


    Pastoral Helps

    • Kairos Care : A Process For Pastoral Counseling In The Office And In Everyd


      While some people might become pastors to offer counsel, I expect that many pastors see counseling as a daunting, disorienting, and even dreaded part of the job. It can even be scorned by some who consider this pastoral work an unnecessary distraction from leadership and mission. Yet pastoral counseling is a non-negotiable component of pastoral ministry that provides an excellent opportunity to display the love of Christ. Kairos Care teaches a theologically sensitive, practically formed framework for providing focused, time-limited pastoral care and counsel. To keep this framework tangible, this book offers a kairos diagram that illustrates the model for counsel. While the kairos diagram is readily found online, it has been modified to fit a pastoral counsel context for ease of use.

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    • Enneagram Goes To Church


      If I had known the Enneagram earlier in my ministry, I would have been a much better pastor.

      When this thought came to Todd Wilson, he had already served as a pastor in several churches for the better part of fifteen years and was successfully leading a large, historic, and diverse congregation. He’d started out in ministry with a strong education in everything from biblical exegesis and homiletics to organizational development and Christian education. However, at its root, pastoral ministry is about shepherding, serving, leading, and loving people, and Todd realized that what he lacked was wisdom about how people work. He says, “When it came to empathetically shepherding people and sensitively engaging their manifold personalities and diverse ways of seeing the world, I was an amateur.” Whether you are on a church staff or leading a small group, you will find that the insights from the Enneagram that have helped many grow in self-awareness can be applied to life in our faith communities. The Enneagram can help us to become better teachers. It can influence how we develop worship and Christian education. And it can guide us in building and leading teams. It’s time to take the Enneagram to church–and to allow it to shape our life together.

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    • Positive Psychology In Christian Perspective


      Originally the field of psychology had a threefold mission: to cure mental illness, yes, but also to find ways to make life fulfilling for all and to maximize talent. Over the last century, a focus on mental illness has often been prioritized over studies of health, to the point that many people assume “psychologist” is just another way of saying “psychotherapist.” This book is about one attempt to restore the discipline’s larger mission.

      Positive psychology attends to what philosophers call “the good life.” It is about fostering strength and living well–about how to do a good job at being human. Some of that will involve cheerful emotions, and some of it will not. There are vital roles to be played by archetypal challenges such as those involving self-control, guilt, and grit, and even the terror of death enters into positive psychology’s vision of human flourishing. Charles Hackney connects this still-new movement to foundational concepts in philosophy and Christian theology. He then explores topics such as subjective states, cognitive processes, and the roles of personality, relationships, and environment, also considering relevant practices in spheres from the workplace to the church and even the martial arts dojo. Hackney takes seriously the range of critiques positive psychology has faced as he frames a constructive future for Christian contributions to the field.

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    • Wild At Heart Study Guide Updated Edition (Student/Study Guide)


      In this updated edition of the bestselling classic, author John Eldredge reminds men they need adventure in their lives . . . in their work, in their love, and their spiritual lives. He reveals how God designed men to be dangerous. Simply look at the dreams and desires written in the heart of every boy: to be a hero, to be a warrior, and to live a life of adventure and risk. Sadly, most men today have abandoned these dreams and desires-aided by a Christianity that feels like nothing more than pressure to be a “nice guy.” It is no wonder that many men avoid church, and those who go are often passive and bored to death.

      In this provocative six-session video study (DVD/digital video downloads sold separately), John Eldredge explains how God wants to heal these deep wounds from earlier years that take away a man’s confidence and-in some cases-his masculinity. He shows that deep within the heart of every man is a longing for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue-because that is how God created him. It is time for the church to reclaim these wounded warriors. It is time to give men permission to be what God designed them to be-dangerous, passionate, alive, and free!

      Sessions include:
      1. The Heart of a Man
      2. The Wound
      3. A Battle to Fight
      4. An Adventure to Live
      5. A Beauty to Rescue
      6. A Band of Brothers

      Designed for use with the Wild at Heart Video Study (sold separately).

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    • Starfish And The Spirit


      Leveraging the metaphor Ori popularized in his NYT best-selling book, The Starfish and the Spider, Ori Brafman shows why the distributed structures of starfish organizations are uniquely fit to the church. They can function without a rigid central authority, and their regenerative abilities make them nimbler in reacting to external forces. Seeding starfish networks inside todays churches will prepare the church of tomorrow to be agile while still maintaining the necessary accountability to be effective.

      Rather than advocating the adoption of a starfish structure in place of the hierarchy of the spider, Brafman, along with pastors Lance Ford and Rob Wegner, emphasize the advantages of adapting the structure and order inherent in a spider organization toward a hybrid model–either a Spiderfish approach (leaning toward centralization) or a Starder approach (leaning toward decentralization).

      The Starfish and the Spirit is about creating a culture where church leaders view themselves as curators of a community on mission, not the source of certainty for every question and project. It is about creating a team of humble leaders “in the middle” of the church, not at the top–leaders who naturally reproduce multiple generations of leaders, from the middle out on mission. Imagine a church led by a team whose gifts and talents are completely unleashed, enabling everyone to show up and step up with all they really are. The joy and vigor coming from the collective strength, intelligence, and skill in the community of leaders not only brings greater potency but better yields for your ministry as well. What would it be like to see this kind of healthy leadership reproduced into the second, third, and fourth generation, on multiple strands?

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    • Hebrews For You


      Applied expository guide to Hebrews-a book that shows us how and why Jesus is better than anything else.

      We are all tempted to drift away from Jesus, but in the book of Hebrews God gives us an anchor: a detailed understanding of how and why Jesus is better than anything else.

      Seminary professor Michael J. Kruger unpacks this rich book verse by verse. He explains the Old Testament background, gives plenty of application for our lives today, and shows us how Jesus is the fulfilment of all God’s work on earth. He encourages us to live by faith in Jesus-the only anchor for our souls.

      This expository guide can be read as a book; used as a devotional; and utilized in teaching and preaching.

