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Guillermo Maldonado

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  • Sacudimiento Y Avivamiento De – (Spanish)


    !Sacudimiento… avivamiento… y cosecha!

    Los ultimos tiempos se estan revelando ante nuestros ojos.

    Primero, habra sacudimientos sin precedentes.

    Hoy en dia, el mundo esta siendo sacudido de manera sin precedentes. Y esto es solo el comienzo. Las naciones, instituciones, economias, familias, individuos, el medio ambiente, el cosmos, el mundo espiritual; en fin, en cada dimension y esfera de la vida, veremos poderosas olas de sacudimiento que interrumpiran el curso de nuestras vidas y eliminaran nuestro falso sentido de seguridad en los recursos terrenales, obligandonos a volver la mirada a nuestro Creador.

    El proposito principal de los sacudimientos es juzgar al mundo por su pecado y rebelion contra Dios. Sin embargo, Dios usara el sacudimiento que estamos experimentando ahora para refinar a los creyentes, de modo que seamos purificados hasta convertirnos en el remanente que esta listo para la inminente aparicion de Jesus.

    Segundo, habra un avivamiento sin precedentes.

    A medida que respondamos al sacudimiento con arrepentimiento y profundo fervor a Dios, estaremos preparados para tomar papel activo en el avivamiento de los ultimos dias, en el que se revelara la gloria soberana de Dios. Habra un movimiento sobrenatural integral caracterizado por milagros, sanidades, salvaciones, provision financiera, vision profetica, santidad renovada, adoracion poderosa, discipulado solido y profundo amor.

    Finalmente, !habra una cosecha de almas sin precedentes con impacto global!

    El Espiritu Santo empoderara a la iglesia para alcanzar a los perdidos con demostracion de milagros, seales y maravillas. Millones de personas en todo el mundo vendran al arrepentimiento genuino, entregando sus corazones al Seor Jesus.

    En Sacudimiento y avivamiento de los ultimos tiempos, el autor de best-sellers, Guillermo Maldonado, profundiza sobre el tema de los ultimos tiempos introducido en sus libros anteriores, revelando como…
    *Evitar el juicio de Dios
    *Responder correctamente a los sacudimientos divinos en su vida y en el mundo
    *Ser avivado y continuamente lleno del Espiritu
    *Participar en la cosecha mundial de almas
    *Moverse con poder sobrenatural

    !Necesitamos entender el ciclo de Dios en los eventos de los ultimos tiempos para poder alinear nuestras vidas a Sus propositos trascendentales en estos dias finales!

    Shaking…Then Revival…Then Harvest!

    The end times are unfolding before our eyes.

    First, there will be unprecedented shakings.

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  • End Time Shaking And Revival


    Shaking…Then Revival…Then Harvest!

    The end times are unfolding before our eyes.

    First, there will be unprecedented shakings.

    Today, the world is shaking in alarming ways. And this is just the beginning. Nations, institutions, economies, families, individuals, the earth’s environment, the cosmos, the spiritual realm–in every dimension and sphere of life, we will see powerful waves of shaking that disrupt the course of our lives and take away our false sense of security in earthly resources, compelling us to return to our Creator.

    The main purpose of these shakings is to judge the people of the world for their sin and rebellion against God. Yet God is using the shaking we are now experiencing to refine believers so we will be purified to become the remnant that is ready for Jesus’s imminent appearing.

    Second, there will be unprecedented revival.

    As we respond to the shaking with repentance and wholehearted devotion to God, we will be prepared to take an active role in the coming last-days revival in which God’s sovereign glory will be revealed! There will be an all-inclusive supernatural movement characterized by miracles, healings, salvations, financial provision, prophetic visions, renewed holiness, powerful worship, strong discipleship, and profound love.

    Finally, there will be an unprecedented harvest of souls with global impact!

    The Holy Spirit will empower the church to reach the lost with the demonstration of miracles, signs, and wonders. Millions of people worldwide will come to genuine repentance, surrendering their hearts to the Lord Jesus.

    In End-Time Shaking and Revival, best-selling author Guillermo Maldonado expands on last-days themes introduced in his previous books, revealing how to…
    *Avoid God’s judgment
    *Respond correctly to the divine shakings in your life and in the world
    *Be revived and continuously filled with the Spirit
    *Participate in the worldwide harvest
    *Move in supernatural power

    We must understand God’s cycle of end-time events so we can align our lives with His momentous purposes in these last days!

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  • Jesus Regresa Pronto – (Spanish)


    Sacudimientos, seales y el regreso de Cristo

    Usted es mencionado en la profecia biblica. Pueda que no se mencione su nombre, pero usted esta incluido ahi. Las profecias de los ultimos tiempos hablan de los fieles seguidores de Jesus -conocidos como el “remanente”-, quienes estan listos para los ultimos dias y Su retorno, pero tambien hablan de quienes no estan preparados o abandonan antes que El regrese.

    Que profecia usted cumplira?

