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    Ben Witherington

    • Who God Is


      Do you know the character of our God–do you know who God is?

      What does it mean to say that God is love, light, life, and spirit? In Who God Is, world-renowned New Testament scholar Ben Witherington III explores the nature and character of the God of the Bible by focusing specifically on the nouns used to describe who God is. This rich exploration has its foundation in a deep reading of the biblical text. Reflecting on these descriptions of God gives us a fresh understanding of the beauty and uniqueness of the character of our God.

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    • Priscilla : The Life Of An Early Christian


      Who was Priscilla? Ben Witherington combines biblical scholarship and winsome storytelling to give readers a vivid picture of this important New Testament woman. In this work of historical fiction, Priscilla’s story makes the first-century biblical world come alive as she looks back on her long life and remembers the ways she has participated in the early church.

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    • Torah Old And New


      Reading the books of the Law, the Pentateuch, in their original context is the crucial prerequisite for reading their citation and use in later interpretation, including the New Testament writings, argues Ben Witherington III. Here, he offers pastors, teachers, and students an accessible commentary on the Pentateuch, as well as a reasoned consideration of how these books were heard and read in early Christianity. By reading “forward and backward,” Witherington advances the scholarly discussion of intertextuality and opens a new avenue for biblical theology.

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    • Isaiah Old And New


      Reading the Book of Isaiah in its original context is the crucial prerequisite for reading its citation and use in later interpretation, including the New Testament writings, argues Ben Witherington III. Here he offers pastors, teachers, and students an accessible commentary to Isaiah, as well as a reasoned consideration of how Isaiah was heard and read in early Christianity. By reading forward and backward Witherington advances the scholarly discussion of intertextuality and opens a new avenue for biblical theology.

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    • Letters And Homilies For Hellenized Christians


      Letters and Homilies for Hellenized Christians, Volume 2 is the third of three volumes extending Ben Witherington’s innovative socio-rhetorical analysis of New Testament books to the latter-Pauline and non-Pauline corpora. By dividing the volumes according to the socioreligious contexts for which they were written, Witherington sheds fresh light on the documents, their provenance, character and importance. Throughout, Witherington shows his thorough knowledge of recent literature on these texts and focuses his attention on the unique insights brought about through socio-rhetorical analysis that either reinforces or corrects those gleaned from other approaches. “Bridging the Horizons” sections point to the relevance of the text for believers today, making this volume of special value to pastors and general readers as well as to students and scholars.

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    • Letters And Homilies For Jewish Christians


      In this commentary on Hebrews, James and Jude, Ben Witherington III applies his socio-rhetorical method to elucidate these letters within their primarily Jewish context, probing the social setting of the readers and the rhetorical strategies of the authors of the letters.

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    • New Testament Theology And Ethics 1


      All too often, argues Ben Witherington, the theology of the New Testament has been divorced from its ethics, leaving as isolated abstractions what are fully integrated, dynamic elements within the New Testament itself. As Witherington stresses, “behavior affects and reinforces or undoes belief.” In this paperback edition of The Indelible Image, Volume 1, Witherington offers the first of a two-volume set on the theological and ethical thought world of the New Testament. The first volume looks at the individual witnesses, while the second examines the collective witness. The New Testament, says Ben Witherington, is “like a smallish choir. All are singing the same cantata, but each has an individual voice and is singing its own parts and notes. If we fail to pay attention to all the voices in the choir, we do not get the entire effect. . . . If this first volume is about closely analyzing the sheet music left to us by which each musician’s part is delineated, the second volume will attempt to re-create what it might have sounded like had they ever gotten together and performed their scores to produce a single masterful cantata.” What the New Testament authors have in mind, Witherington contends, is that all believers should be conformed in thought, word and deed to the image of Jesus Christ-the indelible image.

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    • Week In The Life Of Corinth


      In this fictional re-creation, the world-famous New Testament academic helps us enter into the concerns of everyday Christians in the first century. Through the eyes of a Corinthian merchant, we sense typical sights, sounds, and smells; the intellectual milieu; and moral quandaries. Includes helpful sidebars, maps, and diagrams throughout.

