Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

Showing 551–600 of 2031 results

  • Holy Hesychia : The Stillness That Knows God


    Classic Orthodox text describing the difference between worldly and spiritual knowledge, the nature of illumination and how the energies of the divine may be encountered. How the practice of hesychia leads to theosis, and how this can be followed by ordinary people living in the world today. Revised translation with Commentary by Robin Amis.

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  • Unceasing Kindness : A Biblical Theology Of Ruth


    The Old Testament book of Ruth is understandably a firm favorite in the church for small-group study and preaching: a heart-warming story of loyalty and love, a satisfying tale of a journey from famine to fullness. In the academy, the book has been a testing ground for a variety of hermeneutical approaches, and many different ways of interpreting it have been put forward. However, the single interpretative lens missing is the one that is most beneficial for the church: biblical theology. While commentaries have adopted a biblical-theological approach of one form or another, there has not been a detailed treatment of the themes in Ruth from that perspective. Lau and Goswell’s valuable New Studies in Biblical Theology volume aims to fill this gap. First, they focus on the meaning of the text as intended by the author for the original readers, but are mindful that the book is set within the wider context of Scripture. This context means not only the books surrounding Ruth in the canon, or even a particular section of Scripture, but also the rest of the Old Testament and the New Testament. Second, they discuss selected themes in Ruth, including redemption, kingship, mission, kindness, wisdom, famine, and the hiddenness of God. Within the overarching narrative of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, these themes can be viewed as different threads within the same cloth, or can be heard as different instrumental ‘voices’ within a symphony. Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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  • Optimistic Visions Of Revelation


    1. Signs Before The Time Has Come
    2. The 2 Witnesses
    3. The End Time Church
    4. The 144,000

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    We are currently living in a world where spiritual darkness seems to be making a greater appearance. Many Bible commenters tell us that we are living in the final generation before Christ returns to collect his church. Read what Matthew Robert Payne believes he has seen for the future of our world.

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  • Virtual Body Of Christ In A Suffering World


    We live in a wired world where 24/7 digital connectivity is increasingly the norm. Christian megachurch communities often embrace this reality wholeheartedly while more traditional churches often seem hesitant and overwhelmed by the need for an interactive website, a Facebook page and a twitter feed. This book accepts digital connectivity as our reality, but presents a vision of how faith communities can utilize technology to better be the body of Christ to those who are hurting while also helping followers of Christ think critically about the limits of our digital attachments. This book begins with a conversion story of a non-cell phone owning, non-Facebook using religion professor judgmental of the ability of digital tools to enhance relationships. A stage IV cancer diagnosis later, in the midst of being held up by virtual communities of support, a conversion occurs: this religion professor benefits in embodied ways from virtual sources and wants to convert others to the reality that the body of Christ can and does exist virtually and makes embodied difference in the lives of those who are hurting. The book neither uncritically embraces nor rejects the constant digital connectivity present in our lives. Rather it calls on the church to a) recognize ways in which digital social networks already enact the virtual body of Christ; b) tap into and expand how Christ is being experienced virtually; c) embrace thoughtfully the material effects of our new augmented reality, and c) influence utilization of technology that minimizes distraction and maximizes attentiveness toward God and the world God loves.

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  • Love Itself Is Understanding


    1. The Ignatian Balthasar
    2. Balthasar On Mission
    3. Saints, Truth, And Theology
    4. Truth And Love
    5. “I Am The Truth”
    6. The Spirit Of Truth
    7. Love Itself Is Understanding
    8. Mystical Styles: A Case Study
    9. Knowledge, Love, And Mission

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    What do the saints have to do with truth? Saints and their concern for holiness are often relegated to the realm of spirituality or kitsch, while the search for truth is reserved for the intellectual elite. Truth and spirituality appear to be utterly separate categories.

    Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905-1988) set out to reunite truth and holiness by returning the saints to their proper place at the heart of philosophy, theology, and metaphysics. Love Itself Is Understanding is one of the first systematic treatments of Balthasar’s theology of the saints. Matthew Rothaus Moser presents Balthasar as an alternative to Idealist philosophy, a thinker who develops a religious metaphysics in which the saints’ practices of prayer and contemplation are the chief mode of knowing that the truth of Being is divine love. Love Itself Is Understanding casts new light on dominant themes in Balthasar’s thought and invites a renewed vision of the theological and metaphysical significance of the spiritual practices of prayer, obedience, and charity.

