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    • Pastoral Counseling


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664244057ISBN10: 066424405XWayne OatesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1981Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Introduction To The Parables Of Jesus


      Robert Stein investigates how the parables have been interpreted throughout the ages begining with the early church fathers, continuing through the Middle Ages and the Reformation, and concluding with recent critical discussion. He establishes basic principles for interpreting parables, demonstrates how to apply these principles, and organizes the parables under four major themes: the Kingdom of God as a present reality, the Kingdom of God as demand, the God of grace, and final judgement.

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    • Overcoming Jealousy And Possessiveness


      Psychotherapist Paul Hauck, whose popular books have brought help and advice to countless readers, now shows how jealousy and possessiveness–often the most tragic emotions–can be overcome. Applying the principles of Rational Emotive Therapy (RET), Hauck demonstrates how jealousy is a learned emotion and can be unlearned once you understand why you are jealous and begin to think in new ways about yourself and others.

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    • Bring Forth Justice


      SKU (ISBN): 9780802818485ISBN10: 080281848XWaldron ScottBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 1980Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Print On Demand Product

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    • Multiple Staff And The Larger Church


      Larger churches are different – in expectations, in performance, in staffing, and in use of lay volunteers. Their unique differences require special handling. And that’s what this first-of-its-kind book is all about. The author helps the leaders of larger churches understand the special characteristics of larger churches, and helps members of multiple staffs see their rle and the context of that role more clearly. Special emphasis is given to the role of the senior minister, the role of the associate minister, and to their relationship with one another.

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    • God And Marriage A Print On Demand Title


      Offering a new look at the increasingly unfashionable institution of marriage, Geoffrey Bromiley presents here a timely theological study which, unlike others books on marriage, aims exclusively to relate marriage to God as Creator, Son, and Holy Spirit. Bromiley observes that God’s work on reconciliation makes it possible for his people also to achieve reconciliation with one another, particularly in the marriage relationship.

      In addition to thoroughly discussing the relationship of the Trinity to marriage, Bromiley examines such topics as incest, adultery and fornication, celibacy, the permanency of marriage, and remarriage after the death of a partner.

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    • Reaching For Rainbows


      Always full of joy and hope, Ann Weems’ litanies and poems are ideal for individuals looking for devotional readings to use privately or share with a group. They offer pastors fresh worship and sermon material covering such specific events as Christmas, weddings, Pentecost, and Communion.

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    • Yahweh Is A Warrior


      Millard C. Lind’s classic study of warfare in ancient Israel. Israel saw God alone as delievering his people, without the need of human warriors.

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    • Paul The Apostle


      With a new preface by the author, this book posists two pillars as the foundations of Paul’s thought: the interaction between coherence and contingency in Paul’s interpretation of the gospel and the apocalyptic character of his gospel.

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    • Love Life For Every Married Couple


      1. A Love Affair: It Can Happen To You!
      2. Discoveries: The False And The True
      3. Does The Plan Still Work?
      4. Love: Solving The Mystery
      5. The Five Ways Of Loving
      6. How To Love Your Partner Sexually
      7. Romantic Love-The Thrill Factor
      8. The Gift Of Belonging
      9. Becoming Best Friends
      10. The Agape Way
      11. The Secret Of Staying In Love (Especially For Newlyweds)
      12. A Pattern For Lovers
      13. Prescription For A Superb Marriage
      14. Removing The Barriers
      15. How To Save Your Marriage Alone
      16. Resources For Change
      256 Pages

      Additional Info
      Physician Ed Wheat has helped thousands of couples improve their love lives and build happier marriages. In Love Life for Every Married Couple he’ll help you improve your marriage through sharing, touching, appreciating, and focusing healing attention on your mate.

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    • Gray Wolf And Other Stories


      Some of MacDonald’s finest short works are compiled in these four volumes – marvelous fairy tales and stories certain to delight readers familiar with MacDonald and those new to his work. The Gray Wolf is one volume in the four-volume collection of the complete fantasy stories of George MacDonald, the great nineteenth-century innovator of modern fantasy, whose works influenced C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams.

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    • Golden Key And Other Stories


      George MacDonald (1824-1905), the great nineteenth-century innovator of modern fantasy, influenced not only C. S. Lewis but also such literary masters as Charles Williams and J. R. Tolkien. Though his longer fairy tales Lilith and Phantastes are particularly famous, much of MacDonald’s best fantasy writing is found in his shorter stories. In this volume editor Glenn Sadler has compiled some of MacDonald’s finest short works-marvelous fairy tales and sotries certain to delight readers familiar with MacDonald and those about to meet him for the first time. Featured stories: The Golden Key, The History of Photogen and Nycteris, The Shadows, and The Gifts of the Child Christ

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    • Experiences Of God


      Enduring meditations on hope, anxiety, and mystical experience, together with the author’s personal confession of faith.

