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    Eschatology (End Times)

    • Hope In The Last Days


      Understand how ancient biblical prophecies are coming to pass in our day, how coming prophetic events will impact you, and how there is hope for all followers of Christ. Today there is a tremendous interest in Bible prophecy, particularly because end-time events prophesied long ago are coming to pass in an extraordinary manner.

      Hope in the Last Days reveals, based on prophecy fulfilled and yet to be fulfilled, that very shortly the world will reel into its deepest hour of torment and agony. Dave Williams encourages you with the truth of how coming events will affect you and your loved ones and what God has planned as a way of escape for followers of Jesus Christ.

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    • Heaven On Earth


      Much of the literature on the book of Revelation paints a frightening apocalyptic vision of the end times. Michael Battle offers an alternative look at Revelation in this new work, seeing it instead as a hopeful call to bring heaven on earth. Battle explores the problematic imagery found in Revelation before showing how similar problems play out in our contemporary world. Battle sees Revelation as a guide that shows us that we can live out Gods call for heaven on earth by living in community with one another, as exhibited through the writings of Martin Luther King Jr., Desmond Tutu, Rowan Williams, and Ubuntu theology. He writes, “I seek to imagine in my particular Christian context how a view of heaven need not lead to culture wars and further excuses for oppressing others. Heaven, as envisioned by John of Patmos, has much greater purpose.”

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    • More Radical Gospel


      Gerhard O. Forde has stood at the forefront of Lutheran thought for most of his career. This new collection of essays and sermons-many previously unpublished- makes Forde’s powerful theological vision more widely available.

      The book aptly captures Forde’s deep Lutheran commitment. Here he argues that the most important task of theology is to serve the proclamation of the gospel as discerned on the basis of the doctrine of justification by grace alone through faith alone. For Forde, the doctrine of justification is not one topic among other theological topics; rather, it is the criterion that guides “all theology and ministry. Throughout the book Forde applies this truth to issues of eschatology, authority, atonement, and ecumenism. Also included are seven insightful sermons that model the Lutheran approach to proclamation.

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    • Optimistic Visions Of Revelation


      1. Signs Before The Time Has Come
      2. The 2 Witnesses
      3. The End Time Church
      4. The 144,000

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      We are currently living in a world where spiritual darkness seems to be making a greater appearance. Many Bible commenters tell us that we are living in the final generation before Christ returns to collect his church. Read what Matthew Robert Payne believes he has seen for the future of our world.

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    • Optimistic Visions Of Revelation


      1. Signs Before The Time Has Come
      2. The 2 Witnesses
      3. The End Time Church
      4. The 144,000

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      We are currently living in a world where spiritual darkness seems to be making a greater appearance. Many Bible commenters tell us that we are living in the final generation before Christ returns to collect his church. Read what Matthew Robert Payne believes he has seen for the future of our world.

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    • Babylon Code : Solving The Bibles Greatest End Times Mystery


      What if God embedded a code in the Bible that could only be cracked in the end times-a prophetic cypher that reveals how the four blood moons and the biblical Shemitah are just signs of the beginning of end-time events?

      Unlocking a great mystery that has puzzled scholars for nearly two thousand years, THE BABYLON CODE reveals how powerful forces are now at work to create a global government, cashless society, and universal religion as predicted by the prophets.

      The result of a five-year journalistic investigation, THE BABYLON CODE takes readers on a spellbinding journey to explore the link between the world’s most secret organizations, the Bible’s greatest prophetic riddle, and what world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham describes as a convergence in end-time signs for the first time in history.

      This prophetic mystery book pieces together the apocalyptic puzzle-uncovering what may be not only the biggest story and political scandal in modern history, but also the secret to both our survival and our salvation.

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    • Es Este El Fin – (Spanish)


      Desde las pistas profeticas que aparecen en las Escrituras, hasta una comprension del poder de Cristo en todos los creyentes, este libro nos dirige por una clara senda hacia el futuro.

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    • Marriage Of Heaven And Earth A Visual Guide To N T Wright


      On the lookout for a mind-blowing new perspective on the nature of God and humanity’s place in the world today? Dive into The Marriage of Heaven and Earth, and enter the mind of a veritable rock star of contemporary theology-N. T. Wright.

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    • Is This The End Study Guide


      The world seems more fractured each day. People are asking, “Is this the end?” Never have the headlines been this jarring, the cultural changes this rapid, or the moral decay this pronounced. After each new occurrence, the most often-heard questions are, What on earth is happening? Will the world ever be the same again? Where is God in all of this? Dr. David Jeremiah, one of the world’s most sought-after Christian leaders on topics that deal with biblical application and modern culture, believes the time has come for believers to be aware of the unprecedented changes taking place in their world and how God’s hand is still at work on His eternal plan. In this study guide, which accompanies the book of the same name, he explores prophecies in Ezekiel, Daniel, Revelation, and other prophetic books to reveal what the Bible says about our present world and what we can expect to see in the future. No believer in Christ can afford to ignore these warnings, but we all can better understand the greater story and the role we play in this changing world. This study guide will help you delve more deeply into the prophecies concerning the end times and give you a clear path forward.

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    • Our Inner Struggle Untangled


      The book is concerned with a deciphering process that enhances the texts of Revelation with data regarding the -End Times- of individuals rather than the -End Times- of the world. The deciphered texts do not usurp the original texts, but are dependent on them. The deciphering process is unique as it is a discovery of a process, not an invention of one. The work was like a cryptoquote where one letter stands for another; the difference is that one word stands for another. This book is for Adult Christians who seek a spiritual lift and want to -get back on the wagon- so to speak regarding their faith walk. And for those who would appreciate the spiritual jolt this book provides.

