



    Denominational Concerns

    • Popes And Feminists


      Before the time of the Reformation, in the eyes of the Roman Catholic Church, a wife or mother was not a holy vocation. The only spiritual calling for women was to be found in a convent. The Reformers confronted the bad theology which lead to this (and other worse abuses, like priest-patronized brothels) and returned to the Bible to develop a theology of vocation that began to free women to be “holy” no matter their occupation. But today, modern feminist claims about vocation have more in common with the pre-Reformation popes than anything else — except feminists have replaced the nunnery with the hallowed corporate workplace. Christian women wondering about their place in society and comparing feminism with the Bible should start with the teaching of the Reformers and the lives of many exceptional women of the Reformation.

      Part history and part contemporary reflection, Popes and Feminists argues that women today have some of the same choices facing them as women in the sixteenth century. In this fascinating book, published on the five hundredth anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, Elise Crapuchettes shows how the Reformation changed the lives of Christian women as it turned them away from trying to earn their salvation in the convent towards a joyful, liberating view of vocation and work. And that changed their families and the world.

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    • More Presbyterian Questions More Presbyterian Answers (Revised)


      Presbyterians often have questions about Presbyterian theology and beliefs that are basic to Christian faith itself. Featuring a unique question- and-answer format, More Presbyterian Questions, More Presbyterian Answers is an expansion of the best-selling Presbyterian Questions, Presbyterian Answers. It is an accessible and concise treatment that provides a sampling of these questions on important topics and brief but complete answers from a distinguished Presbyterian theologian.

      Fully updated for the changes to the Presbyterian new Form of Government, this revised edition also includes updated entries and six new questions and answers.

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    • Rise And Fall Of The Incomparable Liturgy


      Most histories of Church of England liturgy, for good reason, begin in the 1530s, and centre on the 1549 and 1552 Books of Common Prayer. That is important for initial doctrinal changes, and the establishment of the liturgical text, However, both liturgies were extremely short-lived, and the real history of the Book of Common Prayer as the Liturgy of the Church of England begins with the Elizabethan Settlement, 1559, and a long tenure of the enacted Elizabethan liturgy. The only revision of any note was that of 1662, and this revision lasted without serious challenge until the 19th century, and without legal alternative until the twentieth century. This study therefore concentrates on 1559 until the Report of the Royal Commission in 1906 which paved the way for liturgical revision.

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    • Weekday Eucharistic Propers


      In the section entitled “Concerning the Service of the Church,” the Book of Common Prayer identifies the normative services of the Episcopal Church:

      The Holy Eucharist, the principal act of Christian worship on the Lord’s Day and other major Feasts, and Daily Morning and Evening Prayer, as set forth in this book, are the regular services appointed for public worship in the Church. (BCP, 13)

      Eucharistic propers (collects, Scripture readings, and proper prefaces) are provided in the Book of Common Prayer for the days when the Eucharist is the principal service. As celebration of the Eucharist has become more frequent, many congregations and other communities of faith now celebrate weekday Eucharists on days for which the Prayer Book does not assign propers.

      To facilitate the use of these authorized options, this resource contains weekday propers for the seasons of the Church Year (the temporal cycle), the Common of Saints (the sanctoral cycle), and Various Occasions from the Prayer Book and from resources authorized since the adoption of the Prayer Book. The propers in this resource are grouped into three sections by type for the temporal cycle, the sanctoral cycle, and various occasions.

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    • Still Christian : Following Jesus Out Of American Evangelicalism


      In this provocative tell-all, David Gushee gives an insider’s look at the frictions and schisms of evangelical Christianity, based on his experiences that began with becoming a born- again Southern Baptist in 1978 to being kicked out of evangelicalism in 2014 for his stance on LGBT inclusion in the church. But Gushee’s religious pilgrimage proves even broader than that, as he leads his reader through his childhood experiences in Roman Catholicism, his difficult days at the liberal Union Seminary in New York, his encounters with the Christian Right, and more. In telling his story, Gushee speaks to the cultural divisions of a generation, as well as of today, and to those who have themselves been disillusioned by many battles within American Christianity. As he describes his own struggles to find the right path at different stages of his journey, he highlights the turning points and decisions that we all face. When do we compromise, and when we do we stand our ground? Is holding to moral conviction worth sacrificing friendship, jobs, and security? As he takes us through his sometimes-amusing, sometimes-heartbreaking, and always-stirring journey, Gushee shows us that we can retain our faith in Christ even when Christians disappoint us.

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    • 5 Risks Prebyterians Must Take For Peace


      Believing peacemaking to be an inherent part of discipleship, Presbyterians have taken many valiant stands for peace throughout our history. However, changing global realities, political and military actions, and new weapons of war have made the world less safe than ever. The church must reconsider how to be faithful peacemakers in this changing reality.