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    • Faithful Leaders : And The Things That Matter Most


      Explore the things that really matter for a successful ministry.

      “Well done good and faithful servant.” Every ministry leader wants to hear these words when they meet their Lord. But what does successful ministry look like?

      There are many books on leadership strategies and church structures, but this one looks at what matters most: the character and attitude of church leaders. It recognizes that the spiritual health of the church leaders in large part determines the spiritual health of the congregation and therefore the success of the ministry.

      In this short, punchy, challenging and at times surprising book, Rico Tice draws on decades of experience in church leadership to call fellow pastors and others with oversight of areas of church ministry to define success biblically, fight their sin, lead themselves and serve their churches. It will be a battle, but one worth fighting because personal holiness and godly leadership matter eternally.

      A must-read on pastoral leadership for pastors, elders, worship leaders, youth leaders and anyone else with a leadership role in church ministry.

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    • Building A City On A Hill Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Building A City On A Hill: African American Communities of Purpose Leader’s Guide explores how we can shine for Jesus by demonstrating Christian character wherever God has placed us. Each chapter reminds us that God calls us to be Christians at home, at work, and in the community. This call enables us to change lives and foster economic development, which causes families and communities to flourish. A revisit of historic Black towns showcases the self-sufficient businesses and enterprises that African Americans built after emancipation. Vocational excellence, unselfish service, and an awareness that God is at work in each life are key to this curriculum.

      Building A City On A Hill is suitable for Adult Vacation Bible School, small groups, and individual Bible study. The lives of ten Bible characters serve as examples of good works and moral excellence while being the light in their particular situations. By learning about these characters, you will be inspired and equipped to be the light of the world.

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    • Building A City On A Hill


      Building A City On A Hill: African American Communities of Purpose explores how we can shine for Jesus by demonstrating Christian character wherever God has placed us. Each chapter reminds us that God calls us to be Christians at home, at work, and in the community. This call enables us to change lives and foster economic development, which causes families and communities to flourish. A revisit of historic Black towns showcases the self-sufficient businesses and enterprises that African Americans built after emancipation. Vocational excellence, unselfish service, and an awareness that God is at work in each life are key to this curriculum.

      Building A City On A Hill is suitable for Adult Vacation Bible School, small groups, and individual Bible study. The lives of ten Bible characters serve as examples of good works and moral excellence while being the light in their particular situations. By learning about these characters, you will be inspired and equipped to be the light of the world.


      *Family Devotion
      *Private Study
      *Weekday Bible Studies
      *Adult Vacation Bible School
      *Church Retreats
      *Ministry Group Training

      Written and edited by Kwasi I. Kena, D.Min., and Carey Latimore, Ph.D. Compiled and edited by Ramon Mayo.

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    • Worship For The Whole People Of God Second Edition


      This revised edition of the popular textbook on worship by renowned hymn writer and professor Ruth C. Duck provides theological foundations for worship and explores the ways Christians have adapted worship to various cultures to help them live faithfully and to communicate the gospel to others. The author celebrates the many languages and cultural settings in which the gospel has been, and is, preached, sung, and prayed. The goal of this volume is to support good pastoral and congregational reflection on what worship is and does. Consequently, Duck discusses many different forms of worship from several cultures (African American, Asian, Euro-American) and offers advice on how to read a congregation and define its culture in order to plan culturally appropriate worship. She includes many practical suggestions for preparing and leading worship, including diverse ministries of music, movement, and visual arts that are becoming more popular today.

      From worship’s theological underpinnings, the book turns to worship leadership, forms of prayer, preaching, the sacraments, ordination, and various other liturgies. Because of its emphasis on vital and Spirit-led worship, this comprehensive book on Christian worship will be used in years to come, not only as a core textbook for seminarians and ministry students from a variety of cultures and traditions but also as a resource for local church pastors and laity who are dedicated to the enlivening of Christian worship.

      In this new edition, Duck updates and expands the recommended resources, updates the section on worship trends, enhances the section on multicultural worship, and revises marriage information based on cultural and denominational changes.

      Highlights include stories of four churches that are developing creative ways to grow and meet the possibilities and challenges of these times, especially in seeking justice, serving people in their neighborhood, and building bridges among cultures and religious groups. In addition, a new appendix by David Gambrell addresses the theological and practical questions surrounding online worship in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond.

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    • Come Back Participant Book (Student/Study Guide)


      We all experience setbacks. Loss, failure, and even tragedy are part of life. But when these start to define us, it’s time to regroup. Roger Ross teaches the essentials for rising up and out of bad circumstances in Come Back: Returning to the Life You Were Made For. This engaging book tells turnaround stories from sports, history, and everyday life, tracing Jesus’s parable of the prodigal son to reveal five crucial stages for every comeback. Each stage is paired with an ancient spiritual practice designed to help everyday people turn some part of their life around.

      This Participant Guide is your personal study tool and workbook. It’s designed to help you process the lessons of Come Back: Returning to the Life You Were Made For. The study leads you to analyze your own situation more deeply, and shows you how to incorporate the spiritual practices into your daily life. The study is particularly effective in a group setting. Participants need both this Guide and the main book.

      It’s not too late. It’s time for your comeback.

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    • How Women Transform Preaching


      Women preachers are everywhere. The pulpit, once a bastion of male presence and power, has become, in many denominations, a place where women regularly exercise their gifts, leading congregations and proclaiming God’s word each week. The number of women scholars who are publishing and teaching in the field of preaching has also expanded dramatically.

      Leonora Tubbs Tisdale explores how the presence of women preachers and scholars of preaching has transformed the practice of homiletics this country-from the reclamation of women’s “herstory” in preaching, to the topics addressed in preaching and scholarship, to the way in which Biblical hermeneutics and theologizing are undertaken in preaching, to the imagery, illustrations, shape and embodiment of the sermons themselves.