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    • Invisible War : The Panorama Of The Continuing Conflict Between Good And Ev


      An exploration of the great conflict going on between good and evil within the spiritual realm, Dr. Barnhouse carefully traces this vast spiritual conflict back to the period before the beginning of recorded time. Step by step, he then follows its unfolding to the final battle at the end of time. Here are answers to questions that have long troubled thinking people–concerning the trials, sufferings, and difficulties of life–with added helpful suggestions for facing life’s obstacles. Dr. Herbert Henry Ehrenstein says, “I am certain that this book will take its place as one of the greatest Dr. Barnhouse wrote during his lifetime, unfolding as it does an entirely new area of biblical truth for many readers who have never before contemplated this invisible battle involving God, Satan, angels, demons, and mankind. Indeed, I know of no other available book of so complex a subject.”

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    • Light Princess And Other Stories


      The fact that George MacDonald–a scholar as well as a preacher and writer–once read this fairy tale to his students instead of giving them a lecture says volumes about the man and his beliefs. It also says much about his faith in the power of stories. The Light Princess is a simple enough tale, clearly written for children–a princess at her christening is cursed by a wicked witch with lightness (she floats blissfully about the castle all day long, and gets into all sorts of adventures, as one can easily imagine)–yet it holds a powerful spiritual truth. Gravity, weight, sorrow, suffering–all of this the princess misses, but with all of these she misses love, for what is love without weight, without body? What is love without falling? She discovers this truth, of course, only at the last minute when a faithful prince loves her enough to die for her.
      Sometimes it’s not a ponderous lecture–or sermon–that we need in order to experience what incarnation is about.

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    • Liturgies Of The Western Church


      The liturgies of the Word and the Lord’s Supper that are included in this volume range from those of the church fathers Justin Martyr and Hippolytus through the Roman Mass (in both Latin and English), to the great Reformation liturgies of Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Knox, Baxter and Wesley, as well as the Middleburg Liturgy of the English Puritans and the Westminster Directory. In addition to his translations, Thompson draws upon copies of many original documents to insure accuracy. An introduction, which places the liturgy within its tradition, accompanies each text.

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    • Biblical Interpretation In The Early Church


      BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION IN THE EARLY CHURCH: This volume presents new translations of significant ancient documents relating to the emergence of hermeneutical (scripture interpretation) questions in the patristic period: Sifra-The Exegetical Rules (Middot) of Rabbi Ishmael and Rabbi Hillel Ptolemy-Letter to Flora Irenaeus-Against Heresies Origen-On First Principles: Book Four Papyrus Michigan Inv. 3718-Christian Allegorizations Diodore of Tarsus-Commentary on the Psalms, Prologue Diodore of Tarsus-Preface to the commentary on Psalm 118 Theodore of Mopsuestia-Commentary on Galatians 4:22-31 Tyconius (ca. 380 North Africa)-The Book of Rules, I-III

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    • Preparing For Your Marriage


      More than 25 percent of our marriages end in the tragedy of divorce, and over 72 percent of all teen-age marriages terminate in the courtroom. An undetermined number of young people are so disillusioned with marriage that it is no longer even a desirable option for them, and for many, marriage is really nothing more than an “armed truce.” What are the reasons? Is there an answer? William McRae feels that most couples enter into marriage unprepared. Their expectations are unrealistic, their roles are undeveloped, their responsibilities are unknown, and their goals are undetermined. Because of this every couple married by Pastor McRae must be willing to participate in a premarriage study program. The material that has been developed and used over these years is essentially the content of this book.

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    • Designing The Sermon


      What is good preaching? is the question of both those who hear it and those who do it. Hearers answer that question instinctively, tuning in the preacher who meets their needs, whether in the pulpit of the neighborhood church or on a broadcast. Preachers need to answer more intentionally.

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    • History Of The Church In England (Reprinted)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780819214065ISBN10: 081921406XJohn MoormanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1980Publisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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    • 2 Horizons


      This lucidly written survey of hermeneutics includes a thorough examination of the extent of the contribution of philosophy to the interpretation of the Bible, as well as a detailed original treatment of the work of Heidegger, Bultmann, Gadamer, and Wittgenstein. Notes; full bibliography; indexes.

