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    • Decisions : Seeking Gods Guidance


      Don Baker begins this guide by saying, “God has given me free will, and while I appreciate his confidence in my ability to choose, there are times when I wish that he would make the decisions for me.” Unfortunately, the Bible cannot give us the answer to every choice we face either. But the Bible does teach us how to make decisions. And these studies will help you to learn those principles and apply them to your life. This LifeGuide Bible Study in the new revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section in each study.

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    • Feeling Fooled : How To Stop Letting Your Negative Emotions Wreck Your Life


      Read of Solveig. Share in this Norwegian immigrant’s true adventures and lifetime story. See how special an everyday common person’s life can be when dedicated early and diligently to Jesus. With God, ordinary and painful days can be filled with extraordinary blessings and miracles. Placing full trust in her Lord, miraculous healings, visions, and angelic interventions interrupt and impact her life. Petitioning God, going through opened doors, and trusting completely in Him are rewarded. Solveig’s life gives evidence of God’s awareness of and faithfulness to all of His children. Written as a legacy to her grandchildren, Solveig recounts a confused and disappointing childhood; the traumatic Nazi Occupation of Norway; meeting and marrying Arne; immigrating to America; and seasons of family growth, trials, lack, and loss. The evidence of God’s faithfulness to Solveig encourages others to choose and remain determined to follow God’s paths for their lives.

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    • Humility : The Journey Toward Holiness (Reprinted)


      12 Chapters

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      The Journey Toward Holiness

      When Jesus “made himself nothing…taking the nature of a servant,” He modeled for all believers true humility. Andrew Murray calls this “our true nobility” and “the distinguishing feature of discipleship.” With insightful, penetrating clarity, Murray calls all Christians to turn from pride, empty themselves, and study the character of Christ to be filled with His grace.

      Often called the best work on humility ever written, this edition has been edited for today’s reader.

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    • Clouds And Glory


      Clouds and Glory is one of a three-volume collection of prayers, scripture readings, and blessings based on the Common Worship Lectionary, used in many parts of the Anglican Communion. Written in the Celtic style for which the author is known, and linked to the Sunday readings for Year A, these prayers and intercessions may be used by congregations for the Prayers of the People, as well as by those who seek to supplement their own daily devotions.

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    • Attitudes Of A Transformed Heart (Student/Study Guide)


      Christians and non-Christians alike often embrace a low view of God, and consequently a casual view of sin and Scripture. This low view of God is reflected in their attitudes about God, their attitudes about Scripture, and their attitudes of the heart. This book is about being “transformed” by the renewing of your mind” and not being “conformed to this world” (Romans 12:2).
      Your Heart is who you are on the inside. It is what you think, your motives, and your desires. Our hearts have been conformed to the world’s way of thinking. Paul wrote, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” (Romans 12:2). It takes grace from God and work on our part for our minds to be transformed to think God-honoring thoughts and to truly discern unbiblical philosophies.
      If you have a teachable heart, this book will help you truly honor God by what you think. Study questions are at the end of each chapter.

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    • Wasting Time With God


      When it comes to developing a deep, trusting relationship with God, efficiency and productivity are not the answer. It’s far better to “waste” time with him, to just enjoy being with him. After all, that’s how any friendship grows. But making room for God in the midst of our fast-paced lives is not an easy task. Just as time with our best friends can get squeezed out by the rush of activities, so can time with God. Even “wasting time” with God means making a commitment and setting priorities–whether it’s something we enjoy or not. Beginning with the supposition that God desires friendship with us, Klaus Issler encourages us to consider seven character traits and to develop their companion disciplines: friendship, humility, faith, commitment, communication, apprenticeship and partnership. Here is a full-orbed model of Christian spirituality that will be of lasting value.

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    • Soul Friend : Spiritual Direction In The Modern World (Revised)


      In 1977, Kenneth Leech wrote the book Soul Friend, which quickly became one of the classic contemporary explorations of the Christian practice of spiritual direction. Out of print for many years, a revised edition of this book, mildly updated to include changes in the spiritual climate since 1977, is now available.
      Leech’s scholarly, yet accessible, exploration examines the climate in which spiritual direction takes place today-the influence of the drug culture of the 1960’s, Eastern influences on prayer and spiritual practice, the Pentecostal movement, and others. He then provides background on the history of spiritual direction, both Protestant and Catholic, from the earliest Church through the twentieth century. Leech also explores other questions of interest to directors and those seeking out direction: the relationship between counseling and direction; the practice of prayer in Christian spiritual tradition; and the prophetic role of the spiritual director, not just for the individual but for the larger society. An excellent course book, and a fascinating book for those contemplating direction, Soul Friend will continue to be a classic for years to come.