      How Women Transform Preaching begins with a fascinating survey, including statistical information and historical analysis. Interviewing 16 women preachers/homileticians, Tisdale shares ‘untold stories’ of women preachers throughout history who are largely unknown but who serve as examples of both the struggle and power of women’s preaching. She then tells the stories of contemporary women preachers. Throughout, Tisdale draws practical lessons for the reader, showing what students, homileticians, and preachers can learn from extraordinary women preachers.

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    • Building A City On A Hill Student Workbook (Student/Study Guide)


      Building A City On A Hill: African American Communities of Purpose Student Workbook explores how we can shine for Jesus by demonstrating Christian character wherever God has placed us. Each chapter reminds us that God calls us to be Christians at home, at work, and in the community. This call enables us to change lives and foster economic development, which causes families and communities to flourish. A revisit of historic Black towns showcases the self-sufficient businesses and enterprises that African Americans built after emancipation. Vocational excellence, unselfish service, and an awareness that God is at work in each life are key to this curriculum.

      Building A City On A Hill is suitable for Adult Vacation Bible School, small groups, and individual Bible study. The lives of ten Bible characters serve as examples of good works and moral excellence while being the light in their particular situations. By learning about these characters, you will be inspired and equipped to be the light of the world.

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    • Lectures To My Students Volume 3 Practical And Spiritual Guidance For Preac


      “The solemn work of Christian ministry demands a man’s all, and that all should be at its best. To engage in ministry halfheartedly is an insult to God and man. Sleep must leave our eyelids before men are allowed to perish. Yet we are all prone to sleep, and students, among the rest, are apt to act the part of the foolish virgins. Therefore, I have sought to speak out my whole soul in the hope that I might not create or foster any dullness in others, and to this end, my lectures are colloquial, familiar, full of anecdote, and often humorous. May He, in whose hand are the churches and their pastors, bless these words to younger brethren in the ministry, and if so, I will count it more than a full reward and will gratefully praise the Lord.”
      – Charles H. Spurgeon

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    • Disability And The Church


      Pastor Lamar Hardwick was thirty-six years old when he found out he was on the autism spectrum. This revelation prompted him to reconsider the church’s responsibilities to the disabled community. Insisting that the good news of Jesus affirms God’s image in all people, Hardwick offers practical steps and strategies to build stronger, truly inclusive communities of faith.

      Lamar Hardwick was thirty-six years old when he found out he was on the autism spectrum. While this revelation helped him understand and process his own experience, it also prompted a difficult re-evaluation of who he was as a person. And as a pastor, it started him on a new path of considering the way disabled people are treated in the church. Disability and the Church is a practical and theological reconsideration of the church’s responsibilities to the disabled community. Too often disabled persons are pushed away from the church or made to feel unwelcome in any number of ways. As Hardwick writes, “This should not be.” He insists that the good news of Jesus affirms God’s image in all people, and he offers practical steps and strategies to build stronger, truly inclusive communities of faith.

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    • Lamenting Racism Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      We need to talk about race. The Bible’s prayers of lament show us the way.

      Stories of racial injustice fill our news feeds. Yet for too long many of us in the church have been hesitant to speak up. We fear offending others, of using the wrong words, of not knowing what to say.

      In Lamenting Racism, a team of leading pastors and theologians come together to lay the groundwork for important conversations about racism in your congregation. In six, thought-provoking video sessions, they name that God’s people of every race are called to confront racism in every way possible. Together this team invites each of us to consider and give voice to how we have been shaped and formed by race.

      Calling on us to reclaim the lost art of biblical lament, they offer a powerful way to pour out the fear, shame, grief, and rage of racism in prayer. In the process, we will be transformed, reclaiming hope for a world shaped by God’s inclusive vision of love and blessing.

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    • Navigating The Future


      Traditioned innovation is a habit of being and living that cultivates a certain kind of moral imagination shaped by storytelling and expressed in creative, transformational action. Moral imagination is about character, which depends on ongoing formation that takes place in friendships and communities that embody traditions and that are sustained by institutions.

      There is no quick-fix or set of techniques that will create a mindset of traditioned innovation. But we do believe that you can learn to cultivate it by:
      *Becoming immersed in an imaginative engagement with the story of God told through Scripture

      *Learning from exemplary institutions, communities, and people practicing traditioned innovation.

      *Discovering new skills for integrating character formation and dense networks of friendships, communities and institutions into your leadership and life.

      Navigating the Future will explore stories and tips for cultivating traditioned innovation that will stimulate your thinking and inspire your imagination for more faithful and fruitful living along with the cultivation of more vibrant, life-giving institutions.

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    • God Of Creation Bible Study Book Revised (Student/Study Guide)


      The opening lines and chapters of Genesis teach us fundamental truths about God. We watch Him bring light after darkness, order after chaos, and rest after toil-all through the power of His Word.

      Over 10 sessions of verse-by-verse study, dive into the first 11 chapters of Genesis by following three critical stages of understanding: comprehension, interpretation, and application. Teaching videos are key in understanding this study. Revisit familiar stories and historical figures, challenge your basic knowledge, and discover deeper meanings in the text. As God reveals Himself through Scripture, we can only begin to understand ourselves when we first glimpse the character, attributes, and promises of our Creator.

      Additional purchase or renting of the video teaching sessions is recommended for the best experience of this Bible study book.

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    • Complete Guide To Godly Play Volume 6 (Expanded)


      Support, challenge, nourish, and guide children on their spiritual quest.

      Godly Play(R) is an imaginative approach to working with children, based on Montessori principles. It is more akin to spiritual direction and guidance than what we generally consider as religious education.

      Revised and expanded, The Complete Guide to Godly Play, Volume 6 offers new concepts and terminology, completely new illustrations, and a new structure that stems from more than ten years of using Godly Play with children across the world. More than 30 percent of the text is new or revised, including two new lessons, a revised Introduction, and a full Appendix.

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    • Radiant Church : Restoring The Credibility Of Our Witness


      Something is not right. The witness of the church in North America is eroding.