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    • End Of Christendom A Print On Demand Title


      Christendom, according to Malcolm Muggeridge, is something quite different than Christianity. Christ said his kingdom was not of this world; Christendom, on the other hand, is of this world and, like every other human creation, subject to decay and eventual desolation. In this book, Muggeridge perceptively explores the downfall of Christendom, indicating some of the contributing factors to its collapse.

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    • Do It Yourself Hebrew And Greek


      Do-It-Yourself Hebrew and Greek is designed for the serious Bible student who wants to discover as accurately as possible what the Bible meant in its original languages but who is not in a position to master those languages. The manual introduces the alphabets and the basic elements of Greek and Hebrew grammar. With this foundation, the student is taught to use the basic language tools, including analyticals, lexicons, interlinears, concordances, and commentaries.

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    • Inerrancy


      This is another in a series of books sponsored by the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy. The fourteen leading evangelical scholars who have contributed to this volume come from various denominations and have written on a wide range of topics related to the doctrine of the inerrancy of the Bible. Believing that this doctrine is “an essential element of the authority of Scripture and a necessary ingredient for the health of the church of Christ,” they have made a strong defense of it. This book is presented as an appeal to the church of Jesus Christ. To those churches that hold to the inerrancy of Scripture, it is a call to hold the line. To those churches that have given way to the persuasions of radical higher criticism, it is a call to return to the historic position of Christianity. Inerrnacy is shown to be a doctrine of crucial importance to the church. Among the chapter titles are these: Christ’s View of Scripture – Alleged Errors and Discrepancies in the Original Manuscripts of the Bible – Higher Criticism and Biblical Inerrancy – Legitimate Hermeneutics – The Human Authorship of Inspired Scripture – The Meaning of Inerrancy – Philosophical Presuppositions of Biblical Errancy – The View of the Bible Held by the Church – B. B. Warfield Versus G. C. Berkouwer on Scripture — Included as an appendix is the Statement of the Council. This Statement consists of three parts: a Summary Statement, Articles of Affirmation and Denial, and an Exposition. The intent of this declaration underlies all of the chapters in this significant book.

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    • Lessons On Assurance (Student/Study Guide)


      LESSONS ON ASSURANCE presents short Bible studies on five basic promises God gives to Christians, assurance of salvation, answered prayer, victory over sin, forgiveness, and guidance. Each study concentrates on a Bible passage which presents one of God’s promises. As you meditate on these five passages and compare them with other Scripture, you’ll want to memorize and make them part of your life.

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    • Step Further : Growing Closer To God Through Hurt And Hardship


      1. We’re In This Together
      2. Body Building
      3. I Wouldn’t Do This For Just Anybody!
      4. Unlikely Saints!
      5. God’s Showcase
      6. When Nobody’s Watching
      7. Breaks Us And Makes Us
      8. Trust And Obey
      9. Don’t Compare. . .Share!
      10. While We Wait
      11. I Wish I Were Healed
      12. Why Wasn’t I Healed?
      13. Satan Schemes. . .God Redeems
      14. Prayers And Promises
      15. Let God Be God
      16. Heaven
      195 Pages

      Additional Info
      Joni Eareckson Tada is one of today’s great Christian women, and “A Step Further,” which grew out of her own pilgrimage as a disabled person, is one of the great Christian books of our time. Written in the simple, friendly, exuberant, down-to-earth style that is special to Joni, it is a tremendous tonic for Christians living in pain and frustration, and it unfolds some neglected aspects of the wisdom of God superbly. This is heart-to-heart writing at its best.

      We have all waded through the verbal swamp of syrupy cliches as some sufferers overspiritualize their pain. We have also felt the hot breath of bitterness from those who refuse to accept and adjust to their disability. Joni represents neither extreme. In her book there is a beautiful balance between tough-minded reality and scripturally based theology.

      Through her public example, Joni Eareckson Tada has done more to straighten out warped views of suffering than all of the theologians put together. Her life is a triumph of healing-a healing of the spirit, the most difficult kind. When she speaks about the problem of pain, we should all sit up and take notice.”

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    • Book Of Christian Prayer


      A collection of prayers for every area of life including: For work, difficult times, marriage, family, special people, my relationship with God, praise and thanksgiving, servanthood, discipleship and more.

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    • Prophecy And Society In Ancient Israel


      In this book Wilson attempts to achieve two goals. One, to present a fairly comprehensive survey of ancient and modern comparative evidence relevant to the study of biblical prophecy. He provides a study of recent anthropological studies on the subject without trying to relate it directly to the Israelite prophets. And second, to illustrate one way in which modern comparative material might be used to explore the problem of prophecy and society in Israel.

