust jacket, and secure adhesive binding.

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    • 9781791032036 Knowing Who We Are

      Knowing Who We Are


      Discover what sets United Methodism apart.

      In this book, Laceye C. Warner invites you to a richer understanding of Wesleyan Christianity so you can have a clear sense of identity, better express your own beliefs, and deepen your connection with The United Methodist Church. She introduces you to important values and characteristics that make the Wesleyan way distinctive, including emphasizing God’s grace for all and sanctification as tangible transformation in your life, your community, and all creation. You’ll see how The United Methodist Church today is deeply rooted in the Christian tradition and a legacy of care, compassion, and active response to injustice in the world. And you’ll find that Christian faith in the Wesleyan tradition holds together personal faith and community life, along with a commitment to justice through ministry and service. Pick up this book and study it with your small group and discover a way of being Christian that fills you with joy, moves you to follow Jesus wholeheartedly, and spurs you to live with compassion and grace. The book can be read alone or used by small groups anytime throughout the year. Components include video teaching sessions featuring Laceye Warner and a comprehensive Leader Guide, making this perfect as a six-week group study. A companion book, Who We Are and What We Believe: 50 Questions about The UMC, is also available.

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    • 9781513812991 New Anabaptists: Practices For Emerging Communities

      New Anabaptists: Practices For Emerging Communities


      What does it look like to be an Anabaptist community in the modern world? And why does it matter?

      A new incarnation of Anabaptism is emerging, but not where we might expect. In the United Kingdom–a post-Christendom context with little historical Anabaptist presence–Christian communities are embodying fresh expressions of Anabaptist faith and practice. In this companion to The Naked Anabaptist, author Stuart Murray identifies twelve common practices of such churches and communities that are shaped by an Anabaptist vision.

      Murray explores how these practices–which include encouraging economic radicalism in the face of rampant consumerism, truth-telling in a “post-truth” society, and accountability in an individualistic culture that knows little about the Christian story–might shape emerging Christian communities and inspire those seeking fresh expressions as cultural changes accelerate. The book concludes with three on-the-ground reports from ministry leaders pursuing this Anabaptist vision in their own post-Christendom contexts.
      The New Anabaptists provides foundational resources for followers of Jesus in many different settings as they rise to the challenge of faithful and radical discipleship in local communities.

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    • 9781791033071 Upward : Wesleyan Formation In Three Movements

      Upward : Wesleyan Formation In Three Movements


      A guide for new and longtime United Methodists. This book thorougly and methodically walks the reader through the distinctives of the Wesleyan way–the theology, practices, habits, and attitudes that characterize Methodist people. It is a book of both instruction and celebration, offering the equivalent of a course on Wesleyan living and a beautiful reminder of the ways that life is most gracious and lovely. Features:

      –Clear framework with small segments; easy for readers to follow

      –Practical Methodist theology for today, for real people

      –The content can easily be adapted for different formats, such as articles, single chapters, and key points for Ministry Matters Exchange


      –Helps readers correct misconceptions about Wesleyan theology-their own and those in their congregations

      –Helps readers clarify and reclaim Wesleyan theology-or to learn it for the first time

      –Gives readers the vocabulary and a helpful new framework for sharing Wesleyan theology with others

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    • 9781791032142 Being United Methodist Christians

      Being United Methodist Christians


      Learn what it means to be a United Methodist Christian.

      How may we describe United Methodists? Where do we come from? What do we believe? How do United Methodists act? What are our distinctive characteristics? What is required to be a member of our denomination? How do we grow as disciples of Jesus Christ within this great communion?

      In this resource, we offer answers to these questions and others in broad strokes as we describe our United Methodist Church. We will introduce you to how United Methodists live and think as followers of Jesus Christ.

      The United Methodist Church possesses the characteristics of many other Christian traditions but has its own distinctive profile. Our denomination combines knowledge and vital piety, believing that serious theological reflection and spiritual practices are both part of the Christian life. United Methodists link personal and social holiness, expecting high personal integrity and deep concern for social justice. We are both evangelical and sacramental, showing concern for people who have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and honoring the transforming power of Baptism and Holy Communion. We welcome people with many different theological perspectives. Finally, United Methodists are both local and connectional, expressing our faith in local congregations, regional associations, and global missions, so that we might do more together than any of us could do separately.

      This book will help readers:

      * hear and claim for themselves the story of God’s love, God’s redemption, and God’s ongoing presence and power through Jesus Christ.

      * explore and claim for themselves the unique beliefs and emphases of United Methodist Christians.

      * identify ways to live day by day as United Methodist Christians as individuals and in community with other Christians.

      We invite you to claim for yourself the continuing story of God’s mighty acts of creation, redemption, and power through Jesus Christ within our great denomination. As you begin or continue to see yourself within this living, dynamic part of the universal body of Jesus Christ, we invite you to live, be, and grow as a United Methodist Christian.

      The book includes Small-Group Study and Leader Helps at the end of each chapter, including questions.

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    • 9781791016593 American Methodism Revised And Updated (Revised)

      American Methodism Revised And Updated (Revised)


      The essential guide to American Methodism revised and updated through 2020.

