


    Eugene Bach

    • Under Threat Of Death


      Raised as a Christian minority in a Muslim nation, Shagufta Kausar learned early on to never argue about faith or to stand up for her beliefs. Doing so could easily lead to riots and deadly violence, so she was told to always be silent, like a lamb.

      In 2013, local police raided Shagufta’s home, accusing her of sending a blasphemous text to a local imam. As a mother of four, Shagufta was arrested, her handicapped husband, Shafqat, was hung upside down and beaten, and her children were put in state custody. The truth was, Shagufta didn’t even have a phone and was illiterate – she couldn’t write or speak the language in the text. She was impossibly innocent.

      Convicted at a trial she was not allowed to attend and sentenced to death by hanging, Shagufta was told that she could save herself and her family if she would only abandon her faith and accept Islam. Under threat of death, she refused.

      Her stunning true story of a courageous mother of four standing against the tyranny of her country’s blasphemy laws illuminates the reality of what many Christians around the world face every day. Shagufta is a voice for Christian minorities that suffer daily persecution under unjust laws.

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    • I Didnt Survive


      It’s hard enough having a painful secret that you are terrified of sharing.

      It’s even harder when you find yourself in the international limelight as the advocate wife of a Christian hero imprisoned for his faith.

      The worst part is fearing that, if you did share this secret, it might devastate the lives of your family and close friends, alienate tens of thousands of active supporters, and cause persecuted people around the world to become even more vulnerable.

      Naghmeh Abedini Panahi lived in constant tension from the irreconcilable realities playing out in her own life, in her family life, in the conduct of others, and on the worldwide stage as she interacted with power brokers and well-known religious leaders. Tension involving:

      *Steadfastly honoring God versus being carried away by the tide of circumstances
      *Personal reality versus public persona
      *Genuine faith versus hypocritical religion
      *Truth and caring versus the end justifying the means
      *Obedience to God versus loyalty to others

      For Naghmeh, it all came to a breaking point, and the only way through it was to die. Not physically, but in experiencing a death and rebirth in her understanding of God, her faith, and her identity as a woman. “I can’t tell you how I was able to make it through, because I didn’t,” she writes. “Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, the new me emerged from the catastrophe of my marriage.”

      I Didn’t Survive: Emerging Whole After Deception, Persecution, and Hidden Abuse is Naghmeh’s firsthand story, which takes you from war-torn Tehran to the quiet Midwestern U.S. to the halls of power in Washington D.C. It vividly describes the Islamic upbringing that shaped her, her unexpected conversion to Christianity, and the events that led to her marriage to Saeed Abedini, a magnetic pastor in the Iranian underground church. The book details Saeed’s arrest and imprisonment for preaching the gospel, her fateful decision to share the truth about her husband, her betrayal and abandonment by former supporters, and the new life of advocacy for women that has arisen from the brokenness.

      Through the pain, abuse, and loss, Naghmeh clearly demonstrates what it means for us to find our true identity in God, discover the protective care God has for His children, and participate in sharing the love and healing He desires to bring to the world.

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    • Shackled : One Woman s Dramatic Triumph Over Persecution, Gender Abuse, And


      Sentenced to Death for Her Beliefs Mariam Ibraheem was finally rising above her difficult childhood and building a new life for herself. Born to a Muslim father and an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian mother, she grew up in poverty in a refugee camp in Sudan. Her father left the family when she was only six, and her mother raised her in the Christian faith. Left without family after the deaths of her beloved mother and sister, she was beginning to move past her grief-earning a medical degree, marrying the man she loved, and having a baby boy. But one day in late 2013, her world was shattered when an unknown relative on her father’s side reported her to the police. The authorities said she was considered a Muslim because of her father’s background. She had broken the law by marrying a Christian man, and she must renounce her Christian beliefs and abandon her marriage. Under intense pressure, Mariam repeatedly refused to deny her faith. After a lengthy trial in a Sharia court, she was charged with apostasy and adultery, and she was imprisoned with her nine-month-old son, Martin, on Christmas Eve. There, awaiting sentence, she learned she was pregnant with her second child. A few months later, Mariam was sentenced to 100 lashes and death by hanging by a Sharia court.Shackled is the stunning story of a courageous young woman who was willing to face death rather than deny her faith, who took a stand on behalf of all people who suffer from religious persecution and all women who are maltreated because of their gender and beliefs. Follow Mariam’s story from refugee camp to life under Islam to imprisonment and sentencing to giving birth while shackled in prison to her remarkable escape from death following an international outcry and advocacy involving diplomats, journalists, religious freedom activists, human rights groups, and even Pope Francis.

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    • China And End Time Prophecy


      In China, an Army Is Rising…

      For years, China’s population size, economic growth, and thirst for military power have taken center stage by those who study biblical prophecy. Most end-time experts have seen the “Red Dragon” as an aggressor to Israel. In Revelation 16 and 19, John’s mention of the armies involved in the final battle marking the end of the world could well depict China’s army today.

      However, a different kind of army is also rising in China, and it is quickly approaching two hundred million people. This army is for Christ, not against Him. It is a host of Christians from the Chinese underground house church who are fighting a battle against principalities and powers and spreading the gospel in unprecedented ways under intense persecution.

      These Christians are motivated by a powerful vision called “Back to Jerusalem.” The Chinese church is quietly working to complete the Great Commission by bringing the gospel to unreached peoples in China’s eastern provinces and to all the countries between the border of China and the city of Jerusalem.