      The Presbyterian Church recently spent six years reflecting on peacemaking. Building on past policy documents, people at all levels of the church studied and discussed what peacemaking policies needed to be modified given the world context today. The 2016 PC(USA) General Assembly affirmed five affirmations the church must make to fulfill its peacemaking calling. Those affirmations become risks when truly taken, because their message collides with the demands for continued sacrifice by the powers that be. In this timely resource, author Christian Iosso explains what the five risks are, how they differ from previous positions, and what taking each risk might look like today.

      Ideal for individual or group study, this important resource includes questions for reflection and discussion.

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    • Presbyterian Experience In The United States


      This book introduces readers to the Presbyterian movement in the United States as told by those who lived through and contributed to its history. William Yoo has drawn together essential documents from the colonial period to the present that illustrate and illumine U.S. Presbyterianism across diversities of race, ethnicity, geography, gender, age, and theological position. Readers will follow the church’s journey from modest origins as a Scots-Irish immigrant church to prominence on the national stage, from early revivals and tent meetings to large-scale theological debates, from defense of slavery and racial intolerance to the pursuit of social justice and racial reconciliation, and from retreat into theologically narrow enclaves to active engagement with national and international politics and culture. Yoo weaves together a coherent and compelling narrative using the voices of those who sought a faithfully Presbyterian witness to the gospel. Arranged both chronologically and thematically with historical maps and photos, this book provides a lively and accessible vista into the making and shaping of Presbyterianism in the United States.

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    • How Can Anyone Read The Bible


      * Offers basic information to make the Bible less formidable to beginning readers * Author is a preeminent Biblical scholar and prominent retired Episcopalian seminary professor In How Can Anyone Read the Bible? preeminent biblical scholar Bill Countryman provides a basic introduction for those with little knowledge about the Bible that aims to provide an easy point of entry into engagement with Scripture.

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    • Why Go To Church


      * Easy to read; short book on a key topic for seekers * Distinguished author who knows the church from the inside and out In an age where people increasingly spend their weekends anywhere but in a place of worship, it is important to ask why anyone should go to church. In Why Go to Church? Robertson addresses the top reasons for not attending and goes further to explore how church participation can enhance one’s life on so many levels. Essential reading for those who have thought about going to church, are thinking about going back to church, and even those who go to church regularly but want to attain a deeper worship experience.

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    • Martin Luthers Table Talk


      Imagine pulling up a chair to the Luther family table after a fine dinner.

      Imagine being invited to ask Martin Luther questions about . . . almost anything.

      Imagine Luther talking about his early life, his education, his decision to become a monk, his rediscovery of the gospel, his attacks on scholasticism and the papacy, his journey to the Diet of Worms where he was ordered to-but refused to-recant his teaching, his marriage to Katherine von Bora, and much more.

      Because Luther’s friends took notes of many private conversations around the Luther family table, you don’t have to imagine Luther’s answers. This newly abridged edition of Martin Luther’s Table Talk serves up a rich sampling of Luther’s wide ranging thoughts on biblical exposition, doctrinal teaching, ministry, the church and the sacraments, pastoral counsel, and life as a Christian. You will also learn much about the political, economic and social world that Luther lived in-a world unlike our own.

      The theological convictions of Luther and other early reformers that shaped the Reformation are often referred to as The Five Pillars of the Reformation-Word alone, Faith alone, Grace alone, Christ alone, and Glory to God alone. In the “table talks” in this volume, you will find these themes woven over and over again into the mealtime conversations around Luther’s table. Pull up a chair and spend some time with the great reformer.

      This volume provides access to selections from Martin Luther’s Table Talk, Volume 54 of Luther’s Works.

      Editor Henry F. French has carefully chosen some of the best of Luther’s conversations with many guests who frequented the dinner table in the home of Martin and Katie Luther.

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    • Will Willimons Lectionary Sermon Resource Year B Part 1


      Will Willimon is widely acclaimed as one of the top ten preachers in the world. For each Sunday of the Christian year, Will provides just what you need to begin the journey toward a sermon. This guide will stoke, fund, and fuel your imagination while leaving plenty of room to insert your own illustrations, make connections within your congregational context, and speak the Word in your distinctive voice. Guidance from Will Willimon is like sitting down with a trusted clergy friend and asking, “What will you preach next Sunday?”

      Year B, Part 1 is part of a six-volume set that includes years A, B, and C (2 volumes per year) in the Revised Common Lectionary.
      Each week of sermon resources includes:
      1. Readings
      2. Theme title
      3. Introduction to the Readings
      4. Encountering the Text
      5. Proclaiming the Text
      6. Relating the Text

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    • What Is Christianity


      * Esteemed former leader of the Anglican Communion distills the essence of the Christian faith * Overview from a scholar and pastor With clarity and insight, the former Archbishop of Canterbury takes the reader to the heart of what Christianity means for those who practice it and the hope it offers to the world at large. A book for all who wonder what the Christian faith is all about, and what difference it really makes.

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    • How Then Shall We Live


      The world constantly throws up new challenges about what it means to be Christian and to live a distinctively Christian lifestyle. The priest, broadcaster, writer and ethicist Samuel Wells considers some of the biggest contemporary political, social and moral challenges and grapples with them in the light of Christian hope and wisdom.