      Four of Methodism’s most respected teachers give us a vivid picture of 260 years of Methodist experience in America. The revised edition updates the Methodist movement’s story through 2020, including the social, political, economic, technological, and global disruptions that cause faith communities and denominations to pull apart.

      American Methodism Revised and Updated begins with the explosion of evangelical Pietism and revolutionary Methodism, the First Great Awakening, as an independent nation was formed.

      It then highlights key 19th century themes and Methodist contributions, such as spreading scriptural holiness through missions and literature, planting tens of thousands of Sunday schools and churches by Circuit Riders, the pivotal Methodist schism between abolitionists and enslavers, the innovative building of schools and hospitals into the next century, and the revivalism of the Second Great Awakening.

      Finally it explores the movements of 20th century Methodism, including the expansion of home and foreign missions, the Methodist drive for Prohibition, the decision for nationwide reunification on the cusp of World War II, reunification with the United Brethren during the Vietnam War, the Methodist ordination of women during the 1950s, Black Methodist leadership in the 1960s Civil Rights movement, and the liturgical renewal or reformation of worship (ancient and future).

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    • 9780664264673 What Kind Of Christianity

      What Kind Of Christianity


      Like most Americans, Presbyterians in the United States know woefully little about the history of slavery and the rise of anti-Black racism in our country. Most think of slavery as a tragedy that “just happened” without considering how it happened and who was involved. In What Kind of Christianity William Yoo paints an accurate picture of the complicity of the majority of Presbyterians in promoting, supporting, or willfully ignoring the enslavement of other human beings. Most Presbyterians knew of the widespread physical and sexual violence that enslavers visited on the enslaved, and either approved of it or did nothing to prevent it. Most Presbyterians in the nineteenth century-whether in the South or the North–held racist attitudes toward African Americans and put those attitudes into daily application. In short, during that period when the Presbyterian church was establishing itself as a central part of American life most of its members were promoting slavery and anti-Black racism. In this important book William Yoo demonstrates that to understand how Presbyterian Christians can promote racial justice today, they must first understand and acknowledge how deeply racial injustice is embedded in their history and identity as a denomination.

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    • 9781791024000 People Called Metodistas

      People Called Metodistas


      Church renewal always happens from the margins, never from the center. Church renewal burns with fiery passion among the LatinX pueblos and barrios, and this energy in Latin America can be harnessed to reform doctrine, worship, and the core purpose of Methodists. Emil Brunner said that “the church exists by mission as fire exists by burning.” At times, this fire has burned brightly and served as a light to the nations. Sometimes it has been mishandled and caused harm, and still at other times, it seems to dwindle to a few embers. The flame of church renewal burns brightly among many poor and marginalized followers of Christ. The Holy Spirit, like the wind, blows where it will, but some places are windier than others. Social peripheries are particularly windy places. This book tests whether renewal of doctrine, worship, and mission can happen by looking to the experience of Methodists in LatinX and Latin American ecclesial contexts. In true Wesleyan spirit, this renewal does not confine itself to Methodism, but the people called metodistas share in the movement’s fundamental calling to reform the church universal in its mission to the world.

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    • 9781791016005 Works Of John Wesley 14

      Works Of John Wesley 14


      The controversial and doctrinal works emerging from John Wesley’s debates with Moravians, with Roman Catholics, and regrading worship practices are essential for understanding Wesleyan soteriology and ecclesiology.

      Works of John Wesley, Volume 14 Doctrine and Controversial Treaties III is part of a series dedicated to providing a complete and accurate published collection of the Works of John Wesley. The various items included in the series constitute crucial primary texts for study of Wesley’s life, his ministry, and his thoughtful impact on the broader Methodist movement in Great Britain and America

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    • 9781683595854 Amidst Us Our Bleoved Stands

      Amidst Us Our Bleoved Stands


      When it comes to baptism and the Lord’s Supper, many Baptists reject the language of sacrament. As a people of the book, the logic goes, Baptists must not let tradition supersede the Bible. So Baptists tend to view baptism and Communion as ordinances and symbols, not sacraments.

      But the history of Baptists and the sacraments is complicated. In Amidst Us Our Beloved Stands, Michael A. G. Haykin argues that earlier Baptists, such as Charles Spurgeon, stood closer to Reformed sacramental thought than most Baptists today do. More than mere memorials, baptism and Communion have spiritual implications that were celebrated by Baptists of the past. Haykin calls for a renewal of sacramental life in churches today-Baptists can and should be sacramental.

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    • 9781791027568 5 Means Of Grace

      5 Means Of Grace


      Wesley showed us ways to reorder our lives through the “means of grace.” Recharge. Reboot. Reorder. Whatever you want to call it, we need a process that helps us continuously renew our relationship with God so that we don’t drift away from our faith. Based on The Wesley Covenant for Renewal, Five Means of Grace is a six-week, video-based study that will show you how to reorder your life through prayer, searching Scripture, receiving the Lord’s Supper, fasting, and conferencing (worshiping together). You’ll learn how to recognize and affirm the outward signs, words, and actions of an invisible divine grace, deepening your relationship with God and making your faith more complete. A Leader Guide and DVD are also available.

