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    • No Smoke Without Fire


      This book deals with apostolic responsibility, which is to recover the welfare of God’s people. The Spirit of the Lord revealed this message. It brings restoration to thousands of souls who are manipulated, tortured, and confused by the enemy called the devil. God said, “My Word must surely come to pass.”This is the time that the power of God’s Word must go forth to break every yoke and burden on many lives, setting them free so they may experience God’s blessings as never before. God said to me, “Son, did you know that many people die in this world without using the blessings prepared for them on the earth?” Some of these blessings are personally designed so that no other individual may use them, and so they pile up in the storehouse of God. This is why God gave me this revelation: to help us live in the fullness of His blessings. This book will help you to pursue, overtake, and recover and also help you to stand out in life. Seize this moment and discover the joy in serving the only true God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

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    • Overcoming Addictive Behavior (Reprinted)


      I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do–this I keep on doing (Romans 7:18-19, NIV). Addiction forges its own chains of pain and problems that grow with each day and seem impossible to overcome. If you are, or someone you know is, a captive of addictive behavior, Neil Anderson and Mike Quarles have both a message of hope and a plan of action. Anyone can be set free from addictive behavior, can experience victory in Jesus, and can become an overcomer in life! The key is to identify the root cause of your problem and, instead of running away from it, run to God! Do this, and your mind and spirit will be renewed; and no matter what you struggle with, you will find your freedom in Christ!

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    • Topic Bible Studies 1


      The Topic Bible Studies Addressing Everyday Problems and Questions study series is designed to be thought-provoking to help guide youth into a better understanding of God and themselves, and to deal with everyday issues that we all face. The study is equally appropriate for adults and youth; however, the example situations are primarily aimed at addressing issues that are more specific to youth. The series is interactive and is meant to generate self-examination and discussion. The study focuses on our need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and seeks to reveal how the Lord is active in our lives through the Holy Spirit. The series assists students in discovering how God has made them unique, with their own special qualities and abilities to share with the world. The lessons also extend a challenge for each week to specifically incorporate what they have learned into their daily lives. “A rich resource for personal growth through the Scriptures, and an ever learning self-study that enhances integrity and commitment to Christian ethics, Aaberg’s Studies produce such a valued research in understanding practical truths and terms that its application underscores Christian awareness at a maximized level.” -BISHOP RICHARD D. HOWELL, JR., PRESIDING PRELATE SHILOH TEMPLE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES ROBBINSDALE, MINNESOTA

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    • Gospel For Real Life (Student/Study Guide)


      What difference does the gospel make?

      The gospel of Jesus Christ is the door to eternal life, but what difference does it make once we’re inside God’s kingdom? Jerry Bridges says the gospel is the very lifeblood of our walk with God day by day. It is the key to our salvation, for sure, but it is also the power for our daily progress in holiness. In The Gospel for Real Life, Jerry helps you:

      *Experience freedom from the grip of sin and know the joy of pursuing holiness

      *Revel in God’s acceptance of you and participate in His grace as a daily reality

      *Expose the subtle acids of legalism in your life and enjoy the liberty of the cross

      *Understand the crucial doctrines of the gospel and their priceless benefits to you

      *Discover how to “preach the gospel to yourself daily” and so partake of its continuous transforming power

      *Carry the true fullness of the gospel to a desperately needy world around you–This text refers to the Paperback edition.

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    • Christian Road Less Traveled


      SKU (ISBN): 9781594670633ISBN10: 1594670633Mark WrightBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Dare To Be True


      224 Pages

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      Dare to Be True doesn’t downplay the difficulty of living honestly in today’s world, but it doesn’t throw in the towel, either. In this challenging but encouraging book, Mark Roberts introduces a bold plan to practice complete honesty in every area of our lives in what we say, in how we live, and in who we are. Combining biblical truth with real-life stories and plenty of practical applications, Roberts helps us experience the rewards of truthfulness personal wholeness, healthy relationships, and deeper intimacy with God. Set out today on the adventure of truthful living, if you dare!