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    • Little Prayer Book 1522 And A Simply Way To Pray 1535


      Publisher’s Note About The Annotated Luther Study Edition
      Series Introduction

      Little Prayer Book, 1522

      A Simple Way To Pray, 1535

      Image Credits

      Additional Info
      This volume provides two of Martin Luther’s most significant writings on prayer. In Little Prayer Book, 1522, Luther seeks to reform the theology and practice of prayer in clear and understandable language for all people by encouraging simple, direct prayer to God, who promises to hear the one who prays. Luther focuses on the Ten Commandments, Apostles’ Creed, and Lord’s Prayer, giving his treatment of prayer a catechetical feel that would later provide the structure of his catechisms.

      In A Simple Way to Pray, 1535, Luther offers his barber and all other readers insights into his own prayer life. He organizes his comments around the seven petitions of the prayer Jesus taught to his disciples. He also uses the Ten Commandments and the Apostles’ Creed as resources for prayer. He sets out to “kindle a fire in the heart” and increase the reader’s eagerness for prayer.

      This volume is excerpted from The Annotated Luther series, volume 4 (Pastoral Writings). Each volume and selection in the series contains new introductions, extensive annotations, illustrations, and notes to help shed light on Luther’s context and to interpret his writings for today.

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    • Holy Cross Life Giving Tree


      * Historical perspective of the image of the cross as one of life instead of death * Resource for Lent, gaining a new understanding of Holy Cross Day and/or Hildegaard of Bingen What would Christianity be like if the principle of a new creation were its guiding idea, and the Cross as Life-Giving Tree its central image? After exploring this principle’s deep roots in tradition, worship, and art, this book proposes Hildegard of Bingen’s concept of virditas-“green-ness”-as a way to know it in daily life. It claims the Cross as healer of division, both among followers of Jesus and among the nations. Holy Cross, Life-Giving Tree is illustrated with Cross images from throughout the Christian world and compares eastern Christian liturgies of the Cross with those of the west. It recounts the origins of the early Jerusalem cult of the Cross, and invites readers to meditate on Scripture passages used by ancient artists. Each of its six chapters ends with reflection questions for going deeper. Holy Cross, Life-Giving Tree is designed for use by study groups or by individuals.

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    • Offering Christ : John Wesleys Evangelistic Vision


      After decades of conversation serving up a mosaic of understandings of Wesleyan evangelism (focusing on proclamation, initiation, and embodiment), Jack Jackson offers a clearer portrait of Wesley’s evangelistic vision, understood through the lens of “offering grace.” Any discussion of Wesley’s vision of evangelism must center on the proclamation of the story of God in Christ. But for John Wesley evangelism was much more than preaching for conversion. This book offers a fresh conception of Wesley’s evangelistic vision by analyzing his method of gospel proclamation. Wesley was not constrained by the truncated vision of evangelism that has been dominant since the late nineteenth century, one that all too often centers on group preaching with a sole emphasis on conversion. Rather, he stressed a number of practices that focus on a verbal proclamation of the gospel. These practices occur in a variety of settings, only one of which is public preaching, and result in a number of responses, only one of which is conversion. Of crucial importance for current theological students, clergy, and church leaders around the world, the book demonstrates that visitation, for the purpose of spiritual direction and evangelism, was in many ways the critical leadership and pastoral practice of early British Methodism. This book offers important insights into early Methodism that inform both contemporary practices of evangelism and Christian leadership for both clergy and laity.

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    • Complete Guide To Godly Play 2 (Expanded)


      * Incorporates the latest in Godly Play(R) theory and practice. * Revised lessons throughout, plus one brand-new lesson. Godly Play(R) is an imaginative approach to working with children, an approach that supports, challenges, nourishes, and guides their spiritual quest. It is more akin to spiritual direction guidance than to what we generally think of as religious education. Revised and updated, The Complete Guide to Godly Play, Volume 2 offers new concepts, new terminology, new illustrations, and a new structure that stem from more than 10 years of using Godly Play with children across the world. 30 to 40 percent of the text is new or revised, including a new lesson, revised Introduction, and a new full Appendix.

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    • Parish : An Anglican Theology Of Place


      The Anglican parish is uniquely embedded in English culture and society, by virtue both of its antiquity and close allegiance with secular governance. Yet it remains an elusive and surprisingly overlooked theme, whose ‘place’, theologically, is far from certain. Whilst ecclesiastical history has long formed a pillar of academic training for ordained ministry, ecclesiastical geography has not contributing to the often uninformed assumptions about locality in contemporary church debate and mission strategy. At a time when its relevance and sustainability are being weighed in the balance and with plans progressing for the Church in Wales’ abandonment of parochial organisation, there is an urgent need for a clear analysis of the parish’s historical, geographical and sociological – as well as theological significance.?

      “Parish” examines the distinctive form of social and communal life created by the Anglican parish: applying and advancing, the emerging discipline of place theology by filling a conspicuous gap in contemporary scholarship. Andrew Rumsey will help in forming a vision for the future of the English parish system, contribute towards the Church’s strategy for parochial ministry and also inform the broader national conversation about ‘localism’ and cultural identity.