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    • Pauls Letter To The Philippians


      Skeptical of the trend among many biblical scholars to analyze Paul’s short, affectionate letter to the Philippians in light of Greco-Roman letter-writing conventions, Ben Witherington instead looks at Philippians as a masterful piece of long-distance oratory–an extension of Paul’s speech, dictated to a scribe and meant to be read aloud to its recipients.

      In Paul’s letter to the Philippians: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary Witherington examines Paul’s short but powerful letter in light of Greco-Roman rhetorical conventions, identifying Paul’s purpose, highlighting his main points and his persuasive strategies, and considering how his original audience would have heard and received Paul’s message.

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    • Work : A Kingdom Perspective On Labor


      Redefines work as a good gift from God

      Most Christians spend most of their waking hours working, yet little has been written of late on the biblical theology and ethics of work. In this brief primer on work in the Bible, Ben Witherington shows that work is neither the curse nor the cure of human life but, rather, something good that God has given to us to do.

      Unpacks the concept of work and its relationship to rest, play, and worship, showing the place of work in the normal cycle of human life
      Discusses work as calling, work as ministry, work as a way to make a living, the unbiblical notion of retirement, and more
      Offers Bible-based insights from Genesis to Revelation

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    • Imminent Domain : The Story Of The Kingdom Of God And Its Celebration


      What is the kingdom of God? Where is it? How should the church celebrate the coming of the kingdom? In this popularly written study Ben Witherington addresses these and various other questions about the ever-elusive kingdom of God. Clearly defining the kingdom in terms of God’s dominion, Witherington discusses both its present (“already”) and future (“not yet”) dimensions, and he brings out at length the implications of kingdom thinking for theology, ethics, and worship.

      Filled with practical wisdom on the kingdom of God and how to celebrate it faithfully, Imminent Domain fills a real niche.

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    • New Testament Story Print On Demand Title


      A Print on Demand Title

      This informative, clearly written book introduces the New Testament in two main ways: (1) it explains where the New Testament came from, and (2) it examines the New Testament writings themselves.

      Ben Witherington first tells how and why the New Testament documents were written and collected and how they came to be known as the New Testament that we have today. He then discusses the main stories and major figures in the New Testament. Witherington looks particularly at the Gospels, examining how and why their stories differ and pointing out what these ancient biographies actually say about Jesus. He also surveys the ways that these stories were told and retold, explaining how this literary development has influenced Christian theology, ethics, and social thought. Each chapter ends with a section called “Exercises and Questions for Reflection and Study” (written by Darlene Hyatt), making this book especially useful for Sunday school classes and group Bible studies.

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    • Pauls Letter To The Romans


      Continuing his series of highly regarded and innovative socio-rhetorical commentaries on the New Testament, Ben Witherington now tackles Romans, perhaps the most profound and difficult book of the New Testament.

      Interacting with recent treatments of this Pauline letter and with ancient Christian commentators, Witherington shows that the interpretation of Romans since the Reformation has been far too indebted to Augustinian readings of the text as filtered through Luther, Calvin, and others. Instead, Witherington urges a reading of the text in light of early Jewish theology, the historical situation of Rome, and Paul’s own rhetorical concerns.

      Offering a new translation of the Greek text and new insights into Paul and his world, this commentary sheds fresh light on the meaning of Romans for its original audience and for Christian readers today.

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    • Shadow Of The Almighty


      The Shadow of the Almighty introduces readers to the nature of God by exploring the biblical references to God as “Father,” “Son,” and “Holy Spirit.” This fruitful approach offers fresh insight into the meaning of the biblical language used for God, giving readers the background necessary for properly understanding the trinitarian perspective of the New Testament and of the Christian faith.

      Divided into four chapters, the book looks at “Father” language in early Judaism, at “Father” language in early Christianity, at “Son” language, and at language designating the Spirit. This thorough review of the traditional God language across the biblical texts shows what the earliest Christians understood by using these terms and, ultimately, what these terms mean for modern faith and practice.

