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    • Fulfilled : Living And Leading With Unusual Wisdom Peace And Joy


      Leadership can be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually exhausting. The pace is relentless. The expectations are weighty. The challenges are daunting. But it is possible to live and lead a new way, with that deep sense of contentment that all leaders yearn for. It is possible to be fulfilled, even today. Fulfilled articulates a new approach for the exhausted leader. This Christian theology of leadership is based on three inner capacities, which every leader already possesses but which most of us simply ignore or disregard: the capacity for stillness, awareness, and playfulness. The author examines these capacities and shows the reader how draw upon them in daily life. Vibrant leadership taps into this wellspring of inner capacities, continually available to every leader. It is not the exclusive possession of the gifted, faithful few, but is a grace provided for all. The fulfilled leader lives in wisdom, peace and joy, and is successful in all the most important ways.

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    • Poder Del Caracter En El Lider – (Spanish)


      How to Protect Your Leadership Influence and Power

      You’ve worked hard to achieve your dreams and goals. Many others have done the same-only to lose it all in the end. Every day, we read about successful people in various walks of life who have lost their power and influence. They’ve been fired, forced to resign, or shamed out of public life. They no longer have a market for their gifts, and they may even face criminal proceedings. These leaders have lost the trust of their companies, constituents, nations, followers, and families. Many were surprised to discover that their talents alone were not enough to prevent their downfall.

      Why did they fail in the end? Because they lacked the one quality that would have protected their leadership and given them enduring influence. Ironically, this quality is seldom taught to leaders today, either formally or informally. It is the quality of moral force, or character.

      Every human being is a leader over some domain as he or she exercises gifts and influence. That domain might be the halls of government, the boardroom, the classroom, the community, or the home. In The Power of Character in Leadership, you will discover what character is, what it means to develop moral force, and how to preserve your leadership influence so that it is both effective and enduring.

      Como proteger la influencia y el poder de su liderazgo

      Usted ha trabajado duro para lograr sus sueos y metas. Muchos otros han hecho lo mismo, solo para perderlo todo al final. Cada dia, leemos sobre personas exitosas en varios ambitos de la vida que han perdido su poder y su influencia. Han sido despedidos, obligados a renunciar, o sacados con verguenza de la vida publica. Ya no tienen un mercado para sus dones, y puede que incluso se enfrenten a acciones judiciales. Esos lideres han perdido la confianza de sus empresas, electores, naciones, seguidores y familias. Muchos quedaron sorprendidos al descubrir que sus talentos por si solos no fueron suficientes para evitar su caida.

      Por que fracasaron al final? Porque carecian de la unica cualidad que habria protegido su liderazgo y les habria dado influencia perdurable. Ironicamente, esta cualidad rara vez se ensea a los lideres actualmente, ya sea formalmente o informalmente. Es la cualidad de la fuerza moral, o caracter.

      Todo ser humano es un lider sobre algun dominio en el que el o ella ejercita dones e influencia. Ese dominio podria ser los pasillos del gobierno, la sala de juntas, el salo

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    • Como Influenciar A Las Persona – (Spanish)


      No importa si eres gerente de una prestigiosa compaia, o bien, jefe o jefa de hogar; normalmente la clave del exito esta en la capacidad que tengas para influir en las personas que estan a tu alrededor.

      En Como influenciar a las personas, John Maxwell ensea formas simples y perspicaces para interactuar de manera mas positiva con los demas. Al poner en marcha sus enseanzas:
      *Los gerentes veran que sus empleados responden con un entusiasmo renovado
      *Los padres estableceran vinculos mas cercanos con sus hijos
      *Los entrenadores veran prosperar a los jugadores
      *Los pastores lograran llegar a la gente
      *Los ejecutivos de ventas batiran records

      Ya sea que quieras crear una empresa, dar apoyo a tus hijos o atraer a la gente, puedes lograrlo aumentando tu nivel de influencia en la vida de los demas. Alcanza el exito en el hogar, en el trabajo y en cualquier otra area de tu vida. Nota que tu exito personal y organizacional se sale de la grafica cuando te tomas el tiempo necesario para influir en los demas.

      A small book with big impact that shows readers how to achieve John Maxwell’s core teaching:”Leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less.”

      Whether you’re the head of a Fortune 500 company or just the head of your household, having the ability to influence those around you is often the key to success.

      In Como influenciar a las personas, John Maxwell teaches simple, insightful ways to interact more positively with others. By putting his teachings into action:
      *Managers will see their employees respond with new enthusiasm
      *Parents will connect with their children on a deeper level
      *Coaches will see players blossom
      *Pastors will reach more people
      *Salespeople will break records

      Whether your desire is to build a business, strengthen your children, or reach the world, you can accomplish it by raising your level of influence in the lives of others. Achieve success at home, at work, and in every other area of life. Watch your personal and organizational success go off the charts when you take the time to influence others.

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    • Gospel Centered Leadership (Workbook)


      1. God Rules
      2. Examples And Models
      3. Learning From THE Leader
      4. Character
      5. Aptitude
      6. Wisdom
      7. Service:
      8. Authority
      9. Style
      10. Leadership
      11. Decisions, Decisions
      12. When It All Goes Pear-shaped
      13. Letting His People Grow
      14. Where Have All The Good Men Gone

      Additional Info
      Our world is awash with Leadership trainers and gurus, claiming to show how people can do their job better.

      But Christians only have one role model for leadership in practice – the Lord Jesus Christ.

      And the leadership he calls us to is radically different to the kind of leadership the world looks to. It is humble and servant hearted.

