Program Resources

Showing 251–300 of 472 results

  • Sensible Shoes Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Reading For Week One: Chapter One
    Week One Group Discussion
    Reading For Week Two: Chapter Two
    Week Two Group Discussion
    Reading For Week Three: Chapter Three
    Week Three Group Discussion
    Reading For Week Four: Chapters Four And Five
    Week Four Group Discussion
    Reading For Week Five: Chapters Five And Six>
    Week Five Group Discussion
    Reading For Week Six: Chapters Six And Seven
    Week Six Group Discussion
    Reading For Week Seven: Chapter Seven
    Week Seven Group Discussion
    Reading For Week Eight: Chapters Eight And Nine
    Week Eight Group Discussion
    Reading For Week Nine: Chapter Nine
    Week Nine Group Discussion
    Reading For Week Ten: Chapter Ten
    Week Ten Group Discussion
    Reading For Week Eleven: Chapter Eleven
    Week Eleven Group Discussion
    Reading For Week Twelve: Chapter Twelve And Epilogue
    Week Twelve Group Discussion

    Additional Info
    Have you enjoyed the journey with Meg, Mara, Charissa, and Hannah? This companion guide will take you deeper into their world and give you an opportunity to try out the spiritual practices that you’ve seen them engage at New Hope Retreat Center.

    Sensible Shoes Study Guide includes twelve weeks of daily Scripture reading, prayer, and reflection questions (five days a week) that correspond to the disciplines the women practice in the book. A group discussion guide concludes each week. Engaging the lives of these characters in their spiritual journeys will offer both a window and a mirror into your own life and relationship with Christ.

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  • Online Mission And Ministry


    Many clergy and churches are now taking to the internet and social media to promote their churches or ministries, but few have thought through some of the difficult pastoral and theological issues that may arise.’Virtual vicar’ Revd Pam Smith guides both new and experienced practitioners through setting up online ministries and considers some of the issues that may arise, such as:Are relationships online as valid as those offline? Is it possible to participate in a ‘virtual’ communion service? How do you deal with ‘trolls’ in a Christian way? What is it appropriate for a clergyperson to say on social media?

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  • What Clergy Do


    Clergy have a pivotal role in creating and nurturing church communities in which all people can grow up into Christ. This book explores the nature of that role by considering key similarities with the essential but often conflicting demands of motherhood. Like mothers, clergy need to preserve and hold people faithfully, while encouraging them to grow, take initiatives and become more confident and self-supporting. This book will help clergy to think about how this is achieved through the myriad of ‘small’ things they do from day to day, highlighting skills such as comforting, cherishing and multi-attending – skills that are centrally important but often unarticulated and undervalued.

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  • Anxious For Nothing Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    According the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders are reaching epidemic proportions. In a given year, 17% of Americans will feel the effects of a panic attack. Anxiety-related issues are the number one mental health problem among women and are second only to alcohol and drug abuse among men. Between 1997 and 2004, Americans more than doubled their spending on anti-anxiety medications from $900 million to $2.1 billion.

    We are tense. Why? Change is one reason. Sociologists speculate the world has changed more in the last thirty years than it has in the last three hundred! Every day seems to bring new change and threats. We also face personal challenges-job loss, cancer, divorce, addiction, bankruptcy. Add to personal challenges those of a global nature imported into our lives every few seconds thanks to smart phones, TVs, and computer screens. In our parents’ day, the nightly news caught them up on world events. Now it is a matter of minutes.

    Anxiety just comes with life. However, as God’s Word reveals, it doesn’t have to dominate life. In this six-session video-based Bible study, bestselling author Max Lucado looks at seven admonitions from the apostle Paul in Philippians 4:4-8 that lead to one wonderful promise: “The peace of God which surpasses all understanding.” As he unpacks each verse, he shows how God is ready to give comfort to help us face the calamities in life, view bad news through the lens of sovereignty, discern the lies of Satan, and tell ourselves the truth. We can be anxious for nothing, and discover true peace from God that surpasses all human understanding.

    Sessions include:
    1. Rejoice in the Lord Always
    2. Let Your Gentleness Be Known to All
    3. In Everything by Prayer… with Thanksgiving
    4. The Peace of God… Will Guard Your Hearts
    5. Meditate on These Things

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  • Because Of Gracia A Film And Faith Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Because of Gracia: A Film and Faith Leader’s Guide equips youth pastors and small group leaders to explore the key themes in this award-winning film through a life-changing discipleship curriculum. The nine-week guide contains three weeks of “Conversations” on three core topics from the film, Practicing Friendship (God’s Design for Relationships), Choosing Life (Teen Pregnancy and the Sanctity of Life), and Voicing Faith (Defending Christianity in Public). The Because of Gracia Leader’s Guide is designed for use with the related Because of Gracia Film and Faith Conversation Guide for students, a unique hybrid experience that offers complementary material for small group sessions, as well as daily reflections for students to use throughout the week in “conversation partner” pairs. The resulting 45-day experience allows young Christians to pursue discipleship with others, while helping them to wrestle with the difficult issues they’re facing today. The Because of Gracia curriculum was created to affirm that with God’s amazing and empowering grace, young people CAN live in a new way.

    Take your students on a spiritual journey alongside Gracia, Chase, and the rest of Eastglenn High as they face life-altering decisions, learning that grace is both the gift of mercy when we fail and our empowerment to live in truth and light.

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  • Clash Of Kingdoms Discovery Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Like the Roman Empire, today’s governments or organizations can become centered on power and believe their messages are the “good news.” As Christians, we’re called to proclaim God’s name in all the earth (1 Chronicles 16:8), but how do we to do that in the midst of false gospels?