    Jesus regresa pronto le ayudara a estar seguro de que usted forma parte del remanente de Dios. Las seales del fin de esta era y la aparicion de Jesus son evidentes en el mundo fisico y espiritual. Pero la mayoria de la gente, incluyendo los cristianos, no las han reconocido. Que seales ha dado Dios para anunciar la culminacion de Sus propositos para el mundo? Como podemos discernirlas? Como podemos prepararnos? Este libro le revelara:

    *La razon de los sacudimientos naturales y espirituales sin precedentes en el mundo

    *Lo que nos dicen las seales, incluyendo aquellas seales inusuales como las lunas de sangre

    *Como trabaja Dios segun las temporadas, las eras y la plenitud de los tiempos

    *Como las fiestas judias apuntan a las edades del hombre, mostrandonos con precision el reloj del tiempo de Dios

    *Que las inminentes seales y promesas biblicas aun no se han cumplido

    *Los juicios que Dios esta trayendo a la tierra

    Dios ha dado profecias sobre Israel, la iglesia y el mundo. Y Su Espiritu esta revelando en este momento Sus propositos para los ultimos dias. Necesitamos saber como recibir la revelacion vital y el conocimiento profetico que El quiere compartir con Su pueblo. Cuando tenemos ese conocimiento previo, podemos entender los tiempos y prepararnos para sus planes finales para la tierra.

    Dios quiere que la iglesia sea una comunidad de esperanza, avivamiento y poder sobrenatural en medio de los tiempos tenebrosos. Hay un espiritu de confusion en el mundo de hoy. La gente debe acudir a Dios por las respuestas que solo El nos puede dar, y la iglesia debe estar preparada para proporcionar esas respuestas.

    En estos tiempos finales, no necesita tener miedo, desanimarse o distraerse. Al contrario, usted puede conocer su verdadera posicion en Dios antes del regreso de Cristo. Puede estar gozosamente preparado, vigilando y esperando con expectativa, con sus ojos espirituales abiertos. Viva en la perfecta voluntad de Dios para su vida y participe en sus propositos sobrenaturales de los ultimos dias!

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  • Jesus Is Coming Soon


    Shakings, Signs, and the Return of Christ

    You are mentioned in biblical prophecy. You may not be mentioned by name, but you are included there. End-times prophecies speak of faithful followers of Jesus-called the “remnant”-who are ready for the last days and His return, but they also speak of those who are unprepared or fall away before His appearing. Which prophecy will you fulfill?

    On the Verge of Jesus’s Return will help you be certain you are part of God’s remnant. The signs of the end of the age and Jesus’s appearing are evident in the physical and spiritual worlds. But most people, including Christians, have not recognized them. What signs has God given to announce the culmination of His purposes for the world? How can we discern them? How can we prepare? This book will unfold:

    *The reason for the unprecedented natural and spiritual shakings in our world

    *What the signs tell us, including unusual signs such as blood moons

    *How God works according to seasons, eras, and the fullness of time

    *How Jewish feasts point to the ages of man, accurately showing us God’s time clock

    *Which imminent biblical signs and promises have yet to be fulfilled

    *The judgments God is bringing to the earth

    God has given prophecies concerning Israel, the church, and the world. And His Spirit is disclosing His last-days purposes right now. We need to know how to receive the vital revelation and prophetic knowledge He wants to share with His people. When we have this foreknowledge, we can understand the times and prepare for His final plans for the earth.

    God intends the church to be a community of hope, revival, and supernatural power in the midst of dark times. There is a spirit of confusion in the world today. People must turn to God for the answers only He can give, and the church needs to be ready to provide those answers.

    In these end times, you do not need to be fearful, discouraged, or distracted. Instead, you can know your true position in God before Christ’s appearing. You can be joyfully prepared, watching and waiting in expectation, with your spiritual eyes open. Live in God’s perfect will for your life and participate in His supernatural, last-days purposes!

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  • Vida Libre De Estres – (Spanish)


    Casi la mitad de los estadounidenses se sienten estresados. Una de cada tres personas a nivel global siente mucho estres y preocupacion. -Encuesta Gallup
    – El estres esta socavando el bienestar general de los estadounidenses. -Asociacion Americana de Psicologia

    Nuestro mundo esta lleno de estres. Nuestras vidas estan llenas de estres. Estos son los tiempos en que vivimos.

    Un poco de estres es una parte natural de la vida. Todos lo experimentamos al cumplir con fechas limites de entrega, o luchar por alcanzar la excelencia. Pero el estres se convierte en un problema serio cuando se establece en nuestras vidas como un ciclo del que no podemos escapar. Los trabajos de mucha presion, las relaciones dificiles, los problemas financieros y el temor al futuro pueden meternos a un ciclo de estres. Esto interfiere con una vida feliz y productiva, puede conducir a problemas emocionales y enfermedades, e incluso puede llegar a ser mortal. El estres continuo podria catalogarse como el asesino silencioso del siglo XXI.

