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Science and Faith

Showing 101–150 of 251 results

  • Nature And Altering It


    It is true – and troubling – that we humans are increasingly able to control and manipulate nature in many ways. In this book ethicist Allen Verhey addresses that reality and shows why we need to bring a fresh Christian voice into today’s ecological debate.

    Verhey identifies and describes the significant cultural “myths” or “narratives” that have shaped Western perspectives on nature and on altering it. In the biblical narrative he finds an alternative story that challenges the dominant myths of Western culture. Acknowledging that Christian Scripture has often been accused of nurturing arrogance toward nature, Verhey looks anew at the biblical narrative in a way that moves beyond those accusations.

    The genius of this little book is how it deftly unpacks underlying human narratives and shows the relevance of the Christian narrative for contemporary ecological ethics.

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  • Changing Human Nature


    How would God have us respond to the brave new world of genetic engineering? In Changing Human Nature James Peterson offers an informed Christian defense of genetic intervention.

    Given that the material world and human beings are constantly changing, says Peterson, the question is not if there will be change but whether we will be conscious and conscientious about its direction. Part of our God-given calling, he maintains, is to positively shape our environment and ourselves, including our genes.

    While carefully addressing legitimate religious concerns, Peterson’s theologically grounded yet jargon-free discussion puts forth clear and specific guidelines for proper genetic intervention. Distinctive for its integrated, nuanced approach, Changing Human Nature will fill the need for a thoughtful, positive Christian perspective on this timely topic.

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  • Darwin On Trial (Anniversary)


    Is evolution fact or fancy? Is natural selection an unsupported hypothesis or a confirmed mechanism of evolutionary change? These were the courageous questions that professor of law Phillip Johnson originally took up in 1991. His relentless pursuit to follow the evidence wherever it leads remains as relevant today as then. The facts and the logic of the arguments that purport to establish a theory of evolution based on Darwinian principles, says Johnson, continue to draw their strength from faith–faith in philosophical naturalism. In this edition Johnson responds to critics of the first edition and maintains that scientists have put the cart before the horse, regarding as scientific fact what really should be regarded as a yet unproved hypothesis. Also included is a new, extended introduction by noted biologist Michael Behe, who chronicles the ongoing relevance of Johnson’s cogent analysis.

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  • Trinity And An Entangled World


    Twentieth-century science discovered that the physical world is profoundly relational – that, thanks to the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, there is a holistic connectivity at the deepest level of physical reality. This new way of comprehending the universe – which brings to mind the mystery at the heart of Trinitarian theology – has inspired thirteen distinguished scholars from physics and theology to explore the role of relationality in both science and religion.

    Besides containing insights from both expert scientists and theologians, The Trinity and an Entangled World considers the way in which these parallel insights can contribute to a harmonious dialogue between science and religion.

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  • Signature In The Cell


    Much confusion surrounds the theory of intelligent design. Frequently misrepresented by the media, politicians, and local school boards, intelligent design can be defended on purely scientific grounds in accordance with the same rigorous methods that apply to every proposed origin-of-life theory.

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  • Case For A Creator For Kids (Expanded)


    Lee Strobel’s bestselling books on creation is adapted for a new generation.

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  • Intelligent Design Uncensored


    “What is ID? Why is it controversial? Intelligent Design is surrounded by a storm of debate. Proponents and opponents have both sought to have their voices heard above the din.
    Is it unscientific? Is it a danger to real Christian faith? Is it trying to smuggle God into the classroom? Controversy can create confusion rather than clarity. So here to clear things up is Bill Dembski, one of the founders of Intelligent Design, who joins with Jonathan Witt to answer these questions and more.”

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  • Priestly Vision Of Genesis 1


    For many readers, Genesis 1-2 is simply the biblical account of creation. But ancient Israel could speak of creation in different ways, and the cultures of the ancient near east provided an even richer repertoire of creation myths. Mark S. Smith explores the nuances of what would become the premiere creation account in the Hebrew Bible and the serene priestly theology that informed it. That vision of an ordered cosmos, Smith argues, is evidence of the emergence of a mystical theology among priests in post-exilic Israel, and the placement of Genesis 1-2 at the beginning of Israel’s great epic is their sustained critique of the theology of divine conflict that saturated ancient near eastern creation myths. Smith’s treatment of Genesis 1 provides rich historical and theological insights into the biblical presentation of creation and the Creator.