    In this fifteenth volume of That The World May Know , discover how Paul communicated the Good News of Christ to Philippi, a Roman colony that worshipped false gods. Can you live the message as Paul did while he encouraged the church in Philippi to consider itself a colony of heaven, not Rome? Consider your citizenship-and the message you convey to the world-as Ray Vander Lann takes you deeper into the culture of ancient Philippi.

    Experience the Bible in historical context, as you walk in the footsteps of the second missionary tour of the Apostle Paul in Greece-in locations like Philippi, Thessaloniki, and Delphi.

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  • These Are Our Bodies High School Participant Book (Student/Study Guide)


    This book is the high school participant’s guide to use during each session of the These Are Our Bodies program. It is filled with prayers, scripture, and reflection questions designed to help the participant see the connection between their sexuality and their faith. With lots of space for journaling, a glossary of important terms and words are included, as well as appropriate websites for further learning or help.* An easily accessible, theologically progressive, mainline Christian Ed resource on human sexuality * A High School program resource to engage youth in connecting faith and sexuality in grades 9-12

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  • These Are Our Bodies High School Parent Book


    A resource for parents or caregivers, this book will keep the parent informed about each session. In each chapter they will read about what their high schoolers is learning as well as journal questions that will help them connect faith with sexuality and with parenting. The adult reader will have an opportunity to reflect on the same scripture that their child has reflected upon so that all involved will learn new was to think about sexuality and how faith is relevant to understanding the complexities of sexuality and the responsibilities involved. In this program both participants and parents learn and grow together.* An easily accessible, theologically progressive, mainline Christian Ed resource on human sexuality * A High School program resource to engage youth in connecting faith and sexuality in grades 9-12

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  • Ruth : Discovering Your Place In Gods Story


    Bible study is an important spiritual discipline, but it can be intimidating and often difficult for newcomers. These four-session coloring Bible studies for adults are designed for group use and as outreach to new Christians and non-Christians. Incorporating coloring, the text of The Message, and a mix of study and reflection questions, the new Drawn In Bible Study series offers a unique on-ramp experience for those new to Bible study, and a refreshing holistic approach for seasoned Bible students.

    In Ruth: Discovering Your Place in God’s Story, readers will get to know Ruth, Boaz, and Naomi-easily overlooked figures in the Bible who nevertheless play a critical role in the ancestry of Jesus. This study features pages for coloring, the earthy language of The Message, and questions that help you understand not just the text of the Bible but your own connection to Ruth’s story.

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  • Christmas Plays And Biblical Skits


    Will Maudine ever stop being so bossy? Should Aunt Vera get a hearing aid for Christmas? Does Richard really miss his pink flamingo? Can John say anything other than uh-huh and huh-uh? Find the answers to these questions when you join Aunt Vera and her friends as they prepare for their Christmas pageants. Follow them as they find themselves in various situations involving lighthearted rivalry, mystery, and good-natured humor.

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  • Christmas Plays And Biblical Skits


    Will Maudine ever stop being so bossy? Should Aunt Vera get a hearing aid for Christmas? Does Richard really miss his pink flamingo? Can John say anything other than uh-huh and huh-uh? Find the answers to these questions when you join Aunt Vera and her friends as they prepare for their Christmas pageants. Follow them as they find themselves in various situations involving lighthearted rivalry, mystery, and good-natured humor.

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  • Know Why You Believe


    The Christian life depends upon faith, but there are good reasons for that faith. In Know Why You Believe professor and author K. Scott Oliphint answers the “why” questions both Christians and non-Christians often ask, laying out a simple and convincing case for the core teachings of Christianity.

    As part of the KNOW series, Know Why You Believe is designed for personal study or classroom use, but also for small groups and Sunday schools wanting to better understand the traditional defenses of Christian belief. Each chapter covers a foundational teaching and includes a rationale for that teaching, responses to common objections, reflection questions to prompt further consideration, and suggested readings for readers wanting to dig deeper.

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  • Are You In The Game Or In The Way


    A men’s ministry reality check: What is standing in the way of a vital men’s ministry in your church? The guy who should be at the forefront is often in the way of the program getting off the ground.
    Are you, as pastor, the main obstacle to the growth of a vital men’s ministry?
    Are you the guy who wants to start a men’s ministry in your church but don’t know how?
    Is fear or a sense of inadequacy keeping you from starting such a ministry?
    Pastor Ross Holtz tells his personal story of how he became a catalyst for growth, instead of an impediment will inspire pastors and men’s ministry leaders.

    What works, what doesn’t, and what is required in forming a vital men’s ministry. Practical and honest teaching filled with relevant and tested examples from recognizing the problem to finding the fix.

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  • Marriage Preparation Workbook (Workbook)


    Life is filled with choices, but one of the most significant choices a person will ever make is the decision to marry someone. The questions in this marriage preparation workbook are designed to help you explore a number of issues that couples face as they contemplate life together.

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  • 12 Women Of The Bible Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In this 12-session small group Bible study, Twelve Women of the Bible, Lysa TerKuerst, Elisa Morgan, Jeanne Stevens and other leaders look at the spiritual lessons learned from twelve biblical women and what they mean for your life today.

    You’ll learn about the triumphs and failures of Mary Magdalene, Rebekah, Hannah, and nine other women, studying their lives and learning how to:
    *Apply biblical lessons to their own modern-day struggles
    *Live through their failures as well as successes
    *Draw near to God in a world filled with trials
    *Find lasting contentment
    *Overcome rejection and insecurity and much more

    Each of the 12 sessions focuses on one biblical character. You’ll also discover lessons from each of these women that will help you persevere through the circumstances you are facing today.

    This Study Guide features discussion questions, background information on each character, space to write down thoughts, a helpful Leader’s Guide, and much more. It is designed for use with the Twelve Women of the Bible DVD (sold separately).

