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Gordon MacDonald

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  • Ponga Orden En Su Mundo Interi – (Spanish)


    Alguien ha visto mi tiempo? Lo he perdido. Tenemos horarios, calendarios computarizados, telefonos inteligentes y notas adhesivas para ayudarnos a organizar nuestros asuntos y nuestra vida social diaria. Pero que pasa con la organizacion de la otra parte de nuestras vidas, el lado espiritual? Uno de los grandes campos de batalla se encuentra dentro del interior de cada persona. Los valores de nuestra cultura nos ha hecho creer que las personas ocupadas y publicamente activas en el ministerio son tambien las mas espirituales. Caemos ante la tentacion de prestar mas atencion al mundo externo a expensas del privado y nos involucramos en mas programas, mas reuniones. Nuestras innumerables responsabilidades en el hogar, el trabajo y la iglesia han dado lugar a que mucha gente este al borde del colapso. En este clasico actualizado, Gordon MacDonald equipa a una nueva generacion para vivir la vida desde adentro hacia afuera, cultivando la victoria interna necesaria para la eficacia externa.

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  • Ordering Your Private World


    Has anyone seen my time? I’ve misplaced it. We have schedule planners, computerized calendars, smart phones, and sticky notes to help us organize our business and social lives every day. But what about organizing the other side of our lives? the spiritual side? One of the great battlegrounds is within the private world of the individual. The values of our Western culture would have us believe the busy, publicly active person in ministry is also the most spiritual. Tempted to give imbalanced attention to the public world at the expense of the private, we become involved in more programs, more meetings. Our massive responsibilities at home, work, and church have resulted in many good people on the verge of collapse. In this updated classic Ordering Your Private World, Gordon MacDonald equips a new generation to live life from the inside out, cultivating the inner victory necessary for public effectiveness.

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  • Who Stole My Church


    Has your church been hijacked? Millions of people in their fifties, sixties, and seventies feel their churches have been hijacked by church-growth movements characterized by loud praise bands, constant PowerPoint presentations, and cavernous megachurches devoid of any personal touch. They are bewildered by the changes, and are dropping out after thirty, forty, or fifty years in a congregation. It’s a crisis! In this fictional story, pastor and author Gordon MacDonald uses topical examples and all-too-familiar characters to reassure readers that it is possible to embrace change, and to demonstrate how that change can actually be a positive influence in their church. The church, he says, has always been in a state of change; it has been changing for the last two thousand years. It is time to embrace that change and use it further the Kingdom of God

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  • Resilient Life : You Can Move Ahead No Matter What (Reprinted)


    At a young age, Gordon MacDonald recognized that he had inherited a “quitter’s gene,” and because of this–and an influential track coach–he began a lifelong quest for answers. “Why,” he had to ask, “do some people finish what they start, persevere in moments of adversity, push themselves in the direction of their potential, and often make their greatest contributions in the latter half of life? Why do others expect to retire from life when they reach their senior years?” The element in those who don’t quit is resilience. Those who have it, MacDonald insists, have gathered all the lessons from life–success and failures–to build a foundation of strength and character, preparing them to face anything. Using examples from the Bible, from his own life, and from the lives of contemporary people, MacDonald identifies the characteristics of resilience, leading readers through the self-assessment needed to develop them. The journey is demanding and humbling, he reminds us, but the rewards of living well are immeasurable.

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  • Mid Course Correction


    This book is written for those who sense a need for putting order back in their lives again. It offers hope not only for those who have experienced defeat and disappointment in their lives, but also for those who have been “successful” yet yearn for something more. MacDonald focuses on making choices that lead to personal transformation, significant communal relationships, practical service in the kingdom of God, and a revitalized life of faith and worship. He demonstrates that new significance and meaning are available no matter what you situation has been

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  • Rebuilding Your Broken World


    What happens when your ideals and desires, plans and strategies, all go awry? From what sources might one find the resolve to begin a rebuilding process? “The fact is,” writes Gordon MacDonald in Rebuilding Your Broken World, “the God of the Bible is a God of the rebuilding process. And not enough broken people know that.” No stranger himself to brokenness, Gordon MacDonald draws from personal experience and discusses the likely sources of pain, the humiliation, and the long- and short-range consequences of a broken personal world. And he offers encouraging answers to the questions everyone asks when their worlds fall apart: Is there a way back?

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  • When Men Think Private Thoughts (Student/Study Guide)



    14 Chapters in 249 pages

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    Men ask these measure-up questions of ‘themselves in times of quiet contemplation as they consider what they are not, what they think they ought to be, and what they ultimately want to be. Author and pastor Gordon MacDonald addresses them all in When Men Think Private Thoughts.

    MacDonald explores avenues that include sexuality and masculinity; intimacy, romance, and friendship; and achievement, and definitions of success, revealing how each road intersects with a man’s soul. You’ll be able to put, aside the stereotypical definitions of maleness that plague men’s private thoughts-and will see instead a Christ-centered model.

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  • Life God Blesses


    In The Life God Blesses, author and pastor Gordon MacDonald asks the question, are we prepared to weather the storms of life? In this book, MacDonald steers us toward the disciplines, convictions, silence, beauty, and spirit that feed and prepare the soul to recognize and recieve God’s blessing.MacDonald reaches into the Bible and into the experiences of godly men and women of history to discover what can be done to lead a blessed life, then leads you through the steps that are necessary to develop a mature soul.

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  • Renewing Your Spiritual Passion (Student/Study Guide)


    1. It’s Got to Glow in You All the Time
    2. Doing More and Enjoying It Less
    3. It’s All Over!
    4. Running on Empty
    5. Further Threats to Spiritual Passion
    6. Those Who Bring Joy
    7. The Happy and the Hurting
    8. Friendly Fire
    9. He Knew I Couldn’t Handle It!
    10. It’s What’s Inside That Counts
    11. Rack ‘Em Up
    12. Safe Places
    13. The Place of Secrets
    14. The Still Times
    15. Special Friends
    16. More Special Friends
    17. Renewing Your Spiritual Passion

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    Have- you ever been too far- from home to turn back yet too weary to want to continue toward your destination? Renewing, Your Spiritual Passion looks at the journey we-are on, as. Christians, and poses just that question: All of us want to have the passion to be godly people. But too many times, having that passion is easier to talk about than to actually find or maintain.
    Do you have so many things to do, and, do well, that you are unable to do them all? Are, you tired and passionless about your spiritual journey? In Renewing Your Spiritual Passion, Gordon MacDonald asks if there is a growing weariness of spirit -among Christians and discusses what they can do to change that.

    Learn what is happening to you, why it is happening, and what you can do about it by Renewing Your Spiritual Passion.

    For years, Gordon MacDonald has been giving -readers, conference-goers, and church members guidance and encouragement on a variety of important issues. Now, his, best-loved works can be found in The Gordon MacDonald. Bestseller Series, each including a study guide for individual of group use. Look for all four titles in the series: Ordering Your Private World, Renewing Your-Spiritual Passion, The Life God Blesses and When Men Think-private Thoughts.

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