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    • 9781640654181 For The Life Of The World

      For The Life Of The World


      How do the core actions of worship nurture life with God?

      The ecumenical movement of the 20th century revealed a common pattern of worship among Christian communions, a pattern that bears the imprint of distinctive denominational emphases. In this exploration of that pattern, Samuel Torvend invites readers to delve into this flexible tradition that centers a parish in the life of God given for the life of the world.

      The basics of Episcopal and Anglican worship in North America are explored in this Little Books series, which invites parishioners and newcomers to consider both the beauty of worship and Episcopal ethical commitments.

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    • 9781640654204 Abide In Peace

      Abide In Peace


      In a world and nation marked by suffering and division, Marcus Halley invites readers to explore rituals of healing and reconciliation in parish practice.

      How is Christian community fostered when healing and reconciliation are prayerfully and actively sought? How do the ancient rituals of healing practiced among us today form a community committed to the Way of Love, the Way of Healing? And how does such practice lead the Christian community to seek peace?

      The basics of Episcopal and Anglican worship in North America are explored in this Little Books series, which invites parishioners and newcomers to consider both the beauty of worship and Episcopal ethical commitments.

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    • 9781514003640 Contours Of The Kuyperian Tradition

      Contours Of The Kuyperian Tradition


      Abraham Kuyper was, by any standard, one of the most extraordinary figures in modern Christian history. He was a Dutch Reformed minister, a gifted theologian, a prolific journalist, the leader of a political party, the cofounder of the Free University of Amsterdam (where he was professor of theology), a member of the Dutch Parliament, and eventually prime minister of the Netherlands.

      Kuyper’s remarkable legacy lives on today in the tradition of Dutch Calvinism that he developed. As his writings become more widely available, this tradition continues to find new adherents attracted by his comprehensive vision of Christian faith. But what defines the Kuyperian tradition?

      Renowned South African theologian and philosopher Craig Bartholomew has written the first systematic introduction to this tradition. Drawing on Kuyper’s entire corpus, Bartholomew has identified the key themes and ideas that define this tradition, including worldview, sphere sovereignty, creation and redemption, the public square, and mission. He also goes beyond Kuyper to show how later thinkers developed these ideas. They include, among others, Herman Bavinck, J. H. Bavinck, Gerrit C. Berkouwer, and Herman Dooyeweerd.

      Widely known but little read, Kuyper is now receiving the global recognition that his fertile and influential thought deserves. Contours of the Kuyperian Tradition is an indispensable guide to one of the most significant schools of thought in the modern age.

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    • 9781640654358 Embodied Liturgy : Virtual Reality And Liturgical Theology In Conversation

      Embodied Liturgy : Virtual Reality And Liturgical Theology In Conversation


      Can the ‘reality’ of the Eucharist be maintained online?

      Author C. Andrew Doyle, in a well-researched and thoughtful study of both virtual reality and liturgy, argues that the Eucharist is not a formulaic rehearsal of words and rituals but an embodied and lived experience. This requires a shared place and presence. While the church should not shy away from virtual ministry, we should be wary of using the technological realm for the celebration of the Eucharist, an act that is an outward and visible sign of our spiritual union with God and one another. It brings us closer to friend and stranger for the transformation of individuals into unity in Christ. The context of the ritual-with people, objects, words, and all sorts of nuance-creates intimacy with God and each other.

      This unique book is especially timely and will be of interest to scholars, liturgists, and those interested in sacramental theology in the digital age.

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    • 9781513805702 What Is The Church And Why Does It Exist

      What Is The Church And Why Does It Exist


      What is the church? And why does it exist? These are essential questions for those who seek to follow Jesus in community.

      David Fitch delves into the origins of the church, exploring the identity and calling of the body of Christ in scripture and church history. Learn about the Christian practices that shape the church and how our understandings of church might change in light of the life of the church through the centuries. At a time when the church in the US is losing credibility and cultural privilege, Fitch calls us to embrace historic Anabaptism as a model for thriving as God’s people in our own time and place.

      The Jesus Way: Small Books of Radical Faith delve into big questions about God’s work in the world. These concise, practical books are deeply rooted in Anabaptist theology. Crafted by a diverse community of internationally renowned scholars, pastors, and practitioners, The Jesus Way series helps readers deepen their faith in Christ and enliven their witness.

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    • 9781513805665 What Is Gods Mission In The World And How Do We Join It

      What Is Gods Mission In The World And How Do We Join It


      What does God’s mission look like? Who is supposed to carry it out–and how?

      Juan F. Martinez and Jamie Pitts lead us on an inquiry into God’s mission in the world: what it is, what it is not, and who is invited to be part of it. If Jesus is truly God’s mission incarnate, we need to look at what Jesus did and how he did it. Martinez helps readers understand what mission means, why Christians in the past have made missteps, and how we can learn from Christian communities that are spreading the good news of Jesus today. Doing mission in the way of Jesus may look different from what many assume, but it is a call that the church cannot afford to miss.

      The Jesus Way: Small Books of Radical Faith delve into big questions about God’s work in the world. These concise, practical books are deeply rooted in Anabaptist theology. Crafted by a diverse community of internationally renowned scholars, pastors, and practitioners, The Jesus Way series helps readers deepen their faith in Christ and enliven their witness.