    Cual es la mejor manera de manejar el estres normal y liberarse del dominio de un ciclo de estres que no es saludable? Como podemos vivir vidas alegres y efectivas? El autor de libros con record en ventas, Guillermo Maldonado, lo guiara a traves de pasos especificos hacia una vida sin estres:

    Primero, aprenda que es realmente el estres–el bueno y el malo.

    En segundo lugar, reconozca la causa de su ciclo de estres. Identifique lo que provoca sus sentimientos de miedo, ansiedad o agobio.

    En tercer lugar, descubra el camino para liberarse del estres que es daino para la salud y como manejar diariamente tanto el estres externo como el interno.

    Este libro lo equipara con herramientas espirituales y naturales esenciales para una vida libre de estres. !Sea empoderado para romper ciclos de estres y encontrar paz verdadera y sanidad!

    Nearly half of Americans are feeling stressed. One in three worldwide are feeling a lot of stress and worry. –Gallup poll
    Stress is eating away at Americans’ overall well-being. –American Psychological Association

    Our world is full of stress. Our lives are full of stress. These are the times we’re living in.

    Some stress is a natural part of life. We all experience it as we meet deadlines or reach for excellence. But stress develops into a serious problem when it becomes entrenched in our lives as a cycle that we can’t shake. High-pressure jobs, difficult relationships, ongoing financia

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  • Stress Free Living


    *Nearly half of Americans are feeling stressed. One in three worldwide are feeling a lot of stress and worry. –Gallup poll
    *Stress is eating away at Americans’ overall well-being. –American Psychological Association

    Our world is full of stress. Our lives are full of stress. These are the times we’re living in.

    Some stress is a natural part of life. We all experience it as we meet deadlines or reach for excellence. But stress develops into a serious problem when it becomes entrenched in our lives as a cycle that we can’t shake. High-pressure jobs, difficult relationships, ongoing financial problems, and fear about the future can lead to a stress cycle. This interferes with a happy, productive life, can lead to emotional issues and illness–and can even become life-threatening. Sustained stress may be the silent killer of the twenty-first century.

    What is the best way to manage normal stress and release the grip of an unhealthy stress cycle? How can we live joyful and effective lives? Best-selling author Guillermo Maldonado leads you in specific steps to stress-free living:

    First, learn what stress really is–the good and the bad.

    Second, address the cause of your stress cycle. Identify what provokes your feelings of fear, anxiety, or overwhelm.

    Third, discover the path to freedom from unhealthy stress and how to manage external and internal stress on a daily basis.

    This book will equip you with essential spiritual and natural tools for a stress-free life. Be empowered to break stress cycles and find true peace and healing!

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  • Ayuno De Rompimiento – (Spanish)


    Expanding on the theme of his dynamic book Breakthrough Prayer, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado explains how to fast to break through with divine power for overcoming obstacles and advancing the kingdom of God.

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  • Breakthrough Fast : Accessing The Power Of God


    Expanding on the theme of his dynamic book Breakthrough Prayer, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado explains how to fast to break through with divine power for overcoming obstacles and advancing the kingdom of God.

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  • Diario De Rompimiento Sobrenat – (Spanish)


    Este hermoso diario esta lleno de poderosas citas y oraciones del ultimo libro del apostol Guillermo Maldonado, Oracion de Rompimiento, y sus otros libros de mayor venta. A medida que avance al siguiente nivel de intimidad y poder con Dios, guarde sus propias reflexiones personales, oraciones, declaraciones de fe y respuestas milagrosas a la oracion.

    This beautiful journal is filled with powerful quotes and prayers from Apostle Guillermo Maldonado’s latest book, Breakthrough Prayer, and his other best-selling books. As you break through to the next level of intimacy and power with God, record your own personal reflections, prayers, faith declarations, and miraculous answers to prayer.

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  • Oracion De Rompimiento – (Spanish)


    La oracion no es una practica ni un ritual. Es un lugar secreto en el Espiritu. Es un lugar de encuentros divinos con nuestro Padre celestial, donde le expresamos nuestro amor y entramos en las dimensiones de Su gloria y poder. Alli es donde recibimos Su presencia, revelacion y guia para la vida; es donde somos empoderados para cumplir Sus propositos en la tierra, mientras experimentamos el derramar de Su gracia a traves de milagros, sanidades, liberacion y salvacion. Con base en las Escrituras, la conviccion de su experiencia personal y la evidencia de muchos testimonios, Guillermo Maldonado nos revela apasionadamente, como entrar en ese lugar del Espiritu y convertirnos, como cuerpo de Cristo, en “casa de oracion.” Descubra el gozo de tener una comunicacion de doble via con el Padre. Aprenda no solo a escuchar Su voz, sino tambien a oirlo y actuar de acuerdo con lo que El esta diciendo. Aprenda a generar un impulso en su vida de oracion, creando una atmosfera espiritual en la que Dios se mueva poderosamente a favor de Su pueblo. Descubra las claves esenciales para un rompimiento y como lograr que todas sus oraciones sean contestadas de acuerdo con la voluntad y la Palabra de Dios. El tiempo nunca ha sido mas vital para encontrar nuestro lugar de oracion. Vivimos tiempos en que la oposicion del enemigo aumenta a medida que se acerca la segunda venida de Cristo. Esto requiere que alcancemos un nivel mas alto de poder y autoridad espirituales, lo cual solo es posible a traves de la oracion que nos lleva a la presencia de Dios. Nada mas nos puede preparar para enfrentar los desafios que vienen. Nada mas nos puede preparar para la segunda venida de Cristo. !Este es el tiempo de estar vigilantes en el espiritu! !Este es el tiempo de velar y orar!