      Many Christians are alarmed by the decline in church attendance and seek a culprit. Too often, we point the finger away from the church, make culture the enemy, and build walls between us and others. But our antagonism and enemy-making are toxins that further eat away at our witness. Is there a better way? Tara Beth Leach could easily be one of those millennials giving up on the church. Instead, she is a pastor who loves the church and is paradoxically hopeful for its future. In an era where the church has lost much of its credibility, Leach casts a radiant vision for Christians to rediscover a robust, attractive witness. We need to name the toxic soil we’ve grown in, repent for past wrongs, and lean into a better way to become the church that Jesus proclaimed we would be. Leach casts down idolatrous false images of God to recover a winsome picture of a kingdom of abundance and goodness. We can be sustained by practices that will tune our hearts to God’s and form us into the radiant communities God intends for us and those around us.

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    • Lamenting Racism Participant Journal (Student/Study Guide)


      We need to talk about race. The Bible’s prayers of lament show us the way.

      Stories of racial injustice fill our news feeds. Yet for too long many of us in the church have been hesitant to speak up. We fear offending others, of using the wrong words, of not knowing what to say.

      In Lamenting Racism, a team of leading pastors and theologians come together to lay the groundwork for important conversations about racism in your congregation. In six, thought-provoking video sessions, they name that God’s people of every race are called to confront racism in every way possible. Together this team invites each of us to consider and give voice to how we have been shaped and formed by race.

      Calling on us to reclaim the lost art of biblical lament, they offer a powerful way to pour out the fear, shame, grief, and rage of racism in prayer. In the process, we will be transformed, reclaiming hope for a world shaped by God’s inclusive vision of love and blessing.

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    • Elijah Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      Old Testament heroes are best known for their most celebrated, highlight moments: Moses dividing the Red Sea; David slaying Goliath; Gideon routing an insurmountable army; Joshua marching around the defiant walls of Jericho.

      And Elijah-calling down fire on Mount Carmel.

      Blinded by the remarkable narratives of our biblical heroes, we can forget they each had a backstory-months and years of development, even difficulty, which fortified their spiritual muscle and prepared them for the tasks that made their lives unforgettable.

      This 7-session Bible study, on one of the premier ancient prophets, is your invitation to surrender to that process.

      Every serious believer longs to summon up the kind of boldness and faith that can stand firm on Mount Carmel and pray down heaven into impossible situations. Yet few are willing to go through the process required to get them there. Strength of faith, character, and boldness can only be shaped in the hidden fires of silence, sameness, solitude, and adversity. Those who patiently wait on God in the darkness emerge with their holy loyalty cemented, their courage emblazoned, and their confident belief in Him set afire.

      Join author and Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer on a journey through the life and times of Elijah. Discover how the fire on Mount Carmel was forged in the valley of famine. And how the emboldened, fiery faith you desire is being fashioned by God in your life right now.

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    • New Testament Challenge Study Journal (Student/Study Guide)


      The New Testament Challenge is designed to help small-group members explore the books of the New Testament in a fresh and new way. In this Bible study (DVD/digital downloads sold separately), participants will learn how the story of God restoring his original creation-which was begun in the Old Testament-reached its crowning moment with the birth of Messiah into the world. Through Jesus’ birth, he answered the question once and for all of who God is and what he is like. Through Jesus’ teaching, he revealed the deepest meaning of the laws and institutions that God gave to the people of Israel. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, he introduced the life of the age to come into the present age. Group members will also discover how the followers of Jesus formed a new community and invited people from all over the world to join them, and how the Bible looks ahead to the day when Christ will return to renew all of creation and establish God’s justice and peace on the earth.

      Sessions include:

      1. Luke-Acts
      2. Luke-Acts, 1-2 Thessalonians
      3. 1-2 Corinthians, Galatians, Romans
      4. Romans, Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon, Philippians, 1 Timothy, Titus, 2 Timothy
      5. Matthew
      6. Hebrews, James, Mark
      7. 1-2 Peter, Jude, John
      8. 1-3 John, Revelation

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    • Keeping The Cross Central (Revised)


      Teen Challenge, also known as Adult and Teen Challenge, was founded as an evangelistic outreach to drug addicts in Brooklyn, New York City. As a holistic Christian ministry with the life-changing message of the gospel, this faith-based rehabilitation program was created with the vision that God can redeem the whole person, starting on day one of the program. This unique approach has produced success rates of over 70% for those who complete the rehabilitation program. However, as Teen Challenge has grown worldwide, with over 1,400+ centers in 129 countries, some centers are now turning to secular methods in order to access government funding. As co-founder of Teen Challenge, Don Wilkerson raises a warning flag on this mission drift: the power of the Cross, which brings about a changed life, must be the priority in treating drug addiction; if the Cross is not central to the mission of any Teen Challenge center, then it is not worthy of using the name “Teen Challenge.” The ministry must never lose its vision and focus in bringing men and women to Christ-through the gospel and discipleship-and stay faithful to the original mission which the founders stood upon.

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    • Worship At Home Lent 2021


      Worship at Home: Lent 2021 is packed with weekly worship services you can do on your own or with others and includes services for each week in Lent, including Ash Wednesday and services for Holy Week. This book is for congregations and individuals who want to stay spiritually connected and growing, even when they’re not worshiping together in the same space. It provides everything you need to conduct meaningful, spiritually fulfilling, traditionally rooted worship services at home or in other intimate environments.

      Each service includes essential worship elements, from gathering to benediction, with words and actions you can say and do yourself, links for online musical selections plus traditional hymn suggestions from a variety of hymnals.

      Here’s how individuals and families can use Worship at Home:
      – Individuals can use the resource for personal devotion and worship at any time, wherever they like. Use the entire service, or simply choose whatever portions are helpful.

      – Families can use Worship at Home in the same ways, any time and any place.

      – Suggestions are included for creating worship spaces at home, and for involving children in the services.

      Here’s how congregations or groups can use Worship at Home:
      – Pastors or group leaders can use this resource as complete worship plans for weekly church services. The pastor might prepare a sermon or homily, but everything else is ready to go.