      *Accessible Jesus-centered theology from an Anabaptist perspective
      *Designed for use by individual readers, small groups, and Christian education classes
      *Glossary of terms and discussion and reflection questions in each volume

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    • 9780664267445 Daily Feast Meditations From Feasting On The Word Year B

      Daily Feast Meditations From Feasting On The Word Year B


      Feasting on the Word has quickly become the most popular lectionary commentary series in use today. This is the first in a new series of daily devotionals that draws from the wealth of writing in the commentaries to present inspirational reflections, responses, and prayers for each day of the lectionary year.

      Each day of the week contains Scripture passages for the coming Sunday from the Revised Common Lectionary, excerpts from the commentaries for reflection, a response, and a prayer. Additional material is provided for each Sunday.

      These handsome volumes will be packaged in a soft leather-like cover with rounded corners, a stamped cover, and a sewn-in ribbon to help you keep your place.

      Feasting on the Word is a twelve-volume lectionary commentary series that presents brief essays on each of four perspectives–exegetical, theological, pastoral, and homiletical–for each of the four Sunday readings. The series is edited by Barbara Brown Taylor and David L. Bartlett with a distinguished editorial board, and has been produced in partnership with Columbia Theological Seminary. For more information about the series and other related projects, visit

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    • 9781513805719 What Does Justice Look Like And Why Does God Care About It

      What Does Justice Look Like And Why Does God Care About It


      What does justice look like? And why does God care about it?

      Colin and Judith McCartney take us on a bold exploration of justice through the lens of scripture and the life of Jesus. Find out how Christians across the centuries have understood and lived God’s call to justice. Discover communal and individual practices for living a life of justice in our time and place.

      The Jesus Way: Small Books of Radical Faith delve into big questions about God’s work in the world. These concise, practical books are deeply rooted in Anabaptist theology. Crafted by a diverse community of internationally renowned scholars, pastors, and practitioners, The Jesus Way series helps readers deepen their faith in Christ and enliven their witness.

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    • 9780880284769 Listening Together : Global Anglican Perspectives On Renewal Of Prayer And

      Listening Together : Global Anglican Perspectives On Renewal Of Prayer And


      With 85 million members in more than 165 countries, the Anglican Communion represents a wide variety of opinions on mission, theology, and how to live and act as God’s people. Listening Together focuses on the renewal of prayer and the religious life, with stories and reflections from faithful leaders from across the Communion.

      “Nothing is more important to our relationship with God than prayer through Jesus Christ,” says Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury. “Renewal of the religious life and renewal of prayer go hand in hand: There will not be one without the other. It is about letting God into every last part of our life.”

      Listening Together is the third of a three-book series to help Anglicans around the world discuss shared challenges and opportunities for mission and ministry.

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    • 9781513805689 What Is The Trinity And Why Does It Matter

      What Is The Trinity And Why Does It Matter


      How is the one God also three persons? How is Jesus fully God and fully human? Who in the world should we pray to? And why does any of it matter?

      Steve Dancause offers a succinct and profound investigation into how what we think about God as Trinity matters in our faith, our work, and our love. It matters because the walls of our churches are cracking around us. We can keep patching things up, but it is better to go to the foundation and do the hard digging. With the right foundation, the structure holds, and it stands the test of eternity. And it is only in Jesus, and the Trinity he reveals to us, that we build our lives on solid rock. Let’s dig down together.

      The Jesus Way: Small Books of Radical Faith delve into big questions about God’s work in the world. These concise, practical books are deeply rooted in Anabaptist theology. Crafted by a diverse community of internationally renowned scholars, pastors, and practitioners, The Jesus Way series helps readers deepen their faith in Christ and enliven their witness.

      *Accessible Jesus-centered theology from an Anabaptist perspective
      *Designed for use by individual readers, small groups, and Christian education classes
      *Glossary of terms and discussion and reflection questions in each volume

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    • 9781513805672 Why Do We Suffer And Where Is God When We Do

      Why Do We Suffer And Where Is God When We Do


      The Jesus Way series helps readers encounter big questions about the reign of God in the world. Concise and practical books deeply rooted in Anabaptist theology. Start small.

      Cancer, hurricanes, hunger, suicide: suffering is the most profound challenge to faith that many people will face.

      Valerie G. Rempel leads readers into a gentle meditation on the many questions surrounding why we suffer. How can God be all-loving and all-powerful? Why don’t prayers seem to work? Is pain always redemptive? And what do the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus reveal about suffering? We may not find answers to all our questions, but we can lean into the God big enough to absorb all of them.

      The Jesus Way: Small Books of Radical Faith delve into big questions about God’s work in the world. These concise, practical books are deeply rooted in Anabaptist theology. Crafted by a diverse community of internationally renowned scholars, pastors, and practitioners, The Jesus Way series helps readers deepen their faith in Christ and enliven their witness.

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    • 9781513805641 What Is The Bible And How Do We Understand It

      What Is The Bible And How Do We Understand It


      Reading the Bible is one thing. Understanding how the Bible came to be and how it can guide our faith and life? That’s quite another.

