




    • Puzzlements And Predicaments Of The Bible


      Explore a new world of biblical adventure and excitement through this entertaining collection of stories. There are many trivia games in society today — from radio programs and board games to online quizzes and contests. People love those little-known facts that most of the time escape our attention. Puzzlements & Predicaments of the Bible takes great truths of Scripture and translates them into easily learned tidbits of information in an innovative manner.This book will keep readers wanting more as they cover sections, such as “Curious Crimes,” “Baffling Behavior,” “Sinister Schemes,” “Momentous Miracles,” and “Exceptional Escapes,” as well as chapters titled “The Night Stalker,” “A Donkey’s Tale,” “Dead Man Walking,” “Grapes of Wrath,” and “A Wife Unmourned.” Riveting and compelling, these tales will entertain and inform without fail.

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    • Dictionary Of Biblical Tradition In English Literature


      Over 15 years in the making, an unprecedented one-volume reference work. Many of today’s students and teachers of literature, lacking a familiarity with the Bible, are largely ignorant of how Biblical tradition has influenced and infused English literature through the centuries. An invaluable research tool. Contains nearly 800 encyclopedic articles written by a distinguished international roster of 190 contributors. Three detailed annotated bibliographies. Cross-references throughout.

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    • Paul And The Prison Epistles


      Some of the most joy-filled books in the New Testament were written from a small, dark prison cell. Although hungry, cold, and scarred, Paul exalted his savior’s love and grace to the Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. How was Paul able to rest so securely? And how can you today? The Smart Guide to the Bible: Paul and the Prison Epistles will brighten your life by illuminating how God is with you in all your circumstances. You’ll be uplifted by Paul’s instructions for finding joy in suffering, engaging in spiritual warfare, receiving God’s love, living out your faith, and so much more. You, too, will be able to rejoice in the Lord always! Be Smart About: Pauls’ Circumstances Joy No Matter What Spiritual Warfare God’s Grace Why Paul Wrote His letters Living Out Your Faith

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    • Dictionary Of The Old Testament


      Tremper Longman III and Peter E. Enns edit this collection of 148 articles by 90 contributors on Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Lamentations, Ruth and Esther.

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    • Book Of Hebrews


      More than any other New Testament book, Hebrews helps you understand the pivotal relationship between the Old and New Testaments. Yet some of the ancient-and most foundational-concepts of our faith can be difficult to understand here in the 21st century. With The Smart Guide to the Bible: The Book of Hebrews, you’ll discover the power of being inseparably linked with the historic, living Savior, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Be Smart About: The Foundations of Christianity The Jewish Sacrificial System The Power of Jesus Jesus as High Priest The Position of Jesus The Work of the Holy Spirit And More!

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    • All The People In The Bible


      All the People in the Bible really delivers on its title: you’ll find literally all of the Bible’s characters in this comprehensive and fascinating reference work. From the first entry on Aaron to the final entry covering Zopar, Richard Losch details each person in a lively narrative style that will have readers sticking around page after page.
      The bulk of the work is made up of entries covering familiar and not-so-familiar figures found in Scripture. However, unlike most collections of this kind, the focus falls more on expanding our knowledge about the lesser characters. Losch explains that so very much has been written about the luminaries of Scripture that he chose to focus instead on those who are less well known and on some of the less familiar aspects of well-known characters’ lives. Losch’s new and intriguing look at all the people in the Bible is anything but a dry reference work. This is a book to dip into and enjoy over and over.

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    • Return From Exile


      Today’s headlines were written over 2,500 years ago when the Hebrews began their return to their Promised Land-the future nation of Israel. God used history-makers Ezra and Nehemiah and prophets Haggai and Zechariah to bring about His perfect plan of restoration. This Smart Guide takes the reader on an unforgettable journey through the Old Testament books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, and Zechariah to show you how our current–and future–events hinge on the prophetic returns of God’s chosen people to their homeland. We are living in exciting times! The reader can discover all God has planned for them as they anticipate His return and ultimate restoration. Be Smart About: Current & Future Events The Rebuilt Temple O.T. Prophecies Fulfilled Jesus’s Second Coming The Promised Land The Rebuilt Jerusalem Wall O.T. Prophecies to be fulfilled And More!