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    • How To Live Right When Your Life Goes Wrong


      224 Pages

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      Despite the abundant availability of both self-help books and Bible study materials, many of us find it difficult to apply what we learn, to make that long head-to-heart journey of change. When we are faced with life’s daily trials, our responses often lack the Christian maturity we desire–showing us clearly just how far we have to go. Is it possible to achieve a deeper, more permanent change of heart?

      Discover the principle that could transform your life through one practical, simple-to-understand and easy-to-remember model. You will:

      – gain a new perspective on the troubles God allows in your life.

      – come to better understand your response to those trials.

      – discover the underlying idols that hamper your efforts to change.

      – learn how to discern the truth of God’s Word.

      – develop the heart response that will draw you closer to God.

      Come on a journey of personal growth and spiritual discovery as your heart is drawn back to a central tenet of the Gospel: Truth isn’t something you learn, but Someone you know. And the Truth will set you free.

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    • Armies Of The Lamb


      Andrew Fuller was a man whose active life was devoted to the work of God. His paramount desire was to be true to the Scriptures. Fuller had a deep concern for sinners and was untiring in his evangelistic endeavours and support of missions. In The Armies of the Lamb Fuller’s rich spiritual life is seen first-hand through a selection of his letters, some never before published.

      Editor Michael Haykin presents Fuller to a twenty-first century audience with a freshness that encourages personal spiritual renewal – something Fuller so longed for in his time. Spirituality means knowing the Word of God, understanding the work of the Spirit of God, and focusing on the necessity, infinite glory, and sufficiency of the cross of Christ.

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    • Late Have I Loved Thee


      Late Have I Loved Thee is the first collection of Saint Augustine’s varied writings on human and divine love, chosen to reflect his lifelong preoccupation with ordo amoris, the principle of rightly directed love. “My weight is my love,” he writes in The Confessions. He sees our ability to love as disordered by sin, so that we often choose badly what and how to love. Only by recognizing that we are commanded to love God first can any other object of our love be properly ordered, Late Have I Loved Thee draws on the riches found in Augustine’s sermons, letters, treatises, and Scripture commentaries, as well as passages from The Confessions and City of God.

      Augustine (354-430 A.D.) was the most prolific writer of Christian antiquity and the most influential theologian in Church history. In his first encyclical, God Is Love, current Pope Benedict XVI acknowledges his indebtedness to him. When we read Augustine today, we encounter the same direct, eloquent passions his original listeners experienced, infused with his deep sense of human weakness and burning desire for union with God.

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    • Theres Enough Woman Left To Be Your Lady


      Using biblical characters such as the woman with an issue of blood, Junious Epps Jr. shows how women are bleeding with issues that keep them bent over until they reach out to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. Life knocks us all off balance, sometimes making it hard to get back on our feet. Hot rays of testing can turn a woman’s mind, home, job, and even church life into a wilderness of relentless turmoil. Having felt disconnected, isolated, and not able to make sense of blatant hypocrisy, women realize that the only answer to their survival is to tread the “wilderness” of rejection, which ultimately strengthens them to totally submit to God’s Spirit. Dr. Epps reminds women that in moments of indecision, God offers them a breakthrough revelation that they need to confront their trials and overcome their obstacles. Only in the wilderness can they discover their true path in life, ministry, fellowship, and anointing. There’s Enough Woman Left to Be Your Lady is a companion for every woman who wants to walk through even the most difficult days side by side with her Lord.

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    • Simplify Your Spiritual Life


      Are you overwhelmed by the weight of the world?
      Let’s face it…we live in a complex world. Technology improves daily, and with it, the pace increases. Surrounded by driving forces, it is no small wonder that our spiritual lives take a hit. But if the weight of the world is hindering your walk with the Lord, maybe now’s the time to step back and evaluate.

      Life on earth was less complex in Jesus’ time. He faced incredible challenges and suffered agonizing trials, but there was simplicity in His relationship with His Father that we can emulate. And in that simplicity we can realize our greatest fulfillment as believers.