      Dennis R. Edwards offers a succinct and profound investigation of Scripture. By holding up Jesus as the interpretive key and inviting us to read the Bible with the marginalized, Edwards challenges us to a Christ-centered approach to hermeneutics. What does it mean to read the Bible with Jesus at the center? How does Scripture illuminate the work of God in the world? Edwards shines light on contemporary debates about the Bible and calls us to faithful, loving interpretations and applications of the Word of God.

      The Jesus Way series delves into big questions about God’s work in the world. These concise, practical books are deeply rooted in Anabaptist theology. Crafted by a diverse community of internationally renowned scholars, pastors, and practitioners, The Jesus Way series helps readers deepen their faith in Christ and enliven their witness.

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    • 9781513805658 Why Did Jesus Die And What Difference Does It Make

      Why Did Jesus Die And What Difference Does It Make


      Why did Jesus die? And how does his death change us and our world? These questions stand at the center of our faith. But that doesn’t mean they are simple or straightforward.

      Michele Hershberger helps us peer deeply into the meaning of the cross by sifting through Scripture and the life of Christ. Learn about theological concepts like sin, salvation, and atonement. Find out how Christians across the centuries have thought about Jesus’ death. Discover how Jesus’ life, crucifixion, and resurrection change everything.

      The Jesus Way series delves into big questions about God’s work in the world. These concise, practical books are deeply rooted in Anabaptist theology. Crafted by a diverse community of internationally renowned scholars, pastors, and practitioners, The Jesus Way series helps readers deepen their faith in Christ and enliven their witness.

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    • 9781513806075 Speaking Of God

      Speaking Of God


      Do you ever think you’re forgetting how to talk about God? Or never learned how?

      Theology is nothing more–and nothing less–than speaking together about God. Still, a lot of us don’t know where to start.

      In Speaking of God, pastor and theologian Anthony Siegrist helps readers recover a basic language around Christian theology. The sweeping epic of Scripture serves as the scaffold for this accessible book. In vivid and even humorous writing, Siegrist introduces us to scholars and pilgrims and traditions that disclose essential truths about God and Jesus Christ, as well as concepts like creation, sin, redemption, the church, and discipleship. By plumbing the works of theologians such as Augustine, Julian of Norwich, Antonia Gonzalez, and Kazoh Kitamori, Siegrist offers readers an introduction to Christian theology throughout the ages, emphasizing common threads of thought and practice across traditions.

      Learning to talk about God requires courage and humility; this handbook of Christian theology will help you gain both. Join the deepest, longest conversation in the world.

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    • 9781640652408 Receiving Jesus : The Way Of Love

      Receiving Jesus : The Way Of Love


      Practical and inspiring ways to practice a Jesus-centered life

      So often we think of the Christian faith as an obligation or as a set of beliefs that we must hold. With this outlook, we can lose sight of what is most important: the invitation to experience a loving, personal relationship with God. It’s a relationship we can trust, where we can find refuge and solid ground upon which to stand. The Way of Love set forth by the Episcopal Church’s Presiding Bishop Michael Bruce Curry is the journey of a lifetime. It’s a way of knowing God, receiving and sharing Jesus’ love, and being a blessing to the world. Mariann Edgar Budde shares her thoughts on how the reader can come to know–to receive–Jesus more deeply in practicing the Way of Love. Through the seven practices that have been put before us: to turn, to learn, to pray and to worship, to bless, to go, and to rest, she will share biblical stories, wisdom from the Christian tradition, and her own personal stories of spiritual growth.

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    • 9781786221322 Skilfully Woven Knot

      Skilfully Woven Knot


      The noted preacher and spiritual writer Michael Mayne wrote extensively about Anglicanism’s distinctive theology and ethos, and how it could help the church speak to contemporary society.

      This collection of his unpublished writings and lectures offers a vintage distillation of his wisdom and pastoral understanding that remains extraordinarily relevant. Michael Mayne’s wisdom calls the church back to its deepest spiritual identity and purpose, exploring:
      -The nature of moderation and tolerance;
      -The influence of daily prayer;
      -What happens when Anglicans disagree;
      -Unity in Christ despite diversity in practice;
      -Learning from controversies.

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    • 9781506448343 Essential Forde : Distinguishing Law And Gospel

      Essential Forde : Distinguishing Law And Gospel


      No twentieth-century American understood Luther’s law-gospel distinction better than Gerhard O. Forde, who was professor of theology at Luther Theological Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Because Forde kept this Lutheran distinction razor sharp, his theological writings are an essential inheritance for us today. This volume, The Essential Forde, aims to provide the essence of Forde’s writing centered upon Luther’s and Scripture’s essential distinction, that is, the distinction between law and gospel.

      The editors of this volume have chosen some of the most definitive writings of the renowned Gerhad Forde, whose influence continues to grow. The list of works trace the contours of Forde’s theological argument. Organized around “Law and Gospel,” the selections start off with some historical background on that doctrinal locus, but for the most part express Forde’s own views of the law and the gospel, including death and resurrection, the bondage of the will, good works, preaching, and the sacraments. Besides these essential writings, the book will provide a definitive introduction by the editors, which includes a brief biography of Forde, an essay regarding his doctrinal interpretation, and a sketch of the Forde legacy. Also contained in the volume will be a comprehensive bibliography of all of Forde’s published works plus work published about him.