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    • We Believe : Articles Of Faith For The Global Nazarene Family


      There are sixteen Articles of Faith that represent the deeply held, nonnegotiable beliefs of the Church of the Nazarene. Understanding these doctrinal positions and translating them into everyday life can be a challenging and thought-provoking task. In We Believe, Frank Moore, general editor for the Church of the Nazarene together with Nazarene scholars, leaders, and theologians worldwide has compiled for the first time a cosmopolitan, relatable articulation of each Article of Faith. From what we believe about the Trinity to what we believe about the Bible, salvation, and end times, We Believe, complete with discussion questions at the end of each chapter, will help Nazarenes personalize our unique doctrine and own it for themselves.

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    • Wholly Citizens : God’s Two Realms And Christian Engagement With The World



      ?1. The Legacy Of Luther
      2. The Two Realms: Interpreters Of Luther, Faithful And Otherwise
      3. Two Realms For Today: Suitable And Wholly Relevant
      4. Applying The Teaching To The Church And Her Pastors
      5. Applying The Teaching To The Individual Christian Believers
      6. An Essay Grounded In The Two Realms: “Story Time In America”


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      Wholly Citizens addresses the relation between the church and the world in light of the Reformation teaching of the two realms-especially as presented by Luther. Rather than exploring again the usual texts of Luther from the 1520’s, this book begins with a careful reading of Luther’s Commentary on Psalm 81 (1531), and then considers subsequent interpreters of Luther, both faithful and otherwise, and the dubious legacy they have left the church. The book argues that both the corporate church as well as individual believers are responsible for the world, and that each must speak directly about and to the world in meaningful ways. The final section of the book addresses the concrete situation facing believers in the early 21st century in light of faithful Reformation teaching about the two realms. Following this path leads to conclusions not entirely expected, including the forthright rejection of “a wall of separation” between church and state, and also a rebuke of the familiar clamor for the preservation of the rights of Christians and the church. Heedless of the status quo, Wholly Citizens offers an engaging and bracing picture of Christian life in today’s world-a picture framed in theological truth.

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    • From Conflict To Communion


      Over the last fifty years, Lutherans and Roman Catholics have engaged in profound theological dialogue leading to increasingly close ties between two church bodies that have historically been divided. From Conflict to Communion contains the report produced by the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity along with an accompanying study guide and liturgical material suitable for a joint Catholic-Lutheran worship service.

      This book presents the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation as an opportunity for deeper communion between Roman Catholics and Lutherans and for celebration of their common witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Including a timely new introduction by William G. Rusch, this will be a valued re-source not only for Lutheran and Catholic theologians but also for people around the world who seek greater unity in the church.

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    • Shared Understanding Of Church Leadership (Revised)


      How does your church work with leadership issues? How do you make decisions about calling church leaders? Are your models of leadership consistent with Anabaptist Mennonite belief and practice? A Shared Understanding of Ministerial Leadership, a revision of an earlier book, A Mennonite Polity for Ministerial Leadership, provides a common understanding of how the church approaches leadership. It is an effort to build lasting relationships of respect and integrity between congregations, area conferences, and their credentialed leaders. For use by pastors and congregational leaders, this book can also be used for leadership training, churchwide discussion, and study in seminary courses.

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    • Peoples Book : The Reformation And The Bible


      Introduction: “That Most Precious Jewel”Jennifer Powell McNutt And David Lauber

      Part One: Access And Readership
      1. Teaching The Church: Protestant Latin Bibles And Their ReadersBruce Gordon
      2. Scripture, The Priesthood Of All Believers, And Applications Of 1 Corinthians 14G. Sujin Pak 3. Learning To Read Scripture For Ourselves: The Guidance Of Erasmus, Luther, And CalvinRandall Zachman
      4. The Reformation And Vernacular Culture: Wales As A Case StudyD. Densil Morgan

      Part Two: Transmission And Worship
      5. The Reformation As Media EventRead Mercer Schuchardt
      6. The Interplay Of Catechesis And Liturgy In The Sixteenth Century: Examples From The Lutheran And Reformed TraditionsJohn D. Witvliet
      7. Word And Sacrament: The Gordian Knot Of Reformation WorshipJennifer Powell McNutt

      Part Three: Protestant-Catholic Dialogue
      8. John Calvin On The Council Of TrentMichael Horton
      9. The Bible And The Italian ReformationChristopher Castaldo
      10. Reading The Reformers After NewmanCarl Trueman

      Part Four: The PeopleA?s Book Yesterday And Today
      11. From The Spirit To Sovereign To Sapiential Reason: A Brief History Of Sola ScripturaPaul C. H. Lim
      12. Perspicacity And The People’?s Book Mark Labberton