    Prayer is not a practice or a ritual. It is a place. A secret place in the Spirit. A place of divine encounters with our heavenly Father where we express our love for Him and enter the dimensions of His glory and power. Where we welcome His presence, receive His revelation and guidance for our life, and are empowered to serve His purposes on earth while experiencing the outpouring of His grace through miracles, healings, deliverances, and salvations. With a scriptural foundation, the conviction of personal experience, and the evidence of many testimonies, Guillermo Maldonado passionately reveals how to enter this place in the Spirit so we, as the body of Christ, can become “a house of prayer.” Discover the joy of

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  • Breakthrough Prayer : Where God Always Hears And Answers


    Prayer is not a practice or a ritual. It is a place. A secret place in the Spirit. A place of divine encounters with our heavenly Father where we express our love for Him and enter the dimensions of His glory and power. Where we welcome His presence, receive His revelation and guidance for our life, and are empowered to serve His purposes on earth while experiencing the outpouring of His grace through miracles, healings, deliverances, and salvations. With a scriptural foundation, the conviction of personal experience, and the evidence of many testimonies, Guillermo Maldonado passionately reveals how to enter this place in the Spirit so we, as the body of Christ, can become “a house of prayer.” Discover the joy of two-way communication with the Father. Learn not only to hear His voice but to listen and act on what He is saying to you. See how to build momentum in your prayer life, creating a spiritual atmosphere in which God moves powerfully on behalf of His people. Discover essential keys for breakthrough–and how to have all your prayers answered according to God’s will and Word. There has never been a more vital time to find our place in prayer. We are in a period of increased opposition from the enemy as we draw closer to the day of Christ’s return. This requires us to attain a higher level of spiritual power and authority, which can only come through prayer that ushers us into God’s presence. Nothing else will prepare us to meet the challenges that are coming our way. Nothing else will prepare us for the second coming of Christ. Now is the time to be spiritually vigilant! Now is the time to watch and pray!

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  • Liberacion Sobrenatural – (Spanish)


    La mayoria de los creyentes aman a Cristo pero por falta de conocimiento aun viven bajo alguna forma de atadura del enemigo. Espiritus demoniacos son la causa principal de muchos de los problemas emocionales, espirituales y fisicos con los que luchamos. La respuesta es el ministerio precioso de la liberacion, como descubrira en este libro. Empleando ejemplos biblicos, sus experiencias personales en el ministerio y los testimonios poderosos de personas quienes han sido liberadas, el Apostol Guillermo Maldonado explica de manera clara que la liberacion es parte de la obra terminada de la Cruz, donde Jesus gano la guerra en contra del pecado, la enfermedad y la muerte – y tambien sobre todo poder del enemigo. La liberacion esta disponible a todo hijo de Dios. Sea que usted necesite liberacion o desee ayudar a los demas a ser libre La Liberacion Sobrenatural provee soluciones para derrotar al enemigo, permitiendole disfrutar de paz, libertad y una vida fructifera.

    Most believers love Christ but, for lack of knowledge, are still living under some form of bondage by the enemy. Demonic spirits are the main cause of many emotional, spiritual, and physical problems we struggle with. The answer, as you will discover in this book, is the precious ministry of deliverance. Through biblical examples, his personal experiences in ministry, and powerful testimonies of people who have been delivered, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado clearly explains that deliverance is part of the finished work of the cross, on which Jesus won the war against sin, sickness, death-and all the power of the enemy. Whether you need deliverance-or desire to help set others free-Supernatural Deliverance provides solutions for defeating the enemy, enabling you to enjoy peace, freedom, and a fruitful life.

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  • Supernatural Deliverance : Freedom For Your Soul Mind And Emotions


    Is There More to Your Problem Than Meets the Eye?

    What’s the most difficult problem you face? Have you been struggling with an issue for months-or even years-without finding a solution, even though you have prayed about it? Perhaps you have an underlying sense of fear or anxiety, a cycle of failure, an inability to forgive someone, crippling feelings of guilt, a struggle with addiction or sexual immorality, uncontrollable anger, or some other persistent problem.

