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Family Concerns

Showing 1551–1600 of 1605 results

  • 5 Cries Of Grief


    On August 12, 1986 twenty five year old David Strommen was struck and killed by a bolt of lightning. The tradedy sent his parent reeling with grief. Out of that grief came a journey toward healing; a journey that is chronicled in this extraordinry book. The Strommens encountered five cries of grief: The cry of pain from the awareness of their devastating loss; the cry of longing, from missing their son; the cry for supportive love, from the extreme sense of vulnerability they experienced; the cry for understanding, as they tried to attribute meaning to a meaningless loss; and the cry for significance, as they strove to see some good result from this tragedy. As they wrote accounts of their journey, they recognized that the grief of a father may differ significantly from that of a mother. Their stories, voiced in alternating chapters launch a journey that can provide strength, insight, and renewal for all who experience the heartbreak of a loved one’s death.

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  • Tough Love : Now Parents Can Deal With Drug Abuse (Revised)


    1. Choices
    2. But Does It Work?
    3. The Family That Had Everything Under Control
    4. The Family That Didn’t Give Up
    5. The Family That Didn’t Have To Suffer
    6. The Mother Who Never Made Waves
    7. The Mother Who Learned From Pain
    8. The Family That Was Determined To Be Perfect
    9. The Father Who Knew What Was Right
    10. The Dope Fiend Who Got Straight
    11. Straight Talk From A PDAP Counselor
    12. The Twelve Steps Of PDAP
    13. The Twelve Steps Of Alcoholics Anonymous
    14. The Twelve Steps
    15. The Future

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    Tough Love is hope. It is help. It is a way of recovery for drug abusers, and a positive, supportive program for their families.

    Tough Love is a gift of love and a gift of life for those who practice its plan. It is a book for all parents, especially those whose children are now on drugs or are exposed to those who use drugs.

    Pauline Neff has gathered enthralling, real-life accounts of young drug users who needed help and of their parents’ role in seeing that they received it. Eight families describe, in very graphic, heartrending terms, how their children successfully beat the drug habit through the Palmer Drug Abuse Program.

    PDAP is a privately financed twelve-step program, similar to the steps of AA. Ms. Neff explains each step to show how families can interpret and work through these steps in their own lives. Thousands of young people have found help through this method. Families have been reunited, and parents’ own lives have been changed drastically in the process.

    If you are a parent of a young person in America today, tough love may be the most important book you will ever read. It may save your life.

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  • Mothers Heart : A Look At Values Vision And Character For The Christian Mot


    Being a mother is the most rewarding job in the world—and one of the toughest! In this newly revised and updated bestseller, Flemming offers encouragement to mothers of all ages and backgrounds. You’ll discover how to pray for your child’s needs, how to be thankful for your child’s strengths and weaknesses, and, with God’s help, how to become the mother you’ve always wanted to be.

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  • Im So Glad You Told Me What I Didnt Wanna Hear


    201 Pages/9 Chapters

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    For parents who have been knocked to the floor by bad news and plastered to the ceiling by unwelcome surprises…here’s a book to prop you up, scrape you down, and (believe it or not) help you laugh again.

    Bad news is bad enough. But bad news about your children carries a triple whammy of pain, worry, and “where did we go wrong!” An accident, an illness, an unwholesome lifestyle, a devastating decision-the truth about these awful events can turn your life upside down, isolate you from family and friends, drain you of hope, and overpower you with stress.

    If that’s your experience right now, this book can be a lifesaver. Crammed with practical guidance and sanity-saving laughter, it’s a gift of hope to you from “the queen of encouragement,” Barbara Johnson and other men and women who are “out there on the dance floor of life, doing the lost-parent shuffle.” Drawing on her personal experience, her years of ministering to parents in pain, and the letters she has received from hundreds of hurting (and healing) parents, Barbara Johnson shares:

    – what you can expect in the days ahead-and how to cope
    – what to do with your shock, pain, and guilt
    – how to find grace for your ongoing stress
    – how to love your kids without trying to “fix ’em”
    – how to find comfort and encouragement in scripture, friendship, and the knowledge that you’re not alone
    – how to locate a support group-or start one of your own
    – how to pull together with your spouse-instead of letting your pain pull you apart

    She salts each chapter with wry observations, uplifting letters, sunny day-lifters, cartoons, and just-plain-funny one-liners-to lift your spirits and bring you comfort. Whether you’re stuck on the ceiling, groping through the tunnel, smoldering in the fire, or down for the count, this book can keep you moving and even keep you laughing through your tears as you travel the rocky path from “Why me, Lord?” to “Thank you, Lord.”