      If your Bible study seems as tedious as filing your tax return and your prayer life as wearisome as trying to understand your phone bill, stop. Take a deep breath. Let author Donald Whitney show you how rewarding the simple Christian life can be

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    • Ears To Hear


      SKU (ISBN): 9780819219398ISBN10: 0819219398Little EdwardBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2003Publisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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    • Growing In Gods Spirit


      This is the first book in the series. It includes three sermons: (1) A Divine and Supernatural Light, (2) Christian Knowledge, and (3) The Christian Pilgrim. Envisions a life of faith that is infused with a transcendent perspective, delights in the prospect of heaven, and takes seriously the challenge of growing in God’s Spirit.

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    • Blue Like Jazz


      In Donald Miller’s early years, he was vaguely familiar with a distant God. But when he came to know Jesus Christ, he pursued the Christian life with great zeal. Within a few years he had a successful ministry that ultimately left him feeling empty, burned out, and once again, far away from God. In this intimate, soul-searching account, Miller decribes his remarkable journey back to a culturally relevant, infinitely loving God.

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    • Courage To Change


      SKU (ISBN): 9781591607908ISBN10: 1591607906Robert BlairBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Youth Ministry From The Inside Out


      Flash! Ping! Whiz! Pop! Boom! Bang! Crash! Such are the sights and sounds of modern youth ministry. We look for the bigger, the louder, the brighter. And we work long and hard to make our ministry the biggest, the loudest, the brightest. But look out and listen up: God is not caught up in sound and fury. And he doesn’t want to see youth workers disengage–letting the momentum define their purpose. Mike Higgs, reflecting on more than two decades of work with youth, thinks the greatest need among youth workers today is a reminder of who we are. We need to set aside the distractions of an emphasis on performance and focus instead on connecting with God in his work in us, our students and other youth workers. When a renewed spirit shapes our work with youth, our ministry will become less a muddled chorus of strategies and targets, and more a symphony of purpose and practice.

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    • Search For Significance


      Now updated! Join the millions who’ve benefited from the classic that Billy Graham said “should be read by every Christian.” Learn how to see your worth through God’s eyes, step off the “performance treadmill,” and discover, through insightful self-inventory exercises, how four false beliefs have kept you from the joy of abundant life in Christ.

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    • Fire That Ignites


      Jesus said, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.”

      What kind of difference is the Holy Spirit of God making in your daily life?

      You may have heard confusing, even conflicting information about who the Spirit is and what He does. You may feel disconnected from Him, even as you long to experience His dynamic presence and power.

      Here is the practical help you’ve been looking for. With clear, simple teaching straight from the Word of God, Tony Evans shows you how to intimately know the Holy Spirit–His fruit, His power, His guidance–for a life of victory and joy.

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    • Hidden Kingdom : Journey Into The Heart Of God


      There are divine moments in life when you turn a corner and are astounded by unexpected, breathtaking vistas that you never imagined. Suddenly your world is changed forever. You have entered a supernatural realm, an eternal dimension, where Jesus is Lord and creation itself shouts His glory. The brilliantly illuminating revelation in this book will catapult you into such an experience. Embark on a voyage of discovery into the mystery of God’s timeless realm. If you want an empowered life, if you dare to engage in a life-changing adventure, this book will lead you on a journey into the heart of God.

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    • Jesus Drives Me Crazy


      This book is a biblical and theological meditation on the meaning of discipleship a discipleship defined not in terms of those who throng Jesus, but of those who throne Jesus. What it means to “throne him” is to let Jesus drive you crazy crazy in the sense that it goes against how normal people see and function in the world. A disciple is someone who is crazy in love with Jesus. Christians don’t do normal. One of the biggest mistakes a Christian can make is to believe that the way they see the world is the way most other people see the world. We see the world differently. We9re abnormal. We’re weird. We’re eccentric. Christians have an off-kilter view of the world. Loving your enemies, turning the other cheek, going the second mile, living without anger, living without lusting, being strong in the broken places_all these things normal people just have a hard time thinking these thoughts and living these ways. There is the “World According to Normal” where most Christians currently live. This book calls Christians to the World According to NUTS . . . where NUTS is an acronym for Never Underestimate the Spirit.