      Use this book to grow into the servant-hearted leader that God wants you to be.

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    • 7 Indisputable Laws Of Financial Leadership


      Rodney Ballance a financial industry insider with over 20 years experience will reveal secrets the banking, investment and insurance industries never wanted you to know. Rodney gives readers facts about how money and financial tools really work, and how the very wealthy use these tools to make money work for them.

      The Seven Indisputable Laws of Financial Leadership will teach you how to make your money work hard for you, so you don’t have to work so hard for your money.

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    • Wide Welcome : How The Unsettling Presence Of Newcomers Can Save The Church


      While most churches offer ‘new member classes’ and genuinely seek to welcome visitors, too often the end result is a rush to assimilate the newcomer into formal membership and all of the invitations to participation in committees, choirs, or fellowship groups that go along with it.

      In Wide Welcome, Jessicah Krey Duckworth presents the stark differences between the established congregation, which cares for current members and congregational identity, and the disestablished one, intentionally equipped to facilitate the encounter between new and established members. By intentionally extending the time of newcomer inquiry and allowing their questions, insights, and experiences to reverberate through the entire congregation both they and the church are changed. Wide Welcome does far more than point out the faults and weaknesses in current practice. Duckworth intentionally lays out possible designs for newcomer welcome that are local and particular.

      At a time when only nine percent of North American Mainline congregations actively and intentionally facilitate newcomer faith formation, Wide Welcome is an essential and timely book.

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    • Table Manners : Liturgical Leadership For The Mission Of The Church


      There is a growing (if not urgent) need for those being trained for ordained (and lay) ministry to be provided with a more solid grounding in liturgical principles, and Simon Reynolds seeks to address this by demonstrating how good liturgical leadership can be the foundation from which all other theological, historical, pastoral and missiological issues arise.

      Table Manners attempts to avoid being a ‘party’ book and will consciously avoid issues of churchmanship (except in pointing to what is positive in the various Christian traditions). Rather, it is written from the conviction that (i) a proper understanding of the Eucharist, and a theologically-informed approach to celebrating it (even if this manifests itself in many different styles), should mean that worshippers can go to churches of an unfamiliar tradition and yet still be caught up in the action, because what is essential and enlarging about good liturgical celebration would be recognisable; and (ii) that the success of presidency also demands the liturgical education of the whole people of God, because until they know what to ask for, their expectations will remain constrained.

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    • Elephant In The Church


      A church can be a dangerous place. The perils may be so obvious, they become “elephants” standing in the fellowship hall, lurking in the sanctuary, ready to spring into the pastor’s study, and tromp out of the choir room. The word “elephant” stands for an obvious truth or issue that is ignored or unnamed-a blind spot. Yet we allow elephants to occupy a large amount of space in the minds and hearts of those that tiptoe around them. Discussing common blind-spots of congregations and church leaders, the authors provide examples and illustrations for how to stop these “elephants” from ruining a ministry.

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    • Leading A Healthy Multi Ethnic Church


      Increasingly, church leaders are recognizing the power and beauty of the multi-ethnic church. Yet, more than a good idea, it’s a biblical, first-century standard with far-reaching evangelistic potential. How can your church overcome the obstacles to become a healthy multi-ethnic community of faith? And why should you even try?
      In Leading a Healthy Multi-Ethnic Church (formerly titled Ethnic Blends), Dr. Mark DeYmaz provides an up-close-and-personal look at seven common challenges to creating diversity in your church. Through real-life stories and practical illustrations, DeYmaz shows how to overcome the obstacles in order to lead a healthy multi-ethnic church. He also includes the insights of other effective multi-ethnic church leaders from the United States and Australia, as well as study questions at the end of each chapter.

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    • Tall Poppy : How To Lead Without Losing Your Head


      In New Zealand, they have a saying: “Keep a low profile or, like the tall poppy, stand tall and get your head cut off.” While there are risks to standing out, there are also benefits: tall poppies have the best view and are positioned to have the clearest vision of the horizon. Leadership has an up-side but also a down-side, and leaders must attend to both. Tall poppy leadership attracts attention, but it is a mixed blessing. These leaders leave their mark, shape the environment, and prepare the ground for others. Like tall poppies, they have a clear view of the lay of the land, not just for themselves but for their followers. To reap the benefits of being the first to harvest, they risk becoming easy targets for those who are jealous, petty, or have a hunger for power.

      This practical book helps you weigh the costs and benefits of your leadership as you assess your own situation. It shows you how to move forward through inevitable conflict, while attending to the landmines and hazards of congregational life. After reading this book you will lead with more confidence, better able to keep the vision and avoid distraction of immediate crises.

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    • Life Changing Leadership (Reprinted)


      Discover the keys to unlocking success in life and ministry. Everyone is looking for that edge, the key that will unlock success in life and ministry. The “edge” is Christ and he has given us keys that will open doors to divine encounters and strategies leading to successful leadership. Amply supported by Scripture and lessons from other successful leaders, this book closely outlines what it takes to be a successful leader in a lukewarm, confused, compromising, religious atmosphere. It defines the functions and responsibilities of leadership teams and offers insight into different leadership styles, as well as the unique temptations and challenges that face a ministry leader. Leaders will discover how Scriptures establish the necessity of God as the head of church government. They will learn how to choose qualified leaders and learn practical ways to train them. Life-Changing Leadership will help strengthen leaders and give them strategies for building and motivating teams by setting and executing team goals that support creativity and faithfulness.