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  • Lost World Of Genesis One


    In this astute mix of cultural critique and biblical studies, John H. Walton presents and defends twenty propositions supporting a literary and theological understanding of Genesis 1 within the context of the ancient Near Eastern world and unpacks its implications for our modern scientific understanding of origins.

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  • Gods Creation


    Eduardo Adame, ThD, wanted to find a way to share his biblical knowledge and help others discover the true meaning of the scriptures. This he did by researching the ancient manuscripts and transcribing them into biblical scripture format rather than prose format to encourage the reader to research the noted scripture verses. Part I of the book researches various aspects of God’s Creations. Part II explores the Natural Creation of Man and Woman, while Part III researches the Spiritual Creation of Man and Woman. Parts II and III include references to additional scriptures, which allows the reader to make comparisons between the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts as well as the Old Testament and the New Testament scriptures.

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  • Christ And Evolution


    SKU (ISBN): 9780800640132ISBN10: 0800640136Celia Deane-DrummondBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2009Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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  • Science And Religion Primer


    A Science and Religion Primer is a unique resource: an encyclopedia, an annotated bibliography, and a survey of the relationship between two equally complex fields. Editors Heidi Campbell and Heather Looy begin their work with four chapters from expert contributors: history of the science and religion dialogue, role of philosophy in science and theology, and science and technology in light of religion. Entries cover such diverse topics as philosopher of science Karl Popper, the anthropic principle, Gaia, theodicy, hermeneutics, Intelligent Design, and more. Professors and students of theology, religion, and science–at both the undergraduate and graduate levels–will welcome this contribution. A Science and Religion Primer is an accessible and affordable contribution to interdisciplinary studies and provides a respectful conversation between science and faith.

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  • Case For The Existence Of God


    Robert Kaita


    The Question Of God’s Existence: The Radical Contingency Of The Universe Points Toward A Necessary Being

    Many Generations Of Philosophers Have Made The Mistake Of Assuming Hume And Kant’s Objections Disposed Of The Cosmological Argument

    A Universe With An Infinite Past Would Still Require A Necessary Being To Sustain Its Existence

    Because The Universe (or Multiverse) Had A Beginning, It Is Contingent And Has A Cause For Its Coming Into Existence

    The Philosophy Of Nature Set Forth In This Book Emphasizes The Intelligibility Of The Universe Noted In Einstein’s Statement: “The Most Incomprehensible Thing About The World Is That It Is Comprehensible.” A Significant Issue In Examining The “Something” That Exists Is Why Is It Intelligible?

    Evolution Is Not Dispositive Of The Question Of Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing And Why The Universe Is Rational And Intelligible

    The Mystery Of Information Challenges A Strict Materialism

    The Existence Of God Gives An Absolute That Is Consistent With The Real Existence Of Right And Wrong

    Evidential Force Of Religious Experience: If God Is A Person, God Can Be Known To Only A Very Limited Extent By Abstract Reasoning And Is More Fully Known By Personal Acquaintance In An I-Thou Relationship With The Wholly Other

    Recorded Experiences Of Encounters With The Divine Bear Witness To A Way Of Knowing Which Includes Kierkegaard’s Kendskab, Buber’s I-Thou, Otto’s Wholly Other, And Marcel’s Mystery

    These Nine Witnesses Testify To Another Way Of Knowing That Is Compatible With The Empirical And The Metaphysical Rational Ways Of Knowing, But Is Beyond The Describable And Requires Personal Participation, Commitment, And Personal Transformation

    Concluding Reflections And Summary: Theism Requires A Leap Of Faith, But It Is A Leap Into The Light, Not Into The Dark; Theism Explains More Than Atheism, Which Also Requires A Leap Of Faith

    Armand Nicholi
    Appendix A: The New Mathematics Of Algorithmic Information Theory Is Relevant To Theories Concerning The Formation Of The First Living Matter

    Appendix B: The Limits Of Mathematics And The Limits Of Reason: Why Everyone Will Always Live By Faith Rather Than Certainty

    Appendix C: The Evidence From Contemporary Physics Supports The Concepts Of Personal Responsibility And Free Will

    Selected Bibliography


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    Some of the brightest scientific minds of our time, from Albert Einstein to Stephen Hawking, have made incredible insights into the earliest origins of the universe, but have failed to ultimately discover why there is something rather than nothing–why we exist. In A Case for the Existence of God, Dean L. Overman examines the latest theories about the origins of the universe and explains why even the most sophisticated science can only take us so far. Ultimately we must make a leap of faith to understand the world, and Overman argues that a leap into theism provides the most satisfying conclusions.