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    • Heaven In The Real World


      (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

      Let the reality of Heaven shape your experience on Earth! Through inspiring real-life stories on how the transforming power of Heaven—God incarnate—changes lives, Pastor McLaughlin helps you live a life you wouldn’t dream of giving up, build relationships you’d never think of leaving, and weather difficulties without being washed away by life’s storms.

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    • Names Of Jesus


      (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

      What’s in a name? In the case of Jesus Christ, rich insights, fresh perspectives, and pathways to intimacy. From “Good Shepherd” to “Lamb of God,” Rubel Shelly explores the various names given to Christ in the Bible and reveals a Christ that will both surprise and challenge you. Shelly, a deeply respected scholar, has researched and written numerous books and commentaries, including the very popular What Would Jesus Do Today? In The Names of Jesus, Shelly uses his unique insight and fervent love for the Scriptures to develop a clear and unobstructed picture of Jesus through the biblical names that describe the One who invites the whole world to come to Him. What Shelly discovers and divulges is that these names and titles reveal the ultimate man, the ultimate Savior, and the ultimate answer to your greatest struggles, fears, and failures.

      Gain a more intimate knowledge of Christ through his many different names in Scripture. New discoveries about Christ await you in this fascinating and insightful book by this highly respected scholar.

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    • Rescued By The Cross


      In This Compelling Book, One Of America’s Most Popular, Influential, And Compelling Youth Evangelists Reveals His Own Incredible Story Of Rescue. This Book, Ken Freeman’s First Release, Offers Hope, Encouragement, And Insight To Young Christians About How To Step Out Of The Past, No Matter How Painful, And Into God’s Purpose. No One Communicates This Message With More Clarity And Vision. Linking A Passionate Plea For An Uncompromised Life Lived In God’s Purpose With A Compassionate Understanding Of Painful Pasts, Freeman Offers A Message Of Hope And Direction To Searching Young People And Those Who Love Them. 239 Pages, Softcover. Howard Publishing.

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    • Living The Story


      This instructive, practical book explores the meaning of “biblical spirituality,” a spirituality rooted in the Scriptures, in the grand story of God.
      Writing to promote genuine discipleship and an everyday sense of God’s presence, R. Paul Stevens and Michael Green show that biblical spirituality is based on down-to-earth principles meant to foster righteous living at home, at work, wherever one is. They highlight the importance of our being in relationship with the Triune God and discuss how we can be worshipers of Abba God, disciples of Jesus, and temples of the Holy Spirit. The book proceeds through the Old and New Testaments, engaging readers with the discoveries and struggles of people of faith from Adam and Eve to those gathered around the Lamb in the new Jerusalem. Stevens and Green focus throughout on how we can truly live the Word of God so that our own stories become part of God’s great story of love.

      Filled with biblical wisdom and a pleasure to read, “Living the Story” is a winsome invitation to follow God wholeheartedly in every dimension of life.

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    • They Smell Like Sheep


      Jesus the Good Shepherd did not lead his flock from a distance; he got dirty with their problems and struggles. And that, says Anderson, is the only kind of leadership that will move the church forward in the new millennium. The practical leadership principles he shares will help you become the effective leader you’re meant to be!

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    • Daring To Dance With God


      (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

      Christians everywhere want to know God more intimately but often don’t know how to overcome the obstacles that keep them arm’s length from their Creator. In Daring to Dance with God, Jeff Walling combines biblical insight, vivid imagery, and humorous stories to move you into a celebration of life’s surprises and a rich relationship with the God of the unexpected.

      You will identify with Walling’s witty yet poignant insights on “Five Diseases That Stop the Music” and will find hope in the section on “Three Special Dances for Painful Times.” Ideal for all who long for more in their relationship with God.

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    • Its Time For Pure Hearts


      “The greatest problem in the Church is the immaturity of believers. In this book Troy takes a systematic and in-depth look at the personal process of coming to maturity. I believe this work will be a tremendous aid to anyone who wants to be a vessel of honor in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ. Well done, Troy.” -Cleve Sharp “It’s Time for Pure Hearts should be mandatory reading for every Christian.” -Bill Walles “Gently with clarity, Troy Cartmill frames the key issues demanded of effective discipleship in a Laodician culture.” -Ronald E. Johnson, Ph.D.