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    • Introduction To The Reformed Tradition


      A concise, readable study for laypersons and clergy alike. Indispensable for all informed people in many different con fessional communitites. By “Reformed” the author means those branches of the Church that stem from John Calvin and the Swiss Reformation. With the passion of one who not only observes but believes this noted authority touches on all aspects of Reformed history, theology, polity, liturgy, and Christian culture with a balance of enthusiasm and critical judgment which always rings true.

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    • Romans


      The Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament is written for laypeople, students, and pastors. The plan of the commentary is designed to enhance its usefulness. The Introduction provides information on the historical circumstances in which the biblical book was written. It may also contain a summary of the biblical writer’s thought.

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    • Deacons Handbook : A Manual Of Stewardship


      An invaluable resource for all who are, or will be, involved in the church’s ministry of mercy. Includes chapters on the nature and history of the diaconal office, concrete advice regarding budget and finances, suggestions for enlisting congregational participation in diaconal service, and thought-provoking perspectives on giving and stewardship. Profoundly Christ-centered, solidly based on Scripture, lucid in presentation and down-to-earth in application.

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    • After Suicide


      This constructive guide offers much-needed information and clinically tested advice for those struggling to cope in the aftermath of a suicide. Written in clear, everyday language, it presents the facts and demonstrates how to deal with feelings of guilt, anger, bewilderment, and shame. It shows how to live as survivors of a suicide, how to explain the event to children, and how to reconcile the death with religious beliefs. Also included is an Anniversary Memorial Service that enables family members to recommit themselves to life. After Suicide presents positive steps that can help family and friends find strength together as they readjust and return to healthy, productive living.

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    • Laying The Foundation


      Here is a solid catechism for Christians who realize the need to become more thoroughly grounded in their faith. It’s a serious attempt to achieve a radically biblical formulation without trying to defend any particular tradition, Catholic, Protestant, or otherwise. It covers:

      – Repentance from Dead Works
      – Faith toward God
      – Doctrine of Baptisms
      – Laying on of Hands
      – Resurrection of the Dead
      – Eternal Judgment

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    • World In Denial Defiant Nature Of Mankind


      The primary focus of the book is on a defiant, morally corrupt, arrogant humanity; indisputable prophetic evidence for Divine intercession into man’s activities; and God’s plan for redemption. Evidence for a Divine Creator includes prophetic super signs of the end times – events occurring in today’s world – and what we can expect in the future.

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    • Adventure Inward : Christian Growth Through Personal Journal Writing


      Dr. Kelsey combines wide professional experience with his own 30 years of journal writing to guide you in keeping your own personal Christian journal. He will help you: choose an appropriate book and pen; set aside time for writing; record dreams before they are forgotten; reread and reflect; and share thoughts with a trusted friend. You will learn how to use these tools to deepen and enrich your faith.

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    • Psalms : Structure Content And Message


      The vitality and importance of the Psalms today is clearly communicated in this helpful survey. This book charts the different collections and types of psalms and explains their original settings in daily life. Key examples unfold the patterns of Old Testament prayer and worship, helping us appreciate the Psalms’ powerful and timeless message.

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    • New Testament Writings


      The New Testament Writings is a simple and direct introduction to the New Testament. Christians have a need and desire to comprehend the literature on which their faith is based. James Efird’s book serves this need very well. He presents the New Testament clearly and concisely in nontechnical language. This is a valuable resource for education, growth, and faith.

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    • Lectures To My Students (Unabridged)


      28 Chapters

      Additional Info
      One contemporary scholar and authority on Spurgeon says of this work: “Next to Mr. Spurgeon’s great literary work, The Treasury of David, we consider [these] Lectures to My Students his greatest single contribution to the Christian world. There is more practical wisdom, common sense and sage advice packed within these pages than with any other book of similar size or content.” This complete and unabridged edition of Spurgeon’s great work will make it possible for today’s generation to appreciate Spurgeon’s combination of discerning wit and refreshingly practical advice.

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    • 1979 Book Of Common Prayer Chapel Edition


      SKU (ISBN): 9780898690606ISBN10: 0898690609Binding: Cloth TextPublished: December 1979Publisher: Church Publishing Inc.

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    • Biblical Affirmations Of Woman


      Here is a comprehensive, one-volume commentary on what the Bible really says about women. In this well-documented topical review, every positive biblical reference about women is quoted in full, set in context, and provided with a brief exposition. Over 350 specific topics are examined.