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    • 9780281083640 Anglican Evangelists : Identifying And Training A New Generation

      Anglican Evangelists : Identifying And Training A New Generation


      For twenty years, the Archbishops’ College of Evangelists has affirmed and supported Anglican evangelists. This book, marking the College’s twentieth anniversary relaunch, relaunches the College with a clear focus on identifying and training new evangelists. This book then, marks a significant transition. The thirteen authors work in a range of contexts and come from different traditions within the church. Their focus in this book, is less on the nature of evangelism, and more on the calling and gifting of the evangelist. In different ways they reflect on the questions: what is an evangelist? How should the church identify and affirm evangelists? How do we train evangelists? How do we enable evangelists to equip all God’s people to witness to the kingdom of God? The thirteen contributors are all practitioners, and this is reflected in their range of experience and writing styles. Some take a deeply biblical and theological approach. Others reflect on their personal journey and learning. Others offer practical insights and a helpful reframing of the initial questions. All of them are fervent in their plea to the church to recognise the unique calling and gifting of the evangelist and reflect on how this gift is received and passed on within the church.

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    • 9780880284752 Witnessing Together : Global Anglican Perspectives On Evangelism And Witnes

      Witnessing Together : Global Anglican Perspectives On Evangelism And Witnes


      With 85 million members in more than 165 countries, the Anglican Communion represents a wide variety of opinions on mission, theology, and how to live and act as God’s people. Witnessing Together focuses on preaching the gospel in different contexts around the world, highlighting practices that are transforming communities of faith.

      Each context is profoundly unique; opening a window on each of these enables the church in each place to share something of God with the church everywhere else. Unless we come together and share like this, our vision of God is small, impoverished, offers Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury. Stories of witnessing and sharing the love of God in Christ–of persevering in the hope of the resurrection–are the beating heart of the Church. Listen carefully to its different voices and their richness, Archbishop Welby says. Be open to its challenges, and be inspired to join in more fully with proclaiming the good news of Jesus.

      Witnessing Together is the second of a three-book series to help Anglicans around the world prepare for the 2020 Lambeth Conference, when bishops from across the Anglican Communion will gather to discuss shared challenges and opportunities for mission and ministry.

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    • 9780880284745 Walking Together : Global Anglican Perspectives On Reconciliation

      Walking Together : Global Anglican Perspectives On Reconciliation


      With 85 million members in more than 165 countries, the Anglican Communion represents a wide variety of opinions on mission, theology, and how to live and act as God’s people.

      In Walking Together, global Anglican leaders share difficult and profound experiences of seeking reconciliation. If left to our own human devices, reconciliation is impossible, concedes Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury. But Walking Together focuses not on the human task of reconciliation but on God’s work, reminding us that when we seek reconciliation, we are merely joining in the work that God has already begun. These stories of communities walking together toward reconciliation offer hope, allowing us to glimpse the beauty of the people of God as they seek, despite their brokenness, to join in the work of the Kingdom.

      Walking Together is the first of a three-book series to help Anglicans around the world prepare for the upcoming Lambeth Conference, when bishops from across the Anglican Communion will gather to discuss shared challenges and opportunities for mission and ministry.

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    • 9781784983727 Humble Calvinism : And If I Know The Five Points

      Humble Calvinism : And If I Know The Five Points, But Have Not Love…


      1. The Problem With Calvinists
      2. Humble Calvinism Is Not An Oxymoron
      3. Point One: Level Ground
      4. Point Two: Love, Regardless
      5. Point Three: Specific Service
      6. Point Four: The Family Business
      7. Point Five: Credit God
      8. We’re Calvinists Best When We Aren’t Calvinists First

      Additional Info
      Humble Calvinism is both a helpful summary of what Calvinism is, and a helpful challenge to those who are convinced Calvinists. It calls us to hold Calvinism in our hearts, not just in our heads, so that we are humble and gracious as well as zealous for the truth, to the praise and glory of Christ and his church.

      Author Jeff Medders admits that he is quick to defend Calvinism, but often slow to humbly love Christians who take a different view. His warm-hearted, challenging (and surprisingly witty) book takes readers through the the five points of Calvinism, revealing that a true understanding has a humbling effect on our hearts, fueling a love of Christ and his people that builds others up, rather than tearing them down.

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    • 9780664263973 Presbyterian Worship Questions And Answers

      Presbyterian Worship Questions And Answers


      Presbyterian worship is known for its balance between form and freedom, seeking to be faithful to the leading of God’s Word and open to the movement of God’s spirit. For those who plan, lead, and participate in worship, living within this tension can be a creative challenge, one that poses many questions for our liturgical theology and practice.