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    • Quiet Talks On Prayer


      176 Pages

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      In the inimitable and admired style that make S.D. Gordon famous, he explores the creative force unleashed in the quiet place of prayer. More than a book about prayer, it is a book that will inspire. Gordon leads the weary prayer warrior out of the habitual and forced patterns of prayer into a realm where prayer comes to life as the Spirit of God activates it.

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    • Smell Of Sin


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830823895ISBN10: 0830823891Don EvertsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2003Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Created To Be Gods Friend Workbook (Workbook)


      This format is designed for either individuals or group leaders. Created To Be God’s Friend is a remarkable study in our relatinship with a personal God who is constantly working in each of our lives.

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    • Fresh Faith


      Like a Fountain of Clear Water Cleansing a Stagnant, Cynical Culture . . . FRESH FAITH Pastor Jim Cymbala calls us back to a fiery, passionate preoccupation with God that will restore what the enemy has stolen from us: our first love for Jesus, our zeal, our troubled children, our wounded marriages, our broken and divided churches. Born out of the heart and soul of The Brooklyn Tabernacle, the message of Fresh Faith is illustrated by true stories of men and women whose lives have been changed through the power of faith. The same faith that can transform your life-starting today, if you choose.

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    • Fresh Power


      We Need God’s Power Drawing examples from the Bible and from the sidewalks of New York City, Fresh Power shows what happens when the Spirit of God moves in our midst. He longs to reveal the mind of God to us and to release heaven’s limitless resources to meet the desperate needs around us. Fresh Power will expand your vision for what God can and will do, and inspire you to pray like never before for God’s power in your church-and in you.

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    • Would You Still Love Jesus If He Sent You To Hell


      This book is designed to promote thanksgiving and meditation by applying Scriptures to everyday life. It should challenge some of our personal views and thoughts on everyday occurrences. So many things go on around us that we often have trouble determining our true convictions. “Is it conviction or guilt?” We know “hell is real,” but do we always “act as if”? Don’t be afraid to allow this book to search your soul. Trust God to show you what’s “at the root” and to prove that “life is short, but eternity lasts forever.” Reading this book will light a fire in your soul that you thought was impossible to light. After you’ve finished, ask yourself those really tough questions: “Is Jesus your friend?” “To drink or not to drink?” and of course, “Would you still love Jesus if he sent you to hell?”

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    • 12 Ordinary Men Workbook (Workbook)


      Pointing to the lives of the disciples – twelve ordinary men through whom God worked extraordinary things – John MacArthur presents a pattern that modern disciples can pattern. In spite of – and sometimes because of – weakness and imperfection – God can and will use his believers to accomplish His work. This hands-on, practical workbook is divided into 12 chapters based on the 12 unique disciples offers the tools needed to train as a true disciple of God. This workbook will help Christians uncover and unleash the power of His word and will in their own lives and the lives of others.

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    • Reign Of Grace


      Thrill to the loving implications of God’s disruptive grace. With bold perspective and soul searching honesty, author Scotty Smith dares us to explore the radical nature of the grace of God, addressing such questions as:

      What does it mean to be a good steward of God’s grace?
      Is God more concerned about my happiness or my holiness?
      When God brings freedom, healing, and peace, what’s supposed to happen next?
      If God’s love is so compelling, what does it compel me to believe, do, and become?

      As believers, we are sometimes more interested in a masseuse rather than a Master. Smith dares to remind us that God’s love is a s disruptive as it is delightful, as demanding as it is delicious! God loves us exactly as we are today, but he loves us too much to leave us where we are. As objects of God’s affection, we are called to live as subjects in his kingdom under the reign of his glorious grace.

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    • If God Has A Refrigerator Your Picture Is On It (Student/Study Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780687026814ISBN10: 0687026814James MooreBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Christian Virtues : 9 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


      Virtue may not be a word you use every day, but it defines the qualities of a person of character. One of the good things about belonging to God is that he develops virtues in you. In nine sessions Cindy Bunch leads you to investigate–and learn to practice–key Christian virtues: faith, hope, love, wisdom, justice, courage, moderation, integrity and perseverance.