    Overman explores fundamental questions about why our world exists and how it functions, using principles of logic, physics, and theology. In a time when religion and science are often portrayed as diametrically opposed, A Case for the Existence of God presents a refreshing view of the interplay between science and religion and makes a compelling case for the existence of God and his role in our world.

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  • Fine Tuned Universe


    Are there viable pathways from nature to God? Natural theology is making a comeback, stimulated as much by scientific advance as by theological and philosophical reflection. There is a growing realization that the sciences raise questions that transcend their capacity to answer them-above all, the question of the existence of God. So how can Christian theology relate to these new developments?

    In this landmark work, based on his 2009 Gifford lectures, Alister McGrath examines the apparent “fine-tuning” of the universe and its significance for natural theology. Exploring a wide range of physical and biological phenomena and drawing on the latest research in biochemistry and evolutionary biology, McGrath outlines our new understanding of the natural world and discusses its implications for traditional debates about the existence of God.

    The celebrated Gifford Lectures have long been recognized as making landmark contributions to the discussion of natural theology. A Fine-Tuned Universe will contribute significantly to that discussion by developing a rich Trinitarian approach to natural theology that allows deep engagement with the intellectual and moral complexities of the natural world. It will be essential reading to those looking for a rigorous engagement between science and the Christian faith.

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  • Extinction Of Evolution


    the idea of God, as opposed to God creating man, this book painstakingly examines this atheistic mentality in vivid detail. What it reveals will surprise you. Evolution, implemented to its logical conclusion, has severe ramifications for humankind. When one rejects the foundational truth of God and embraces Darwins alternative to our origins, a disastrous chain of events is triggered. As you dive deeply into this worldview of evolution, you will be exposed to the most frightening environment imaginable where the rape, murder and exploitation of the weak are not to be punished but to be applauded. In the misguided words of Charles Darwin, let the strongest live and the weakest die. After traveling through the abyss of evolution, a miserable philosophical failure, The Extinction of Evolution, brings you back to a place of hope where Christ stands above all as the Creator of this remarkable thing we call life. The Extinction of Evolution has been compared to The Screwtape Letters, a classic work of C.S. Lewis. Like Screwtape, this book has a fictional character that is the antagonist. His name is Dr. Iman Oxidant. Dr. Oxidant argues for a lifestyle derived from evolutionary ideals. This approach makes this book about evolution accessible to the non-scientific reader. But in doing so, Dr. Oxidant causes an intense spiritual struggle for the born again believer as he argues for his atheisticevolutionary agenda. It is a gripping read that identifies the true nature of evolution in a way that has never been done before.

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  • Bible Rocks And Time


    Davis A. Young and Ralph Stearley seek to convince readers of the vast antiquity of the Earth. They point out the flaws of young-Earth creationism and counter the impression by many scientists that all Christians are young-Earth creationists.

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  • Evolution Delusion : How 21st Century Science And Logic Prove The Evolution


    Throughout the last half of the 20th century, and now into the new millennium, the public has been fed a steady diet of anti-biblical propaganda by an increasingly determined cadre of evolutionist scientists, educators, and media outlets. The time has finally come to expose evolution for what it is : a delusion.

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  • Evolution Delusion : How 21st Century Science And Logic Prove The Evolution


    Throughout the last half of the 20th century, and now into the new millennium, the public has been fed a steady diet of anti-biblical propaganda by an increasingly determined cadre of evolutionist scientists, educators, and media outlets. The time has finally come to expose evolution for what it is : a delusion.

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  • Physics Of Christianity


    A highly respected physicist demonstrates that the essential beliefs of Christianity are wholly consistent with the laws of physics.

    Frank Tipler takes an exciting new approach to the age-old dispute about the relationship between science and religion in The Physics of Christianity. In reviewing centuries of writings and discussions, Tipler realized that in all the debate about science versus religion, there was no serious scientific research into central Christian claims and beliefs. So Tipler embarked on just such a scientific inquiry. The Physics of Christianity presents the fascinating results of his pioneering study.

    Tipler begins by outlining the basic concepts of physics for the lay reader and brings to light the underlying connections between physics and theology. In a compelling example, he illustrates how the God depicted by Jews and Christians, the Uncaused First Cause, is completely consistent with the Cosmological Singularity, an entity whose existence is required by physical law. His discussion of the scientific possibility of miracles provides an impressive, credible scientific foundation for many of Christianity’s most astonishing claims, including the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, and the Incarnation. He even includes specific outlines for practical experiments that can help prove the validity of the “miracles” at the heart of Christianity.

