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Historical Fiction

Showing 951–967 of 967 results

  • Pledge


    29 Chapters

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    For the sake of peace in the family, Jo-Beth kept her feelings to herself. But she and Wes were pledged to each other, and nothing could change that. Not even war.

    With the death of her father, Jo-Beth, her brother, and their mother, Johanna, move in with relatives in town. There, Johanna makes a living sewing her exquisite quilts-and Jo-Beth discovers a special friend. Kind, thoughtful, and deep, Wesley Rutherford draws Jo-Beth like a magnet … and their attachment to one another becomes strong. Strong enough to endure separation while Wes studies in Philadelphia. Strong enough to make their future together seem certain … until the Civil War forces a decision that places Wes at odds with friends and family.

    Can their love survive a war that will rend a nation in two? Like the pieces of silk, velvet, and ribbon in one of her mother’s quilts, the patchwork events of Jo-Beth’s life will be knit together by God into a pattern of their own-one of sorrow, joy, and grace….

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  • Killer Angels : The Classic Novel Of The Civil War


    n the four most bloody and courageous days of our nation’s history, two armies fought for two conflicting dreams. One dreamed of freedom, the other of a way of life. Far more than rifles and bullets were carried into battle. There were memories. There were promises. There was love. And far more than men fell on those Pennsylvania fields. Bright futures, untested innocence, and pristine beauty were also the casualties of war. Michael Shaara’s Pulitzer Prize-winning masterpiece is unique, sweeping, unforgettable-the dramatic story of the battleground for America’s destiny.

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  • Little Maid Of Maryland


    Set in Maryland during 1774, the time of the Colonies’ resistance to taxation.

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  • Heros Bride


    “You see I must go, don’t you, Kitty?” Kip asked. Everything in her cried out, No, I don’t understand. What about her dreams, her desires, the life they had planned together? Then she remembered the epitaph on the head-stone in the old hillside cemetery, the one that had made such a lasting impression on her: “What I gave, I have; what I spent, I saved, What I kept, I lost.” It had been true a hundred years ago, and it was just as true now. If she did not let Kip go freely, he would go anyway, and she would lose him. You could not keep what did not want to be kept. Eventually Kip would be lost to her unless–“Of course, Kip, I understand.” When Kitty Cameron, in love with the dashing Kip Montrose, is forced to accept the dangerous career he has chosen for himself, she faces a difficult challenge. In order to follow her heart, she makes a decision that will irrevocably change her own life forever. Determinedly overcoming parental objections as well as her own sensitive nature, Kitty sets out to accomplish her goal. Drawing on inner resources of faith, Kitty emerges from her sheltered girlhood as a woman of enormous bravery, spiritual strength, compassion, and courage. Having survived physical danger, heartbreak, and loss, Kitty discovers that sometimes the reality of love is more fulfilling than its illusion.

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  • Blackfeet Indian Stories


    These stories come down from very ancient times. Grandfathers told them to their grandchildren, and they to their grandchildren, and so on from mouth to mouth. In 1913, George Bird Grinned, one of the most famous ethnographers of the late nineteenth century, published this volume.

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  • Courage Of Sarah Noble (Reprinted)


    Sarah and her father leave their family to build a home in the wilderness of colonial America. When they finish, he goes away to bring the rest of the family, telling her that “to be afraid and to be brave is the best courage of all.”

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  • Birth : Luke


    Commentary on Luke’s Gospel. In the glorious heavenly realm, the angels strain eagerly to understand. What new thing is God doing as Gabriel slips through the door and fights his way to earth? In that lower realm, angelic visitations are not an everyday affair – not even for Mary and Joseph!

    Dare to open The Birth and you will find yourself drawn into the drama as Gene Edwards weaves anew the wonderful story of the Incarnation, the Christmas story, seen from both realms. Hard to put down, a compelling narrative, and a great gift idea, The Birth introduces the mystery of the Christian life for those who have never heard the story.

    The Birth is the third of a five-book series entitled “The Chronicles of Heaven.” (The Beginning, The Escape, The Birth, The Triumph, The Return.)

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  • Yankee Bride And Rebel Bride


    For some reason at just that moment, Garnet glanced up at the house and thought she saw a shadowy figure standing at the window of the downstairs master bedroom in the wing Malcolm shared with Rose. With a little clutching sensations, Garnet wondered if Rose had seen her talking with Malcolm and if she minded that Garnet’s had been the last farewell. Garnet shrugged and walked back into the garden. What difference did it make one way or the other? Malcolm belonged to Rose in a way he could never belong to her. All she had of Malcolm were memories of by-gone days. Suddenly she remembered Malcolm’s parting words: “Comfort Rose if you can, and be kind to her and little Jonathan.” Garnet gave her head a careless toss as if casting off such tiresome requests. Rose and Jonathan were not her responsibility! And she had no intention of taking them on, in spite of what Malcolm had asked. Besides, there were plenty of servants to care for Jonathan, and Rose seemed content enough with her endless Bible reading and piano playing and walks in the woods. It is not any concern of mine, Garnet assured herself. “I have enough to do just taking care of myself!” — Yankee Bride and Rebel Bride is set against the turbulent backdrop of the Civil War South, and chronicles the life of Garnet Cameron, whose plan to marry the man of her dreams, Malcolm Montrose, is thwarted when he chooses a Northern bride. On the rebound, Garnet married Malcolm’s brother, thus entwining the lives of all four at Montclair, the magnificent ancestral Montrose family home.