      List Of Contributors

      Additional Info
      Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses caught Europe by storm and initiated the Reformation, which fundamentally transformed both the church and society. Yet by Luther’s own estimation, his translation of the Bible into German was his crowning achievement. The Bible played an absolutely vital role in the lives, theology, and practice of the Protestant Reformers. In addition, the proliferation and diffusion of vernacular Bibles-grounded in the original languages, enabled by advancements in printing, and lauded by the theological principles of sola Scriptura and the priesthood of all believers-contributed to an ever-widening circle of Bible readers and listeners among the people they served. This collection of essays from the 2016 Wheaton Theology Conference-the 25th anniversary of the conference-brings together the reflections of church historians and theologians on the nature of the Bible as “the people’s book.” With care and insight, they explore the complex role of the Bible in the Reformation by considering matters of access, readership, and authority, as well as the Bible’s place in the worship context, issues of theological interpretation, and the role of Scripture in creating both division and unity within Christianity. On the 500th anniversary of this significant event in the life of the church, these essays point not only to the crucial role of the Bible during the Reformation era but also its ongoing importance as “the people’s book” today.

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    • Anabaptist Essentials : Ten Signs Of A Unique Christian Faith


      What is the essence of Anabaptism?

      Jesus. Community. Reconciliation. These sum up the core values of Anabaptist faith and life, writes pastor Palmer Becker in this concise new resource. In Anabaptist Essentials, Becker introduces readers to the key convictions and practices of Anabaptism, the Christian tradition of the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren in Christ. From the believers within a sixteenth-century movement to those today who try to follow Jesus, create community, and practice peace,

      Anabaptists have a rich witness to offer the wider world. Designed for study by small groups and for use as a resource for Christian formation and conversation, this clear, readable guide to what makes Anabaptism unique will equip readers to live out a more radical commitment to Jesus.

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    • Brief Introduction To The Reformation


      This readable, accessible introduction provides a solid grounding in the history of the Protestant Reformation. In honor of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Glenn Sunshine examines the key people and ideas of this movement. Questions for discussion and suggestions for further reading provided for each chapter make this book ideal for the classroom or group study.

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    • Theology Of The Lutheran Way


      Rather than asking if theology is theoretical or practical-a question that reveals a fundamental lack of understanding about the nature of theology in general-it is better to ask “What exactly is theology?” It is this question that Oswald Bayer attempts to answer in Theology the Lutheran Way, clearing up misconceptions about the essence of theology. Along with Luther himself, Bayer claims that theology, rather than being something that we do, is really what God does.

      Based primarily on the third section of Bayer’s original German work of the same title, this book evaluates certain approaches to theology that have been influential, from Schleiermacher’s understanding of theology to debates with Kant, Hegel, and Bultmann. It also includes a substantial section on Luther from the original in order to clarify the Lutheran tradition

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    • Early Luther : Stages In A Reformation Reorientation


      The development of Martin Luther’s thought has commanded much scholarly attention because of the Reformation and its remarkable effects on the history of Christianity in the West. But much of that scholarship has been so enthralled by certain later debates that it has practically ignored and even distorted the context in and against which Luther’s thought developed. In The Early Luther Berndt Hamm, armed with expertise both in late-medieval intellectual life and in Luther, presents new perspectives that leave old debates behind.

      A master Luther scholar, Hamm provides fresh insights into the development of Luther’s theology from his entry into the monastery through his early lectures on the Bible to his writing of the 95 Theses in 1517 and The Freedom of a Christian in 1520. Rather than looking for a single breakthrough, Hamm carefully outlines a series of significant shifts in Luther’s late-medieval theological worldview over the course of his early career. The result is a more accurate, nuanced portrait of Reformation giant Martin Luther.

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    • Formula For Parish Practice


      This book combines a rich description of the (Lutheran) Formula of Concord (1577) with experiences in today’s Lutheran parishes to demonstrate how confessional texts may still come to life in modern Christian congregations. Timothy Wengert takes the Formula of Concord, traditionally used as ammunition in doctrinal disagreements, back to its historical home, the local congregation, giving pastors, students, and theologians a glimpse into the original debates over each article.

      The most up-to-date English commentary on the Formula of Concord, A Formula for Parish Practice provides helpful, concise descriptions of key theological debates and a unique weaving of historical and textual commentary with modern Lutheran experience. Covering the entire Formula of Concord the book includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter.

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    • Beating The Boundaries


      Using the image of the traditional practice of “beating the bounds” of the parish, this book contrasts the desire to mark boundaries with God’s call to explore boundaries in order to open them. Building on visits to nine Episcopal and Church of England congregations, Spicer explores how they are opening the boundaries between inherited expressions of church and the unique contexts in which they find themselves. He argues that to beat the boundaries around their current expressions of church, congregations should (1) name a missional identity common to both their past expressions of congregational life and the church they hear God calling them to become; (2) identify whom they’re seeking to reach in the community and how they intend to do so; (3) identify what sort of new church expression God is calling them to create; (4) empower a missional leader and plan for governance issues their work may raise; and (5) collaboratively identify how to define success and how to understand what might be seen as failure in terms of common church metrics.