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    • Nutrition And Health In The Bible


      Discover the World’s Most Proven Health PlanYou want to be healthy, but all those diet fads have left you hungry for something more. There’s one Plan for healthy living that’s guaranteed to satisfy and that’s God’s plan!With The Smart Guide to the Bible: Nutrition and Health in the Bible you’ll get all your needs met: mind, body, and soul. You’ll be amazed at the complete information the Bible contains about nutrition, health, exercise, weight loss, food, cooking, fasting, and remedies. And, of course, it all aligns with the latest in scientific research. No surprise there; after all, God designed the human body and knows what’s best to keep it healthy!Get started on the world’s most proven health plan today!Be Smart About:Weight LossEating to Combat DiseaseExerciseFastingBiblical DietsBible-based Recipes & RemediesHealthy Living for Your FamilyAnd More!

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    • Book Of Matthew


      This First New Testament Book Gives You an Up-Close Look at the Savior of the WorldWhat did the arrival of the promised Messiah mean for the Jews of Matthew’s day? What does it mean for you today? The Smart Guide to the Bible: The Book of Matthew gives you valuable insights into Christ’s life and teachings, death, and resurrection so you can more fully experience the purpose and power of King Jesus at work in your life.Be Smart About Christ’s Birth & Death Heaven The Beatitudes Prophecy O. T. Salvation Legalism The Future And More!

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    • Know Your Bible


      Know Your Bible is a concise, easy-to-understand guide to God’s Word-giving you a helpful and memorable overview of all 66 books. For each Know Your Bible provides data on the author and time frame, a ten-word synopsis, a longer (50-100 word) summary, thoughts on what makes the book unique or unusual, a listing of key verses, and a “So, What?” section of practical application. It’s a fantastic resource for individuals and ministries!

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    • Where To Find Favorite Bible Verses Pamphlet


      Don’t have a photographic memory? Here are the most important verses in Scripture organized by topic. Perfect for people who do not remember the exact Bible reference for their favorite passage.
      Fits inside a Bible cover
      Unfolds to 38″ long.

      4 in stock

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    • Barclays Guide To The New Testament


      From the pen of one of the world s most beloved Christian writers, this book-by-book guide ably and engagingly introduces beginners to the essential purpose and message of each New Testament writing. From the Gospels through Revelation, William Barclay paints a vivid picture of the circumstances that gave rise to each book, offering numerous illuminating insights into the meanings of key words and enabling his readers to discern and follow the central concerns of each text. Those who read this book will undoubtedly join the millions throughout the world who have grown to rely on Barclay s unparalleled gift for making the biblical texts come alive.

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    • Complete Guide To The Bible


      You Need This Powerful New Bible Guide! Interesting to read and easy to consult, The Complete Guide to the Bible is a reliable, jargon-free handbook for average people who want to better understand the entire Bible. Captivating writing along with beautifully designed and illustrated pages entice readers into the book and keep them lingering throughout its pages. This latest project from Steve Miller, author of the best-selling Who’s Who and Where’s Where in the Bible, provides both the big-picture view of the whole Bible and its individual books, as well as fascinating detail on particular passages and topics.

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    • Strengthened By Grace


      An outline format of dispensational theology. Perfect reference for every home.

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    • Men Of The Bible


      Be Mentored by the Most Powerful Men of the Bible

      God had a purpose for each man in the Bible-and He has a purpose for you. The Smart Guide to the Bible: Men of the Bible leads you to a more intimate relationship with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, of Paul, Peter, and, of course, Jesus, who was Very God and Very Man.

      Through the struggles and temptations of these and others, you’ll discover the blessings and strength of being a man of God today.