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  • Valiant Bride


    Noramary came out of the parlor into the hall. Stunned by what she had just heard, she felt slightly light-headed and leaned against the closed door for a moment to steady herself. The shock of Winnie’s elopement during the night had been followed by a second — the staggering request of her foster parents that she step into her errant cousin’s place as the bride of Duncan Montrose! “So you see, my dear, why we must ask this of you?” Aunt Betsy’s voice rang in her ears. Noramary closed her eyes, bringing back the scene that had just taken place. As her aunt had explained the dilemma Winnie’s irresponsibility had caused and what must now be done, Noramary had sat very still, eyes downcast, hands folded in her lap, hearing but not fully absorbing her aunt’s words. Now those same words burst upon her, strong and clear: “–marry Duncan Montrose!” Valiant Bride is a historical romance that brings to life a young woman’s choice between duty and love.

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  • Fathers Promise


    When the Nazis invade Poland and bomb his home city of Warsaw, Rudi Kaplan finds out that he is Hitler’s enemy because he is a Pole, a Jew, and a Christian. Rudi is left to survive on his own with only a promise from his father – and from his God.

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  • Paddle To The Sea (Anniversary)


    In the Nipigon country north of the Great Lakes a young boy carved the figure of an Indian in a canoe, christened him Paddle-to-the-Sea, and set him on a melting snow bank which the spring sun was truning into a tumbling mountain stream. Then Paddle began a journey that took him hundreds of miles from his birthplace. He escaped the jaws of a hungry sawmill and went on to see many things on his long trip through the Great Lakes and down the Saint Lawrence River–wild animals fleeing a forest fire, the wreck of a steamer caught in an icy winter storm on Lake Superior, loading and unloading at busy docks, the peacful farms bordering the Saint Lawrence. He took a dizzy plunge over Niagara Falls and managed by a miracle to survive the whirlpools. He was buffeted by many winds and currents and was helped on his way by human hands, until, at last, he reached the Atlantic and earned the right to be called a true Paddle-to-the-Sea. Recommended for ages 8 to 12. A 1942 Caldecott Honor book.

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  • Michael Faraday Father Of Electronics


    The author retells Michael Farady’s remarkable life story in fictionalized from. Here is the father of the electric motor, the dynamo, the transformer, and the generator. Few persons are aware of this brilliant man’s deep Christian convictions and his determination to live by the sermon on the Mount.

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  • Night Preacher : The Story Of Meno Simons


    The author tells of Menno Simons, a Catholic priest who become an Anabaptist in the 1500s. The story of what happened as Menno went about preaching is seen through the eyes of his children, Bettje and jan. This story is one of suspense, action, and constant danger that Menno would be arrested. It tells how people lived in those days and how people began to read and study the Bible. It was the days of what we now know as the Reformation.

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  • Secret Church : The Story Of The Anabaptists


    The author recounts the story of the Anabaptists during the Reformation. The main characters are two teenage girl whose mother is dead and whose father is the most hated man in the community. This story is about their involvement in a church considered heretical.

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  • Thunderstorm In Church


    Martin Luther’s son has a problem. What should young Hans Luther do when he grows up? How can he ever do anything important when he is constantly overshadowed by his famous father? Hans struggles with his Latin lessons. He fights with a peasant boy in the marketplace, listens to the wise advice of his Aunt Lena, observes his father lecturing to university students. Hans plays with his brothers, little Martin and Paul, and has thoughtful conversations with Lenchen, his sister. Gradually he discovers who he is and how God wants him to live. Through Hans’ eyes you will learn to know Martin Luther – not only as the great Reformer/Preacher, but also as a father with a sense of humor and as a friend.

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  • Bible Smuggler : The Story Of William Tyndale


    The author explains William Tyndale’s work of translating, printing, and distributing the Scripture. The main character of the story is Collin, William Tyndale’s helper. Collin begins his work as a carries boy in smuggling a copy of Luther’s New Testament to William Tyndale in England. Later he travels with Tyndale to Europe to meet Martin Luther.

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  • Henrys Red Sea


    The author relates the dramatic and courageous story of refugees from Russia. This is a story of suspense, American soldiers, Russian officers, and a midnight train ride in darkened boxcars. Here is danger, escape, and deliverance. An actual event that happened in Berlin in 1946.

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