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    • Our Inner Struggle Untangled


      The book is concerned with a deciphering process that enhances the texts of Revelation with data regarding the -End Times- of individuals rather than the -End Times- of the world. The deciphered texts do not usurp the original texts, but are dependent on them. The deciphering process is unique as it is a discovery of a process, not an invention of one. The work was like a cryptoquote where one letter stands for another; the difference is that one word stands for another. This book is for Adult Christians who seek a spiritual lift and want to -get back on the wagon- so to speak regarding their faith walk. And for those who would appreciate the spiritual jolt this book provides.

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    • Shocking Secret Message Of The Bible


      The Shocking Secret Message of the Bible Revelation Revealed is the final warning from God to people of all nations and islands, concerning what is about to happen. It is verified by the Holy Bible.

      Author Gilbert W. Rucker had asked God what Bible revelation meant, and He showed him. Jesus said, “Ye receive not because ye ask not; ask and ye shall receive.” Gilbert did–and he received!

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    • Home : How Heaven And The New Earth Satisfy Our Deepest Longings (Reprinted)


      Heaven Is the Home You’ve Been Waiting For
      In this world of fear, trials, and loneliness we often feel adrift–like we’re still searching for a place where we can truly make ourselves at home. There’s a longing for something more, something that makes us feel like we belong, something that resonates perfectly with who we were made to be. This longing is no small thing to be brushed off and forgotten–it’s a guidepost letting us know we were made for another world. Earth is not our home. But it’s close. What we long for is the new earth, the place God has been preparing for our eternity with him. In Home, Elyse Fitzpatrick explores heaven and the afterlife, demonstrating that our final destination is not some dull, featureless space in the clouds, but rather a perfected earth. It’s a real, physical place that we’ll explore with real bodies. A place of beauty and wonder and free of all death and decay. No need to chase a bucket list. On the new earth there will be no end of glorious sites and amazing activities, and we’ll never run out of time to do them all. Includes questions for group discussion.

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    • Have We Missed The Second Coming


      Victorious Hope Publishing
      A new and growing aberration in evangelical prophecy circles is the view that the Second Coming of Christ occurred at the destruction of the Jewish Temple in AD 70. Many Christians are being confused because of the similar language used in Scripture to refer to Jesus’s return at the end of history which also applies to the temple’s destruction. This new movement has developed a cult-like zeal and is causing trouble in many local churches and confusion among numerous Christians. This book demonstrates the error of the “Hyper-preterist” viewpoint. This error teaches that: (1) Christ returned at the judgment of the temple; (2) the resurrection occurred at that time (and there is no future bodily resurrection); (3) that AD 70 was the Final Judgment spoken of by Christ and the Apostles; and (4) that history will never end.

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    • Destiny Of Israel And The Church


      The church had its origin within Israel, but over the centuries the destinies of the two groups have diverged widely. An exciting feature of our time is that the destinies of Israel and the church are once again beginning to converge. This God-ordained convergence will produce the most dramatic and significant developments of all human history.

      Israel is at the center of a powerful clash of forces, but God has established firm covenants with both Israel and the church. The only reliable source of light upon the situation in the Middle East is provided by God’s prophetic Word. If we do not seek the light that comes from this source, we will inevitably find ourselves in the dark, subject to confusion and deception.

      In The Destiny of Israel and the Church, legendary Bible teacher Derek Prince explores the answers to these questions, and more:
      *Has the church replaced Israel in God’s plan?
      *Why is the tiny nation of Israel the focus of world attention?
      *What is the restoration of Israel?
      *What is the responsibility of Christians toward Israel?

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    • Rapture Of The Saints


      If you knew that within the next twenty-four hours Christ would return, according to His promise, are there any circumstances you would immediately change in the light of such a glorious event? Or are you living in such harmony with His will and purpose that no change of lifestyle would be necessary?

      Legendary Bible teacher Herbert Lockyer examines what Scripture has to say about the Second Coming of the Lord, with an emphasis on the body of Christ being ready for Him when He returns. The saints must live their lives in readiness to meet the Lord at any moment. The question we should all ask is, “How am I going to live the rest of my time before Jesus comes?”

      Lockyer address what both the Bible and scholars have to say about this event, and what it means for our lives today.

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    • Making All Things New


      Many people think eschatology refers to events occurring at the end of history. In this book, two scholars with expertise in biblical eschatology argue that God’s kingdom breaking into this world through Jesus Christ has inaugurated a new creation, a reality that should shape pastoral leadership and be reflected in the life and ministry of the church. Brief and accessibly written, this book articulates the practical implications of G. K. Beale’s New Testament Biblical Theology and features an introductory chapter by Beale. Each chapter concludes with practical suggestions and a list of books for further study.