    You may think you understand what you’ve been dealing with, but perhaps there is more to it. Most believers love Christ but, for lack of knowledge, are still living under some form of bondage by the enemy. Demonic spirits are the main cause of many emotional, spiritual, and physical problems we struggle with.

    The answer, as you will discover in this book, is the precious ministry of deliverance.

    Through biblical examples, his personal experiences in ministry, and powerful testimonies of people who have been delivered, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado clearly explains that deliverance is part of the finished work of the cross, on which Jesus won the war against sin, sickness, death-and all the power of the enemy.

    Deliverance is available for every child of God. Whether you need deliverance-or desire to help set others free-Supernatural Deliverance provides solutions for defeating the enemy, enabling you to enjoy peace, freedom, and a fruitful life.

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  • Por Que Creer En Jesus – (Spanish)


    Una vida que vale la pena investigar

    Jesucristo es la persona mas famosa que ha existido. La mayoria de la gente conoce Su nombre, aunque realmente no sabe quien o como era El. Si en verdad El fue un Salvador, como algunos dicen, de que forma realmente eso nos afecta hoy? Y por que nosotros deberiamos creer en El?

    Mientras Jesus vivio y ministro en la tierra, El enseo acerca de temas como:
    *Que es la verdad?
    *Cual es el significado de la vida?
    *Que es el amor?
    *Cual es mi proposito?
    *Cual es mi futuro?

    Muchos de nosotros buscamos algo real para nuestras vidas. Nos preguntamos si es posible tener paz, proposito y empoderamiento en un mundo que parece estar cayendose a pedazos cada dia. Las circunstancias en nuestra vida nos llevan a lidiar con preguntas basicas acerca de nuestra propia existencia, tales como “Por que estoy aqui?” Tambien hacen que nos preguntemos acerca de la existencia de un Ser Superior a quien podamos acudir en busca de ayuda.

    En este libro, a medida que usted explora la vida y las extraordinarias enseanzas de Jesus, tambien sera introducido con gente contemporanea, de diversos origenes, que nos indican como y por que llegaron a creer en Jesus, y la diferencia que El esta haciendo hoy en sus vidas.

    A Life Worth Investigating

    Jesus Christ is the most famous person who ever lived. Most people know His name, but they don’t really know who He was or what was He like. If He truly was a Savior, as some say, in what way does that reality affect us today? And why should we believe in Him?

    As Jesus lived and ministered on earth, He taught on topics such as:
    *What is truth?
    *What is the meaning of life?
    *What is love?
    *What is my purpose?
    *What is my future?

    In this book, as you explore the unique life and teachings of Jesus Christ, you will also be introduced to contemporary people from various backgrounds who tell how and why they came to believe in Jesus-and the difference He is making in their lives today.

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  • Why Believe In Jesus


    A Life Worth Investigating

    Jesus Christ is the most famous person who ever lived. Most people know His name, but they don’t really know who He was or what was He like. If He truly was a Savior, as some say, in what way does that reality affect us today? And why should we believe in Him?

    As Jesus lived and ministered on earth, He taught on topics such as:
    *What is truth?
    *What is the meaning of life?
    *What is love?
    *What is my purpose?
    *What is my future?

    In this book, as you explore the unique life and teachings of Jesus Christ, you will also be introduced to contemporary people from various backgrounds who tell how and why they came to believe in Jesus-and the difference He is making in their lives today.

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  • Transformacion Sobrenatural – (Spanish)


    Cada problema espiritual, mental y emocional, y muchos fisicos, esta arraigado en el corazon. El estado de nuestro corazon espiritual afecta a todos los aspectos de nuestra vida diaria. Por lo tanto, la condicion de nuestro corazon sera la condicion de nuestra vida. Acompae al Pastor Maldonado en un viaje de descubrimiento del proposito, los motivos y el potencial de nuestro corazon espiritual.

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  • Supernatural Transformation


    The central organ of the human body is the heart. It circulates the blood throughout the whole bodily system, pumping oxygen and nutrients to the other organs and pulling toxins away from them.

    Yet we human beings have another “heart”-a spiritual one-that is the true center of our existence. Our spiritual heart is our identity. It is the foundation of our whole being, from which our desires, designs, purposes, will, thoughts, and attitudes originate.

    Yet, as a result of the fall and our sinful nature, we all have symptoms of “heart disease,” and we need to know how to become spiritually heart-healthy. As the Scriptures say, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). Every spiritual, mental, and emotional matter-and many physical ones-is rooted in the heart. The state of our spiritual heart affects all aspects of our daily living. Therefore, the condition of our heart will be the condition of our life.

    Join Apostle Maldonado in a journey of discovery into the purpose, motivations, and potential of our spiritual heart. God wants us to understand how, in Christ, our heart is designed to “pump” life to our entire being-producing mental, emotional, and physical health and removing the toxins of sin.

    We were created to reflect the heart of our heavenly Father. And God is ready even now to change our heart to be like His through a supernatural transformation!