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  • Early Christianity In Pompeian Light


    Editor’s Preface

    Envisioning Situations
    1. Growing Up Female In The Pauline Churches-Carolyn Osiek
    2. Nine Types Of Church In Nine Types Of Space In The Insula Of The Menander-Peter Oakes
    3. The Empress, The Goddess, And The Earthquake-Bruce W. Longenecker

    Enhancing Texts
    4. Powers And Protection In Pompeii And Paul-Natalie R. Webb
    5. Violence In Pompeiian/Roman Domestic Art As A Visual Context For Pauline And Deutero-Pauline Letters-David L. Balch
    6. Spheres And Trajectories-Jeremiah N. Bailey


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    Scholars of early Christianity are awakening to the potential of Pompeii’s treasures for casting light on the settings and situations that were commonplace and conventional for the first urban Christians. The uncovered world of Pompeii, destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 C.E., allows us to peer back in time, capturing a heightened sense of what life was like on the ground in the first century – the very time when the early Jesus-movement was beginning to find its feet. In light of the Vesuvian material remains, historians are beginning to ask fresh questions of early Christian texts and perceive new contours, nuances, and subtleties within the situations those texts address.

    The essays of this book explore different dimensions of Pompeii’s potential to refine our lenses for interpreting the texts and situations of early Christianity. The contributors to this book (including Carolyn Osiek, David Balch, Peter Oakes, Bruce Longenecker, and others) demonstrate that it is an exciting time to explore the interface between the Vesuvian contexts and the early Jesus-movement.

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  • Justice As A Virtue


    “Aquinas,” says Jean Porter, “gets justice right.” In this book she shows that Aquinas offers us a cogent and illuminating account of justice as a personal virtue rather than a virtue of social institutions, as John Rawls and his interlocutors have described it – and as most people think of it today.

    Porter presents a thoughtful interpretation of Aquinas’s account of the complex virtue of justice as set forth in the Summa theologiae, focusing on his key claim that justice is a perfection of the will. Building on her interpretation of Aquinas on justice, Porter also develops a constructive expansion of his work, illuminating major aspects of Aquinas’s views and resolving tensions in his thought so as to draw out contemporary implications of his account of justice that he could not have anticipated.

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  • Mestizo Augustine : A Theologican Between Two Cultures


    Justo Gonzalez presents Augustine of Hippo as a “mestizo” (mixed) theologian, whose life and theology must be understood in terms of the tension between his African roots and his Roman education. The result is a fresh introduction to the bishop of Hippo.

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  • Majesty Of Mystery


    The Majesty of Mystery encourages believers to embrace the profound mysteries at the heart of Christian faith. The Trinity, God’s purposes, the incarnation, the resurrection, God’s work and human effort in salvation–none of these are problems to be explained away or puzzles to be dismissed as irrelevant. Rather, these are grand mysteries, not contradictory but paradoxical and wonderful, ultimately leading us to worship the incomprehensible God who faithfully reveals himself to us.

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  • On The Church


    Dutch politician and Christian activist Abraham Kuyper was deeply invested in debates over the influence Christianity should have on his nation. As a pastor and theologian, he was just as concerned about the ailing Dutch church. In On the Church, the Acton Institute and the Abraham Kuyper Translation Society have partnered with Lexham Press to publish seven brand-new translations of Kuyper’s most influential essays and speeches on the relationship between Christianity and the world.

    Kuyper believed that Christians must neither hide from the world behind the walls of physical church buildings nor engage the world solely through earthly institutions. The closing essay by Ad de Bruijne discusses how Kuyper’s incisive view of the church still can–and must–apply today, just as it did at the turn of the 20th century.

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  • Becoming A Pastor Theologian


    The Center for Pastor Theologians (CPT) seeks to overcome the bifurcation that has developed between the roles of pastor and theologian. Based on the first annual CPT conference in 2015, this volume brings together the reflections of church leaders and academic theologians to consider how these roles might be reconnected once again.

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  • Sons In The Son


    Rarely addressed throughout church history, the doctrine of adoption has seen fresh attention in recent years. Although valuable, contemporary studies have focused primarily on etymological, cultural, and pastoral considerations, giving little to no attention to vital systematic theological concerns.

    In this groundbreaking work, Professor David Garner examines the function of adoption in Pauline thought: its relationship to the doctrines of Christ, the Holy Spirit, eschatology, and union with Christ, as well as its primary place among the other benefits of salvation.

    Adoption frames Pauline soteriology, Garner argues, and defines the Trinitarian, familial context of redemption in Christ, the Son of God. Properly understood, adoption’s paradigm-shifting implications extend deep and far.

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  • End Of Theology


    14 Chapters

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    Missiologists and theologians do not often talk to each other, which has resulted in increased ignorance of each other’s questions and concerns about how to do theology in ways that effectively serve the Church’s mission. Under the auspices of the Tyndale Fellowship Christian Doctrine study group, a colloquium of distinguished scholars and practitioners recently gathered at the University of Cambridge.