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    • Rapture : Details Of The Second Coming


      Unfortunately, most of our modern day teachings on this most important doctrine are misleading, to say the very least. Bill Vincent has studied for years and now is releasing his findings in this book, The Rapture. A careful scrutiny of the Scriptures will reveal the truth about the second coming of Christ, which we generally refer to as “the rapture”. In The Rapture, he has set out to correct the most obvious errors of the pre-tribulation doctrine and to establish the basic foundation for understanding the truth of the matter. Great care is taken to follow the guidelines of Scripture and the Biblical basis of doctrinal interpretation, precept upon precept and line upon line. This is the only method of interpretation used in the pages of Rapture Revelations. Since God Himself revealed His method of understanding doctrine, it is believed by the author to be the best method to use. Therefore, with Bible in hand, follow along with the Scriptures quoted and see if you don’t find truth within its pages. In The Rapture, Bill answers questions that many do not know the answers to. Be open and allow this page-turner to open up the biggest controversial subject of the rapture of Jesus Christ. If you are a lover of truth, you will enjoy this very basic presentation of Biblical facts concerning the doctrine of the “gathering together” of Christ’s saints unto Himself.

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    • Timing Of The Rapture


      Paul Wild’s detailed breakdown in this book of the three major positions concerning the rapture will give you a better understanding of each. He includes points that are rarely discussed by mainstream proponents of each. You will also gain a better understanding of how God communicates with us through His Word, which will strengthen your relationship with Him. In addition, you’ll discover a deeper appreciation for prophecy and how it should help guide you in making major life decisions.

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    • Rapture Deception


      The book has been written so that the truth is known about the second coming of our Lord to gather together His church. Humanity calls this event the rapture. Christians have been deceived into thinking that it can happen at any time. This book shows, without a doubt, when that time shall occur.

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    • Thinking About Death And Immortality


      For many people belief in the afterlife has evaporated. Scientific discoveries about the history of our species, our growing understanding of the vastness of the universe, new findings in brain research: these things and many others conspire to make belief in immortality difficult.

      In this thoughtful companion to scientific realities of our time, Paul Badham explores the grounds on which the hope of immortality, central for Christian doctrine, can be revitalized today. He suggests that the possibility of a relationship between God and human beings is confirmed by our religious experience, and that resurrection and immortality need each other.

      Written in a balanced, even-handed tone, it’s a helpful, considered, and ultimately hopeful discussion for people with questions. Even those who don’t ultimately agree with the author’s conclusions will benefit from the engagement.

      Includes chapters on the evidential value of near-death experiences, concepts of heaven, and arguments against belief in hell.

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    • Que Le Pasa Al Mundo – (Spanish)


      Esta la crisis politica y economica actual en verdad profetizada en la Biblia? Si es asi, que tenemos que hacer al respecto? Es dificil reunir toda esta informacion de manera que brinde un panorama amplio de como luciran los ultimos tiempos. Es por eso que se levantan muchas teorias. Y es por eso que el doctor David Jeremiah ha escrito este libro, que sobrepasa cientos de libros y numerosas teorias para identificar las diez profecias esenciales mas importantes de la Biblia. No existe otro libro como este. Usted encontrara una herramienta de estudio para comprender el futuro. Tendra una mayor sensacion de consuelo que, incluso en estos tiempos dificiles, Dios esta realmente en control. Si las profecias biblicas siempre han sido un misterio para usted, el libro del doctor Jeremiah le ayudara a resolver ese misterio. Finalmente, las profecias biblicas tienen sentido, y hacen la diferencia. Nunca has sido mas importantes. Las verdades reveladas en este libro son confrontadoras y avivadoras pero de lectura obligatoria en estos dias turbulentos. Trae a la luz la profecia biblica sobre:
      – La crisis del petroleo
      – El resurgimiento de Rusia
      – El nuevo eje del mal
      – La importancia de Israel
      – Las nuevas potencias de la Union Europea

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    • Last Days According To Jesus (Reprinted)


      Speculation and theories abound about what the last days have in store for us. But what did Jesus believe and teach about the end times and the timing of his return? R. C. Sproul points believers back to the words of Christ, offering them a solid footing amid ever-shifting opinion about the age to come.

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    • Father Of The Universe


      Father of the Universe: Creation Theory and End-Time Vision grounds its explorations of God, of his act to create the whole world, and of the shape that the end of all things will take on the foundations of the scriptural witness and the dreams that Philip Reynolds, the author, had in 1954. From these two sources he fashions a portrait of God the Father as he has experienced him and envisions him. In addition, he refines a theology of creation and humanity’s beginnings. Finally, he shows how the Father has sent his Son to bring people, through the work of the Spirit, into his presence.
      In the course of this journey, Father of the Universe looks at the Father before time, his holiness, how he is Father of time and angels, his nation, and the church. The journey ends with a vision of the future humanity can hope to share with the Father.
      You might be someone who, at some point, has asked the hard questions: “Is there more to life than this? What is the point of it all? What does God the Father intend for me, my family, my community, and this world?” If you are one who asks those questions, then Father of the Universe: Creation Theory and End-time Vision will serve as your guide for glimpsing the outlines of some answers about the Father and his designs for creation.

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    • Father Of The Universe


      Father of the Universe: Creation Theory and End-Time Vision grounds its explorations of God, of his act to create the whole world, and of the shape that the end of all things will take on the foundations of the scriptural witness and the dreams that Philip Reynolds, the author, had in 1954. From these two sources he fashions a portrait of God the Father as he has experienced him and envisions him. In addition, he refines a theology of creation and humanity’s beginnings. Finally, he shows how the Father has sent his Son to bring people, through the work of the Spirit, into his presence.
      In the course of this journey, Father of the Universe looks at the Father before time, his holiness, how he is Father of time and angels, his nation, and the church. The journey ends with a vision of the future humanity can hope to share with the Father.
      You might be someone who, at some point, has asked the hard questions: “Is there more to life than this? What is the point of it all? What does God the Father intend for me, my family, my community, and this world?” If you are one who asks those questions, then Father of the Universe: Creation Theory and End-time Vision will serve as your guide for glimpsing the outlines of some answers about the Father and his designs for creation.

