




    • Big Book Of Job Descriptions For Ministry


      Match the right people to the right ministries—right now! Here are 200 professionally prepared, simple, ready-to-use position descriptions for every church job you can imagine—from senior pastor to cookie baker. Customize your documents with the included CD-ROM. Windows 3.1 or higher, Macintosh System 6 or higher. Requires a word processing system with RTF file-reading capability.

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    • Understanding Islam : Nelsons Quick Guide To Religions


      Get the facts about Islam. In just a few, easy-to-read pages, discover the key information about: Islam, the world’s second largest religion; Muhammad, the Prohpet of Islam; the Quran, Islam’s holy book; Muslim views on women; the meaning of jihad and its role in terroism; and the place of Palestine in achieving common ground with Islam. Also includes: a glossary of terms related to Islam; a series of Frequently Asked Questions about Islam; and a list of resources for further study

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    • Westminster Handbook To Reformed Theology


      From the editor of Introducing the Reformed Faith comes an indispensable desktop reference for scholars, pastors, and laypeople seeking to understand the most significant aspects of Reformed theology. Encompassing the work of today’s leading scholars, McKim’s unique tool features compact, comprehensive entries on theological concepts, terms, and prominent historical figures in the Reformed tradition.

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    • Pocket Dictionary For The Study Of New Testament Greek


      If you are beginning your study of New Testament Greek or Greek exegesis, this book is for you!

      From ablative to zeugma, it defines the tangled terms that infest Greek textbooks, grammars and lexicons.

      Here is the book to deliver you from late-night ponderings of the predicate and frantic fumings over the fricative. It is the indispensable lexicon to that third language that is neither Greek nor recognizable English: the technical vocabulary of grammarians, lexicographers, linguists and Greek instructors. What’s more, this pocket dictionary gives you the inside edge on the terminology of exegesis, textual criticism and biblical criticism.

      Careful definitions, helpful examples and copious cross-references make this economically priced, brief dictionary easy to use. And its convenient size will make it a constant companion in your study of the Greek New Testament.

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    • Women In Scripture


      A groundbreaking survey that takes the study of biblical women to a new level! Exploring the lives of all women—named and unnamed—in the Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and the apocryphal/deuterocanonical books, respected scholars offer 800 articles on prophets and prostitutes, deacons and dancers, widows and wet nurses, rulers and slaves. A must-have reference!

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    • Dictionary Of New Testament Background



      The final volume in InterVarsity’s landmark Dictionary series! A library of scholarship in summary form, this study encompasses the full scope of Jewish and Greco-Roman cultures, and features articles on such topics as the Dead Sea Scrolls and second-temple Jewish writings. Extensive bibliographies and cross-references to other volumes in the series makes this an indispensable resource.

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    • Whats In A Word


      Here is a fascinating and humorous encyclopedia of more than three hundred words and phrases and how they have taken on new meanings over time. It is an informative reference book for the whole family. What’s in a Word? is a sequel to Garrison’s popular Why You Say It. Indexed.

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    • Kind Of Bible


      SKU (ISBN): 9780334028055ISBN10: 0334028051Anton WesselsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2000SCM ClassicsPublisher: SCM Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Sally Stuarts Guide To Getting Published


      Every Writer Needs One Book that Jump-Starts a Writing Career. This Book Is It.

      In this one-stop writing resources, Sally Stuart will tell you how to:

      * Find the publisher you want
      * Write a professional query letter or book proposal
      * Approach and work with editors
      * Decipher copyright and tax laws
      * Negotiate contracts
      * Manage the writing life
      * Set up a home office
      * Develop your book and article ideas

      With practical tips and anecdotes, technical details and legal helps, this essential compendium provides the information every writer needs to get in print and stay in print. Whether you are just beginning or you have been published for years and want to polish up on a few fine points, this is your guide to publishing success.

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    • Home Schooling On A Shoestring


      So you want to homeschool but don’t think you can afford it.