    Sessions include:
    1. Eve: Finding Lasting Contentment in the Truth (Lysa TerKeurst)
    2. Rebekah: Breaking Free of Feminine Stereotypes (Jonalyn Fincher)
    3. Leah: Overcoming Rejection and Insecurity (Naomi Zacharias)
    4. Hannah: Surrendering in Waiting (Amena Brown)
    5. Abigail: Dealing with Confrontation in Relationships
    6. Gomer: Learning to Accept Unconditional Love (Jeanne Stevens)
    7. Mary, Mother of Jesus: Moving from Comfort to Courage (Jeanne Stevens)
    8. Mary Magdalene: Transforming from Outcast to Follower (Jonalyn Fincher)
    9. Mary of Bethany: Putting Our Faith into Action (Elisa Morgan)
    10. Martha: Finding Our Identity in Jesus (Amena Brown)
    11. The Woman at the Well: Turning Our Messes into Messages (Lysa TerKuerst)
    12. The Syrophoenician Woman: Approaching God with Persistency and Boldness (Naomi Zacharias)

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  • Cherish Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Most married couples survive by gritting their teeth and holding on. But what if husbands sought to truly cherish their wives? What if in social settings they did their best to make sure she was heard? What if they supported her goals so she could work in her gifts? What if they bought the things she needed to open up her home and put the beauty of her hospitality on display? And what if wives adopted the same attitude? What if she made sure her husband knew she was his strongest supporter? What if she were willing to support him, stabilize him, bind up his wounds-spiritual and emotional-and turn him so his strongest side was always showing? What if she helped him risk failure out in the world because she made it known to him that he would always be her courageous champion? What would that do to him? For the relationship? In the Cherish Him, Cherish Her video-based study, bestselling author Gary Thomas shows how marriages can not only survive but also thrive when husbands and wives learn to cherish one another. How we can go from neglect and disrespect to cherish and adore. How we can send our marriages into a different dimension. How we can recalibrate our marriages when needed so we don’t suffer from apathy, indifference, and gradual drift. None of us want marriages where we grit our teeth and just tolerate each other because God’s Word says we don’t qualify for divorce. We don’t want marriages where our spouses really don’t like us, much less respect us. We want to be married to someone we cherish and who cherishes us, and it is possible to get to that point.

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  • Way Of A Disciple


    The Walking with God series was developed as the curriculum for small groups at Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois. Since its release in 1992, it has been used by churches and small groups to help raise up devoted disciples of Christ. Group members who work through the program will lay a solid foundation for a lifelong walk with God.

    While small groups may be formed for a variety of purposes, the goal of this curriculum is for groups to produce disciples-fully devoted followers of Christ-by studying God’s Word in community. To this end, the goal of the study is to produce disciples who walk with God, have a personal relationship with Jesus, and live in step with the Holy Spirit. It is also to produce believers who live the Word in all areas of life and contribute to the work that God is doing in the local church. Ultimately, the goal is to develop believers who impact the world and are prepared and eager to spread the good news of Christ to others.

    This material will help develop these attributes in group members. Each lesson includes group Bible study and discussion questions in addition to devotions, reflections, and personal study for use by individuals between the group sessions.

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  • Work Of A Disciple


    The Walking with God series was developed as the curriculum for small groups at Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois. Since its release in 1992, it has been used by churches and small groups to help raise up devoted disciples of Christ. Group members who work through the program will lay a solid foundation for a lifelong walk with God.

    While small groups may be formed for a variety of purposes, the goal of this curriculum is for groups to produce disciples-fully devoted followers of Christ-by studying God’s Word in community. To this end, the goal of the study is to produce disciples who walk with God, have a personal relationship with Jesus, and live in step with the Holy Spirit. It is also to produce believers who live the Word in all areas of life and contribute to the work that God is doing in the local church. Ultimately, the goal is to develop believers who impact the world and are prepared and eager to spread the good news of Christ to others.

    This material will help develop these attributes in group members. Each lesson includes group Bible study and discussion questions in addition to devotions, reflections, and personal study for use by individuals between the group sessions.

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  • Prodigal Son Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Nearly two thousand years ago, Jesus told a simple parable about a father and his two sons. It was a story of rebellion, repentance, and unfathomable grace. This parable of the prodigal son stands out because it presents, in clear and inspiring terms, our struggle with sin, our need for repentance, and the Father’s inexhaustible mercy and love for us. Even those who know next to nothing else about the Bible know something about this tale. In this study, John MacArthur provides fascinating new insights into this parable and explores why so many of us recognize ourselves in its narrative. For believers, the prodigal son is a humbling reminder of who we are and how much we owe to God’s grace. For those who are conscious of their guilt but unrepentant, the prodigal’s life is a searing reminder of the wages of sin, the duty of the sinner to repent, and the goodness of God. For sinners coming to repentance, the father’s eager welcome and costly generosities are reminders that God’s grace and goodness are inexhaustible. For all of us, the elder brother’s attitude is a powerful warning that reveals how easily unbelief can masquerade as faithfulness. This five-session video-based study includes re-enacted vignettes from the parable with accompanying teaching from John MacArthur. With this study, experienced and new group leaders alike will be equipped to lead a life-changing study for their group members.

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  • He Chose The Nails Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Every gift from God reveals his love. But no gift reveals his love more than the gifts of the cross. They came not wrapped in paper, but in passion. Not placed around a tree, but a cross. Not covered with ribbons, but sprinkled with blood.

    Much has been said about the gift of the cross itself, but what of the other gifts? What of the nails, the crown of thorns? The garments taken by the soldiers? The garments given for the burial? Have we taken time to open these gifts? Jesus didn’t have to give them, you know. The only act required for our salvation was the shedding of blood. Yet he did so much more.