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    • Entrepreneurial Leadership : Finding Your Calling Making A Difference


      1. The Essence Of Entrepreneurship
      2. The Essence Of Entrepreneurial Leadership
      3. Humanist & Christian Models Of Entrepreneurship
      4. Soul & Spirituality
      5. Meaning & Work Ethic
      6. Risk & Reward
      7. Finding Your Calling
      8. Practicing Entrepreneurial Leadership
      9. Sustaining Entrepreneurial Leadership
      10. Making A Difference

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      The church today faces a leadership crisis, what Richard Goossen and R. Paul Stevens call an “entrepreneurial black hole.” Churches are not seeking out the skills and talents of the entrepreneurs in their midst, and consequently entrepreneurs are disengaging from church life. The result is that Christian entrepreneurial leaders are not being equipped to aid the mission of the church and impact their communities for the sake of Gods kingdom. As founder and co-chairperson, respectively, of the Entrepreneurial Leadership Organization, Goossen and Stevens bring years of teaching and training experience to tackle this problem. Their timely and informative book develops a Christian model of entrepreneurship–rooted in a biblical worldview and a theology of calling–in order to overcome the entrepreneur-church dichotomy. Entrepreneurial Leadership addresses both the “how-come” and the “how-to,” not only grounding the entrepreneurial calling in its proper source in the triune God but also providing practical guides for how to be an effective leader. This book is not merely for those in business. It is for entrepreneurial leaders in every context and in any organization. Both theologically rooted and practically oriented, Goossen and Stevens have written what should prove to be the essential resource for Christian entrepreneurial leadership training.

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    • Breve Historial De La Preparac – (Spanish)


      A brief but very informative look at the educational requirements for ministerial formation used in the past, with a view toward better preparing the present generation for the work that is so necessary yesterday, today and tomorrow.

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    • Jumpstart Your Leadership


      Jumpstart Your Leadership- 10 Jolts to Leverage Your Leadership

      Are you a leader? Would like to be a better leader? Would you like to be a leader in the future? Then this book is for you. In this book Shawn Doyle will show you the tools tips and techniques for becoming the kind of leader that other people want to follow.

      Jumpstart Your Leadership will share with you the 10 key principles of leveraging your leadership.

      Mission and vision- the important and compelling reasons why every organization large and small needs to have a mission and vision statement in order to lead effectively.

      Strategic planning- strategic planning is absolutely critical to the long-term health of an organization. However in many cases leaders are not skilled at planning short, mid-term and long-term. Shawn shows them specifically how to plan and think strategically about the future which is a core leadership competency.

      Hiring- hiring in many organizations is done very poorly, haphazardly and the track record of success is appalling. Shawn shows leaders how to interview and hire people effectively and shares a shocking concept about hiring people that they have probably never heard.

      Communication- in many organizations leaders think that they are communicating effectively-but they would be wrong. The reality is most leaders think they’re communicating effectively but when employees are asked they say they don’t feel “in the loop” or that the communication is not effective in any way. So why is there two different versions of effective communication? This chapter will unlock the keys to effectively communicating in a leadership role.

      Motivation- one of the biggest questions that Shawn gets in the classroom around the country is how can leaders motivate their employees? In this chapter he shares the inside secrets for getting the team motivated and only high levels of morale and team spirit.

      Reward- too many times in too many organizations high-performing employees feel underappreciated overworked and not rewarded. In this chapter Shawn shares with them many of the myths about reward and how they can be shattered. He also shares the key strategies for rewarding people in order to impact of rewards and to increase people’s perception of their rewards.

      Accountability- far too many times managers are reluctant to hold employees accountable for the results of their work. In this section Shawn shares the key tools and techniques for holding people accountable

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    • Corazon Del Lider – (Spanish)


      The greatest crisis in leadership today is character. While much has been written about the need for character, this book focuses on practical areas of every person’s character that can be transformed through application of biblical principles. The author begins the book by looking at the importance of character and how character is formed but quickly transitions to chapters on specific character issues of critical importance in leadership: a servant heart, brokenness, use of the tongue, relationship to authority, forgiveness, family and finishing well, etc. In each of these areas Biblical principles are examined, illustrated, and applied.

      The work is based on the author’s premise that effective Christian leaders are strong and balance in three essential areas: Character, knowledge and the skills of leadership. Of these, character is the most pivotal as well as the most difficult to develop.

      The book grows out of the author’s experience in teaching developing leaders and searching for ways to work at shaping their character. The material has been tested in the lives of many leaders at different levels and different cultural backgrounds and has consistently produced transformation.

      This book is a powerful tool for personal use, but itsgreater value is that it provides a starting point for pastors, mentors, educators, and parents to work with others in developing Christ-like character.

      La mayor crisis del liderazgo, en la actualidad, es el caracter. Aunque se ha escrito mucho sobre la importancia del caracter, este libro se centra en las areas practicas del caracter de cada persona, las cuales, pueden ser transformadas con la aplicacion de principios biblicos. El autor inicia el libro senalando la importancia del caracter y como se forma, pero pasa rapidamente a los capitulos sobre aspectos especificos del mismo que son de vital importancia en el liderazgo: un corazon dispuesto a servir, quebrantamiento, uso de la lengua, relacion de autoridad, perdon, familia y un buen final, entre otros. Los principios biblicos se examinan, ilustran y aplican en cada una de estas areas.

      El trabajo se basa en la premisa del autor de que los verdaderos lideres cristianos son fuertes y equilibrados en tres areas fundamentales: caracter, conocimiento y habilidades de liderazgo. De estas, el caracter es la mas importante, pero tambien la mas dificil de desarrollar.