      Be Smart About:
      Jesus, Very God & Very Man
      Men of Strength
      Men of Humility
      Men after God’s Own Heart
      Men of Faith
      Men Who Were Restored
      Men of Destiny
      And More!

      Young, old, rich, poor . . . meet the most influential men of the Old and New Testaments
      Biblical experts reveal the secrets to their success – and how to avoid their failures
      You’ll be empowered and equipped to live with greater purpose as a man of God.

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    • Prayers And Promises Of The Bible


      Experience a Lifelong Conversation with the Living God

      It’s a life-changing conversation when you stop to think about it: Prayers and promises are your precious words to God,and God’s to you! Now, with The Smart Guide to the Bible: Prayers & Promises of the Bible, you’ll discover how the Bible teaches you to pray in each circumstance you face- and what special promises God has for you in each situation. You’ll be encouraged by the examples of those who prayed in the Old and New Testament. And you’ll experience more deeply the security and the strength you have in the One who has promised to be with you always.

      Be Smart About:
      How to Pray
      Prayers in the Bible
      Trusting God
      What God Promises
      Different Types of Prayer
      How God Answers Prayer
      The Nature of God’s Promises
      And more!

      Learn how to talk to God and to see His promises at work in your life
      Discover who prayed the prayers in the Bible and how God answered them
      Deepen your relationship with the God of Love who always keeps His promises

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    • Life Of Christ


      Discover Jesus-Son of Man, Son of God

      When Jesus healed, jaws dropped and eyes opened wide. And when He taught, ears and hearts burned at His wisdom. Even His closest friends wondered, “What kind of man is this?”

      Get up close and personal with Jesus, His teachings, and what they mean for you today. The Smart Guide to the Bible: The Life of Christ takes you on location so you can absorb the historical and prophetic context into which Jesus was born, lived, died, came alive again, and ascended to His rightful place in heaven.

      You’ll gain greater evidence of the historical Jesus-and a deeper relationship with the Savior of your soul.

      Be Smart About:
      Jesus’s Life, Death, and Resurrection
      The Deity of Christ
      Jesus’s Teachings & Parables
      The Kingdom of God
      The Harmony of the Gospels
      The Geopolitics of Jesus’s Day And More!
      Understand the historical & geopolitical backdrop of Jesus’s birth, life, death & resurrection
      Get the big picture of His life & teachings through the four Gospels
      Discover consistent evidence of the deity of Christ-“surely this was the Son of God”!

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    • New English Translation Of The Septuagint


      Translated from the Hebrew between the third and first centuries B.C., the Septuagint became the Bible for Greek-speaking Jews and was widely cited by early Christians. Now, at long last, it has been made available in an accurate modern translation for English readers.

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    • Charts Of Philosophy And Philosophers


      This book provides an in-depth survey of philosophy, designed to graphically explain major ideas in several areas of study within philosophy.

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    • How To Choose A Translation For All Its Worth


      A book on Bible translation from a premier biblical scholar.

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    • Bible For Blockheads (Revised)


      This user-friendly guide to the Bible will help you make sense of all the book’s mysteries to reveal its truly amazing content. Now revised and updated to reflect the most recent cultural changes, this book includes new features and engaging artwork.

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    • Everything You Want To Know About Jesus


      Despite the wealth of information we have about Jesus through books and the arts, to many, he has become a bland religious cardboard cut-out who speaks in pious cliches. This engaging, readable and sometimes even humorous look at the life of Jesus is a gr

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    • Preachers Sourcebook For Creative Sermon Illustrations


      The Ultimate Contemporary Resource for Preachers Features thousands of real-life stories, illustrations, and quotes edited by popular author and pastor Rob Morgan Cross-referenced by subject and Scripture Alphabetized for easy access The ultimate gold-mine for speakers – humorous, serious, thought-provoking, and heart-warming material The book includes space for noting when/where each illustration is used Stories for today’s sermons and today’s lives

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    • Philippians : A Greek Students Intermediate Reader


      A skill-boosting resource to help second-year Greek students bridge the gap between elementary grammars and exercises and actually reading the biblical text. It provides language learners with added confidence in Greek syntax as they work their way through an entire New Testament book.