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    • Unfinished Reformation : What Unites And Divides Catholics And Protestants


      Five hundred years ago, a Catholic monk nailed a list of grievances on the door of a church in Germany and launched a revolution in the history of Christianity. Today there continues to be a number of unresolved issues between the Protestant and Catholic churches, and many experience this ongoing division within their family and among friends and neighbors. Written in an accessible and informative style, Gregg Allison and Chris Castaldo provide a brief and clear guide to the key points of unity and divergence between Protestants and Catholics today. They write to encourage fruitful conversation about the key theological and sociological differences between the two largest branches of the Christian Church. From the revolutionary events 500 years ago that sparked the Reformation to today, Unfinished Reformation takes a nuanced and thoughtful look at doctrine, practice, and how Protestants and Catholics can have fruitful discussions about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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    • Formed By Love


      In volume five, Scott Bader-Saye, Academic Dean and Professor of Christian Ethics and Moral Theology at Seminary of the Southwest, examines the moral life through the lens of the Episcopal Church and its traditions. Beginning with an introduction to ethics in a changing world, Bader-Saye helps the reader move past the idea that we either accept cultural change as a whole or reject it whole, suggesting that we need to make discriminating judgments about where to affirm change and where to resist it. Part I looks at distinctive aspects of the Episcopal ethos, noting that “ethics” comes from “ethos,” and so has to do with habits and enculturation of a particular people. Topics include creation, incarnation, holiness, sacrament, scripture, and “via media.” Part II looks at big moral questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What are good and evil? What are right and wrong? Part III examines how an Episcopal approach might shape a typical day by examining Morning Prayer and Compline as moral formation, in between discussing work, eating, and playing. Each part begins by analyzing cultural assumptions, asking what should be affirmed and what resisted about contemporary context, setting the stage for discussion in subsequent chapters.

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    • Matthew Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781506416144ISBN10: 1506416144Troy TroftgrubenBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2016Books Of Faith StudiesPublisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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    • Among The Early Evangelicals


      1. Introduction
      2. Looking Back: The Rise Of Transatlantic Evangelicalism In The Eighteenth Century
      3. Evangelicalism Rapid Growth In The 1790s
      4. Thomas Campbell In Ireland
      5. Alexander Campbell’s Early Formation In Scotland
      6. The Campbells’ Evangelical Society In The U.S.: The Christian Association Of Washington (1809-1812)
      7. The Baptist And Anti-Missionary Years (1812-1830)
      8. The Campbells, Their Origins, And The Impact Of Transatlantic Evangelicalism

      Additional Info
      Though many of its early leaders were immigrants, most histories of the Stone-Campbell Movement have focused on the unique, American-only message of the Movement. Typically, the story tells the efforts of Christians seeking to restore New Testament Christianity or to promote unity and cooperation among believers.

      Among the Early Evangelicals charts a new path showing convincingly that the earliest leaders of this Movement cannot be understood apart from a robust evangelical and missionary culture that traces its roots back to the eighteenth century. Leaders, including such luminaries as Thomas and Alexander Campbell, borrowed freely from the outlook, strategies, and methodologies of this transatlantic culture. More than simple Christians with a unique message shaped by frontier democratization, the adherents in the Stone-Campbell Movement were active participants in a broadly networked, uniquely evangelical enterprise.

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    • Book Of Harmony


      1. Introduction To The Book Of Concord
      2. Themes In The Early Lutheran Reformation
      3. Luther’s Catechisms: A Lifetime Of Learning
      4. The Augsburg Confession: Faith For A Grounded, Flexible Church
      5. Personal Faith And Shared Mission In The Apology
      6. Freedom And Service In The Smalcald Articles
      7. A Model For Harmony: The Formula Of Concord

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      The Reformation-era writings that make up the Lutheran Confessions remain lively resources for Christian ministry and mission today. Because each of the documents within the Book of Concord was written with a specific context and rhetorical purpose in mind, each has its own compelling story and objectives. Luther’s catechisms present the faith for daily life at the grass-roots level, with teaching elements that we might now view as typical of social media and multimedia. The Augsburg Confession and its Apology provide an adaptable foundation for preaching, teaching, church organization, and dialogue that is rooted in the promise of Christ, received through faith. Fifteen years after the Diet of Worms, the Smalcald Articles reveal yet another “Here I stand” moment for Luther. Finally, the Formula of Concord shows how the next generations of Lutherans used collaboration and consensus as they wrestled with important themes of faith and life. In summary, as these texts engage us with their stories, they invite us to consider what is most important about our journeys of faith and Christian witness in today’s twenty-first-century contexts.

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    • Everyday Disciples : Covenant Discipleship With Youth


      Everyday Disciples: Covenant Discipleship With Youth by Chris Wilterdink resources pastors, youth leaders, and youth groups with information and planning materials related to Covenant Discipleship and accountability practices. Covenant Discipleship encourages youth to connect with Christ and one another through mutual accountability. It also encourages a networked support structure for living in the world as Christ followers.