      Este libro constituye una herramienta de gran impacto a nivel personal, pero lo mas valioso

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    • Transforming Church Conflict


      With many pastors facing burnout and congregations suffering from internal divisions, there is a need for Christian resources that present concrete problem-solving techniques for handling conflict in the church. This book offers practical skills and strategies that the authors have learned through years of studying nonviolent communication (NVC) as described in Marshall Rosenberg’s book, Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, and as developed by numerous NVC trainers all over the world. Using real-world case studies and examples, Hunsinger and Latini helpfully guide pastors and lay leaders through effective and compassionate ways to deal with discord. These strategies include differentiating observations from evaluations, experiencing and expressing feelings, identifying and connecting with needs, and making requests rather than demands. By learning the basic skills of compassionate communication, church leaders can be empowered to transform, rather than merely manage, church conflict.

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    • Emerging Leader : Stepping Up In Leadership


      A practical and inspirational guide for all who feel excited yet daunted at the prospect of stepping into a leadership role, whether it be first-time leaders, or those taking on bigger and more demanding roles. Ideal for all who are starting out on new careers or beginning to climb the ladder, it combines down-to-earth advice with timeless spiritual wisdom. The first steps in leadership are often the most difficult and this focuses on identifying and strengthening core skills and gifts: *knowing yourself *building your support * taking small steps *giving thanks for signs of progress *enjoying the journey * keeping alert * moving forward

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    • ReVision : 13 Strategies To Renew Your Work Organizaton And Your Life


      Looking back at the twists and turns of the administrative landscape of his twenty-two years as a University president, John Bowling recognizes a set of strategies that have defined him as a leader. These 13 strategies will allow you to continually and effectively relate to and motivate the men and women with whom you work as you ReVision your work, your organization, and your life.

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    • Leader Coach : Developing Effective Ministry Teams


      1. Build Ministry Action Teams
      2. Develop Yourself As A Leader
      3. Develop Coaching Skills
      4. Establish Ministry Action Teams In The Local Church
      5. Fine-Tune Ministry Action Teams
      6. A Model Of Ministry Action Teams

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      Effective pastoring takes planning, preparation and people–just as effective coaching does. The strength of any winning team depends on the practice and participation of its members, whether the team takes a field for physical competition or a ministry team seeks success inside the church or in the community.

      Leader-Coach presents the fundamentals of the game plan for pastors hoping to involve the whole congregation in various church ministries.

      This book shares information you need to get your congregation energized for active ministry. Learn the ministry-action-team philosophy that will revolutionize your local church.

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    • 17 Indisputable Laws Of Teamwork


      The go-to guide for building and maintaining successful teams.

      People who have taken their teams to the highest level in their field often have difficulty recreating what accounted for their successes. Is it a strong work ethic? Is it “chemistry”? What tools can you wrap your hands around to build-or rebuild-your team? In The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork, leadership expert and New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell shares the vital principles of team building that are necessary for success in your business, family, church, or organization.

      In his practical, down-to-earth style, he shows how:
      The Law of High Morale inspired a 50-year-old man, who couldn’t even swim, to train for the toughest triathlon in the world.
      The Law of the Big Picture prompted a former U.S. president to travel cross-country by bus, sleep in a basement, and do manual labor.
      Playing by the Law of the Scoreboard enabled one Web-based company to keep growing and making money while thousands of other Internet businesses failed.
      Ignoring the Law of the Price Tag caused one of the world’s largest retailers to close its doors after 128 years in business.

      The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork empowers readers-whether coaches or players, teachers or students, CEOs or non-profit volunteers-with the “how-tos” and attitudes for building a successful team.

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    • Insourcing : Bringing Discipleship Back To The Local Church


      Too many of today’s pastors and leaders mistakenly think that thriving programs, lively worship services, and relevant preaching are adequate for developing people into the spiritual dynamos God desires. In many churches, the primary objective of the church—discipleship of people into mature followers of Jesus—has been ‘outsourced’ to programs and large-scale efforts to train and teach. But is that happening? Are people growing in spiritual depth and missional determination?

      Twenty-five years ago, the leaders of Randy Pope’s rapidly growing church took serious stock of their own spiritual development and realized all of them had benefitted from a personal discipleship relationship that had helped them grow in their faith and discover where God was calling them to service. As a church, they decided to make personal discipleship their do-or-die aim: applying one person’s real life to another’s to accomplish something far bigger than that single life. Perimeter calls their approach ‘life-on-life missional discipleship’ and Insourcing tells their story.

      Randy Pope writes for church leaders who recognize the value of discipleship and need practical ideas for reorienting church ministries around personal discipleship. Readers will be encouraged that a wide scale personal discipleship program is attainable for any church.

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    • Step Up : Becoming The Leader God Made You To Be


      How do you define leadership? What kind of leader are you? What kind of leader can you be? Can you be both a leader and a follower? You can get a handle on these and other crucial questions by wrapping your brain around Step Up. It focuses on the nuts and bolts of solid Christian leadership (prayer, service, communication, conflict management, mentoring, etc.) but also goes deep into the soul of leadership. In these pages you’ll find out why leading isn’t always what we expect—and how leaders aren’t always who we expect them to be. You’ll learn to integrate your heart with the skills of leadership. And you’ll discover how Jesus, David, and others journeyed on the leadership path—so you can join them, too. This interactive guide also includes checklists, surveys, fill-in-the-blank questions, and journal exercises so you can take your own leadership pulse, identify the traits you want to live out, and record your thoughts and prayers right on the pages—which helps you put leadership into practice more quickly and effectively. Just remember: Leadership isn’t a job…it’s a journey.