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    • Hop Skip And A Jump Through The Bible (Student/Study Guide)


      Chapter Titles Include:
      “The Eternal Plot” (Introduction)
      “In The Beginning” (Genesis)
      “From Slavery To Dignity” (Exodus To Deuteronomy)
      “A Flag Is Born” (Joshua Through David’s Reign)
      “The People Of The Book” (Solomon Through Nehemiah/Esther)
      “Poets And Philosophers” (Job Through Song Of Solomon)
      “Truth And Consequences” (Isaiah Through Malachi)
      “The Plot Takes Its Big Turn” (Introduction To The New Testament)
      “Good News From Prejudiced Reporters” (The Four Gospels)
      “The Church Is Born” (The Acts Of The Apostles)
      “The World’s Premier Letter Writer” (The Pauline Epistles)
      “The Other Letter Writers” (The Other Epistles)
      “The Curtain Falls, But The Drama Continues” (Revelation And Summary).

      Additional Info
      In this book, popular author J. Ellsworth Kalas presents the grand story of the Bible in twelve chapters, plus an introduction. Writing in his engaging, narrative style, Kalas takes readers through the different books of the Bible and shows how there is an overarching plot that binds all of the varied writings of the Bible together. In writing this book, the author aims to highlight wonders of the Bible for readers both familiar and unfamiliar with them, and he also seeks to show how the Bible isn’t just a collection of stories of the past, but rather our own continuing story of God and God’s relationship with the human race.

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    • Chronological Life Of Christ


      13 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The Chronological Life of Christ is the definitive resource where all four Gospels have been harmonized into one chronological story line. The reader gets an in-depth look at Jesus’ life, ministry. death and resurrection – a look not attainable when reading each Gospel separately. Written using the Thomas & Gundry NIV Harmony of the Gospels as a frame, The Chronological Life of Christ includes a very helpful subject index and user-friendly table for quickly finding Bible passages. This is a must-have resource for every student and teacher of God’s Word.

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    • Book Of Acts


      The Bible is loaded with valuable insights for every are of your life. The Smart Guide to the Bible series lets you uncover them all. Easy-to-follow icons guide you through the text and highlight key insights. Graphics and conversational language draw out the deep truths on every page. Lists organize and summarize the key points. You’ll feel smart and ready to apply God’s Word to your life.

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    • Book Of Luke


      Discover What a Friend You Have in Jesus

      He’s the Savior of the world, the Friend who stands by the sick and brokenhearted. He was perfectly human-and perfectly holy. He heals. He empowers. All this and more is uniquely captured in Luke’s New Testament Gospel. The Smart Guide to the Bible: The Book of Luke reveals the good doctor’s detailed research into Jesus’ life and ministry (resulting in the longest of the four Gospels and the only one to have certain parables, like the Prodigal Son). You will be encouraged and emboldened, just as the early Christians were!

      Be Smart About:,

      *Jesus’ Humanity & Divinity
      *Jesus’ Birth & Death
      *Healing & Miracles
      *Jesus, Friend of Sinners
      *Relating to People
      *Jesus’s Ministry
      *And More!

      Smart Guides Are for Everyone!

      The Bible is loaded with valuable insights for every area of your life. The Smart Guides to the Bible let you easily uncover them all-even the passages you once thought were hard to understand.

      Whether you’re new to the Bible, a long-time student of Scripture or somewhere in between, you’ll appreciate the many ways the relevant helps on each page lead you to get the most out of God’s Word.

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    • Book Of Daniel


      The Bible is loaded with valuable insights for every are of your life. The Smart Guide to the Bible series lets you uncover them all. Easy-to-follow icons guide you through the text and highlight key insights. Graphics and conversational language draw out the deep truths on every page. Lists organize and summarize the key points. You’ll feel smart and ready to apply God’s Word to your life.