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    • Celebrate Change


      1. An Invitation To Change
      2. Beauty For Ashes
      3. A Minister, A Mouse, And A Miracle
      4. Now What?
      5. Complications
      6. The Path Of Most Resistance
      7. Hidden Treasure
      8. Party Time!
      160 Pages

      Additional Info
      Celebrate Change is your ticket to joy on your journey to your destiny.

      Our purposes on this planet if it is to be birthed, will take us through uncomfortable times. Changing seasons are God’s invitation to witness His Glory. By embracing change, we embrace Him.

      In these pages, you will find the keys to preparing for, understanding, and adjusting to changes in your life. You will find out why you should cheer about every change, not just the ones that feel good.

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    • Designed To Be Like Him


      32 Chapters

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      Against the flow of consumerist Christianity, Dr. Pentecost reminds the reader that the Christian Life is not primarily about Jesus being our friend, finding the keys to happiness, or just making it to heaven. In this insightful look at godliness, one of America’s most respected and practical theologians discusses the essential principles that encompass every aspect of life.
      Our life in Christ redefines our purposes and reshapes our perspectives. With our eternal destination secured, we embark on a lifelong journey toward godliness, being changed into the image of Christ as we live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit. Centered on Scripture, Designed to Be like Him takes you step-by-step through a theologically sound pattern for maturing in Christ. Fellowship, conduct, conflict, and maturity are all discussed in detailed, yet understandable, language.

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    • Companions In Christ Journal (Reprinted)


      Journal writing is a sharing between our true selves and God.”

      It’s a powerful yet simple spiritual practice. Journaling goes beyond the near-constant inner conversations we have with ourselves every day. The mere act of putting our unedited thoughts on paper, in our own handwriting, leads to eye-opening insights, clarity of thought and deeper reflection.

      That’s why a journal is an integral part of Companions in Christ.

      Respond to exercises contained in your participant’s book. Highlight the answers or questions you want to share with others in your group meeting. Reviewing and writing in your journal will be an important part of preparing for each group session. The Companions in Christ Journal complements the entire Companions in Christ series.

      The 160-page journal features clean, open pages with faint lines to guide your writing. The book’s binding (layflat, in print terms) is flexible and conducive to easy handwriting and yet strong enough to withstand a well-thumbed lifetime. Thoughtful single quotations designed to guide your reflection are included in the margins on every other page. An introduction by journaling expert and Upper Room author, Anne Broyles, will inspire both the new and experienced diarist.

      This beautiful journal was designed exclusively for participants of Companions in Christ, but it can be used by anyone.

      As one of the quotations contained within the pages of this journal says, “Silence becomes like a creative space in which we regain perspective on the whole.” Let this journal be a bridge between you and God so that you may be whole!

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    • Race Set Before Us


      In this explanation of the biblical theology of perserverance and assurance, Thomas Schreiner and Ardel Caneday weigh and consider all of the relevant New Testament texts. Applying sound principles of biblical interpretation and conversing with recent evangelical thought, they give us a foundational study with profound spiritual implications for Christian living and pastoral ministry.

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    • Dialogue With God


      Struggling To Learn To Hear God’s Voice
      Communion: The Desire Of God’s Heart
      Key #I -The Spoken Word: Tuning To Spontaneity
      Key #2-Becoming Still: Quieting Our Thoughts And Emotions
      Key #3-Seeing In The Spirit The Dreams And Visions Of God
      Key #4-Journaling: Writing Out Our Dialogue With God
      Habakkuk: Putting It All Together
      Tuning Our Hearts Through The Tabernacle Experience
      The Fine -Tuning Dial: Overcoming Obstacles And Roadblocks In Your Heart
      Testing And Submission
      More Thoughts On Prayer
      More On Overcoming Blocks And Problems To Hearing’s God’s Voice
      The Lord Spoke Back
      More Journaling
      “Yada”-Sharing Love

      Additional Info
      Do you have it on your heart to dialogue with God?