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    • Resilient Ministry : What Pastors Told Us About Surviving And Thriving


      1 Life In Pastoral Ministry
      2 The Five Themes Of Resilient Ministry
      3 Evaluating Spiritual Formation
      4 Pursuing Spiritual Formation
      5 Self-Care: Burning On, Not Burning Out
      6 Self-Care: Pacing Our Lifestyles
      7 Understanding Emotional Intelligence
      8 Developing Emotional Intelligence
      9 Exploring Cultural Differences
      10 Improving Cultural Intelligence
      11 Marriage And Family: Stressed By Ministry
      12 More Marriage And Family Stressors
      13 Leadership Poetry
      14 Leadership Plumbing
      15 Concluding Insights And Next Steps
      Appendix A: Research Methods Of The Pastors Summit
      Appendix B: Questions For Personal Evaluation And Annual Reviews
      Appendix C: Emotions Checklist
      Appendix D: Constructing And Interviewing A Family Diagram
      Appendix E: Best Practices For Forming Peer Cohorts

      Additional Info
      What does it take to have fruitful ministry over the long haul? The stresses of pastoring are well known and can be a match for even the best-prepared, most experienced in ministry–multiple tasks, long hours, taxing responsibilities and, yes, some challenging personalities. Too often the results can be burnout, being run out or just feeling worn out. To find out how pastors can thrive as well as survive, the authors undertook a five-year in-depth research project among working pastors. Here in this ground-breaking book is the distilled wisdom of dozens of pastors who have been on the front lines of ministry. We hear from them what works, what doesn’t and what distinctive issues people in ministry face. The authors uncover five key themes that promote healthy, sustainable ministry that lasts–spiritual formation, self-care, emotional and cultural intelligence, marriage and family, leadership and management. These themes are unpacked from the vantage point of ministry on the ground. Questions for personal evaluation and reflection are included throughout the book to bring home the significance of each section. This is the perfect companion for a peer cohort of pastors to read together. It can also be of value to church boards and others who want to better understand how to help sustain their pastors in ministry. In short, this is a book pastors can’t live without.

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    • Transformed Leadership : The Role Of Spiritual Discipline In Leadership Dev


      The need of the church in America today is holiness. When lives are transformed, wholeness and holiness result. Scripture provides the basis for transformation to take place, and addressing this must include spiritual disciplines. Prayer, confession, Bible study and other spiritual disciplines need to be practiced to build every believer s relationship with God and grow into His likeness. In this way, individuals and church leaders each become more effective in their spiritual lives. The more disciplines are practiced, the more effective leadership marks become apparent among the body of believers. As a result, the church becomes healthier. When its leaders are transformed, the whole church benefits.
      This book intentionally addresses four groups in the church. First, all people attending church will be challenged to practice spiritual disciplines. It will also challenge those who are training for Christian leadership, as well as pulpit committees, to stress that spiritual disciplines need to be found in a Christian leader. Finally, pastors will be challenged to personally incorporate spiritual disciplines into daily life to an even greater degree than before and urge the people they shepherd to do the same. Spiritual disciplines supply the supportive structure for the transformation of Romans 12:1-2 to take place.

      More than ever before, leaders are searching for answers in order to move the church in the right direction. Short-term success appears to be more popular among God s people than long-term effectiveness. The practice of spiritual disciplines will build and deepen spiritual lives. Core spiritual disciplines are foundational to build effective leadership marks in the lives of believers.

      Gary s desire in ministry is to be out of work to train and develop spiritual leaders in the church who can do the work of the ministry. Paul s final words to the elders in Ephesus were, Guard yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood (Acts 20:28). He then followed up with his benediction; Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace. Feeding on the Word and maintaining an intimate, trusting relationship with God are the keys that Gary emphasizes in this fine book. As my pastor, I have often heard him comment, That s not a hill worth dying on. There are many projects and programs that could be pushed in the church some good, most not worth dying

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    • Fred 2.0 : New Ideas On How To Keep Delivering Extraordinary Results


      Nine years ago, bestselling author and business consultant Mark Sanborn introduced the world to Fred, his postman, who delivered extraordinary service in simple but remarkable ways. Fred’s story inspired millions. Companies-even, cities-were inspired to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary each day.Today, with stiff competition from the networked global economy, delivering extraordinary results is more important than ever. With Fred 2.0, Mark not only revisits the original Fred to gain new insights, but also equips all of us with new strategies to achieve more. You’ll not only be inspired by Fred 2.0, you’ll also have the tools and strategies to aim higher and achieve the extraordinary.

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    • Faith Formation 4.0


      Using an ecological approach to study how emerging technologies impact individual and communal formation, Faith Formation 4.0 looks at how our efforts to be story-keepers, story-sharers, and story-makers have evolved over four eras of human communication.Framed by the Great Commission imperative to “make disciples,” this book offers a road map to help leaders develop goals to form, inform, and transform new members, as well as long-time believers, within a faith community. The author successfully illustrates that church success depends not only on knowing the Christian message of God’s enduring love, but also how to use today’s tools appropriately for evangelization and faith formation.

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    • Look Before You Lead (Reprinted)


      Pastoral ministry is challenging work, especially when a pastor ignores the church’s “congregational culture” when seeking to minister to church members or implement changes. Just as a pastor studies to interpret the Scriptures in order to understand and preach the Bible, he or she must interpret the local church culture to better understand and move it toward accomplishing its mission and vision.