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  • Education Of A Daughter


    First published in America in 1847, but written in 1687 by the Archbishop Henson of Priggery, Gascony, The Education of a Daughter is a spirited how-to book for the parents of young children. It is filled with sound wisdom on the ample subject of rearing both daughters and sons. Sprinkled with proverbs, hints and maxims, and the Archbishop’s insights into the psychology of a young mind.

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  • Rock Solid Marriage


    25 Chapters

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    From almost-marrieds to newlyweds to long-time couples, here’s how to build a great marriage. . .and how to mend the cracks. Rock-Solid Marriage helps you build strong foundations for a marriage that lasts. Whether you’re considering marriage, are facing marital difficulties, or simply wish to improve your marriage, Dr. Robert and Rosemary Barnes show how you can forge a rich relationship that will stand up to life’s tests. Drawing on years of counseling experience and on their own marriage, the Barneses uncover principles essential for a healthy relationship. With a wealth of real-life illustrations, they help you cross marriage’s toughest hurdles to achieve the kind of closeness you’ve dreamed of. -Understand each other’s expectations for married life -Gain “his and hers” perspectives about sexuality and intimacy -Learn the secrets of “bilingual,” man-woman communication -Discover five steps to affair-proofing your marriage -Turn conflict into an opportunity for deeper understanding. Warmly written, encouraging, and practical, Rock-Solid Marriage helps you and your partner maximize your strengths and iron out the problems to make your marriage as strong and productive as it can be.

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  • Strong Willed Child Or Dreamer



    239 Pages/17 Chapters

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    Your child may be a dreamer if…
    *He forgets to follow instructions, no matter how clear and simple you make them.
    *She craves praise and positive attention, yet refuses to conform to what’s expected.
    *He complains often about feeling misunderstood, picked on, or persecuted.
    *She tells more than her share of fibs, lies, or tall tales.

    If these statements describe your child, you know the frustration of turning to parenting experts for advice only to find that with your child, the systems don’t work, the rules don’t stick, and the strong boundary setting seems to make the situation worse. What’s even more frustrations is seeing that these methods do work-with strong-willed children.

    According to child and family counselors, Ron L. Braund and Dana Scott Spears, the problem may be that you don’t have a strong-willed child. Your child’s behavior may actually indicate that he or she is a creative-sensitive child, a dreamer: principle-oriented rather than rule-oriented, highly creative, sensitive to the point of taking offense where none is intended, and frustrated at a world that fails to live up to the ideal.

    In this book, the authors explain the differences between the dreamer and the strong-willed child. They also provide advice on parenting your dreamer child from infancy through adolescence, plus a special chapter on the dreamer child with attention deficit disorder.

    Whether you are the teacher, coach, clergy, or parent of a dreamer, this book will help you understand how these enigmatic children view the world and teach you how to give them what they need to thrive.

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  • Promising Again


    The authors contend that one of the best preventatives to divorce and separation is recommitment at vital junctures in a couple’s life together: job change, death of a parent, severe illness, a child leaving home, infidelity, and so on.

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  • Breaking Strongholds In The African American Family


    1. What Is A Stronghold?
    2. Types Of Strongholds
    3. Strongholds Imprisoning African-American Males
    4. Strongholds Surrounding African-American Females
    5. Strongholds Immobilizing African-American Youth
    6. The Christian’s Arsenal
    7. The Battle Plan: Part 1
    8. The Battle Plan: Part 2

    144 Pages

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    1. What Is a Stronghold?
    2. Types of Strongholds
    3. Strongholds Imprisoning African-American Males
    4. Strongholds Surrounding African-American Females
    5. Strongholds Immobilizing African-American Youth
    6. The Christian’s Arsenal
    7. The Battle Plan: Part 1
    8. The Battle Plan: Part 2

    144 Pages

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  • Discovering The Mind Of A Woman


    In Discovering the Mind of Women husbands learn to understand their wives as Christ would. From this point they learn to respond to their wives in a consistent Christlike manner. A radically transformed and renewed marriage is the result. Drawing from his own story and the stories of husbands whose marriages were dissolving, Ken Nair reveals major problems in life and marriage. After discussing the problems, he reveals relationship altering concepts which not only will revive a marriage, they will radiate throughout couple’s lives as well.