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    • Nation Born In A Day


      Much more than the land Israel now possesses, God has promised expansive boundaries. “To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates” –Genesis 15:18 (NKJV). God will fulfill His promise of additional land from the Mediterranean on through parts of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. In this compelling book, you will come to understand the “land grant” God promises to Israel through Abraham. Leaders and governments must understand that peace will follow when the descendants of Abraham possess the entire land that God ordains for His chosen people.A Nation Born in a Day offers powerful teaching along with a 31-day devotional that will provide insight and wisdom as you seek God’s truth. For effective intercessory prayer, this book guides your participation with God for the peace of Jerusalem as you partner with Israel for their rightful borders!

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    • Almond Tree Aarons Rod The Messiah King Of Israel


      Olive Press Messianic (

      This hardcover book is destined to become a literary Masterpiece and an intriguing best seller. The story begins with a Divine revelation of the Jewish Messiah of Israel. It was verified by true miraculous events that transpired on Holy Mount Moriah in Jerusalem Israel. Following the leading of the Holy Spirit, the author wrote the astonishing revelations in detail that she was told to write down in a book over a seven year span of time beginning in the year 2007. Due to the profoundly rare revelations within its cover, this heirloom treasure is bound to be a valuable asset to yeshiva and seminary students who desire to find out remarkable details about the identity of the Jewish Messiah of Israel. It is a book destined to be loved by all people. All the Divine revelations in this book are verified with many Biblical Scriptures. Delve into the artistically designed interior full of beautiful black & white photographs that will enhance your reading enjoyment, propelling your study into another world of the LORD God of Israel, and His Divine plan for the entire world. You will want the book for the photos alone! The exterior hardcover incorporates the Royal colors of the Jewish Priestly garment, purple, blue, and scarlet, while the interior contains twelve chapters that represent the twelve tribes of Israel. Full pictures of the Shroud of Turin, the Sudarium of Oviedo, the Jesus Boat, Magdala Synagogue, Mount Sinai, Mount Nebo, Split Rock in Horeb, and other photos from Jerusalem and outside locations are meant to excite the reader. In-depth studies include so many marvelous new Divine revelations that are sure to shake the world, regarding: A Miracle in Jerusalem, Secrets of the Almond tree, Messiah the Branch, Holy Mount Moriah, Mount Nebo, Mount Sinai, Red Sea crossing, Miracle of the Great Rolling Stone & the Angel at the Garden Tomb, Yad of God, Noah s flood, Joshua, Elijah & Elisha, Miracle Secrets at the Jordan River crossing, Secrets of the Split Rock in Horeb, Secrets of David & Goliath, Secrets of the Holy Menorah, Secrets of the Fig tree, Tefillin & God s heart, the Rapture, Passover Maror & Charoset, Secrets of Yeshua at Jacobs well, Shechinah glory cloud, Crown of Thorns, Brand new stunning revelations regarding the Shroud of Turin & Sudarium of Oviedo, the Torah, Jesus Boat, Magdala Synagogue & Magdala Stone, deep insights into the disciples of Yeshua, and profound hidden revelations of Y

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    • Shinar Directive : Preparing The Way For The Son Of Perditions Return


      The Shinar Directive serves as a kingdom intelligence briefing for God’s people in the twenty-first century.On the ancient plains of Shinar, an evil was born: The first world king, the prototype transhuman, the ultimate despot, the Son of Perdition–Nimrod. In Babylon, the Son of Perdition devised the Shinar Directive: the enslaving of humanity and the war against the God of Heaven. God’s intervention at the Tower of Babel only delayed his hellish plans. The Luciferian Elite now control three key circles of influence in the world: financial, political, and religious. However, controlling these three systems was not enough. The laborers of Mystery Babylon have been quietly planning and waiting for thousands of years for the releasing of the Watchers of Genesis 6.Now armed with developing Watcher technologies, the Elite will use transhumanism and mind control to build the Joel chapter 2 army: the army of the Antichrist. We are beginning to realize that the mark of the Beast and the image of the Beast are much more than we could have ever imagined; beyond an implant and beyond a physical mark, they will affect DNA and who we are at a molecular level!As the powers of Mystery Babylon gather to create the new Tower of Babel and prepare for the Son of Perdition’s return, Heaven is issuing a clarion call to the Remnant: Know the strategies of the enemy, untangle yourself from it, and become the victorious Church! Heaven’s Jewish Apostle of Love, John, reveals the coming conflict in his book of Revelation and provides the ancient Hebraic wisdom encoded in 1 John to equip the bondservants of Messiah with the tools of the kingdom to overcome the Shinar Directive!