      – People can use the resource for worship in any space-at a senior care center, in a park, on the lawn, at the church, and so forth. No bulletins or hymnals are needed.

      – People gathered to worship via Zoom, FaceTime, Instagram Live, or livestream will all be reading aloud the same prayers from these books, singing the same songs or singing along with a video.

      This provides real participation and a sense of community, even when people are worshiping remotely.

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    • Whatever Became Of Grace


      Have you noticed a decline of grace in Christianity, seeing corporate worship more as a stage upon which sinners are shamed for their deeds? Rev. John Pennington has taken notice of this alarming trend and takes the opportunity in these pages to reintroduce God’s disciples to the revolutionary concept of grace, freely given by God the Father.

      Despite the free gift of grace through Jesus Christ, many churches and even some preachers have unwittingly convinced their congregations that they must live a certain way; they must serve God in exactly the right way to earn his love and forgiveness. Through various stories and examples, Pennington shows how grace is active in our world-we just need to open our eyes to recognize and accept it. Pennington says, “How can we change that connotation of preaching after people grew up hearing negative stuff? I think the clue can be found in the gospel according to Matthew where the Sermon on the Mount told us how Jesus preached…Jesus didn’t come to fuss at people. He came to bless them, and only when preachers follow his example are they preaching the gospel.”.

      Throughout Whatever Became of Grace?, Pennington relates his own experiences as well as stories from around the world to help preachers share the gift of God’s grace with their congregations. Pastors will find many stories and illustrations for preaching. Readers will be inspired to share God’s grace with others.

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    • Gotta Minute : 60-Second Stories That Speak Of Life And Faith


      Known for his famous sixty-second stories about faith and God’s love, Gary Carver compiles some of his favorite one-minute sermons into this book to teach those who need to understand the love of God the most. “God has given to me the gift to see stories in the everyday lives of people, and the love of telling these stories, that people just like you may see spiritual truth.” In this world of varying beliefs and arguments, Carver wants to remind Christians of what it truly means to follow God and to understand what Jesus’ sacrifice means for each of us.

      Although his messages are short, they are deep and full of love, showing that we all have a bit of God in us. Throughout his pastoral career, Carver encountered a slew of unique people, preachers and laypersons alike-each with their own unique depiction of our Heavenly Father. Through each of his stories, Carver details exactly what God wants from us as his disciples, regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender identity, social class, political party or religion- the mandate to love your neighbors, no matter what.

      Carver shares powerful stories that detail the sacrifice that humans are willing to give such as with his story of Johnny. When Johnny was asked to donate blood to his sister, he hesitated before agreeing to the procedure. In the middle of it, “Johnny’s little voice broke the silence. ‘Say, Doc, when do I die?’ It was only then that the doctor realized that little Johnny actually thought that in giving his blood to his sister, he was giving up his life.”

      Suitable for sermon illustrations and including appropriate scripture references, Carver’s one-minute messages include:
      – Fall Down, Get Up (1 John 1:5-10)
      – Brought Father Lunch (1 Corinthians 12:1-27)
      – Procrastinator’s Club (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11)
      – Christ in My Son (Romans 9:28-30)

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    • Surprise Ending Childrens Sermons For Lent And Easter Cycle B


      “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Matthew 19:14). CSS Publishing is best known for our liturgical and sermon-based books. With A Surprise Ending!, CSS is going back to its roots where it originally got its name.

      CSS originally stood for Children’s Sermon Service and has published hundreds and hundreds of children’s sermons throughout its history. Many were originally written by founder Wesley Runk, and then others upon his retirement. This new volume is a perfect companion for all pastors with any amount of experience. Whether your congregation has never presented a children’s sermon during worship, or is well versed in the tradition, the contents of A Surprise Ending! will be sure to delight the children of your congregation (and the adults, too!)

      This anthology consists of some of the best children’s object-based lessons for Lent and Easter for Cycle B, pulled from CSS’ vast archive of children’s sermons. Each installment includes a detailed run-through of the lesson and activity. Easily found items are suggested before each message to help make the message clearer to your younger members.

      Children’s sermons included:
      -“Faith and Grace”- Second Sunday in Lent (Pt.2)
      -“A Surprise Ending”- Resurrection of the Lord
      -“Jesus Chose You”- Sixth Sunday of Easter

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    • Future Church : 7 Laws Of Real Church Growth


      Church growth models have often been long on promises and short on disciple-making. We continue to watch consistent church attendance shrink, and our desire to reach the lost is infected with a need for self-validation by growing our numbers at any cost. If we believe that God wants his church to grow, where do we go from here? What is the future of the church?

      Drawing from his 20 years and 15,000 hours of consulting, author Will Mancini shares with pastors and ministry leaders the single most important insight he has learned about church growth. With plenty of salient stories and based solidly on the disciple-making methods found in Scripture, Future Church exposes the church’s greatest challenge today, and offers 7 transforming laws of real church growth so that we can faithfully and joyfully fulfill Jesus’s Great Commission.

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    • 7 Words : Listening To Christ From The Cross


      Examine the last seven words of Christ on the cross this Lent.

      While many of us naturally wish to avoid the reality of the cross, it’s from the cross that Jesus speaks and shows his deepest love for us. It’s from the cross that Jesus’ full humanity draws us closest to him. It’s from the cross, as Jesus breathes his last breath and speaks his last words, that his deep trust in the Father and his divine glory are revealed. Those who listen to Jesus’ last words from the cross will discover what he most wants them (the world) to hear and will experience an intimate and divine awe only available to those who are willing to draw near his cross.

      In Seven Words, Susan Robb looks at the seven last words of Christ on the cross through a lens that finds life and hope in his final sayings, while exploring each from a biblical and historical perspective. The book brings a hopeful and contemplative take on the cross during the weeks of Lent.

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    • Savior Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Achieve a richer understanding of the Christian faith through the cross.