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  • Home Field Advantage


    “From the Publisher” A vital, encouraging book for men whose children are influenced by media heroes. Teachers how to be role models children can rely on by seizing relational, home-field advantage. Includes stories of popular athletes.

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  • Building Your Mates Self Esteem


    287 Pages In 18 Chapters
    8 Chapters

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    This eloquent source of instruction for anyone seriously committed to a strong, meaningful marriage will teach you how to:

    Appreciate your role in building your partner’s self-esteem.
    Learn practical and effective ways to love and support your mate.
    Repair past hurts in your spouse’s life.
    Build mutual intimacy through unconditional acceptance.
    Work together to build a vision for the years ahead.

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  • Leaving The Light On


    1. The Foundation For All Loving Relationships
    2. The Priceless Value of Affirmation
    3. Meaningful Touch
    4. Building Character And Responsibility
    5. “Are You Listening To Me?”
    6. Valuing Our Differences
    7. Blending Our Differences
    8. Untying The Knots Of Anger
    9. Resolving Conflict
    10. The Glue That Bonds A Family
    11. How to Help Your Family Improve
    12. Preparing For Transitions
    13. Vision
    14. When A Child Walks Away From The Light
    15. When Life Overflows
    16. Watching For The Sunlight
    17. A Final Thought: Where Your Light Shines Best
    190 Pages

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    As a parent, you know that your kids will face trials and struggles after they leave the nest. But you can begin to prepare your children today-while they are still young-by building solid and lasting family relationships that will see them through those tough times. You can instill in them a confidence that even in the longest, darkest night, the porch light is always lit . . .showing the way to the one place where love is given freely, not earned or demanded.

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  • Getting Out Of Your Kids Faces And Into Their Hearts


    “You can enjoy your kids more, relax around them, and love them better” is the fresh message Valerie Bell has for parents feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities of raising children. Finally, here is a book that is not about how to manage, train, and discipline your children, but about how to have a relationship with them. Getting Out of Your Kids’ Faces and into Their Hearts will guide you toward becoming a warm, nurturing parent

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  • 5 Needs Your Child Must Have Met At Home


    Children don’t come with instructions! It has never been more challenging to be a parent — or more hazardous to be a child. In Five Needs Your Child Must Have Met at Home, Ron Hutchcraft presents a practical roadmap for how to raise stable children in an unstable world. No matter how far you are on the parenting road, Hutchcraft can show you how to make the most of the days you have left with your children. Five Needs Your Child Must Have Met at Home details the five critical needs of every child: the need for a secure self, honest sexual answers, satisfying love, stable authority, and spiritual reality. You’ll learn: how to identify and affirm your children’s strengths, how to look beyond you children’s deeds to meet their needs, and how to raise children of integrity

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  • Reforming Marriage


    1. A Practical Theology Of Marriage
    2. Headship And Authority
    3. Duties Of Husband, And Wives
    4. Efficacious Love
    5. Keeping Short Accounts
    6. Miscellaneous Temptations
    7. The Marriage Bed Is Honorable
    8. Multiplying Fruitfully
    9. Divorce And Remarriage

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    How would you describe the spiritual aroma of your home? The source of this aroma is the relationship between husband and wife. Many can fake an attempt at keeping God’s standards in some external way. What we cannot fake is the resulting, distinctive aroma of pleasure to God. Most marriage books address the mere externals of marriage, without seeking to understand the heart issues. Godly marriages proceed from an obedient heart, and the greatest desire of an obedient heart is the glory of God, not the happiness of the household.

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  • Discipline Book : How To Have A Better-Behaved Child From Birth To Age Ten


    From the bestselling authors of The Baby Book and The Birth Book comes The Discipline Book, the definitive guide to raising happy, well-adjusted, well-behaved children. Seasoned parents of eight, Bill and Martha Sears draw on personal experience and their professional knowledge as childcare experts to provide an authoritative approach to a broad range of disciplinary issues and practices.
    With focus on preventing behavior problems as well as managing them when they arise, the Searses offer clear, practical advice on everything parents need to know about disciplining young children. Believing that discipline starts at birth, the Searses discuss baby discipline, disciplining the toddler, mother-father roles in modern parenting, saying no, self-esteem as the foundation of good behavior, helping a child to express feelings, the constructive use of anger, good nutrition for good behavior, and sleep discipline.