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    • Preservation And Protest


      Part I: A New Taxonomy Of Nonhuman Theological Ethics
      1. Current Taxonomies Of Nonhuman Theological Ethics
      2. Three Theological Loci For A New Taxonomy
      3. A New Taxonomy
      4. Anthropocentric Conservation
      5. Cosmocentric Conservation
      6. Anthropocentric Transfiguration
      Part II: Cosmocentric Transfiguration In The Theologies Of Jurgen Moltmann And Andrew Linzey
      7. Moltmann On God, Creation, And The Fall
      8. Moltmann On Redemption And Mission
      9. Moltmann’s Nonhuman Theological Ethics
      10. Linzey On Creation, Fall, And Redemption
      11. Linzey On Christ, The Spirit, And Anthropology
      12. Linzey’s Cosmocentric Transfiguration
      13. Moltmann And Linzey: Comparison And Analysis
      Part III: Toward An Eco-Eschatological Ethics Of Preservation And Protest
      14. Theological Foundations For Cosmocentric Transfiguration
      15. Possible Critiques Of Cosmocentric Transfiguration
      16. Cosmocentric Transfiguration: An Eco-Eschatological Ethics Of Preservation And Protest
      Conclusion: Cosmocentric Transfiguration As The “Best Of Both Worlds”

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      Preservation and Protest proposes a novel taxonomy of four paradigms of nonhuman theological ethics by exploring the intersection of tensions between value terms and teleological terms. McLaughlin systematically develops the paradigm of cosmocentric transfiguration, arguing that the entire cosmos shares in the eschatological hope of a harmonious participation in God’s triune life. With this paradigm, McLaughlin offers an alternative to anthropocentric and conservationist paradigms within the Christian tradition, an alternative that affirms both scientific claims about natural history and the theological hope for eschatological redemption.

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    • Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand


      Will Jesus return physically to this earth? Will Christians be living on earth when the antichrist is revealed? What does the Bible say about the rapture? In this most comprehensive analysis of the Bible’s End Time Prophecies, Mr.Reid presents a remarkably insightful and straight-forward explanation of what is to come in the last days. Drawing heavily from both Old and New Testament prophecies, the author lays out the events of the last days, beginning with the 70th week of Daniel, and continuing through the advent of the New Jerusalem; addressing in detail the timing of the rapture with respect to the Great Tribulation and the Millennium. This book is unique in its handling of the book of Revelation. John’s vision of the end times is divided into four individual sequences of events. While each of the four sequences cover different time spans, events within each of the sequences progress in chronological order. Therefore, upon harmonizing the four sequences, the end time calendar unfolds neatly and consistently. “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh” (Matthew 24:44). Though no one knows the exact day and time, this book will help prepare you for what lies ahead in the last days.

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    • Great Tribulation : Exposition Of Matthew 24 Plus 9 Articles On The Return


      Many Bible teachers today are proclaiming that Christ will come at any moment to take the Christians to heaven, leaving the non-Christians behind to endure seven years of great tribulation. Others teach that Christ came spiritually in AD 70, when the city of Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans. Is there any other view? Here is an older interpretation that was commonly held before those which prevail today. The first part of The Great Tribulation is a verse-by-verse commentary on Matthew 24 written in readable, nontechnical style. The second part of the book contains nine articles related to the second coming of Christ and end-time events.

      The Great Tribulation provides insight on these questions: What does Matthew 24 really teach? Will Christ’s coming be in two stages? Does Daniel teach that there will be a seven-year tribulation? Who is the antichrist, and will he appear in a rebuilt temple? What is the “abomination of desolation”? Was the kingdom of God postponed? Will there be a thousand-year period called the millennium? Will some be taken and others left behind? What is the generation that Christ spoke of that is going to see it all?

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    • Great Tribulation : Exposition Of Matthew 24 Plus 9 Articles On The Return


      Many Bible teachers today are proclaiming that Christ will come at any moment to take the Christians to heaven, leaving the non-Christians behind to endure seven years of great tribulation. Others teach that Christ came spiritually in AD 70, when the city of Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans. Is there any other view? Here is an older interpretation that was commonly held before those which prevail today. The first part of The Great Tribulation is a verse-by-verse commentary on Matthew 24 written in readable, nontechnical style. The second part of the book contains nine articles related to the second coming of Christ and end-time events.

      The Great Tribulation provides insight on these questions: What does Matthew 24 really teach? Will Christ’s coming be in two stages? Does Daniel teach that there will be a seven-year tribulation? Who is the antichrist, and will he appear in a rebuilt temple? What is the “abomination of desolation”? Was the kingdom of God postponed? Will there be a thousand-year period called the millennium? Will some be taken and others left behind? What is the generation that Christ spoke of that is going to see it all?

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    • Between The Beginning And The End


      The prominent Dutch missiologist and prolific author J. H. Bavinck (1895-1964) was committed to confronting the world with the saving message of Christ. In this first English translation of the Dutch work that was published in 1946, Bavinck presents his cosmic kingdom vision and champions the coming of the kingdom of Christ as the basic message of the gospel.

      Bavinck eloquently challenges believers to live as kingdom people as he expresses a uniquely Reformed vision of the eternal significance of our temporal world. His eschatological vision, which permeates the book, is now more relevant than ever as climate change, resource depletion, financial turmoil, and other issues increasingly threaten our world.

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    • Hope In Action


      Introduction: “Always Be Ready…”

      1. Metz’s Response To Secularization: From A Transcendental-Linear To A Utopic Theology Of History
      2. Schillebeeckx’s Response To Secularization: From A Merciful Dispensation To Latent Eschatological Hope
      3. Schillebeeckx Contends With A History Marked By Suffering: Contrast Experiences And A Search For Eschatological Hope’s Positive Orientation
      4. Schillebeeckx’s Prophetic Eschatology: Contrast Experiences And Creative Fragments
      5. Metz Contends With A History Marked By Suffering: Sensitivity To Suffering Under The Pressures Of Evolutionary Time
      6. Metz’s Apocalyptic Theology Of History: Holding Open Hope By Binding History

      Conclusion: “An Accounting For The Hope…”
      Postscript: Subversive Eschatology And “Indirect Ecumenism”

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      This volume contends against a major lacuna in the story of eschatology in the twentieth century by offering a historical and comparative analysis of Edward Schillebeeckx’s prophetic eschatology and Johann Baptist Metz’s apocalyptic eschatology with the goal of identifying relative advantages and limitations of these divergent eschatological frameworks for rendering a Christian account of hope that prompts action in the public arena.