      The cross is the central symbol of the Christian faith. But what exactly did Jesus do to save us from our sins? Why was the cross necessary, and what does it mean for us today?

      In Savior: What the Bible Says About the Cross, Magrey deVega faithfully describes the need for reconciliation between humankind and a holy God through Jesus’ death on the cross. The Bible uses many images to understand the meaning of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and deVega guides us through these images to achieve a richer understanding of the Christian faith. By exploring the mystery of salvation through the cross, we can deepen our love for God and others and strengthen our commitment to follow Jesus

      The small group Leader Guide contains session outline for each group meeting with Scripture, prayer, opening activity, discussion questions, activity, and ending call to action.

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    • Savior : What The Bible Says About The Cross


      Explore why Jesus died on the cross and how it brings us salvation

      The cross is the central symbol of the Christian faith. But what exactly did Jesus do to save us from our sins? Why was the cross necessary, and what does it mean for us today?

      In Savior: What the Bible Says About the Cross, Magrey deVega faithfully describes the need for reconciliation between humankind and a holy God through Jesus’ death on the cross. The Bible uses many images to understand the meaning of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and deVega guides us through these images to achieve a richer understanding of the Christian faith. By exploring the mystery of salvation through the cross, we can deepen our love for God and others and strengthen our commitment to follow Jesus

      Components for this six-session study will include a book, leader guide, and a DVD with videos featuring deVega presenting each chapter’s main ideas and themes. The leader guide will include instructions for showing and discussing these videos as an option for the group leader.

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    • Women In The Bible


      What was it like to be a woman in the biblical period? It depended, in part, on who you were: a queen, a judge, a primary wife, a secondary wife, a widow, a slave, or some other kind of ordinary woman. In Women in the Bible, Jaime Clark-Soles investigates how women are presented in Scripture, taking into account cultural views of both ancient societies as well as our own. While women today are exercising leadership in churches across a number of denominations and our scholarly knowledge related to women in the Bible has grown immensely, challenges remain. Most of Christendom still excludes women from religious leadership, and many Christians invoke the Bible to circumscribe women’s leadership in the public square and in the home as well. It is more urgent than ever, therefore, to investigate closely, honestly, and intrepidly what the Bible does and doesn’t say about women.

      In a multipronged approach, Clark-Soles treats well-known biblical women from fresh perspectives, highlights women who have been ignored, and recovers those who have been erased from historical memory by particular moves made in the transmission and translations of the text. She explores symbolic feminized figures like Woman Wisdom and the Whore of Babylon and reclaims the uses of feminine imagery in the Bible that often go unnoticed. Chapters focus on themes of God’s relationship to gender, women and violence, women as creators, and women in the ministry of both Jesus and Paul. Clark-Soles aims to equip clergy and other leaders invested in the study of Scripture to consider women in the Bible from multiple angles and, as a result, help people of all genders to live God’s vision of better, more just lives as we navigate the challenges of our complex, globally connected world.

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    • Color Of Compromise Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      In The Color of Compromise, Jemar Tisby takes readers back to the roots of sustained racism and injustice in the American church. Filled with powerful stories and examples of American Christianity’s racial past, Tisby’s historical narrative highlights the obvious ways people of faith have actively worked against racial justice, as well as the complicit silence of racial moderates. The Color of Compromise Study Guide, used together with The Color of Compromise Video Study, unpacks the content of the video study for an in-depth diagnosis of a racially divided American church, suggesting ways to foster a more equitable and inclusive environment among God’s people.

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    • 7 Words Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Examine the last seven words of Christ on the cross this Lent.

      While many of us naturally wish to avoid the reality of the cross, it’s from the cross that Jesus speaks and shows his deepest love for us. It’s from the cross that Jesus’ full humanity draws us closest to him. It’s from the cross, as Jesus breathes his last breath and speaks his last words, that his deep trust in the Father and his divine glory are revealed. Those who listen to Jesus’ last words from the cross will discover what he most wants them (the world) to hear and will experience an intimate and divine awe only available to those who are willing to draw near his cross.

      In Seven Words, Susan Robb looks at the seven last words of Christ on the cross through a lens that finds life and hope in his final sayings, while exploring each from a biblical and historical perspective. The book brings a hopeful and contemplative take on the cross during the weeks of Lent.

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    • Daily Feast Meditations From Feasting On The Word Year B


      Feasting on the Word has quickly become the most popular lectionary commentary series in use today. This is the first in a new series of daily devotionals that draws from the wealth of writing in the commentaries to present inspirational reflections, responses, and prayers for each day of the lectionary year.

      Each day of the week contains Scripture passages for the coming Sunday from the Revised Common Lectionary, excerpts from the commentaries for reflection, a response, and a prayer. Additional material is provided for each Sunday.

      These handsome volumes will be packaged in a soft leather-like cover with rounded corners, a stamped cover, and a sewn-in ribbon to help you keep your place.

      Feasting on the Word is a twelve-volume lectionary commentary series that presents brief essays on each of four perspectives–exegetical, theological, pastoral, and homiletical–for each of the four Sunday readings. The series is edited by Barbara Brown Taylor and David L. Bartlett with a distinguished editorial board, and has been produced in partnership with Columbia Theological Seminary. For more information about the series and other related projects, visit

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    • Bobbie Baker And Kingdom Core Values Volume 1


      A Full Interactive Children’s Curriculum Experience

      Bobbie Baker is a klutzy, goofy, messy baker, with a beautiful heart, and his mission is to reflect Jesus to the children in your classroom! The Bobbie Baker and Kingdom Core Values curriculum offers a holistic solution for a supernatural children’s ministry that is grounded in core, biblical truth.

      In this fourteen-week adventure, children ages 5-10 will encounter truths that Bobbie Baker shares from his recipe book – the Bible. Each week, kids will explore a Biblical principle with Bobbie, discovering practical values like joy, God’s presence, healing, and more. Along the way, they will discover the Holy Spirit, grow in spiritual gifts, and get to know Jesus on a deeper level.