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    • Anglican Spiritual Direction


      Growing interest in spiritual direction, retreats, and deepening of personal faith

      New edition of Mowbray classic (Journey Into Truth), with new chapter on providing spiritual direction in the U.S.

      New addition to the Spiritual Directors International Series

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    • Find It In The Bible For Women


      How many people know the thirty-one things God hates, the twenty things missing in heaven, or the twenty-two prophecies fulfilled by Jesus? Merely to mention such lists piques interest, because almost everyone finds lists irresistible. Bob Phillip’s new book plays to that natural curiosity, giving readers the longest and the shortest, the most and the least, and the greatest and the smallest from the pages of the Bible. The lists range widely from theology and characters to wisdom and humor, including such subjects as:
      33 contrasts between Christ and the antichrist
      140 major Bible characters
      59 titles of Christ
      125 counseling helps from the Bible
      5 major ways God reveals Himself
      Scripture references accompany all lists, making the book not merely fascinating entertainment, but a valuable reference tool for Bible students, pastors, and teachers.

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    • Prophesies Of The Bible


      The Bible is loaded with valuable insights for every are of your life. The Smart Guide to the Bible series lets you uncover them all. Easy-to-follow icons guide you through the text and highlight key insights. Graphics and conversational language draw out the deep truths on every page. Lists organize and summarize the key points. You’ll feel smart and ready to apply God’s Word to your life.

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    • Book Of Genesis


      The Bible is loaded with valuable insights for every are of your life. The Smart Guide to the Bible series lets you uncover them all. Easy-to-follow icons guide you through the text and highlight key insights. Graphics and conversational language draw out the deep truths on every page. Lists organize and summarize the key points. You’ll feel smart and ready to apply God’s Word to your life.

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    • Book Of Romans


      The Bible is loaded with valuable insights for every are of your life. The Smart Guide to the Bible series lets you uncover them all. Easy-to-follow icons guide you through the text and highlight key insights. Graphics and conversational language draw out the deep truths on every page. Lists organize and summarize the key points. You’ll feel smart and ready to apply God’s Word to your life.

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    • Basic Christian Dictionary


      A Basic Christian Dictionary is an accessible and easy to use reference guide to the essential elements of Christian belief and the varying ways that it is live out in different denominations and traditions. In a secular age when religious faith is increasingly questioned, this useful resource will deepen understanding and broaden perceptions of Christianity in its multi-faceted expressions around the world today. A Basic Christian Dictionary is a vital tool for all who wish to express their faith in ways which will be helpful and persuasive in the modern world.

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    • Pocket History Of Evangelical Theology


      Concise lively and readable history of evangelical theology. Finding its antecedents in early Pietism of the late 17th century, Olson traces its development through the revivalism in Great Britain and America in the 18th century from its roots within Puritanism, Wesleyanism and the Great Awakening. Great as a reference book, a refresher course or for use in introductory theology classes.

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    • Book Of Mark


      The Bible is loaded with valuable insights for every are of your life. The Smart Guide to the Bible series lets you uncover them all. Easy-to-follow icons guide you through the text and highlight key insights. Graphics and conversational language draw out the deep truths on every page. Lists organize and summarize the key points. You’ll feel smart and ready to apply God’s Word to your life.

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    • Bible Translations Comparison Pamphlet


      Compare 20 Bible Translations
      Ever wondered why there are so many different versions of the Bible? How do you know which translation is best for a particular purpose? This handy fold-out pamphlet-

      Compares 20 most popular translations:
      American Standard Version
      Amplified Bible
      New American Standard Bible
      Revised Standard Version
      New Revised Standard Version
      English Standard Version
      King James Version
      New King James Version
      New Jerusalem Bible
      New American Bible
      New International Version
      Today’s New International Version
      God’s Word
      Holman Christian Standard Bible
      New Century Version
      New Living Translation
      New International Readers Version
      Good News Translation
      Contemporary English Version
      The Message

      Reading level

      Describes the purpose of each translation

      Explains texts used for translation

      Gives sample verses in each translation
      Bible Translations Comparison offers help in understanding translators’ different approaches (word-for-word, thought-for-thought, paraphrase, or some combination of the three). It also gives background on source texts and tells which texts were used for each version.