    Tipler’s thoroughly rational approach and fully accessible style sets The Physics of Christianity apart from other books dealing with conflicts between science and religion. It will appeal not only to Christian readers, but also to anyone interested in an issue that triggers heated and divisive intellectual and cultural debates.

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  • Can You Believe In God And Evolution


    The special edition of this award winning book celebrates the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin.
    Since, even before, the publication of Darwin’s seminal work on evolution, science and religion have often been at odds. Even today culture wars continue to rage. How can I be faithful to God and fully enjoy the progress of science? Who is Charles Darwin and what did he actually say? Can you believe in God and evolution? Does teaching evolution corrupt our social values? How can you connect science and faith? Can science be a Christian vocation? So how can we interpret the creation story in the Bible?
    Authors Ted Peters and Martinez Hewlett give a balanced discussion of the impact of evolution to help church leaders understand the values at stake. They make the convincing case that Christians can connect their faith in God with a scientific understanding of evolution with integrity

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  • Edge Of Evolution


    When Michael J. Behe’s first book, Darwin’s Black Box, was published in 1996, it launched the intelligent design movement. Critics howled, yet hundreds of thousands of readers — and a growing number of scientists — were intrigued by Behe’s claim that Darwinism could not explain the complex machinery of the cell.

    Now, in his long-awaited follow-up, Behe presents far more than a challenge to Darwinism: He presents the evidence of the genetics revolution — the first direct evidence of nature’s mutational pathways — to radically redefine the debate about Darwinism.

    How much of life does Darwin’s theory explain? Most scientists believe it accounts for everything from the machinery of the cell to the history of life on earth. Darwin’s ideas have been applied to law, culture, and politics.

    But Darwin’s theory has been proven only in one sense: There is little question that all species on earth descended from a common ancestor. Overwhelming anatomical, genetic, and fossil evidence exists for that claim. But the crucial question remains: How did it happen? Darwin’s proposed mechanism — random mutation and natural selection — has been accepted largely as a matter of faith and deduction or, at best, circumstantial evidence. Only now, thanks to genetics, does science allow us to seek direct evidence. The genomes of many organisms have been sequenced, and the machinery of the cell has been analyzed in great detail. The evolutionary responses of microorganisms to antibiotics and humans to parasitic infections have been traced over tens of thousands of generations.

    As a result, for the first time in history Darwin’s theory can be rigorously evaluated. The results are shocking. Although it can explain marginal changes in evolutionary history, random mutation and natural selection explain very little of the basic machinery of life. The “edge” of evolution, a line that defines the border between random and nonrandom mutation, lies very far from where Darwin pointed. Behe argues convincingly that most of the mutations that have defined the history of life on earth have been nonrandom.

    Although it will be controversial and stunning, this finding actually fits a general pattern discovered by other branches of science in recent decades: The universe as a whole was fine-tuned for life. From physics to cosmology to chemistry to biology, life on earth stands revealed as depending upon an endless series of unlikely events. The clear conclusion: The univer

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  • Beginning Of All Things


    In an age when faith and science seem constantly to clash, can theologians and scientists come to a meeting of minds? Yes, maintains the intrepid Hans KA 1/4ng, as he brilliantly argues here that religion and science are not mutually exclusive but complementary. Focusing on beginnings – beginnings of time, of the world, of man, of human will – KA 1/4ng deals with an array of scientific precepts and teachings. From a unified field theory to quantum physics to the Big Bang to the theory of relativity – even superstring and chaos theories – he examines all of the theories regarding the beginning of the univererse and life (of all kinds) in that universe. KA 1/4ng seeks to reconcile theology with the latest scientific insights, holding that “a confrontational model for the relationship between science and theology is out of date, whether put forward by fundamentalist believers and theologians or by rationalistic scientists and philosophers.” While accepting evolution as scientists generally describe it, he still maintains a role for God in founding the laws of nature by which life evolved and in facilitating the adventure of creation. Exhibiting little patience for scientists who do not see beyond the limits of their discipline or for believers who try to tell experts how things must have been, KA 1/4ng challenges readers to think more deeply about the beginnings in order to facilitate a new beginning in dialogue and understanding.

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  • 10 Scriptural Reasons That The Earth Is Young


    For any serious student of the bible that is looking for scriptural evidence that the earth is young. This book is a must for your Christian library. It is informative, revealing, thought provoking, easy to read, and biblically sound. You will not be able to put it down until you are finished reading it. And you will want to read it again and again.