      Lessons include:
      *God is Good
      *Salvation Creates Joyful Identity
      *Jesus Empowers Supernatural Ministry
      *God is Still Speaking
      *Free and Responsible
      *Generous Like My Father
      *and so much more!

      Each lesson contains fun and thought-provoking activities – skits with Bobbie Baker, weekly Bible memorization games, step-by-step prophetic activations, and pre-planned, small-to-large group games.

      The concepts unpacked in each lesson are easy to understand and will empower children as they learn. This curriculum is your key to building a culture that emphasizes intimacy with Father God and supernatural ministry through fun and simple activities!Look for more adventures with Bobbie and his friends coming soon!

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    • God And Me Volume 1 Jesus And Me


      A Full Interactive Children’s Curriculum Experience

      There is no Junior Holy Spirit!

      Children’s ministry is meant to be an active, dynamic experience that extends far beyond “babysitting” on Sundays. God and Me: Volume 1 empowers the youngest of children (0-5 yrs) to begin to walk in their God-given identity and do the things Jesus did!

      Take your children on an anointed journey through twelve weeks of age-appropriate, customizable lessons that will help them learn to:
      *hear from God
      *pray for healing and breakthrough
      *worship God
      *make powerful declarations

      This fun, interactive curriculum provides the perfect starting point for a holistic, supernatural children’s ministry, grounded in core biblical truth. Each lesson has been intentionally crafted to model biblical principles, including activities and tools that will give every child a deep foundation in Scripture and a strong connection to the heart of God.

      So, what are you waiting for? Give the youngest children in your ministry an exciting start to the most important adventure of their lives – an adventure with God!

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    • Saving Grace Participant Workbook (Workbook)


      Learn to create a healthy relationship with your money and possessions

      Saving Grace: A Guide to Financial Health is a program to help people of faith create healthy relationships with money and possessions. Participants will move through six sessions covering such topics as saving, earning, giving, spending, and debt, along with helpful strategies for achieving a sustainable financial life. Adapted from the best-selling Freed Up Financial Living from the Good Sense Movement, this study is based on Wesleyan values and provides text and tools to help participants address life concerns and reach personal financial goals.

      Additional components for a six-week study include a DVD, Clergy Workbook, Leader Guide, and a 40-day devotional.

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    • From Burned Out To Beloved


      As a social worker, jail chaplain, and justice advocate, Bethany Dearborn Hiser pushed herself to the brink of burnout-only to discover that she needed the very soul care she was providing to others. Tackling the effects of secondary trauma and burnout, this is a trauma-informed soul care guide for Christians working in high-stress, helping professions.

      As a social worker, jail chaplain, and justice advocate, Bethany Dearborn Hiser pushed herself to the brink of burnout-and then kept going. Stress, despair, and compassion fatigue overwhelmed her ability to function. She was called to serve the abused, addicted, and homeless people in her community. Yet she was emotionally and spiritually exhausted. Something needed to change. Searching for answers, Hiser learned that trauma affects everyone who is exposed to it-not only those experiencing firsthand violence, homelessness, and addiction, but also the social workers, therapists, pastors, relief workers, teachers, and community development workers who are trying to help. Psychologists call it “secondary trauma.” Hiser discovered that she needed the very soul care that she was providing to others. From Burned Out to Beloved is Hiser’s story of burnout, self-discovery, and spiritual renewal. But more than that, it’s a trauma-informed soul care guide for Christians working in high-stress, helping professions. There are many resources on secondary trauma and spiritual disciplines, but few bring these areas together. From Burned Out to Beloved equips readers to confess their limitations, embrace their identities as beloved children of God, and flourish in the ministries where God has called them.

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    • Connection Year B Volume 2 Lent Through Pentecost


      Designed to empower preachers as they lead their congregations to connect their lives to Scripture, Connections features a broad set of interpretive tools that provide commentary and worship aids on the Revised Common Lectionary. This nine-volume series offers creative commentary on each reading through the lens of its connections to the rest of Scripture and then seeing the reading through the lenses of culture, film, fiction, ethics, and other aspects of contemporary life. Commentaries on the Psalms make connections to other readings and to the congregation’s experience of worship.

      Connections is published in partnership with Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

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    • Ruth For You


      Applied expository guide on the book of Ruth: a story of redemption that points us to Jesus.
      The book of Ruth is a love story. Like all love stories it has twists and turns, tension and resolution, and a happy ending.

      But it’s far more than that because it reveals to us a God who is deeply committed to caring for his people. In Boaz, God provides Ruth with a loving husband to free and provide for her, pointing us to the Bible’s grand story of redemption and David’s greatest son, Jesus.

      Tony Merida’s compelling story-telling and Christ-centered insights make this both an accessible and absorbing expository guide to the book of Ruth. It can be used for personal devotions, or for leading small-group studies, or for sermon preparation.

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    • Preaching Hope In Darkness


      How can a preacher best address suicide from the pulpit?

      Pastors face many challenges. Suicide in a congregation is amongst the most heart-rending and intimidating. However, the preacher has a unique capacity to engender gospel hope for preparing the congregation and comforting the bereaved. To do so, preachers need help understanding the challenges and opportunities presented by addressing suicide from the pulpit.

      In Preaching Hope in Darkness, two practitioners in fields that do not typically interact–homiletics (Scott M. Gibson) and psychology (Karen Mason)–work together to support the preacher in this difficult task. Gibson and Mason offer wise advice on a range of topics such as suicide prevention, post-crisis care, and funeral sermon preparation. With an appendix of sample sermons and a sample funeral liturgy, Preaching Hope in Darkness is an essential go-to guide for this difficult topic.

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    • Insider Church : Ekklesia And The Insider Paradigm


      Insider Movements = Church-planting Movements?

      ?In the last few decades, the Church has witnessed a growing harvest of Muslim-background believers coming to Christ. However, a divide remains over whether the “insider” paradigm contributes to the flourishing and multiplication of healthy, biblical churches among Muslims.