      Rodenborn provides a fresh angle on eschatologies of hope, bringing to the fore two Catholic theologians whose influences range from Vatican II to Latin American liberation theology. Hope in Action offers an innovative contribution to the theological account of the emergence of European political theologies and the role of eschatology as a practical and destabilizing theological category.

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    • Future Of The Word


      In scripture, Jesus promises a future that potentially infuses all texts: “my words will not pass away” (Matt 24:35). This book argues that texts-even literary texts-, have an eschatology, too, a part in God’s purpose for the cosmos. They, with all creation, move toward participation in the new creation, in the Trinity’s expanding, creative love. This eschatological future for texts impacts how we understand meaning making, from the level of semiology to that of hermeneutics.

      This book tells the story of how readers participate in the future of the word, the eschatology of texts. If texts have a future in the kingdom of God, then readers’ engagements with them-everything from preservation and utterance to translation, criticism, and call and response-can cultivate those futures in the love of the Trinity. Kriner explores how the fallenness and failures of texts, alongside readers’ own failures, while seeming to challenge the future of the word, ultimately point to reading as a posture of reconciliation, in which reader and text meet in the Maranatha of all text

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    • How Will The World End


      Introduction: Why Is It All So Complicated?
      1. How Will The World End?
      2. What Will Happen Before Jesus Comes Back?
      3. How Will Jesus Come Back?
      4. Will Jesus Come Back Before Or After The “Millennium”?
      5. What Happens After Jesus Comes Back?
      6. How Should We Live Until Jesus Comes Back?

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      Christians believe that history is moving towards a dramatic conclusion – that one day Jesus Christ will return in glory to judge the living and the dead. But there seem to be so many different views about how this will happen, and when it will take place. How can we make sense of it all?
      This short, readable book explains clearly and simply the liberating reality of what the Bible is actually saying about the return of Christ and the end of the world.

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    • Prewrath : A Very Short Introduction To The Great Tribulation Rapture And D


      Many of us have been told that we will be “raptured out of here before the Antichrist arrives.”

      But what if this is wrong? Is this really what the Bible teaches?

      Prewrath: A Very Short Introduction to the Great Tribulation, Rapture, and Day of the Lord is a shortened edition to Alan Kurschner’s book Antichrist Before the Day of the Lord: What Every Christian Needs to Know about the Return of Christ.

      In this book, Kurschner traces the key topics and passages, providing compelling biblical evidence that the church will first encounter the Antichrist’s great tribulation before Christ returns to rapture his people and judge the world.

      Jesus warns us, “Remember, I have told you ahead of time” (Matt. 24:25). And Paul cautions us, “Let no one in any way deceive you, for that day will not arrive until the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness [Antichrist] is revealed, the son of destruction” (2 Thess. 2:3).

      Since Jesus and Paul ominously warn us “ahead of time,” should this not be an urgent message the church needs to hear? Are we spiritually preparing our hearts to be “overcomers” for what may soon come to pass?

      By reading Prewrath: A Very Short Introduction to the Great Tribulation, Rapture, and Day of the Lord, you will discover the Bible teaches that the Antichrist will arrive before the return of Christ.

      Some topics include:
      Antichrist’s Great Tribulation, Pre-Wrath Rapture of God’s People, Celestial Disturbance Event, Sixth Seal Signals Wrath, Four Reasons the Rapture Is in Matthew 24:31, The Day of the Lord that Jesus Knew, Seventh Seal Pronounces Wrath, Trumpets and Bowls Judgments, Battle of Armageddon, Structure of the book of Revelation.

      Kurschner also engages his end-time, pre-wrath perspective with other prophecy positions such as pre-tribulationism and post-tribulationism

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    • Unveiling The Mystery Of The Last Days


      The secrets of the end times are hidden in scripture. The information in this book would be considered “top secret” in intelligence circles and represents truth that Satan does not want you to know. For years, he has been leading people to believe that a so-called Revived Roman Empire will rise, representing the “final beast empire” of Revelation 13. However, as this book will prove, the meanings of the original Hebrew in the Bible,in addition to numbers, patterns, and codes found therein, all point to an Israel centered interpretation of the last days and the fact that the beast is actually the religion and empire of Islam within religious Israel. In this fascinating study, you will explore the original text of the Bible to uncover exactly what will take place during the last days. You will also discover:
      * How Yahweh uses the Hebrew language in His plan
      * The meaning behind cryptic passages, such as Daniel 2, 7 and 9, and Revelation 13 and 17
      * The mark, name of the beast, and 666 are all associated with the Islamic control of Israel
      * Lucifer’s plan to trick the Jews of Israel to worship him instead of Yahweh
      * The prophetic importance of 2020 and its relation to Islam

      This ground-breaking research astoundingly supplements the recent findings of prominent Christian Islamic expositors, and is a must read for any serious truth seeker.