    This volume, arising out of that symposium, begins hard conversations that have been waiting to happen. Each participant brings a particular perspective to questions about the nature of theology and how it is most meaningfully constructed so as to offer a truly interdisciplinary perspective on theology and mission. It highlights perspectives of contextual theology and systematic theology, as well as missiology and mission studies, world Christianity and historical inquiry, biblical studies and missional hermeneutics, ethnography, pastoral practice, and social justice. It also pays keen attention to matters on the ground with a profound desire to relate questions of evangelical identity – including ministry practice and mission – to the wider tradition. In short this volume sets out to model the kind of engagement required by both Church and Academy to do theology for mission.

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  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer And The Ethical Self


    1. Considering Contemporary Selves: Two Approaches
    2. Bonhoeffer And The Responsibly Oriented Self
    3. Bound To The Other: Bonhoeffer And Levinas In Conversation
    4. Weil’s “Attention” And The Other-Oriented Self
    5. Adolf Eichmann As Personification Of Irresponsibility
    Works Cited

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    Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s work has persistently challenged Christian consciousness due to both his death at the hands of the Nazis and his provocative prison musings about Christian faithfulness in late modernity. Although understandable given the popularity of both narrative trajectories, such selective focus obscures the depth and fecundity of his overall corpus. Bonhoeffer’s early work, and particularly his Christocentric anthropology, grounds his later commitments to responsibility and faithfulness in a “world come of age.” While much debate accompanies claims regarding the continuity of Bonhoeffer’s thought, there are central motifs that pervade his work from his doctoral dissertation to the prison writings.

    This book suggests that a concern for otherness permeates all of Bonhoeffer’s work. Furthermore, Clark Elliston articulates, drawing on Bonhoeffer, a constructive vision of Christian selfhood defined by its orientation towards otherness. Taking Bonhoeffer as both the origin and point of return, the text engages Emmanuel Levinas and Simone Weil as dialogue partners who likewise stress the role of the other for self-understanding, albeit in diverse ways. By reading Bonhoeffer “through” their voices, one enhances Bonhoeffer’s already fertile understanding of responsibility.

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  • Shared Mercy : Karl Barth On Forgiveness And The Church


    In A Shared Mercy, Jon Coutts explores Karl Barth’s theology of forgiveness and reconciliation in the final volume of the Church Dogmatics. Combining systematic and pastoral theology, Coutts shows the significance of Barth’s writings for the life of the church today.

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  • Conceiving Parenthood : American Protestantism And The Spirit Of Reproducti


    Genetic manipulation. Designer babies. Prenatal screening. The genomic revolution. Cutting-edge issues in reproductive bioethics grab our attention almost daily, prompting strong responses from various sides. As science advances and comes ever closer to “perfect” procreation and “perfectible” babies, controversy has become a constant in bioethical discussion.

    Amy Laura Hall seeks out the genesis of such issues rather than trying to divine their future. Her disturbing finding is that mainline Protestantism is complicit in the history and development of reproductive biotechnology. Through analysis of nearly 150 images of the family in the mainstream media in the twentieth century, Hall argues that, by downplaying the gratuity of grace, middle-class Protestants, with American culture at large, have implicitly endorsed the idea of justification through responsibly planned procreation. A tradition that should have welcomed all persons equally has instead fostered a culture of “carefully delineated, racially encoded domesticity.”

    The research in Conceiving Parenthood is new, the theory provocative, and the illustrations exceptional. The book is replete with photos and advertisements from popular magazines from the 1930s through the 1950s– Parents’, Ladies’ Home Journal, National Geographic, and so on. Hall’s analysis of these ads is startling. Her goal, however, is not simply to startle readers but to encourage new conversations within communities of faith&mdashconversations enabling individuals, couples, congregations, even entire neighborhoods to conceive of parenthood in ways that make room for families and children who are deemed to be outside the proper purview of the right sorts of families.

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  • Quran In Context


    Mark Anderson explores the world of Mohammad as the context in which the Qur’an arose. After carefully exploring key facets of the Qur’anic worldview, he offers a nuanced understanding of how Jesus fits within it. His careful Christian response opens up a mutually respectful and informed place of dialogue between Christians and Muslims.

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  • Theologian Of Resistance


    Since Dietrich Bonhoeffers death in 1945, he has continued to fascinate and compel readers as a theologian, witness, and martyr. In this new biography, Christiane Tietz masterfully portrays the interconnectedness of Bonhoeffers life and thought, theology and politics, discipleship, witness, and resistance, tracing the path from his childhood to his imprisonment and execution. Brief, lucid, and accessible, Tietzs new account brings Bonhoeffers story and work to life in a vivid retelling, unfolding his important and widely read texts in the process. The volume also includes previously unseen pictures.