      In Look Before You Lead, trusted church leadership expert Aubrey Malphurs shows pastors how to read their church’s unique local culture, how to change or revitalize it, and even how to combine two cultures when one church adopts another. This unique resource approaches leadership and discernment from a solid, biblical perspective and includes a number of helpful appendixes, such as a behavior, belief, and a values audit, that are key to reading and understanding the culture.

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    • Functioning In The Apostolic


      Functioning in the Apostolic has been written to bring clarity and understanding concerning apostles and apostolic ministry. It is to confirm that God is restoring the office of the apostles in order to fulfill the latter-day commission, and that it is more than just a title. It is a function (action, work) move of the apostolic anointing. Leaders who are ready to transition and embrace the restoration of the new apostolic reformation need to read this book.

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    • Cycle Of Grace


      This groundbreaking resource speaks to a familiar condition of our times: spiritual burnout. A 10-minute video featuring well-known pastor Trevor Hudson opens each chapter, while the text by Jerry Haas unpacks the video content and guides readers through journaling questions. This workbook-vido combo sheds light on how Christians often get stuck in a cycle of works – staying busy doing things for God – rather than living in God’s grace.
      Video available free at or in DVD format: $10.00

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    • Simply Leading : Creating The Future With God


      You are a leader. Leadership is influencing. Therefore, you are leading right now as you influence the life of someone-in every contact and in every situation. As a Christian, you are a Christian leader. And so you want to continually grow in giving your best to God in your leading, your influencing of others.

      The objective of this writing is to provide a simple and practical guide for Christian leadership. It is written for every Christian, in all walks and phases of life-including the youth of today, the next generation of leaders.

      We submit that leading is to be nothing less than participating with God in his continuing creation. That makes leading an awesome privilege and responsibility. It follows that a leader’s objective and emphasis is, therefore, creating God’s desired future with him.

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    • Start This Stop That


      We need less conventional wisdom and more creative leadership.

      Not all of the advice church leaders have heard on church growth works. Judging by declining membership in many mainstream denominations, most doesn’t. It’s time to reevaluate the standard thinking on how to grow a church, especially considering the number of new voices questioning the worth of church growth.

      The Cowarts have an amazing story to tell. Harvest Church has grown from a church plant of four – Jim and Jennifer and their two children – to a thriving community of more than 2,200 disciples of Jesus. Harvest Church is changing the world and having an awesome time doing it.

      Learn why conventional church thinking such as pastoral care, long-term planning, stewardship campaigns, committees, and even staff appointments can actually inhibit church growth.

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    • Lead Like Butler


      In 2011, Butler University made history as the first team to make it to two consecutive finals of the NCAA basketball tournament without being seeded #1 or #2. As the smallest school to play in the championship game in the 40-year history of the tournament, Butler became the quintessential “Cinderella” team. How did this little-known Midwest university achieve what few schools have ever done by making it to the final championship game two years in a row?

      Much of the attention is focused on head coach and team leader Brad Stevens, who was only 33 years old at the time of the 2010 tournament. Often mistaken for one of the players, Stevens coaches according to a set of six values-based principles broadly known as the Butler Way – Humility, Passion, Unity, Service, Thankfulness, and Accountability.

      Through interviews with coaches, players, and alumni, Kent Millard and Judity Cebula explore the six leadership values taught by the entire coaching staff at Butler University. Each chapter of the book helps readers discover how these values form a solid foundation for pastors and other church leaders and anyone striving for success in life’s journey.

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    • Lider Como Jesus – (Spanish)


      Effective leadership-whether on the job, in the community, at church or in the home-starts on the inside. Before you can hope to lead anyone else, you have to know who you are. Every leader must answer two critical questions: Whose are you going to be? and Who are you going to be? One deals with your relationship to Christ. The other with your life purpose.

      With simple yet profound principles from the life of Jesus, and dozens of stories and leadership examples from his life experiences, veteran author, speaker and leadership expert Ken Blanchard, guides readers through the process of discovering how to lead like Jesus.

      El liderazgo eficaz, sea en el trabajo, la comunidad, la iglesia o el hogar comienza internamente. Antes de que espere dirigir a alguien, usted debe conocerse a si mismo. Cada lider debe hacerse dos preguntas vitales: De quien va a ser? Quien va a ser? Una tiene que ver con su relacion con Cristo. La otra con el proposito de su vida.

      A traves de principios sencillos pero profundos de la vida de Jesus y docenas de historias y ejemplos de liderazgo de su experiencia propia, el veterano autor, orador y experto en liderazgo, Ken Blanchard, guia a los lectores en el proceso de descubrir la forma de dirigir como Jesus.

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    • 108 Skills Of Natural Born Leaders


      Some people appear to be “natural born leaders.” But are they literally born that way? Or have they been taught, coached, rewarded, and reinforced in ways that enable them to be leaders? According to The 108 Skills of Natural Born Leaders, no one is born a leader. But everyone has the natural born capacity to lead. We label people “”natural born leaders”” because they consistently and frequently model qualities that inspire others to commit to their direction. This book identifies the skill set that causes others to see people as natural born leaders, helps readers assess their current level of these skills, and coaches readers to master their weak areas. Readers will learn: * Foundation skills, including self-awareness and the ability to establish rapport * Direction skills, including the ability to set a course and develop others as leaders * Willing follower skills, including the ability to influence others and create a motivating environment.

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    • Derailed : Five Lessons Learned From Catastrophic Failures Of Leadership


      What causes a leader to fail? What can we learn from those who have fallen? How do we avoid failure of our own?