      While much of this material is deceptively familiar, the authors’ close examination of how and where the different terms are used reveals some surprising results. It makes clear, for example, that speaking of God in trinitarian terms was not as radical a departure from early Jewish monotheism as many have thought, and it shows that while early Christianity was characterized by disparate ideas, the first Christians nevertheless shared a common understanding of God. Equally engaging findings of the book include the authors’ support for the traditional gendered term “Father” when speaking about God.

      Complete with helpful questions at the end of each chapter, The Shadow of the Almighty provides an excellent place to begin a deeper study of God.

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    • Paul Quest : The Renewed Search For The Jew Of Tarsus


      In this paper edition of The Paul Ben Witherington examines the various profiles of the historical Paul that have been newly discovered or refurbished. One of the great gains of this quest has been a reencounter with Paul the Jew. The flood of new insight into Judaism of the first century has illuminated features of Paul that were previously obscured. In this timely work, a reacquaintance with the classical Roman world has filled in even more details of Paul’s life and work.

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    • Gospel Of Mark


      472 Pages

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      This superb commentary offers the first sustained attempt to read the Gospel of Mark both as an ancient biography and as a form of ancient rhetoric. Leading New Testament scholar Ben Witherington applies to Mark the socio-rhetorical approach for which he is well known, opening a fresh new perspective on the earliest Gospel. Witherington’s work provides us with a fascinating view of how the life and teachings of Jesus were presented to a largely non-Jewish auidence – and what this presentation of Jesus still holds for Christians today.

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    • Jesus Paul And The End Of The World


      IVP Print On Demand Title

      Ben Wetherington takes a hard look at the Gospel texts and makes a thorough and critical assessment of Paul’s eschatology. For each topic examined; the language of imminence, the dominion of God, the community of Christ, the Israel of God, the day of the Lord and the resurrection of the dead; he compares and contrasts Jesus and Paul. The result is an important contribution to our understanding of New Testament eschatology.

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    • Jesus Quest


      In recent years, John Dominic Crossan, Marcus Borg, and Burton Mack have sparked controversy with their conclusions on the historical Jesus. Professor Witherington, in this popular critical review, presents the work of E.P. Sanders, N.T. Wright, and other noted scholars to give a clear, balanced understanding of the debate.

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    • Christology Of Jesus


      How did Jesus understand himself? Ben WitheringtonIII, is a Professor of New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky, a member of the Society for the Study of New Testament, and author of “Jesus the Sage” and “The Jesus Quest”

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    • History Literature And Society In The Book Of Acts


      These essays use an interdisciplinary approach for recent Book of Acts scholarship. Insights from the social sciences, narratological studies, Greek and Roman rhetoric and history, and classics, set Acts in its original historical, literary and social context. These methods of interpretation have only recently been applied to Acts in a systematic way. This is a valuable overview of some of the chief preoccupations of current biblical studies from leading scholars in Old and New Testament studies and the history of antiquity.

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    • Pauls Narrative Thought World


      It is a common belief that Paul’s letters are not stories but rather theological ideas and practical advice. Ben Witherington thinks otherwise. He is convinced that all Paul’s ideas, arguments, practical advice, and social arrangements are ultimately grounded in stories, some found in the Hebrew scriptures and some found in the oral tradition. Witherington says that Paul’s thought was shaped by four interrelated stories comprising a larger drama: the story of a world gone wrong; the story of Israel in that world; the story of Christ, which arises both out of the story of Israel and out of the story of God as creator and redeemer; and the story of the Christians, which indicates a world set right again. According to Witherington, the story of Christ is the crucial turning point that affects how the story will ultimately be resolved.

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    • Women In The Earliest Churches (Reprinted)


      This book examines the roles and functions that women assumed in the early Christian communities from AD 33 to the Council of Nicaea. It surveys, too, the views about women held by various New Testament authors including Paul and the Evangelists.

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    • Women And The Genesis Of Christianity


      This study explores the role of women in New Testament times. Beginning with the woman’s place in Judaism, in the Hellenistic world, and in the Roman Empire, Witherington demonstrates how Jesus broke significantly with convention in how he viewed women, offering as he did a wholly new conception of the legitimate rights of women in society.

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    • Women In The Ministry Of Jesus


      A fascinating and original contribution to the exegesis of Biblical passages relevant to the current debate on women’s roles in the Church and society.

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