    On handling problem behavior, the Searses cover sibling rivalry, spanking and alternatives to spanking, breaking annoying habits, and eliminating bothersome behaviors like whining and talking back. The Searses strongly advocate teaching children values like apologizing and sharing, and explain how to deal with such issues as lying, stealing, and cheating. In addition, the Searses address building healthy sexuality and discipline in special situations such as after divorce and in the single-parent household.

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  • Marriage Covenant


    Derek Prince reveals the secret to a successful marriage, and then goes on to discuss the “mystery” of marriage as God established it at creation. True spiritual union is possible between husband and wife when they follow the life-changing steps offered in this book.

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  • Getting Your Sex Life Off To A Great Start


    1. Dispelling Myths
    2. Getting To Know Yourself
    3. Getting To Know Each Other
    4. Clarifying Expectations
    5. Pursuing Biblical Passion
    6. Discovering And Enjoying Your Bodies
    7. Designing A Successful Honeymoon
    8. Preparing For Your First Time
    9. Choosing And Using Family-Planning Options
    10. Your Wedding Night
    11. Keeping Sex For Pleasure
    12. Getting Past Disappointments
    13. Keeping The Spark Alive

    241 Pages

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    This book will help you prepare, not just for your wedding night, but for a lifetime of exhilarating, fulfilling, and nurturing sexual experiences!

    *Design a successful honeymoon
    *Prepare for your first sexual time together
    *Choose and use family planning
    *Create a mutually enjoyable wedding night
    *Get past disappointments
    *Keep the spark alive

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  • Books That Build Character


    Here is a family guide to classic novels, contemporary fiction, myths and legends, science fiction and fantasy, folktales, Bible stories, picture books, biographies, holiday stories, and many other books that celebrate virtues and values.

    There are more than 300 titles to choose from, each featuring a dramatic story and memorable characters who explore moral ground and the difference between what is right and what is wrong. These books will capture your child’s imagination, and conscience as well-whether it is Beauty pondering her promise to Beast, mischievous Max in Where the Wild Things Are, the troubled boys of Lord of the Flies, generous Mr. Badger in The Wind in the Willows, or the courageous struggles of such real-life characters as Frederick Douglass and Anne Frank.

    With entries arranged by category and reading level, there is something here for all readers-from preschoolers to teenagers-whatever their tastes may be. Each entry features a complete plot summary and publisher information so that you can find the book with ease in your local library or bookstore. It’s not always easy to teach a child the difference between right and wrong, but stories-whether they are based on fantasy or rooted in real life-can speak to children more eloquently than any list of dos or don’ts and can impart moral values as they nurture a child’s imagination.

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  • Sex For Christians (Revised)


    Considered one of the definitive statements on sex and sexuality from a Christian perspective, Sex for Christians offers frank yet compassionate discussion that is at once refreshingly open-minded and strongly biblical. This edition adds discussions of AIDS and talk of “safe sex”, cohabitation, homosexuality, and the need to develop Christian strategies regarding sex.

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  • Also A Mother


    As the twentieth century closes, the cry for equality between the sexes is provoking unprecedented conflicts between women and men in the workplace and in the family. Women of all colors and classes continue to carry out an enormous amount of indispenable, unrenumerated caring labor, which at once undergirds and is peripheral to human life, as men have defined it and therefore without value. Also a Mother protests this defined it, and therefore without value. Also a Mother protests this definition of work and value, and claims that beneath the everyday scuffles over gender roles and child care lies an essential religious crisis of work and love. Drawing on her situation as seminary professor and mother of three sons, Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore argues that Christian ideals of mother self-sacrifice and fatherly hard work, as they have been interpreted by church tradition and promoted in society at large, not only fail the lives of many people today, but misrepresent both the intent of God’s creation and the promise of the gospel message itself. She asks: How might theological doctrines of love, self sacrifice, creation, procreation, vocation, and community better respond to women and men who want to work in fulfilling ways and to love in intimate relationships, including those that involve raising children?