      7 in stock

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    • Concordia The Lutheran Confessions (Revised)


      The Book of Concord should be in every Lutheran home. If a person isn’t familiar with this book, he’ll think, “That old book is just for pastors. I don’t have to preach. After working all day, I can’t sit down and study in the evening. If I read my morning and evening devotions, that’s enough. No, that is not enough! The Lord doesn’t want us to remain children, blown to and fro by every wind of doctrine; instead of that, He wants us to grow in knowledge so that we can teach others. – Dr. C.F.W. Walther

      Nothing is more important than clearly confessing and bearing witness to the truths of God’s Holy Word which reveal the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is what the Book of Concord is all about. This edition of the Lutheran Confessions will instruct, inspire and educate all who use it and help them learn what it means to be, and to remain, a genuinely confessing Lutheran Christian.

      Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions is a remarkable achievement in Lutheran publishing. In 800 beautifully presented pages, the reader will find helpful introductions, insightful notes and annotations, and helpful tools and guides to aid reading and comprehension. The dramatic history and heroic persons associated with the various documents in the Lutheran Confessions are brought to life. There are more than 115 black and white and 31 full-color plates illuminating the text of the Confessions.

      The second edition offers several significant improvements including

      An expanded timeline and general index.
      Enhanced page layout features and design elements
      New essays in the introduction which provide an overview of the textual issues and history of the Lutheran Confessions
      A summary of the nature and meaning of the Church’s commitment to the Lutheran Confessions.

      The Book of Concord is the authoritative collection of the Lutheran Church’s statements of faith. It contains documents which Lutheran Christians have used since the sixteenth century to explain, defend, and advance their witness to the truth of God’s Word.

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    • Biblical Miscellany : 176 Pages Of Offbeat Zesty Vitally Unnecessary Facts


      Wow your friends with the most unbelievable, the most outrageous, and the littlest-known facts about the Bible!

      Ever feel like you don’t know much about people, places, and other hard facts of the Bible? Well, help is here, dear friend. T.J. McTavish, knower of many things, is back with A Biblical Miscellany-and it includes everything you need to know to stump even your local religious scholar.

      A Biblical Miscellany covers such topics as:

      Famous (and not so famous) shepherds
      The “Cursing” Psalms-What use are they?
      Infamous infidelities
      Least Popular biblical names
      Using both wit and candor, McTavish informs as well as entertains, leading you down a path of enlightenment-or at least of trivial revelation-and doling out tidbits on the Bible along the way.

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    • Development Of Greek And The New Testament


      Provides a wealth of historical data about the Greek language that is not otherwise readily available.

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    • Living By The Book (Revised)


      Do you feel guilty about not enjoying personal Bible study? Ever wonder how some people can percolate with enthusiasm over the same passages that leaves you unmoved? Father and son authors Howard and Bill Hendricks believe practicing effective inductive Bible
      study methods can make the difference. After taking Howard’s course at Dallas
      Theological Seminary, Chuck Swindoll said, “What a difference it would make if all God’s people could get hold of the techniques and principles necessary for the cultivation of their own spiritual nourishment.”

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    • Big Story : What Actually Happens In The Bible


      The Big Story retells the Bible story, giving a lively overview of what actually happens, witnessing the key events, and meeting the most important characters. It’s split into five “acts”-the fathers, the exodus, the kings, the Messiah, and the church. Each of these
      looks at the story of humans and their relationship with God. The episodes are
      accompanied by short commentaries, explaining the background, providing information, helping the reader to spot key themes, and simply encouraging people to think about what
      is happening.

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    • Charts Of Apologetics And Christian Evidences


      Apologetics-the intellectual defense of the Christian faith-is an important topic at a time when postmodernism, relativism, and religious pluralism are prevalent.