      Presbyterian Worship Questions and Answers draws on the author’s scholarly insights, pastoral instincts, and decade of experience in the Presbyterian denomination’s Office of Theology and Worship to provide accessible answers to the questions people frequently ask about Presbyterian worship along with a few we ought to ask more frequently. From the philosophical-What is worship and what does it have to do with real life?-to the practical-Why is there a pink candle and when do we light it?-Presbyterian Worship Questions and Answers seeks to shed new light on the meaning and mystery of worship in the Reformed tradition.

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    • 9781640651074 Community Rules : An Episcopal Manual

      Community Rules : An Episcopal Manual


      * Practical guide to church community life Taking the approach of Michael Pollan’s Food Rules, Community Rules seeks to distill the basics of “good church” into a set of memorable rules. Working with three sections, the authors draw on their years of combined experience in academic and church administration to identify the basic Christian principles that underpin Episcopal community and then apply them to actions and relationships. The book seeks to explicate the best personnel practices, as well as good governance and communal life together, alongside a framing within the Christian worldview. The goal is to provide a text that can serve as a guide for any and all members of a parish, most especially those who serve on vestries or as volunteers.

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    • 9781501847318 Will Willimons Lectionary Sermon Resource Year C Part 2

      Will Willimons Lectionary Sermon Resource Year C Part 2


      Will Willimon is widely acclaimed as one of the top ten preachers in the world. For each Sunday of the Christian year, Will provides just what you need to begin the journey toward a sermon. This guide will stoke, fund, and fuel your imagination while leaving plenty of room to insert your own illustrations, make connections within your congregational context, and speak the Word in your distinctive voice. Guidance from Will Willimon is like sitting down with a trusted clergy friend and asking, “What will you preach next Sunday?” Year C Part 2 is part of a six-volume set that includes years A, B, and C (2 volumes per year) in the Revised Common Lectionary. Each week of sermon resources includes: 1. Readings 2. Theme title 3. Introduction to the Readings 4. Encountering the Text 5. Proclaiming the Text 6. Relating the Text

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    • 9780664264178 Surrendering My Ordination

      Surrendering My Ordination


      In May 2017, after sixty years as an ordained United Methodist minister, Rev. J. Philip Wogaman surrendered his ordination, choosing to exit a community of clergy who will not allow an openly gay person to join. By surrendering his ordination, he chose to join the group of devoted Christians outside the clergy who welcomed gay and lesbian individuals.

      Beginning with an examination of ordination and what is means theologically, ethically, and pastorally, Wogaman then describes the action itself and its aftermath. Surrendering My Ordination also explores how The United Methodist Church can move forward, beyond the polarized present situation found in many contemporary Christian churches.

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    • 9780664264154 Protestant Reformation Of The Church And The World

      Protestant Reformation Of The Church And The World


      From a distinguished assembly of twelve internationally acclaimed scholars comes this rich, interdisciplinary study that explores the Protestant Reformation and its resultant effects on the church as well as the world.

      The Reformation extended from the church to revolutionize art, music, literature, architecture, and aesthetics and transformed economics, trade, and banking; these transformations shifted power away from the church to the state as they unleashed radical new campaigns for freedom, equality, democracy, and constitutional order.

      Each contributor to this volume draws on distinctive methods and themes in an effort to understand the Reformation on its own complex terms, as well as to reconstruct its teachings and warnings for our day.

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    • 9780664264505 Christian Doctrine : 50th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)

      Christian Doctrine : 50th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


      Christian Doctrine has introduced thousands of laity, students, and theologians to the tenets of the Christian faith. This edition reflects changes in the church and society since the publication of the first edition and takes into account new works in Reformed theology, gender references in the Bible, racism, pluralism, ecological developments, and liberation theologies.

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    • 9781513803166 Homespun : Amish And Mennonite Women In Their Own Words

      Homespun : Amish And Mennonite Women In Their Own Words


      37 Chapters

      Additional Info
      Ever wish you could visit with a group of Amish or Mennonite women over a cup of coffee? In the pages of Homespun, Amish and Plain Mennonite women swap stories and spin yarns while we listen in. Lorilee Craker, bestselling author of Money Secrets of the Amish, collects these personal writings about hospitality, home, grief, joy, and walks with God. Hear from one woman who struggles with feeling inferior to her sister, from another about her longing for a baby, and from a third who accidentally bought stretchy material to sew her husband’s pants. Each woman’s story is a testament to the grace of God and the blessings of community. Behind Amish romance novels and tourist spots and television shows stand real people, with longings and loves just like the rest of us. Every Amish and Mennonite woman has a story. In Homespun, you get to hear some of them.

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    • 9780819233110 Life In Christ

      Life In Christ


      * Background on spiritual practices for Episcopalians * Noted spiritual director shares wisdom from Anglican tradition With its great heritage from English mystics, the Episcopal Church has been “spiritual” since before it was trendy, and modern Episcopalians have been in the forefront of exploring practices beyond Anglican boundaries. Yet, perhaps only rarely do they grasp the implications of the theology embedded in these practices or in the liturgies of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, which has shaped Episcopalians in this country with its emphasis on baptismal spirituality and the centrality of the Eucharist. Julia Gatta wants to change that with her new book, Life in Christ. Applying her years of experience as pastor and spiritual director combined with her study of the spiritual wisdom of the past, she explores common Christian practices and their underlying theology through an Episcopal lens. In the tradition of Esther de Waal, Martin Smith, and Martin Thornton, with particular reference to scripture, The Book of Common Prayer, and the wisdom of the Christian spiritual tradition, she illuminates methods readers may already be practicing and provides insight and guidance to ones that may be new to them.