      Find out how prayer – our link to God – is the most powerful and vital activity of our life. This book will lead you into a life-changing dimension of two-way communication with our loving God.

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    • Divine Conspiracy : Dallas Willards Study Guide To The Divine Conspiracy (Studen


      This study guide expands the discussion begun in The Divine Conspiracy, focusing on and clarifying key issues and encouraging a fuller understanding of Christian discipleship. Here you will find:

      Overviews and summaries of each chapter of The Divine Conspiracy
      Scripture meditations to enhance your understanding of the text
      Study questions to facilitate stimulating discussion and reflection

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    • Mighty To Save


      In this study from Luke, Pastor Phillips show us themeaning and significance of the miracles of Jesus -notonly as proofs of Jesus’ person, but as content richindicators of his work for sinners -and applies theirlessons to contemporary life.

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    • Women Gifted For Ministry


      An interactive workbook to help women realize their gifts and use them effectively.

      *Presents the 9 tasks gifts–evangelism, helps, teaching, exhortation, giving, administration, showing mercy, prophecy, shepherding
      *Recognizes that women may exercise their gifts in different ways from men
      *Gives a biblical example of a woman with each of these gifts
      *Identifies dangers or weaknesses associated with the gifts
      *Shows what these gifts look like in today’s world, by giving individual examples
      *Provides study questions for each chapter, tied to inductive Bible study
      *Includes a “Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire”
      *Uses a workbook format suitable for use by women’s Bible study groups or individuals

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    • Meeting God : 12 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


      When you meet God, you will be changed. Meet him now as J. I. Packer, author of the bestselling Christian classic, Knowing God, leads you through twelve key passages from the Old and New Testaments. These inductive Bible studies will engage your heart and mind. And enlarge your vision of the God you worship and serve. Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, Meeting God features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.

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    • Breaking Free From Sins Grip


      Is there something keeping you from breaking through to the life in Christ you want? Sondra’s family lived in a pitiful wooden shack that basically consisted of a front porch and two small bedrooms. Tiny beams of sunlight filtered through the holes in the walls. The toilet was in the back yard. When Sondra discribed the beautiful home her father dreamed of building for his family, her classmate Frank Moore never really believed the family would ever move into that dream house. Then one day Sondra invited him to come see her new house. They drove across a dirt path through the field behind the shack. There in the middle of the field stood a big, red-brick Southern mansion with four white columns setting off a two-story front porch. A father’s dream had come true! Your Heavenly Father looks down through time and dreams big dreams for you. He dreams of the holy life you will have through an intimate, personal relationship with Him. With candor and honesty, and humor, Dr. Frank Moore delves into the issues of holiness that all of us need to know to live free of sin’s condeming power. God has not called you to an impossible task. Dr. More helps you see how to achieve your holiness goals and live in harmony with your Lord.

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    • Gods Word : Power To Shape Our Lives (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Longing For Christ – John 1:1-5, 14-18
      2. Food For Life – Isaiah 55
      3. Applying The Word – Matthew 13:1-23
      4. Gathering Around The Word – Acts 2:42-47
      5. Knowing The Mind Of Christ – 1 Corinthians 2:6-16
      6. Guided By The Word – Psalm 119:97-108
      7. Strengthened By The Word – Joshua 1:1-9
      8. Passing The Word On – Deuteronomy 6:1-9
      9. Reflecting The Word – 2 Corinthians 3

      Additional Info
      You love God’s Word. You want Scripture to inform you daily life and seep deep into your soul. Yet too often Bible study becomes a mere fact-finding exercise or a dull, spiritless routine.

      How can Bible reading shape you and transform you?

      How can you meet God face to face while pondering his message in the Old and New Testaments?

      Cindy Bunch has written this practical study guide to help you experience the variety of ways that Scripture can meet your desire for spiritual connection and growth. Utilizing the revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, God’s Word features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection. A helpful “Now or Later” section at the end of each study offers you suggestions for further study, prayer or application. Notes for group leaders are also included.

      Here is help for loving God’s Word–and living it.