      This book is a compendium of ideas for the family that wants to start or continue homeschooling on a tight budget. You’ll find it all here:

      * Ideas for making money while staying at home.
      * Sources for an inexpensive curriculum.
      * Thousands of ideas for affordable teaching tools.
      * Hundreds of suggestions for low-cost field trips.
      * Ways to save on everything from housing to utilities.
      * Ways to get free or low-cost computers.

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    • Liturgical Index To The Hymnal 1982


      SKU (ISBN): 9780898691313ISBN10: 0898691311Marion HatchettBinding: UnknownPublished: January 2000Publisher: Church Publishing Inc. Print On Demand Product

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    • Restoring Israels Kingdom


      SKU (ISBN): 9781886987043ISBN10: 1886987041Angus WoottenBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Send The Light Distribution Print On Demand Product

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    • Episcopal Dictionary Of The Church


      “If you can’t find your rochet from your chimere, a tunicle from a maniple, or just love a good linguistic ramble, this is the place for you. If you are mildly mixed up on anamnesis, anaphora, and angelus, or you’d prefer a discussion of Sexagesima Sunday to some of the current topics, you will find solace here. It’s a wonderful resource.” –Patricia Nakamura, The Living Church

      Updated with a new cover, this is an indispensable resource for your home or parish office. With more than 3,000 clearly written entries, this book will be a handy, quick, general reference for Episcopalians, both lay and ordained. It includes material specific to the Episcopal Church and its history and polity, liturgy and theology, as well as subjects relevant to the whole church. Entries range from Aaronic Benediction to Zwingli.

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    • Pilgrims Progress Outline Study Manual


      This thoroughly insightful manual is THE BEST resource available for a meaningful study of The Pilgrim’s Progress available anywhere. It is also the best foundation for a teaching curriculum/seminar at your church or homeschool class.

      It is laid out in a manner which facilitates easy reading, comprehension and note-taking since it was designed for use in the author’s own seminars.

      The entire text of Dr. Horner’s scholarly translation of The Pilgrim’s Progress (The Accurate Revised Edition) appears on left pages with the corresponding outline and notes on the right pages.

      This beautiful edition includes nearly 200 engravings carefully culled from countless 18th and 19th century editions of The Pilgrim’s Progress no longer available anywhere. These gorgeous illustrations bring the story to life.

      Readers will benefit enormously from the decades of Dr. Horner’s study and seminar teaching experience embodied in this study guide. Appreciating the depth of Bunyan’s literary craft and deep evangelical understanding of the Bible has never been easier. This sometimes cryptic book will be forever unlocked to today’s reader.

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    • More Coffee Shop Theology


      28 Chapters

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      Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have (1 Peter 3:15b).

      What are the negative aspects of today’s proliferation of information? Well, one serious consequence is that rapidly changing cultural standards are encouraging us to bargain away our beliefs. Everyone’s ideas claim validity as possible answers to our most pressing questions, and absolute truth evaporates like the morning dew. Today, more than ever, Christians must know what we believe and why.

      Here is a readable, understandable book that explains theological concepts and brings them into focus for everyday living. In this sequel to Coffee Shop Theology, More Coffee Shop Theology once again covers a wide array of theological concepts and brings them by the “digestible” handfuls into your living room. Don’t be turned off by the word “theology.” Dr. Moore has left all the big words in the fat books.

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    • Dictionary Of Premillennial Theology


      More than fifty scholars combine their expertise to present a historical and topical dictionary of pre-millennial theology.

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    • Christian Confessions : A Historical Introduction


      Explains the distinctives of each major strand in Christianity—Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, and Evangelical—on questions of authority, God and Christ, human nature and salvation, church and ministry, the sacraments, and more.

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    • Successful Home School Family Handbook



      300 Pages In 46 Chapters

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      If you are thinking about homeschooling, or are struggling with a homeschooling curriculum that is difficult to use, let Dr. Ray and Dorothy Moore show you how to make homeschooling an easy-to-live-with family adventure in learning. Known as the grandparents of homeschooling, the Moores have helped thousands of parents successfully homeschool their children — comfortably and effectively.