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  • Other Side Of The Coyne


    These bite-size guides — digestible in a sitting or two — are great introductions to specific topics. In this book Doug reviews Jerry A. Coyne’s recent, patronizing evolutionary screed, chapter by chapter. Contains a pile of Doug’s hilariously apt metaphors as it deconstructs Coyne’s presuppositions about creationism and science.

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  • Horror And Its Aftermath


    Camel, Lion, Child Narrating Human Suffering And Salvation
    The Least Of These: A Narration Of Human Anxiety In Early Childhood
    Towards A Theological Engagement Of Early Childhood
    “. . . The Lord Encountered Him And Sought To Kill Him”: Marilyn McCord Adams On Horror And Salvation
    Radical Hope: This World And The Next

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    Theological anthropology often brings psychology to bear on the contingent nature of human existence in relationship to God. In this volume, Sally Stamper articulates one modern trajectory of theological recourse to psychology (comprising Schleiermacher, Nietzsche, and Tillich) as the ground on which she brings clinical psychoanalytic theory and early childhood studies into conversation with fundamental questions about the relationship of God to human suffering and its remediation. She develops her argument from the assertions that human experience evolves within an awareness of human vulnerability to profound suffering and that insight into consequent human anxiety is a powerful resource for soteriology, eschatology, and theological anthropology. Stamper narrates this “normative anxiety” by integrating object relations theories of early childhood development and critical readings of literary texts for young children. She gestures toward a new eschatological vision that poses the radical otherness of a transcendent God as key to divine remediation of human suffering, in the process building on Marilyn McCord Adams’s soteriological response to human horror-participation and on Jonathan Lear’s assertion of radical hope in response to catastrophic collapse of cultural resources for making meaning.

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  • Christian Faith 1-2


    Christian Faith is one of the most important works of Christian theology ever written. The author, known as the “father of theological liberalism,” correlates the entirety of Christian doctrine to the human experience of and consciousness of God. A work of exhaustive scholarship written in deep sympathy with the ministry of congregations and church bodies, Christian Faith has inspired admiration and debate from all quarters of the Christian family since its first publication in 1821.

    This is the first full translation of Schleiermacher’s Christian Faith since 1928 and the first English-language critical edition ever. Edited by top Schleiermacher scholars, this edition includes extensive notes that detail changes Schleiermacher made to the text and explain references that may be unfamiliar to contemporary readers. Employing shorter sentences and more careful tracking of vocabulary, the editors have crafted a translation that is significantly easier to read and follow. Anyone who wishes to understand theology in the modern period will find this an indispensable resource.

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  • Book Of Isaiah And Gods Kingdom (Student/Study Guide)


    Series Preface
    Author’s Preface
    1. God, The King Now And To Come In Isaiah 1-39
    2. God, The Only Saving King In Isaiah 40-55
    3. God, The Warrior, International, And Compassionate King In Isaiah 56-66
    4. The Lead Agents Of The King
    5. The Realm And The People Of God’s Kingdom
    Index Of Authors
    Index Of Scripture References

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    Anyone who has attempted to teach or preach through the prophecy of Isaiah has felt a tension. On the one hand there is the soaring imagination and evocative phrasing of passage after passage in this magnificent book. But on the other hand there is the challenge of fitting the book together and grasping with confidence the referents Isaiah has in mind. In a well-written and remarkably comprehensive treatment, Andrew Abernethy takes us through the book of Isaiah by unfolding the way God and his kingdom are presented in each of the three major sections of the prophecy. By outlining the way this reigning God uses agents to accomplish his purpose, this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume identifies the links to the broader biblical canon and ultimately to Jesus. Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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  • Formed By Love


    In volume five, Scott Bader-Saye, Academic Dean and Professor of Christian Ethics and Moral Theology at Seminary of the Southwest, examines the moral life through the lens of the Episcopal Church and its traditions. Beginning with an introduction to ethics in a changing world, Bader-Saye helps the reader move past the idea that we either accept cultural change as a whole or reject it whole, suggesting that we need to make discriminating judgments about where to affirm change and where to resist it. Part I looks at distinctive aspects of the Episcopal ethos, noting that “ethics” comes from “ethos,” and so has to do with habits and enculturation of a particular people. Topics include creation, incarnation, holiness, sacrament, scripture, and “via media.” Part II looks at big moral questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What are good and evil? What are right and wrong? Part III examines how an Episcopal approach might shape a typical day by examining Morning Prayer and Compline as moral formation, in between discussing work, eating, and playing. Each part begins by analyzing cultural assumptions, asking what should be affirmed and what resisted about contemporary context, setting the stage for discussion in subsequent chapters.