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  • I Will Not Leave You Desolate


    This book provides help for parents and other people who are bereaved. Simple and appropriate, the book contains short sections that are easy to read and easy to understand.

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  • Counseling For Family Violence And Abuse


    SKU (ISBN): 9780849936104ISBN10: 0849936101Grant Martin | Editor: Gary CollinsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 1994Resources For Christian CounselingPublisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Before The Wedding


    The author points out important areas of study in preparing for marriage. He begins with the phrase “look before you leap,” which he then analyzes, giving to each word an important, distinct meaning related to the partners, their relationship, and the institution of marriage.

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  • Praying Gods Will For My Marriage



    48 Topics From Anger To Worried
    Total Pages 313

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    Christian married couples desire to build strong, happy marriages on the unshakable foundation of God’s Word. And by focusing on that goal through these personalized prayers, spouses can build a solid relationship with God and with each other.

    The hundreds of prayers in Praying God’s Will For My Marriage are taken directly from God’s Word and applied to your daily needs and desires.

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  • Andrew You Died Too Soon



    43 Chapters
    Total Pages 138

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    Grieving parents will find this forthright documentary written by a loving mother in deep grief to be more than just supportive – it glows with spiritual insights. Corinne Chilstrom has opened her heart, mind, and spirit to all people who are struggling with seemingly unendurable grief. At the same time challenging and comforting, Chilstroms’s book speaks to Christians who want to know what to do in the face of sudden tragedy. This is a book for us as we learn to grieve, for all of us as we learn to live.

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  • Integrative Family Therapy


    Pastoral counselors, therapists – in – training, and clergy are usually introduced to one method of family assessment and treatment, which works better in some situations than in others. Integrative Family Therapy introduces the major schools of family therapy, proposes a tested model that integrates the various approaches, and illustrates how this model functions both for assessing and treating family problems.

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  • Sexual Character A Print On Demand Title


    Aiming to combat the confusion today regarding sexual issues, theologian Marva Dawn offers a fresh biblical understanding of human sexuality, dealing with such issues as marriage, divorce, teenage dating, and homosexuality.

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  • Leaving Home


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664251277ISBN10: 0664251277Herbert Anderson | Kenneth MitchellBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1993Family Living In Pastoral PerspectivePublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • 52 Ways To Have Fun Fantastic Sex



    142 pages/52 chapters

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    As married couples, we all desire passion in our relationship, but with the pressures of careers, kids, and day-to-day commitments, who has the time or energy to create it?! Well-known sexual therapists, Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner do! And they provide you with a host of inventive and exciting ideas to help you rekindle passion in your marriage.

    Addressing both “cautious types” and “risk takers,” the Penners offer a new, creative idea to try each week so that within 52 weeks you will be experiencing a sex life that blazes with variety and intimacy!

    Move beyond your everyday routine-learn to have fun, fantastic sex-and you will discover renewed excitement and passion with one another!

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  • Children Of Divorce


    15 Chapteres

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    The adults who love them want to know, “How can I help?” Based on research and interviews with single parents and children, Children of Divorce provides a sympathetic, insightful answer to their question. It shows:

    *How to tell your child about divorce
    *How children respond to divorce according to their age
    *How to help children grow spiritually
    *How parents, grandparents, church workers, and teachers can help children of divorce

    This realistic yet compassionate book tells the truth about divorce–how it forever changes the lives of those it touches. It speaks candidly about how children respond to divorce and the changes it imposes on their lives. But Children of Divorce also tells the truth about how Christianity in action can make a difference.

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  • Christian Parenting


    This book is practical, realistic, and biblically based help that Christian parents need to raise children in today’s world.

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  • Helping Teenagers Grow Morally


    How can church members help teenagers acquire Christian moral standards? C. Ellis Nelson views morals as a practical outgrowth of beliefs about the meaning of life, and outlines seven strategies that help adults influence young adults. He emphasizes what Christians can do in congregations to create a caring community that encourages young people to embody virtues that build a better society.

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  • Helpmates


    In this excellent book written by a caregiving spouse for other caregivers, author Harry Cole recognizes that caregivers who provide hlep for dependent loved ones are often unprepared to cope with the physical and emotional effects that accompany long term illness. they are frequently overwhelmed by their responsibilities and often need help themselves.