      This low–stress, low–cost program shows you how to build a curriculum around your child’s needs and interests — and around a realistic family schedule. Instead of a cut–and-dried approach, you’ll discover the freedom of a flexible program that encourages creativity and initiative. You’ll be able to give your children a better grasp of the basics while giving them a richer and more independent view of the world.

      With a realistic look at the problems homeschooling parents face, this comprehensive handbook offers practical strategies that help you
      * Choose a curriculum that really works for you and your children
      * Avoid student resentment and parent burnout
      * Target your child’s interest and motivation to make learning fun
      * Help your child excel in educational goals, including standardized tests
      * Understand how a child’s developmental stages contribute to learning
      * See the big picture of family and society in the learning process

      This creative approach to homeschooling puts the family first, without sacrificing educational quality. Based on extensive research and use, The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook offers a creative alternative to the regular classroom approach.

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    • Legal Issues And Religious Counseling


      This much-needed book offers a current description of how religious counselors and clergy as well as their local and national religious organizations become legally vulnerable. It examines the three most litigated areas in clergy counseling: breaches of confidentiality, sexual misconduct, and the content and quality of counseling service. The authors provide clear and concise explanations of clauses in the U.S. Constitution pertaining to religion as well as up-to-date accounts of cases against clergy and their employers. The authors describe how counseling clergy can perform their own “legal audit,” and the book includes detailed listings of state-by-state statutes for referral.

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    • 10 Commandments : The Master Key To Life


      The master key to life–a universal guide to all that matters in making life more satisfying.. The Ten Commandments

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    • Laymans Guide To Counseling


      The increasing need for counseling has caused today’s Christian leaders to become more sensitive to raise up lay-counselors to share this burden with them. Jesus’ command is to “set the captives free”. The Layman’s guide to Counseling shows you how.

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    • New Handbook Of Christian Theologians (Expanded)


      Covering theology from the apostolic church through the present, A New Handbook of Christian Theology is a valuable reference source for anyone interested in theology. Its encyclopedic style and cross-referencing make it easy to use and its broad scope offers a balanced look at the issues at the forefront of Christian theology.

      Where some theology reference books tend to focus on a period, such as the Reformation, A New Handbook of Christian Theology offers a scholarly look at the wide range of theological issues, ranging from election and atonement to liberation and feminist theology, throughout the history of the Church. Under the assumption that there is no dominant position governing all of Christian theology in our time, editors Donald Musser and Joseph Price chose to present a pluralistic and diverse view of the theological issues, including articles by women, minorities, and even geographically distant and diverse authors. Some of the contributors include: Jose Miguez Bonino, Langdon Gilkey, John Cobb Jr., Stanley Hauerwas, William L. Hendricks, Martin E. Marty, Jurgen Moltmann, Richard John Neuhaus, and Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki. For a full contributor listing, click the more info button.

      The editors have completely revised the first version of A Handbook of Christian Theology for this version, adding half again as many articles, and focusing on some contemporary issues. All in all, this book is a broad, scholarly look at the issues that have shaped Christian theology, and the issues which are still shaping Christian theology now. Indispensable for any serious student of theology.

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    • My Worship Planner And Organizer


      My Worship Planner And Organizer is the best friend of the pastor, organist, church secretary, choir director, and worship committee when it comes to keeping worship records and reference.

      Its focus is Sunday worship. Each Sunday has two pages available for taking notes and reference.

      You will find Sunday by Sunday:
      Cycle A, B, and C, gospel, first and second lesson lectionary text listings for Revised Common, Episcopal, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic.
      Countless hymn possibilities based on the lectionary.
      Invaluable liturgical information, at your fingertips.
      You may record Sunday by Sunday (for three years):
      Hymns used
      Special music
      Sermon titles
      Special notations for any Sunday

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