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    • Christian Beliefs : 12 Studies For Indiviuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


      Christian beliefs are vital to Christian living. They are the foundation of your relationship to God – and even with others. So… what do Christians believe? In this study guide, Stephen Eyre introduces one by one twelve key tenets of the Christian faith. Here is what you need to know (and tell others) about God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, human nature, sin, salvation, holiness, the church, mission, revelation, and last things. Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, “Christian Beliefs” features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.

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    • Stages Of Sanctification


      The book defines seven stages of spiritual maturity for Christians. It explains how the process of sanctification works in each stage and involves the power of the cross and the resurrection to defeat the power of sin and bring new life. Each stage has special challenges, opportunities, and dangers.

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    • Renewed Mind : Becoming The Person God Wants You To Be (Expanded)


      14 Chapters

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      Becoming the person God wants you to be . . .
      Have you ever tried to break a bad habit? By sheer willpower you set your mind to overcome it . . .but suddenly, there it is again! Do you ever have thoughts rise up in your mind that would make you blush if they were suddenly broadcast over a loudspeaker?
      Experiences like this express the gap that exists between what we are and what we want to be. This book is all about bridging that gap! In a vivid series of images and parables, the Christian life is depicted not as a drear duty, but as an adventure of faith – living each day by the guidance and power of Christ’s indwelling presence.
      The Renewed Mind touches on five major areas of spiritual experience:
      -Dependence on God
      -Facing challenges with the authority of Christ
      Includes new selections from Larry Christenson’s other memorable teachings – Back to Square One and The Notre Dame Football Talk – plus new study questions.

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    • Sacred Thirst : Meeting God In The Desert Of Our Longings


      Jesus once said, “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty.” So why are Christians still thirsty? We throw ourselves into church work, Bible studies, prayer, missions, fellowship. Yet still we search restlessly for something more. What are we missing?

      Perhaps the answer is, more of Jesus. Church meetings and programs, ministry, Christian counseling, and home groups are all good, but they are not him. It doesn’t matter how devoted we are to these wonderful activities; they are not the same thing as communion with Jesus. Our souls crave him alone.

      In Sacred Thirst, author and pastor Craig Barnes brings us face-to-face with our desperate longing for God. Like the woman at the well, we have tried to satisfy our parched souls with so many other things – even religious things. But when we get to the bottom of our desire, we find Jesus quietly waiting with his living water – intimate communion with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

      This book is filled with unique insights into human experience and the character of God. With his keen understanding of the needs of contemporary Christians, Barnes points to the only way our thirst will ever be satisfied. Drawing from his rich background in the Bible and his tender insights as a pastor, he leads us into a new understanding of ourselves and the uncontrollable but gracious God we seek.

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    • Maximized Manhood : A Guide To Family Survival (Revised)


      This is a book that is unabashedly, uncompromisingly written to men. There are many books about us, but precious few written to us. It is a throw back to the days of “man-to-man talks,” male virtues, chivalry, and a respect for women and children that grew out of understanding the responsibility of being a “grown man.” It is a book that enables us to discover the maximum potential of our lives–to live as maximized men. It is long overdue.

      Pungent and direct, this is a book that challenges today’s man. Some may be so angry at the ascertions that they will want to slam the book down and quit. Others will be tempted to fire off a hot letter to “get Ed Cole straightened out.”

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    • Battle Techniques For War Weary Saints


      You Will Wonder How You Ever Triumphed Without This Concise, Informative Book. Renew your faith and learn…

      Your Battle Is For A Reason And Only For A Season
      Your Most Powerful Weapons Against The Enemy
      4 Forces That Shorten Your Seasons Of Struggle
      20 Key Principles And Techniques About War
      This book could make you feel brand new.

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    • Prayer And Devotional Life Of United Methodists


      This volume in the United Methodist Studies series challenges United Methodist to engage in life-transforming practices. The author explains a theme and underscores major emphases within the United Methodist denomination. This adult study is divided into four sections with suggestions for groug discussion, and can be completed in 4 to 8 sessions. No leaders guide is needed.

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    • Faith On The Edge


      Do you want to live for Jesus but struggle with what that means day by day? The deep desire of our hearts to be close to God is so easily sidetracked by daily realities. This book is designed to cover the areas of faith and life that you most want to bring together under God’s leadership such as: decision-making, dating and relationships, suffering, experiencing God, hope for times of failure, and emotional healing.