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  • Whats So Special About Me


    “What’s so special about me?” reveals the breathtaking wonders of the human body to young and old in a fresh and readable way. Focusing on the complexities inherent within each individual, Dr. Bradley Kuhn uses this as a signpost to lead the reader to the inescapable conclusion of an ultimate designer. In so doing, this book will give you an uplifting encounter with the amazing miracle of life. Educational and easily understood, “What’s so special about me?” addresses the key issues that many young people deal with today – self esteem, significance and purpose.

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  • Gods Creatures : A Biblical View Of Animals


    15 Chapters

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    Will animals be in heaven? Is it right to kill and eat animals? How does God use animals to accomplish his purposes? Are animals somehow aware of their Creator? Here are answers to these questions and more. Susan Bulanda draws on years of experience as an animal behaviorist and a Bible student to present a discussion of God’s purposes and dealings with animals. For committed Christians who love animals, or animal lovers who are curious to know how the Christian scriptures address animal issues.

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  • Back To Darwin


    By overcoming the metaphysics assumed in most evolutionary theory, the opposition to faith can be removed. John B. Cobb, Jr. makes this stunning statement the lynchpin of this edited collection. With these essays from some of the most respected minds in several fields – biology, other sciences, philosophy, and theology – Cobb lets us listen in on a thoughtful discussion about evolutionary theory and its relation to religious concerns. The contributors offer ways of broadening evolutionary theory, changing the implications of including human beings in the nature science studies. Intelligent purpose can play a role, allowing for the possibility of God affecting the evolutionary process. Cobb’s goal in offering this discussion to interested readers is to encourage the possibility of teaching evolutionary theory in this open way. He argues that, were that the case, theists and nontheists could both accept it, leading to fruitful, rather than combative discussion.

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  • Answers Book For Kids 2


    Broken down by topic and written for ages 7-11. Answers questions and is written in a friendly and readable style. Topics include God and the Bible, Creation and the Fall, Dinosaurs and the Flood, and Sin, Salvation, and the Christian Life. The book is indexed so children can quickly find the answers they are looking for.

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  • Colliding With Christ


    Did Jesus Christ really rise from the dead? In The God Delusion (p. 59), Richard Dawkins claims that, “The methods we should use to settle the matter, in the unlikely event that relevant evidence ever became available, would be purely and entirely scientific methods.” R. C. Metcalf agrees that science offers one of the strongest lines of relevant evidence, but contends that a comprehensive case should draw from many sources of human knowledge. In Colliding with Christ, Dr. Metcalf adds to the textual and historical evidence in favor of the physical resurrection of Jesus by presenting a thought-provoking new model that explains the events of the first Easter scientifically. If you’ve ever struggled with thoughts that science has refuted the Christian faith… think again! The evidence is still mounting… The jury is deadlocked… …but Jesus Christ is alive and well!

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  • Colliding With Christ


    Did Jesus Christ really rise from the dead? In The God Delusion (p. 59), Richard Dawkins claims that, “The methods we should use to settle the matter, in the unlikely event that relevant evidence ever became available, would be purely and entirely scientific methods.” R. C. Metcalf agrees that science offers one of the strongest lines of relevant evidence, but contends that a comprehensive case should draw from many sources of human knowledge. In Colliding with Christ, Dr. Metcalf adds to the textual and historical evidence in favor of the physical resurrection of Jesus by presenting a thought-provoking new model that explains the events of the first Easter scientifically. If you’ve ever struggled with thoughts that science has refuted the Christian faith… think again! The evidence is still mounting… The jury is deadlocked… …but Jesus Christ is alive and well!

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  • Storms Over Genesis


    In one of history’s discouraging ironies, just as the academic study of the Pentateuch revealed the multilayered composition of Genesis and separated it from scientific and dogmatic accounts of creation, Genesis became and remains a lightning rod of controversy in America’s century-long battle over Christian identity and commitments.

    No words ever recorded have had as much influence upon human affairs as those of the first three chapters of Genesis. Nor caused as much mischief, argues William Jennings.

    In his fascinating and informative account, Jennings shows how and why fundamentalists and modernists, Catholics and Protestants, feminists and the old guard all have been drawn to Genesis and wrestled with its meaning, legacy, and relevance today. Focusing on four key controversies – the critical account of the creation stories, the challenges from and to feminists, the critique of Genesis by environmentalists, and the claims of creationists – Jennings reveals not only the many facets of this archimedean text but also the unique light it continues to throw on American religious life.