    The hill of the cross is rich with God’s gifts. So let’s examine them. Let’s unwrap the gifts of grace as if—or perhaps, indeed—for the first time. And as we touch them—as we feel the timber of the cross and trace the braid of the crown and finger the point of the spike—we need to pause and listen. Perchance we will hear him whisper: “I did it just for you.”
    Sessions include:
    *He Chose to Be One of Us (Crown of Thorns)
    *He Chose to Forgive Us (Nails)
    *He Chose to Love Us Forever (Cross)
    *He Chose to Give Us Victory (Empty Tomb)

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  • Story Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    The Story group Bible study provides groups of all sizes the opportunity to discuss and apply what they experience during the 31-week The Story church campaign.

    To understand the Bible, says Frazee, you need bifocal lenses, because two perspectives are involved. The Lower Story, our story, is actually many stories of men and women interacting with God in the daily course of life.

    The Upper Story is God’s story, the tale of his great, overarching purpose that puts the individual stories together like panels in one unified mural.

    In 31 sessions, The Story video-based group study opens your eyes to God’s master plan unfolding in the lives of the Bible’s characters and in your own life.

    Discover the heart of God’s Upper Story, and the joy that comes as you align your story with God’s. The Story Study Guide and DVD (sold separately) are designed for use by groups of all sizes, including small groups and Sunday school and adult education classes.

    Designed for use with The Story Adult Curriculum Study DVD (9780310329527) sold separately.

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  • Christmas Programs Dramas And Skits


    Bright, new authors writing for churches and small groups to celebrate Christmas with dramas and skits. Writing is done in contemporary and tradition styles.

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  • Small Church Youth And Family Ministry


    Small Church Youth Ministry highlights the big impact small churches can have on the faith journey of their young people. It is designed to encourage and help small churches start, build and lead effective disciple making youth ministry. Topics include a biblical foundation, practical helps, tools and activities.

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  • Present Over Perfect Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In a culture that values speed, efficiency, image, and busyness, some of us are aching for another way to live: more intentional, more connected. Simpler, slower, richer. Many of us have believed the myth that achievement and success bring us contentment, only to find it’s actually things like connection and meaning, not success and achievement, that provide true peace and genuine happiness.

    Present Over Perfect is bestselling author Shauna Niequist’s motto for how to live a rich, engaged, and loving life in the midst of what often feels terribly messy and imperfect.

    As a wife, mother, friend, and writer, Shauna shares with vulnerability and transparency about the reality of living wholly present in our relationships with our families and the others we love. These five sessions will inspire participants to discover their own path to this more fulfilling way to do life.

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  • Living Out The Message Of Christ Participants Guide 8 (Student/Study Guide)


    A Program for Implementing a Christ-Centered Recovery Ministry in Your Church
    Alcoholism – Divorce – Sexual Abuse – Codependency – Domestic Violence – Drug Addiction – Sexual Addiction – Food Addiction – Gambling Addiction and others.

    There is a way the church can help the hurting move beyond their wounds to experience the healing and forgiveness of Christ. Since 1991, more than 200,000 people have participated in the Celebrate Recovery programs offered at more than 3,500 churches, prisons, and rescue missions.

    Drawn from the Beatitudes, Celebrate Recovery helps people resolve painful problems in the context of the church as a whole.

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  • Moving Forward In Gods Grace The Journey Continues Participants Guide 5


    A Program for Implementing a Christ-Centered Recovery Ministry in Your Church

    Alcoholism – Divorce – Sexual Abuse – Codependency – Domestic Violence – Drug Addiction – Sexual Addiction – Food Addiction – Gambling Addiction and others.

    There is a way the church can help the hurting move beyond their wounds to experience the healing and forgiveness of Christ. Since 1991, more than 200,000 people have participated in the Celebrate Recovery programs offered at more than 3,500 churches, prisons, and rescue missions.

    Drawn from the Beatitudes, Celebrate Recovery helps people resolve painful problems in the context of the church as a whole.

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  • Getting Right With God Yourself And Others Participants Guide 3 (Student/Study G


    The Celebrate Recovery Participant’s Guides are essential tools for the personal recovery journey. In the seven lessons in Guide 3: Getting Right with God, Yourself, and Others, you will move through principles 5-7 of the recovery process:
    5 – Openly examine and confess my faults to God, to myself, and to someone I trust. “Happy are the pure in heart” (Matthew 5:8).

    6 – Voluntarily submit to every change God wants to make in my life and humbly ask Him to remove my character defects. “Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires” (Matthew 5:6).

    7 – Evaluate all my relationships. Offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me and make amends for harm I’ve done to others, except when to do so would harm them or others. “Happy are the merciful” (Matthew 5:7). “Happy are the peacemakers” (Matthew 5:9).

    By working through the lessons and exercises found in each of the four Participant’s Guides you will begin to experience the true peace and serenity you have been seeking, restore and develop stronger relationships with others and with God, and find freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits.

    All the scriptures have been updated to the new NIV 2011 version.

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  • Gods Not Dead 2 Adult Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This four-week study guide by author Rice Broocks will help small group members answer one of the most important questions featured in the movie God’s Not Dead 2: “Who do you say I am?” Lead your groups to discover what they truly believe in, and give them a foundation to defend their faith even in the midst of opposition. For use with the God’s Not Dead 2 DVD-based Study.

    The four weekly topics are:

    Lesson 1: Searching for Answers
    Lesson 2: Understanding the Evidence
    Lesson 3: Passing the Test
    Lesson 4: Spreading the News

    About the film, in theaters nationwide on April 1, 2016:

    From the college classroom of GODS NOT DEAD to the public square in GODS NOT DEAD 2, the name of Jesus is welcomed less and less with each passing day. If Christians don’t take a stand today, will we even have a choice tomorrow?