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    • Hard Work Of Rest


      Corporate America is certainly one of the greatest testing grounds for personal faith and conviction. With an increasing number of believers across the globe seeking to integrate their faith into the workplace, the editors of Life@Work have targeted five key areas in work in which Christians can apply God’s Truth. Looking at the topics of Ethics, Calling, Ambition, and Coaching, each book provides relevant quotes, illustrations, principles and life application questions. These books are excellent for individual study or group interaction and discussion.

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    • Lord I Want To Know You (Student/Study Guide)

      Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $13.60.

      Enjoy the expanded and updated editions of the best-selling “Lord” Bible Study Series from Kay Arthur. Discover the Limitless Power of God’s Name. So much of our confusion and pain results because we don’t know God — who He really is, how He works in our lives. Let Kay Arthur guide you through the Scriptures in this deeply insightful study. Your daily time with God in His Word will introduce you to the limitless treasure available to you as His child. And these are truths you can share easily with others, individually or in small groups.

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    • Still Listening : New Horizons In Spiritual Direction


      Interest in the practice of spiritual direction has grown in recent years. With the increased number of people seeking direction have come a number of new issues confronting spiritual directors. This volume of essays by seasoned spiritual directors form a variety of faith traditions addresses issues of concern to directors today such as direction with: abused persons, the poor, church drop-outs, and gays and lesbians. Other essays look at spiritual direction in new contexts, such as the congregational setting, the corporate arena, spiritual direction and genera- tional issues, and direction at the turn of the century. The final section of the book addresses some specific circumstances: working with the addicted, with those who are dying, using art in spiritual direction, and direction and social justice.

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    • Searching For A God To Love


      Searching for a God to Love reaches out to those seeking a new understanding of God–apart from preconception, institutionalized religion, or pre-packaged agenda. Throughout the book, Chris Blake divides the mystery surrounding who God is and reveals the powerful, infinite, and loving relationship God seeks to have with mere mortals. With chapter titles such as “Beyond Mother Nature” and “The World’s Greatest Lover,” Searching for a God to Love offers a fresh perspective for those seeking a God in whom they can believe.

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    • Encountering God : Christian Faith In Turbulent Times


      Christian doctrine gives order to the Christian life – what people believe, know, and what they do about God’s message of salvation. In this clear and helpful introduction to doctrine, Purves and Partee focus on the basic issues of Christian faith as filtered through contemporary experience: the mystery of faith, justification and sanctification, salvation, sin, the sacraments, hope, and joy. Useful for both group and individual study or in the classroom, this guide brings the doctrines of the Christian faith to life, and helps readers understand the relevance of these doctrines in day-to-day experience.

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    • Full Life In Christ


      32 Chapters

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      Experience full life in Christ . . .
      Experiencing abundant joy and dynamic power is possible for every Christian today. But first, we need to focus on the life and personality of Christ. Andrew Murray paints a portrait of the Son of God that will arouse your desire to be like Him. Depicted in these pages are many characteristics of Christ, including His compassion, His self-denial, His oneness with the Father, His prayer life, and His use of Scripture.
      You will discover how you can have a full life in Him and how you, too, can reflect the life and love of Jesus in your daily walk.

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    • What Christian Living Is All About (Student/Study Guide)


      Grow spiritually as you learn how to apply God’s Word and meet the daily challenges of living your faith in this indepth study of James. Meditate on scripture and take action in a practical and biblical way with regard to money, conflict, speech, prayer, etc.

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    • Answers : 65 Most Asked Questions



      Josh McDowell and Don Stewart answer these questions and dozens more.

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    • Sabbath : Finding Rest Renewal And Delight In Our Busy Lives


      In today’s world, with its relentless emphasis on success and productivity, we have lost the necessary rhythm of life, the balance between work and rest. Constantly striving, we feel exhausted and deprived in the midst of great abundance. We long for time with friends and family, we long for a moment to ourselves.

      Millennia ago, the tradition of Sabbath created an oasis of sacred time within a life of unceasing labor. Now, in a book that can heal our harried lives, Wayne Muller, author of the spiritual classic How, Then, Shall We Live?, shows us how to create a special time of rest, delight, and renewal–a refuge for our souls.

      We need not even schedule an entire day each week. Sabbath time can be a Sabbath afternoon, a Sabbath hour, a Sabbath walk. With wonderful stories, poems, and suggestions for practice, Muller teaches us how we can use this time of sacred rest to refresh our bodies and minds, restore our creativity, and regain our birthright of inner happiness.