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  • European Brain Snakes


    13 Chapters

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    These bite-size guides — digestible in a sitting or two — are great introductions to specific topics. “Seeping postmodernism” is Doug’s topic in this book, in which “we surmise that the brain is Ireland and we call for St. Patrick.” Don’t be intimidated by this important word (or topic) any longer.

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  • Grace In Auschwitz



    Part I: Entering Auschwitz
    1. Interpreting Auschwitz: A Theologically Oriented Reading Of History
    2. The Human Predicament In Auschwitz

    Part II: A Conversation In Kenotic Mode
    3. Kenotic Christ: Salvation In Weakness
    4. Western Christian And Auschwitz: Looking For Jesus Christ In Extermination Camps


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    The postmodern human condition and relationship to God were forged in response to Auschwitz. Christian theology must now address the challenge posed by the Shoah. Grace in Auschwitz offers a constructive theology of grace that enables twenty-first-century Westerners to relate meaningfully to the Christian tradition in the wake of the Holocaust and unprecedented evil. Through narrative theological testimonial history, the first part articulates the human condition and relationship to God experienced by concentration camp inmates. The second part draws from the lives and works of Simone Weil, Dorothee Solle, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Alfred Delp, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and Sergei Bulgakov to propose and apply a coherent kenotic model enabling the transposition of the Christian doctrine of grace into categories strongly correlating with the experience of Auschwitz survivors. This model centers on the vulnerable Jesus Christ, a God who takes on the burden of the human condition and freely suffers alongside and for human beings. In and through the person of Jesus, God is made present and active in the midst of spiritual desolation and destitution, providing humanity and solace to others.

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  • New Christian Zionism


    Introduction: What Is The New Christian Zionism? (Gerald McDermott)
    PART I: Theology And History
    1: A History Of Christian Zionism: Is Christian Zionism Rooted Primarily In Premillennial Dispensationalism? (Gerald McDermott)

    PART II: Theology And The Bible
    2: Biblical Hermeneutics: How Are We To Interpret The Relation Between Tanach And The New Testament On This Question? (Craig Blaising)
    3: Zionism In The Gospel Of Matthew: Do The People Of Israel And The Land Of Israel Persist As Abiding Concerns For Matthew? (Joel Willitts)
    4: Zionism In Luke-Acts: Do The People Of Israel And The Land Of Israel Persist As Abiding Concerns In Luke’s Two Volumes? (Mark Kinzer)
    5: Zionism In Pauline Literature: Does Paul Eliminate Particularity For Israel And The Land In His Portrayal Of Salvation Available For All The World? (David Rudolph)

    PART III: Theology And Its Implications
    6: Theology And The Churches: How Have The Churches Supported And Opposed Christian Zionism? (Mark Tooley)
    7: Theology And Politics: Reinhold Niebuhr’?s Christian Zionism (Robert Benne)
    8: Theology And Law: Does The Modern State Of Israel Violate Its Call To Justice In The Covenant By Its Relation To International Law? (Robert Nicholson)
    9: Theology And Morality: Is Modern Israel Faithful To The Moral Demands Of The Covenant In Its Treatment Of Minorities? (Shadi Khalloul)

    PART IV: Theology And The Future
    10: How Should The New Christian Zionism Proceed? (Darrell Bock)

    CONCLUSION: Implications And Propositions (Gerald McDermott)

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    A New Christian Zionism? Can a theological case be made from the New Testament (with the Old) that Israel still has a claim to the Promised Land? Christian Zionism is often seen as the offspring of premillennial dispensationalism. However, the historical roots of Christian Zionism came long before the rise of the Plymouth Brethren and John Nelson Darby. In fact, the authors of The New Christian Zionism contend that the biblical and theological connections between covenant and land are nearly as close in the New Testament as in the Old. Written with academic rigor by experts in the field, this book proposes how Zionism can be defended historically, theologically, politically and morally. While this does not sanctify every policy and practice of the current Israeli government, the authors include recommendations for how twenty-first-century Christian theology should rethink its understanding of both ancient and contemporary Israel, the Bible and Christian theology more broadly. This provocative volume proposes a place for Christian Zionism in an integrated biblical vision,.

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  • Faithful Artist : A Vision For Evangelicalism And The Arts


    Drawing upon his experiences as both a Christian and an artist, Cameron Anderson traces the relationship between the evangelical church and modern art in postwar America. While acknowledging the tensions between faith and visual art, he eschews the notion of a final rift, instead casting a vision for serious, faithful engagement with the arts.

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  • Whats So Important About The Cross


    We know that Jesus’ death on the cross is a historic fact, but does it have any true meaning and value to us today?