      Yet there’s even more to this fascinating development. What you read in this book may change your view of end-time prophecy. Back to Jerusalem is not just a missions movement of the Chinese church. It is an eschatological event confirmed by both the Old and New Testaments. God is using the Red Dragon to fulfill His ultimate purposes.

      China and End-Time Prophecy explores the surprising connection between ancient prophecy and China’s modern missions phenomenon. This book will give you a new vision of what it means to go into all the world with the gospel. Most of all, it will show you why the completion of the Great Commission is inevitable and the return of Christ is unstoppable.

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    • Smuggling Light : One Womans Victory Over Persecution Torture And Imprisonm


      North Korea is dark.

      Literally dark-most of its regions are too poor to afford electricity and other basic needs. Figuratively dark-its daily life is hidden from outsiders, its citizens reticent, and its propaganda vast. And spiritually dark-its ruler, Kim Jong-il, is both worshipped and feared and the gospel is squelched without question.

      Into this darkness, Esther walked.

      Growing up a Chinese-Korean, Esther wanted nothing to do with Christianity until a visit to an underground church in China flooded her with the mercy and power of the Spirit-and she was given an unusual call: be a missionary to North Koreans. But again, Esther wanted nothing to do with it, or rather, with them. Rude, filthy, and abusive, North Koreans seeking refuge in China were the worst of the worst. However, when Esther slipped inside North Korea for the first time and witnessed for herself the shocking conditions, she finally understood: they acted desperate, because they were.

      Esther gave her all to her mission. Although imprisoned and tortured by both North Korea and China, sometimes destitute and always in danger, having few resources and little time for family, for the past fifteen years Esther has faithfully spread aid and the gospel witness to North Koreans. Smuggling Light is her true tale of bravery, humility, and complete reliance on the mighty hand of God in one of the darkest nations in the world.

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    • Kidnapped By A Cult


      As a founder of the China Gospel Fellowship, one of the largest underground churches in China comprising millions of believers, Pastor Shen Xiaoming knew the meaning of persecution. Time and again, while preaching and traveling throughout Tanghe County, Pastor Shen experienced deprivation, disease, and imprisonment for the sake of the incredible spread of the gospel.

      But April 16, 2002, brought the persecution to a new level. Pastor Shen was kidnapped by the murderous Eastern Lightning cult after being lured into a supposed Bible conference. This dangerous cult believes that Christ returned in the form of a female Chinese leader in 1992, and they use force, torture, and indoctrination to convert others. For two months, Pastor Shen was held captive.

      As Eastern Lightning slowly gains worldwide attention for their violence, Pastor Shen’s first-person account of his life and work in Tanghe County and his persevering stand against this murderous sect will both inspire and inform.

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    • ISIS The Heart Of Terror


      The jihadist group ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) has been wreaking havoc in northern Iraq and Syria. But its reign of terror is not confined to the Middle East. Its 2014 beheadings of American journalist James Foley and Israeli-American journalist Steven Sotloff have shocked the world and instilled fear in the hearts of many Westerners.

      ISIS is the most funded, technologically advanced, and powerful terrorist organization in history. Its members are extremely diverse, having been recruited from countries all over the globe, including Canada, Britain, and the U.S.

      Now that ISIS has the world’s attention, what’s next?

      Governments around the world have spent billions of dollars employing military strategies, and they are still convinced that ISIS is mainly a political problem that must have a political answer. But what if the solution isn’t political or military? What if the real solution is spiritual in nature?

      Missionaries from the underground church of China-represented by Brother Yun, “the Heavenly Man”-are launching a spiritual offensive. They are not armed with a sentence of death but with a message of life, and ISIS jihadists are in their crosshairs. In ISIS, the Heart of Terror, you will learn about the organization Back to Jerusalem and its unique method of responding to ISIS by evangelizing Muslim militants. Learn how Chinese missionaries are fulfilling the Great Commission by sharing the gospel with some of the most unreachable people groups in the world, and discover how Christians everywhere can take part in a powerful evangelization of the Middle East.

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    • I Stand With Christ


      “My name is Zhang Rongliang, and I am an unashamed follower of Jesus Christ….It is considered quite dangerous for me to share the contents of this book, but these are stories that need to be told for God’s glory and the encouragement of the church.”

      So begins the extraordinary first-person account of a prominent leader of one of the largest underground churches in China. A former Communist Party member, Zhang took a stand for Christ and was targeted for prison, work camps, and torture, all the while helping to build a network of millions of faithful believers. Spanning the time of Mao’s regime to today, Zhang testifies of God’s supernatural movements, as well as the sacrifice of countless Christians who loved and served Christ-regardless of the cost.

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    • Underground Church


      The Chinese house church is one of the most misunderstood and controversial subjects in Christian world missions today. Many questions about it abound, such as…

      *How did it start?
      *How does it work?
      *How is it led?
      *Why does it continue to experience revival?
      *Is it necessary, now that China has extended religious freedoms?

      Much of the confusion is caused by the Chinese government, which deceives journalists and foreign missionaries with promises of religious freedom that are never kept.

      The truth is, the house churches of China are growing at a phenomenal rate. Never in the history of the world have so many people in such a short time left one belief system for another without a hostile revolution. Lives in China are being transformed daily by the gospel of Jesus Christ and the display of His miraculous power.

      The Underground Church demystifies the Chinese house church movement, with real-life examples and personal testimonies from Chinese Christians. The movement’s unique characteristics-both good and bad-are addressed, as well as how they have led to the church’s astonishing growth.

      Be amazed at what God is doing in China!

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