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  • Reino De Poder Estudio Biblico – (Spanish)


    Sencillo. Practico. Poderoso. !Asi es el evangelio del reino! Donde quiera que el reino de Dios gobierne en la tierra, es demostrado visiblemente.

    El reino de Dios es su voluntad ejercida en la tierra como es en el cielo. Cada vez que Jesus anuncio las buenas nuevas del reino, el pecado, la enfermedad, los demonios, la pobreza y la muerte no podian permanecer. Por eso mismo, Jesus no autorizo a la iglesia a predicar un evangelio solo de palabras. El nos empodero para proclamar las buenas nuevas con evidencias sobrenaturales de milagros, sanidades y liberaciones. Somos portadores del reino, el cual es revelado en y a traves de nosotros por el Espiritu Santo.

    El reino es una realidad hoy-no solo en el futuro-y puede ser aplicado a cada circunstancia que se nos presente en la vida. Por medio de estudios como El Reino de Poder: Como Demostrarlo Aqui y Ahora (Estudio Biblico Guiado por el Espiritu Santo), aprendera a…

    Entrar en el reino de Dios

    Demostrar la existencia de Dios por medio de evidencias tangible

    Manifestar sanidades y liberaciones

    Expandir el reino en el “territorio” que Dios le dio

    Echar fuera el reino de las tinieblas

    Superar lo “imposible”

    Gobernar en la tierra como rey y sacerdote de Dios

    Jesus dijo, “El reino de Dios esta entre vosotros” (Lucas 17:21). !Lo unico que debe hacer es demostrarlo aqui y ahora!

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  • Kingdom Of Power


    Simple. Practical. Powerful. That’s the gospel of the kingdom! Wherever God’s kingdom rules on earth, it is visibly demonstrated.

    The kingdom of God is His will exercised on earth as it is in heaven. Each time Jesus announced the good news of the kingdom, sin, sickness, demons, poverty, and death could not remain. Likewise, Jesus did not authorize the church to preach a gospel of mere words. He empowered us to proclaim the good news with supernatural evidence of miracles, healings, and deliverances. We are carriers of the kingdom, which is revealed in and through us by the Holy Spirit.

    The kingdom is a reality today-not just in the future-and it may be applied to each circumstance we encounter in life. Through the studies in The Kingdom of Power (Spirit-Led Bible Study), you will learn how to…

    *Enter the kingdom of God
    *Demonstrate God’s existence through tangible evidence
    *Manifest healings and deliverances
    *Expand the kingdom in your God-given “territory”
    *Drive out the kingdom of darkness
    *Overcome the “impossible”
    *Rule on earth as God’s king and priest

    Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21). The only thing you need to do is to demonstrate it here and now!

    This book is designed as a stand-alone Bible study. It may be completed independently by individual students or be used in a group setting, such as a Bible study, a Sunday school class, a course on the foundations of the Christian faith, or a prayer group.

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  • Reino De Poder – (Spanish)


    El reino de Dios es…

    *un reino sobrenatural.
    *un reino de poder, no solo de palabras.
    *un reino cuya realidad se puede experimentar aqui y ahora.
    *!esta en usted!

    El reino de Dios es su voluntad y dominio ejercido en la tierra tal como es en el cielo. Su influencia se expande en el mundo a traves de la obra sobrenatural del Espiritu Santo, a medida que El trabaja por medio de nuestra humanidad.

    Dondequiera que el reino de Dios gobierna sobre la tierra, hay una demostracion visible. Jesus manifesto el poder del reino con milagros, se?ales, sanidades y liberaciones. Cada vez que El anunciaba las buenas nuevas del reino, el pecado, la enfermedad, los demonios y la muerte fueron derrotados.

    Cuando Jesus regreso al cielo, El delego esa autoridad a la iglesia, activandola para continuar expandiendo su reino en cada generacion de creyentes. El reino tiene todo lo que necesitamos: justicia, sanidad, integridad, prosperidad y gozo. Es una realidad que debe ser experimentada hoy-no solo en el futuro-, y puede ser aplicada a cada circunstancia que enfrentamos en la vida. En El Reino de Poder Como Demostrarlo Aqui y Ahora, por el Apostol Guillermo Maldonado, usted descubrira como entrar en el reino de Dios, recibir sus beneficios y expandir su dominio por toda la tierra.

    El reino de Dios esta dentro de usted. Lo unico que tiene que hacer es !demostrarlo aqui y ahora!

    The kingdom of God is…

    *a supernatural kingdom.
    *a kingdom of power, not just words.
    *a kingdom whose reality can be experienced here and now.
    *within you!

    The kingdom of God is His will and dominion exercised on earth as it is in heaven. It expands its influence in the world through the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit as He works through our humanity.

    Wherever God’s kingdom governs on earth, it is visibly demonstrated. Jesus manifested the power of the kingdom with miracles, signs, healing, and deliverance. Each time He announced the good news of the kingdom, sin, sickness, demons, and death were defeated.