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    • Sacred Romance Workbook And Journal (Workbook)


      The Sacred Romance touched thousands of readers and left many hungry to apply its material to their own lives. John Eldredge feeds that hunger with this innovative workbook and journal.

      In The Sacred Romance John Eldredge told readers, “It is possible to recover the lost life of our heart and with it the intimacy, beauty, and adventure of life with God.” Now, in The Sacred Romance Workbook and Journal, Eldredge shows readers how to do that. This highly innovative workbook features Eldredge’s profound writing style and guides readers through an experience of personal assessment and soulful reflection. Readers will gain a more passionate and personal relationship with God through interactive exercises that help them apply material from The Sacred Romance, a journaling section to document personal reflections on the thought-provoking questions raised in the workbook section, and even recommendations of film, music, and art to help them make emotional connections with the material. Readers will be guided away from a religion of duty and obligation toward a more deeply felt relationship with God.

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    • Secret To The Christian Life


      A book that lives up to its title. It reveals the one central secret to the living out of the Christian life. Nor does the book stop there. It gives down to earth, practical assignments. The secret? The Father and Son know that secret long before creation. The book has no peers, and contains nothing of what is usually found in other books on Christian living.

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    • Evangelism : A Way Of Life


      Evangelism can be intimidating, but it can be a natural and exciting way of life. These studies by Rebecca Pippert and Ruth Siemens help us to communicate the gospel effectively.

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    • Sermon On The Mount (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Unexpected Blessings – Matthew 5:1-12
      2. God’s Way To Make A Difference – Matthew 5:13-16
      3. The Importance Of Obeying God’s Law – Matthew 5:17-20
      4. What’s Wrong With Private Sins? – Matthew 5:21-30
      5. Faithfulness Inn Marriage And Speech – Matthew 5:31-37; 19:3-9
      6. How To Really Love Your Enemies – Matthew 5:38-48
      7. How Not To Be Religious – Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
      8. A Pattern For Dynamic Prayer – Matthew 6:7-15
      9. What God Thinks Of My Ambitions – Matthew 6:19-34
      10. Relationships That Encourage – Matthew 7:1-12
      11. Detecting The Lies Of Our World – Matthew 7:13-20
      12. Making The Choice Of A Lifetime – Matthew 7:21-29

      Additional Info
      What does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God in life? Hear Jesus’ amazing answers when you study the greatest sermon ever preached.

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    • Self Esteem : Gift From God


      Improved self-esteem leads to a true evaluation and acceptance of others and ourselves. Ward challenges people to discover their uniqueness and to enjoy who they are. She encourages them to discover their God-designed temperament/type in order to arrive at healthy self-esteem and self-worth. This self-acceptance automatically raises the level of understanding and lowers tension in every arena and age of life, making it “fun” to celebrate differences rather than feel obligated to think and function according to another’s dictates.

      Self-Esteem: Gift from God answers our questions regarding the differences in people by using quizzes and real-life examples sprinkled with humor. Readers will painlessly and proudly discover that their personal preferences, though perhaps very different, are normal and “ok.” Encouragement to join hands with God by using our special gifts to improve our spiritual confidences forms the foundation of Self-Esteem.

      Ideal for Bible study and self-esteem groups, each chapter ends with a prayer for further contemplation and discussion.

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    • Following Jesus Without Embarrassing God


      With candor and insight, Tony Campolo passionately hits on hot button issues that impact the Christian life, including how to: protect yourself from technology without becoming Amish; have a devotional life without becoming a monk, and figure out the will of God without hearing voices from Heaven.

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    • My Friend Is Struggling With Thoughts Of Suicide


      Sixteen-year-old Kevin Colvin, burdened by his parent’s fighting, the recent death of his best friend and slipping grades, despairs that he’s just “a waste of space on this planet. Is this a passing thought or is he about to seriously contemplate suicide? Do you know any students like Kevin who are caught in the downward emotional spiral of disappointment to discouragement to despair? What can you say or do to help? What do they need most right now? Perhaps more than any time in their lives they need a “911 friend”-a friend who ” is always loyal and a brother [and sister who] is born to help in time of need” (Prov. 17:17). Through the aid of a gripping true-to-life story, Josh McDowell along with Ed Stewart offers biblical insights and practical instruction on what your friend can do when plagued with passing thoughts of ending it all. But more importantly, you will discover how to become a true source of help and encouragement to lift him or her from discouragement and despair. This book is designed for you to read first and then give to your friend. And if you are that person struggling with despair, you can learn how to find that light at the end of the dark tunnel you seem to be in. For you will discover how important you are to God and to those around you, especially to the friend who gave you this book.