      This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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    • 30 Days To Discovering Personal Victory Through Holiness


      The companion to Set Apart, this book contains thirty encouraging readings, from a variety of well-known Christian pastors and speakers that lead you towards the best life God has for you – the life of holiness. Here is the daily support you need to make your struggle with temptation into a winning battle. Includes study questions after each chapter to apply its principles to your own life!

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    • Kind Of Capernaum


      The world seems to be lamenting the trends that it has unwittingly established, as righteousness is exiled among the nations. Wrongful sowing has brought forth a harvest that has yielded many broken families. Biblical absolutes are being undermined and intolerance has increased toward those who carry an earnest Christian expression. Few aspects of our lives are unspoiled by the indifference to righteousness. Our society has become like Capernaum in rejecting holiness. To many, the only wrong thing is to claim that you are right. Like a crop-eating parasite, sin has eaten away at the consciences of many. Even among professed Christians, many have surrendered their convictions, apologizing when they should be celebrating the truth of God’s Word. Their souls’ defenses have broken down, leaving no barriers against sin in their lives. The people constantly reject the restraints provided by God’s Word, substituting divine truth for a reactionary common sense called “do whatever feels good.” Therefore, one is left to wonder how deeply people must sink into depravity before this Titanic generation turns to God. This book is intended to remind people that knowledge of divine truth will better prepare them to live godly lives, fitting them as citizens for the New Jerusalem.

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    • Tragedy Of An Unclean Heart


      Tragedy of an Unclean Heart will provide an in-depth focus from a layperson’s view of what an unclean heart is, the roles and differences of sin and iniquity, how it separates us from God, and why God will not allow anyone to enter his kingdom operating in iniquity. It will help you understand the motives of your heart and bring clarity to why things are hidden in you. The book will serve to aid in deliverance from those hidden issues of the heart. You can use the book in conjunction with your Bible or as additional Christian reading for your enjoyment.

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    • Cultivating Christian Character


      How to become the person God wants you to be and how to help others to do the same.

      Includes a university-designed survey to measure your character.

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    • 1 Holy Fire


      What would happen if you called on God’s Spirit to unleash His power in your life?

      What if you really believed Jesus’ promise that His Spirit would empower you to do even greater miracles than He did when He walked the earth?

      You hold the answers to those soul-stirring questions in your hands. Since the moment that Nicky Cruz-a street-tough gang member in New York City-met Jesus Christ decades ago, he has seen no distinction between the working of God’s Spirit in the Book of Acts and the way that same Spirit works daily in his own life and ministry.

      In One Holy fire, the renowned author of Run, Baby, Run introduces you to the Holy Spirit. He shares never-before-published stories from his life that will quicken your heart and spark your spirit. He challenges you to abandon yourself and live according to the Spirit’s moment-by-moment guidance. And he inspires you to open your heart. . .and let the Spirit ignite your soul.

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    • Gods Will : The Mystery Now Made Known


      If someone would come to you with the news that the richest man on earth, having untold wealth, had made you heir to all that he possessed-i.e., land, stocks, bonds, cattle, real estate, motels, hotels, resorts, automobiles, and condominiums in Hawaii, Italy, Spain, Sweden, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and the United States of America, with cash in banks around the world-you, chances are, would become overjoyed, to say the least. Then you would probably doubt that such a will exists. So you begin to check on the validity of such a will, and find it to be real. You now proceed to produce all the necessary documents to prove you are the true heir to this vast sum of wealth. God, your Heavenly Father, has written His Will, and you can be an heir. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, mediator of the Will, and the one who died to validate the Will, rose from the grave, and is now sitting at the right hand of the Father, offering God’s Will to you. God is preparing a place for you that will be beyond your grandest imagination.