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    • Pilgrim Church And Kingdom


      Course 8: Church & Kingdom: What does it mean to live as a child of the kingdom of God and follow in the way of Christ each day as a member of his church? How does it affect our life at work as well as at home? How does it affect what we do with the gifts we have been given, especially those gifts of time and talents, passions, resources, and money? How is the Christian faith changing us and shaping us so that we become more like Jesus? The importance of prayer, living out our faith, celebrating Sabbath, and reflecting generosity is explored. We look at how faith in the God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit shapes and changes all our relationships

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    • Pilgrim The Eucharist


      Course 6: The Eucharist: How do Christians know and worship God? The six sessions of Course 6 reveal reasons why the Eucharist is celebrated as a memorial of Christ’s saving passion and stands at the very heart of Christian worship. Session 1 looks at worship as communion with God. Session 2 explores the Eucharist as the pattern of all Christian worship. Session 3 looks at the intimacy we have with God in Holy Communion and how we are transformed by the encounter. Sessions 4 – 6 look at worship as a sign and foretaste of heaven, shaping our whole life, and how the whole of life is sacramental.

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    • Break Away Amish


      21 Chapters

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      “I am the grandson of Bishop Sam Mullet, who was arrested for the Amish beard-cutting attacks. This is my story.”

      Beard-cutting attacks on Amish people in the middle of the night. Five incidents. Nine victims. How could members of a Christian tradition known for peace and forgiveness enact such violence? What could make members of one Amish group turn against other Amish? In Breakaway Amish, Johnny Mast tells in riveting detail how his Amish community became increasingly isolated from other Amish people, and how the wishes and edicts of his grandfather, Bishop Sam Mullet, overtook daily life in the group. Over time, members became convinced that cutting their own hair was a sign of repentance and remorse. When that conviction led them to cut off the beards of those outside their community, however, it was more than a strange religious ritual. It was a crime.

      Here is an eyewitness account of the disturbing events at Bergholz, an Amish community gone awry. Yet redemption dwells even here, in the bravery and conviction of one who chose to break free.

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    • Holy One In Our Midst


      1. The Flesh Of Christ And The Extra Calvinisticum
      2. The Flesh Of Christ In Modern Theology
      3. The Logos And The Flesh Of Christ
      4. The Temple Of God And The Flesh Of Christ
      5. (De)Limiting The Flesh Of Christ
      6. Why One Ought To Embrace The Extra Calvinisticum

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      The Holy One in Our Midst: An Essay on the Flesh of Christ aims to defend the doctrine of the extra Calvinisticum-the doctrine that maintains the Son of God was not restricted to the flesh of Christ during the incarnation-by arguing that it is logically coherent, biblically warranted, catholically orthodox, and theologically useful. It shows that none of the standard objections are devastating to the extra, that the doctrine is rooted in the claims of Christian Scripture and not merely a remnant of perfect being philosophical theology, and that the doctrine plays an important role in contemporary theological discussion. In this way, James Gordon revives an important Catholic doctrine that has fallen out of favor in contemporary theology. Also, this project aims to integrate biblical, philosophical, and systematic theology by showing that the tools and methods of each distinct discipline can contribute to the goals and aims of the others.

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    • Bondage Of The Will 1525


      SKU (ISBN): 9781506413457ISBN10: 1506413455Editor: Volker Leppin | Editor: Kirsi StjernaBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2016Annotated LutherPublisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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    • Drawing Of This Love


      Embark on a journey of spiritual growth with Julian of Norwich as your guide. Popular retreat leader and former monk Robert Fruehwirth explores the stages of faith development using Julian’s Revelations of Divine Love, inviting readers into a deeper, more honest and grounded faith

      Julian of Norwich is an ideal companion for personal spiritual growth because her mystical experiences led her to a kind of faith that makes sense to 21st century Christians — a God of unconditional love, of merciful compassion and honesty, and radical belief in the goodness of creation and humanity. Her example provides a map for a faith journey from initial trust, through critical questions and struggle, to resolution – a pattern many experience today.

      Fans of Julian will find this a fresh and different exposition of her work, combining the commonly understood teachings of Julian with an exploration of what happens when we try to live them.

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    • Church Meets World


      The New Church’s Teaching series has been one of the most recognizable and useful sets of books in the Episcopal Church. With the launch of the Church’s Teachings for a Changing World series, visionary Episcopal thinkers and leaders have teamed up to revitalize the series with fresh voices and style, making it grounded and thoughtful enough for seminarians and leaders, yet concise and clear enough for newcomers.A leading thinker and vibrant presence at the intersection of church and world, Winnie Varghese explores the “what”, “how”, and “why” of Episcopal engagement with contemporary social issues. Like the master of the household in Jesus’ parable (Matthew 13:52) who “brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old,” Varghese leads readers to discover theological resources from generations past and how they help to guide our action around thorny issues like racial justice, gender and sexuality, economic disparity, definitions of “family,” the environment, and much more.

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    • Reconciliation Reconsidered : Advancing The Conversation On Race In Churche


      Reconciliation Takes Time.

      A broad racial divide mars Churches of Christ, and courageous leaders from across the United States have joined together to listen to one another. Rather than adopt a posture of resignation, they have met for honest, God-honoring conversation.