    When Jesus returned to heaven, He delegated authority to the church, activating it to continue expanding His kingdom in each succeeding generation of believers. The kingdom has everything we need: righteousness, healing, wholeness, prosperity, and joy. It is a reality to be experienced today-not just in the future-and it may be applied to each circumstance we encounter in life. In The Kingdom of Power How to Demonstrate It Here and Now by A

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  • Gloria De Dios – (Spanish)


    Usted fue creado para la gloria

    Muchos creyentes se preguntan, “Dios nos habla hoy?”. “Es Jesus solo un personaje historico o es realmente el Cristo vivo?”. “Puede el Seor todavia hacer los mismos milagros que menciona la Biblia?”.

    Dios no ha cambiado. El es el mismo ayer, hoy y siempre. Su gloria no es solo un concepto teorico-es una realidad celestial que todo creyente puede experimentar ahora-. La “religion” nunca podra producir una experiencia sobrenatural con Dios, porque carece de la gloria y de la vida del Seor. Usted puede ir mas alla de la practica de una religion, para llegar a tener un encuentro con su Padre celestial-el Padre de gloria-.

    Por medio del estudio biblico La Gloria de Dios, usted aprendera a combinar su conocimiento de las escrituras con la revelacion, y permitira que Dios manifieste su gloria a traves de usted.

    Cada leccion le ayudara a pasar de la doctrina biblica fundamental a una vida emocionante y con proposito, en la cual experimentara al Dios de la Biblia-el Dios de gloria-, todos los dias, a medida que usted se convierte en un portador de su presencia transformadora y sanadora para el mundo.

    Usted aprendera a…
    *Desarrollar pasion y sed de Dios
    *Ser encendido por el fuego de Dios para hacer lo “imposible”
    *Convertirse en un testigo dinamico y ver vidas transformadas
    *Confirmar el evangelio con seales sobrenaturales
    *Entrar en el reposo espiritual !y ver como Dios actua!
    *Recibir el milagro que necesita
    *Vivir continuamente en la gloria de Dios

    La gloria de Dios es una realidad que se puede experimentar. Entre hoy en su presencia manifestada y sea transformado para siempre.

    You Were Made for Glory

    Many believers ask, “Does God speak to us today?” “Is Jesus just a historical figure, or is He really the living Christ?” “Can the Lord still do the same miracles the Bible talks about?”

    God has not changed. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His glory is not just a theoretical concept-it is a heavenly reality that every believer can experience now. “Religion” can never produce a supernatural experience with God because it is void of the glory and life of the Lord.

    You can move beyond practicing religion to having an encounter with your heavenly Father-the Father of glory.

    With The Glory of God Bible study, you will learn to combine your scriptural knowledge with revelation and allow God to manifest His glory through you. Each lesson will help you to move from foundational biblica

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  • Glory Of God


    Many believers ask, “Does God speak to us today? Is Jesus just a historical figure, or is He the living Christ? Can the Lord still do the same miracles the Bible talks about?”

    God has not changed, nor is His glory just a theoretical concept. It is a heavenly reality that every believer can experience now. In The Glory of God (Spirit-Led Bible Study), you will learn how to build on your scriptural knowledge with fresh revelation from God. Each lesson will move you toward an exciting, purposeful life in which you experience the God of the Bible-the God of glory-every day as you are changed into His image and become a carrier of His transforming, healing presence to the world.

    Through these studies, you will…

    * Develop a passion and thirst for God

    * Be ignited by God’s fire to do the “impossible”

    * Become a dynamic witness and see lives transformed

    * Confirm the gospel with supernatural signs

    * Enter into spiritual rest-and watch God work!

    * Receive your own miracles

    * Live continually in God’s glory

    The glory of God is a reality to be experienced. Enter into His manifest presence today and be changed forever.

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  • Gloria De Dios – (Spanish)


    Es la gloria de Dios una simple teoria o es algo que podemos experimentar?

    En este libro, el Dr. Guillermo Maldonado nos revela los misterios de la Gloria de Dios y nos guia a tener un encuentro real con Dios y experimentar Su presencia, !aqui y ahora! El Dr. Guillermo Maldonado vierte mas de 20 aos de experiencia manifestando el poder sobrenatural de Dios en su ministerio, donde ha sido usado por Dios para hacer que los ciegos vean, los sordos oigan, los cojos caminen, los muertos se levanten, y los oprimidos sean liberados, en mas de 50 paises alrededor del mundo.

    Este libro le impartira y lo activara para ser un vaso escogido por Dios para manifestar Su gloria dondequiera que vaya, por medio de milagros, seales y maravillas. A traves de este libro usted…

    *Entendera que es la gloria de Dios y la experimentara
    *Conectara la revelacion con la manifestacion
    *Recibira el fuego que lo apasionara a buscar Su presencia
    *Aprendera a construir una atmosfera de adoracion que traiga Su presencia
    *Experimentara una transformacion radical
    *Diferenciara las fuentes genuinas de poder de las falsas
    *Aprendera como ser un vaso escogido que manifieste Su gloria, aqui y ahora

    Is the glory of God only a theory or is it something we can experience?