    Legendary Bible teacher Derek Prince explains that the cross not only provides forgiveness from sin-it also makes everything else work in our lives. The cross continues to be the ultimate demonstration of God’s love and the source of ongoing supernatural grace for us. It is also the basis of healings and miracles today and the foundation of Satan’s total defeat. It is even the door to God’s secret wisdom as it allows us access the mind and heart of our heavenly Father.

    By recognizing to the centrality of the cross, personally applying it our lives, we enter into the totality of God’s power and provision for us.

    The cross: not just a historical event but forgiveness, victory, abundance. Today.

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  • Networked Theology : Negotiating Faith In Digital Culture


    The Theological Implications of Digital Culture
    This informed theology of communication and media analyzes how we consume new media and technologies and discusses the impact on our social and religious lives. Combining expertise in religion online, theology, and technology, the authors synthesize scholarly work on religion and the internet for a nonspecialist audience. They show that both media studies and theology offer important resources for helping Christians engage in a thoughtful and faith-based critical evaluation of the effect of new media technologies on society, our lives, and the church.

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  • Reciprocating Self : Human Developments In Theological Perspective (Revised)


    14 Chapters

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    Jack O. Balswick, Pamela Ebstyne King and Kevin S. Reimer present a model of human development that ranges across all of life’s stages. This revised second edition engages new research from evolutionary psychology, developmental neuroscience and positive psychology.

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  • Home : How Heaven And The New Earth Satisfy Our Deepest Longings (Reprinted)


    Heaven Is the Home You’ve Been Waiting For
    In this world of fear, trials, and loneliness we often feel adrift–like we’re still searching for a place where we can truly make ourselves at home. There’s a longing for something more, something that makes us feel like we belong, something that resonates perfectly with who we were made to be. This longing is no small thing to be brushed off and forgotten–it’s a guidepost letting us know we were made for another world. Earth is not our home. But it’s close. What we long for is the new earth, the place God has been preparing for our eternity with him. In Home, Elyse Fitzpatrick explores heaven and the afterlife, demonstrating that our final destination is not some dull, featureless space in the clouds, but rather a perfected earth. It’s a real, physical place that we’ll explore with real bodies. A place of beauty and wonder and free of all death and decay. No need to chase a bucket list. On the new earth there will be no end of glorious sites and amazing activities, and we’ll never run out of time to do them all. Includes questions for group discussion.

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  • Holy One In Our Midst


    1. The Flesh Of Christ And The Extra Calvinisticum
    2. The Flesh Of Christ In Modern Theology
    3. The Logos And The Flesh Of Christ
    4. The Temple Of God And The Flesh Of Christ
    5. (De)Limiting The Flesh Of Christ
    6. Why One Ought To Embrace The Extra Calvinisticum

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    The Holy One in Our Midst: An Essay on the Flesh of Christ aims to defend the doctrine of the extra Calvinisticum-the doctrine that maintains the Son of God was not restricted to the flesh of Christ during the incarnation-by arguing that it is logically coherent, biblically warranted, catholically orthodox, and theologically useful. It shows that none of the standard objections are devastating to the extra, that the doctrine is rooted in the claims of Christian Scripture and not merely a remnant of perfect being philosophical theology, and that the doctrine plays an important role in contemporary theological discussion. In this way, James Gordon revives an important Catholic doctrine that has fallen out of favor in contemporary theology. Also, this project aims to integrate biblical, philosophical, and systematic theology by showing that the tools and methods of each distinct discipline can contribute to the goals and aims of the others.

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  • Pro Rege Volume 1


    Abraham Kuyper wrote Pro Rege to remove the separation between the believer’s life inside the church and the believer’s life outside the church. He saw the kingship of Jesus as the key to bridging the two. In this first volume, Kuyper discusses the darkening of Christ’s Kingship, the undermining of Christ’s Kingship, and the Kingship of Christ according to Scripture. He also examines the kingdom of Satan in opposition to the kingdom of Christ.

    This new translation of Pro Rege, created in partnership with the Kuyper Translation Society and the Acton Institute, is part of a major series of new translations of Kuyper’s most important writings. The Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public Theology marks a historic moment in Kuyper studies, aimed at deepening and enriching the church’s development of public theology.

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  • Representing Christ : A Vision For The Priesthood Of All Believers


    The priesthood of all believers is a core Protestant belief. But what does it actually mean? Uche Anizor and Hank Voss set the record straight in this concise treatment of a doctrine that lies at the center of church life and Christian spirituality. The authors look at the priesthood of all believers in terms of the biblical witness, the contribution of Martin Luther and the doctrine of the Trinity. They place this concept in the context of the canonical description of Israel and the church as a royal priesthood that responds to God in witness and service to the world. Representing Christ is much more than a piece of Reformation history. It shows that the priesthood of all believers is interwoven with the practical, spiritual and missional life of the church.