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  • Unplug The Christmas Machine


    1. “A Christmas Carol” Revisited
    2. Women: The Christmas Magicians
    3. Men: The Christmas Stagehands
    4. The Four Things Children Really Want For Christmas
    5. The Homecoming
    6. Inside The Christmas Machine
    7. The Gift Of Joy
    8. A Simple Christmas
    9. Christmas Revival

    Appendix: Resources For A Simple Christmas

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    Nine years and thriteen printings later, Unplug The Christmas Machine is still the undisputed guide to creating a joyful, stress-free holiday season. Revised and filled with new material, this book will enjoy even greater popularity in the years to come.

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  • From Father To Son


    The family narratives in the book of Genesis are important in understanding the meaning of the book and are fundamental to the unfolding story of the birth of the Israelite nation. Devora Steinmetz sees kinship in ancient narratives as a symbolic structure representing the ability of the emerging culture to survive despite conflict that threatened society’s existence. The family narratives in Genesis reflect a culture’s capacity to survive as a united people.

    The Literary Currents in Biblical Interpretation series explores current trends within the discipline of biblical interpretation by dealing with the literary qualities of the Bible: the play of its language, the coherence of its final form, and the relationships between text and readers. Biblical interpreters are being challenged to take responsibility for the theological, social, and ethical implications of their readings. This series encourages original readings that breach the confines of traditional biblical criticism.

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  • Be Good To Each Other (Student/Study Guide)


    As a gift for couples, especially those about to be married, or as an aid to counselors and teachers who deal with marital issues, this book offers sound, down-to-earth advice on topics like expectations, decision making, conflict, communication, intimacy, and more. Questions for discussion are included.

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  • God Images And Self Esteem


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664251994ISBN10: 0664251994Carroll SaussyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1991Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Teenage Q And A Book



    1. .Parents
    2. .Self-Image
    3. .Peer Pressure
    4. .Friends
    5. .Dating
    6. .Love
    7. .Sex
    8.. Abuse
    Selected Bibliography P. 197

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    Here are the ANSWERS You’ve Been Wanting…To the QUESTIONS You’ve Been Asking

    In The Teenage Q & A Book you’ll find answers to more than 230 questions like:

    * How can I get along with my parents?
    * Why do I feel the way I do about myself?
    * How can I resist when all my friends do drugs?
    * How can I make more friends and keep them?
    * How can I get a date?
    * What’s the best way to turn down a date?
    * How do I know if I’m really in love?
    * How far can I go physically before it’s wrong?
    * How can I handle the feeling I have from being sexually abused?

    In The Teenage Q & A Book no question is off-limits. Josh McDowell and Bill ]ones answer your questions with honest, frank and straight-to-the-point answers. You’ll find simple, biblical solutions to your life’s toughest issues!

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  • 1st Years Of Forever


    1. The Feelings Of Love: Guarding Your Treasure
    2. The ABC’s Of Forever: Living By The Facts Of Love
    3. Faithfulness: The First Essential
    4. Forgiveness: The Second Essential
    5. Communicating: Your Lifeline In Marriage
    6. The Door Marked Private: Secrets Of Sexual Fulfillment
    7. The ABC’s Of Never: Warning Signals
    8. How To Love Your Wife: The Husband’s Handbook
    9. How To Love Your Husband: The Wife’s Handbook
    10. “Forever”
    192 Pages

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    Nearly half of all serious marital problems develop in the first. two years of marriage; yet on the average, couples who seek counseling for the first time have already been married seven years.

    This five year counseling gap allows more than enough time for the mortal wounding of a marriage. The First Years of Forever closes the gap by providing much needed, but hard to obtain, counseling for engaged or newly married couples. It is written as a marriage handbook to be read and then referred to again and again.

    Dr. Ed Wheat, co-author of the best-selling Love Life for, Every Married Couple, draws on his training and experience as a family physician and certified sex therapist to prepare couples for their lifelong journey together.

    The First Years of Forever provides practical wisdom most, people have to learn the hard way–or not at all. It tells how to develop skills in communicating with each other and resolving conflicts. And most important, it demonstrates the difference Jesus Christ can make in the quality of a marriage.