      These are just a few of the questions answered in Derailed: 5 Lessons Learned from Catastrophic Failures of Leadership, a book for leaders and aspiring leaders of all levels by Tim Irwin, Ph.D. Derailed chronicles the collapse of six high-profile CEOs, the factors that drove their downfalls, and the lessons that we can learn to stay on track and avoid derailing our own lives and careers.

      The story of the fallen CEO has become a cultural fixture: veering off course with the force of a train careening off its tracks, leaving fiery wreckage and devastating injury throughout the organization. These executives are often the smartest and most respected individuals in their industries, with glittering resumes and histories of successful leadership. Yet they astonish us by driving the train dramatically off course, blinded by unchecked power and arrogance.

      Dr. Tim Irwin believes that these leaders suffer from failures of character that are common to each of us–even the most capable individuals. Deficits in authenticity, humility, self-management, and courage become more dangerous as we take on more leadership, and can cause us to ignore glaring signals that might otherwise save us from catastrophic demise. Derailed profiles the collapse of six high-profile CEOs (Robert Nardelli – Home Depot, Carly Fiorina – HP, Durk Jager – Proctor and Gamble, Steven Heyer – Starwood Hotels, Frank Raines – Fannie Mae, Dick Fuld – Lehman Brothers) and the factors that drove their downfalls, finding that derailment actually happens long before the crash and can be avoided. Derailed explains the character qualities that are essential for successful leadership and how to cultivate them so that we can avoid being derailed.

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    • Teaming Church : Ministry In The Age Of Collaboration


      Create a successful team culture.

      Great teams live and serve in light of the Divine Team-the Trinity, and to be truly effective they need: a deeply challenging goal, a creatively empowering leader, and a willingness to collaborate and honor the Bible.

      Author Robert C. Crosby provides innovative ways in which biblical teams reflect the workings and nature of the image of God. Revealing what he calls “The Four C’s of Great Teams” : The Character, The Carrot, The Coach, and The Contex. Crosby shows how successful teams reach their goals more effectively. Conversely, he also addresses the “Four Fatal Teaming Errors” and how to avoid unnecessary, time-consuming missteps.

      This book provides biblical motivations, vivid examples, and practical approaches for creating a teaming culture in any faith community. Crosby, a leader who has built teams as a senior pastor, youth leader, and university administrator, is now training and mentoring a new generation of pastors and leaders.

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    • Restart Your Church



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      As a result of the near-death experiences of many congregations today, denominational leaders are looking for ways to revitalize churches. The act of revitalization often starts with the assumption that what was once vital can be vital again, if church leaders simply do the same better. So congregations increase programs, budgets, and formulas. They look back in time, trying to recapture a period when the church’s role in society was vital. A church seeking revitalization typically does more of the same, but faster.

      However, the central story of faith is the story of both death and resurrection. Followers of Christ like to live out the resurrection part of their faith, but they often aren’t very comfortable dealing with what must come before resurrection – death. The church must be willing to live out its entire story, from beginning to end.

      The church needs to trust the idea that God brings to life what God wants to. This book suggests shifting away from the language of revitalization toward the story of death and resurrection. Escobedo-Frank focuses on ten specific “re-” words to outline a strategy for dying and resurrecting again – for restarting the church.

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    • UnLeader : Reimagining Leadership And Why We Must


      The last thing you need is another book on leadership. So how is UnLeader different?

      Leadership-centric conversations dominate the contemporary evangelical church scene. The largest church leadership conferences each year include talks from corporate business executives and world famous CEOs. We are drilled with the message that if it worked for them it will work for the church.

      There is one overwhelming problem. Jesus himself is not our first choice when it comes to who we model ourselves after as leaders. Many times the life of Jesus directly contradicts much of what is being imported into the church under the mantra of effective leadership.

      This book is not about eliminating leadership in the church.UnLeader will help you redefine and recalibrate your view of leadership according to Jesus’ life. Renew your ministry, reimagine your path to authentic servant leadership, and discover that the only leaders worthy of being followed in the Church are the ones who are following Christ himself.

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    • Andrew Paradigm : How To Be A Lead Follower Of Jesus


      The current trend in church leadership involves looking for a highly gifted leader who will take over, direct the future, cast a vision, and attract the faithful to a new mission or purpose. This desire for a leader to come to the rescue is eerily reminiscenet of the desire of the Israelites for a king, so they could “be like every other nation.” In spite of Samuel’s warnings, the people insisted, so God reluctantly gave them King Saul. That didn’t go so well. While we always need good, new, and talented leaders, we also need leaders who know how and when to be good followers. Particularly in a culture of distrust, leadership must be granted, earned, and supported by those who are willing to follow. Leading begins with the counter-intuitive command: “Come, follow me.” This imperative is far from easy. Many turned away from Jesus, unable to follow. However, one excellent model of “followership” stood out from the rest – the little-known disciple Andrew. In fact, Andrew is the model and paradigm for being a Lead Follower. Excellent Christian leadership is more about following Jesus than it is about learning the latest fads or tricks from business, the marketplace, or the academy. Being an excellent Christian leader involves first and foremost being an excellent and faithful follower of Jesus Christ.

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    • Deep Mentoring : Guiding Others On Their Leadership Journey


      Randy Reese and Robert Loane believe good leaders are developed in and through slow, deep mentoring. This book is designed to help you understand how to come alongside others as a guide and a friend, to invest in their spiritual formation and leadership. If you want long-term impact on the lives of future leaders, here is your guide.