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  • Will Of Him Who Sent Me


    With discussions of the Trinity increasingly coming to the fore in theological controversies over human relationships, this book seeks to restore the focus to theology proper. In The Will of Him Who Sent Me, Andrew Moody proposes that a carefully defined model for ordered Trinitarian willing can help us better understand the great themes of the Bible and the reason for salvation history itself.

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  • Human Origins And The Bible


    An engineer takes a scientific approach to the study of human origins, and compares Scripture with the findings of current scientific discoveries and DNA research. Myron Heavin examines differing views on creation and human origins, and what the Bible has to say in Genesis 2-5. From how to read and interpret the Bible, to when Adam and Eve lived, to hominids and Neantherthals, Heavin examines the validity of various creationist viewpoints, always with the supremacy of Scripture in mind. An individual or group Bible study that uses nature and Scripture to answer questions on our origins.

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  • Human Origins And The Bible


    An engineer takes a scientific approach to the study of human origins, and compares Scripture with the findings of current scientific discoveries and DNA research. Myron Heavin examines differing views on creation and human origins, and what the Bible has to say in Genesis 2-5. From how to read and interpret the Bible, to when Adam and Eve lived, to hominids and Neantherthals, Heavin examines the validity of various creationist viewpoints, always with the supremacy of Scripture in mind. An individual or group Bible study that uses nature and Scripture to answer questions on our origins.

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  • Old Testament Theology 2


    Old Testament Theology: Israel’s Faith is the second of John Goldingay’s magisterial three-volume Old Testament Theology. The award-winning first volume, Old Testament Theology: Israel’s Gospel, followed the story line of the First Testament, developing its narrative theology. This volume finds its point of departure in the Prophets, Psalms and Wisdom literature, where we encounter a more discursive thinking that is closer to traditional theology. Whereas the first volume followed the epochal divine acts of Israel’s “gospel” narrative, here Goldingay sets out the faith of Israel under the major rubrics of God Israel The Nightmare The Vision The World The Nations Humanity In a style that cleaves closely to the text, Goldingay offers up a masterful exposition of the faith of the First Testament, one born of living long with the text and the refined skill of asking interesting questions and listening with trained attention. Never one to sacrifice a close hearing of a text for an easy generality, or to mute a discordant note for the sake of reassuring harmony, Goldingay gives us an Old Testament theology shot through with the edge-of-the-seat vitality of discovery. The first volume ofOld Testament Theology has triggered lively discussion in the academy. This volume too will be welcomed and discussed by scholars. But its fresh presentations of theological motifs, as well as its engagement with contemporary contexts, will also greatly enrich the treasury of insights this series makes available to preachers and communicators of the Old Testament.

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  • How I Changed My Mind About Evolution


    25 Chapters

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    Perhaps no topic appears as potentially threatening to evangelicals as evolution. The very idea seems to exclude God from the creation the book of Genesis celebrates. Yet many evangelicals have come to accept the conclusions of science while still holding to a vigorous belief in God and the Bible. How did they make this journey? How did they come to embrace both evolution and faith? Here are stories from a community of people who love Jesus and honor the authority of the Bible, but who also agree with what science says about the cosmos, our planet and the life that so abundantly fills it. Among the contributors are Scientists such as Francis CollinsDeborah HaarsmaDenis Lamoureux Pastors such as John OrtbergKen FongLaura Truax Biblical scholars such as N. T. WrightScot McKnightTremper Longman III Theologians and philosophers such as James K. A. SmithAmos YongOliver Crisp

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  • Old Testament Theology 3


    In this third volume of his critically acclaimed Old Testament Theology John Goldingay explores the Old Testament vision of Israel’s life before God. The first volume focused on the story of God’s dealings with Israel, or Israel’s gospel. The second volume investigated the beliefs of Israel, or Israel’s faith. Now the spotlight falls on the Old Testament’s perspective on the life that Israel should live in its present and future, including its worship, prayer and spirituality, as well as its practices, attitudes and ethics before God. Goldingay sees three spheres of life giving order to Israel’s vision: its life in relation to God, its life in community and the life of the individual as a self. Within these frameworks he unfurls a tapesetry that is as broad and colorful as all of life, and yet detailed in its intricate attention to the text. With this final volume John Goldingay has given us the third pillar of an Old Testament theology that is monumental in scope and yet invites us to enter through multiple doors to explore its riches. Students will profit from a semester in its courts, and ministers of the Word will find their preaching and teaching deeply enriched by wandering its halls and meditating in its chambers.