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    • Integration Of Psychology And Theology


      The Rosemead Psychology Series is a continuing series of studies written for professionals and students in the fields of psychology and theology and in related areas such as pastoral counseling. It seeks to present current thinking on the subject of the integration of psychology that grow out of the interface of psychology and theology. The data and theories of both theoretical and applied psychology are treated in this series, as well as fundamental theological concepts and issues that bear on psychological research, theory, and practice. These volumes are offered with the hope that they will stimulate further thinking and publication on the integration of psychology and the Christian faith.

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    • 1979 Book Of Common Prayer RCL Red


      Church Publishing is pleased to offer this exclusive edition of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (BCP). Ideal as a pew book or gift, this Prayer Book features luxurious imitation leather binding (Vivella) with a soft, matte finish. A textured cross is embossed on the cover, with gold lettering on the spine. The cover is available in red or forest green, colors available only in this Church Publishing edition. The Prayer Books is sturdily assembled, with smyth-sewn pages and a spine that won’t crack under heavy use. The text is easily readable in 9-point type. A presentation page and certificates for the rites of Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage are included.

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    • 1979 Book Of Common Prayer Basic Pew Edition Red


      SKU (ISBN): 9780898690804ISBN10: 0898690803Binding: Cloth TextPublished: September 1979Publisher: Church Publishing Inc.

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    • History Of Christianity


      Since publication of the first edition in 1918, A History of the Christian Church by Williston Walker has enjoyed outstanding success and recognition as a classic in the field. Written by an eminent theologian, it combines in its narrative a rare blend of clarity, unity, and balance. In light of significant advances in scholarship in recent years, extensive revisions have been made to this fourth edition. Three scholars from Union Theological Seminary in New York have incorporated new historical discoveries and provided fresh interpretations of various periods in church history from the first century to the twentieth. The result is a thoroughly updated history which preserves the tenor and structure of Walker’s original, unparalleled text.

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    • Rapture Question (Large Type)


      Now completely revised and enlarged, using quotations from the New International Version — John F. Walvoord’s classic work on the Rapture! The Rapture Question examines the four views of the church’s role in the tribulation: Partial Rapturism, Pretribulationism, Midtribulationism, and Posttribulationism, with the revised edition particularly discussing the current debate between pretribulationism and posttribulationism. In updating his work, the author also added treatments on the Rapture in the Gospels, in 1 Thessalonians 4, in 1 Thessalonians 5, in 2 Thessalonians, in 1 Corinthians, and in Revelation. A bibliography of current literature plus general and Scripture indexes are included.

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    • What Is Sanctification


      The ultimate purpose of Christ’s death on the Cross was that His believers might be sanctified.

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    • Judges And Ruth Everymans Bible Commentary


      The book of Judges presents a miniature of the human race, its ups and downs, its triumphs and its tragedies. It also presents a history of God’s sovereign intervention in the affairs of men.Yet within that same enviroment of human failure and rebellion, there is the book of Ruth, a portrait of the coming Kinsman-Redeemer–showing God’s message of redemption and love.This Everyman’s Bible Commentary is based upon the scriptural text as found in the New American Standard Bible.

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    • Marks Story Of Jesus


      This book is designed to introduce the reader to a single coherent story, Mark’s story of Jesus’ life and death. From a literary perspective the reader is therefore advised to approach the Markan story as he or she would any other story: to read the whole story from beginning to end, to observe the characters and the interplay among them, to watch for the author’s clues regarding the plot, to discern the plot development, to identify scenes of crisis and recognition, and to view the story’s resolution in the light of its antecedent logic.

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    • Tabernacle


      12 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The tabernacle in the wilderness, which became the center of all worship of the children of Israel during their journeying, was designed by God Himself in heaven. It was a perfect replica of something that already existed before; it is a picture, a type, and a shadow of the Lord Jesus Christ, where God meets man, and where deity and humanity meet in one person.

      Every detail of the tabernacle points to some aspect of the person and work of our Savior. Then the tabernacle becomes, secondarily, a picture of the believer. Thirdly, it provides a complete picture of the plan of salvation.

      It is an inexhaustible subject. Within the pages of this book, the three pictures of Christ, the believer, and the plan of salvation are drawn with stimulating and expressive words to emphasize the message of “‘Christ in us, the hope of glory.'”

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    • Future Of Partnership


      How should men and women and God relate to one another? Letty Russell’s answer is “partnership,” understood in new ways as a relationship rooted in the life story of Jesus. Instead of concentrating on individuals as single entities, she develops the theme of the individual in partnership–both with God and with Others. She deals with the theological foundations of partnership and such practical concerns as lifestyles, human sexuality, education, church community life, and ministry. Her book speaks to the interests of churchwomen, feminists, students of theology, and the many who have studied her other books.

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