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  • Way The World Is


    Distinguished physicist-turned-theologian John Polkinghorne offers his personal apologia for the Christian faith. This brief and highly accessible book for general readers presents a reasoned account of the Christian view of the world as seen by one of the world’s leading interpreters of the interface between science and religion. Drawn from his experiences as a scientist and a theologian, Polkinghorne argues that Christianity presents a credible and compelling worldview that can be taken seriously even while fully recognizing the importance of science.

    Polkinghorne begins by exploring three views of the world. He summarizes the scientific view, which highlights the perception by scientists of the world as intelligible and characterized by the interplay of chance and necessity and reflecting a delicate and intricate balance in its structure that makes life possible. Then he comments on the personal view of the world, in which experiences of wonder, beauty, and moral obligation demand some explanation. Polkinghorne takes seriously the religious view of the world, particularly the human experience of an Other and transcendent Power with whom we have to deal. He carefully demonstrates how New Testament scholarship is similar to observational science in that it, like science, can be understood only by interpreting available evidence in ways that are sensible and consistent. In addition, he moves beyond a merely theistic worldview to examine the portrayal of Jesus’ deeds and words in the New Testament, paying special attention to his death and resurrection.

    This work, which convincingly explores how science and religion both address aspects of the same reality, includes a glossary of key ideas and persons in the worlds of science and theology, making it an ideal introduction to the Christian faith for thoughtful persons.

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  • God Of Nature


    Although Christians have professed the God of Israel, they have often assumed a naturalistic theism that harks back to the Greeks. Doing so, says Christopher Knight, has masked the explanatory potential of a basic Christian affirmation: the incarnation.

    Knight here forges a third way of thinking about divine engagement with the world, beyond deism and theism. He sees God’s intimate involvement with creation and history as implied in the reality of the incarnation and essentially confirming divine purpose in a kind of sacramental character to all events as they unfold in the world. On this basis, he brings fresh insight to the questions of providence, miracles, personal prayer, the virgin birth, and the ascension of Jesus.

    Knight’s work promises not to displace science, nor to plead for special exceptions on special occasions, but to see God as always active in the very warp and woof of the universe and its laws.

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  • Language Of God


    The head of the Human Genome Project and a former atheist, Collins makes a strong case for BioLogos—God-directed evolution—in comparison to atheistic evolution, Intelligent Design, and creationism. He offers an awe-inspiring tour of the complexities of biology, genetics, and DNA—and reveals a richly satisfying, harmonious melding of scientific and spiritual worldviews.

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  • Darwins Black Box


    The groundbreaking, “seminal work” (“Time) on intelligent design that dares to ask, was Darwin wrong?

    In 1996, “Darwin’s Black Box helped to launch the intelligent design movement: the argument that nature exhibits evidence of design, beyond Darwinian randomness. It sparked a national debate on evolution, which continues to intensify across the country. From one end of the spectrum to the other, “Darwin’s Black Box has established itself as the key intelligent design text — the one argument that must be addressed in order to determine whether Darwinian evolution is sufficient to explain life as we know it.

    In a major new Afterword for this edition, Behe explains that the complexity discovered by microbiologists has dramatically increased since the book was first published. That complexity is a continuing challenge to Darwinism, and evolutionists have had no success at explaining it. “Darwin’s Black Box is more important today than ever.

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  • Billions Of Missing Links


    Harvest House Print On Demand Title

    Dr. Geoffrey Simmons focuses on the millions of structures and systems on the Earth that came about all at once, entire…with no preceding links, no subsequent links, no “sideways” links.

    To illustrate, he surveys examples like…
    *the hummingbird and its circulatory system
    *insects and insect-eating plants
    *the role of the thousands of species of viruses
    *chemical signals and the sensory apparatus that detects them
    *the self-regulating capacity of the Earth’s ocean/air/soil system

    It’s clear: Nature containsonly leaps, not links. Only the intelligence and purpose of an all-powerful Designer can explain the intricate creatures, connections, and “coincidences” everywhere.

    Excellent for students and parents, especially homeschoolers, and for educators who want to present the “full picture.”

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  • All That Is


    During the last year of his life, Arthur Peacocke raced against time to formulate a final comprehensive overview of his “emergentist – naturalist – panentheist” perspective. A group of ten specialists in science-and-religion then composed commentaries and critiques of Peacocke’s new “Essay in Interpretation.” In the last weeks and months of his life, Peacocke drew together a final set of reflections on and replies to their chapters. Peacocke’s “Nunc Dimittis,” his final theological reflections in the days before his death, completes this volume.