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    • Stepping Stones Of The Steward A Print On Demand Title (Reprinted)


      Taking the images of “journey” and “steward” as metaphors for the Christian’s life, and using parables of Jesus found in Matthew and Luke, Ronald Vallet helps focus a truly biblical understanding of the term steward and the role of believers as earthly caretakers, neighbors, and responsible servants of God.

      Written to inform and encourage pastors and laypersons who seek to explore new dimensions in their Christian journey, Vallet’s inspirational study teaches Christians how to gain a sense of purpose, how to properly use their resources, talents, and money, and how to reach out with compassion for the welfare of others and for the planet.

      This revised and enlarged edition includes important new discussions in the areas of faith and money and environmental issues. M. Douglas Meeks has written the foreword, and a new epilogue by Vallet explores the mission funding crisis of the church in North America, the changing views on both the church and its mission, and the important role played by theological education. Thought-provoking questions and suggestions for further reflection follow each chapter, and a study guide outlines ways to adapt this volume to adult and youth church and school classes, planning groups, conferences, and small-group settings.

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    • They Drank From The River And Died In The Wilderness


      We are living in a land not our own. We are looking for a city, whose Builder and Maker is God. Along the way, there will be rivers from which to drink. These “rivers” will renew, refresh, and restore vision and purpose. But the “river” will not ultimately satisfy the inner longing of your soul. The “river” along the way must not be mistaken for the City of God we all seek. We must go on, not being content with the provision of the “river,” no matter how exciting its rushing power and glory may be.

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    • Distinctives


      In a fresh and readable style, Vaughan Roberts, issues a challenging call to Christians to live out their faith. We should be different from the world around us.

      Targeting difficult but crucial areas such as our attitude to money and possessions,
      sexuality, contentment, relativism and service, this teaching is holiness in the tradition of J.C Ryle for the contemporary generation. Roberts helps us to consider how we are to respond biblically to the temptations and pitfalls surrounding us-giving what we cannot keep to gain what we cannot lose.

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    • New Faith : A Black Christian Womans Guide To Reformation ReCreation Redisc


      Issuing a passionate call to African American Christian women, Patterson challenges her sisters in Christ to rise above “unnecessary suffering” and embrace “new faith”! Exposing the religious and social negatives that have impeded Black women until now, she shows how “corrective love” can pave the way for a better existence.

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    • To Love With All Your Heart (Student/Study Guide)


      NavPress Print On Demand Title

      For readers who are half-hearted in their relationship with God, To Love With All Your Heart will set them on a path to spiritual fullness. Fran Sciacca walks individuals or small groups through an in-depth study of Scripture that will re-educate readers on the subject of salvaiton. This greater understanding of salvation will result in an even deeper appreciation for the process of repentance and sanctification. Readers will learn to make salvation an active part of their daily life. Each chapter in this Bible study provides necessary skills for long-term spiritual growth.

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    • Spiritual Life


      Throughout the church today, there is a universal longing for a deeper spiritual life and relationship with God. Many have become consumed with a passion to continually be found in the presence of God. Giving up everything and holding nothing back, they abandon themselves to the pursuit of their hearts’ desire.

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    • Building Your House On The Lord (Student/Study Guide)


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      Is Jesus the foundation of your home? Will your superstructure stand in spite of the gale-force pressures of life in this century? Of all the books written to reinforce Christian marriages, none can approach the truth and authority of the Bible. Steve and Dee Brestin, a Christian doctor and his wife, have written this studyguide to help you build a biblical foundation for your marriage and family life.

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    • Lost Passions Of Jesus


      Exoplore with Don Milam the passions that Jesus displayed when He walked the earth. Learn from other passionate people just like you. They lived and died with one goal in mind: to follow their Lord. And when you find the burning motivations of our Lord’s life, may you too pick up the flame and light a white-hot fervor in your heart for Him!

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