      In Reconciliation Reconsidered, Tanya Brice pulls together the early fruit she has gleaned from this ongoing conversation about racial reconciliation. Learn about yourself in the context of community as you explore these key ideas:

      Exercise truth-telling: it’s what is needed before any reconciliation can happen
      Discover how race relations are not as simple as you think
      Challenge your stereotypes
      Understand the meaning of current events like the Ferguson shooting in fresh ways
      Revisit Christ’s teachings with a careful eye toward discipleship and love of your neighbor

      Each chapter concludes with discussion questions that can help you and others navigate this perplexing and difficult topic.

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    • What Do We Believe Why Does It Matter


      A general introduction to the beliefs of Christian theology and their significance for Christian worship, living and thinking

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    • 5 Marks Of A Methodist Leader Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Character: The Marks Of A Methodist
      2. A Methodist Loves God
      3. A Methodist Rejoices In God
      4. A Methodist Gives Thanks
      5. A Methodist Prays Constantly
      6. A Methodist Loves Others

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      This small-group study is based on Steve Harper’s book Five Marks of a Methodist. Six sessions provide extended reflection for adults on the five identifiers that Wesley sets forth in “The Character of a Methodist,” which he published in 1742.

      In “The Character of a Methodist,” Wesley clearly stated that he did not want to distinguish Methodism from any “real Christian of whatsoever denomination.” At the same time, Wesley knew that if the Methodist movement was to be established and grow, it must rest upon the solid foundation of gospel characteristics. This study provides a focused strengthening of the world Wesleyan family, while written so that any Christian person or group could use it with blessing and benefit. The study consists of the book, Five Marks of a Methodist, a Participant Character Guide, a Leader Guide, DVD and streaming video sessions (6 brief videos).

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    • Copious Fountain : A History Of Union Presbyterian Seminary 1812-2012


      A Copious Fountain tells the two-hundred-year-old story of Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. From its first days at Hampden-Sydney College, Union Presbyterian Seminary has answered its call to equip educated ministers to serve the church. As the first institution of its kind in the South, Union Presbyterian Seminary created a standard for theological education across denominational affiliations.

      This systematic history of Union Presbyterian Seminary gives cultural and historical context to the school through its bicentennial year. Combining research, photographs, and primary source documents, Sweetser’s book celebrates the enduring influence of Union Presbyterian Seminary in the church and beyond.

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    • Top 10 United Methodist Beliefs


      There can be no doubt about what Jesus thought was “the main thing,” the Great Commandments to love God with our heart, soul, and mind and to love neighbor as yourself. What were the non-negotiables for the founder of the Methodist movement, John Wesley? Wesley’s first priority was to grow Christian disciples who loved God and neighbor with a holy love that keeps those Commandments. As United Methodists what is our primary purpose? Put simply, it is to follow Christ as redeemed persons who put those Commandments into daily practice. Using John Wesley as guide, this book will describe the ten most important United Methodist beliefs, so that we are equipped for every good work. This book will describe how a passionate Wesley can still inspire us to travel the road to perfection using these basic beliefs as signposts, not hitching posts, so that we can more fully follow Jesus. But discipleship can be arduous and God’s grace is not cheap. We must be prepared to walk and walk and not just talk. The Christian life is action packed with surprises at every turn. “Are you able?” as the old hymn asks. Yes, Lord, we are able through the power and love of God to be accountable to Jesus and each other. Each chapter includes study questions suitable for personal reflection and group conversation.

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    • Faith Rules : An Episcopal Manual


      * Modeled on Michael Pollan’s best-selling Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual * Written by a prominent church figure Ian Markham, Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary, introduces both the Christian faith and The Episcopal Church to the seeker and Episcopal laity in this indispensable manual. Each page in Faith Rules is Episcopal wisdom set in concise, straightforward language for anyone in the 21st century.

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    • History Of The Amish 3rd Edition


      The Amish, one of America s most intriguingly private, unique, and often misunderstood religious communities, have survived for three hundred years! How has that happened?

      While much has been written on the Amish, little has been revealed about their history. This book brings together in one volume a thorough history of the Amish people. From their beginnings in Europe through their settlement in North America, the Amish have struggled to maintain their beliefs and traditions in often hostile settings.

      Now updated, the book gives an in-depth look at how the modern Amish church continues to grow and change. It covers recent developments in new Amish settlements, the community s conflict and negotiation with government, the Nickel Mines school shooting, and the media s constant fascination with this religious people, from reality TV shows to romance novels.

      Authoritative, thorough, and interestingly written, A History of the Amish presents the deep and rich heritage of the Amish people with dozens of illustrations and updated statistics.
      Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Arcade imprint, are proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in history–books about World War II, the Third Reich, Hitler and his henchmen, the JFK assassination, conspiracies, the American Civil War, the American Revolution, gladiators, Vikings, ancient Rome, medieval times, the old West, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

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    • Faith For The Future


      The New Church’s Teaching Series has been one of the most recognizable and useful sets of books in the Episcopal

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