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    • 9781941114858 Joy Project : An Introduction To Calvinism With Study Guide (Expanded)

      Joy Project : An Introduction To Calvinism With Study Guide (Expanded)


      True happiness is not found. It finds you.

      We think of our chase for joy as a fundamental right-and it’s no surprise. By nature we are pleasure-seekers, though chronically unsuccessful at finding the type of joy that will endure for more than a passing moment.

      But what if long-lasting joy isn’t found at all? What if the deepest and most durable happiness breaks into our lives, overcomes our boredom, and ultimately finds us? What if true joy is out of our reach, but reaches for us?

      (This updated edition now includes a Study Guide for each chapter.)

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    • 9781501871139 Questions And Answers About The United Methodist Church (Revised)

      Questions And Answers About The United Methodist Church (Revised)


      McAnally has revised Questions & Answers About the United Methodist Church to update statistics and information throughout the book, along with new frequently asked questions not in the current edition. This book is a useful guide that answers the most frequently asked questions about the beliefs, practices, and history of The United Methodist Church. The information is brief, and is presented in an easy question-and-answer format. It is great for those new to the United Methodist Church or those who want to know more. Revised to update statistics and information throughout the book. Also, updated with the answers to the current most commonly asked questions.

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    • 9780830853175 Come Let Us Eat Together

      Come Let Us Eat Together


      1. The Supper Of The Lord: Goodness And Grace In 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 (Amy Peeler)
      2. Churches And The Politics Of The Sacraments: Rethinking “Unity Of The Church” (D. Zac Niringiye)
      3. In Persona Christi: The Catholic Understanding Of The Ordained Priesthood In Relation To The Eucharist (Thomas G. Weinandy)
      4. A Way Forward: A Catholic-Anabaptist Ecclesiology (D. Stephen Long)
      5. Ascension, Communion, And The Hospitality Of The Priest-King (Cherith Fee Nordling)
      6. The Gospel We Share And The Unity We Seek: An Orthodox Contribution (Bradley Nassif)
      7. Christ The Ursakrament (Katherine Sonderegger)
      8. Visual Ecumenism: The Coy Communion Of Art (Matthew J. Milliner)
      9. The Eucharist, The Risen Lord, And The Road To Emmaus: A Road To Deeper Unity? (Matthew Levering)
      10. The Eschatological Dimension Of Sacramental Unity: An Orthodox Christian View (Paul L. Gavrilyuk)
      11. “For You Have Been Planted Together With Christ”: Sacraments And The Life Of The Church (George Kalantzis)
      12. Who Invited The Baptist? The “Sacraments” And Free Church Theology (Marc Cortez)
      13. Sacraments And (Dis-)Unity: A Constructive Ecumenical Proposal Toward Healing The Divisions And Facilitating Mutual Recognition (Veli-Matti Karkkainen)
      Author Index
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

      Additional Info
      As Christians, we are called to seek the unity of the one body of Christ.

      But when it comes to the sacraments, the church has often been-and remains-divided. What are we to do? Can we still gather together at the same table?

      Based on the lectures from the 2017 Wheaton Theology Conference, this volume brings together the reflections of Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox theologians, who jointly consider what it means to proclaim the unity of the body of Christ in light of the sacraments.

      Without avoiding or downplaying the genuine theological and sacramental differences that exist between Christian traditions, what emerges is a thoughtful consideration of what it means to live with the difficult, elusive command to be one as the Father and the Son are one.

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    • 9780898690866 Complete Guide To Godly Play 4 (Expanded)

      Complete Guide To Godly Play 4 (Expanded)


      The Godly Play(R) approach helps children explore their faith through story, to gain religious language, and to enhance their spiritual experience through wonder and play. Based on Montessori principles and developed using a spiral curriculum, the Godly Play(R) method services children through early, middle, and late childhood and beyond. Revised and expanded, The Complete Guide to Godly Play, Volume 4, offers new concepts, new terminology, new illustrations, and a new structure that stem from more than 10 years of using Godly Play(R) with children across the world. Thirty to forty percent of the text is new or revised, including a new lesson, revised Introduction, and a full Appendix.

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    • 9780881778915 Small Church Checkup

      Small Church Checkup


      Many small membership churches today are faced with the sobering reality of attendance loss and overall decline. This resource provides a guide to help you find hope, alternatives, and the possibility of a new beginning. Included are tools to help you measure your church’s vitality, evaluate the results, and diagnose your church’s condition, along with several options for treatment plans as you seek to faithfully serve your community. Remember that we can choose our story. If we believe in our hearts there is another possibility, we can be faithful in choosing intentional pathways forward that honor God, the church founders, and generations to come. Follow the steps outlined in these pages to evaluate where you are and what the next steps on your journey need to be as you seek to be a “not yet big church,” “a stable, small church,” or a church that chooses to close and be repurposed for unexpected new life.

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