    When a Christian teacher is asked an honest question about Jesus, her reasoned response lands her in big trouble. As the principal and superintendent join forces with a zealous civil liberties group, an epic court case could expel God from the classroom and the public square once and for all!

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  • Saving Your Second Marriage Before It Starts Workbook For Women Updated (Workboo


    Complete with twenty-eight self-tests-two of them brand-new-and a new group discussion guide, the expanded and updated Saving Your Second Marriage Before It Starts workbooks for men and women will help couples uncover and understand the unique shaping factors they bring into their second marriage both as men and women and as individuals.
    Exercises and assignments will help couples identify and meld their love styles, face the myths of remarriage honestly, become soul mates, identify each person’s “hot topics,” and much more.

    The discussion guide in each workbook integrates with the Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts DVD (sold separately and includes seven pre-marriage sessions plus two additional sessions specifically designed to help prepare couples for remarriage) to facilitate lively and eye-opening interaction. Each session links with the workbook exercises and concludes with exercises each couple can do together between each lesson.

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  • Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts Workbook For Men Updated (Student/Study Gu


    The Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts Workbook for Men will help you uncover and understand the unique shaping factors you bring into your marriage both as a woman/man and as an individual. Prepare for some surprising and helpful insights, for honest, intimate, and enjoyable relationship-strengthening conversations with you and your fiance, and for engaging discussions with a small group.

    Twenty-four exercises will shed amazing new light on the way you are put together, how that affects specific aspects of how you and your loved one relate, and how you can improve those areas to build a better relationship. You will gain unprecedented insights into – your personal “Ten Commandments” – making your roles conscious – getting your sex life off to a great start – identifying your “hot topics” – your spiritual journey … and much, much more
    Les and Leslie will help both of you enjoy lively and eye-opening interaction through seven sessions and bonus sessions on the DVD. For small groups, individual couples, and pastors and marriage counselors, each session links with the workbook exercises and concludes with an exercise each couple can do together over the next week.

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  • If Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    If is a powerful little word. Some people are stuck in “if only,” trudging through lives marked with regret. But God wants us to live lives marked with possibilities, with the “what if” attitude that looks forward to the future with confidence. Why? Because the answer to “If God is for us, who can be against us?” is “No one.” God is always on our side. Every day, in every way.

    With his trademark enthusiasm and contagious joy, Mark Batterson helps readers overcome feelings of guilt, fear, and doubt because in Christ there is no condemnation. Unpacking the promises of Romans 8, he shows readers that they are more than conquerors–right now and forever. And because of that, the possibilities for their lives are limitless.

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  • Walking With God In The Desert Discovery Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This seven-session small group Bible study, Walking with God in the Desert, by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume twelve of the 12-part Faith Lessons series. Are you going through a difficult period of life? The loss of a loved one? Unemployment? A crisis of faith? During these desert times, it’s easy to think God has disappeared. In Walking with God in the Desert you’ll discover that it’s only when we are totally dependent on him that we find God is closer than ever and can experience his amazing grace and provision. Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God’s Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible’s fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures’ significance for modern believers.

    Each lesson:
    *Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVD
    *Includes sidebars, maps, photos and other study tools
    *Features questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflection
    *Includes 25 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.

    The companion DVD for Walking with God in the Desert was filmed on location in the Sinai Desert, Wadi Nasb, Judea Wilderness, Mount Sinai, Negev and En Gedi. These illuminating “faith lessons” afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study. This Discovery Guide is designed for use with the Walking with God in the Desert DVD (sold separately).

    Lessons include:
    *Join the Journey – Filmed in the Sinai Desert
    *It’s Hot Here and There’s No Way Out – Filmed in Wabi Nasb
    *Help is Here – Filmed in Wadi Nasb
    *When Your Heart Cries Out – Filmed in the Judea Wilderness
    *They Were Not Wandering – Filmed on Mount Sinai
    *Ears to Hear – Filmed in Negev
    *There’s Hope in the Desert – Filmed in En Gedi

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  • Fire On The Mountain Discovery Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This six-session small group Bible study, Fire On The Mountain, by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume nine of the 12-part Faith Lessons series. When the Israelites left Egypt, they were finally free. Free from persecution, free from oppression, and free to worship their God. But with that freedom comes a new challenge – learning how to live together the way God intends. In this ninth volume of Faith Lessons, discover how God teaches the Israelites what it means to be part of a community that loves him and what that means for us today. Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God’s Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible’s fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures’ significance for modern believers.

    Each lesson:
    *Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVD
    *Includes sidebars, maps, photos and other study tools
    *Features questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflection
    *Includes 25 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.

    The companion DVD for Fire On The Mountain was filmed on location at the Red Sea, Sinai, Serabit al Khadim, and Jebel Katarina. These illuminating “faith lessons” afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.

    This Discovery Guide is designed for use with the Fire On The Mountain DVD (sold separately).

    Lessons include:
    *The Lord Who Heals You – Filmed at the Red Sea and Sinai
    *Not By Bread Alone – Filmed in Sinai
    *Their Blood Cried Out – Filmed at Serabit al Khadim
    *The Mountain of God – Filmed at Jebel Katarina
    *I Led You Like a Bride – Filmed at Jebel Katarina
    *The Whisper of God – Filmed at Jebel Katarina

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  • Death And Resurrection Of The Messiah Discovery Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This ten-session small group Bible study, Death and Resurrection of the Messiah, from noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume four of the 12-part Faith Lessons series. In it, Vander Laan illustrates how Jesus’ call to follow him turned the world upside down, and learn how confronting evil can be loudly proclaiming the name of Jesus or quietly caring for someone in need.

    Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God’s Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible’s fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures’ significance for modern believers.

    The Death and Resurrection of the Messiah (336 pages) includes ten sessions. Each lesson:
    *Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVD
    *Includes sidebars, maps, photos and other study tools
    *Features questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflection
    *Includes 30 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.

    These illuminating “faith lessons” afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.

    This Discovery Guide is designed for use with the Death and Resurrection of the Messiah DVD (sold separately).

    Lessons include:
    *When Storms Come – Sea of Galilee
    *Piercing the Darkness – Kursi
    *Gates of Hell- Caesarea Philippi
    *City of the Great King Part 1 – The Temple
    *City of the Great King Part 1 – Jerusalem
    *The Lamb of God – Mount of Olives
    *The Weight of the World – Capernaum/Gethsemane
    *Roll Away the Stone – Garden Tomb
    *Power to the People – Southern Stairs
    *Total Commitment – Caesarea

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  • Life And Ministry Of The Messiah Discovery Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This eight-session small group Bible study, Life & Ministry of the Messiah, from noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume three of the 12-part Faith Lessons series. In it, Vander Laan illustrates how Jesus’ call to follow him turned the world upside down.

    Journey back to the time of Jesus. Marvel at the magnificence of Herod’s palace. Scramble among the ruins of Qumran. And wonder at the simplicity and wisdom of Jesus’ parables. In the Life & Ministry of the Messiah, you and your group will discover how the events of Jesus’ day impacted his life, ministry and communication…and then you’ll learn how it affects yours.

    Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God’s Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible’s fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures’ significance for modern believers.

    The Life & Ministry of the Messiah Discovery Guide (296 pages) includes eight sessions. Each lesson:
    *Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVD
    *Includes sidebars, maps, photos and other study tools
    *Features questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflection
    *Includes 30 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.

    These illuminating “faith lessons” afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.

    This Discovery Guide is designed for use with the Life & Ministry of the Messiah DVD (sold separately).

    Lessons include:
    *In the Shadow of Herod – Herodion
    *My Rock and My Fortress – Masada
    *The Time Had Fully Come – Filmed in Qumran
    *No Greater Love – Filmed in Korazin/Mount of Beatitudes
    *The Rabbi – Filmed in Gamla
    *Language of Culture – Filmed in Sepphoris
    *Misguided Faith – Filmed in Belvoir
    *Living Water – Filmed in En Gedi

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  • Promised Land Discovery Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This five-session small group Bible study, Promised Land, by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume one of the 12-part Faith Lessons series.

    In Promised Land, Vander Laan illustrates how God guided his people to a specific place – the Promised Land – to impact the world both in ancient times and today. Just like the time and place of our birth shapes our journey, so the land and culture of the Hebrew people shaped their story. Promised Land provides wonderful context to the stories of that time.
    Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God’s Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible’s fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures’ significance for modern believers.

    This Discovery Guide includes five sessions. Each lesson:
    *Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVD
    *Includes sidebars, maps, photos and other study tools
    *Features questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflection
    *Include 30 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.

    These illuminating “faith lessons” afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.

    This Discovery Guide is designed for use with the Faith Lessons Promised Land DVD (sold separately).

    Lessons include:
    *Standing at the Crossroads -Tel Gezer
    *Wet Feet – Jordan River
    *First Fruits – Tel Jericho Confronting Evil – Tel Beth Shemesh
    *Iron of Culture – Tel Azekah

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  • Early Church Discovery Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This five-session small group Bible study, Early Church, by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume five of the 12-part Faith Lessons series. In this volume, Vander Laan uncovers the passion and commitment early believers displayed as they claimed Jesus in the face of fierce consequences and powerful adversaries.

    Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God’s Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible’s fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures’ significance for modern believers.

    The sessions on this DVD were filmed on location in Caesarea Philippi, Sardis, Pergamum, Ephesus, and Laodicea.

    These illuminating “faith lessons” afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.

    This Discovery Guide is designed for use with the Early Church DVD (sold separately).

    Lessons include:
    *Everything to Lose, Nothing to Gain – Filmed in Caesarea Philippi
    *The Salt of the Earth – Filmed in Sardis
    *Where Satan Lives – Filmed in Pergamum
    *The Mark of the Beast – Filmed in Ephesus
    *Hot or Cold – Filmed in Laodicea

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  • Prayer Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Prayer is more than just telling God what we think, feel, and want. It is also about hearing what God has to say to us. Prayer: Sharing Intimate Space with God explores the many dimensions of prayer and how we can incorporate those into our everyday lives.

    In this study small groups will gain hope and inspiration for communing with our Heavenly Father in prayer.

    Topics in this 7-week study include:
    Session 1: Prayer Expresses Relationship
    Session 2: Prayer Expresses God’s Character and Mission
    Session 3: Prayer Expresses All of Our Life
    Session 4: A Model Prayer
    Session 5: Prayer Involves Listening
    Session 6: Prayer Involves Speaking
    Session 7: Prayer Involves Difficulties

    The Dialog Series offers topical and biblical small group studies that generate meaningful conversations. Each 7-week study explores a subject significant to the Church and to the story of God. Dialog creates community. So let’s talk.

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  • Path To The Cross Discovery Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This five-session small group Bible study, The Path to the Cross, by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume eleven of the 12-part Faith Lessons filmed-on-location DVD and Discovery Guide series. In The Path to the Cross, God’s story continues with the intense devotion of his people. Discover how their passionate faith prepares the way for Jesus and his ultimate act of obedience and sacrifice at the cross. Then, be challenged in your life to live as they did – by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God’s Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible’s fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures’ significance for modern believers.