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  • Art Of Understanding Your Mate


    If you’ve ever wondered exactly what is going on in your mate’s mind, you can probably find it somewhere in the pages of The Art of Understanding Your Mate. Cecil Osborne casts a clinical eye on the underlying psychological forces that drive married relationships. His common sense outlook on counseling troubled couples is based on a solid understanding of human behavior. Illuminating insights tumble from the pages of his book. In addition, Osborne has a keen ear for the spoken word. Through a liberal injection of actual dialogue, he captures the feelings of drama and tensions between husband and wife. Osborne advocates a realistic approach to marriage. He cautions couples to expect to encounter problems of incompatibility. Men and women are different. Their needs are different, as are the emotions that accompany those needs. The wonder is, Osborne points out, that there are so many successful marriages.

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  • How To Live With Your Parents Without Losing Your Mind


    If you think How to Live with Your Parents . . . Without Losing Your Mind! was written to teach you how to change your parents, think again. This book helps you change your family by starting where the power to change really begins – with yourself and the way you view your folks.

    Ken Davis cuts through the complexities of living with parents. He uses the Bible to drive home the importance of family harmony. He encourages you that God is the “Wizard of Odds” who can help you overcome any family problem, no matter how big or small. And Ken shows you communication skills that can really make a difference
    But don’t get the idea this book is for teens only. Parents should read it, too. They’ll find new understanding of how they really make decisions, how they assert their authority, and how they express their love.

    This warm, funny book will help moms and dads do a better job of parenting their teenagers – and it will help young adults improve the way they “teenage” their parents. Read it, let your family read it . . . and watch good things start to happen.

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  • Counsel For Pastors Wives


    Dr. Diane Langberg, a licensed psychologist, offers sympathetic and realistic answers to fourteen questions from pastors’ wives, questions that are often asked. In answering the questions Dr. Langberg addresses not only the particular women who asked them, but also those who are looking in over the shoulders of these women. Some of the answers are simpler than others. All of the answers require acts of faith, renewed patience, and wisdom that must come from God. With these divine resources come healing and possible solutions. Counsel for Pastors’ Wives is a good prescription for people who want to be helped and healed and for people who want to help the healing. It is not merely for pastor’s wives, it is for concerned laypeople as well

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  • Together Till Death Us Do Part


    How can pastors help couples make a solid beginning as they launch out into the rocky waters of marriage? How can the pastor speak briefly but effectively to them when they approach the altar?
    John M. Braaten provides 21 well-crafted homilies for marriage in a Christian context. A wide variety of scripture and circumstances are represented in this choice collection. This single-volume library will serve the busy parish pastor well as he or she ministers to couples coming to make their wedding promises.
    “Things I like about these sermons include… the up-beat spirit of them… the emphasis on the embrace of the community of faith… the mellow realism…”
    Gerhard Frost, Professor Emeritus
    Luther-Northwestern Seminary
    “I like this little book. In a day when wedding homilies have become incidental to the marriage service and are sometimes omitted altogether, Pastor Braaten gives us short, warm, and practical sermons that would enhance any wedding.”
    Alvin Rogness
    Author, pastor, President Emeritus
    Luther-Northwestern Seminary
    “These sermons include an astouding variety of material and text, yet they all present the gospel to those who are beginning their life together.”

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  • Sexual Happiness In Marriage (Revised)


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    Discover positive ways to approach the problem of being unequally yoked. Now there’s help, truly godly help! Using the scriptural framework of love, Beloved Unbeliever shows how to love your husband into the faith. Jo Berry interviewed dozens of women who are married to unbelievers. They shared the greatest difficulties they encounter and practical ways to handle problems. You’ll learn: – How to be a suitable helper – How to deal with hurts, heartaches, and hindrances – How to shoulder spiritual responsibility — In addition, you’ll find workshop questions on each chapter, so you can follow up on the chapter with individual or group study. Beloved Unbeliever will reassure you: happiness is possible in an unequally yoked situation.

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  • God And Marriage A Print On Demand Title


    Offering a new look at the increasingly unfashionable institution of marriage, Geoffrey Bromiley presents here a timely theological study which, unlike others books on marriage, aims exclusively to relate marriage to God as Creator, Son, and Holy Spirit. Bromiley observes that God’s work on reconciliation makes it possible for his people also to achieve reconciliation with one another, particularly in the marriage relationship.

    In addition to thoroughly discussing the relationship of the Trinity to marriage, Bromiley examines such topics as incest, adultery and fornication, celibacy, the permanency of marriage, and remarriage after the death of a partner.

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