      Charts of Apologetics and Christian Evidences deals with every aspect of apologetics, from the reasons for apologetics, to various apologetic methods and their presuppositions, to different apologetic approaches, to specific topics such as the resurrection. The limitations of rational argument and reasoned proof, often overlooked, are also addressed.

      Sixty-eight charts fall into six sections: Apologetic Methodologies, Philosophical Apologetics, Theistic Apologetics, Religious Apologetics, Biblical Apologetics, and Scientific Apologetics. The charts cover historical, literary, archaeological, and theological aspects of both the Old and the New Testaments.

      A sampling of the charts in this book includes

      * What Is Apologetics? * Reasons for and against Apologetics * General Apologetics Systems * Philosophical Inquiry * How Can Truth Be Known? * Seven Major Worldviews * Views of Evil * Theories on the Origin of Religion * Secular Humanism versus Christianity * Old Testament Archaeology * Archaeologists and Historians Confirm Biblical Reliability * Jesus Seminar and the Bible * Intelligent Design Theory * Scientific Evidence for the Age of the Universe

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    • Book Of John


      No other book in the Bible presents Jesus Christ and his ministry more clearly than the Book of John. No other guide makes his ministry more understandable than The Smart Guide to the Bible: The Book of John. Walk with Jesus as he recruits the twelve disciples. Sit down on the hillside and listen as he teaches the parables. Watch as Jesus performs miracle after miracle. And at every step along the way, understand the critical concepts and life-changing lessons Jesus wants you to learn.

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    • Bible : The Bible Made Easy


      The Bible is the best-selling book in history, but it can also be hard to understand. The Smart Guide to the Bible: The Bible guides you through all 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, so you can see both the big picture and the Divine details that support and carry forth God’s master plan. From “In the beginning” to the final “Amen” you will gain the knowledge, confidence, and clarifications you’ve always wanted about God’s words to you.

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    • Book Of Revelation


      The Book of Revelation is God’s message to all who are concerned about the future. And no guide makes Revelation more understandable than this one. You’ll grasp the meaning of each verse, you’ll understand every important symbol, and you’ll get the big picture of all that God has promised for those who believe in Him.

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    • Women Of The Bible


      The women of the Bible have a lot to say to women of today-how to live, how not to live, what choices to make, and why. The Smart Guide to the Bible: Women of the Bible introduces you to the Old and New Testament’s most influential women, both young and old, shy and bold. Through their struggles and situations you’ll discover the many blessings of being a wise and faithful woman of God.

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    • Scriptures At Your Fingertips


      Finally, a topical guide to the Bible that’s as easy to use as a dictionary!

      Are you struggling with grief?

      Searching for God’s comforting mercy and grace?

      Trying to learn how to raise your children in the Lord’s way?

      Wouldn’t you like to have the most significant verses from the Bible on those topics right at your fingertips? Well, now you do!

      Compiled by Merry Graham and Rachel Bye, international leaders of A Passion to Pray ministry, Scriptures at Your Fingertips is a handy, quick-reference guide that immediately offers what God’s Word says on more than two hundred important prayer topics, such as…
      And 186 more!

      Comprised of more than two thousand verses from several popular Bible versions and organized with bold headings for quick identification, this book is an excellent tool for teachers, writers, pastors, and anyone who loves the Scriptures. And because the topics are arranged in alphabetical order, they’re so easy to find.

      Perfect for beginning Bible students or for seasoned prayer warriors, this book is a must-have for people on the go or those who want to get more out of their prayer lives.

      Maximize your prayer time, and minimize your research time by having the Scriptures at your fingertips!

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    • Financial Report Of The United States Government


      In December 2005, the White House published its Financial Report of the United States Government-only 2000 copies were printed despite the purpose of the report being to explain the country’s financial wellbeing to Congress and the American people. Now, for the first time, that report is widely published so the American people can see what’s really going on with the nation’s finances.

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