    Each lesson:
    *Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVD
    *Includes sidebars, maps, photos and other study tools
    *Features questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflection
    *Includes 25 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.

    The companion DVD was filmed on location in Qumran, Machaerus, En Gedi, Jerusalem and Gethsemane. These illuminating “faith lessons” afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.

    This Discovery Guide is designed for use with The Path to the Cross DVD (sold separately).
    Lessons include:
    *The Way of the Essenes – Filmed in Quamran
    *The Way of John the Baptist – Filmed in Machaerus
    *Into the Desert to Be Tested – Filmed in En Gedi
    *The Last Passover – Filmed in Jerusalem
    *The Fifth Cup: Our Way of Hope – Filmed at Gethsemane

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  • With All Your Heart Discovery Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This six-session small group Bible study, With All Your Heart, by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume ten of the 12-part Faith Lessons series. Do you remember where your blessing comes from? In Exodus, God warned Israel to remember him when they left the dry desert and reached the fertile fields of the Promised Land. But in this tenth volume of Faith Lessons, you’ll discover how quickly they forgot God and began to rely on themselves. Find out what it means to remember the Lord in your own life on this one-of-a-kind spiritual pilgrimage. Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God’s Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible’s fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures’ significance for modern believers.

    Each lesson:
    *Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVD
    *Includes sidebars, maps, photos and other study tools
    *Features questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflection
    *Includes 25 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.

    The companion DVD for With All Your Heart was filmed on location in Timnah, Negev, and Jerusalem. These illuminating “faith lessons” afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study. This Discovery Guide is designed for use with the With All Your Heart DVD (sold separately).

    Lessons include:
    *Build Me a Sanctuary – Filmed in Timnah
    *Making Space for God – Filmed in Timnah
    *He Led Them Like a Shepherd – Filmed in Negev
    *By Every Word – Striking the Rock – Filmed in Negev
    *With All Your Might: The Final Test – Filmed in Jerusalem
    *A Well-Watered Garden – Filmed in Jerusalem

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  • God Heard Their Cry Discovery Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This five-session small group Bible study, God Heard Their Cry, by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume eight of the 12-part Faith Lessons filmed-on-location DVD and Discovery Guide series. Vander Laan illustrates how, in ancient times, nothing was bigger than Egypt… powerful pharaohs, strong armies, and a multitude of gods. God’s people were no match against the Egyptians. In this volume of Faith Lessons, discover how God answers the cry of his persecuted people and proclaims himself Lord to them and their oppressors. Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God’s Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible’s fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures’ significance for modern believers.

    Each lesson:
    *Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVD
    *Includes sidebars, maps, photos and other study tools
    *Features questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflection
    *Includes 25 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.

    The companion DVD for God Heard Their Cry was filmed on location in Luxor, Egypt; Deir al Medina, Ramesseum, and the Red Sea. These illuminating “faith lessons” afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study. This Discovery Guide is designed for use with the God Heard Their Cry DVD (sold separately).

    Lessons include:
    *How Big Is our God? – Filmed in Luxor, Egypt
    *Israel in Bondage: God Heard Their Cry – Filmed at Dier al Medina
    *Finger of God: The Plagues – Filmed at Ramesseum
    *Watch with Me: Israel Leaves Egypt – Filmed at the Red Sea
    *The Lord Reigns: The Red Sea – Filmed at the Red Sea

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  • Walk As Jesus Walked Discovery Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This five-session, video-based small group bible study, Walked As Jesus Walked, by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume seven of the 12-part Faith Lessons series. In this volume, Vander Laan helps you experience how the disciples translated Jesus’ call to passionate discipleship into language and imagery the Roman culture already understood. Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God’s Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible’s fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures’ significance for modern believers.

    Each lesson:
    *Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVD
    *Includes sidebars, maps, photos and other study tools
    *Features questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflection
    *Includes 25 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.

    The companion DVD for Walked As Jesus Walked was filmed on location in Aphrodisias, Antioch Pisidia, Lystra, and Cappadocia. These illuminating “faith lessons” afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study. This Discovery Guide is designed for use with the Walk As Jesus Walked DVD (sold separately).
    Lessons include:
    *Run! The Passion of Elijah – Filmed in Aphrodisias
    *Learning to Walk Like Jesus – Filmed in Antioch Pisidia
    *An Unlikely Disciple – Filmed in Lystra
    *Why Christians Suffer: The Weight of Gesthemane – filmed in Cappadocia
    *Don’t Forget Us – filmed on location in Cappadocia

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  • In The Dust Of The Rabbi Discovery Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This five-session small group Bible study, In the Dust of the Rabbi, by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume six of the 12-part Faith Lessons series. In this volume, Vander Laan helps you experience Jesus’ life up close and personal.

    Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God’s Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible’s fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures’ significance for modern believers.

    The In the Dust of the Rabbi Discovery Guide includes five sessions.

    Each lesson:
    *Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVD
    *Includes sidebars, maps, photos and other study tools
    *Features questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflection
    *Includes 25 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.

    The companion DVD for In the Dust of the Rabbi was filmed on location in Galilee, Priene, and Didyma.

    These illuminating “faith lessons” afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.

    This Discovery Guide is designed for use with the In the Dust of the Rabbi DVD (sold separately).

    Lessons include:
    *When the Rabbi Says, “Come” – Filmed in Galilee
    *When the Rabbi Says, “Go” – Filmed in Galilee
    *The Presence of God: A Countercultural Community – Filmed in Priene
    *Living Stones – Filmed in Priene
    *The Very Words of God – Filmed in Didyma

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  • Meaning Of Marriage Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Modern culture would have you believe that everyone has a soul mate; that romance is the most important part of a successful marriage; that marriage does not mean ’til death do us part, but merely for as long as my needs are being met; and that when serious differences arise, divorce is the best solution.