    In this book, Dr. Guillermo Maldonado reveals the mysteries of the Glory of God and guides you to having a real encounter with God and experience His presence-here and now! Dr. Guillermo Maldonado pours out more than 20 years of experience in manifesting God’s supernatural power in his ministry, where he has been used by God to make the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the dead raise, and the oppressed be delivered in over 50 countries around the world.

    This book will impart and activate you to be a chosen vessel of God to manifest the glory of God wherever you go with miracles, signs, and wonders-here and now! Through this book you will…
    *Understand what the Glory of God is and experience it
    *Be able to connect revelation to manifestation
    *Receive a fire for passion to search for His presence
    *How to build an atmosphere of worship in order to draw His manifested presence
    *Experience a radical transformation
    *Identify the genuine source of power versus the counterfeit
    *How to become a chosen vessel to manifest his glory here and now

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  • Glory Of God


    Become a Vessel of God’s Glory

    When you experience the glory of God, your life is transformed, and you are empowered in remarkable ways to fulfill His purposes for you, increasing the influence of His kingdom on earth.

    For more than twenty years-and in over fifty countries around the world-Apostle Guillermo Maldonado has seen God’s supernatural power and glory manifested through his ministry. He has been used by God to enable the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, the dead to be raised, and the oppressed to be delivered. Through the insights he presents in The Glory of God, you can…
    *Understand the nature of God’s glory
    *Enter into genuine worship
    *Enjoy the benefits of pursuing God’s presence
    *Witness God’s revealed glory
    *Receive joy, peace, and guidance
    *Powerfully lead others to Christ
    *Bring God glory through miracles, healings, deliverances, signs, and wonders
    *Distinguish genuine spiritual power from counterfeit power

    God designed human beings to live continually in the glory of His presence. This book will answer the longing in your heart to know Him better and reveal how you can exhibit His supernatural power as His vessel of glory.

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  • Como Caminar En Poder Sobrenat (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


    !El Poder de los Milagros esta Disponible Hoy!

    “Y estas seales seguiran a los que creen: En mi nombre echaran fuera demonios; hablaran nuevas lenguas”. (Marcos 16:17)

    El poder sobrenatural esta disponible hoy para todos los creyentes, tal como lo estaba para la iglesia primitiva durante los dias de los apostoles. El poder de Dios nunca se ha extinguido, solo el entendimiento de la iglesia de como obtenerlo.
    Milagros, sanidades y liberacion de opresiones demoniacas estan disponibles para cada creyente. Ahora, a traves de la Escritura, el Apostol Maldonado le muestra como obtener los beneficios del poder sobrenatural que estan disponibles para usted, de manera que pueda:

    Desarrollar fe para los milagros

    Protegerse a si mismo de los engaos del diablo

    Operar y fluir en lo sobrenatural

    Ministrar sanidad a los enfermos

    Una vez que usted reciba la revelacion completa del Dios sobrenatural, usted podra tomar este poder y ganar el mundo para Cristo.

    Today’s church is not reaching many of the lost, sick, and hurting because believers are not taking the authority and power they have been given through Christ and going out to the world as His body. Guillermo Maldonado believes that the gospel message being presented today is anemic because it is not accompanied by signs and wonders confirming that Jesus has been raised from the dead and is alive today, still able to heal, do miracles, and conquer the devil’s oppression.

    Through Maldonado’s insights on the supernatural, you will:
    ” Recognize human substitutes for God’s power
    ” Develop faith for the miraculous
    ” Seek God’s anointing to carry out His calling
    ” Receive the glory that accompanies His supernatural presence
    ” Protect yourself from the devil’s deception
    ” Learn to hear God’s voice
    ” Overcome demonic attacks
    ” Understand how to operate in the supernatural

    Once you grasp the full revelation of our supernatural God and live in it, you will be able to reach the world for Christ!

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  • How To Walk In The Supernatural Power Of God (Student/Study Guide)


    Today’s church is not reaching many of the lost, sick, and hurting because believers are not taking the authority and power they have been given through Christ and going out to the world as His body. Guillermo Maldonado believes that the gospel message being presented today is anemic because it is not accompanied by signs and wonders confirming that Jesus has been raised from the dead and is alive today, still able to heal, do miracles, and conquer the devil’s oppression.

    Through this companion to Guillermo Maldonado’s How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God, you will:

    Recognize human substitutes for God’s power

    Develop faith for the miraculous

    Seek God’s anointing to carry out His calling

    Receive the glory that accompanies His supernatural presence

    Protect yourself from the devil’s deception

    Learn to hear God’s voice

    Overcome demonic attacks

    Understand how to operate in the supernatural

    Once you grasp the full revelation of our supernatural God and live in it, you will be able to reach the world for Christ!

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