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  • Forensic Apocalyptic Theology


    SKU (ISBN): 9781506410555ISBN10: 1506410553Shannon SmytheBinding: Cloth TextPublished: May 2016Emerging ScholarsPublisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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  • Delivered From The Elements Of The World


    In this wide-ranging study, bursting with insights, Peter Leithart explores how and why Jesus’ death and resurrection addresses the deepest realities of this world. This biblical and theological examination of atonement and justification challenges conventional perceptions and probes the depths of the death that changes everything.”

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  • Theology Of Grace In Six Controversies


    Few topics in theology are as complex and multifaceted as grace: over the course of centuries, many seemingly arbitrary distinctions and arcane debates have arisen around it. Edward Oakes, however, argues that all of these distinctions and debates are ultimately motivated by one central question: What are God’s intentions for the world?

    In A Theology of Grace in Six Controversies Oakes examines issues relating to grace and points them back to that central question, illuminating and explaining what is really at stake in these debates. Maintaining that controversies clarify issues, especially those as convoluted as that of grace, Oakes works through six central debates on the topic, including sin and justification, evolution and original sin, and free will and predestination.

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  • What Do We Believe Why Does It Matter


    A general introduction to the beliefs of Christian theology and their significance for Christian worship, living and thinking

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  • Pictures At A Theological Exhibition


    In this collection of essays, Kevin Vanhoozer turns from hermeneutical theory to hermeneutical practice through explorations of how theology informs the church’s worship, witness and wisdom.

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  • Jesus As Healer


    In New Testament accounts of Jesus, his healing ministry plays a central role. In the Western Christian tradition, however, this aspect of his life receives little attention, and Jesus’ works of healing are often understood as little more than a demonstration of his divine power.

    In this book Jan-Olav Henriksen and Karl Olav Sandnes draw on both New Testament scholarship and contemporary systematic theology to challenge and investigate the reasons for this oversight. They constructively consider what it can mean for Christian theology today to understand Jesus as a healer, to embrace fully the embodied character of the Christian faith, and to recognize the many ways in which God can still be seen to have a healing presence in the world.

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  • Unparalleled


    How Christianity’s Unmatched Truth Answers the Deepest Longings of Every Human Heart

    To the popular objection Aren’t all religions basically the same? pastor and author Jared Wilson answers with an enthusiastic No! Christianity is not merely one among many similar options. It is categorically different–and it’s these differences that make it so compelling. In Unparalleled, Wilson holds up the teachings of the Bible to the clear light of day, revealing how Christianity rises above every other religion and philosophy of the world, and how its unmatched truth answers the deepest longings of every human heart. He provides an overview of Christianity’s key claims showing how, from top to bottom, it is distinct from all other competing ideologies, religious and secular. Christians will come away with a fresh sense of the truth of their faith and nonbelievers will be compelled to consider the relevant claims of Christianity in a drastically new light.

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  • Bible And Science In Harmony


    Faithful Life Publishers

    If you are searching for Biblical truth as I was, I invite you to come with me on this Scriptural journey that I have been on for over 40 years; finding the Way, learning the Truth, and discovering the purpose of real Life and real happiness.

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  • Embracing Creation : Gods Forgotten Mission


    Our mission is more than saving souls. Our goal is more than getting to go to heaven.

    We are made to embrace creation.

    Human beings have been given an important role in the vast, created order of God.

    Embracing Creation will remind you about that role, but it will also challenge you to consider more deeply God’s forgotten mission. Since God has always loved everything he has made, He desires that we wisely nurture His creation to the praise of His glory.

    Embracing Creation offers a compelling survey of the Bible, and then offers some clear illustrations of how we should live our lives in light of God’s redemptive grace.

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  • Earliest Christologies : Five Images Of Christ In The Postapostolic Age


    1. Five Images Of Christ In The Postapostolic Age
    2. Christ As Angel: Angel Adoptionism
    3. Christ As Prophet: Spirit Adoptionism
    4. Christ As Phantom: Docetism And Docetic Gnosticism
    5. Christ As Cosmic Mind: Hybrid Gnosticism
    6. Christ As Word: Logos Christology (Incarnation)
    7. What, Then, Is Orthodoxy?
    Chart: Christology Continuum

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    The second century was a religious and cultural crucible for early Christian Christology. Was Christ a man, temporarily inhabited by the divine? Was he a spirit, only apparently cloaked in flesh? Or was he the Logos, truly incarnate? Between varieties of adoptionism on the one hand and brands of Gnosticism on the other, the church’s understanding took shape. In this clear and concise introduction, James Papandrea sets out five of the principal images of Christ that dominated belief and debate in the postapostolic age. While beliefs on the ground were likely more tangled and less defined than we can know, Papandrea helps us see how Logos Christology was forged as the beginning of the church’s orthodox confession. This informative and clarifying study of early Christology provides a solid ground for students to begin to explore the early church and its Christologies.

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