      S. T. Antonio advances this conversation beyond the old arguments through a fresh analysis of the insider paradigm by asking the question, What is church? Starting with the identity-shaping narrative of the people of God, Antonio digs deep into the nature of biblical ekklesia from multiple angles-local and universal, visible and invisible, the classical “marks” of the church, and missional identity. Combining a robust, biblical vision with a nuanced contextualization framework, and informed by firsthand ministry among Muslims, Antonio uncovers the roots and contours of the ecclesial vision of the insider paradigm. Insider Church provides an innovative diagnosis of a paradigm that has been surrounded by controversy, challenging it with constructive analysis for multiplying biblical churches among Muslims.

      This integrative study draws together biblical, theological, and missiological scholarship in service of Christ’s mission. Insider Church helps guide mission practitioners, leaders, and students toward a wise assessment of insider movements and a vision for church multiplication that is both fruitful and faithful to the Lord of the harvest.

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    • Connection Year B Volume 1 Advent Through Epiphany


      Designed to empower preachers as they lead their congregations to connect their lives to Scripture, Connections features a broad set of interpretive tools that provide commentary and worship aids on the Revised Common Lectionary.

      Designed to empower preachers as they lead their congregations to connect their lives to Scripture, Connections features a broad set of interpretive tools that provide commentary and worship aids on the Revised Common Lectionary. This nine-volume series offers creative commentary on each reading through the lens of its connections to the rest of Scripture and then seeing the reading through the lenses of culture, film, fiction, ethics, and other aspects of contemporary life. Commentaries on the Psalms make connections to other readings and to the congregation’s experience of worship.

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    • Bigger Table Expanded Edition With Study Guide (Expanded)


      This new edition includes a small-group study guide complete with ideas for exploring A Bigger Table in a congregation-wide sermon series and program along with a new foreword by Jacqui Lewis and new afterword by the author to explore the challenges of living out the bigger table when voices of hate and exclusion seem stronger and louder than ever.

      A Bigger Table invites readers to envision a church that is big enough for everyone, by holding up a mirror to the modern church and speaking clearly on issues at the heart of the Christian community: LGBT inclusion, gender equality, racial tensions, global concerns, and theological shifts. John Pavlovitz shares moving personal stories, his careful observations as a pastor, and his understanding of the ancient stories of Jesus to set the table for a new, positive, more loving conversation on these and other important matters of faith. Though there are many who would remove chairs and whittle down the guest list, we can build the bigger table Jesus imagined, practicing radical hospitality, total authenticity, messy diversity, and agenda-free community.

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    • Making Room : The Purpose And Practice Of Youth Ministry


      In Making Room, Michael A. Kipp contends that the primary purpose of youth ministry is to integrate young people into the body and mission of Christ. A lifelong youth ministry practitioner and researcher, Kipp shares the narrative of his and others’ experiences in order to help the church embrace and understand youth ministry more fully in practice, not just in theory.

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    • Womens Lectionary : Preaching The Women Of The Bible Throughout The Year


      In A Weary World, Escobar provides twenty-eight daily reflections paired with Scripture and prayer to tackle this difficult season. Weekly resources make this Advent devotional suitable for group study as well.

      During the holidays, so many of us can suffer for all kinds of reasons. The magnitude of our weary world weighs on our hearts and minds. We wrestle with chronic pain, broken relationships, shattered dreams, fragile faith, and unexpected losses. Our grief and sorrow feel particularly acute when compared to the festivity and joy everyone else seems to be feeling. More and more churches are acknowledging this fact with “Blue Christmas” services (also called “Longest Night” services) and offering resources to give particular support and comfort to those struggling during the “most wonderful time of the year.”

      Kathy Escobar has been leading Blue Christmas experiences at her church for nearly a decade and just experienced her bluest season of all following the sudden death of her son. In A Weary World, Escobar provides twenty-eight daily reflections paired with prayers and practices to honor our struggles during the holidays. Weekly resources make this Advent devotional suitable for group study as well.

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    • Hopeful Neighborhood : What Happens When Christians Pursue The Common Good


      When Christians join together to pursue the common good of our neighborhoods, we bring hope to the world, credibility to the church, and glory to God. Filled with original research from the Barna Group and Lutheran Hour Ministries, this book from Don Everts offers constructive, practical ways that Christians and churches can bless our local communities.

      Are you tired of hearing people dismiss the church as an irrelevant relic? (Do you secretly wonder if they are right?) Don Everts explores an exciting reality that is revealed in Scripture, shown throughout history, and confirmed in the latest research: when Christians pursue the common good of the neighborhood, the world stands up and notices. It turns out this is exactly what we’re called to do. When Christians make good things, we bring blessings and hope to our local community. With original research from the Barna Group and Lutheran Hour Ministries on how Christians relate to our neighborhoods, this book is filled with constructive, practical ways that Christians and churches bless those around us. As Christians join together for the common good, we bring hope to the world, credibility to the church, and glory to God.

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    • Habakkuk : Remembering God’s Faithfulness When He Seems Silent


      Why does God seem silent when I need Him most?

      The prophet Habakkuk faced great storms in life. His fears of the future crippled him with doubt and left him questioning God. How is it, then, that he is now a shining example of how the righteous live by faith?

      Learn how the storms of life can become opportunities to activate your faith in Habakkuk: Remembering the Faithfulness of God When He Seems Silent. You’ll study the book of Habakkuk-which maybe you’ve never done before!-and discover how remembering is essential to understanding the faithfulness of God. Through daily Scripture, prayer, and meditation, you’ll enter the life of this prophet, and:

      *Gain freedom to express your fear and frustration to God
      *Remember that God is at work-even when He seems silent
      *Increase your capacity to practice the art of waiting on God
      *Learn how to navigate through the storms of life to live free from fear and full of joy

      This six-week study provides daily interactive Bible study and an easy-to-use leader’s guide for group participation. Dannah Gresh also hosts a six-session podcast series to kick off each week of study. Find it at

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