    Peacocke’s brief sketch of how God and nature and humanity interrelate will prove a nascent classic in the field and a touchstone for further reflection. Led by editor Philip Clayton, respondents include: Nancey Murphy, Ann Pederson, Philip Hefner, John Polkinghorne, Karl E. Peters, Donald M. Braxton, Robert John Russell, Keith Ward, Christopher C. Knight, and Willem B. Drees.

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  • Fatal Flaws


    Today’s generation is bombarded with theories about humankind and its origins. The danger for Christians lies in the wealth of misinformation and miscommunication about simple biblical truths such as:

    How and when the world began
    Whether humans are unique or merely a happenstance of evolution
    The distinction between humankind and other living creatures
    The evolution of life on this planet
    The spiritual dimensions of the human soul
    Hank Hanegraaff keeps Christians from falling prey to corrupting scientific speculation about the origins of life and reminds us that we are God’s creation. This common sense approach puts the concept of evolution in the grasp of everyday Christians and reminds us that ultimately the key to our purpose in this life comes from understanding whose we are and who created us.

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  • Our Endangered Values


    President Jimmy Carter offers a passionate defense of separation of church and state. He warns that fundamentalists are deliberately blurring the lines between politics and religion.

    As a believing Christian, Carter takes on issues that are under fierce debate — women’s rights, terrorism, homosexuality, civil liberties, abortion, the death penalty, science and religion, environmental degradation, nuclear arsenals, preemptive war, and America’s global image.

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  • Can A Smart Person Believe In God


    As Christians, we are often urged to turn away from scientific discovery and rely solely on the Bible as the source of our faith. On the other hand, many people in areas such as science, law, and education insist that Christian faith is lowbrow or unintelligent. But is it possible to reconcile science with what you believe about God? As someone who has grappled with the issues of science and faith in the public eye for more than a decade as a television journalist, Dr. Michael Guillen believes it is possible. In fact, by embracing the discoveries of science we can see God, the universe, and humanity in full, multidimensional glory. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a genius to enjoy this book. The bite-sized chapters are full of fascinating scientific tidbits in an easy-to-understand format. Captivating stories of the author’s childhood in the Mexican barrio of East L.A. and his work in television and research are woven throughout. There is even an entertaining SQ (Spiritual Quotient) test for readers to take.

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  • Biblical Case For An Old Earth (Reprinted)


    A biblical approach that addresses the gap between theistic evolutionism and young earth creationism. Includes discussions on the balance theme of Scripture and the day-age interpretation.

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  • Who Claims You


    Yes, we humans can create such wondrous machines as bullet trains and supersonic aircraft, but none of us can create a single grain of rice or a tiny ant, much less a large animal. Why not? We are mere creatures, not a creator as far as bio-life is concerned. Here comes the necessity of a Supreme Being who can create all living creatures as well as non-living things on this earth and beyond. This book intends to uncover the wisdom and grace with which God designed and perfected the human body. The contents include such titillating topics as the material foundation of life, unique features of life, and our struggles for energy for life. The anatomical configurations of cells, tissues, and organs of the body as well as their diverse functions are also illuminated to grasp the invisible hands at work. This book will tell you how we are created beyond our control, and why we have to eat, breathe, and move around to survive.

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  • People Of God


    Do you believe man’s theory of how life evolved; or do you believe in creation by God? Explore with me the reasons to believe God and the Bible!

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  • Who Claims You


    Yes, we humans can create such wondrous machines as bullet trains and supersonic aircraft, but none of us can create a single grain of rice or a tiny ant, much less a large animal. Why not? We are mere creatures, not a creator as far as bio-life is concerned. Here comes the necessity of a Supreme Being who can create all living creatures as well as non-living things on this earth and beyond. This book intends to uncover the wisdom and grace with which God designed and perfected the human body. The contents include such titillating topics as the material foundation of life, unique features of life, and our struggles for energy for life. The anatomical configurations of cells, tissues, and organs of the body as well as their diverse functions are also illuminated to grasp the invisible hands at work. This book will tell you how we are created beyond our control, and why we have to eat, breathe, and move around to survive.