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    • Find A Broken Wall


      When it is assumed there is little more to say about leadership, Brian Stiller surprises us with new, fresh and creative insights. Unwrapping the ancient Old Testament story of Nehemiah, he identifies 7 principles on building and renewing ministries and organizations. Surrounding these principles are workable concepts connected to inspiring stories of faith. Drawing on a lifetime of leadership, he writes about what it takes to lead. He examines the challenges leaders face, surveying them first from 33,000 feet, then at ground level describing what it takes to move from an idea to effective completion. The freshness of his stories and the clarity of his counsel come from a real life experience-this is what he has done. Framed by the ancient story of Nehemiah, the Hebrew who returned to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, Stiller examines the text and draws from his own life experiences, then skillfully applies the principles of Nehemiah to 21st Century leaders. Stiller doesn’t back down from facing the challenges of leading: he makes it clear it is not for the faint hearted. He faces what leaders inevitably must deal with-politics isn’t everything but everything is political.

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    • Think Like A Billionaire Become A Billionaire


      Billionaires think differently than most people. If you took away all of Donald Trump’s money, he would be right back to where he is today because of the way he thinks. Scot Anderson shares that if you learn to think like a billionaire, then you can become one.

      Scot takes you on the journey he took in changing the way he thinks. He went from getting by to having millions of dollars and on his way to getting billions. Scot teaches you how to think differently about money, investing, jobs, risks, problems, preparations, and time. As you begin to think like a billionaire, your life has no choice but to produce it.

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    • People Of The Way


      There is a renewed conversation about identity and mission in American Anglicanism today, based on the recognition that the church’s context in the U.S. has dramatically changed. The legacies of establishment, benefactor approaches to mission, and the ‘national church’ ideal are no longer adequate for the challenges and opportunities facing the 21st century church.

      But if the Episcopal Church is no longer the Church of the Establishment and the benefactor model of church is dead, what is the heart of Episcopal mission and identity?

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    • Corazon Del Padre – (Spanish)


      El Coraz?n del Padre es un libro que todos aquellos que quieran ser iluminados por el poder de la verdadera paternidad tienen que leer. Este es un libro con un sentido directo y claro que captura de manera simple, pero profunda, uno de los temas m?s importantes y menos entendidos por el Cuerpo de Cristo en este Siglo XXI. El pastor Joshua Rodr?guez logra inspirarnos y evaluar nuestras relaciones a trav?s de su experiencia propia en un tiempo cuando la verdadera paternidad ha sido distorsionada por hombres — amantes de s? mismos — que han confundido lo que es la paternidad con el paternalismo. Como Ester, Dios ha iluminado al autor para crear esta joya literaria en un tiempo como ?ste para venir al rescate de muchos hijos que esperan por el coraz?n de un verdadero padre. Este libro debe ser parte de la biblioteca personal de cada ministro.

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    • Gospel Coach : Shepherding Leaders To Glorify God


      Many ministry leaders serving in churches find themselves overwhelmed, disillusioned, and depressed by the enormous and challenging task of leading and serving others. When leaders aren’t healthy, the result is often an unhealthy church.

      Leaders need someone to shepherd their soul so that they can then lead others to the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Every church leader—from fulltime ministers to volunteer leaders—needs a Gospel Coach who will come alongside them with words drawn from Scripture and godly wisdom, grounded in the gracious saving work of Jesus Christ, and presented in the context of a trusting relationship.

      Gospel coaching is an intentional relationship of skillful caring for others based on four ancient shepherding principles: 1) Know the sheep 2) Feed the sheep 3) Lead the sheep 4) Protect the sheep

      Gospel coaches inquire about the personal, spiritual, and missional aspects of a leader’s life in a loving yet focused manner, probing the heart for compulsive unbelief or selfish motivation, disobedience, and sin, leading them back to the Gospel through belief, repentance, and obedience.

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    • Egoless Elders : How To Cultivate Church Leaders To Handle Church Conflicts


      How to Cultivate Church Leaders to Handle Church Conflicts
      If those involved in church conflict read Egoless Elders, they will
      *realize why church leadership becomes dysfunctional;
      * learn how to sustain fellowship with God and team members;
      * actively participate in restoring functional harmony to the church;
      * pray effectively in faith for problems in the church.

      Because Egoless Elders will
      * differentiate between natural and spiritual styles of leadership and
      distinguish legalistic techniques from gracious treatment;
      * outline simple steps for self-examination and peer accountability so
      leaders can get together and get along;
      * generate specific situations so leaders can examine themselves before the
      Lord and evaluate their effectiveness while working with one another;
      * help leaders participate in peaceful, joyful meetings that restore hope
      through effective and fervent prayer.

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    • 1st Gentleman : Role Of The Female Pastor’s Husband


      Female leadership has been a topic of debate for centuries between theologians and laity, Christians and non-Christians, as well as men and women. This study will present a theological analysis of the debate concerning male and female roles in leadership positions and ministry. An analysis of the role of the female pastor’s spouse, the effects of sexism in religion, and how it has influenced the ecclesiology of the church will be examined as well. Reflections of case studies employing biblical narratives of couples in the Bible will be used to substantiate the roles of women leaders and their spouses. Each scenario identifies the particular role of the husband and the wife, specifically when the wife is the spiritual leader.

      Read with anticipation the outcome of biblical interpretation of the roles of the female leader and their spouses.

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    • Liderazgo 101 – (Spanish)


      Esto es lo que “tiene que saber” quien desee aprovechar al maximo la oportunidad de ser lider.

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    • Mentor 101 – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781602558458ISBN10: 1602558450Language: SpanishJohn MaxwellBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2012Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • Exito 101 – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781602558441ISBN10: 1602558442Language: SpanishJohn MaxwellBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2012Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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