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    • Heart Set Free


      Rachel was angry with God for allowing her father to die. But a visit from a heavenly stranger changed everything. Share in Rachel’s experience as she discovers answers to questions that trouble many people in today’s confusing world: Why should I believe in God? What will happen to me after I die? What is heaven like? How can I be certain I am going to heaven? Why must God keep sin out of heaven? Where does sin come from? Why does God allow bad things to happen? What’s in store for our troubled earth? What will happen in the near future? What’s so special about Jesus? Does God really love me just the way I am? What do angels do? Is God still really in control? Spend some time with this book and you will experience for yourself the joy of a heart set free.

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    • Heart Set Free


      Rachel was angry with God for allowing her father to die. But a visit from a heavenly stranger changed everything. Share in Rachel’s experience as she discovers answers to questions that trouble many people in today’s confusing world: Why should I believe in God? What will happen to me after I die? What is heaven like? How can I be certain I am going to heaven? Why must God keep sin out of heaven? Where does sin come from? Why does God allow bad things to happen? What’s in store for our troubled earth? What will happen in the near future? What’s so special about Jesus? Does God really love me just the way I am? What do angels do? Is God still really in control? Spend some time with this book and you will experience for yourself the joy of a heart set free.

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    • True Discipleship (Student/Study Guide)


      21 Chapters
      13 Lessons

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      This book clearly explains the principles of New Testament discipleship. The Saviour’s terms of discipleship are not only highly practical but will reward in kowing the peace that passes understanding.

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    • Soul Survival In A Corrupt And Anti God World


      Are you tired of a meaningless existence trapped in the mundane matrix of life? Are you fed up with watching your generation self-destruct? Then this book is for you, and you share the same vision I do! It is your blood-bought right to break out of mediocrity, obscurity, and defeatist Christianity, and live on the cutting edge of God’s will for your life. We have to learn to soar above the dark, polluted waters of this world, and that’s what Soul Survival is all about.

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    • Experiencing Gods Presence


      You wake up, and your mind is already racing. Your schedule is completely full of all that the day holds. In the jumble of carpools, projects, dinner, work, and time with your family, God is often pushed to the side–or out of the picture completely.
      Matthew Henry was a man who awoke to thoughts of God, went to bed with God on his mind, and filled every hour in between with the same godly focus. Despite hardships, his life was fulfilled and joyful.

      Learn from him the importance of godly conversation, true devotions, and effective communication, and find a life that is completely pleasing to God.

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    • Be Anxious For Nothing


      The Art of Casting Your Cares and Resting in God. Joyce Meyer explains why we should and how we can: -Trade our anxiety and worry for peace and joy. -Develop a childlike attitude of faith. -Rest in the arms of the Lord. -And much more! You will develop a deeper, more meaningful relationship with your heavenly Father as you understand how He cares for you. By following the leading of the Holy Spirit, your life will be filled with unlimited hope and overflow with His peace, so that you will finally Be Anxious for Nothing!
      Difficult times, trials and tribulation are part of living in this world. However, God has provided a way for us to enjoy peace as a part of daily life. We can choose either to allow ourselves to be burdened with worry and anxiety or to live in the peace and joy the Father intended. In Be Anxious for Nothing, bestselling author Joyce Meyer teaches how to draw on the peace of God in the midst of negative circumstances instead of responding as do many people in the world with restlessness, fear and apprehension. She reveals the nature of the peace Jesus describes in John 14:27- a peace which is unlike anything the world knows- and how it can fill every area of your life.

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    • Secrets To Exceptional Living


      To you want to learn the secrets to leading a powerful, effective, fulfilling and rewarding life- one that will help others achieve their goals as well? God has made available to us the means for leading an exceptional life when we recognize and focus on the things that He tells us are important. It is important to God that we have more love, joy, and peace in our lives- more patience, kindness, and goodness- more faithfulness, humility and self-control. Developing these attributes of God’s nature, the fruit of the Spirit, empowers us to become all that God created us to be. In this book by bestselling author Joyce Meyer you will learn the secrets to growing spiritually like never before. Start impacting your life and the world around you. Family, friends and co-workers will begin noticing the transformation within you and will want to know the Source of this lasting change. Bear fruit and give it to others to taste and see that the Lord is good! When you apply the Word of God and cultivate the fruit of the Spirit, you will begin to lead the exceptional life that God has planned for you.

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