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    • Last Days Calendar


      Last Days Prophecy.A Jewish Believer’s Perspective Millions of Christians anticipate a secret and silent, pre-tribulation rapture, whisking them away to the glorious marriage supper of the Lamb. This concept is alluring. It would be a source of comfort to not pass through a coming great tribulation. Although this doctrine has wide appeal, does biblical evidence confirm it as truth? The author contends from biblical prophecy that in the foreseeable future even those who have enjoyed religious freedom with be persecuted for faith in Christ. As they are dragged to prison and even martyrdom, they will be ridiculed as 2 Peter 3:3-4 predicts: “First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, ‘Where is this “coming” he promised?'” As a Jewish believer in Christ, Steven Sherman, understands the feasts, fasts, and festivals found in the Old Testament which are most valuable in comprehending Bible prophecy. Revelation’s prophecies were declared millennia ago for the benefit of God’s church. The foreknowledge of the end of the age has been revealed to the elect so that the elect will be encouraged to stand firm even while facing death and the tumultuous events of the tribulation. Indeed Christ shall return for His church but will the church’s purity shine from the fires of persecution? Understanding prophecy correctly will help the church be ready as a spotless bride for the bridegroom.

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    • Post Trib : A Post Tribulation View Of The Second Coming


      Post-Trib: A Post-Tribulation View of the Second Coming is the author’s view of the rapture of the church in a thoroughly researched presentation, free of dogmatism. The Bible doesn’t answer every question regarding the Second Coming, but when we let it speak for itself, it answers more questions than many people realize. While not a criticism of other eschatological viewpoints, some disagreement is inevitable. Instead, it is an in-depth look at the post-tribulation view. This book is not meant to be a popularized version of prophecy, but a serious study of prophetic scripture pertaining to the Second Coming. Post-Trib includes both Old and New Testament scriptures regarding end time prophecy. It does not attempt to change people’s minds, but to simply plant seeds.

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    • Revelation Of Jesus Christ


      Interpreting Revelation . . . in its Proper Context Too often the Western Church views Scripture from a Greek Mind-set within the context of a Hellenized society. The Church follows a pagan, Roman solar calendar which fashions a linear, compartmentalized interpretation of the Bible-especially the Book of Revelation. Contrary to this modernist approach, the prophets and writers of the New Testament wrote the Scriptures under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit from a Hebrew cultural context. The authors lived in accordance with the Torah and the lunar Hebrew calendar. The Hebrew historical view is cyclical and the Hebrew Mind-set encompasses a complete lifestyle. The Hebrew and Greek Mind-sets differ in practice. The Hebrew is concerned with action, the Greek with knowledge. Right conduct is the ultimate concern of the Hebrew, right thinking that of the Greek. This distinction is critical because it affects how the Book of Revelation is interpreted. The end-time chronology of the Book of Revelation is not a strict linear account as is often viewed from the Hellenistic Mind-set. Through a Hebrew narrative of spiraling pictures, Revelation gives an overview of the Apocalypse followed by specific details which unveil the future of the nation of Israel, unbelievers and the body of Messiah. The Revelation of Jesus Christ is a unique, verse-by-verse account of the Book of Revelation viewed from a Hebraic Mind-set.

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    • High King Of Heaven


      For the last 150 years the evangelical world has been embroiled in a Great Debate about eschatology, about the true biblical picture of God’s ultimate purpose for the universe, life, and man. Much of the debate swirls around the Kingdom of God: What is its exact nature? In how many stages does it enter history? How shall we interpret the Old Testament prophecies of the Kingdom–literally (in terms of Israel) or figuratively (in terms of the Church)? There is also controversy about the Consummation: Prior to the Lord’s return, will our world get better and better, or worse and worse? Will he return once, twice, or even three times? When He comes again, will it be before the Millennium or after? How many resurrections should we expect? How many judgments? What will the universe be like when God finally creates the new heavens and the new earth? This book was written in the conviction that the High King of heaven has given his people certain master keys by which they may know the answers to all these questions, and therefore be fully prepared for the awesome consummation of all things. In it, pastor and author Dean Davis seeks to place those keys in our hands, so that we may behold afresh the simplicity and glory of our Blessed Hope, and thereby resolve, once and for all, the Great End Time Debate.

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    • Rupturing Eschatology : Divine Glory And The Silence Of The Cross


      1. Whither Glory? Luther’s Theologia Crucis
      2. Hope And The Cross: Moltmann’s Modern Theology Of The Cross
      3. Tremulous Abyss: The Mystical Lutheranism Of Boehme And Tillich
      4. Encountering The Im-Possible: Caputo’s “Weak” God
      5. The Rest Is Silence

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      The modern and contemporary legacy of Luther’s theology is a vital topic of continuing investigation, assessment, and construction. Rupturing Eschatology is Eric Trozzo’s constructive retrieval of Luther’s theology of the cross for the purpose of establishing a contemporary Lutheran and “emerging” account of the cross, silence, and eschatology.

      Seeking to overcome a tendency toward extrinsic notions of divine glory and transformation, the author explores Luther’s early construction of the theology of the cross and divine hiddenness in concert with the work of the Lutheran mystical tradition and modern Lutheran theology, such as Jurgen Moltmann, Paul Tillich, and John Caputo. Trozzo argues for an intra-historical and intra-worldly account of divine possibility oriented around a contemporary theology of the cross marked by reclamation of the biblical and mystical practice of silence as the space that creates hope.

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    • End From The Beginning


      The End From The Beginning deals with subjects that are literally affecting every person on the planet, now, and will increasingly concern us in this time of the end. Christians need to know the insights and revelations contained in this work.