    According to the Bible, all of these modern-day assumptions miss what marriage is all about. In The Meaning of Marriage-a six-session video-based Bible study-Timothy Keller, along with Kathy, his wife of forty years, draws a profound portrait of marriage from the pages of Scripture that neither idealizes nor rejects the institution but points us back to the relationship between God and man. The result is a vision for marriage that is refreshingly frank and unsentimental, yet hopeful and beautiful. This six-session video Bible study is for anyone from singles to couples considering marriage to those who have been married recently or for a long time.

    The six sessions are:
    *The Secret of Marriage
    *The Essence of Marriage
    *The Mission of Marriage
    *Embracing the Other
    *Singleness and Marriage
    *Sex and Marriage

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  • God Of Justice


    The level of injustice in the world is staggering. The church needs to respond. International Justice Mission (IJM) has worked with thousands of churches to help them live out the mandate of Isaiah 1:17: to seek justice, rescue the oppressed and care for orphans and widows. Christians need to be equipped and mobilized to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who are vulnerable and oppressed. The God of Justice is a twelve-sesson, discussion-based curriculum that explores the biblical narrative of justice throughout the whole of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. Through the participatory study of Scripture, Christians can explore God’s call to engage in bringing about justice on earth. Throughout the course of study, participants will come to a deeper knowledge and understanding of biblical justice and will draw personal application for the pursuit of justice ministry in their individual lives and the wider church. Prepare to have your heart and mind engaged, to be instructed by Scripture and challenged by real-life stories of people freed by the God of justice. This curriculum can help you and your church bring freedom, restoration and reconciliation to those in need. Discover how God reveals himself to those who join him on his justice journey!

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  • Circle Maker Student Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    Pray Circles Around Your Greatest Dreams and Biggest Fears

    Prayer can sometimes be a frightening thing-how do you approach the maker of the world, and what exactly can you pray for? In this student adaptation of The Circle Maker, Pastor Mark Batterson uses the true legend of Honi the circle maker, a first-century Jewish sage whose bold prayer saved a generation, to uncover the boldness God asks of us at times, and what powerful prayer can mean in your life. Drawing inspiration from his own experiences as a circle maker, as well as sharing stories of young people who have experienced God’s blessings, Batterson explores how you can approach God in a new way by drawing prayer circles around your dreams, your problems, and, most importantly, God’s promises. In the process, you’ll discover this simple yet life-changing truth:   God honors bold prayers; bold prayers honor God. And you’re never too young for God to use you for amazing things.

    Updated with discussion questions that tie to the Circle Maker video curriculum.

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  • Believe Study Giude


    In this 30-session video Bible study, author and pastor Randy Frazee, will help you learn, discuss, and apply the Bible by exploring 30 essential beliefs, practices, and virtues that every Christian needs to know and live.

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  • Life Youve Always Wanted Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In the six-session small group Bible study, The Life You’ve Always Wanted, John Ortberg guides you and your group through the spiritual disciplines and teaches you how they can transform your spiritual life. What does true spiritual life really look like? And what keeps you from living it? What can you do to pursue it? If you’re tired of the status quo-if you suspect there’s more to Christianity than what you’ve experienced-John Ortberg invites you to join him on a road to transformation and spiritual vigor that anyone can take. Cultivate new intimacy and confidence in prayer. Discover the freedom of secrecy. Taste the benefits of slowing life’s frenetic pace. Learn how to be guided by the Holy Spirit – and much more. As in a marathon, the secret lies not in trying hard, but in training consistently. Proven by followers of Jesus over the centuries, the spiritual disciplines are exercises that strengthen your endurance race on the road to growth. This study guide is designed for use with The Life You’ve Always Wanted: A DVD Study (sold separately). When used together, they provide you with a practical tool that can grow your faith.

    Sessions include:
    *It’s Morphing
    *Time Slowing Down and Celebrating
    *Praying and Confessing
    *Meditating on Scripture and Seeking Guidance
    *Practicing Servanthood, Finding Freedom
    *Going the Distance with a Well-Ordered Heart

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  • Discussing Mere Christianity Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In this 8-session video group study, you will discover why Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis is one of the most read and beloved Christian books of all time. But seventy years later from when it was first delivered on radio, what relevance does it have to our world today? Host Eric Metaxas and a variety of Christian leaders (e.g. N.T. Wright, Tim Keller, Lauren Winner, Devin Brown, Paul McCusker, Douglas Gresham) help us understand the timeless message of C.S. Lewis in fresh ways for a new generation. The first purpose of this video study is to explore the positive ideas that C.S. Lewis has so eloquently written about in Mere Christianity for those who already call themselves Christian. The second purpose is to explain in an engaging, winsome and non-threatening way the basic tenants of the Christian faith as illustrated by C.S. Lewis to those who do not claim to be Christian. This study aims to fulfill the vision of C.S. Lewis of reaching people from all faith backgrounds.

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  • Keep It Shut Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    From Bible times to modern times women have struggled with their words: what to say and how to say it. What not to say. When it is best to remain silent. Or what to do when you’ve said something you wish you could now take back. Beyond just a “How not to gossip” study, Karen will teach what the Bible says about the many ways we are to use our words and the times when we are to remain silent. Using our speech to interact with friends, co-workers, family and strangers will be covered along with the many places we use our words such as in private, in public, online and in prayer. Even the words we say silently to ourselves. Unsolicited opinion-slinging, speaking the truth in love, not saying words just to people-please and dealing with our verbal anger are sub-topics that will also be addressed. Each session will feature a different character from the Bible, using them either as an example of someone to emulate or whose verbal actions we should avoid replicating.

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