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  • Science And Faith


    In this introduction to religion and science, William Chalker outlines the nature of knowledge involved in claims about science and about religion and delineates a compatible relationship between these two fields of understanding. According to Chalker, both science and theology have their proper realms. While science and theology are different in several crucial respects, they are not incompatible. Science, he explains, is a human intellectual activity whose aim is to produce knowledge claims that will maximize utility. Theology, in contrast, is a human intellectual activity whose aim is to produce knowledge claims about ultimate purpose. The two areas of knowledge are grounded in two very basic and very different kinds of human needs. Through explaining the differences in the nature of truth claims in science and theology, Chalker hopes to dissolve the seemingly intractable conflict between scientific and theological ways of thinking.

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  • Are We Alone In The Universe


    Our society is infatuated with the prospect that life exists on other planets. Three out of four Americans believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life. Scientific experts say it is just a matter of time before the existence of alien life is a proven fact. Biblical evidence reveals that we are alone in the universe! In the search for extraterrestrial life, many have discarded the Bible as a source of insight on this question. Are We Alone in The Universe? A Biblical Perspective compares scientific information about the universe and the search for extraterrestrial life with what the Bible says concerning the possible existence of intelligent life on other planets. This book will reveal God’s purpose for the immensity of the universe, the worth God places on our seemly insignificant lives, and bring about a greater awareness that there is no bigness or smallness in the eyes of God.

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  • Peril In Paradise


    InterVarsity Press Publication

    Young Earth vs.Old Earth. The debate has gone on for centuries, with most modern Christians disputing the scientific claim of an ancient earth. But is an old earth truly inconsistent with Scripture? Dr. Mark Whorton seeks to give biblically based answers and challenge the modern thinking that to be an evangelical Christian is to believe in a young earth. Using evidence as diverse as the bombardier beetle and St. Augustine, Dr. Whorton, a Christian apologist and genuine rocket scientist, provides a compelling answer to one of the most difficult and heated issues for modern Christians.

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  • Limitations Of Scientific Truth


    A scientist examines the inherent limitations of scientific truth and shows us why biblical truth is the only authority that can be completely trusted. For many people, science can be a seductive alternative to biblical truth – but how trustworthy are the truth claims of science? Nigel Brush, a scientist and a Christian, shows how science is only one avenue for seeking truth and how the conclusions it derives are not greater than truths acquired by other means. In this penetrating analysis of scientific inquiry, Brush examines the boundaries of scientific truth and provides reassurance that we can hold to limited scientific truth – as long as it is coupled with the absolute truth found in God’s Word.

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  • Not Just Science


    This book questions where Christian faith and natural science intersect. What should liberal arts students studying at Christian colleges and universities be asking themselves as they natural science? This book enables students to think critically about how the Christian worldview influences our perceptions in the area of natural science. It acquaints students with foundational questions important to the practice of natural science, as well as God’s mandate to care for His creations.

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  • Soul Of The Night


    Probing the depths of science and faith, scientist Chet Raymo investigates the mysteries of human spirituality and meaning contained in astronomy. Ranging through the stars and the myths humans have told about them for millennia, Raymo delves into “a pilgrimage in quest of the soul of the night.”

    Chet Raymo’s elegant essays link the mysterious phenomena of the night sky with the human mind and spirit, as he ranges through the realms of mythology, literature, religion, history, and anthropology. Originally published two decades ago, The Soul of the Night is a classic work that is a must for those interested in the relationship between science and faith

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  • Creation And Double Chaos


    1.The Science-theology Dialogue: How?
    2.The Scientific Worldview
    3.The Theological Worldview: Creation Stories
    4.Creation Out Of Nothing: Origin And Problems
    5.Contemporary Creation Theologies
    6.Chaos Theology: An Alternative Creation Theology
    7.Chaos Theory And Chaos Events
    8.The Problem Of Evil
    9.God’s Action In The World
    10.The Cosmic Christ: Person And Work
    11.Human Ambivalence: Genetic Modification
    12.Disease: Punishment For Sin Or Chaos Event?
    13.Are We Alone?: Theological Implications Of Possible Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life
    14.Future And Destiny: Eschatology And Chaos Theology

    Additional Info
    Scientist and theologian Sjoerd Bonting offers a new overarching framework for thinking about issues in religion and science. He looks at the creation controversy itself, including biblical perspectives, traditional doctrines, and the particular potential contribution of chaos theory. Finally, Bonting extends this perspective, a combination of chaos theory and chaos theology he calls “double-chaos,” into a framework that addresses traditional questions about evil, divine agency, soteriology, the understanding of disease, possible extraterrestrial life, and the future.

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