      Since the year 2000, there was, and continues to be, a growing, almost tangible sense of anticipation, for which many people feel the need of answers.

      Quite a number of people will be attracted to this book. To those who look for hope that it is not “the end of the world,” Ty Aldrich will clear up many misconceptions about what the Bible has prophesied. Plus, they will see that many things that were thought to be fearful future events happened, and the world continued on.

      For the millions who purchased, or read someone’s copy of “The Late Great Planet Earth,” (C) by Hal Lindsey, The End From The Beginning is the long-awaited presentation of a more Bible-based scenario. Many people who have only been exposed to the traditional teaching still wonder: “What would a different interpretation be?” and, “What are the Bible proofs of another scenario?”

      The End From The Beginning supplies the answers as a more complete explanation of the end-time than they have ever previously had presented to them!

      The End From The Beginning will have broad appeal. The masses of people who do not fall into any doctrinal ‘camp’ will appreciate how the terminology “de-mystifies” the meanings of language used in the Bible. They can see how the world we live in, with the kind of governments we have, is exactly as God foretold, and what each individual’s responsibility is in deciding the role of government. Even the uninitiated will find that they can understand the Bible, its prophecies, relationship with God, and how He is answering the challenge to His Throne as Most High!

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    • Contending With Horses


      “Even in the hardest of times and the worst scenarios of life, we can choose to do what is right…”

      How can someone make that statement in the face of ever increasing shootings, deaths and wars within the United States and without? When we look around, we can easily feel that problems in the world are worse than ever and getting worse every day. What hope do we have of surviving the last days that will be worse than the days we experience now? Franceilia McDonald invites you to stop looking around and look up instead.

      God is with us-in Him we find all we need. Contending with Horses will show you how you can build a spiritual foundation now that will prepare you for the end times that are coming. Through examining God’s Word, Franceilia McDonald shows that if we look at the underlying issues from previous eras, we will see all times are just as challenging and evil.

      Being in a relationship with God will see us through anything and we should see anything through that relationship-even the last days. “…when the Lord is with us we have no need to be afraid.”

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    • Unlocking Our Understanding To The Seven Seals Of Revelation


      The Seven Seals are basically an introduction or synopsis of the entire events that are going to occur toward the end of this age. By reading carefully these Seven Seals that are mostly found in chapter six of the book of Revelation, one should be able to get a quick glimpse of future events.

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    • Contending With Horses


      “Even in the hardest of times and the worst scenarios of life, we can choose to do what is right…”

      How can someone make that statement in the face of ever increasing shootings, deaths and wars within the United States and without? When we look around, we can easily feel that problems in the world are worse than ever and getting worse every day. What hope do we have of surviving the last days that will be worse than the days we experience now? Franceilia McDonald invites you to stop looking around and look up instead.

      God is with us-in Him we find all we need. Contending with Horses will show you how you can build a spiritual foundation now that will prepare you for the end times that are coming. Through examining God’s Word, Franceilia McDonald shows that if we look at the underlying issues from previous eras, we will see all times are just as challenging and evil.

      Being in a relationship with God will see us through anything and we should see anything through that relationship-even the last days. “…when the Lord is with us we have no need to be afraid.”

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    • Its Almost Here


      THE WORD IS IN … Israel’s future is past.

      The Christian New Testament Church is Israel. The Church is the fulfillment of Old Testament Judaism. There is no urgency or even necessity for the U.S. to become energy independent. Roman Emperor Nero was Revelation’s “Antichrist.” Islam’s ultimate goal is universal peace and justice. Since Christ’s resurrection and ascension the Church has been experiencing the “Millennium.” Rapture of the Saints is a figment of the imagination. God is too good to eternally condemn anyone. The entirety of humanity will ultimately be saved because the proclamation of the Gospel will finally overcome all the evil and corruption in creation. All will be well. Think good thoughts. Be happy.

      The statements made in the paragraph above are either distortions of Biblical truth or whimsical nonsense, which this book on prophecy was written to expose to the 21st Century.

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    • Message To The End Time Generation


      This book is dedicated to my personal Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who entrusted me to deliver his message to this end time generation…The message to the end time generation was written to give hope to all of mankind. To remind us that, God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, Jesus; who came into this world and paid the penalty for our sins, to redeem mankind back to the Father again….There is a heaven and a hell the choice is yours; rather it be with God in his heavenly kingdom or forever separated from him in everlasting darkness, thick darkness, in torment and in pain, in hell and finally the lake which burns with fire. Revelation 20:11-15 NKJV

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    • Vine And The Son Of Man


      1. Introduction
      2. Psalm 80 In Its Historical Context
      3. Psalm 80 And The Edited Psalter
      4. Psalm 80 And The Son Of Man In Daniel 7
      5. Psalm 80 In Second Temple And Rabbinic Judaism
      6. Psalm 80 And The Son Of Man In Mark
      7. Psalm 80 In The Parable Of The Wicked Tenants
      8. Psalm 80 And The True Vine In John 15:1-8
      9. Conclusion

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      Since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, scholars have traced out the rich and complex traditions of biblical interpretation in Second Temple Judaism. Little attention has been given to Psalm 80, however. Andrew Streett demonstrates that this psalm, which combines the story of Israel as a vine ravaged by others with hope for a “son” of God who will restore the people’s fortunes, became a rich trove for eschatological hope.
      This study traces interpretations of Psalm 80 through many texts and argues that the psalm was an important biblical text through which early Christians understood the Christ event.

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